Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

Turn 11 - Phase I (Results) B:
Turn 11 - Phase 1 (Results) B:

Charles zi Britannia is as vulnerable as you've ever seen the man. While more recovered than when Euphemia had visited, he is still reclining on a great curved piece of furniture you're sure has an intricate, and probably French, name to describe it. Beside him is your mother, Marianne vi Britannia, who joins your father in staring at you vacantly as you continue your presentation. Schneizel, who had managed to talk his way into this whole thing, is off to one side. At one point, he'd obviously intended to play mother and serve tea to the whole room, but that plan had equally-obviously died as soon as you'd gotten a paragraph into your planned speech. Anya Alstreim is seated in a position near the door outside of your field of view and, while you are given to understand that silence is the girl's native tongue, the sheer void of noise and weight of attention from that angle is heavy enough that you believe her reaction to be similar.

You swirl a bit of saliva around in your mouth, wishing that Schneizel actually would get around to serving that tea, cold or not, at this point. In that moment, though, your father raises a heavy hand with his palm facing outward and closes his eyes for a long moment as he takes a deep breath.

"You discovered a piece of ancient psionic technology in an estate sale and, after bonding with it, learned that an ancient apocalypse had occurred. Said apocalypse was instigated by an alien race for unknown reasons some tens of thousands of years ago via orbital bombardment." Charles took a steadying breath, his eyes still closed. "Further, in researching this relic and the echoes of knowledge contained within, you have begun delving into the secrets of this ancient lost technology and replicating them. In doing so, you have developed a rudimentary method of replicating sakuradite, the theoretical stages of psionically-induced artificial levitation, and one of your scientists has discovered a population of sentient trees that the wayward pirate urchin you've taken in has taught to fly."

There is a long moment of silence before your father speaks again, his eyes opening to pierce you with a powerful and severe stare. "Have I properly recounted the information you have presented to me, Lelouch?"

You nod, refraining from gesturing at the tablet in his hands, replete with video files and pictures, and the numerous printed documents showing various evidence of your work. Doing so is unnecessary at this stage. "It is as you have said, Your Majesty."

There is another long round of silence as Charles nods with a grunt, turning his head downwards as he looks through the digital archive again and cross-references a few data points with the printed out information.

You resist the urge to shift anxiously in place.

Charles zi Britannia (Stewardship - Health): 86+??? = ??? (PASS)

In the interim of the Emperor's contemplative silence, your mother occasionally glances your way in a curiously detached manner as she reads over your father's shoulder. You very much cannot tell what either of your parents are thinking or feeling in this moment, which reduces your options to wait for a judgment instead.

In the end, Charles' gaze flicks up from the documents and locks back onto you for one final time. Then he speaks, but does not directly address you. "Anya. Summon Victor."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Anya replies, standing with a clack of boots on marble. There is the sound of an opening and closing door, then silence again.

"May I ask why you have decided to bring this to me years after your research began, nearly a decade in fact, and while I am currently infirmed?" Charles asks, passing the stack of papers and the data slate to your mother.

Lelouch vi Britannia (Diplomacy): 67+18+5 = 90 (PASS)

"I had thought it was the best possible time," you state bluntly.

The reply causes your father to blink, turning his head almost imperceptibly in curiosity. "Oh?"

"If His Majesty were to be angered by my decision to investigate subject matter which might become vital to the survival of the human race without alerting him, I felt that doing so while you were injured might at least give me a head start." You don't so much as allow your mouth to twitch, let alone twist into a grin, smirk, or other expression of mirth. For this to work, the delivery had to be perfectly deadpan. After all, if your encounter earlier with the press had confirmed one thing for you, it was that when faced with a question that had no good answer, there was only one recourse.

Don't answer it.

Charles' eyes widen in tandem with your mother's, the former of which lets out a loud bark of laughter and the latter a deep chuckle. Even Schneizel, off to the side, releases a subdued noise of amusement.

Still, the tension in the room is cut and your shoulders relax ever-so-slightly from their tense posture. Your father leans back, breathing out a long sigh as he nods at you. "I'll have you know that I could take you over my knee even in my current state, boy, and don't you forget it."

"Of course, sir," you nod deeply, the gesture almost a bow.

"Well Charles?" Your mother asks, turning to the bedridden man. "I suppose there's no other option than to read them in. Lelouch appears to know more than we do, or at least as much, at this juncture."

You blink, pushing away the vague feeling of surprise. Realistically, there was a strong possibility that your father knew something. After all, they apparently had a secret cadre of powerful psionics working in the OSI. If there were more artifacts like the one you'd found, and a simple exercise of logic would figure that where there is one there must be more, then they've probably come across others.

"To answer some of your questions," Charles begins, clearing his throat as he looks between you and Schneizel with a frown, "the Empire is roughly aware of the death of the previous dominant human civilization on this planet. There are - were - competing theories on exactly what happened, as solid proof of such ancient events are difficult to unearth. Normally, we have skilled archaeologists look over the personal collections of nobles. It appears that we will have to be more diligent in our evaluations."

The look on your father's face is very much one of displeasure, a clear signal that someone will enjoy the revelation of your knowledge far less than he did in this surprise reveal.

Schneizel quietly draws attention to himself with the movement of the tea platter, handing out cups and saucers to each of you, which you take gratefully. "Your Majesty, may I ask why the office of the Prime Minister is not alerted to such weighty matters?"

Charles sips at his cup, then snorts disdainfully. "And have some elected official demanding answers to suit their outsized sense of importance?"

Schneizel does not wince, but his expression does dim by a degree.

At least, before your mother jostles Charles with her elbow and the man rolls his eyes. "Even on the rare occasion an individual with moderately more important status occupies the position, though, the head of the OSI and the Directorate are jointly in charge of the investigations and the dissemination of the knowledge. To bring someone in who is not directly under their chain of command has, for some thirty-plus years now, required their mutual consent or my unilateral action."

You and your brother exchange a quick look, hearing the unspoken implication in conjunction with him. It was both a blessing and a curse that for all that Britannia pretended to be under the rule of an absolute monarch, the truth was much murkier and complicated. After all, it was difficult to retain loyal and capable personnel if one simply overruled them and disregarded their advice at every turn. Thus it was that 'absolute' authority was only to be used sparingly and when necessary.

Which meant two things. The first was that one, if not both, of these individuals protested informing Schneizel for some reason. The second was that they were so capable in their running of the institutions that they were sufficiently important for the Emperor to not simply be capable of overruling them unilaterally.

Which made them Very Important People.

"And what of my findings on the psionic technology?" You can't help but ask.

Charles shakes his head. "Truthfully, we've been focused on other matters." Marianne gives him an intent look and he rolls his eyes. "Very well. We've been focusing on repairing large devices they left behind in key positions around the world. We've taken to calling them Thought Elevators due to their ability to magnify the psionic potential of the individuals who use them."

You frown, your eyebrows furrowing as something itches at the back of your mind.

"The powers of which can then be applied in many and varied ways over large swathes of the planet Earth," Charles explains, looking at both you and Schneizel intently.

The latter's eyes widen slightly, his self-control too much to allow himself more than that. "I see." And, from the sound of it, he does see the wider implications for the Empire as a whole, but...

"Van-Rannen," you breathe, your mind unlocking some deeper part of memories that weren't entirely yours. "The Trees of Van-Rannen."

Charles' gaze reoriented on you intently. "A phrase to that effect has come up several times, Lelouch. Would you happen to have more information on the subject."

You blink rapidly as flashes of scenes roll over your mind's eye and you shake yourself as you reach up and massage your temples. You barely notice Marianne begin to rise, but held back by your father as you try to draw the information into a cohesive whole. "They were... defensive. We - they - used them to quell slave rebellions, stop natural disasters, and help with large-scale construction projects. They were only altered recently - right before they fell - to account for asteroid impacts."

You reach for more and the memories slip through your grasp like sand between your fingers.

You grimace, one final shred coming through. "I-I think... the ancestor... or teacher? The person who created the artifact, I think the person who taught them, or the person that taught that person might have been Van-Rannen."

That was the feeling you got, at least. Some kind of immense respect mixed in with a not-quite-familial closeness.

"Interesting, I will have to-" Charles begins thoughtfully, but is cut off as the door opens abruptly.

"I'm here Charlie, what's all this about-you." The golden-haired child with the posture and confidence of a grown man is exactly like Euphemia reported him, but-

The memories, so recently abated, come roaring back to the surface as a whirlwind of indistinct sensations flows through you. Your legs shake, your breath comes in quick gasps, a full-body quake of such immense sadness and relief that you can't help but release the choked sob that bubbles up.

'Victor,' whoever he is, has stilled so utterly he might as well be a statue, his face utterly ghost-white in the split-second after he finished his sentence. Some deep and abiding fear is writ large on his expression, the likes of which you can't help but understand. You... had been too focused on your parents, on the Emperor's judgment to feel him approach, and you wonder if he'd been distracted as well.

His psionic presence is like a lighthouse in a storm, shining through anything that would shield it from view in a near-equal to your own when caught unawares. It's doubtless this sensation which drives Crowley to his less-than-productive fits of worship.

"San-Rannen," the blonde-haired psionic whispers, tears springing from his eyes as the word is caught on misery and loss.

"Har-Lorren," you reply, smiling despite the tears streaming down your own cheeks.

In a moment, 'Victor' has crossed the room, sobbing uncontrollably as you wrap him in a tight embrace while you do the same.


Your mother is indulging in one of her rare fits of mother-henning and gently rubbing circles on your back after the... attack had finally faded. Interestingly, Victor is actually sitting on the edge of your father's bed, his hair coiled up like some kind of shield as your father stares at him with a kind of open concern you almost want to remark upon for its sheer alien quality on the mighty ruler's face.

Schneizel, pillar of etiquette and control that he is, has never seemed so at a loss save for this moment.

After a deeply embarrassing loss of control which has both you and Victor avoiding each other's gazes for the rest of the meeting, you clear your throat and refuse to look your parents or your brother in the eye either. "I-ah, apologize. I've, never-um, had quite that response before."

Victor coughs somewhat wetly, the clatter of fine porcelain telling you that he's taken a cleansing sip of tea. "I-it's fine. The... echoes of previous holders sometimes catch us off-guard."

"Holders?" You ask, shaking your head to try and clear it again. You take the cup of tea your mother offers mutely with a nod of thanks.

"You don't-" Victor begins in surprise, turning to you before abruptly turning back as a mutual thrum of recognition vibrates through your gaze again. "N-no, it doesn't feel as if it's complete. Of course. A fragment then. I can feel where it's broken. Ugh, it would be you, wouldn't it?"

"I think... the best thing to do right now would be to take a break," your mother suggests gently, looking between the two of you in concern, then towards Charles. "How about that, dear?"

Charles nods distractedly. "Yes, I don't think anything productive will be settled with all that's happened. Why don't you take Lelouch and get some food in the boy-s," He shifts his gaze to Schneizel at the last second and amends the noun with a plural.

A look of profound relief crosses Schneizel's face as he makes for the door. "Of course, Your Majesty, I would happily accompany Lady Marianne and Lelouch to the dining hall. Shall I send for something for you as well?"

Charles raises a hand to wave your brother off when you hear Victor mutter something under his breath. A look of fond exasperation crosses your father's face. "Two bowls of neapolitan ice cream with fudge and caramel, Schneizel."

If anything, your brother looks more awkwardly eager to leave as he accepts the command.

Still, as you walk through the halls of the palace, he claps you on your shoulder and you still for a moment under his gaze. "Before we go further, Lelouch... I wanted to thank you. You've... made me reconsider some things. I am afraid I won't have time for the meetings we had planned this year. It... seems I need to account for some gaps in my knowledge."

You're tempted to chuckle for the sheer enormity of the statement, but settle for nodding tiredly. What happened in that room burned you out emotionally like nothing you had ever felt before and it would take time to recover.

"I will say... if you ever have need of a favor, please reach out, brother," Schneizel offers at the end.

Results: Schneizel's SL Improves (+1), Victor ???'s SL Opens at (+1), Open up Further Personal, Learning, Piety, & Diplomacy Actions, No Penalty for Withholding Information From the Throne, ???
Turn 11 - Phase 1 (Results) C:
Turn 11 - Phase 1 (Results) C:

[ ] Red: Kallen has fervently stated she does not desire to be your sole romantic partner. Nor does she want or expect to be part of the political side of your affairs. Jeanne, you are less sure of, but you don't believe she wishes for such either. The question becomes, then... what do they want? This situation is further complicated by Kallen's ongoing... malaise? Thoughtfulness? Whatever you would like to call it, after you selected Nunnally as your Knight of Honor. Jeanne, too, is increasingly vital to your operations now that she effectively rules a foreign city in your name. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 0; DC: 70/90; Rewards: Kallen & Jeanne's SL Progress, Information about the future of your relationships.

Red: 76+15+5+10 (Omake) = 106
Jeanne relaxed against your chest, one of her rare unguarded moments of intimacy as she sipped at a glass of wine. "What did His Majesty make of your ambitions?"

"I managed to meet with him a few more times before we had to leave Pendragon," you replied with a sigh as you sipped at your own wine. "He nominally gave me his blessing to pursue a match with the Chinese Empress with the understanding that I do it on my own terms."

Jeanne nodded slowly. "Am I to take it that such characterization of his decision means negative consequences will fall on you should you fail?"

You hum in agreement. "Naturally."

"What will be the cost?" Jeanne asks quietly.

"In order to appease the detractors at court, I'll likely have to give up my place in the line of succession," you explain, feeling Jeanne stiffen against you. "Neither Euphemia nor Nunnally will be required to do so, though."

The commander of your military forces relaxes again. "I see. I suppose it's not an unreasonable demand to make, especially with the understanding that Euphemia will be the defacto legal wife within the Empire's borders. What of the general mood in the empire as regard your actions?"

You shrug, grimacing lightly. "Truthfully, the topic has been buried by concerns of national security since the attack on Pendragon. There was little talk of other subjects, but I was able to feel out sentiment such that it appears the majority of imperial subjects see my intervening in the Chinese Civil War as a good thing. Though I feel that there is little concern for the details and more a general belief that any furthering of imperial power is for the greater good."

Jeanne hums thoughtfully. "Did the Emperor request anything else from you?"

You nod, swirling the liquid in your glass. "There were other things he pressed for in the event I can't attain my primary goal. Trade concessions, potentially opening up more ports to foreign shipping, diplomatic and logistical favors for the Euro-Britannians to use against the Rus Republic... most of it was fairly standard diplomatic bargaining."

"Most?" Jeanne asks, the question restrained in its curiosity.

"There is, apparently, a grant of land which the head of OSI and the head of the Directorate, whom I still haven't become acquainted with, would like as part of an anthropological research proposal into ancient civilizations."

"Given what you now know, Lelouch... it is almost certain to involve these ancient constructs, whether they are 'Trees of Van-Rannen' or 'Thought Elevators.' Where is it?" Jeanne asked, her gaze narrowed in thought.

"The Taklamakan Desert," you reply. "A veritable hellscape of sand and rocks that swings from well below zero to upwards of forty degrees depending on the time of day and year. I looked it up and, by some accounts the name translates to, 'Place of No Return.'"

Jeanne huffs a quiet laugh. "Well, that's quite ominous."

"Indeed." You snort, reaching an arm around her to hold her tightly. "Now, before I take you to bed with me, you wanted to talk about something more serious?"

Jeanne grimaces and shakes her head. "I, yes... hmm, it's nothing of major consequence, merely that I've heard of some discontent among the knights."

You cock your head and nod slowly. "I suppose I can guess as to what this is about. It's coming up on seven years since I called many of them into service, isn't it?"

Quietly, you are surprised by the revelation. Seven years. It seems simultaneously too short and too long a time period for what you've accomplished. Still, it makes sense. The tradition is to reward knighthoods after a period of ten years of service with something. It did not necessarily have to be a landed title in specific, but that tended to be the gold standard for valuable contributions.

"While many are content with their current service and non-heritable titles, there is a small yet vocal minority who wish to see a promise of becoming landed nobility," Jeanne affirms your thoughts. "It is not a problem, as of yet. Not truly. None of the knights are discontent and still see service under your banner as both worthwhile and rewarding in the battles they have taken part in. Moreover, they trust your judgment given how few of them have fallen in battle and the generous pensions offered to those likewise few maimed and crippled."

You drain your glass and set it down, then wave off your subordinate from refilling it, thinking. The easy solution would be to cut up parts of New Caledonia and hand it out to the knights with the greatest achievements under their belts. It is not a small island, by any means, but it is still nominally a Britannian possession and, therefore, a subpar choice. Doing so would indicate an inability to conquer your own lands and divide them up.

The secondary options would be to get off your ass about Australia and begin to make inroads into the continent to cut up parcels of land and reward your knights. Either that, or... your gaze drifts out to Guangzhou ponderously.

Well, that will be a matter you'll hopefully have settled by the time your meeting with the Empress is over. After all, if you do become the hereditary governor of the province, or even the extended city's boundaries... well, it would be tricky, but you should be able to put into place a few subordinates to govern in your name.

Nobility in all but name.

"Are you and Kallen among those who wish for lands?" You ask, intuiting there was a reason why she'd brought this subject up now and not later while you were both in uniform.

Jeanne stiffens against you and lowers her head, which is all the confirmation you need.

"I am not angry," you assure her soothingly as her face flushes with shame, drawing her into a deep kiss to distract her from the topic. "You have served me well for a decade, Dame Rowe. I apologize if it seemed for a moment that I did not value your service."

Jeanne melts into your embrace, curling against you as you withdraw. "It is... I understand the position we are currently in, Lelouch. I do not hold it as a slight, but... I am not without my own ambitions. Ambitions that do not end with just a landed title."

"I would do well to remember that," you nod, still holding her close. "I will see to it that the issue is resolved as quickly as possible."

Even if it is another thing on your plate in what is already shaping up to be a busy year.

"And Kallen?" You press.

Jeanne chuckles, rare amusement from her. "I would advise you to ask her yourself. Uncouth and disrespectful though she may be, I have come to regard her as a friend. It would do her well to explain her position on her own terms."

"I'll keep that in mind as well, then," you state, unceremoniously sliding a hand underneath the woman to your side and lifting her up as you ignore her cry of surprise. "Now, to the bedroom, I believe."

Although things may have changed a great deal in the past several years, at least an equal part of them stayed very much the same. In particular, Jeanne Rowe had a very difficult time articulating what she desired to those in a position of power above her. Fortunately in the intervening period, you'd learned to read her wants and needs more accurately.

Now to see if the same held true with Kallen Stadtfeld.

Kallen groaned as she reclined along the bed, her uniform still on, though in a half-disheveled state as was common in her off-hours. The redhead swept a hand through her hair and undid the work of her stylist in one messy flourish. "The problem is I don't know what I want, okay?!"

You didn't make direct eye contact, instead choosing to root through the small refrigerator for the freshly sliced fruit and juices you knew were hiding within. Kallen, you had learned long ago, tended to react unpredictably if she felt she was being placed under too much scrutiny.

It was, in all honesty, one of the reasons you had passed her over for the position of Knight of Honor.

"You say that like it's a problem," you note, dancing around the plane's bedroom to gather the rest of your snack before handing the woman a tall glass of non-alcoholic cider.

"It is if you have to listen to my parents," Kallen groused, taking a long drink from the glass.

"Are they dissatisfied with our current arrangement?" You probe cautiously, seating yourself and placing the plate of fruit between yourself and Kallen.

"Not like it should be any of their business, but... kinda'." Kallen stops to select an apple slice and you remain quiet as you flip through a few notes on your upcoming meeting with the Empress to refresh yourself, only turning your attention back to your lover as she begins speaking again. "It seems like they were expecting me to get pregnant by now."

You hum and nod, "I'm not all that surprised."

"Well that makes one of us," Kallen rolls her eyes. "So why didn't you tell me?"

"Putting aside the fact that it never came up in conversation?" You ask rhetorically. "I didn't foresee you responding well to airing my own thoughts on your parents' considerations of your reproductive capacity."

Kallen almost chokes on the cider in her mouth, coughing violently as she forces it down before turning to you with a nasty look in her eye that only grows as she takes in your grin. Slugging your arm hard enough to feel but not hard enough to bruise, she snorts. "Ass. Yeah, okay, I can see how that would go. Ugh, it's just a mess. Plus, they've been on me about Nunnally taking the spot as your Knight of Honor."

Your amusement fades as you seize the best opportunity you've had in quite some time to broach the subject. "Are you disappointed I didn't choose you?"

Kallen's face shifts as she visibly fights through a series of emotions. "If you'd asked me immediately after you picked her? Yeah, I was."

"You're not now?" You query, your tone lacking judgment.

"Not since you sent her to talk to the Empress of China," Kallen replies, sighing. "I kinda' thought... the job woulda' been all about fighting and taking hits for you. I didn't realize it meant I'd have to speak for you in stuff like that. Politics and everything."

Pointedly, you do not share your own insight that you'd suspected such. There was no reason to add insult to injury, after all. "If you're unhappy with your current position..."

"No! Yes, I mean-Ugh." Kallen sighs again and drags her hands over her face. "It's complicated. I think... I want some space? Maybe some time to figure things out? I'd like to go visit my mom in Japan and take a break. See if that clears things up."

You keep your face blank as you consider the request. Allowing Kallen to go to Japan in the current political climate is... not the best idea, if you're honest with yourself. Half the Japanese government has reason to wish you ill and the other half is, at best, ambivalent towards you. There is a not-insignificant chance that certain individuals could notice Kallen returning to the country and decide to make an issue of it by detaining her for any number of reasons.

You could, instead, offer to shoulder the near-negligible burden of allowing the Kozuki family to vacation on New Caledonia or the Philippines. You would suggest Britannia, but you doubt it would have the effect Kallen seems to be seeking. For that matter, you don't think a 'vacation' is what she really wants either. Your knight has always been a creature of freedom, someone who chafes against confinement yet, in seeming contradiction, finds fulfillment in following orders. Up to this point, her service under you had been an escape from the confines of Britannian society. If she's begun to feel that pressure here, a retreat to Japan would soothe her temperament.

The topic is made all the more thorny by the fact that Kallen would likely take concern for her well-being in returning home poorly. Beyond some minor precautions, if you make too much of a political issue of the request she's very much the type to simply disregard her own needs entirely. Like Jeanne, she has difficulty in admitting what she truly desires, but for different reasons entirely.

Hmm... sadly, the choice is rather binary in regards to Kallen.

[ ] Refuse. Kallen is too necessary in her current role at this time. You'll revisit the issue later.
[ ] Accept. Kallen may return to Japan and spend this year at her leisure.

Rewards: Jeanne Rowe & Kallen Stadtfeld SL Increase (+1) Each. Jeanne Rowe wishes to be awarded a landed noble title within 3-5 Years. Kallen Stadtfeld wishes to return home and clear her mind to make important decisions about her future. ??? Avoided.
[ ] In the Court of the Empress: Considering that you're currently occupying a portion of her land, you might also want to make time in your busy schedule to meet with the new Empress of China. Again, the birth of your daughter has bought you some time and breathing room, but possibly even more urgent than Pendragon, it is only a matter of time before your army on her soil becomes a military issue rather than a diplomatic one. There is the possibility you could put the visit off if you are able to cite security concerns, but such excuses would require someone to ferry them and only hold for so long. Cost: 750; Upkeep: 0; DC: 75; Rewards: Finalize Exchanges of Territory/Favors/Currency/Position with Lihua, Prevent Military Confrontation Between Your Forces.

In the Court of the Empress: 63+15 = 78
The capital city of China is every bit as marvelous and awe-inspiring as the reports from Nunnally and Alice had led you to believe. Upon entry you are ferried through the city's elaborate canals on a vessel clearly built to more closely match those from centuries prior. Countless attendants move about, much like in the capital city of Pendragon where you were born and raised. Unlike Pendragon, though, the Forbidden City is a palace unto itself with no private enterprises, banks, or other corporate interests allowed within the walls. The settlements outside the walls cater to those factions of politics, with many of the major firms within China holding offices to more easily communicate with the throne itself.

It is at these outer walls where you are finally parted from Meihua, allowing her to leave your side for the first time in months. The young princess gives you one final bow and you and your small accompaniment of guards and secretaries are granted an elaborate tour the likes of which you are fairly sure outsiders are not usually afforded.

One thing you are thankful for is that the congregation of Chinese Federation Assembly Members does not meet within the Forbidden City.

The Vermillion Forbidden City is, after all, the capital of China, not of the Chinese Federation.

As such, you are spared the cost in time of being forced to meet with all manner of politicians and representatives from every corner of the Federation. Instead, you are allowed a few pleasantries with courtly officials, exchange some information regarding Guangzhou's administration, and are allowed time to recover from your travels. All in all, it is a rather sedate reception which welcomes you to the palace.

Then, you are shown into the inner sanctum of the palace.

And you meet with the Empress of the People of China.
Lelouch vi Britannia (Diplomacy): 86+18+5 = 109
Empress Lihua (Diplomacy):
18+23 61+23 = 84
"Huangdi," you greet as you bow low. "I thank you for blessing me with permission to enter your palace and the untold generosity afforded to me in being allowed to tarnish your presence with my lowly self."

There is a quiet scoff of amusement.

You do not raise your head.

"You are polite, Prince of Britannia. You also speak our language well." She pauses, then sighs. "In addition to the numerous favors you have done us, you now return our cousin to us in good health. Even the liberties you have taken with presenting her to foreign journalists, we cannot truly fault you for. In the time you have toured the grounds, she has made us understand that she wished to speak before them to court favor on our behalf."

You still do not raise your head, understanding the trap which has been laid.

"You also bring us the traitors who held her far from us and sought to undermine our regime. You have opened a second front in the southern lands of our empire and allowed our general to cut off all aid from our vassal states that the traitors might draw. You have defended our people from other invaders on our behalf as well as our family."

Your head remains bowed.

"Raise your head and seat yourself," the Empress commands at last. You finally look up and see a tired young woman who nevertheless looks at you with something like admiration. Her gaze is wary, but resigned. You both know that the woman before you holds the power to see you dead on the spot, but has her hands tied by bindings as strong as the very state she now rules.

Should she sunder one, the others will shatter as well.

"To convey but a token of our gratitude, we shall grant you a majority share in the pirate company of the southern continent our confidant Kaguya has informed us of as well as a lump sum." Lihua's statement is accompanied by a servant offering you a silver platter with a stack of documents on it. "In all the breadth of our empire, ask for what else you wish and we will see it granted."

You open your mouth to ask for-

[ ] The Empress' Hand in Marriage.
-[ ] As First Husband.
-[ ] As Second Husband.
[ ] Her Cousin's Hand in Marriage.
[ ] The Province of Guangzhou, as a Fief.
[ ] The Land of India, as a Fief..
[ ] A Place in Her Administration.
-[ ] Stewardship
-[ ] Intrigue
-[ ] Piety
[ ] Exemption from Taxation in All Trade under Your Name.
[ ] A Formal Non-Aggression Treaty & Defensive Treaty Between the Federation & Britannia.
[ ] A Personal Noble Title & Income.
[ ] The Taklamakan Desert Research Grant & Small Political/Trade Favors (For Charles).
[ ] Recognition of your claims in Australia & Support Enforcing Them.
[ ] Key Natural Resource Monopolies in Extraction Rights.
[ ] Psionic Recruitment & Research Foundation on Chinese Soil.

Rewards: (+40%) Shares in The Crowns PMC & $10,000 RBN.


6 Hour Moratorium! DO NOT VOTE FOR 6 HOURS!

Due to the importance of this vote, the discussion period is extended to 6 Hours, during which I should be available for Q&A. Afterwards, I will open voting for at least 48 Hours to encourage further discussion and finalization of plans.
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Quest Notice: Good New/Bad News Time
So first off, I want to say this decision has been a long time in coming looking back on it.

I started this quest back in 2019 when I was in a very, very different place in my life than I am now. I won't go into specifics, because there are a lot of them, but suffice to say I had a lot more free time to dedicate to this sort of thing.

The sad truth is that I just no longer have that kind of time and it's been showing in both how much I can dedicate to this quest and the kind of quality in recent posts and decisions I've been making.

This week, this quest has eaten about ten solid hours in terms of Q&A and keeping up with the discussion so I know when I need to moderate content. You all have been very well behaved, but that doesn't mean I get to avoid taking responsibility for what gets posted in-thread or for not stopping an incipient flame war. Just today, answering questions and responding to requests ate my break-time on my day job. So that can't happen anymore. Period. But, for a quest like this where people are working on formatting plans and votes and have to do that inside a tight time frame? It kind of has to. Otherwise I get discussions like what what's happening right now, where things are getting tense and people are finding hills to die on. Which means I have to keep reading all the comments and responding to questions just in case someone goes to far and I have to report people when insults come out. All of this eats more time that I really don't have.

This is all also very stressful and it takes time away from my other writing projects. Many of which are money-makers on Patreon & Subscribestar. So, cynically, that adds another reason I just can't keep running the quest.

But I'm not killing the quest. Not yet.

This quest is almost five years old and it's meant a lot to me. I've had a lot of fun writing it. More than that, the people who've participated deserve better than to be left hanging.

So I'm going to write a series of epilogues after settling the current vote. It may take a couple months, there will likely be a few more simple yet impactful votes, but I just can't keep doing this. If I try, I sincerely believe it's going to run the quest into the ground in terms of quality and quantity of updates. A contributing factor in this decision is also the fact that, with the latest series of incidents, Lelouch has largely 'made it' in terms of quest goals. He's advanced almost as far as it is possible to. There isn't all that much momentum left in how things settle out, just some minor details. The pirates of Australia no longer truly matter.

This is no one's fault. This is not any group's fault. No one who asked me questions today should feel bad about doing so. No one who tagged me should regret it.

Quests are a very time-consuming endeavor when you get beyond a certain complexity and this quest is far, far beyond that.

This is the nature of the beast. I just don't have the time anymore. I'm sorry.

So, Kallen's going to Japan, that's settled. Incredibly one-sided.

Clean Lelouch/Leihua Vote:

[ ] Marry into the Chinese Royal Family
-[ ] Marry Lihua as First Consort
-[ ] Marry Lihua as Second Consort
-[ ] Marry Meihua
[ ] Do NOT Marry into the Chinese Royal Family (1 Extra Reward Next Vote)


I will not be available for questions. I will be stepping away from the computer for a while and then I need to work on something else.

I will be keeping an eye on the thread to ensure there are no blame-game shenanigans.

Adhoc vote count started by Slayer Anderson on Apr 3, 2024 at 9:40 PM, finished with 525 posts and 116 votes.
Quest Epilogue I
Epilogue I:

You are to be wed to the Empress of China.

Before the announcement, you had just been stepping onto the world stage. You were significant, yes. After your accomplishments in invading and occupying a major Chinese city, no one could argue that. Moreover, the fact that you'd done it without anyone being made aware of it until it was too late spoke volumes of your capabilities regardless of your success. Facing down the Empire of the Rising Sun merely cemented a growing legend.

But that was a regional fame.

For all that the people of Europa United like to picture themselves as more enlightened than the politically conservative and backwards Britannians, the truth is that the bulk of the population of both regions simply did not care what was happening half a world away. Of course, the same could be said of the people of China about the affairs of either of the two other global superpowers. People and events might be noteworthy, but they are not relevant.

Relevancy, in this instance, being a function of threat.

A man with an army, no matter how loyal and capable, is limited by tactics, strategy, logistics, and political support.

A man with a nation is no longer so limited.

In the stroke of a pen and the announcement of vows, you move from a topic of curiosity and concern within the ranks of the political strategists and gossiping bar-stool analysts to a looming shadow in the minds of entire populations and the recurring discourse of news agencies.

Prior to this development, another strange aspect of your political status was that the EU public had been fairly warm to you, even as a Britannian prince. As someone who had joined forces with their forsaken Australian colony to fight pirates, your reputation was something of the 'Good One' of Britannian Royals. Even your intercession in the Chinese Civil War was looked upon optimistically, given the wide-ranging knowledge of the Eunuch's mismanagement of the country.

In Britannia, though, you were suffering a constant stream of negative press from all those who were either aligned against you or saw you as a developing threat to their own entrenched status. The announcement of your impending marriage with the Chinese Empress, moreover as her second husband, immediately took the sting out of your threat. No longer were you competition for the HBE's political power and a latecomer threat for the throne, but now an emissary representing Britannia's interests to a powerful ally.

Significantly, 'ally' was not too far off the mark.

With a non-aggression pact in place, a cooperative research grant to be finalized, and a Britannian prince both marrying into the royal family as well as taking a powerful position in the Chinese government...

It is an alliance in all but name.

And it sends shockwaves through the global political order.

In the wake of an attack on the very heart of the Holy Britannian Empire, news of the new ties established with China and the possibility of increasing access to rare earth metals, sakuradite in Indonesia, and increased trade between the two nations acts as a stabilizing agent in the chaos. Further, China proves to be a fertile market for second and even third-generation Britannian weaponry in the wake of their civil war. As the country goes through a complete reorganization of their military under the revived Banner Army system, the stockpiles of semi-obsolete weaponry serve as a valuable stopgap between the completely outdated arms previously being used and the newly-announced weapons which will be domestically developed.

One of the most significant and immediate consequences of the semi-alliance, though, is the negotiated peace between the eastern half of the now-former MEF and Britannia. With the revelation that the Eunuchs had been smuggling resources, war materiel, and other supplies to the embattled state, that lifeline is abruptly cut with the final fall of High Eunuch forces and the destruction of their distribution network. Reorganizing itself as the Neo-Persian Constitutional Monarchy, the cessation of hostilities and establishment of a solid border allows Britannia to consolidate its gains and focus on the series of revolts and terrorist attacks in the wake of the attack on Pendragon.

The western MEF, fueled by the hope of a Europa United intercession on their behalf, refused to give in so easily, even as EU diplomats offered to negotiate on their behalf and Bulgarian forces close in on Constantinople. The ultimate resolution of the conflict results in a coup by the military to end the war after the MEF's western capital is lost to a combined assault by Bulgarian forces and Cornelia's army.

It is only then that the EU, slumbering beast it is, begins to stir.

Massive landships roll through the Balkans on the Europan superhighways, less 'vehicles' and more 'mobile terrain features' equipped with enormous guns most commonly seen on naval vessels than anything else.

A few tense months pass as Bulgaria and Cornelia's army regroup in Constantinople under the heavy shadow of the EU's First, Second, and Third Rolling Fleets.

The Bonaparte, in particular, casts an enormous threat on The City of the World's Desire from a secure base high in Balkans well over fifty miles away.

Schneizel eu Britannia personally attends to negotiations, bringing an end to the standoff after a lengthy round of debate between Bulgaria, the newly-formed Anatolian Republic, the Holy Britannian Empire, and Europa United.

In the end, Bulgaria will be allowed to retain its independence and Constantinople, and will be admitted to the Union as an Associate Member, a new designation created specifically for the occasion. Greece, a latecomer to the conflict in its waning days, declares sovereignty over a number of islands in the Dardanelles and a few small slivers of contested lands on the former MEF border. The EU backs these claims as a transparent attempt to hold some level of control in the straits that connect the Black and Mediterranean Seas.

Cornelia li Britannia's forces retain the eastern half of the city of Constantinople, drawing an international boundary between the two districts and continents in the water between them. As part of the agreement reached, both sides will be permanently demilitarized, with representatives from the other superstates of the world forming an international inspection agency in order to ensure no heavy weaponry outside of a single company of disarmed ceremonial KMFs on the Britannian side and a similar unit for the newly-formed Bulgarian Legion on the European side.

Constantinople itself is isolated within a special district and, while the final agreements hold that it does not require authorization to travel across the straits, it will require documentation to enter and leave the city itself.

Britannia also lays claim to the southern shore of the Black Sea, reinforcing Greater Armenia and Kurdistan as buffer states between their own holdings and the Rus Republic. The Anatolian Republic retains right to much of the remainder of the peninsula, ultimately establishing the boundaries for the next Area as well. Lila la Britannia is formally inaugurated as the Viceroy of Area 11, reigning across much of Arabia, Mesopotamia, and the Levant. A separate peace is signed with the Ethiopian Empire to finalize the borders of the southwestern corner of the Arabian peninsula.

Within Britannia, the year after your upcoming nuptials are announced, your brother and sister also announce an impending marriage. Guinevere and Odysseus, over the objection of the groom's mother, are to be wed shortly before you, yourself.

Closer to 'home,' you are eventually required to return the city of Guangzhou to the Chinese government. In a grand ceremony filled with pomp, you meet your intended wife for only the second time, handing over control of the area and honoring the various mercenary bands who were part of your forces for both their valor and self-control during the seizure of the lands and the occupation thereof. Each of them walk away with what is, to them, a large bonus.

In recognition of your own good treatment of the populace, Lihua grants you some small personal lands in the rural, inland part of the city as well as personal ownership of the former High Eunuch's governmental palace and its attendant grounds. Given that you are well-liked among the people and a nearly-unquestionably loyal part of her new administration, it accomplishes the dual goal of giving the new governor direct local oversight and ensuring that you don't show up at the capital too much.

The Ministry of Culture, Arts, Heritage, and Ceremonies is largely a figurehead, after all.

Your appointment, as a foreigner, to the position, raises a number of eyebrows among the population, but many see it as a promise by the new Empress to more closely retain governmental power within the immediate royal family. As Li Xingke is appointed head of the overall military in recognition of his successful inland subjugation of Eunuch forces and her cousin's fiance, one of the Ma Clique, is placed in charge of the Ministry of Education, Research, and Development, this theory is quickly borne out.

Kaguya Sumeragi is appointed as the new head of the Ministry of Diplomatic Affairs over her own objections. It takes some time to draw the girl out of her depressive funk after the revelation that she almost killed her friend's cousin, but between yourself and Euphemia you manage to slowly drag her out of her self-imposed isolation.

Yet another thing that Lihua, privately, thanks you for after the ceremonial handover of her city, when it comes out that Kaguya had been so utterly distraught over the news that Lihua had a number of her most trusted staff keeping covert watch on her friend to ensure she did not make a tragic mistake while overcome by sadness.

It comes as a shock to you, but one which you are thankful to have avoided.

The last significant occurrence of your tumultuous recent years, unsurprisingly, revolves around Kallen Statdfeld. Shortly after transferring New Caledonia to Jeanne Rowe's personal ownership, along with its associated title, you get word that Japan formally detained Kallen and her family with accusations of spying for the Britannian Empire.

It is... a bit of a diplomatic clusterfuck.

Genbu Kururugi had been tenaciously attempting to keep himself in power, staunchly defending his position against all critics and challengers. The result of his retaining his position resulted in frigid relations between the empires of China and Japan, the effect doubling as the semi-alliance between China and Britannia was announced. With Euro-Britannia still largely under the control of the throne in Pendragon, this effectively isolated the island nation to the north, east, and west, with the only saving grace being Indonesia's newfound, if limited, autonomy meant that they could still ensure travel to the African Unions and the EU.

This becomes important as the remaining superstates begin to draw up mutual defense treaties to attempt to ensure their own safety in the face of an apparently consolidating power bloc. The African Unions, especially, appear to redouble their efforts to properly draw in the neutral states of the Central African Union into one enormous super-alliance spanning the majority of the continent. The EU, on the other hand, easily ratifies a treaty with Japan and, with the new threat at the very doorstep of Europa, attempts reconciliation with the Rus Republic.

To no avail.

Even as the rest of the world attempts to take a step back from hostilities in the wake of a major terrorist attack, a civil war, elevated piracy, and an attempted coup, the Rus Republic is determined to engage in increasingly daring acts of brinkmanship with Euro-Britannia.

It is into this new emerging world that you must make your decisions.

For Kallen, you decide to...

[ ] Rescue Kallen Diplomatically – You can't take the risk that your covert operations in Japan will be discovered.
[ ] Through Any Means Necessary – You'll send an elite team in to retrieve your elite pilot and her family.

In the coming years you'll focus on... (Top 5 Win - Decreasing Orders of Attention/Bonuses to Rolls - Choose Any Number.)

[ ] Your Leadership of the Chinese Ministry (Psionics)
[ ] Your Private Technological Development (Psi-Tech)
[ ] Taking Over Australia (Finally)
[ ] Coordinating Your Personal Relationships
[ ] Ancient Ruins Exploration
[ ] Target New Heaven
[ ] Investigate Pendragon Terrorists
[ ] Personal Oversight of the Taklamakan Research Grant
[ ] Personal Training/Achievements


48 Hour Voting Period - NO PLANS. Approval Voting in Effect.
Temporary Threadmark - Vote Called!

Winning Vote:

[X] Through Any Means Necessary – You'll send an elite team in to retrieve your elite pilot and her family.

[X] Your Leadership of the Chinese Ministry (Psionics)
[X] Coordinating Your Personal Relationships
[X] Your Private Technological Development (Psi-Tech)
[X] Personal Training/Achievements
[X] Taking Over Australia (Finally)

Bonuses: +80/60/40/20/00


Your Leadership of the Chinese Ministry (Psionics): 47+80 = 127 // Crit 1: 97+27 = 124 // Crit 2: 49+24 = 73
Coordinating Your Personal Relationships: 100+60 =160 // Crit 1: 41+60 = 101 // Crit 2: 21+01 = 22
Your Private Technological Development (Psi-Tech): 45+40 = 85+15 (Omake) = 100
Personal Training/Achievements: 64+20 = 84+15 (Omake) = 99
Taking Over Australia (Finally): 89+00 = 89+15 (Omake) = 104

Through Any Means Necessary: 60+50 (Assorted Bonuses) = 110
IMP JPN: ??? + ??? = 65

Edit: In case people are curious, yes 'Leadership' won the coin flip over 'Coordinating.' Just FYI.

Adhoc vote count started by Slayer Anderson on Jun 30, 2024 at 2:01 AM, finished with 95 posts and 47 votes.
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Quest Epilogue II
Epilogue II:

Perhaps of all ministerial positions, yours is the strangest.

The Ministry of Culture was the former High Eunuch's bastion of power within the Chinese government and gave an air of legitimacy to the power they claimed over ceremonies and official affairs. The idea that they were somehow 'protecting the cultural heritage' of China by instituting an insulating and byzantine bureaucracy is, on the face of it absurd, but looking over a brief history of the ministry, you can understand the slow and incremental steps taken which ultimately resulted in their de facto control of the state.

As such, what you inherit is a very mixed bag of an organization.

First, the office is much-reduced from its halcyon antebellum days. One of the primary reasons behind this reduction is that over half of the personnel nominally under your leadership are either dead, in prison awaiting trial or execution, or have fled the country to live in exile. A silver lining to this dark cloud is that you don't have to purge your ministry of Eunuch loyalists or corruption, as the new Empress has functionally done so for you during her purges of the government.

Second, your budget has been utterly slashed by Lihua's new regime, even if that still leaves you with more money than you've ever had access to in an official capacity than in your entire life up to this point. You also really don't have grounds to argue that your office deserves more funding, given the state of the nation. While the area under your occupation largely escaped the destruction of the war, there is a wide band through central China which had seen the High Eunuchs torch crops, tear up infrastructure, and all manner of other attempts to halt the Empress' advance southward. This is in addition to the millions of people displaced by the fighting, a potential famine looming large over the horizon, and the inevitable post-war banditry which has arisen.

There are, frankly, better things to do with the country's money than give it to a ministry whose main concern should be officiating government ceremonies, festivals, and funding other cultural events.

Like... say, burning the money to keep people warm.

That would be a much better use of the funds, you imagine.

Third, and something you only discover a short while after you've taken the position, while your own name carries significant weight as an Imperial Consort as well as your achievements before and during the civil war, any formal attempts to exercise power through the Ministry of Culture are... not quite ignored, but not given any level of priority whatsoever. It becomes clear over a small period of time that your ministry is persona non-grata in an official capacity and your formal duties have been cut back to the absolute minimum.

When taking all of that into account, you come to the easy realization that your appointment was, if not explicitly intended to be, then at least taken as a happy coincidence that you would be paid off to do very little as long as you didn't make a nuisance of yourself. As long as you were willing to quietly fade into the background and do nothing to disrupt reconstruction efforts, you would be allowed to keep a luxurious position that required only very minimal official work from you.

So it is that, a month after you take your formal appointment to ministerial head that you lean back in your chair and stare off into the middle distance thoughtfully.

It appears no one realized that you did your best work in the background.

This is a situation you can work with.

You pick up your phone. "Euphie? I need to talk to you and Milly." You frown, then nod. "I suppose we can make a dinner out of it if you like. What I want to talk about? I have an idea about revitalizing Chinese industry and want to set up a schedule to flesh things out."


Your first course of action is, oddly enough, getting Kallen and her family out of Japanese prison. Duke Stadtfeld has, of course, already filed a formal diplomatic complaint with the backing of the Emperor. The heiress to a major noble house and a personal knight serving under a prince in good standing isn't someone you take as a political hostage lightly. A communication from Schneizel informs you that talks are underway to secure Kallen's release, but it would take both patience and political leverage. In the meantime, he manages to secure a conversation between yourself and your redheaded knight, in which she says something that makes you sigh.

"I'm not leaving without my family."

Kallen's mother and brother are Japanese citizens. They don't even have up to date passports, much less some official claim to refugee status in Britannia. The problem is that they, along with Kallen, have been detained as spies and potential Britannian sleeper agents.

In the end, you take your daughter from Sayoko's arms, hand her a thick packet of information on the situation, and tell her to, "take care of it."

You end up minding little Sumire for two weeks on a surprise vacation to Hawaii, during which you receive an unexpected visit from your mother and make a few mild press appearances. All of which puts you firmly in the public eye and serves as an excellent break from your otherwise stressful job as well as your mother's introduction to her first granddaughter. All in all, it's a very productive period that ends shortly after news that the Taiwanese Liberation Front has staged a breakout of a political prison which, coincidentally, held Kallen Stadtfeld and her family.

You give an award-worthy performance of shock at the news and lament the efforts of your brother Schneizel as well as the ultimate fate of your knight.

Kallen, Naoto, and Sara arrive two days later on Oahu using falsified passports and are detained by security. A quick call to the King of Hawaii resolves the situation quickly and all three are honored at a state reception while Sayoko slips back into your shadow to quietly return to minding your mutual child.

You don't know how she did it and, quite honestly, plausible deniability is paramount in this situation. So you don't want to know.

Far more interesting is the tearful reunion between Kallen's father and her mother, as well as the far more restrained greeting with the Duke's wife. The entire thing is kept mostly behind closed doors, but you're given to understand that the mother and son will not be returning to Japan until certain political problems have been ironed out. Instead, Naoto will be taking a position under his father, even if he isn't thrilled about the turn of events, and Sara will be given one of the properties cleared out some years ago in the purge of his clan.

Accusations, of course, fly as soon as word spreads. Kururugi Genbu is furious as he is, finally, removed from office and the position of Prime Minister stripped of its hereditary privileges that he'd worked so hard to create. However, it says something about the resilience of the Japanese political system that the same elections bring Kaguya's father to power in a landslide victory... for a different faction of that same party.

As far as your reunion with Kallen...

Well, it appears her visit did settle her doubts, if in an unexpected fashion.

Your son is born nine months later, just a few months after your formal Chinese marriage to Lihua and a few months before your Britannian wedding to Euphemia. The entire stretch of time is packed with momentous events, so much so that you nearly forget the plans you have in motion behind the scenes. At least, you attempt to until the wedding gifts come in.

Then your phone rings, and the person on the other end is a definite surprise.


"Guinevere? I can't say this is expected," you replied to the one-word greeting.

"You say that like a sister isn't allowed to call her dear younger brother to wish him a blessed union on his wedding day," there's a pointed pause to her words. "Especially when said brother is marrying a foreign Empress."

You lean back. "When the invitation went unanswered, I thought you'd decided to snub me. Schneizel, Cornelia, Anastasia, and Mother made the time to attend. Even Carine and her mother decided to make it."

"You know as well as I do that I can't very well make an appearance at your wedding after I neglected to invite you to mine," Guinevere states tiredly with a sigh. In the background, you hear the sound of an infant sniffling and beginning to stir. After your own experiences with Sumire, you're quite familiar with the noises.

"Congratulations on your second. I can hear Loholt, but how is Henrietta?" You ask, a sudden spike of empathy rising up from within you.

"She's with Ody. He's taken to fatherhood surprisingly well," Guinevere sighed again. "At any rate, since it seems like we're dispensing with the common pleasantries, I'll admit the gifts you sent earned me quite the bragging rights. Even if they're just ancient clay by my tally, it definitely impressed a few of my more educated hobbyist supporters."

You have to chuckle at the way a pair of terracotta soldiers from the tomb of The First Emperor of China are described as 'ancient clay.' Only Guinevere. "Well, I'm glad you got some use out of them, at least."

"And I suppose it's time to reciprocate," Guinevere stated, a bit of irritation in her tone. "The plan you forwarded to me. There are a few revisions we'll be making, but the consortium will accept the proposal, but you'll have to get Father to agree to it."

You felt a wave of relief cascade over you. "He already has."

Guinevere inhaled sharply. "I see. In exchange for the defensive pact and the research partnership, no doubt. I didn't think they'd be worth quite that much, but it's true they've helped stabilize the markets. And if you'd already revealed the Emperor's agreement to the plan, it would force my supporters into line and alienate me for forcing them to act in a way that potentially contradicts my aims and goals. Impressively light-handed, little brother."

You spend the rest of the few minutes available working out the details, then present it to Lihua.

She manages to avoid leaving tear-stains on the elaborate outfit you're decked out in.

"Thank you," Li states as the Empress excuses herself to have her makeup reapplied. Turning to the Consort-Emperor, your bride's first husband, bows to you. "You've saved an uncountable number of lives if this should work the way you've planned it."

"I honestly thought I was going to be punished for overreaching given my status," you admitted.

"The Empress is not the type of ruler to object to something done in the spirit of helping her people avoid starvation and poverty," Xingke states, smiling fondly as he rises and turns away, looking towards where Lihua left. "Besides, after today you are a member of the imperial family. None would gainsay your ability to represent the state in good faith."

When looked at that way...

You took a deep breath and finished the conversation.

Then you were married.


"Part of me is incredibly jealous," you admit over the radio, watching the aircraft taxi into position on the runway.

"Hey, you and ninety-nine percent of other guys on the planet. It takes a lot to be this good-looking," Gino chuckled as you watched him complete the pre-flight checks. "Besides, you have your own toys to test out if I remember right."

Thinking of the powered armor Kenshin had put together does bring a smile to your face, even if it's still tinged with envy. The aircraft in front of you is a world apart from what had been built for you. The sleek curves belied a powerful generator based on principles so freshly-developed they didn't even have serial numbers designated yet.


...speak of the devil and he will appear.

Kenshin, with Madison trailing him, and Xiǎobāo trailing her, holding the pregnant woman's hand. As your eyes skated over him, the albino child still flinches back, though it's less severe than it had been in the early days. His myriad friendships with the growing saplings your expedition had brought back from Japan had seen the boy break out of his shell.

"Today! Today is the day! The day I prove all those who thought I was MAD wrong! HAHAHAHAH!" Kenshin cackled gleefully, his hands up in the air before twisting and pointing directly at Xiǎobāo. "Lab Assistant #2! Is the co-pilot ready for takeoff!?"

The architecture of the prototype, notably, has space for a second pilot, but no seat. Instead, embedded in the arching dome of next-generation KMF-grade sapphire glass, is one of the same young saplings that Xiǎobāo had 'recruited.' The leaves sparkle with glimmering energy.

"I think Johnny's giving the go-ahead," Gino laughed. "Man, this interface is something else. Even if I don't have a lick of that psycho-talent, it's a trip feeling something else in the back of my head."

"Johnny is agreeable to taking off. He says he finds the idea of flying strange, but he enjoys new experiences," Xiǎobāo relayed, the psionic pulse between himself and vehicle something that you could feel, but not quite interpret.

Such fine applications of your talent weren't something you'd particularly researched.

Instead, with the full power of your new suit on-hand, you were able to face down a modern KMF unit in single combat. The flight module was still giving your people some trouble in getting it to a size they could attach to your smaller form. At that thought, your eyes dart back to the experimental craft Gino was sitting in as its psionic engines distort the air with the waves of energy cascading off it. It was an odd thing, the craft stripped down to a cylindrical frame bearing an obscene amount of gold and alchemically-produced sakuradite adorning it in strange patterns.

You watched as that energy coalesced, forming bands which branched off the craft, then-

-it hovered for a moment, then took off like a rocket.

Kenshin's laughter echoed throughout the room.

Gino's voice, though, was the only thing in your ear. "Permission to test the weapons systems, Your Highness?"

"Granted," you replied, as eager to see what they could do as your friend.

The targets ceased to exist shortly after.


"The fleet is ready, Your Highness," Jeanne stated.

"Very good, Countess Rowe," you replied, your eyes still on the distant vessels even as you feel your subordinate preen. Even if she only owned New Caledonia now, it was still a fief and had suitably enobled her. You, yourself, had no more use for the island save for its staging ground and base. Jeanne was still beholden to you by personal oaths, but the land was now in her name rather than yours. Given everything, it was a small concession to the idea that Britannian lands were still under Britannian control, but it kept anyone from getting excited about you removing part of the Empire's territory.

Secession was treason, after all.

"They're sending over messengers," you note, watching as the wooden sailing vessel from centuries past raised up a flag of truce.

"Do we trust them? They are pirates?" Admiral Romano asked, frowning.

You hesitate, humming to yourself before you turn to the final officer on your command deck. With the Empress' help, you've taken The Crowns and turned them into a private military force instead of just a PMC. This leaves you with their two fleets and associated other military forces in addition to your own military forces, and the one Chinese fleet you'd managed to pry away. The last, although it is technically only a single fleet, is over-strength and has one of the floating iceberg carriers as its centerpiece.

"What do you think, Commander Ronas?" You ask, one eyebrow raised.

"I think you should at least hear them out, Your Highness," the severe man advised you with a nod. "I've had a great many occasions to interact with them, and a truce like this is sacrosanct, even among pirates."

Greta sneered slightly, "I suppose something would have to be."

You hold up a hand to forestall any infighting.

"We'll hear them out, but unless it's an offer of unconditional surrender, I doubt we'll have much to talk about," you state with a scowl.

Once the corsair pulls up, tacking its sails to expertly glide to a stop next to your modern aircraft carrier, you receive the pirate delegates. To your surprise, it is not only La Cosa Nostra and The Calico Casts of the South Caribbean, but also the Sons of Teach. All three of the pirate powers on the Australian east coast not under your control have sent representatives.

The first words out of the leader's mouth are at once, both a blinding surprise and completely expected. The Crowns had been the major military power, such as they are, in Australia. La Cosa Nostra is a coalition of organized crime groups running all manner of smuggling and information trading operations with a side of blackmail and extortion. The Calico Cats are honestly more akin to a particularly well-armed theme park. The Sons of Teach are the only truly legitimate threat to your operations and they're a group of ambush predators.

You simply hadn't been betting on them realizing those facts and coming to the only logical solution.

"We surrender."

Greta and Jeanne are visibly surprised while you school your expression. Alexander Ronas, though, shows no emotion at all, which tells you he at least had his suspicions about what was coming. The initial terms you hammer out that day are far from complete, but they cover the most important points. The territories these groups control are now yours, they will cease any inter-group conflict and defer to your judgment as their liege lord, their military assets are yours to control, and they will cease any activity which would be illegal under the Britannian Law of the Sea or the Code of Conduct of Britannian Areas.

You will doubtless have to clean up a lot of trash in the coming years, as many of these groups are populated by people who explicitly left society to pursue their desires. Not all of them will take kindly to the reintroduction of law codes and the oversight of a royal authority, be it either the Chinese Empress, the Britannian Emperor, or your own independent throne.

Regardless of the details, though, you conquer more than a third of a continent with the stroke of a pen.

[ ] Name For Kallen & Lelouch's Son: (Write-In)

Cornelia has requested you honor your promise:

[ ] Yes, help Cornelia using one of the pirate fleets as deniable assets.
[ ] No, you're a Minster of China now, it's too risky.

In the coming years you'll focus on... (Top 5 Win - Decreasing Orders of Attention/Bonuses to Rolls - Choose Any Number.)

[ ] Your Leadership of the Chinese Ministry (Psionics)
[ ] Your Private Technological Development (Psi-Tech)
[ ] Taking Over Australia (Finish It?)
[ ] Coordinating Your Personal Relationships
[ ] Ancient Ruins Exploration
[ ] Target New Heaven
[ ] Investigate Pendragon Terrorists
[ ] Personal Oversight of the Taklamakan Research Grant
[ ] Personal Training/Achievements


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Temporary Threadmark - Vote Called!

Winning Votes:

[X] Yes, help Cornelia using one of the pirate fleets as deniable assets.

[X] Name For Kallen & Lelouch's Son: (Victor)

[X] Your Private Technological Development (Psi-Tech)
[X] Ancient Ruins Exploration
[X] Coordinating Your Personal Relationships
[X] Personal Training/Achievements
[X] Target New Heaven

Edit: I didn't end up using Nunnally's reroll last epilogue, so I've refunded it. You'll get a total of 4 rerolls this time around instead of 3.

Private Technological Development: 12 12 69+80 = 149 // Crit: 96+49 = 145 // Crit 2: 99+45 = 144 // Crit 3: 95+44 = 139 // Crit 4: 71+39 = 110 // Crit 5: 44+06 = 54
Ancient Ruins Exploration: 03 66+60 = 126 // Crit: 77+26 = 103 // Crit 2: 79+03 = 82
Coordinating Your Personal Relationships: 57+40 = 97 (+10 Omake) = 107
Personal Training/Achievements: 45+20 = 65 (+15 Omake) = 80
Target New Heaven: 54 67+00 = 67 (+15 Omake) = 82

Yes, I really did roll double 12's to start off with. No Joke.

Adhoc vote count started by Slayer Anderson on Aug 7, 2024 at 6:47 AM, finished with 102 posts and 38 votes.
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Quest Epilogue III
Epilogue III:

You are Lelouch vi Britannia, Second Consort and Minister of Culture to the Empress of the People of China and Sovereign Monarch of the Empire of Australia, Protector of the Islands of Indonesia, Bane of Pirates, and Prince of the Empire of Britannia. For today, though, those titles are unimportant. Today, you stand astride a much greater achievement that will doubtless be recorded in the annals of history.

You stand aboard the bridge of the first great vimana to take to the skies in tens of thousands of years as it makes its maiden voyage across a desolate portion of the pacific ocean.

The massive construction floats freely in the air, its propulsion a mixture of psychic waves manufactured by the complex matrix of gold and sakuradite woven into its construction and the next-generation levitation engines produced by the CAMELOT program under Lloyd Asplund. Reverse-engineered and completed by your own subordinates, the FLOAT and Druid Systems augment the impressive capabilities of the ancient psionic technologies you'd unearthed last year.

Bleeding edge holographic screens light up at the speed of thought, your already-incredible psychic talents allowing you to coordinate the many parts of the vimana effortlessly.

"Greetings, my consort," Lihua smiles at you from where she is perched atop a raised platform, attendants and guards surrounding her as she is brought various different pieces of paperwork. "How goes the test flight?"

"My Empress," you smile, taking a slight bow. "We are making headway back to port in Australia. The test is almost complete and we have experienced no problems. We even-"

"We're flying! Tou-san, Tou-san! We're flying!" The five year old child behind you yelled as they ran from one window to another.

You and Lihua stared deeply into each other's eyes for a long moment, her lips quivering just the slightest bit. Truly, a testament to her near-absolute control of her visage.

Sayoko, suddenly to your right, bowed. "My deepest apologies, Lelouch. Lady Lihua. Sumire managed to slip my watch briefly."

"Lookit the ships! They're so tiny!" Your daughter cries out energetically.

You close your eyes briefly and inhale through your nose as Lihua releases a strangled noise that's very clearly a cough and not stifled laughter.

"It's... it's fine, Sayoko. See if she wants pudding down in the cafeteria, I suppose. I'll be down to sit with her a little later." You wave her off.

"It is times like these I suppose we should both be grateful for staff to help us take the pleasant, if undeniably weighty burden that young children can be," Lihua states, smiling impishly.

"I take it Prince Hàoyú is doing well under Xingke's care?" You ask, trying desperately to recover some hint of your previous regal bearing.

Lihua smiled softly and nodded. "He is. I will be entertaining my General and my heir tonight at dinner. We will have to arrange an evening next month when you return to the capital."

"Perhaps Euphemia can attend. She is due to return from St. Petersburg visiting her sister within the next week," you muse.

Lihua shook her head. "I had actually actually wished for it to be a private affair. Euphie is always welcome at our table and you should not doubt that, but there are times when I would like to see my second consort for personal business."

You blinked, Lihua's words accomplishing what Sumire's interruption hadn't been able to and bringing a subtle blush to your face. "Ah... I see. I'll be sure to clear my schedule, thank you for the invitation, My Empress."

"In other news, Europa United has pushed for further concessions in trade treaties to prove that our alliance with Britannia is purely defensive in nature." Her expression soured a bit. "I do not enjoy their defense of the previous Japanese administration's actions, nor their devotion to offending me by supporting the riots in India."

"It's an unfortunate state of affairs," you agree readily enough, being careful not to advise on that matter. You were already extremely busy with matters that were distinctly outside the mandate of your ministerial office and the riot-protests in India weren't something you had any real attachment to 'solving.' Yes, losing them would weaken the Chinese Federation's standing on the world stage, but it was looking more and more like an eventuality.

Which would, obviously, give the EU another member for their own defensive pact; if not immediately, then within a decade or so of the Indians achieving independence. Joining the motley crew of the African Unions and what was left of the MEF, there wasn't much the 'Bastion of Democracy' would be able to truly do to stop Britannian expansion outside of their own continental borders. Japan was at least nominally in this political bloc, although the belated fall of Kururugi Genbu and the rise of Kaguya's father to prominence meant that, for all practical intentions, Japan had returned to a fully neutral stance. Even if the island nation was to commit to the thinly-veiled 'Antri-Sino-Birtannian Pact' it wouldn't mean all that much given Japan could be overrun in a month or two by a dedicated Britannian invasion force.

No, the main culprit stopping your father from simply conquering the Europeans outright were the growing pains of the empire itself. Digesting the former North Africa League, half of the MEF, and dealing with the Russian Empire's rebirth under Cornelia's rule as Catherine III was taking much of his attention. It didn't help that suspiciously well-equipped terrorist units had been popping up in both regions as well as India.

There was also the looming shadow of Charles' advancing age.

Even with Britannian medicine being what it was and your father being a particularly healthy individual, the man was still in his seventies now. If no significant health concerns arose, he likely had one more decade of good rule within him, but he was not the man he'd been a decade ago. If only just slightly, he'd slowed and weakened. Not visibly so, not outside those who knew him well, but it was enough to be concerned.

After finishing things up with Lihua, you flexed your awareness of the hulking vimana to ensure you were making good time before putting in another call...

"Ah, it's Marianne's boy again. I'm sure this won't lead to more work for me," the golden-eyed woman on the other end of the screen sighed and swept back a curtain of long green hair to look at you with a put-upon expression so masterfully-crafted from equal parts disdain and exasperation that you wondered if she'd broken lesser men with a simple glance at some point in the past.

"Lady CC," you greeted neutrally, looking over the background of her image and taking in the excavation work being done deep within the caverns you had discovered. "I'll keep things brief, since you appear to be otherwise occupied-"

You pointedly ignored the slice of pizza she lifted to her mouth, not daring to challenge the authority of someone who knew even more underhanded tricks than Milly to get back at you.

"-I simply wanted to check on the progress being made towards the inner vault."

CC swallowed her bite of pizza and sighed with all the regal stature of an ancient queen. "We're still making our way through. Given that geass does not affect the animate statues, moving deeper into the ship is extremely hazardous. Since I have you here, though..."

"Yes?" You asked, already knowing where this conversation was going.

"Have you given any thought as to what you'll be doing with what we find?" CC asked, a bland curiosity coating her voice that utterly disguised whatever she truly felt.

"I've given a great deal of thought to it, but made no decision yet," you stated bluntly.

CC hummed, picking up her pizza again. "You should get on that."

Then the screen cut off.

You sighed.

It was a complicated matter, what you believed lay in the innermost vault of the crashed vimana which you had discovered underneath the ancient megaliths humbly known as 'Potbelly Hill' by the natives of the Anatolian region.. Normally, you'd have been loath to invite your father's close confidants into the investigation of the ruins, but this had very much grown beyond your own ambitions. There was also the matter of your half-sister Laila needing a 'win' politically to stabilize the region. Unveiling the forgotten past of the giant stone pillars and the origins of mankind, even without being fully transparent over the true discoveries had made international headlines and helped reignite a political narrative that the region was much older than the MEF or the petty squabbles of the religious and cultural differences involved.

It wasn't as though you were going to get access to a site so firmly under Britannian military control without a few concessions, anyway. And, truthfully, you didn't actually have the kind of trained personnel to do the site justice, either. Once the project was over, though, you would. Any further discoveries you made would be fully within your own ability to exploit however you wished.

Psionic technology would pave the way to the stars very soon and even now it was assisting in the first unmanned probes being sent up by the empire.

The issue was, though...

At the center of the vault was 'Heart of the Immortal' you remembered being, once long ago. The small orb you'd found had made you a ready vessel for its power, but you did not have to accept it. There were other candidates. Specifically, your father. You were new to the revelation that was the 'Power of Kings,' but knew enough to understand that the job of holding a geass was to allow that power to make you ready to receive true immortality.

You recalled nothing of the sort from your ancient memories, but there had been many thousands of years between then and now. There was nothing stopping one of the survivors of the apocalypse from reinventing the wheel, so to speak.

It had even turned out that Kaguya and Sayoko had a number of very peculiar gene-markers which indicated a much stronger lineage from those ancient days than you thought could reasonably survive. It was possible, with a great deal more research and experimentation, that the true root of psionic potential could be developed with those clues. Even now, Kenshin had constructed an elaborate screening process as part of the new immunization protocols wiping out infectious diseases among the remote Chinese populus.

Combined with what the Geass Institute and OSI had secreted away, life-extension technology would likely be possible within the next few decades.

But that would not be the same as the 'true immortality' you had glimpsed in CC and VV, the later of which had been revealed as your uncle. Death, for them, was an impossibility as they stood frozen in time even after decades or, in the greenette's case, centuries.

It was a heady thought. Not just an extended life, but one that was completely free of any danger of death by accident or disease.

But, there was the possibility of not taking it for yourself. Of, instead, granting it to your father. Regardless of your rather complex personal feelings on Charles himself, it would undeniably be for the Empire's betterment. Even if Charles went into 'seclusion' and slowly faded from public consciousness, Guinevere and Odysseus would hardly have the kind of will to oppose an immortal emperor ruling from behind the scenes.

The question was... did you want to take up the mantle?

[ ] Yes. Lelouch Becomes Immortal.
[ ] No. Charles Becomes Immortal Instead.

A flare of attention drew you from your musings as your focus shifted towards where you knew Australia to be. Specifically, you looked towards the northern coast, where the European settler colonies lay.

Something was happening.

Then, a bright pulse of pink light created a second sun against the bright blue sky.

"Psionic Energy Wave detected!" One of your operators called out.

"Massive spike in energy implies a weapon of some kind!" Another concurred.

"We're getting a read on something huge!" A final soldier on the bridge yelled.

"Why didn't we detect this before!?" You demanded, looking around as you felt the vimana you were piloting shift into a state of combat readiness.

"A combination of distance and a lack of active scanning, My Lord." You looked to the soldier who'd spoken. "We'd already tested the active arrays on the way out and shut them down for diagnostics. We were limiting ourselves to passive scans given the isolated nature of the region."

You grimaced, realizing there was nothing to be done. Instead, you focused your will into the scanning arrays and brought them online to direct where you'd felt the pulse of energy.
Immediately, an image of...

It was a golden craft straight out of your ancient memories, laced with sakuradite to give it lift and propulsion. Around you, you heard gasps of shock and horror as you caught sight of the smoking ruins of the capital of the settler colony.

As impossible as it seemed, there was only one way to explain what you were seeing.
Another vimana, this one looking as though it was ripped from ages long past.

New Heaven had, incredibly, managed to resurrect a slumbering beast.

Your mind raced, evaluating the forces you currently had at your disposal. Jaeger had, thankfully, contented himself with being present for the numerous test runs of the various systems before pronouncing the project complete and turning his manic energy towards other pursuits. The man had become a machine in recent years, turning out revolutionary technology after revolutionary technology as he barely stopped to enjoy the triumphs he'd earned for himself. You trusted Madison to keep him healthy, at least. But what was important for the moment was that you didn't need to evacuate one of your most important subordinates from the vimana before flying into combat.

That said, you did need to get Sumire and Sayoko off the vessel. That was relatively easy, though. Jeanne and Gino were combat personnel and would be invaluable. Kallen and her squad would be as well, but they were not here at the moment. You could summon them for a rendezvous, but that would take a bit of time to scramble and coordinate before meeting the New Heaven vimana in battle. As it was, you only had Gino and a flight of next-generation FLOAT-enabled KMF units and the flotilla of ships patrolling the waters beneath you. Granted, that included a dreadnought and an aircraft carrier as well as a host of support and guard craft, but it was overall a patrol group. Not a full assault fleet.

In addition to Kallen, you could also call Nunnally back from her own excursion with her guard group hunting pirates. That would give you another group of elites to deploy against whatever other surprises New Heaven had. Or to distract their main force while you moved in for the kill. It would also give you time to scramble the Chinese fleet under your command in Indonesia, the Crowns who were guarding Britannian shipping, and your own primary fleet stationed in New Caledonia.

You would have called in the Sons of Teach, but they were half a world away in the Black Sea under Euphemia's nominal command.

Which was one less thing you had to worry about, honestly.

The downside was that while you could respond in a matter of hours, calling up the various forces under your authority would take days. That meant letting New Heaven do whatever it wished in the meantime, such as continuing the destruction of Port Talleyrand. Which… would remove a thorn in your side as well as a valuable and technologically-advanced pseudo-ally frenemy.

Regardless, you'd put the call out for everything you could reasonably count on to assemble, but you couldn't be sure they would arrive in time if you chose to engage directly.

The final option you had was to call up a true coalition force. Which would take at least a week, perhaps more. Even if the Europeans could hold out days, they could not hold out that long under the kind of assault you were seeing now. Calling in a proper multinational combat force from the EU peacekeeping fleet in East Africa and a Britannian main battle fleet from one or more of the Areas, as well as possibly the Imperial Japanese Fleet in Taiwan…

Well, it would doubtless be a force to reckon with, but it would mean the largest number of casualties. And you were unsure if New Heaven would be willing to keep their destruction to Australia or if they would begin striking out elsewhere.

The choice is yours.

[ ] Meet the New Heaven forces head on. (+25)
[ ] Regroup and strike them from a position of strength. (+50)
[ ] Call up a coalition force. (+75)

Moratorium on Voting for ONE HOUR! DO NOT VOTE FOR ONE HOUR!
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Temporary Threadmark - Vote Called!

Winning Vote:

[X] Regroup and strike them from a position of strength. (+50)

[X] No. Charles Becomes Immortal Instead.

Adhoc vote count started by Slayer Anderson on Oct 4, 2024 at 2:52 AM, finished with 84 posts and 55 votes.