[X] Your mother, Chiasa Uchiha, though not a trained warrior, she is Uchiha and is not to be trifled with. Yet behind her stern nature is one of a caring mother, you being of very few to witness her cold façade slip behind closed doors.
[X] Intelligence
[X] Charisma
[X] Genjutsu
[X] Shurikenjutsu

This is me giving love to other options!
[X] Your mother, Chiasa Uchiha, though not a trained warrior, she is Uchiha and is not to be trifled with. Yet behind her stern nature is one of a caring mother, you being of very few to witness her cold façade slip behind closed doors.
[X] Intelligence
[X] Charisma
[X] Genjutsu
[X] Shurikenjutsu
[X] Your eldest brother, Madara Uchiha, the only one of three to continue survival in this world.

[X] Speed
[X] Chakra Control

[X] Taijutsu
[X] Genjutsu
[X] Your eldest brother, Madara Uchiha, the only one of three to continue survival in this world.
[X] Intelligence
[X] Chakra Control
[X] Genjutsu
[X] Sharingen
[X] Your eldest brother, Madara Uchiha, the only one of three to continue survival in this world.
[X] Intelligence
[X] Chakra Control
[X] Genjutsu
[X] Sharingen

Let's be the better Itachi!

Madara already covers the Nin/Taijutsu usage. So I want to be the silent knife to his blunt hammer.
[X] Your mother, Chiasa Uchiha, though not a trained warrior, she is Uchiha and is not to be trifled with. Yet behind her stern nature is one of a caring mother, you being of very few to witness her cold façade slip behind closed doors.
[X] Intelligence
[X] Chakra Control
[X] Genjutsu
[X] Shurikenjutsu
Hm. Izuna lives in the era of hax, and while playing a potent direct combat character would be interesting, yet I couldn't help, but notice a rather unexpected plot hook, or at least what looks like one. It sounds like the Uchiha, or at least the Clan Leader in their belief that the Clan can afford no weaknesses adhere to a rather strict eugenics program which "weeds" out anyone with "defects".

It makes sense with the little canon information we have on Tajima, he probably views it as a harsh reality of the era that any weakness will doom the Clan as their enemies exploit it, but that doesn't make it any less bitter/infuriating for me to realize.

I imagine a Izuna whose close to his mother will learn that his mother is expecting another child, and be faced with a decision, if he isn't close he'll presumably be told his sibling was stillborn, or whatever lie they tell those whose perspective isn't so jaded that they'd object to the policy.

Which isn't to say Izuna lying through his teeth, and arranging for his younger sibling to be raised in a temple won't have consequences. Because the reason they presumably don't already do so is that it risks someone else getting their hands on the Sharingan through something basic like bandits pillaging it resulting the dormant bloodline awakening ending in a massive free for all over the kid, but makes for a side quest with very personal motivation.

Admittedly it is entirely possible I'm mistaken, but the seriousness of the situation makes me inclined to believe otherwise.

[X] Your mother, Chiasa Uchiha, though not a trained warrior, she is Uchiha and is not to be trifled with. Yet behind her stern nature is one of a caring mother, you being of very few to witness her cold façade slip behind closed doors.
[X] Intelligence
[X] Chakra Control
[X] Genjutsu
[X] Sharingen

Madara will already become a combat monster so being a more subtle, and precise Shinobi seems like it would have synergy in combat. In regards to the specifics both Intelligence, and Chakra Control are explicitly stated to be important for creating believable Genjutsu. The latter is especially important if you want to put a delayed activation Genjutsu on someone for the next time you fight them as it needs to be indistinguishable from their normal chakra network until it is triggered.

Whatever skills, and attributes we end up picking we absolutely want to specialize, because Izuna isn't a prodigy like his brother.
[X] Your eldest brother, Madara Uchiha, the only one of three to continue survival in this world.
[X] Intelligence
[X] Chakra Control
[X] Genjutsu
[X] Sharingen
[X] Your eldest brother, Madara Uchiha, the only one of three to continue survival in this world.
[X] Speed
[X] Charisma
[X] Genjutsu
[X] Sharingen
Vote Tally : Will of the Fanbase: Take 2 | Page 2 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[X] Your eldest brother, Madara Uchiha, the only one of three to continue survival in this world.
No. of Votes: 13

[X] Sharingen
No. of Votes: 13

[X] Intelligence
No. of Votes: 12

[X] Genjutsu
No. of Votes: 11

[X] Chakra Control
No. of Votes: 9

[X] Speed
No. of Votes: 5

[X] Taijutsu
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Charisma
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Your mother, Chiasa Uchiha, though not a trained warrior, she is Uchiha and is not to be trifled with. Yet behind her stern nature is one of a caring mother, you being of very few to witness her cold façade slip behind closed doors.
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Shurikenjutsu
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Stamina
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Strength
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Kenjutsu
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Chakra Pool
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Ninjutsu
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Your father, Tajima Uchiha, a harsh man, leading the clan in a harsh time. A powerful and seasoned warrior, he has brought the clan to the peak of its power, rivalled only by the hated Senju.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Sharingan
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 18
A Winters Hunt
[X] Your eldest brother, Madara Uchiha, the only one of three to continue survival in this world.

[X] Sharingan

[X] Intelligence

[X] Genjutsu

[X] Chakra Control

The target tramples through the undergrowth like a fool, leaving a trail even a child could track. Red eyes track its movement.

You softly exhale, your breath forming into a cloud of frost almost immediately as you remain motionless in your perch in the trees above. Muscles tensing, you spring from your spot to land on the next branch, the flow of chakra into the soles your feet shifting to match your ascent and fall, allowing you to keep your balance despite the rapid movement through the tree tops.

You keep up, despite the targets speed, your Sharingan allowing you to see through its twists and turns and predict exactly where it will emerge from the undergrowth. However, this chase must be quick. You may be skilled for your age, but staying power is not one of your talents. Preparing the necessary hand seals, you breath in and release a pinprick of your chakra into the targets system.

The target crashes into a tree whilst running at full tilt, stunning itself. As its view of the open field shifts to back to the dense forest, you emerge from your spot.

Drawing your kunai in a single clean motion, you stalk towards your now paralysed prey. It may be unable to resist, but you've had caution beaten into you by your father many times before to be overconfident on your first kill.


You manage to leap out of the way, the hairs on the back of your neck curl as the flames lick over you.

The rabbit however is engulfed in flames, leaving naught but charred bones and ash. You turn around with murder in your eyes. Your brother at least retains the sense to flinch back from your expression.

"It saves time cooking?" he smiles nervously as you slowly step towards him. Dropping his catches, he begins to back away as you pick up the pace of your pursuit. He falls backwards as you tackle him into the snow, the collision causing more to fall on top of your scuffle from the branches above.

Mother scolds you later for soaking your clothes with the melted snow and you go to bed hungry with the hunger pangs over the tasty meat lost. Shifting over in your sleeping mat, attempting to find a more comfortable position, you turn to your side to find some rabbit stew, still piping hot, left next to you as your elder brother slips back into his section of the tent.

Aniki may be a dobe, but he's yours.

On one hand, you are now old enough to go into battle. On the other, it's too damn cold this winter to go seeking out a fight. So you've gotten yourself some time to kill before you are sent off to the killing fields.

Write in a plan for improvements and training.
(Pick 4)
[ ]Train attribute

-[ ]Att 1

-[ ]Att 2

[ ]Train skill

-[ ]Skill 1

-[ ]Skill 2

-[ ]Skill 3

[ ]Mess around with the kids your age

[ ]Bug one of the elders for a story

[ ]Interact with Big Brother

[ ]Interact with Mother

[ ]Interact with Father

[ ]Explore Local Area

[ ]Look for a job to do around the camp

[ ]Write In
Last edited:
[X]Train attribute

[X]Train skill
-[X] Visual Genjutsu

[X]Mess around with the kids your age

[X]Interact with Big Brother
[X]Train attribute
-[X] Chakra Pool
--[X] Stamina

[X] Train Skill
-[X] Taijutsu

[X] Interact with Big Brother
[X]Train attribute
-[X] Chakra Pool
--[X] Stamina

[X] Train Skill
-[X] Taijutsu

[X] Interact with Big Brother

Let's work on the thing that don't come naturally early.
[X]Train attribute
-[X] Chakra Pool
--[X] Stamina

[X] Train Skill
-[X] Taijutsu

[X] Interact with Big Brother
[X]Train attribute
-[X] Chakra Pool
--[X] Stamina

[X] Train Skill
-[X] Taijutsu

[X] Interact with Big Brother
[X]Train attribute
-[X] Chakra Pool
--[X] Stamina

[X] Train Skill
-[X] Taijutsu

[X] Interact with Big Brother