Which point of view do you find most interesting for this quest?

  • First person

  • Second Person

  • 3rd Person

  • 3rd person omniscent

  • Argh this is annoying pick one and stick with is. i don't care which.

  • I actually like the switching best, depending on situation.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Preparation 1 of 2
You all agree that Billy does have a good point in wanting to contribute.

As he puts on the crossbow pistol holster, tests the gloves and adjusts the scabbard to his liking you take the time to consider things.

Your mana is limited but with the total of ten mana potion you got and the ten charges in your ring you effectively have 20 mana or so at your disposal.

You should at the very least come up with some sort of enchantment and it could be a good time to test out that ritual thing. Taking on an aspect or something seems like a good idea and the locale lends itself to a thing or three.

You quietly watch Hermione see if she can transfigure a crossbow bolt from random things even as Billy tests the crossbow on the chest, with Jinx providing a telekinetic field to slow the bolt down just before impact to keep it from getting damaged.

They agreed that buffs are a good idea. Since there's a crossroad. Staying too long might, theoretically, allow the robot to triangulate you position. If it can even sense the egg underground. On the other hand, more time and magic will mean stronger enchantments.

[][ARMOR]Minimal Expenditure. 1 mana for 1 DR mage armor on Billy Jinx and Herm. (DC 20) (1 Minute)
[][ARMOR]Keep it simple stupid: 1 mana for a basic mage armor. (3 DR) Lasts for 1 hour. DC 40 (+1 duration for additional rank of each success.) (five minutes)

[][ARMOR]Keep it simple stupid, group edition: (3 mana to enchant all three of them. Same conditions.) (ten minutes)

[][ARMOR]Tank Proposition: 3 mana for a 6DR mage armor. Lasts for 1 hour. DC 60 (+1 duration for additional rank of each success.) (fifteen minutes)
[][ARMOR]Main Tank & friends. Tank on Billy, Simpler version for Hermione and jinx. (6 mana, Variable DC ) (Half an hour)

(Remember that you have approximately +35 to spellcasting. Failing loses you about 5-30 minutes and half the mana. Critfailing singes off your eyebrows and loses you all the mana you tried to use.)


This could also be a good time to test the ritual, possibly. You didn't have sufficient skill to try it before, since failing to keep the matrix together during the ritual (or angering the spirits if any are evoked ) would bestow the negative without any positive.

It would only take a small fire and about 10-15 minutes of your time.

Once the team finishes preparing and potions are distributed you get down to business.

"So, I was thinking. Aside from some protective magic I plan to cast, I also have this new kind of magic I was thinking of trying. It's slightly more primal than focused spells and has an upside and a downside to it. Basically it's meant to invoke an aspect of something, granting us a strength and a potential weakness of that thing."

"How much of a weakness?"Billy asks.

" And what kind?" Hermione pipes in with a question.

"It depends. The strength is always at least three times more powerful as the weakness and what it is can vary. It could be an object, or something in our environment."

"Like taking on the toughness of iron?" Hermione asks?

"And it's propensity being wielded by others." You agree with a nod.

"Wielded?" Jinx asks.

"Slight weakness Mind control or even just being talked into something by a smooth criminal. I'd advise against that myself." You chuckle.

The opinion seems split. It' might be a good idea, if you choose carefully.

"How about stone?" Billy asks.

"Stone is tough, but shatters under impact and is hard to repair." You muse. "You'd probably get stone like skin but would not be protected, and in fact take extra damage from impact damage. Bullets, clubs, falls, that sort of thing. Might find that kind of damage slightly harder to repair by magic while the ritual is in effect. "

[][RITUAL]No Ritual.
[][RITUAL]Minor Ritual
[][RITUAL]Medium Ritual

[See rituals at the end of post or in character sheet. If you decide on a ritual you'll get a mini-turn to decide which ritual, how it' paid for and what the effects will be. You will still be able to back out at that point.]


Each person gets one healing potion for emergencies from the stash. Feel free to argue for giving them more.

As promised here is the rituals thing. I wanted to let it have it's own post but there was never a good spot.

[Having reached spellcasting 2 Alice can now evoke or invoke spirits*, similarity effect or even your own inner strength to provide a semi permanent effect for a day. Follows a certain theme. Requires sacrifice.
Duration is always a full day from when the ritual is evoked.

Cost 1 equivalent: 1 wound, 2 mana, 3 magic components or potions, 4 vitality.
Cost x equivalent: Sacrifice a magic item or a life.

Basic Ritual Scale:

Minor: +5 to a thing, -1 to another thing Cost 3 (DC 30)
Medium: +15 to a thing, -5 to another thing Cost 9 (DC 60)
Major: +30 to a thing, -10 to another thing. Cost 18] (DC 90)

(As a guideline For wound, damage resistance or Primary stats divide effect by 5. Exotic effects may be offered by QM)

Add 1 to cost per participant, up to 10 participants per spellcasting rank of caster. Participants can pay up to 2 cost each.

Invoking outside entities may give the ritual a boost, reduce the penalty or reduce the benefit, based on various factors.

Yes you guys get to come up with your own things to evoke for a ritual. XD

Indeed ladies and gentlemen. We are getting conceptual.
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1) I like to note that we don't actually need to coplete quest, we need only hang with other allied powered people unlil portal opens up and se can snach a spark.
2 )I propose do a ritual thats makes people being easier to talk into things, (as side effect) and then use it only on them.
1) I like to note that we don't actually need to coplete quest, we need only hang with other allied powered people unlil portal opens up and se can snach a spark.
2 )I propose do a ritual thats makes people being easier to talk into things, (as side effect) and then use it only on them.

1. Is a viable tactic. A lot can happen in 24 hours though.
2. You must, by default also participate in the ritual. I think a lot of people will dogpile against being more vulnerable.
[1][ARMOR]Keep it simple stupid, group edition: (3 mana to enchant all three of them. Same conditions.) (ten minutes)
-[X] Use Ring Mana first.
[1][RITUAL]No Ritual.

i am pretty risk-adverse right now, and we have limited mana resources.

a medium ritual would cost 12 mana to affect everybody, 8 if jinx and hermione contribute 2 each (which they might not be able to). that is too much mana either way. and with only a +35, we have a 25% chance of failure, which is a little high when we are investing so much in to it.

and i do not think the minor buff is worth the time right now.

and as for the mage armor, again, dc60 is a little high for my blood. dc 40 i can accept though. so giving all 3 mage armor is my preferred method.
[1][ARMOR]Keep it simple stupid, group edition: (3 mana to enchant all three of them. Same conditions.) (ten minutes)
-[X] Use Ring Mana first.
[1][RITUAL]No Ritual.

i am pretty risk-adverse right now, and we have limited mana resources.

a medium ritual would cost 12 mana to affect everybody, 8 if jinx and hermione contribute 2 each (which they might not be able to). that is too much mana either way. and with only a +35, we have a 25% chance of failure, which is a little high when we are investing so much in to it.

and i do not think the minor buff is worth the time right now.

and as for the mage armor, again, dc60 is a little high for my blood. dc 40 i can accept though. so giving all 3 mage armor is my preferred method.

You don't have to use mana for everything. Heck the idea is that you aren't supposed to. Think primitive warriors invoking the spirit of a lion have a b unch of mana to burn? No they catch an antelope or offer up it's heart and their own blood, and their own vitality.

Ritual combat, dance and a lot of pompous chanting can all be components.

Here you can use potions, magic materials. Heck you can also use blood, say from a wound*.

Costs are clearly outlined. Certain locations would also provide "free" ritual cost but that hasn't come up yet.

To be fair: I can't find how many magic materials we were taking in those extra bike saddlebags. I'm gonna default that to 10 because that's what I intended to set.

*Though I imagine your team will be reluctant to go stabbity, healing potions or otherwise. And yes.
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I don't think we ever actually discussed how to change loadout now that we have a bike + saddlebags. 10 is fine.

Yeah the default was supposed to be doubling all consumables you take or have more trade good in stead but I do admit I can sometimes forget things. Once you get schwifty with firearms ammo will become a mild concern.

It worked out decently though since you have just about enough rations left for another meal for four people. (And I think I may have glossed over it but your water tablets came in handy when you all refilled their bottles on the waterfall. (Water Straw is still your default but you only have one of those) )

Edit: I've been trying to re-work that inventory system but it's a work in progress.
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Maybe use water for the ritual? It cannot be really harmed by conventional means (cutting, piercing, blunt trauma) and it adapts to any container and shape while still being itself, but temperature extremes (cold in particular, easier to go from room temperature to freezing, than from room temperature to boiling point) make quick work of it.
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even if we dont have to spend mana on it, the minor one is not worth the time and i dont like a 25% chance to lose 5-30 minutes
Maybe use water for the ritual? It cannot be really harmed by conventional means (cutting, piercing, blunt trauma) and it adapts to any container and shape while still being itself, but temperature extremes (cold in particular, easier to go from room temperature to freezing, than from room temperature to boiling point) make quick work of it.

Literally: DR vs weakness to fire and cold
Conceptually: harder to catch/attack but meant to be drunk.
Literally: DR vs weakness to fire and cold
Conceptually: harder to catch/attack but meant to be drunk.
Counterpoint: Water in large amounts has a tendency to drown and erode. Also linked to storms and tides.

Also, saltwater is certainly not meant to be drunk.

Maybe also a link to purifying, what with being able to wash away filth?

I do remember that the main elements used in purifying rituals are fire and water, coupled with copious amounts of salt.
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Maybe use water for the ritual? It cannot be really harmed by conventional means (cutting, piercing, blunt trauma) and it adapts to any container and shape while still being itself,
Salt. It cannot be really harmed by conventional means (cutting, piercing, blunt trauma) and it adapts to any container and shape while still being itself. No temp. extimes weakness.
Yeah the default was supposed to be doubling all consumables you take or have more trade good in stead but I do admit I can sometimes forget things. Once you get schwifty with firearms ammo will become a mild concern.
Infinite ammo enchantment, preferably variable ammo, but if that's not available, something sensibly powerful like anti-matter could work.
[1][ARMOR]Keep it simple stupid, group edition: (3 mana to enchant all three of them. Same conditions.) (ten minutes)
-[X] Use Ring Mana first.

[1][RITUAL]No Ritual.

Yeah, this whole ritual thing just seems like a waste of time and thought; too much mana, time, and thought cost for too little gain. I'd rather spend the time trying to make sure we aren't being suckered into giving the egg spark (and our own!) to some sort of soul vampire or something. This whole dungeon crawl thing is starting to trip my paranoia sense more and more every time I think about it.
[X][ARMOR]Main Tank & friends. Tank on Billy, Simpler version for Hermione and jinx. (6 mana, Variable DC ) (Half an hour)

Remember that +35 magic bonus

[3][RITUAL]No Ritual.
[1][RITUAL]Minor Ritual
[2][RITUAL]Medium Ritual

Can we perform a ritual of wind increase our speed and ability to escape? the downside could be easier to damage due to winds lack of form and stability.
I have an idea: use egg (spark) as a sample for a ritual, a small one. We learn it's strong and weak sides.
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I was goig to work on an update today but my inner kid is beeing cranky, thus a small delay since i'm kind of tired, spiritually. Update in a few days probably.

In the meantime I'll be recharging my batteries watching brainless tuff like robot chicken, playing a game or two and maybe jotting down some more stuff for a d20 modern campaign I plan to run online relatively soon. (I realised I hadn't played any paper an pencil gamefor like, four years now and got depressed about it. XD )
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There's kind of no votes right now anyway:

Vote Tally : Sensible Girl Quest. | Page 132 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.9.0



Keep it simple stupid, group edition: (3 mana to enchant all three of them. Same conditions.) (ten minutes)

Winner: Keep it simple stupid, group edition: (3 mana to enchant all three of them. Same conditions.) (ten minutes)



Medium Ritual
Minor Ritual
No Ritual.

Winner: No Ritual.

First Runner Up: Minor Ritual

Second Runner Up: Medium Ritual

Total No. of Voters: 3

-[X] Use Ring Mana first.
No. of Votes: 2


[X][ARMOR]Main Tank & friends. Tank on Billy, Simpler version for Hermione and jinx. (6 mana, Variable DC ) (Half an hour)
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 3
There's kind of no votes right now anyway:

Well i'm assuming that people aren't really interested in actual dungeon crawling bit (Nor do I plan to keep this up for long. but it's a plot point and thus needed now that you have chosen to go through with it.) and the preparation may or may not feel either daunting or possibly irrelevant. It's mostly a stat thing as opposed to a story choice. Unfortunately the choices are necessary if I don't take away your right to choose.
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