Which point of view do you find most interesting for this quest?

  • First person

  • Second Person

  • 3rd Person

  • 3rd person omniscent

  • Argh this is annoying pick one and stick with is. i don't care which.

  • I actually like the switching best, depending on situation.

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Recap and choice.
Hey guys. I stopped feeling like a zombie now that my drastic shifts in biorhythm are now over.

I should be able to continue with this. I was re-reading to see where we were at. This is a "get on with it version" to get things rolling again.

A short recap:

Alice steps through the portal and finds herself helping some kids her age get away from a giant robot. The kids, apparently on a mission from god, but with no shades and having crashed their vehicle on the shore follow a map to a cavern behind a waterfall.

They get to know each other and Alice recognizes one of them from a fiction she is familiar with.

Further discussion reveals that there was some sort of mystical cataclysm or something that merged two different worlds together, many people having two sets of more or less divergent memories but not all were affected. On comparison the divergent memories match, between people though it had been a great shock for some.

Of course that was all sidelined by a robot invasion and the sudden reveal of telepathic spiders having always existed among the populace, feeding on dreams... Chaos ensued and basically the numerous superheroes are all busy putting out fires.

No excuse for sending a bunch of kids on this mission but whatever.

The goal is to "wake up" and assist an old wizard by getting a large unwieldy marble egg to him.

Alice at had by now realized that the large marble egg contains a spark, but she cannot tell if it's stone, an actual egg or what. She does manage to resist the urge to gobble it up, metaphysically speaking.

Felling pressed for time the group gathers their resources after a brief rest and presses on.

The cavern wall eventually turn into stereotypical dungeon wall and subsequently proves itself to be almost cliche... and unexpectedly also containing a lovecraftian horror of sorts.

And the dungeon is new, transmuted from caverns in the past few hours.

Clues are practically spoon fed and the team gets the impression that the wizard whose "test" they are now undertaking is a giant dick and should thus be kicked in the balls.

Though the murals do imply he's keeping some horror, or maybe an elder god from coming through so who knows. Maybe he just had to to things this way.

After a brief skirmish of what looks like reanimated skeletons of a stereotypical adventuring group (and discovering Billy either has a guarding angel or a massive set of brass ones) they find themselves on the precipice of... further fighting? A gate is set to open and further horror and potential limb loss awaits within.

Presumably for a candle. Which is needed for a ritual of some sort. Banishment. Presumably of that elder god or whatever. (Someone should make a complaint about the challenge rating of this dungeon. )

The crew is slightly tired, but at full strength for about 15-30 minutes longer and then buffs run out and have to be recast.

[]GTFO Actually the crew had had enough of risking life an limb. Maybe try snaking in under invisibility, snatching the candle and cheesing it the heck out of there? (Some stealth rolls. Moderate risk. Faliure makes subsequent combat/run for ita bit riskier. )
[]Slow and steady: Enter formation and fight it our. (??? risk. You have basically no idea. Your current benchmark is a mini shogoth and some kinda OP skeletons for what is basically just a bunch of kids. Both of which might have killed someone.
[]"Uh.. I can make a candle" because you can. Avoid the risk and go back to the gate. Do the ritual with 10% penalty. Avoid potential loss of limb and sanity.


Note: I'm going to default on that story I owe you guys for the sake of getting on with it. Please forward any complaints to ^ↀᴥↀ^

TLDR I was struck with a combination of tiredness and apathy also know as "running out of fucks" and not to be confused with depression. You don't feel like playing mechwarrior 4 mercenaries in HD if you are depressed.
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[x]GTFO Actually the crew had had enough of risking life an limb. Maybe try snaking in under invisibility, snatching the candle and cheesing it the heck out of there? (Some stealth rolls. Moderate risk. Faliure makes subsequent combat/run for ita bit riskier. )
[X]GTFO Actually the crew had had enough of risking life an limb. Maybe try snaking in under invisibility, snatching the candle and cheesing it the heck out of there? (Some stealth rolls. Moderate risk. Faliure makes subsequentcombat/run for ita bit riskier. )

10% isn't bad, but this seems important enough to warrant actual effort, even if it is the "screw this" variety of effort
[X]"Uh.. I can make a candle" because you can. Avoid the risk and go back to the gate. Do the ritual with 10% penalty. Avoid potential loss of limb and sanity.
[X]GTFO Actually the crew had had enough of risking life an limb. Maybe try snaking in under invisibility, snatching the candle and cheesing it the heck out of there? (Some stealth rolls. Moderate risk. Faliure makes subsequentcombat/run for ita bit riskier. )
[X]GTFO Actually the crew had had enough of risking life an limb. Maybe try snaking in under invisibility, snatching the candle and cheesing it the heck out of there? (Some stealth rolls. Moderate risk. Faliure makes subsequent combat/run for ita bit riskier. )

Normally I'd be all for leaving, but heroic tendencies and all that. A 10% chance of universal destruction is actually pretty bad.
Yeah, this sh*t's important, which is why I'm really curious as to why the old wizard is using it to play evil mindgames. I wonder if it's some sort of arcane requirement, like there needs to be an adventure of some kind for the ritual to work...
[X]GTFO Actually the crew had had enough of risking life an limb. Maybe try snaking in under invisibility, snatching the candle and cheesing it the heck out of there? (Some stealth rolls. Moderate risk. Faliure makes subsequent combat/run for ita bit riskier. )
[X]GTFO Actually the crew had had enough of risking life an limb. Maybe try snaking in under invisibility, snatching the candle and cheesing it the heck out of there? (Some stealth rolls. Moderate risk. Faliure makes subsequent combat/run for ita bit riskier. )
[X]GTFO Actually the crew had had enough of risking life an limb. Maybe try snaking in under invisibility, snatching the candle and cheesing it the heck out of there? (Some stealth rolls. Moderate risk. Faliure makes subsequent combat/run for ita bit riskier. )
Do we have an option for invisibility that doesn't involve going incorperal? Because that will seriously impede our ability to grab any candles...
Ahh, going off the rails and getting all that magic stuffed into our heads was so, so worth it.

Though, to be honest I actually think even without magic we could have done things the "right" way. We'd actually have been more "sensible" without it. We couldn't do nearly as much, so we probably would have stayed to the sidelines more. At least this way we can keep things from getting worse.
Sneaking in
[X]GTFO Actually the crew had had enough of risking life an limb. Maybe try snaking in under invisibility, snatching the candle and cheesing it the heck out of there? (Some stealth rolls. Moderate risk. Failure makes subsequent combat/run for ita bit riskier. )

Wounds: None
Vitality: Max
MP: 2/3
Ring MP: 4/10
Mana potions: 5 left (1 MP each)
Staff MP: ???/??? (no more than 5 and it's kinda ooky)

As the final preparations complete the team seems both reluctant an determined. It dawns on you how ridiculous what you are doing is. Necessary, perhaps but still ridiculous.

"So... Guys... I've been thinking." Alice pipes up drawing attention to herself.

"Do we even have to fight whatever monstorsity pops up next?" You pose the question and the team perks up.

"Did you have an alternative? Because I don't see an alternative." Jinx sort of shrugs resignedly.

"Well. The bridge gates are narrow spots and if we open them up an invisible person might be able to sneak in, snatch the candle and sneak back out. To heck with any loot." You explain. "The rest of the team keeps quiet and ready to cheese it the heck out of here and drop the stone gate thing behind us. Plan B, a fighting retreat."

"So why haven't you been doing the Bilbo Baggins impression if you can turn invisible?" Hermione asks.

"Energy limits." You shrug. "Plus I'd have to maintain the spell and thus not be able to cast or do anything too complicated and thus ineffective if I had to act."

"So what can you do?"

[]Simple invisibility. (Moderate chance of success. Unless what you face can detect scent.)(Have to open the gate)
[]Improved Invisibility. (Decent chance of success. Unless what you face can detect scent.)(have to open the gate)
[]Shadow walk. (Good chance of success. Unless a sudden bright light occurs or someone invested in some serious lighting in the next room. )(Gate can remain closed)
[]Ghost (Excellent chance of success. Unless you come across a ghost.) (Gate can remain closed)

Buffs on everyone will expire during the event regardless of choice.


Simple invisibility. (5 min casting time. 10 min duration. 1 MP. 1 MP to renew for 5 min) +35 stealth, disrupted by sufficient kinetic impact or magical field disruption.

Improved Invisibility. (15 min casting time. 10 min duration, 2 MP. 2 MP to renew for 5 Min) +35 stealth, disrupted for 3 seconds by kinetic impact.

Shadow walk. (15 min casting time. 10 min duration, 3 MP. 1 MP to renew for 1 Min) Turn fully or partially intangible and invisible and travel through local shadow. Tangible body parts don't have to be in shadow. Sudden bright lights disrupts effect and deals heavy injury 5 wounds. (You roll body+fortitude DC 20 with each success negating one)

Ghost. (1 sharp wound on your forehead in the form of a circle. 3 MP. No Duration limit. You keep bleeding and lose 1 Vitality every minute. If you hit 7 you loose 1 wound and start from 7 vitality. You get 3 vitality back once you rejoin your body but your max vitality is reduced by 1, temporarily. You can turn objects you could normally carry intangible for 1 MP per object. Gain temporary, unknown, ghost powers.)

What you choose will be added to trainable list, after modification.
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[X]Shadow walk. (Good chance of success. Unless a sudden bright light occurs or someone invested in some serious lighting in the next room. )(Gate can remain closed)
Shadow walk is more expensive but should be a lot faster since we can ignore walls.

ghost is nice, but does not enhance escape attempts.

and ImpInvis is worth the double cost for not needing to recast in potentially dangerous situation.

[3]Simple invisibility. (5 min casting time. 10 min duration. 1 MP. 1 MP to renew for 5 min) +35 stealth, disrupted by sufficient kinetic impact or magical field disruption.

[2]Improved Invisibility. (15 min casting time. 10 min duration, 2 MP. 2 MP to renew for 5 Min) +35 stealth, disrupted for 3 seconds by kinetic impact.

[1]Shadow walk. (15 min casting time. 10 min duration, 3 MP. 1 MP to renew for 1 Min) Turn fully or partially intangible and invisible and travel through local shadow. Tangible body parts don't have to be in shadow. Sudden bright lights disrupts effect and deals heavy injury 5 wounds. (You roll body+fortitude DC 20 with each success negating one)

[4]Ghost. (1 sharp wound on your forehead in the form of a circle. 3 MP. No Duration limit. You keep bleeding and lose 1 Vitality every minute. If you hit 7 you loose 1 wound and start from 7 vitality. You get 3 vitality back once you rejoin your body but your max vitality is reduced by 1, temporarily. You can turn objects you could normally carry intangible for 1 MP per object. Gain temporary, unknown, ghost powers.)

Ranked voting @jadecriminal?
[X]Shadow walk. (Good chance of success. Unless a sudden bright light occurs or someone invested in some serious lighting in the next room. )(Gate can remain closed)
[4]Simple invisibility. (Moderate chance of success. Unless what you face can detect scent.)(Have to open the gate)
[3]Improved Invisibility. (Decent chance of success. Unless what you face can detect scent.)(have to open the gate)
[1]Shadow walk. (Good chance of success. Unless a sudden bright light occurs or someone invested in some serious lighting in the next room. )(Gate can remain closed)
[2]Ghost (Excellent chance of success. Unless you come across a ghost.) (Gate can remain closed)

We also have Invisibility Dust, but it makes hard to take candle.
[4]Simple invisibility. (Moderate chance of success. Unless what you face can detect scent.)(Have to open the gate)
[2]Improved Invisibility. (Decent chance of success. Unless what you face can detect scent.)(have to open the gate)
[1]Shadow walk. (Good chance of success. Unless a sudden bright light occurs or someone invested in some serious lighting in the next room. )(Gate can remain closed)
[3]Ghost (Excellent chance of success. Unless you come across a ghost.) (Gate can remain closed)
[2]Simple invisibility.
[3]Improved Invisibility.
[1]Shadow walk.

Shadow walk is pretty effective in that it provides intangibility without becoming unable to grab or do stuff. The weakness to light can probably be worked around fairly often.

Simple invisibility is my second choice because it is quick and cheap. It is a lot more viable to use this a lot in the future which means we might get a lot more value out of it.

The improved version is quite a bit more expensive making it pretty much only really more beneficial for combat... And needing 15 minutes to prep for combat is pretty bad.

Ghost can kill us if we get lost, trapped or too far from our starting point. It also implies leaving behind a vulnerable body which makes it very risky in a lot of situations.
[2]Simple invisibility.
[3]Improved Invisibility.
[1]Shadow walk.
1.Shadow Walk is the best here.
2.Simple invisibility is cheaper and if we get hit, that most likely means we are found anyway.
3.Ghost deals damage all the time. Also completely intangible. And many other downsides.
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