Welp, i need sleep shortly followed by work in 5 hours so expect a tally up in under 12 hours.
Vote Tally : Will of the Fanbase: Take 2 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[X] The Second Survivor
No. of Votes: 9

[x] The Crow that lied
No. of Votes: 6

[x] The Tortoise that tried
No. of Votes: 3

[x] The Half-blind Hound
No. of Votes: 1

[X] The Gallant Toad Super Pervert
No. of Votes: 1

[X] The Gallant Toad
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 21
Its close, very close but Second Survivor wins
Vote Tally : Will of the Fanbase: Take 2 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[X] The Second Survivor
No. of Votes: 9

[x] The Crow that lied
No. of Votes: 8

[x] The Tortoise that tried
No. of Votes: 3

[x] The Half-blind Hound
No. of Votes: 1

[X] The Gallant Toad Super Pervert
No. of Votes: 1

[X] The Gallant Toad
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 23
Making a Start
You enter the world screaming with a mix of rage and fear whilst covered in someone else's blood, the same way you joke you'll leave it once you're old enough to understand that particular brand of morbid humour. You are taken from the warm and softness and the coldness of the winter air irritates your skin. As you open your eyes, you are greeted by the sight of a man looking down at you, his red eyes inspecting your form for defects; the intensity of said gaze quells you for a moment. The silence fills the tent as the judgement of your unknown fate is decided. There is no room for weakness within the clan.

As if by an unseen command, the man's expression relaxes slightly as the red in his eyes fades away and you are handed back to the warmness and the beckoning of sleep. Being born is tiring work.

The next sight that you see is when you open your eyes to begin bawling for food. You are hungry, you deserve to be fed. You think, you could be wrong. You might need attention or to relieve yourself. But when you are lifted from your crib, you aren't taken to the warm soft person, or the man with the red eyes. Instead you see someone grinning at you, rocking you gently back to sleep.

"We meet at last little brother."

Who are you closest to?

(Select One)

[ ] Your father, Tajima Uchiha, a harsh man, leading the clan in a harsh time. A powerful and seasoned warrior, he has brought the clan to the peak of its power, rivalled only by the hated Senju.

[] Your mother, Chiasa Uchiha, though not a trained warrior, she is Uchiha and is not to be trifled with. Yet behind her stern nature is one of a caring mother, you being of very few to witness her cold façade slip behind closed doors.

[ ] Your eldest brother, Madara Uchiha, the only one of three to continue survival in this world.

[ ] Your uncle, Akio Uchiha, your father's trusted right hand and often used babysitter. He is a quiet man, not given to expressing his thoughts, but if anyone understands the life of preparing to serve their elder, it's him.

[ ] Your cousin Hideyoshi, son of your uncle, one of the few children your age you actually consider a peer. Though not on your level of skill, he always brightens the day with his laughter and can be trusted to watch your back, come what may.

Though not the prodigy that your eldest brother is, by the age of four you advance quickly in your studies. Good thing too as you're quickly beginning to reach the age where it's considered reasonable to send you into battle alongside your father and surviving brother. You begin to develop a knack for developing your…

Pick on Attribute: (Pick Two)

[ ] Strength

[ ] Speed

[ ] Stamina

[ ] Intelligence

[ ] Charisma

[ ] Chakra Control

[ ] Chakra Pool

You also make great strides in the training of…

Select a Skill: (Pick Two)

[ ] Ninjutsu

- You make quick progression through the initial training jutsu and one day you manage it. The fireball is massive to your child's eyes. Congratulations in passing your rite of passage into the clan. You have learned the Uchiha Great Fireball Technique Jutsu.

[ ] Taijutsu

- Something about the pitting of your bodies prowess against another just sings to you. By the time you are considered ready for the battlefield, you have already defeated boys much larger than yourself and even bloodied the nose of one particularly overconfident shinobi. You may have been floored by the return blow but you regained consciousness with a smile on your face.

[ ] Kenjutsu

- Mastering the training Kata's you are quickly proving yourself a prodigy with the blade. This has culminated with your fathers gifting of a well-made chakra metal tanto which holds a dear space in your heart.

[ ] Genjutsu

- Often considered a weaker branch of study compared to the more flashy techniques of Ninjutsu, the ability to confuse the mind and influence thoughts through subtly over power is not to be underestimated. Fortuntately for you, you were born Uchiha and your clan has the intelligence and breeding to understand the importance of Genjutsu. You of course took to it like a duck to water, able to construct henges that could fool seasoned sentries and even erase yourself from your targets view with your Visual Illusion Techniques.

[ ] Sharingen

- Though you have yet to fight on the field of battle, your father saw fit to bring you along with other children of the clan to salvage useable weaponry from the site of skirmish with the Senju. There you witnessed death for the first time as your warriors began to kill the enemy wounded. There you truly began to see through your eyes. (Not picking this option does not prevent activation of Sharingen, but activation early will allow extra development of its usage.)

[ ] Shurikenjutsu

- Thanks to a very skilful use of hand eye co-ordination and reflexes you are garnering the reputation of quite the young marksman. Sure the kunai picking several shuriken out of the air to land in the centre of the target was a very, very lucky fluke, but the fact that no-one argues that it's a stunt achievable in your future certainly provides an ego boost.
[X] Your eldest brother, Madara Uchiha, the only one of three to continue survival in this world.
[X] Stamina
[X] Intelligence
[X] Taijutsu
[X] Sharingen
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[X] Your eldest brother, Madara Uchiha, the only one of three to continue survival in this world.
[X] Strength
[X] Speed
[X] Kenjutsu
[X] Sharingen

So probably not going to get alot of votes but SV in Naruto quest has a tendency to go wizard and I would like to try for a more fighter type build.
[X] Your eldest brother, Madara Uchiha, the only one of three to continue survival in this world.
[X] Strength
[X] Speed
[X] Kenjutsu
[X] Sharingen

So probably not going to get alot of votes but SV in Naruto quest has a tendency to go wizard and I would like to try for a more fighter type build.
I am trying to go pure taijutsu.
[X] Your father, Tajima Uchiha, a harsh man, leading the clan in a harsh time. A powerful and seasoned warrior, he has brought the clan to the peak of its power, rivalled only by the hated Senju.
[X] Strength
[X] Speed
[X] Taijutsu
[X] Sharingen

Ultimate Melee!
[X] Your eldest brother, Madara Uchiha, the only one of three to continue survival in this world.
[X] Chakra Pool
[X] Intelligence
[X] Ninjutsu
[X] Sharingen
[X] Your eldest brother, Madara Uchiha, the only one of three to continue survival in this world.
[X] Chakra Pool
[X] Intelligence
[X] Ninjutsu
[X] Sharingen
[X] Your eldest brother, Madara Uchiha, the only one of three to continue survival in this world.
[X] Speed
[X] Stamina
[X] Kenjutsu
[X] Sharingen

Fast, enduring, with a wicked eye and a deadly sword.
[X] Your eldest brother, Madara Uchiha, the only one of three to continue survival in this world.
[X] Intelligence
[X] Chakra Control
[X] Genjutsu
[X] Sharingen

Let's be the better Itachi!

Madara already covers the Nin/Taijutsu usage. So I want to be the silent knife to his blunt hammer.
[X] Your eldest brother, Madara Uchiha, the only one of three to continue survival in this world.

[X] Chakra Control
[X] Charisma

I'll always love good chakra control allows for more Justu usage and faster learning when learning new justu's.
Uchiha's already get a speed bonus based of their taijustu and sharingen so I want a Uchiha with good charisma.

[X] Taijutsu
[X] Sharingen

Lets be honest most of the damage done in the show is from the taijustu parts of the fight.
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[X] Your eldest brother, Madara Uchiha, the only one of three to continue survival in this world.
[X] Intelligence
[X] Chakra Control
[X] Genjutsu
[X] Sharingan