-Sigh- and like that, all my hopes for a drawn out narrative of marrying lihua and fleshing out her character as someone that features prominently in Lelouch's life all but collapse. Hopefully the epilogue is drawn out enough that it can at least be the most developed Lihua & Lelouch relationship thus far, even if that's not going to take much.
Worst of all I have to blame myself a little, as this apparently might not have even been such a contentious vote if I'd just started out voting for second consort, based on my recollection of the hours of discussion that have occured.
Thanks Slayer, it was interesting, and will remain interesting for however much longer it lasts.
[X] Marry into the Chinese Royal Family
-[X] Marry Lihua as First Consort
[X] Marry into the Chinese Royal Family
-[X] Marry Lihua as Second Consort