Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

Empress Lihua (Diplomacy): 18+23 61+23 = 84
Empress Lihua Diplomacy: 50 22 37+23= 60
Empress Lihua Intrigue: 29 51 75+12= 87
Man I kinda feel bad for Lihua, she's burning so many rerolls just to avoid getting smooth-talked by Lulu and Nunnally. Don't sweat the details, we just want to help you help us help you lol. At least she won't need those rerolls against the Eunuchs with their crap luck :V
[X] Plan A Union of Dynasties and Economies + Research Agenda.
-[ ] The Empress' Hand in Marriage.
--[ ] As First Husband.
-[ ] A Place in Her Administration.
--[ ] Stewardship
-[ ] The Taklamakan Desert Research Grant & Small Political/Trade Favors (For Charles).
-[ ] Psionic Recruitment & Research Foundation on Chinese Soil.
Didn't Lelouch say the stuff Charles wanted was for if he *failed* to win the Empress' hand? I'd rather get Australia support honestly. I do like picking a place in the administration though.
What would be the Benefits of Administration position?

Is their a difference in our ability to interact with Lihua in certain positions/fiefs?
Governing Guangzhou would put you more immediately 'under' Lihua in her role as the Empress. IE: You'd be a part of the executive apparatus of China itself and report directly to her.

Governing India also puts you directly under Lihua, but in her role as the Head of State of the Chinese Federation. This would mean Lihua has less official authority over you and the CF Assembly would be able to pass laws and edicts governing your interaction with other polities. Other polities that are outside of the CF. Which, uh... could or could not include Australia and may give people headaches.
@Slayer Anderson
Will there be a Intrigue action to get involved with Japan's ongoing turmoil - and would that improve Kallen's safety?
Also, does the "Small Political/Trade Favors (For Charles)" include business deals for Lelouch's allies, like the Ashford/Stadtfeld? That could be another type of reward, joint ventures and economic investment similar to the Anglo-Japanese KMF deal but on a wider scale?
An Intrigue option to interfere in Japan domestically is on the table with established personnel in the country.

You can't really do more than send a few people with Kallen to attempt to extract her and her family in an absolute emergency when her life is in danger at this stage. A lot of your people are already occupied and Kallen would notice and be very irritated at a set of visible bodyguards.

There's a bunch of stuff involved in that option which will benefit Britannian political/economic interests, yes.
Slayer, how safe would it be to let Kallen go to Japan? And will we get some way to increase her safety while she is in Japan?
Lelouch does not believe Kallen will be in physical danger should she return home to Japan.

The question is whether or not someone decides to instigate a political SNAFU.
Man I kinda feel bad for Lihua, she's burning so many rerolls just to avoid getting smooth-talked by Lulu and Nunnally. Don't sweat the details, we just want to help you help us help you lol. At least she won't need those rerolls against the Eunuchs with their crap luck
What I'd give to see someone post a very conflicted LihuaQuest Omake with the players loving how much Lelouch is doing for them and hating how he keeps crushing them in diplomacy lol.
Given Charles' canonical plans, are we sure we want to give him access to this?
I present you with this quote that has answered that question before:
I will say that I've already stated the Thought Elevator/Ragnarok Plan is no longer an issue.

@Slayer Anderson Can you clarify: if we pick the Piety Ministry option, that basically gives us a similar result as "Psionic Recruitment & Research Foundation" correct? How much collaboration and research sharing can we conduct with other nations like Britannia/Tibet/etc if we pick the Piety Ministry?
The thing with Kallen and Japan is that she still has some loyalty towards Japan. However, if Japan backstabs her then her sole loyalty will be to us.
Also, does the "Small Political/Trade Favors (For Charles)" include business deals for Lelouch's allies, like the Ashford/Stadtfeld? That could be another type of reward, joint ventures and economic investment similar to the Anglo-Japanese KMF deal but on a wider scale?
I imagine by sheer scope of his shipping business stadtfeld will benefit from this. Getting Ashford roped in is relatively simple. We just need to take a leaf out of Carine's book and repurpose Glasgow for construction work in war devastated china.
Any reason why we can't have a romantic relationship with Lihua as Second Husband?
I believe first consort is something of a closer position that Interacts more with the empress based on previous slayer posts. We could still do it, but their are maybe political or etiquette issues that would act as limiters until a heir was birthed to the first consort. I'd really rather be safe than sorry, and it's not like Lelouch hasn't more than earned it.
Governing Guangzhou would put you more immediately 'under' Lihua in her role as the Empress. IE: You'd be a part of the executive apparatus of China itself and report directly to her.

Governing India also puts you directly under Lihua, but in her role as the Head of State of the Chinese Federation. This would mean Lihua has less official authority over you and the CF Assembly would be able to pass laws and edicts governing your interaction with other polities. Other polities that are outside of the CF. Which, uh... could or could not include Australia and may give people headaches
I meant more the place in her administration.
[ ] A Place in Her Administration.
-[ ] Stewardship
-[ ] Intrigue
-[ ] Piety
This in other words. I'd very much like a clarification on the minister position.
Didn't Lelouch say the stuff Charles wanted was for if he *failed* to win the Empress' hand? I'd rather get Australia support honestly. I do like picking a place in the administration though.
Fair point. I can support that change.
You can't really do more than send a few people with Kallen to attempt to extract her and her family in an absolute emergency when her life is in danger at this stage. A lot of your people are already occupied and Kallen would notice and be very irritated at a set of visible bodyguards.

There's a bunch of stuff involved in that option which will benefit Britannian political/economic interests, yes.
Establishing bodyguards would also help I believe?
What I'd give to see someone post a very conflicted LihuaQuest Omake with the players loving how much Lelouch is doing for them and hating how he keeps crushing them in diplomacy lol.
I can do this when voting ends. Can't promise it'll be particularly long though. Only so much mileage I can squeeze out of "Damn those dastardly handsome smooth talking Vi Britannia's. Why are their pants so deliciously tight?" :V
I believe first consort is something of a closer position that Interacts more with the empress based on previous slayer posts. We could still do it, but there are maybe political or etiquette issues that would act as limiters until a heir was birthed to the first consort. I'd really rather be safe than sorry, and it's not like Lelouch hasn't more than earned it.
Still, it doesn't feel right to ask to be her First Husband when we are neither willing nor able to offer her First Wife status.
We should also remember that according to Slayer's advice from the 600 pages Q&A, we should let Xingke take the top spot, in order to get the best result
@Slayer Anderson Can you clarify: if we pick the Piety Ministry option, that basically gives us a similar result as "Psionic Recruitment & Research Foundation" correct? How much collaboration and research sharing can we conduct with other nations like Britannia/Tibet/etc if we pick the Piety Ministry?
Similar, but with more responsibilities, authority, power, and oversight.

It Depends. As much as you can get away with in the current political climate is the best answer you'll get without specifics.
I meant more the place in her administration.
The benefits of a place in her administration would be acting with the authority of the Chinese Empress and the Chinese Federation as a whole, a very large budget (depending on your specialty), and a rather immense allowance to work on personal projects.

The way it would work is that Lihua would communicate priorities for your sector and you would then decide what to focus on. As long as you have a good explanation for skirting her directives, you can get away with a lot.

Do so too much and you may see consequences, though. Specifically having your budget cut, projects audited, or having oversight increased on your staff. You'd have to do pretty badly on that note, though. Unless you start actively bucking her authority, she's not going to pick fights she doesn't need to. She has plenty of fights already.
Establishing bodyguards would also help I believe?
They will help as much as Kallen allows them to.
[] Plan A Union of Dynasties and Economies + Personal Agenda.
-[ ] The Empress' Hand in Marriage.
--[ ] As First Husband.
-[ ] A Place in Her Administration.
--[ ] Stewardship
-[ ] Recognition of your claims in Australia & Support Enforcing Them.
-[ ] Psionic Recruitment & Research Foundation on Chinese Soil.

These are my draft plans. I would appreciate feedback on them. We are marrying the Empress, I hope, so we can take a stewardship action and help the OSI and Directorate rebuild the thought elevator more clandestinely, and opt for Australia support instead.
The benefits of a place in her administration would be acting with the authority of the Chinese Empress and the Chinese Federation as a whole, a very large budget (depending on your specialty), and a rather immense allowance to work on personal projects.

The way it would work is that Lihua would communicate priorities for your sector and you would then decide what to focus on. As long as you have a good explanation for skirting her directives, you can get away with a lot.

Do so too much and you may see consequences, though. Specifically having your budget cut, projects audited, or having oversight increased on your staff. You'd have to do pretty badly on that note, though. Unless you start actively bucking her authority, she's not going to pick fights she doesn't need to. She has plenty of fights already.
Awesome. Everything I'd hoped this would be. As stewardship admin, we could help her people recover from the brutal war to earn more of her gratitude and affection, further political and economic ties between CF and HBE, and maybe even help the Directorate rebuild the thought elevator without having to use one of our rewards for it, as well as try and track down blue mineral deposits in China without needing the resources extraction reward.
The Province of Guangzhou, as a Fief.
Just to check Slayer, Guangzhou is just one city but this reward says the "Province of Guangzhou" so did you actually mean the entire Province of Guangdong? Because that would be more in line to contrast with India.

Also since I haven't seen answers for several questions so I'll bite the bullet and ask @Slayer Anderson:
1. So it sounds like Ministry position has the most flexibility and power/influence, followed by India for more flexibility but less power, and Guangzhou for less flexibility but more power/influence?
2. The Minister of Stewardship would have jurisdiction over a Governor of Guangzhou for example right?
3. What are the main differences between first and second husband of Lihua? The rights of succession, romantic intimacy, obligations, etc?
4. What are the geopolitical implications for making a formal treaty between China/Britannia? I think it's worth an infopost so we can fully weigh the decision, like what Lelouch/Schneizel thinks of the second order consequences.
5. Did Euphie as Lulu's fiancee provide any input on the matter of marrying Lihua as first/second consort?

Establishing bodyguards would also help I believe?
Kallen doesn't want bodyguards tho. Ninja'd by Slayer.
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5. Did Euphie as Lulu's fiancee provide any input on the matter of marrying Lihua as first/second consort?
Euphemia had decided to have mercy on Meihua and take a private car with her.
I imagine Euphemia is okay with it given her efforts to ease relations with potential other spouses/lovers of Lelouch. Her most recent request of us was to demonstrate our ability to balance ambition with fatherly duties with another woman, which we accomplished in excess. So long as we don't backtrack, it's hard to imagine this is much different than what she was expecting.
I imagine Euphemia is okay with it given her efforts to ease relations with potential other spouses/lovers of Lelouch. Her most recent request of us was to demonstrate our ability to balance ambition with fatherly duties with another woman, which we accomplished in excess.
The question was about Euphie's input on the second/first consort position, not whether she's okay with Lulu marrying Lihua.
[ ] Refuse. Kallen is too necessary in her current role at this time. You'll revisit the issue later.
[ ] Accept. Kallen may return to Japan and spend this year at her leisure.
The first decision is if we want to send Kallen to Japan or not. I would be more confident if we had completed the Bodyguards Intrigue action.
On the other hand there is the fact that she is the heiress of a Britannian Duke. Would they try something during a visit? Possible but there are factors against it. I would be more worried about blackmail attempts and danger to her family if they want to retaliate for us sinking their plans. Of course there could be a "Taiwanese Liberation Front attack". I'm not sure what Meihua going public in Pendragon did to the narrative and internal politics in Japan.
I'm still leaning towards the option to send Kallen to Japan. Even if the obvious result is us loosing her (and her SL bonuses) for a year in case combat happens. It will help
[ ] The Empress' Hand in Marriage.
-[ ] As First Husband.
-[ ] As Second Husband.
[ ] Her Cousin's Hand in Marriage.
As to the marriage. The "original super to do list" had to give Li Xingke the first spot. On the other hand all the crits we had basically threw out that plan. First Husband is more prestigious and will be a more public position. It might require us to spend some actions dealing with the public face of Chinese politics. As for marrying the cousin I'm not really interested in her. Especially as I like the badass Lihua.
[ ] The Province of Guangzhou, as a Fief.
[ ] The Land of India, as a Fief..
Slayer already explained what this would entail. I'm not really interested in them as I still want Australia and those options will take a lot of work. But as it was previously explained those positions are one of the options for a public position to go with the marriage.
[ ] A Place in Her Administration.
-[ ] Stewardship
-[ ] Intrigue
-[ ] Piety
The administration positions are another way to have a public position together with being a consort. The Stewardship is the most influential due to Lihua planning major reforms to bring the farming and industry up to standards. Intrigue would require us to most likely focus our own network on helping with the job as Lihua can't trust the old guard here. Piety would have us basically build it from the ground up but would synergize with helping the Directorate and the Psionic Research Foundation.
[ ] Exemption from Taxation in All Trade under Your Name.
We could leverage this into a greater income or trade favors with Britannian nobles (like we did with the Stadfelds) but there are better options.
[ ] A Formal Non-Aggression Treaty & Defensive Treaty Between the Federation & Britannia.
I'm wary of this as this would be a major shift in the global politics and could cause more problems with the EU feeling boxed in.
[ ] A Personal Noble Title & Income.
Basically what we could have had after the Indonesia Conference. It would give us more weight in local Chinese politics.
[ ] The Taklamakan Desert Research Grant & Small Political/Trade Favors (For Charles).
This is an option that was asked for if we didn't go for our marriage goal. With our position as consort we most likely will be able to use our normal actions to set this up over time. It will just be a lot more work.
[ ] Recognition of your claims in Australia & Support Enforcing Them.
I still want to take over Australia. Having land there will allow us to reward our followers with their own landed titles. Also removing the pirates will stabilize the trade in the region if we go for Stewardship advisor position. The question is where to hit first. I want to at least finish the next step in our Mantle quest before we challenge the leader of New Heaven to a psionic duel.
[ ] Key Natural Resource Monopolies in Extraction Rights.
Until we start to majorly focus on importing those resources competition shouldn't be a problem unless there already is a monopoly. Also as a Stewardship advisor we can easily set up our own mining operations before we start our sakuradite production on a large scale.
[ ] Psionic Recruitment & Research Foundation on Chinese Soil.
We want to become the leading force in psionic research and this will help. It will also most likely lead to third Learning/Piety action. The minus of this is that we will need to show some results and advantages for China and not only us and Britannia. Which VV might not like. But if we can give him more toys to play with in China then he should get over it. It would also have the best synergy with us being a Piety advisor and I prefer Stewardship.

I'm currently leaning towards Randino's plan.
Still, it doesn't feel right to ask to be her First Husband when we are neither willing nor able to offer her First Wife status.
I agree on that. That and we can let with Xingke for some time, we can focus on the rest with more support and have a more cordial relation from the start. That and like Hunter531 said, feels like an asshole to do that, maybe we are nicer and far more competent than the eunuchs but we will still start this relation with the pressure of tradition and more.

Edit : if we had truly loved her built a relation for years I wouldn't have been against first consort position but as it is, it's our first face to face meeting
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I'm not enthusiastic about becoming Emperor-Consort of China.

Definitely don't want either Guangzhou or India as fiefs. The former is rightful Chinese territory, the latter means we have to deal with the militant independence movement(s).

I'd let Kallen go home. We'll hold down the fort.
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I don't really what to be Emperor-Consort of China, but it really feels like the time to step of this ride was ages ago. We've maneuvered for this from the beginning. Even if I didn't really want this.
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I'm currently favoring Randino's plan as well, because it has a very synergistic effect between Stewardship Ministry + Australia + Psionic Institute. We're going to need a lot of funding and economic investment to actually develop Australia once it's conquered, not to mention the artificial sakuradite production we can leverage by extracting exotic materials (eezo), plus all the trade deals we can make to facilitate that.

The other alternative plan I'm toying with is trying to get "A Formal Non-Aggression Treaty & Defensive Treaty Between the Federation & Britannia" to shake-up the geopolitical board entirely if that provides a good opportunity. Something like:

[ ] Plan: World Unification
-[ ] The Empress' Hand in Marriage.
--[ ] As First Husband.
-[ ] A Place in Her Administration.
--[ ] Piety
-[ ] A Formal Non-Aggression Treaty & Defensive Treaty Between the Federation & Britannia.
-[ ] The Taklamakan Desert Research Grant & Small Political/Trade Favors (For Charles).

This would let us open a Psionic Research Institue as part of the Ministry, marry Lihua, and cement an alliance between Britannia + China with a formal treaty alongside a bunch of political/economic deals for mutual benefits. We can then conquer Australia using the political capital earned from the alliance to gather a coalition of military forces in a joint operation rather than relying solely on China's fleets, which isn't a good PR look.

Remember we've got that meeting with the Governors of Area 8/9 coming up? Plus we just got the Crowns, and Indonesia would love to join in against piracy, etc.

I would be more confident if we had completed the Bodyguards Intrigue action.
On the other hand there is the fact that she is the heiress of a Britannian Duke. Would they try something during a visit?
Kallen doesn't want to bring Bodyguards with her, and if she's fussed over her safety too much Lelouch suspects she would just cancel the trip, like the update said. Slayer clarified the main danger is political/bureaucratic, not a physical threat to Kallen or her family, unless it's a worst case scenario, in which case our shinobi and Kallen are trained and capable of exfiltrating themselves.

It's a win-win scenario whichever way Kallen's trip ends up going - nothing happens and Kallen is able to relax, or something happens and we can intervene in Japan's turmoil while Kallen becomes even more loyal to us after her last ties to Japan are broken.
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