Second Age of Heroes (Mutants and Mastermind Quest)

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So this is a going to be my first SV quest (I've run a few over on SB). It will be a superhero...
Origins I
Southampton, Great Britain
So this is a going to be my first SV quest (I've run a few over on SB). It will be a superhero quest using the Mutants and Masterminds ruleset where you will be playing a first generation superhero in an alternate history based off one of my CK2/EU4 games (I exported it from the former into the later).

The setting is simple. Out of universe, I wanted to roleplay a knight in shining armour who would united Britain or at least most of it. In order to get some threats, I set up things so that some factors (mainly reforming pagan religions at certain points so they wouldn't be converted away super easily) wouldn't be crushed super easily in addition to a few mods to expand and improve gameplay. Start date is earliest of 769.

Of course, my plans to have a hero save Britain and then watch his descendants either continue his legacy, lost it or destroy it got derailed when my character, Arthur Cadarn, became immortal five years after I started. So as he united Britain under Welsh Catholic rule, the rest of the world went to dark ages from his perspective. The Umayyads took the Hispania peninsula (Arthur fought in the final campaign to aid the father of his daughter-in-law, but failed to prevent the inevitable defeat) and eastern North Africa coastline. The two Francia briefly united before collapsing into multiple civil wars as Charlemagne died early on. Pagans united and launched multiple great and lesser holy wars into Frankish lands, turning into a mismatch of pagan and Christian boardergore as the Catholics fought each other whilst falling to pagan invaders. Roman held on and strengthened their boarders, but made minimal expansion outside of the Balkans. Pagans (Norse, Slavic, Romuva, Tengri and those Finnish guys) reformed their religions and build up their Kingdoms (Norse - Sweden & Denmark, Slavic - Bohemia & Poland, Romuva - Lithunia, Finnish - Proto-Finland, Tengri - Large hordes in the steppes). Coptics suffered a resurgence as Armenian and Abyssinian empires formed and between them and the Romans, they manage to eliminate the Islamic rule in the Middle East with Zunist taking Persia and the Jomsviking in Oman (???). West African pagans formed the Kingdom of Mali while Italia managed to take Tunisia in a series of Holy Wars. With Catholicism falling and its authority diminished, many of their number converted to heresy.

All while this was going on in the 8th​ Century and early 9th​ Century, Arthur was uniting Britannia under his rule, giving tolerance to all Britons (Scottish, Irish, Pictish, Anglo-Saxon, Breton, Welsh) and bringing it into a golden age either as the rest of Catholicism was falling.

Then just as the day was dark, it got darker. The Umayyads invaded France, conquering most of it over the next century, conquering all remaining Catholics with the exception of two counts and driving back the Pagans. Italia fall under Fraticelli rule and over half a dozen civil wars, the Catholics slowly lost their power until they had been effectively driven from Italia and into Tunisia, where their power continued to wane. This ultimately resulted in them disposing of the Pope in Roma and installing their own Anti-Pope. In the steppes, the Tengri grew strong with the arrival of a Great Khan and while he was felled by his age before he reached Christian lands, the legacy hordes launched invasions of the Middle East and the Roman Empires. The Armenians swiftly lost land to the Pagans, breaking their military and causing the collapse of their empire as lesser nobles declared their independence and Muslims reclaimed some of their land. With a civil war breaking out as the hordes came, large swaths of Greece and Anatolia were lost to the pagans, ultimately resulting in a Khan in Greece claiming Constantinople and the crown of the Empire itself. The Abyssinian Empire, having conquered Egypt, Ethiopia and Yemen, collapsed into civil war with multiple breakaway states, including Muslims claiming their independence.
At the start of the 10th​ Century, Emperor Arthur Cadarn had been strengthen a united Britannia for over half a century and finally looked upon the rest of the world. Catholicism no longer ruled anywhere in mainland Europe apart two counts who held on due to nobody trying to seriously conquer them yet. Catholicism from had been driven completely from Hispania, was in the process of being wiped out in Francia, Germinia and Italia by heretics, infidels and pagans with the last bastions of it being slowly lost in Tunisia. The Pope himself had been disposed by a kingdom of heretics and was hiding out in northern Sweden. The rest of Catholicism fared little better with the Roman Empire having lost large amounts of lands and the throne to pagans whilst both Coptic Empires had shattered, slowly losing lands to pagans and Muslims. Meanwhile a new Great Khan was uniting another Great Horde in the furthest steppes.

Within century, there would be no more Catholics in mainland Europe and within another two, there would be no more outside of Britannia. Within a century, the Roman Empire would not just be a Christian empire ruled by pagans, but a pagan empire with Christian minorities. Within another century, no more Coptics would rule in the Middle East and within two, they would no longer live there.

Christianity was dying with only the British lands remaining strong as pagans, infidels and heretics claimed the rest of the world.

The next century would be known as the Age of Heroes as Emperor Arthur Cadarn put an end to the Dark Ages as they were peaking, with a hundred years of non-stop war as the British immortal restored Christianity to its rightful glory.

First he brought the Pope under the safety of his rules. Secondly, he had the Pope declare a Crusade against the heretics in Italia. With his standing army of over twelve thousand strong, he swiftly crushed the heretics for the lands of Italia had been bloodied by decades of civil war between heretics and faithful. Next he turned his attentions to the Muslims, readying another Crusade. However, Arthur's plans were waylaid as the Italian nobility placed a pagan warlord as king, much to the British warlord's bafflement. As of such, the 2nd​ Crusade was the liberation of Italia like the first. As he left in his ships for the second time, the Italian nobility elected the younger brother of the old pagan king as their new king. The 3rd​ Crusade was far more brutal than the first two as Arthur had grown fed up with the Italian nobles, claiming the kingdom as his own and clearing out the old nobility, placing loyal and faithful followers in their place. The 4th​ Crusade was against the Muslims in Hispania, striking at the rich western coast. Seeing that the war would be a large one, Arthur brought now only his standing armies, but his personal retinue with both armies totalling over thirty thousand in total. However, Arthur underestimated the sheer size of his foes and while he saw plenty of initial success, he was slowly losing men and women as he crushed armies of equal size while the Muslims were able to continue feed more and more soldiers into the meat grinder. Realising that he was going to lose from attrition, having lost almost half of his original army, Arthur brought in levies from his subjects in order to hold the line against the Muslim hordes. By the end of the 4th​ Crusade, over sixty thousand British warriors had fought in Hispania with half of them being lost there while the Muslims had committed over three times that many and lost over half that many. It was the most perilous point of Age of Heroes as while it broke his biggest threat beyond recovery, Arthur would have lost if the war had continued for another year or two and it would had been the Christianity which would have never recovered.

The 4th​ Crusade was a turning point as it broke the backbone of the Umayyads and Arthur never gave them the chance to recover. Launching the 5th​ Crusade against the largest pagan kingdom in Francia whilst declaring several lesser holy wars against the various pretty kingdoms and warlords in Francia, striking up through Italia and across all of coastlines, taking what land he could in order to strengthen his position before the Umayyads could recover. Within five years of the 4th​ Crusade ending, a quarter of Francia was under Arthur's rule. Arthur never stopped the wars, seeking more and more foes, declaring holy wars against those on his boarders in mainland Europe and seeking out disposed nobles with claims on lands that he could not reach with his holy wars. The 6th ​and 7th​ Crusades were declared upon the Umayyads, seizing large chucks of Hispania and further stripping them of their richest and most populous lands. Various British dukes and duchesses also decides to join in with the Age of Heroes, declaring their own wars to claim or reclaim land for the Britannia. By the halfway point of the 10th​ Century, all of Italia and Hispania were under Arthur's rule along with most of Francia and Germinia with only a few holdouts of Muslim and pagan resistance that Arthur couldn't be bother to put down whilst he had other things to worry about and his nobles were willing to the job for him. Holy Orders were founded with the biggest being the Knights Templar, the Knightly Hospitaller, the Teutonic Orders, the Knights of Santiago, the Knights of Calatrava and all of them having their Grandmasters answer to Emperor Arthur Cadarn whilst the Pope was restored to Roma.

With Catholicism secured, Arthur turned his gaze to eastern Christianity. He married one of the daughters of old Roman Emperor, using her claim to the Throne to dispose the pagan Roman Emperor and get rid of the elective monarchy that had been installed by a greedy nobility. He installed his wife as Empress of the Roman Empire using his armies and then aided in restoring the Roman Empire to its glory from two centuries ago. The new Empress was highly unpopular, but her British powerbase was untouchable and her rule secure as her opponents either met an assassin's knife in their back or a soldier's sword in their front. With the Roman Empire secure and set to become a loyal and valuable ally once it had recovered, Arthur turned his attentions to the Coptics as they fell to pagan and Muslim. Opening his coffers, he lent coin and soldier to their wars, giving them a much needed edge over their foes. Within a decade, the Armenian Empire was reforming while the Abyssinian Empire had mostly recovered.

While his eastern adventures were ongoing, Arthur's subjects had fought their own battles in the west with Tunisia expanding while Francia and Germenia were secured with pushes eastward and northward, the former stopped by the Slavic Kingdom of Bohemia and the latter by the Norsemen retaining control of the seas, halting any advances beyond the Danish peninsula. In the late 10th​ Century, Emperor Arthur Cadarn declared himself the Holy-Emperor of the Holy British Empire, having sought the approval of the Pope and the friendships of the Romans, Armenians and Abyssinians.

However, Arthur still had threats to face as the Great Khan had arrived at the borders of the Roman Empire by Crimea and Georgia. Whilst having mostly recovered, the Roman Empire was still too weak to fend for itself against another Great Horde. Unwilling to abandon his allies and let the Roman Empire fall to pagans once again, Arthur sent his personal retinue, numbering over thirty thousand now, to aid his wife's armies while rallying a massive army of over a hundred thousand men and women. Taking this massive army to Kalevan, where the Great Horde boarded the Baltic Sea, Arthur and his commanders craved their way through undefended lands as the Hordemen fought the Romans and British in the south. Eventually, the Great Khan mustered up a grand army to face Arthur. With each side having various advantages, Arthur and the Great Khan fought each other to a standstill, both losing tens of thousands of soldiers with the latter having it worse. An uneasy truce was made when the Great Khan died and the war for the Roman Empire with him, but it lasted a mere two years as Arthur soon marched on the Great Horde before it could recover from the last one, bringing over eighty thousand soldiers through Kalevan. The war lasted five years as Arthur sought not to take land, but to slay the pagan soldiers so that the military might of the Great Khan could be broken. With eight out of ten men dead by the end of the war, the Great Horde collapsed into in-fighting as the Great Khan was unable to hold onto his power.

Returning home just as the 11th​ Century, Arthur defeated the last major threat he would ever face and the Age of Heroes came to an end along with the last serious Christian expansions in the old world. Whilst the New World was colonised by the Holy British Empire, the Christian Empires barely expanded over the centuries and instead focused inwards while fending off the odd pagan invasion or raid.

The year is 1902 and the world is one of peace. Emperor Arthur the Good still rules the only world superpower with the Roman Empire, the Armenian Empire and the Ethiopian Empire as his loyal friends and allies whilst the Empire of Mali holds peace and trade with the Christian Empires. The Norse Republics hold tentative trade with the Holy British Empire whilst still forming the Pagan Pact with the Kingdoms of Sweden, Finland, Bohemia, Poland and Lithuania. The Pagan Pact holds a tentative peace with the Holy British Empire and the Roman Empire whilst safeguarding themselves against steppe aggression. Armenia and Ethiopia have ties of trade and peace with Persia and the Jomsvikings whilst all four defend themselves against aggression from the tribes of the steppes and the warring nations of India. The far eastern nations of Japan and China have ties of trade with the Westerners and Africans, unwilling to provoke the Holy British Empire.

And now as the 20th​ Century begins, so does the Second Age of Heroes.

For the character creation, you will first pick your character's name, gender and homeland as the former are important while the latter decides what sort of things you will be dealing with initially. The second part of character creation will be picking your powers and then the third and final part will be picking your character's ground, which will determine your abilities, skills and advantages.

[] [Name] Write-In

[] [Gender] Female
[] [Gender] Male

[] [Home] The British Isles
-[] [Home] England
-[] [Home] Wales
-[] [Home] Scotland
-[] [Home] Pictland
-[] [Home] Ireland
-[] [Home] Cornwall
[] [Home] The Mainland
-[] [Home] Britanny
-[] [Home] Francia
-[] [Home] Dutchlands
-[] [Home] Germania
-[] [Home] Italia
-[] [Home] Tunisia
-[] [Home] Hispania
[] [Home] The Colonies
-[] [Home] Arce
-[] [Home] Kalevan
-[] [Home] Sweden
-[] [Home] South Africa
-[] [Home] New Prydain (North America)
-[] [Home] New Albion (Central America)
-[] [Home] New Europa (South America)
-[] [Home] Australia

Feel free to ask any questions about the setting, I'll do my best to answer them.
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I wanted to roleplay a knight in shining armor
Oh boy oh boy oh boy

You just know how to hook me into Quests.

[X] [Name] Frederica Le Blanc
[X] [Gender] Female
[X] [Home] The Mainland
-[X] [Home] Francia

Because if we're gonna unite Britain, I'd rather we be French than any other nationality.

It'll be hilarious.
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Oh boy oh boy oh boy

You just know how to hook me into Quests, Oshha.

That was in 769 AD and is the current Emperor Arthur the Good (why, yes I am a big fan of the Arthurian Legends). The quest takes place in 1902. The spoilers cover the three critical centuries that led to the formation of Holy British Empire and the status quo that is about to be shaken up in this quest.

Because if we're gonna unite Britain, I'd rather we be French than any other nationality.

It'll be hilarious.

Britain or, more accurately, Western Europe has been united for almost a thousand years now and rules most of the world in a benevolent empire.
[X] [Name] Frederica Le Blanc
[X] [Gender] Female
[X] [Home] The Mainland
-[X] [Home] Francia
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The Teutonic Order is still alive and kicking and has been since it was founded.

Also bare in mind that this is a superhero quest and not an empire quest. Tag for the latter bit has been added.
Actually @Oshha what area would have to highest percentage of Tengri followers?
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Good point, then we'll be the superhero that revives the old mythology of the Germanic tribes instead of this Christianity

Like the Norsemen up in Norse Republics and the Kingdom of Sweden and the Jomsvikings? Emperor Arthur never got around to wiping them out beyond crippling their ability to launch viking raids.
Explanation of Game Mechanics
This quest will use the Mutant and Mastermind rules set, but I have found a good summary of how the rules work here.

MnM runs on a d20 system. Actions have a difficulty, you roll a d20+relevant Ability+Skill rank and try to surpass it - for example, an Expertise: Science check to figure out a complex mathematical formula, rolling a [12]+5+10=27. In some cases, degrees of failure or success (5 under/over the target) matter. I'll generally show the difficulty ratings of actions, unless your character hasn't got a clear idea of it. Characters have Abilities - the stats, Strength, Stamina, Agility, Dexterity, Fighting, Intellect, Awareness, Presence - Defenses, Skills and Advantages (such as Improved Grab, allowing grabs as part of normal unarmed attacks, or Takedown, allowing you to chain attacks against low-level enemies), as well as Powers, covering all the super stuff.

In combat, you roll d20+attack bonus against the target's Parry (in melee) or Dodge (in ranged) Defense. The difficulty to hit someone is 10+Defense. For example, your Parry is 5, so melee attacks against you have to get 15 or over. A natural 20 results in a crit, allowing you to increase your attack's power, add an additional effect or change the effect to a different one. I'll provide the options in these cases.

MnM has no HP, but damage stacks up in the form of Toughness penalties. When you take Damage, you make a Toughness check against 15+the attack's Damage to see if you withstand it. Failing it by less than 5 is a -1 penalty to your future Toughness checks; failing it by 5-9 is a -1 penalty and the dazed condition, limiting you to one action per turn, though it fades after a turn. Failing it by 10-14 is -1 and a staggered condition, limiting you to one action and slowing you down for the rest of the encounter. Failing by 15+ incapacitates you, knocking you out of the fight. In such a condition, you might be killed, though it might be that your opponents have other plans for you, or that an ally swoops in - but defeat always has consequences.

Minions are a special type of enemy representing the faceless henchmen, goons, thugs you face. They are easier to dispatch - knocked out immediately if they fail a Toughness check by anything - and more vulnerable than real villains and elite henchmen, though still potentially dangerous. Who knows, a lucky Minion might become a villain in their own right if they fare well against you.
Interesting how the Steppe Tribes are still a threat. Can you tell us who they are? If I recall correctly, the Steppe Nomads pretty much lost any sort of power at the 18th Century IRL, and they should have disappeared even sooner in this timeline since their military might was broken.

Also, will we be seeing any visitors from the Orient? Maybe see some sweet Samurai v Knight action? :ogles:
How about we fuse the beliefs of tengriism and Christianity into a new religion and do a massive Deus Vult of that, or am I speaking the ultimate heresy?
Considering how much I like the Mongols, you tempt me with Tengriism. Alas, the only way that'll happen is after the Steppes have been absorbed into the Catholic fold, culture and all.
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Interesting how the Steppe Tribes are still a threat. Can you tell us who they are? If I recall correctly, the Steppe Nomads pretty much lost any sort of power at the 18th Century IRL, and they should have disappeared even sooner in this timeline since their military might was broken.

Also, will we be seeing any visitors from the Orient? Maybe see some sweet Samurai v Knight action? :ogles:

Considering how much I like the Mongols, you tempt me with Tengriism. Alas, the only way that'll happen is after the Steppes have been absorbed into the Catholic fold, culture and all.
Or the Catholics be absorbed into the Tengri fold, culture and all.
Plus, we don't have to be from the Steppes to know about their religion, there are plenty of wandering old sages.
Or the Catholics be absorbed into the Tengri fold, culture and all.
Plus, we don't have to be from the Steppes to know about their religion, there are plenty of wandering old sages.
Problem with that is Tengriism doesn't practice the whole "Convert the Pagans!" thing, so it'd be rather strange for them to do absorb Catholicism. It's why the Mongol Empire had unusual amounts of religous freedom, they didn't expect or want others to worship Mongol spirits because foreigners aren't Mongols.
@BurningLaugh If you are considering taking on Christianity, please keep in mind the immortal Emperor who champions it and is the self-declared protector of it. Furthermore, the last time that Christianity was seriously threatened, he crushed everything in his path, including multiple peer powers on at the same time, including an empire with twice the power of his own, multiple unified pagan religions and a second Mongol horde. Back then he had a single set of islands and a couple centuries of experience. Now he rules all of Western Europe, the entirety of the new world, a fifth of Africa, all of Australia and New Zealand and some other assorted places and has been alive and kicking for over a thousand years.

Interesting how the Steppe Tribes are still a threat. Can you tell us who they are? If I recall correctly, the Steppe nomads pretty much lost any sort of power at the 18th Century IRL, and tbey should have disappeared even sooner in this timelime since their military might was broken.

Basically Ghengis Khan came two centuries early and the Mongol Empire didn't form because the Mongol Horde fracture (oh, the bordergore) when he died early. Since then, those hordes have been fighting amongst themselves and causing trouble for their neighbours. That said, they are less of a threat and more of a potential threat as they can be threatening when a Khan unites a horde with the most dangerous horde being the one that conquered the heartland of the Roman Empire and broke the Armenian Empire and finally inspired Emperor Arthur to focus his attention on Eastern Christianity. Think of them as being similar to Warhammer Orks and their Waaaghs. They aren't a threat until they stop fighting each other and unite under a Khan.

Today and for the last several centuries, the Steppe Hordes have been confined to real world Russia and have been slowly becoming irrelevant as technology improves like in real life. In fact, several countries could take them on in an invasion, but don't want to get involved in the Steppe fighting due to the constant fighting that it entails.

Also, will we be seeing any visitors from the Orient? Maybe see some sweet Samurai v Knight action? :ogles:

The possibility is there.

As for the Tengri business, Tengri won't be brought into the fold of Christianity unless it converts (Emperor Arthur isn't overly tolerant when it comes to religion even if he is very liberal as he mainly considers the loyalty, Christian-ness and competence when judging someone and over the centuries, that attitude as bled into the general opinion of the empire's power.) As for Tengri, converting Christianity, it tried that once and went 'never again' after meeting Emperor Arthur and Emperor Arthur would never allow any pagans to convert Christianity, even non-Catholic parts of it.
Keep in mind that your character is going to be Christian due to living in the Holy British Empire so you won't start off as Tengri.

I'm also going to bed now so it will be several hours until I answer anymore questions.
As for Tengri, converting Christianity, it tried that once
Weird, is this just from the perspective of the European powers? Tengriism isn't very big on conversion of foreign peoples, that's the territory of the Abrahamic Faiths. If not, I'm gonna assume there's something plot-relevant at play here that pushed Genghis to do so and come to Europe early.
Weird, is this just from the perspective of the European powers? Tengriism isn't very big on conversion of foreign peoples, that's the territory of the Abrahamic Faiths. If not, I'm gonna assume there's something plot-relevant at play here that pushed Genghis to do so and come to Europe early.

Probably if it was real life. The plot relevant thing for Genghis to come earlier than RL is that I set Mongol Invasions to random in my CK2 game and the reason that Tengri tries to convert is because a Khan was able to reform their religion into something more unified and like the Christian churches.
I will close the vote in six or seven hours from now.

The vote currently stands at:
Vote Tally : Original - Alt. History - Superhero - Second Age of Heroes (Mutants and Mastermind Quest) | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 2-20]
##### NetTally 1.9.7
Task: Name
[X][Name] Frederica Le Blanc
No. of Votes: 4
[X][Name] Gustav Rosenquist
No. of Votes: 1

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Gender
[X][Gender] Female
No. of Votes: 4
[X][Gender] Male
No. of Votes: 1

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Home
[X][Home] The Mainland
-[X][Home] Francia
No. of Votes: 4
[x][Home] The Colonies
-[x][Home] Sweden
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 5
Okay. Vote closed.
Vote Tally : Original - Alt. History - Superhero - Second Age of Heroes (Mutants and Mastermind Quest) | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 2-20]
##### NetTally 1.9.7
Task: Name
[X][Name] Frederica Le Blanc
No. of Votes: 4
[X][Name] Gustav Rosenquist
No. of Votes: 1

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Gender
[X][Gender] Female
No. of Votes: 4
[X][Gender] Male
No. of Votes: 1

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Home
[X][Home] The Mainland
-[X][Home] Francia
No. of Votes: 4
[x][Home] The Colonies
-[x][Home] Sweden
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 5
Origins II
[X] [Name] Frederica Le Blanc
[X] [Gender] Female
[X] [Home] The Mainland
-[X] [Home] Francia


You are Frederica Le Blanc, a citizen of the Holy British Empire who lives in the Kingdom of Francia. Francia is the closest region to the heart of the Empire itself, the British Isles, and is the most culturally similar as a result. Sheer distance has caused the colonies to diverge in culture along with influences from the incorporated natives while Hispania has remnant Islamic culture influencing it despite the centuries. Italia is the domain of the Pope and shares border with the Romans, both of those affecting the local culture while Germania has pagan influence from centuries of back and forth fighting with its pagan neighbours to the north and east. Tunisia is quite British, but also quite African while the Dutchlands are just too darn mercantile with their many trade empires and merchant republics.

In fact, it can be argued that the French are the most British of all the people in the Empire as the British Isles themselves are culturally diverse with a mixture of Irish, Scottish, Pictish, Anglo-Saxon, Cornish and Welsh culture. And yet others argue that they are not for in places, Francia still retains leftovers from the conquests of infidels, heretics and pagans many centuries ago.


Powers: Here you get to pick your power set where you can select one of the generic power sets I have come up with or you can pick your own power set using the write-in options, but if you do use a write-in, I reserve the right to veto.
[] [Power] Flying Brick (Flight, Super Strength, Super Toughness, Enhanced Senses)
[] [Power] Enhanced Body (Enhanced stats across the board)
[] [Power] Brick (Super Strength, Super Toughness, Enhanced Senses, Enhanced Speed)
[] [Power] Energy Manipulator (Controlling and using 'energy' fields)
[] [Power] Psychic (Telepathy & Telekinesis)
[] [Power] Portal's and doors, make wormholes in reality to block, escape or cut.
[X] [Power] Inspiring Aura - Inspire awe and fighting resolve in friendly fighters (continuous "second wind" effect), inspire doubt and hopelessness in enemy fighters. Supplemented with merely peak human dexterity and speed, not superhuman.
[] [Power] Write-in

Appearance (Optional): Appearance is an optional vote where you can vote for the appearance of Frederica Le Blanc.
[] [Appearance] Write-in

Region: The region is the particular duchy in Francia that Frederica is from. There are other duchies in Francia, but these are the only ones I am allowing you to pick as I have actually developed them a bit unlike the other duchies.
[] [Region] Duchy of Brittany
[] [Region] Duchy of Burgundy
[] [Region] Duchy of Normandy
[] [Region] Duchy of Provence
[] [Region] Duchy of Orleans
[] [Region] Duchy of Toulouse
[] [Region] Duchy of Aquitaine
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[X] [Power] Enhanced Body (Enhanced stats across the board)
[X] [Region] Duchy of Orleans