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[X] Dr. Kenshin Jaegar
...I never implied that a someone like Bertrand was a dime a dozen. Just mentioned that it seems like hackers at least near his level are more common than people like Kenshin who seems pretty crazy even for an advisor and seems to know a bit more about psionics. Note, psionics seems like a far less common field than those cyber related since most of the world is into cyberization. After all it seems like we would still be able to hire entire teams for cyber security anyway.I don't that @ThatGuyWithIdeas is fear mongering. They are instead making the salient point that cyber security, and lack thereof, is very important. It's no more fear mongering than suggesting we miss out on the opportunity of researching psionics by not getting Kenshin Jaegar. There are costs to going with any option instead of the others, and being reminded of that is simply common sense.
Like I said above, it's also ridiculous to act as if this guy, almost the equivalent of Lloyd Asplund in brilliance, is some kind of dime-a-dozen computer hacker. If anything, you're doing exactly what you accused @ThatGuyWithIdeas of doing, and are being "insulting to the QM by implying that they are pretty much railroading us into this choice" with the suggestion that Bertrand Smith is apparently just some worthless scrub, instead of a nigh unparalleled and absolute genius in his field.
As it is, I still haven't decided which advisor I want to get, as I'm torn between Bertrand and Kenshin, but I really dislike the arguments you all are making in favour of Kenshin.
What I meant by practical is that Bertrand skills dovetail nicely into ours and that I absolutely DO NOT WANT the little bastard to join OSI where there's a non-zero chance he'll end up scrutinizing us in the future.So that's really interesting, seeing as I feel Bertrand Smith is the one most likely doing something that's really bad for us.
Dr Kenshin Jaegar is a well-known lunatic, and it's more specifically well-known that he's a lunatic. If he says something insane, people won't be too offended. This is even reflected in the mechanics.
Moreover his partner is completely sane. She is likely used to making excuses for his bad behaviour and I'd say it's more than likely she keeps his insanity at bay in some sense, restricting the really crazy crazy that's probably inside him.
Bertrand Smith on the other hand is well-known to do criminal things and have an almost complete disregard for what is against the law. The update specifically states that he likes doing things that are against the law for thrill.
In addition his partner has the same flaws and they complement each other in this bad behaviour.
All in all these seem like the sort of people we don't want to be our problem. The intrigue seems to suit us nicely, but it's really not in a way that I would like us to do intrigue.
[X] Dr. Kenshin Jaegar
All of these choices are simply awesome!
25 learning for all means it's down to their traits and specialties, which Psionics is definitely the coolest imo.
Yeah everyone else plays with their blocks of "hard" matter, while we will work with what is truly intangible, and make it tangible!
We'll have mind control ready for him by then. Good luck working against us >:3What I meant by practical is that Bertrand skills dovetail nicely into ours and that I absolutely DO NOT WANT the little bastard to join OSI where there's a non-zero chance he'll end up scrutinizing us in the future.
This as much about denying his service to everyone else as it is about getting him for ourselves, really.
I'm low-key thinking about a sakuradite cottage industry where we use psionics to inflate Australia's economic value.
Bert & Su brings their seemingly unique tech options on top of their political leeway in hacking into fellow Britannian networks. Both of which were not open to us before and is unlikely to show up again in this combination.Bertrand Smith & Su Tollard: Advanced Learning actions open up in Cyber-warfare, Cyber-security, and Unmanned Drones. Special Feature: Imperial Ethics - They enable law-breaking actions against the Britannian Empire itself as long as they can be justified for it's long-term gain and prosperity.
The Dr2 bring with them the advanced Psionics, Archaeology, and Astrophysics, all options that requires a lot more resources and funds that we currently do not have. Projects being an non-entity to the empire is good since no one cares about the works of the mad man, but PAA are niche to begin with and Lulu already have an "in" in fields of Psionics / Archaeology thanks to traits.Dr. Jaegar & Dr. Hashima: Advanced Learning options open up in Psionics, Archaeology, and Astrophysics. Special Feature: Unorthodoxy - Projects will not require any level of political support, approval, or viability to Britannia at large.
Actually people wanted LLoyd because he is outright one of the best scientists in the series with only one other person being his equal. His specialty just happens to be knightmare frames.THE reason we wanted Lloyd was because of his specialization in building Gund-Knightmares
It should be noted that the QM outrgiht mentioned that piety and learning could work well together since we found the orb IIRC. We may be able to get something like magi tech with enough piety/learning research. Remember that our last piety option also unlocked more learning actions as well. The fact that Jaeger is a learning advisor along with being well versed in piety research seems like he may be one of the best options to get it or unlock the piety and learning tech tree. I mean it's outright implied that Sakurite which is used in knightmare frames was created by an ancient society using psy techniques.Jaeger seems more like Piety advisor than Learning advisor. We can recruit a more specialized piety advisor later,we need to tech up now. Psychic is super rare and not all our enemy has it, we need not a counter to what other people don't have but a counter to what most people have.
Both can works well yes, but why dedicate one Learning Advisor to piety research when you can recruit a truly specialized Piety Advisor?It should be noted that the QM outrgiht mentioned that piety and learning could work well together since we found the orb IIRC. We may be able to get something like magi tech with enough piety/learning research. Remember that our last piety option also unlocked more learning actions as well. The fact that Jaeger is a learning advisor along with being well versed in piety research seems like he may be one of the best options to get it or unlock the piety and learning tech tree. I mean it's outright implied that Sakurite which is used in knightmare frames was created by an ancient society using psy techniques.
While yes Mr hacker is talented we can literally also hire a team of cyber experts. So yes while he would be nice to have for that it would really not make any sense for us to not be able to hire any other experts in said area
As mentioned seeing as the guy is literally a learning advisor he seems like perhaps the best chance to find someone to help us researching psy tech. Because honestly it seems unlikely that we would find a piety advisor that also happens to be good at tech.Both can works well yes, but why dedicate one Learning Advisor to piety research when you can recruit a truly specialized Piety Advisor?
I prefer Piety Advisor than Learning Advisor specialized in Piety.
To the best of Lelouch's knowledge, the OSI answers directly to the Emperor and advises leading members of Parliament and the Government on various topics. Outside of that, Lelouch doesn't know the particulars of its hierarchy or structure, merely that field agents report to higher-ups, who report to some kind of division head, who all report to a series of organization-heads. There's probably an overall 'boss' of the entire organization, yes, but if there is and whoever it is, is a closely guarded secret.@Slayer Anderson who controls the OSI? I thought it was controlled by the Emperor, and it seemed to have deep connections canonically to the Geass Directorate. How does it work here?