Has anyone here played both older Tomb Raider games and the reboots?
I've been playing the 2013 reboot back-to-back with Anniversary and Legend, and the contrast is staggering. I mean, old Lara and new Lara are not even the same person, beyond some superficial similarities (name, background in archeology, some physical features). They look different, they dress differently, their signature weapon is different (duel pistols versus bow-and-arrow), the face shape is different, and their personalities/demanours are worlds apart and worlds away.
Honestly, I prefer the Lara Croft of Legend and Anniversary to the new one. I mean...the Lara of the reboot works given what they were going for. It's about a frightened young woman being thrown into a hellscape, and how the experience reshapes her from a humble up-and-coming archeologist into motherfucking Rambo. And yet, the Lara Croft of CD's earlier games has emotional range to her. She displays cocksure arrogance in the face of threats, regret over remniscence of a long dead friend, anger towards rivals attempting to snatch the precious relics away before she can do the same, fear-yet-determination in the face of a Tyrannosaurus, etc.
The Reboot Lara Croft, by contrast, feels much more one-note. I think the character is something of a victim of the game's SERIOUS BUSINESS ALL DAY EVERY DAY tone. There are brief snippets of emotional range in there - wonder and excitement at historical artifacts, triumph after climbing the radio tower, murderous rage towards the cultists - but it's constantly overshadowed by the dourness of the game's tone and of Lara herself, and the fact that the cutscenes and QTE events seem overly fond of using her as a punching bag.
I'm not opposed to a "darker 'n edgier" tone. But every now and then, I'd like to see her joke. I'd like to see her smile. I'd like to see her impressed by her own prowess at scaling cliffs that would give Batman pause. I'd like to see a cocky eyebrow tilt. I'd like to see a Legend/Anniversary/style pull-up-handstand and some cartwheels.
(As an aside, I really do not care for the supporting cast in Tomb Raider 2013. The script expects me to care about them, but does not give me reason to do so. It does not help matters that the game invites me to take my time and explore, digging up every last historical artifact and so on, but the script is constantly shouting at me to run run run and rescue the next rando side character.)
So my impression of Tomb Raider 2013 is that...it's not terrible? It's got quite a few things going for it, but also quite a few things going against it. And, despite never having touched a Tomb Raider title up until a month ago, I find myself overall preferring Crystal Dynamics' older titles (even if they were not really perfect themselves).