Unless anyone else fancies voting, heres a tally
Vote Tally : Will of the Fanbase: Take 2 | Page 3 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[X]Interact with Big Brother
No. of Votes: 8

[X]Train attribute
-[X] Chakra Pool
--[X] Stamina
No. of Votes: 7

[X] Train Skill
-[X] Taijutsu
No. of Votes: 7

[X]Train attribute
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Train skill
-[X] Visual Genjutsu
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Mess around with the kids your age
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 8
Coach Madara
[X]Interact with Big Brother

[X]Train attribute

-[X] Chakra Pool

--[X] Stamina

[X] Train Skill

-[X] Taijutsu

You know, when you asked your elder brother for training, you didn't expect to have to run through the forest for an hour to stand on the embankment of a frozen river in the middle of no-where and stand in silence. You say as much to him. You might be one of the few children within the camp to tell him when he's being stupid. Such is the privilege of being the younger brother of the clan heir.

"When everything becomes too much and training just doesn't calm my mind, I come here to think."

"You think?"

"Well one of us needs to be the smart one"

You retort by sticking your tongue out at him. Judging by his chuckle, he appreciates your wit as much as you do. Aniki is great.

With a swift, powerful shove he then pushes you off the side of the embankment. You fall forwards, arms swinging for balance as you tip over, face first.

The icy surface rushes up to meet you as the wind rushes through your hair, causing your ears to ache. Your lift your hands above your head, or would that be lower in this situation, and push chakra through them as they sink through the cracking ice. Rolling forwards, you land on your ass and sit there in shock for a moment before scampering back as Aniki lands in front of you.

You take it back, Aniki is a teme.

The arrogant rabbit-burning dog-face gives you one of his famous "I get a chance to hit someone without repercussions smiles" as he drags you to your feet and brushes the ice chips from your shoulders.

"Tell you what. You manage to mark me with a direct hit, using only your taijutsu and I'll teach you a Jutsu."

Before he finishes speaking you begin your attack. That jutsu is yours by right of vengeance. Your fist brushes past his face as he gently moves to the side and grasps hold of your arm, levering your weight over his shoulder and into the floor, breaking through the ice. Only a swift application of your hands on the water's surface prevents you from going under.

Suddenly you feel a grip take hold of your back as your head forced downwards and is dowsed in icy water, coating your face, causing you to let out an involuntary shriek as you leap away flailing.

You blink the water away, shaking your head furiously in the direction of your brother's laughter.

"I'm sorry; you were just leaving yourself so wide open."

That's it. Brother or not, you are killing him and hiding the body under the riverbed.

You charge towards him, keeping low and your arms loose. As you approach you feint kick toward his legs, skidding underneath him. Scooping up ice scraped from the surface by your attack, you fling it at his face, causing him to flinch for a moment and punch upwards towards the teme's chin.

He leans back away from the punch, back flipping to create space as you press your advantage. Breathing heavily you attempt one final punch, which he traps in an arm lock, twisting it behind your back. You calmly, or at least as calmly as you can, lift your foot and stomp as hard as you can on his foot.

Swearing in pain, he releases you and hops away. Once you manage to catch your breath and get him to stop whining about broken toes, he finally demonstrates the jutsu he promised. Keeping your sharingan active, you take care to observe the chakra flows through his arms as he begins. Big brother dislikes repeating himself.

Cycling through hand seals to end on the traditional Tiger, he shouts "Fire Release: Flash Fan Technique" and unleashes a 3 meter stream of fire from his mouth. It continues for a few seconds before petering out.

"Let's see how long you can keep it up" flinching away as you attempt to burn his eyebrows off.

"3 seconds, not bad. Looking a bit shaky on those hand seals though. Feeling a bit cold?" he jokes with a cocky grin, the teme.

Later as night begins to fall, he carries your unconscious, chakra deprived body back to camp and limps away to get his foot looked at.

The winter snows begin to melt as spring finally begins. The camp almost overnight begins to become a hive of activity as its denizens once again feel able to brave the outdoors once more.

Though the true season for inter-clan warfare has yet to begin, the sound of weaponry being prepared has become regular enough to wake you from your sleep come each dawn. Sometime soon, you'll be going into the maelstrom of battle. You can only hope you are ready.

Write in a plan for improvements and training.
(Select 4)
[ ]Train attribute

-[ ]Att 1

-[ ]Att 2

[ ]Train skill

-[ ]Skill 1

-[ ]Skill 2

-[ ]Skill 3

[ ] Mess around with the kids your age

[ ] Bug one of the elders for a story

[ ] Big Brother keeps wandering off to the river again. Follow him.

[ ] Interact with Mother

[ ] Interact with Father while he's still in camp.

[ ] Explore Local Area

[ ] Look for a job to do around the camp

[ ] Go on a patrol of the surrounding territory

[ ]Take a mission to earn the clan some funds.

[ ]Write In

General Experience gained.
Stamina,Taijutsu,Chakra Pool improved
Jutsu Learned: Fire Release: Flash Fan Technique- Flashy Low ranking Jutsu. Sends out a stream of flames from the users mouth for a few seconds of usage. Useful distraction in a combat situation. Low damage.
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[X]Train attribute

[X]Train skill

[X] Big Brother keeps wandering off to the river again. Follow him.
[X]Train attribute
-[X] Speed
-[X] Strength

We need to get all of our stats to a basic level before we get really crazy.

[X] Big Brother keeps wandering off to the river again. Follow him.
Your going to meet Hashirama one of these days you bastard and we will be there!

[X] Interact with Father while he's still in camp.
Eh. Throw our parents a bone.
[X]Train attribute
[X]Train skill
[X] Big Brother keeps wandering off to the river again. Follow him.
[X]Train attribute
-[X]Chakra Control

[X]Train skill
-[X]Visual Gentusu

[X] Big Brother keeps wandering off to the river again. Follow him.
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[X]Train attribute
-[X]Chakra Control

[X]Train skill
-[X]Visual Gentusu

[X] Big Brother keeps wandering off to the river again. Follow him.
[X]Train attribute
-[X] Speed
-[X] Strength

[X]Train skill
-[X]Visual Gentusu

[X] Interact with Father while he's still in camp.
[X]Train attribute
-[X]Chakra Control

[X]Train skill
-[X]Visual Gentusu

[X] Big Brother keeps wandering off to the river again. Follow him.
[X]Train attribute
-[X] Speed
-[X] Strength

[X]Train skill
-[X]Visual Gentusu

[X] Interact with Father while he's still in camp.
[X]Train attribute
-[X]Chakra Control

[X]Train skill
-[X]Visual Gentusu

[X] Big Brother keeps wandering off to the river again. Follow him.
[X]Train attribute
-[X]Chakra Control

[X]Train skill
-[X]Visual Gentusu
I kind of want to train the Sharingan a bit more later. Cheatingan is second best Doujutsu at early levels and I want to mess with that.
[X]Train attribute
-[X] Speed
-[X] Strength

[X]Train skill
-[X]Visual Gentusu

[X] Interact with Father while he's still in camp.
Now you get to see why i asked for writein plans.
from what i can tell
Visual Genjutsu
and stalking your elder brother wins
Vote Tally : Seen with Red Eyes (Naruto) | Page 4 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[X]Train skill
-[X]Visual Gentusu
No. of Votes: 8

[X] Big Brother keeps wandering off to the river again. Follow him.
No. of Votes: 7

[X]Train attribute
-[X]Chakra Control
No. of Votes: 5

[X]Train attribute
-[X] Speed
-[X] Strength
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Interact with Father while he's still in camp.
No. of Votes: 4

[X]Train skill
No. of Votes: 2

[X]Train attribute
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Train attribute
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 11
A day at the river.
[X] Big Brother keeps wandering off to the river again. Follow him.

[X]Train attribute

-[X] Stamina

[X] Train Skill

-[X] Visual Genjutsu

--[X] Taijutsu

You are tired. So very, very tired. Sore as well. The bruises will fade in time and you are told that your nose isn't broken, but when you close your eyes, you can still see that closed fist rocketing towards your face. You wince at the memory as you rise from your sleeping mat. Next time you are placing him in the illusion of getting beaten up by his teme of a brother and claim it's to "help" him. That will teach him, dattebane. What!? No, stupid subconscious thoughts. Last time you paid them any attention you had to deal with the consequences of locking a very angry, much stronger elder sibling in the cesspit. Father made sure you gained the same experience for breaking the peace of the camp by running through it claiming a mud clone gone wrong was trying to kill you.

Good times.

Better than spending your waking hours in a stress test on how quickly you can place your opponent under a genjutsu before you get beaten into unconsciousness. Though most of your taijutsu improvements are more focused on remaining mobile at all times and being able to remain standing, or in this case running away, for longer and more intense training sessions, pain is a powerful motivator.

Which is why the lack of your brothers looming face, signalling another day to regret asking for his help is odd.

Asking around the camp, it appears that he's already left for your usual spot, down by the riverbed. It's pretty confusing. After all, the air is warming up, meaning soon the wars between the various shinobi clans will resume. This time you'll be joining in the combat as a man of your clan, to gain glory and honour to your name, just like Aniki has done. Who can forget the woes he has brought to the Senju. It's rumoured he's more than a match for warriors twice his age.

You jump from branch to branch, through the forest canopy. Your brother has been acting more and more withdrawn these past few weeks, ever since father announced your addition to the clan's warriors. He needs some time to unwind and prepare. He's probably working on some ultra-cool jutsu as you think.

Throwing rocks, that's what he came here to do? Weeks of exhausting training, blown off to cause splashes in the river. You wouldn't be so mad if he invited you, but you know how he is about people watching him concentrate. He can't even get them to skip once. You would smack him on the back of the head for this if you didn't want to let him know you were in the trees. You decide to settle for quiet angry breathing and plotting to hide his shuriken set again.

A dark haired stranger, roughly your brother's age, appears from the undergrowth below you. How the hell did he get there? He smoothly emerges from the bushes, in a green jacket with exceedingly baggy pants. Honestly, if he hadn't appeared in the middle of nowhere, you'd assume his parents hated him to dress him like that. Then again, forest in the middle of nowhere hardly screams parental attention.

Halting for a moment to observe your brothers throws; he stoops down to select a rock from the ground and returns to his approach. Madara however seems unaware of his presence, showing the same lack of notice to his approach as to your hiding place. You knew it. No-one could look that dumb and not be an assassin in disguise.

Looping your index finger through the hoop at the end of the blades hilt, you slowly begin to draw your kunai from its sheath. Sending a trickle of chakra into your eyes, you ignore the brief sting of pain as everything comes into focus and you begin to calculate the trajectory of your throw. You are not going to let some second rate shinobi brain your brother. That's your job after all.

The rock flickers from his hands and bounces across the river's surface, impacting with the other side. Aniki responds predictably, through shouting at the sudden appearance of the newcomer. The newcomer behaves…oddly, switching between sudden bouts of depression and wit, sending your brother into a fury. If he were an Uchiha, you'd consider him a gift from the heavens. However he's a stranger, who has yet to even give his name.

Who is this guy?

He is obviously a shinobi. The question is which clan and what is he attempting to achieve. Your training screams at you to return to camp immediately and report this to father. He is the head of the clan after all and a foreign ninja interacting with the clan heir is cause for alarm, regardless of his intentions. But you trust your brother and he appears to be remaining calm, even friendly towards this stranger.

What do you do?

[ ] Write in action.
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Why hello there Hashirama!

[X] Go down there, with your sharingan off, and ask Aniki to introduce his new friend to us. Whoever this Shinobi is he will hesitate in the face of being outnumbered, and while effective in combat having your eyes active will reveal which clan you belong to, and give away the possibility that the other Uchiha are camped nearby. While you and your brother could no doubt crush him together in battle, you have no idea if he is fast enough to escape you both, which is a unacceptable danger to the clan. You should continue to treat him as a normal person, that may unbalance him enough to reveal which clan he is from, how he got here, or who his target is, and such information would be well worth the effort.

Is this good @Dovahsith or is it too complicated?
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Why hello there Hashirama!

[X] Go down there, with your sharingan off, and ask Aniki to introduce his new friend to us. Whoever this Shinobi is he will hesitate in the face of being outnumbered, and while effective in combat having your eyes active will reveal which clan you belong to, and give away the possibility that the other Uchiha are camped nearby. While you and your brother could no doubt crush him together in battle, you have no idea if he is fast enough to escape you both, which is a unacceptable danger to the clan. You should continue to treat him as a normal person, that may unbalance him enough to reveal which clan he is from, how he got here, or who his target is, and such information would be well worth the effort.

Is this good @Dovahsith or is it too complicated?
Its fine, so long as i can understand it. It's a bit longer than i expected, but thats a good thing.
[X] Go down there, with your sharingan off, and ask Aniki to introduce his new friend to us. Whoever this Shinobi is he will hesitate in the face of being outnumbered, and while effective in combat having your eyes active will reveal which clan you belong to, and give away the possibility that the other Uchiha are camped nearby. While you and your brother could no doubt crush him together in battle, you have no idea if he is fast enough to escape you both, which is a unacceptable danger to the clan. You should continue to treat him as a normal person, that may unbalance him enough to reveal which clan he is from, how he got here, or who his target is, and such information would be well worth the effort.
[X] Go down there, with your sharingan off, and ask Aniki to introduce his new friend to us. Whoever this Shinobi is he will hesitate in the face of being outnumbered, and while effective in combat having your eyes active will reveal which clan you belong to, and give away the possibility that the other Uchiha are camped nearby. While you and your brother could no doubt crush him together in battle, you have no idea if he is fast enough to escape you both, which is a unacceptable danger to the clan. You should continue to treat him as a normal person, that may unbalance him enough to reveal which clan he is from, how he got here, or who his target is, and such information would be well worth the effort.
[X] Go down there, with your sharingan off, and ask Aniki to introduce his new friend to us. Whoever this Shinobi is he will hesitate in the face of being outnumbered, and while effective in combat having your eyes active will reveal which clan you belong to, and give away the possibility that the other Uchiha are camped nearby. While you and your brother could no doubt crush him together in battle, you have no idea if he is fast enough to escape you both, which is a unacceptable danger to the clan. You should continue to treat him as a normal person, that may unbalance him enough to reveal which clan he is from, how he got here, or who his target is, and such information would be well worth the effort.

[X] Go down there, with your sharingan off, and ask Aniki to introduce his new friend to us. Whoever this Shinobi is he will hesitate in the face of being outnumbered, and while effective in combat having your eyes active will reveal which clan you belong to, and give away the possibility that the other Uchiha are camped nearby. While you and your brother could no doubt crush him together in battle, you have no idea if he is fast enough to escape you both, which is a unacceptable danger to the clan. You should continue to treat him as a normal person, that may unbalance him enough to reveal which clan he is from, how he got here, or who his target is, and such information would be well worth the effort.
[X] Go down there, with your sharingan off, and ask Aniki to introduce his new friend to us. Whoever this Shinobi is he will hesitate in the face of being outnumbered, and while effective in combat having your eyes active will reveal which clan you belong to, and give away the possibility that the other Uchiha are camped nearby. While you and your brother could no doubt crush him together in battle, you have no idea if he is fast enough to escape you both, which is a unacceptable danger to the clan. You should continue to treat him as a normal person, that may unbalance him enough to reveal which clan he is from, how he got here, or who his target is, and such information would be well worth the effort.