Seven Stars Above: A Magical Girl's Quest to Make Ends Meet (Original, Magical Girl, Superheroes)

Voting is open

[X] [REVEAL] Your childhood friend, the artist. She's not scraping by any better than you are, and if this turns out to be profitable enough, maybe you could help her too. And you know she'd give you an alibi without question.

I was all set to vote for the sister, but "friends keep a shovel handy" is too good an image not to vote for.

[X] [PLANS] Before you do something public, you need to know what you can do. Get some training in, in private.
- [X] There's a junkyard just out of town that it's an open secret capes practice in. Go there, see just how strong you are, do some physical tests.

Honestly, the main thing is that if it's an open secret capes practice there, maybe we'll meet some people there. Maybe they'll be handy to know. Or hot. Or connected. Or hot. Who knows!

[X] [PLANS] You don't know how long you're going to have to prep stuff before this "job," or how quick the turnaround will be. Better to make your debut faster.
- [X] Approach an existing cape out on patrol, ask if you can tag along to make your "public debut."
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[X] [REVEAL] Your childhood friend, the artist. She's not scraping by any better than you are, and if this turns out to be profitable enough, maybe you could help her too. And you know she'd give you an alibi without question.

[X] [CONCEAL] Your friend, the metahuman nerd. He is going to be absolutely insufferable if you tell him. And how accurate can the gossip rags be, anyway?

[X] [PLANS] Before you do something public, you need to know what you can do. Get some training in, in private.
-[X] Your whole… deal is magic. Duck into the woods, call the capybara back, and see what they can tell you about the more esoteric side of things. Maybe that's an edge you can exploit.
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All of you are cowards.

You have the very first step towards Enemies to Lovers staring you in the eye and you're voting for Childhood Friends instead?!

I bite my thumb at you.

[X] [REVEAL] That bitch, Evelyn. You don't know what her issue with your sister is, but she's carried her bullying clear from middle school into university. It'd be real simple to just intimidate her out of it, now that you've got powers.
[X] [CONCEAL] Your sister. She lives with you, and you support the both of you while she makes her way through college. Hopefully to get a better career than you. If you told her you know she'd feel guilty, and might even try to do something unwise to help you and get herself hurt.

[X] [PLANS] Before you do something public, you need to know what you can do. Get some training in, in private.
- [X] Your whole… deal is magic. Duck into the woods, call the capybara back, and see what they can tell you about the more esoteric side of things. Maybe that's an edge you can exploit.
[X] [REVEAL] Your sister. She lives with you, and you support the both of you while she makes her way through college. Hopefully to get a better career than you. Keeping it secret from her would be a constant drag on your life, and be just plain hard to do.
+Trait: Family Sticks Together
[X] [CONCEAL] That bitch, Evelyn. You don't know what her issue with your sister is, but she's carried her bullying clear from middle school into university. If you let her know, who knows how she'd react?
+Trait: I Hate This Social Crap

[X] [PLANS] Before you do something public, you need to know what you can do. Get some training in, in private.
- [X] Approach an existing cape while they're out patrolling, ask if they can give some tips.
+Trait: Always Have A Plan
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[X] [REVEAL] Your sister. She lives with you, and you support the both of you while she makes her way through college. Hopefully to get a better career than you. Keeping it secret from her would be a constant drag on your life, and be just plain hard to do.
[X] [REVEAL] Your childhood friend, the artist. She's not scraping by any better than you are, and if this turns out to be profitable enough, maybe you could help her too. And you know she'd give you an alibi without question.

[X] [PLANS] Before you do something public, you need to know what you can do. Get some training in, in private.
- [X] Approach an existing cape while they're out patrolling, ask if they can give some tips.
+Trait: Always Have A Plan
[X][PLANS] You don't know how long you're going to have to prep stuff before this "job," or how quick the turnaround will be. Better to make your debut faster.

- [X] Patrol at night, until you find some goons doing something unwise. Kick their asses.
+Trait: Never Bite Off More Than You Can Chew
Only vote once for a given category, please. This is about first priorities, selecting two sort of defeats the purpose.
Adhoc vote count started by notthepenguins on Feb 20, 2022 at 11:01 AM, finished with 21 posts and 12 votes.
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    [x] [REVEAL] Your childhood friend, the artist. She's not scraping by any better than you are, and if this turns out to be profitable enough, maybe you could help her too. And you know she'd give you an alibi without question.
    [X] [REVEAL] Your sister. She lives with you, and you support the both of you while she makes her way through college. Hopefully to get a better career than you. Keeping it secret from her would be a constant drag on your life, and be just plain hard to do.
    [X] [REVEAL] Your friend, the metahuman nerd. He's going to love that you have powers now, and you could get a ton of useful info from him… and it'd feel just plain wrong to keep something so central to his interests a secret.
    [X] [REVEAL] That bitch, Evelyn. You don't know what her issue with your sister is, but she's carried her bullying clear from middle school into university. It'd be real simple to just intimidate her out of it, now that you've got powers.
  • 11

    [X] [CONCEAL] Your sister. She lives with you, and you support the both of you while she makes her way through college. Hopefully to get a better career than you. If you told her you know she'd feel guilty, and might even try to do something unwise to help you and get herself hurt.
    [X] [CONCEAL] Your friend, the metahuman nerd. He is going to be absolutely insufferable if you tell him. And how accurate can the gossip rags be, anyway?
    [X] [CONCEAL] That bitch, Evelyn. You don't know what her issue with your sister is, but she's carried her bullying clear from middle school into university. If you let her know, who knows how she'd react?
  • 12

    [X] [PLANS] Before you do something public, you need to know what you can do. Get some training in, in private.
    -[X] Your whole… deal is magic. Duck into the woods, call the capybara back, and see what they can tell you about the more esoteric side of things. Maybe that's an edge you can exploit.
    [X] [PLANS] Before you do something public, you need to know what you can do. Get some training in, in private.
    - [X] Approach an existing cape while they're out patrolling, ask if they can give some tips.
    [x] [PLANS] You don't know how long you're going to have to prep stuff before this "job," or how quick the turnaround will be. Better to make your debut faster.
    - [x] Approach an existing cape out on patrol, ask if you can tag along to make your "public debut."
    [X] [PLANS] Before you do something public, you need to know what you can do. Get some training in, in private.
    - [X] There's a junkyard just out of town that it's an open secret capes practice in. Go there, see just how strong you are, do some physical tests.

Pretty clear results, so closing the vote here.
I am sad that we will have to conceal being a magical girl from our sister, and we probably won't teach her magic.

Can we recover from crippling injuries? Like losing an arm or something?
I am sad that we will have to conceal being a magical girl from our sister, and we probably won't teach her magic.
I'm sure that trying to keep a major secret from the person you live with definitely means it will never ever come out.

Can we recover from crippling injuries? Like losing an arm or something?
That'd be one way to read what the fox said! You're not exactly in a hurry to test that though.
I'm sure that trying to keep a major secret from the person you live with definitely means it will never ever come out.

It depends on how throughough you are at keeping it secret, how good you are at making alibies or misleading truths, how much someone suspects you are hiding something, and how good they are at finding out whatever you hide or convincing you to tell them.

I have hidden many things well enough that no one suspected anything, and when they suspected something because it was impossible to completely hide them i told a convincing lie that i had an alibi for, or a misleading truth so they never suspected about what i was really hiding.
1.2: Emotions and Understanding
Being alone with your thoughts turns out not to be very helpful, in this case. You need to tell someone, need to get it off your chest and get some advice. And if that's the case… you'll go to Madison, of course. You can trust her with anything.

She may not like capes, but you've got her back and she's got yours, ever since you were little. Being magic won't change that.


She lets you in on the first knock, gesturing for you to come inside… and then she frowns, studying your face. "...grab a seat, I'm gonna pull out the booze."

Madison's apartment is a cramped studio, and while it's not exactly tidy the chaos is controlled; if it wasn't, the place would be nearly unlivable. As it is, it's… almost cozy. Like you imagine an actual hobbit hole would, or a burrow. Not cozy enough to make up for the lack of space, but you've never stopped being impressed by how much she can get done with it.

You seat yourself at the table, idly noting the half-finished art on her drawing tablet, off to the side. Ah, so she opened up pinup commissions again. She takes the seat across from you, handing you a bottle.

You take a swig, grimace as the heat of the rum goes down your throat, and hand it back. "This shit sucks. Where'd they make it, a rusty oil barrel?"

"Probably. Strong though." She takes a drink of her own, grimaces, and sets it aside. "And it was on sale."

"This crap, on sale? Can't imagine why they wanted to get it off the shelf."

She shrugs. "Works for days like this though. What's eating at you, Alley Cat? Parents being bullshit? You sure I don't need to get out Craig?" Her eyes flicker over to the baseball bat by the door, and not for the first time you wonder about her naming sense. Alley Cat makes sense - Alysanne, Aly, Alley, Alley Cat. Obvious chain. But Craig… you still can't figure out why she named a baseball bat Craig.

Unless it's just to torment you with not knowing.

Honestly, that's a pretty plausible explanation.

"It's… ugh. You know how my granddad died, couple months back?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Well, inheritance stuff finally resolved. And I got this thing." You lift the necklace up, and after a moment's hesitation unclasp it, handing it over.

She takes the necklace, turning it over in her hands, examining the fine engravings, the round jewel in the center. "Holy shit, Cat, this is… how old is this?"

"It's magic."

She pauses, looks back up at you. Looks down at the necklace. Looks back to you. "'re not joking."


She sets it down gingerly. "Cursed? Cat, if your grandpa gave you a cursed necklace then he'd damn well better have gotten cremated because if not–"

"No, no, nothing like that. It's, uh…" You frown. "Probably easier if I just… show you."

"Show me?"

You pick up the necklace, take a deep breath, and try to call back how it felt. You transformed once before, but it wasn't deliberate. But if you can focus on that sensation, try to call it back, maybe you can do it again?

Nothing. Tension builds. Your calm focus starts to slip. Thank god she's not saying anything, because you don't think you could handle the embarrassment right now. Emotion wells up… and something clicks.

[ ] [ASPECT] Embarrassment burns in your cheeks, and more than anything you just want to hide. You don't dare open your eyes, for fear of mockery (not that she would mock you for it, not in any real way, but knowing that doesn't make you feel it). You wish you could just disappear. And suddenly, you're wrapped in the cool, comforting embrace of shadowy tendrils.
+Magical Aspect: Shadow
+Motivation: Fear

[ ] [ASPECT] How dare that stupid capybara vanish without telling you how to do something this basic? Try to throw you into some stupid war liable to get yourself killed? Embarrass you in front of your best friend? And then fire burns around you, hot and pure, giving all that anger someplace to go.
+Magical Aspect: Flame
+Motivation: Anger

[ ] [ASPECT] Is the thing broken? Are you broken? It can't be. This is your chance, the kind of money you could get could make the difference in your life, in your sister's life, in Mads' life. You can't let this slip away. If you did it'd be your fault. Wasting the chance to fix everything. Just one more failure. And then vines are reaching up from the floor, twining around you, and you know you can.
+Magical Aspect: Life
+Motivation: Guilt

[ ] [ASPECT] You're not the only one who's been approached by these mascots. You know that. Others have figured it out. Probably with help from those things. You scraped and clawed to get here, to get your sister here. In spite of your parents, in spite of the fucked-up system giving them so much control. You're damn sure you won't be shown up by some pampered brats. You won't allow it. And then pure, shining golden light surrounds you, and you know you have something to be proud of. Something that's yours.
+Magical Aspect: Glory
+Motivation: Jealousy

When your vision clears, you're wrapped in that same magical costume as before, and Madison's eyes are as wide as dinner plates.

"So uh… yeah," you finish lamely.

"You're a magical girl." She reaches over without taking her eyes off you, taking another swig of that awful rum. "My best friend, Alysanne Kelly, is a magical girl."

"I uh… apparently?" You laugh. It sounds forced, even to you.

She leane forward, eyes intense, almost scarily focused. "Tell. Me. Everything."

And so you do.

It's late afternoon when you make it to the woods outside of town. A safe place to try to figure out your magic stuff, you figure. Moments before you transform, though, your phone buzzes.

Your sister. You were so out of it you forgot to even leave a note. You want to tell her… but you can't. If you did, she'd feel terrible. You know she wishes you didn't do as much as you do for her. If she knew, she'd feel even worse, and… knowing her, probably try to do something stupid. So you lie.

You look at the sun. You don't really want to be out after dark… but you do have superpowers now. It's probably safe enough.

You shoot Madison a quick message.

Smiling, you close your phone. Now. To get ahold of that damn capybara…

"I don't think this is working," you grumble, sitting cross-legged on a stump. "How do I meditate while focusing on my transformation emotion?

<<The key to developing your magic is understanding it.>> The capybara intoned. <<But there is no single, universal lesson. Each human has their own way of comprehending their magic. You must discover this yourself.>>

Meditation isn't working. Whatever this capybara wants, this isn't the way. You can't keep calm and focus on your feelings. They're just too contradictory. But if they want you to focus on the transformation emotion, then maybe… What happens if I transform while transformed? Would that do it?

You cast your thoughts inward, focusing on that sensation, the emotions it dredges up, and something clicks. You open your eyes, and rather than the clearing around you, you see…

[ ] [METAPHOR] An infinite series of equations, dizzying in their complexity. If you can just understand them… you'll be able to change the variables, alter the outputs, and know what will happen…
+Mystical Metaphor: Mathematics
You comprehend magic by way of math. It requires extensive study to alter your powers in a safe manner, but once you reach that mastery you have exceptional control.

[ ] [METAPHOR] A set of building blocks, each containing aspects of power and effect, clear and easy in how they connect to one another.
+Mystical Metaphor: Building Blocks
You comprehend magic in a modular manner, as pieces which can be plugged together. It's relatively easy to alter effects on a basic level, or combine them, but very difficult for you to change their fundamental nature.

[ ] [METAPHOR] Lines of code, inside the curve of every leaf, the shape of every cloud. It's all… procedural.
+Mystical Metaphor: Programming
You comprehend magic by way of programs and code. Making changes is easy, but unexpected outcomes are common. Complex, multi-step effects are easier, and once you've figured something out it's easy to do it again.

[ ] [METAPHOR] Words, poems, essays, lines of text. Each element described, each picture with a thousand words.
+Mystical Metaphor: Writing
You comprehend magic by way of writing. Abstract effects are easier for you to implement, but it is exceedingly difficult for you to be certain of specifics, whether those are the heat of a flame or order of events.

[ ] [METAPHOR] An infinite series of projects, each with their own leaders, instructing their subordinates in a task.
+Mystical Metaphor: Project Management
You comprehend magic by way of projects and tasks, each with their own workers. Complex spells are easier for you to create, as are spells that operate without your direct oversight, but it is difficult to obtain precise control over their effects, and the time needed to develop or alter a spell can be… variable.
I am sad that we will have to conceal being a magical girl from our sister, and we probably won't teach her magic.

Can we recover from crippling injuries? Like losing an arm or something?
Capy seemed to hint that our wounds heal naturally, and that power boosts were a possibility from defeat the enemy they are contracting us to fight. Shouldn't be to hard to get a decent regeneration going.

Great chapter. Had a really nice comradery feel.

[X] [ASPECT] Embarrassment burns in your cheeks, and more than anything you just want to hide. You don't dare open your eyes, for fear of mockery (not that she would mock you for it, not in any real way, but knowing that doesn't make you feel it). You wish you could just disappear. And suddenly, you're wrapped in the cool, comforting embrace of shadowy tendrils

[X] [METAPHOR] An infinite series of projects, each with their own leaders, instructing their subordinates in a task.
[X] [METAPHOR] Lines of code, inside the curve of every leaf, the shape of every cloud. It's all… procedural.
+Mystical Metaphor: Programming
You comprehend magic by way of programs and code. Making changes is easy, but unexpected outcomes are common. Complex, multi-step effects are easier, and once you've figured something out it's easy to do it again.

I liked this one more because it is the one i find easier to understand, and repeateable unexpected things sounds like ending up with a lot of different and interesting things that we can do at will.

Well, i also find the building blocks one easy to understand, but that one means it is easier to make a lot of variations on basically the same spell, but making it harder to make new ones.

If at some point she starts to have less Fear because she has been through shit, would her shadow powers become less powerful?

And if she became powerful, rich and accomplished in her goals, would that lead to becoming weaker because she feels less Jealous? Or would she become more powerful because of the Glory of accomplishing that?
AltF4152 threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: Can't decide Shadow or Glory Total: 1
1 1
If at some point she starts to have less Fear because she has been through shit, would her shadow powers become less powerful?

And if she became powerful, rich and accomplished in her goals, would that lead to becoming weaker because she feels less Jealous? Or would she become more powerful because of the Glory of accomplishing that?
No, and no. The choice chooses one of the base level motives (something like a Vice in WoD), and that defines what you get, but it doesn't restrict growth to work through or past those emotions.
[X] [ASPECT] Is the thing broken? Are you broken? It can't be. This is your chance, the kind of money you could get could make the difference in your life, in your sister's life, in Mads' life. You can't let this slip away. If you did it'd be your fault. Wasting the chance to fix everything. Just one more failure. And then vines are reaching up from the floor, twining around you, and you know you can.
+Magical Aspect: Life
+Motivation: Guilt

[X] [METAPHOR] A set of building blocks, each containing aspects of power and effect, clear and easy in how they connect to one another.
+Mystical Metaphor: Building Blocks
You comprehend magic in a modular manner, as pieces which can be plugged together. It's relatively easy to alter effects on a basic level, or combine them, but very difficult for you to change their fundamental nature.
[X] [ASPECT] Is the thing broken? Are you broken? It can't be. This is your chance, the kind of money you could get could make the difference in your life, in your sister's life, in Mads' life. You can't let this slip away. If you did it'd be your fault. Wasting the chance to fix everything. Just one more failure. And then vines are reaching up from the floor, twining around you, and you know you can.

Guilt is total drama bait, and tied into plants and healing? Heck yeah, that sounds like cool thematics.

[X] [METAPHOR] Words, poems, essays, lines of text. Each element described, each picture with a thousand words.

Esoteica is best-ia.
Oh, then i won't worry about those emotions.

[X] [ASPECT] Embarrassment burns in your cheeks, and more than anything you just want to hide. You don't dare open your eyes, for fear of mockery (not that she would mock you for it, not in any real way, but knowing that doesn't make you feel it). You wish you could just disappear. And suddenly, you're wrapped in the cool, comforting embrace of shadowy tendrils.
+Magical Aspect: Shadow
+Motivation: Fear

When i can't decide on something, i ask help from the RNGods and hope that it goes well.

Edit: Now we just need someone to vote for Mathematics and we will have a vote for every Metaphor, perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

Edit: I decidesd to add the other one too.

[X] [ASPECT] You're not the only one who's been approached by these mascots. You know that. Others have figured it out. Probably with help from those things. You scraped and clawed to get here, to get your sister here. In spite of your parents, in spite of the fucked-up system giving them so much control. You're damn sure you won't be shown up by some pampered brats. You won't allow it. And then pure, shining golden light surrounds you, and you know you have something to be proud of. Something that's yours.
+Magical Aspect: Glory
+Motivation: Jealousy
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Madison's apartment is a cramped studio, and while it's not exactly tidy the chaos is controlled; if it wasn't, the place would be nearly unlivable. As it is, it's… almost cozy. Like you imagine an actual hobbit hole would, or a burrow. Not cozy enough to make up for the lack of space, but you've never stopped being impressed by how much she can get done with it.
I like her already, she has good decorating taste.

Vote in a bit once I'm not in digestive stupour.
[X] [ASPECT] Is the thing broken? Are you broken? It can't be. This is your chance, the kind of money you could get could make the difference in your life, in your sister's life, in Mads' life. You can't let this slip away. If you did it'd be your fault. Wasting the chance to fix everything. Just one more failure. And then vines are reaching up from the floor, twining around you, and you know you can.
[X] [METAPHOR] Lines of code, inside the curve of every leaf, the shape of every cloud. It's all… procedural.
[X] [ASPECT] Embarrassment burns in your cheeks, and more than anything you just want to hide. You don't dare open your eyes, for fear of mockery (not that she would mock you for it, not in any real way, but knowing that doesn't make you feel it). You wish you could just disappear. And suddenly, you're wrapped in the cool, comforting embrace of shadowy tendrils.
+Magical Aspect: Shadow
+Motivation: Fear

[X] [METAPHOR] Words, poems, essays, lines of text. Each element described, each picture with a thousand words.
+Mystical Metaphor: Writing
Voting is open