Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

What kind of "Psyker-Tech" are people expecting that couldn't have the effects replicated by conventional tech? PSI dominator, Mind control tower, or psychometry?
Well things like geass seem like they fit under the psionic tree though hopefully we could maybe replicate certain effects like that combat future sight the knight of one had. We may also expect to see things like psionic enhancers that may amplify psionic abilities. Then of course there is the possibility of psionic knightmare frames AKA freaking psychic mechs.
Tough choices, even though Hugo is far out of the running I think he probably would have been great for increasing the return on Australia.

It's a hard call between the frontrunners though, if we didn't have the orb Bertrand would've been the favorite for me as he enables to Lelouch's strengths well. If we want to go hard on exploiting the orb though access to contemporary secret societies and the archeology focus would both be helpful.

[X] Bertrand Smith

I'm fine with both picks but i'll go with the more conservative one this time.
[X] Bertrand Smith
I'm tempted by the sheer novelty of Dr. Jaeger, but think that developing drones, even just for surveillance, would be really good if we intend to rule the huge continent of Australia.​

[X] Dr. Kenshin Jaegar

Edited: Red Bovine convinced me to change my vote with his argument.
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Right, think we should remember what the QM mentioned about us picking advisors meant to cover areas that we aren't as good at ourselves. The hacking guy while able to probably synergize a bit with us is something we don't really desperately need since intrigue is one of our best stats and Lelouch isn't actually bad at the cyber stuff, not to mention that there are literally thousands of cyber savy people around that we can hire to deal with cyber security for us even if individcally they aren't as good as our potential advisor. Seriously, we are playing a freaking crown prince, it makes no sense that we won't be able to hire our own cyber team at any time.

What we really wanted was a science guy and not an intrigue guy. While we do have the orb we don't really have an advisor or anyone that is savy with things like psionics and tech(which seems like the most likely for us to unlock psy tech or seriously help) and it would be even harder to find someone very knowledgable of both psionics and tech stuff while it could pretty much take Lulu a few weeks to put together a cyber team by comparison.

As for people saying that the tech would be too expensive, knightmare frames are literally made using Sakurite which Lelouch can make with his alchemy. Meaning that we can probably have an easier time with dealing with expenses if Lulu can create psionic materials himself.
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I feel way about taking an Intrique Advisor alongside Learning Advisor specialized in Intrique (and a MC specialized in Intrique a bodyguard specialized in Intrique tbh). At least with Piety we're covering a relative weakness of our player character.
You have a point there, there are a lot of redundacy in intrigue right now.

I atrracted more to the drones and the possibility of jamming device rather than hacking/spying and blackmail materials.

Ed. Talk about Lulu's weakness, I think diplomacy is the biggest concern right now.
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It may not necesarily be vote trading, not saying it doesn't happen because I'm sure it does, but I rarely vote on CK quests due to the complexity of the votes.

When simple but divisive votes like this one appear, the semi lurkers come out to play.
I understand and I try to account for that in my estimates on single issue 'simple' votes. At this point, though, I'd probably put good money on at least ten votes having been called up by friends. My gut says more, but I'll give the benefit of the doubt.
[X] Dr. Kenshin Jaegar

I'm in favor of pushing the psionic tech and ability tree as much as we can. Its something that makes Lelouch stand out from his fellow Royals.

Also, this guy can guard himself or escape if he does get caught. Given our relative lack of military strength, that may be of value.
Also, this guy can guard himself or escape if he does get caught. Given our relative lack of military strength, that may be of value.

This should not ever be an issue unless they make problems or we are actively acting against the Emps. And if that's the case it is stated Smith is loyal to Britainia more then Brit

Also every other advisor is 100% going to cost money on all options, Smith gives the possibility of industrializing Australia on the Empires budget if we put a military spin on it. Which is also useful if we want secret facilities or just outright military instillation which would make rebelling/not legal shit we do easier.

At least this is what I think.
I understand and I try to account for that in my estimates on single issue 'simple' votes. At this point, though, I'd probably put good money on at least ten votes having been called up by friends. My gut says more, but I'll give the benefit of the doubt.
Nah, I've seen this sort of thing before. You've got a major choice that is simple and straightforward, and will decide a large portion of the coming play style. I can name half a dozen quests where they can have 20-30 voters most of the time, 40-50 for simple options... and then hit 100+ when options like this come up.

Forge of Destiny's Cai vote comes to mind. Many options over the years over on AGG: Rise. Many PoC and PoI votes.

Don't underestimate lurkers having pet issues that they will only bring themselves to vote for if it had clear options and is a major vote. I know I voted cause I both found jaegar the more interesting of the two, and want to see more psionic stuff in the coming years.
Also every other advisor is 100% going to cost money on all options, Smith gives the possibility of industrializing Australia on the Empires budget if we put a military spin on it. Which is also useful if we want secret facilities or just outright military instillation which would make rebelling/not legal shit we do easier.

At least this is what I think.
Quite honestly, the best advisor for what you're talking about, counting solely on their own merits, is Hugo. He's old hat at playing political games in a number of ways and can cut through the bullshit fairly easily. His special quality reflects that. Basically, all of his personal projects will be things that he can go, "No, see that's for military use and the Britannian industrial complex should start mass producing it." Or, alternatively... "Funding this project would make the Britannian military more capable, who wants to invest?"

Hugo's only caveat is that he hates people who lie to him about what they're doing with his tech. See backstory. If you're mass producing cybernetics and they're civilian grade, don't use them on soldiers. Similarly, if you commission him or exploratory vehicles for deep-sea mining, don't use them to deliver explosives to enemy ports. I can't exactly explain further, because all advisors have issues and resolving them is ho you really boost SLs later on.

Bertrand... can theoretically do some automated construction stuff if you chase his and Su's techs far enough, but that will be later stuff and require dedicated investment into it. What Bertrand can do, relatively easily, is tech up to start empty enemy accounts. If you wanted, he could also start stealing secrets to help blackmail people into supporting your goals.

Jaegar, again, is a bit of a gamble. He has the potential to do some insane stuff that will make people sit up and take notice of you in a big way. And, theoretically, he can get you to the point where you can start making Sakuradite later on at an industrial scale. That's printing money, basically. Note: Not Quickly. He's also likely to draw some attention from the academic community if you ever prove him right about anything he's said, because they'll have to start rewriting history wholesale. If you can manage that, lots of money comes your way simply as his patron.
I'm just wary that Lelouch might lie to Bertrand about something being developed down the line and he just packs up or something.
I'll assume you're referring to Hugo here.

The only time he'd get angry is if he could either prove you'd knowingly lied about what you wanted the tech for OR purposefully misused it outside of a moment of desperation. Going back to the undersea vehicle thing, if you had other options, but used them to plant explosives anyway, then he'd get angry, because that's using the equipment for something it wasn't developed for. Putting aside the personal morality of that, it wasn't meant to do that. If you have other options, use the tools you've got for the purposes they were made, that way fewer things can go dramatically, horrifyingly, wrong. (Backstory hint, he didn't blow up that base for no good reasons.)

If someone outside your chain of command takes the shit he makes and does something like that with it, it's not your fault. It's theirs and Hugo won't hold you accountable for it. He understands that, at some point, someone's going to use a Class-3 Knightmare Frame Repair Wrench to bludgeon someone to death. That's not the fault of the wrench's creator or manufacturer. It's the fault of the asshole holding the wrench.

The only way you piss off Bertrand is if you start actively undermining Britannian interests for absolutely no good reason, intentionally. Which, well, that's not going to happen.
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Jaegar, again, is a bit of a gamble. He has the potential to do some insane stuff that will make people sit up and take notice of you in a big way. And, theoretically, he can get you to the point where you can start making Sakuradite later on at an industrial scale. That's printing money, basically.
Holy crap that would be freaking amazing for us if we can pull that off. And that gives confirmation that Jaeger can help increase our production of sakuradite.