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[X] Bertrand Smith
Dude can you not fear monger? Because you kind of are by pretty much implying that we absolutely need to take this choice or else we are screwed. Which just seems insulting to the QM by implying that they are pretty much railroading us into this choice.Whatever research we might get from Jaegar regarding Astrophysics, Archaeology and Psionics isn't going to matter if someone manages to break our cyber-security and find out all of our secrets and whatever research we have that we've kept a secret from the rest of Britannia, and if the OSI gets their hands on Bertrand, then the chance of our cyber-security being broken increases heavily. By taking Bertrand now, we make sure that no one can make use of him against us. Kenshin Jaegar isn't going anywhere, we could still try and recruit him later.
This is also something to consider but Bertrand while good likely isn't the only hacker of his caliber considering the setting is full of people as talented as him. Also consider that Lelouch would likely not be putting every single one of his secrets into a digital format and we have seen that this is the case for even the higher ups of Britania who still seem to use pen and paper for important stuff like with Jeanne's recruitment letter.You seem to be under the impression that Bertrand is the only super-hacker on the planet. Consider how many genius mech designers showed up in canon. Consider how many impossibly competent social and political manipulators there were. Consider how many transcendently skilled pilots are knocking about.
It is utter folly to think we can deny such capabilities to all the dozens of opposing factions we must contend with.
You can argue that Bertrand would be great to have to defend against enemy hackers. But we can get other cyber-security experts a heck of a lot easier than we can find someone else who knows about and can help us against the psi-conspiracy.
Since we apparently can't code to save our life, I can only hope to live vicariously through our advisors.
[x] Bertrand Smith
I'm certain that we can fix Bertrand and manage to convince him to reign in his desire to break the law for the thrill of it as we raise his SL. Also, unlike the other two choices, Bertrand has to be taken now or the OSI will take him instead. No matter what, we can not allow the OSI to get him, as it would heavily boost their capabilities of finding out secrets, which would become problematic for someone like us, who is specialized in Intrigue, if there's a situation where the OSI is investigating us.
That logic seems questionable. It's bizarre that you mention Kenshin Jaegar's Special Feature, without also mentioning Bertrand Smith's. Bertrand's Special Feature is "Imperial Ethics - They enable law-breaking actions against the Britannian Empire itself as long as they can be justified for it's long-term gain and prosperity." That essentially negates what you were worried about.So that's really interesting, seeing as I feel Bertrand Smith is the one most likely doing something that's really bad for us.
Dr Kenshin Jaegar is a well-known lunatic, and it's more specifically well-known that he's a lunatic. If he says something insane, people won't be too offended. This is even reflected in the mechanics.
Moreover his partner is completely sane. She is likely used to making excuses for his bad behaviour and I'd say it's more than likely she keeps his insanity at bay in some sense, restricting the really crazy crazy that's probably inside him.
Bertrand Smith on the other hand is well-known to do criminal things and have an almost complete disregard for what is against the law. The update specifically states that he likes doing things that are against the law for thrill.
In addition his partner has the same flaws and they complement each other in this bad behaviour.
All in all these seem like the sort of people we don't want to be our problem. The intrigue seems to suit us nicely, but it's really not in a way that I would like us to do intrigue.
This is also bizarre. Quite clearly there aren't many super hackers with stats of 25 learning on the planet. If there were, we wouldn't have needed a huge critical success in order to recruit this guy. You could just as equally argue that there are plenty of people who could help us study psionics. Are you going to say that we shouldn't pick Kenshin Jaegar because there are dozens or hundreds of other people just as skilled at Psionics who could help our enemies, and who we ourselves could recruit?You seem to be under the impression that Bertrand is the only super-hacker on the planet. Consider how many genius mech designers showed up in canon. Consider how many impossibly competent social and political manipulators there were. Consider how many transcendently skilled pilots are knocking about.
It is utter folly to think we can deny such capabilities to all the dozens of opposing factions we must contend with.
You can argue that Bertrand would be great to have to defend against enemy hackers. But we can get other cyber-security experts a heck of a lot easier than we can find someone else who knows about and can help us against the psi-conspiracy.
I don't think that @ThatGuyWithIdeas is fear mongering. They are instead making the salient point that cyber security, and lack thereof, is very important. It's no more fear mongering than suggesting we miss out on the opportunity of researching psionics by not getting Kenshin Jaegar. There are costs to going with any option instead of the others, and being reminded of that is simply common sense.Dude can you not fear monger? Because you kind of are by pretty much implying that we absolutely need to take this choice or else we are screwed. Which just seems insulting to the QM by implying that they are pretty much railroading us into this choice.
This is also something to consider but Bertrand while good likely isn't the only hacker of his caliber considering the setting is full of people as talented as him. Also consider that Lelouch would likely not be putting every single one of his secrets into a digital format and we have seen that this is the case for even the higher ups of Britania who still seem to use pen and paper for important stuff like with Jeanne's recruitment letter.