Selector Matched WIXOSS [Now Recruiting]

Selector: Miyako Nakamura - Rexheller
Difficult for fairly obvious reasons, but definitely an interesting idea. I'm willing to accept that sort of concept, if only to try it out.
Okay then.

Name: Miyako Nakamura


Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Occupation: None

Personality: Serious, disciplined and self-suficient, Miyako tries to maintain a strong mask when facing the world and for the most part she succeeds. Some might even see her as cold or distant. However, while acting this way comes naturally to her, internally she can be plagued by doubts.

History: Miyako woke up mere days ago in a hospital with no memories at all. Apparently she had been found in an alleyway covered in blood and with a serious head wound. While recovering in the hospital, Miyako became depressed thanks to her lack of memories and even an idenity. A friendly nurse noticed and gave her two things: her new name and a deck of WIXOSS cards in the hopes that the game would help keep the young girl's mind off things. Miyako sneaked out of the hospital soon afterwards, determined to find out her past.

Wish: I want to recover my memories.

Selector battle record: None.

Other: Miyako sometimes displays skills that she has no idea how she learned. Some of them, like free climbing, parkour and dancing seem innocent enough. Others, like lock picking, pick pocketing and slight of hand, point to a shady past.
Name: Momoka Takagi


Age: 14

Gender: Female

Occupation: Student, Bookseller

Personality: Momoka is a timid girl with a meek, gentle demeanor. Having grown up in a family that was splintered and torn apart by her parents constant fighting she developed a deep aversion to conflict. Momoka grew to be very apologetic and conciliatory by nature, she hates seeing people fight and just wants everybody to get along. This desire is the driving force behind her wish, the one thing she desires most in the world is for her parents to finally stop fighting and to bring them back together.

Momoka's distaste for conflict puts her at odds with her role as a Selector. She desires with all her heart to make her wish come true, but to do that she has to get in to fights, she has to watch as LRIGs battle and hurt each other and also risk crushing other girls' wishes in pursuit of her own. Momoka hasn't fully accepted this fact and is somewhat reluctant to actually participate in WIXOSS battles.

History: Momoka's parents, her father a bookseller and mother a journalist, began to have a falling out when Momoka was very small. The hardships of raising a young child, coupled with financial struggles pushed the two to the edge. They argued and fought frequently, leaving a very negative impression on the young Momoka who began to withdraw in to herself and grew afraid of people fighting. Eventually her parents divorced and began to live separately, they came to an agreement that Momoka would spend weekdays with her father, since he lived closer to the schools, and weekends with her mother.

Now, years later, things seem to have mellowed out somewhat. Momoka's parents still can't stand each other, but they love their daughter and at least try to act civil for her sake. Deep down they regret the way things turned out, but they feel things between them have been broken for too long to be fixed. Momoka, for her part, isn't at all happy with her family situation and just wishes there was a way to fix things with her parents.

Once Momoka was old enough she started working a part time job at the bookstore that her father now runs. She discovered WIXOSS during a promotion the store was running in which a card was given away with the purchase of manga or certain novels. Her interest piqued, Momoka bought a book to get a card for herself and, as fate would have it, she discovered her LRIG. After learning about Selectors and the possibility of having her wish granted Momoka bought a full deck for herself.

Wish: To repair her parent's relationship and bring her family back together again.

Selector battle record: 0 Wins, 0 Losses

Other: Momoka is aware of the existence of the tie-in novels, they're sold in her father's store after all, but she's never read any of them herself.

Alright, finally got this up! Sorry for the delay, real life was sidetracking me and then the formatting absolutely broke when I tried posting. Does this seem alright?
Well, I can't have you growing fond of me now, can't we?
I wouldn't necessarily say that. Momoka is apprehensive of fighting, sure, but at the same time she really wants to make her wish come true. What I'm saying is she can be convinced.
SPOILER(I'll do this in a of my posts for Rex's sake.)

Well, being reluctant to fight is a good thing in Keiko's mind. Momoka's not the type of girl that Keiko enjoys tricking. She can afford being a card a littld longer to avoid pulling another kind soul into the fiasco.
*Fanfic reccomends this, checks*

Hmmm... This sounds interesting. I wanna go LRIG, but there are a lot already...

So, who wants a Selector?
We're actually at 4 LRIG and 6 Selectors by my count, assuming Sereg goes Selector. So another LRIG isn't a bad thing.
Selector: Hashimoto Aiko - Sereg
Name: Hashimoto Aiko

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Occupation: Student
Personality: Aiko is reserved and subservient, but eager to please. She's uncomfortable in the spotlight or doing anything that require delicacy due to her former clumsiness and poor self-esteem. That said she craves companionship and affection and delights in demonstrations of other people's talents.
History: Aiko wasn't a particularly talented individual and was poorly coordinated and clumsy. Her parents were important business people who pushed Aiko to succeed harder than she could cope with and didn't take her failure well. She only became more of a disappointment to them with the birth of her younger, more talented sister which made her own failures even more insulting to her parents who abused her. She became increasingly more withdrawn, especially as people began bullying her in school and her schoolwork, which wasn't terrible due to her tendency to retreat to her books when the world became too much, began to suffer more which increased her parents' abuse. She was contemplating suicide and what that would mean when she visited a game shop and bought a WIXOSS deck on a whim, hoping to finally find something she was good at. She was shocked by her LRIG talking, but eager for a chance to wish.
Wish: "I wish to be useful so that others would appreciate me!"
Selector battle record: Rookie
LRIG: Yhana - Jhon
:D You're here!
Be a LRIG! One of Us! One of Us! (Besides, there's already been a heck ton of Selectors already)
Plus another LRIG would give us five complete pairs.
You know what? Sure.

Name: Yhana




Gender: Female
Color: White
Personality: Calm and happy-go-lucky. This also applies in WIXOSS battles, but she's more reserved there. She'll do whatever she needs to defeat the oponent, and to protect her Selector. When SHE's the Selector, she'll do the same thing. She also enjoys a good battle. Too much, even. Sometimes almost to Blood Knight-levels.
History: Yhana was once Johana, a young girl who enjoyed a good card game as anyone. She loved to play a little game called WIXOSS, and enjoyed the tie-in novels. She secretly wished that the novels were true and the LRIGs and Selectors fought in a real fight.

That was when she found her own LRIG. She inmediatey jumped to the battles, and she enjoyed them... So much that she won and became an Eternal Girl. And then she became a LRIG.

However, what Mayu didn't expect was that her wish was to "Keep battling". The thrill of the game called to her, and she embraced it. However, she never went against people who had two loses already, so she wouldn't feel guilty when she lost and her wish was negated.

Taking the new name Yhana, she decided to keep playing as a card, and has kept her way of battling by abusing loopholes in the system, by telling indirectly her Selectors by various ways, losing on pourpose to Selectors that only looked after other weak Selectors, or just by annoying the Selector so much that they send her away or break the card, which would just send her to a new Selector. She's returned to being human once or twice already, but she will keep going until she gets bored or until someone sets everyone free and the fun's over.

But really, she enjoys the fighting, so why don't keep going?
Time as an LRIG: 8 months
Other: Loves princesses and magic. Doesn't mind being a LRIG.

So, is this good? Also, you don't have any idea how long it took to make those pictures, and not just because I was out the entire day watching Suicide Squad...

Oh, another thing. @Azecreth , do you think you can threadmark the posts of the players? Just to easy access for when the battles begin.