- Pronouns
- They/Them
Seen from above, without context, the sight might have interested a viewer. Certainly it might have distressed one. But it wouldn't have terrified them, wouldn't have baffled them, not knowing what they didn't know. There was a young man lying half in and half out of the water, unconscious.
The pristine whiteness of the tub stood in stark contrast to the bloodied water within, seeming to flow around and yet not come from the young man flopped with boneless exhaustion against its edge.
They would certainly look like a young man from above, with short hair, the blonde of the purest, most lovely gold. The hair just barely tickled against the curved plains of his neck, which gave way in time to the strong muscles of his back, the rolling hills that showed strength untouched by the lash of a whip or the hash ravages of time.
Here was a youth, head turned slightly on its side to reveal boyishly handsome features. His arms were sculpted, wires and chords of seemingly indomitable strength, trailing over the edges of the bath like great formations of stone.
The vast clouds of blood and gore floating behind him almost obscured what there was where his waist ended. What there was, and what there wasn't.
There even an observer without context might gasp, might be distressed and suddenly afraid. But not for the reasons they should be, no.
Lotte awoke slowly in stages, far slower than she was used to, farm girl that she was. She'd awaken ton an odd ache in her body, the soreness after a hard day's work. It'd even taken a few moments for her to remember that she wasn't back home, and was in fact uncomfortable on something hard. Had she passed out on the floor?
She tried to sat up and flailed a little, slightly off balance. She recognized the room the moment she saw it. It was the baths she'd passed and not gone in, only now, from the sound of sloshing water, she was taking a bath. Lotte tried to stand, and flopped over, turning as she did. What?
She looked down. She didn't look any different… except that she was naked, and that showed what was different. Where before there would have been somewhat small but well-formed breasts, instead she had a flat chest, which poked out only a little, and with musculature rather than anything else.
Lotte… definitely felt a sinking feeling in her stomach, sick and horrified. As a girl would be at that.
(At the least, the dismay was real. How had that happened?)
Then she turned and screamed.
She had a tail.
No, that wasn't it. Below about the waist, she was a tail. A snake tail, thick at the base, and tapering to an end that still wasn't all that thin.
She only really stopped when she'd ran out of breath, and she tried to shift it around as she took a look. Her tail was somewhere between ten and twelve feet long, and moving it wasn't the same as moving legs at all. In fact, she spent the better part of a dozen minutes figuring out how to stand, sort of, pushing her torso up as she began to get out of the bath.
She could feel every movement, could feel her tail against the stone, though in a different way from how she'd been able to feel stone against her leg. It was bizarre how easy it was, and how hard, to think of it as hers. She had no instincts, but it moved when she wanted it to move, if not always how she wanted to move. It was brown and green, in mottled combinations that seemed perfect to blend in to a forest, though there were ridges of purple, here and there.
She was dripping as she got out of the water, and she looked around. If someone had left her here, perhaps the strange and terrible God, perhaps they had left towels? And, indeed, there were some towels down on the ground. She struggled for a while to try to lower her body without just slamming into the ground, and eventually she figured out how to do it. She suspected, from the way that half-ghostly lamia had moved, that it was a matter of getting used to it.
She was like a stumbling baby fawn, the sort that only a monster killed, no matter how tender their meat was said to be, unless starvation and desperation took you. She wobbled one way and the next, but eventually was able to begin drying herself off. She moved slowly, feeling as if the faster she rushed the sooner she'd be forced into some new madness. Her scales felt odd beneath her fingers as she tried to dry off. There was a lot more to dry off, because her tail wasn't small on top of being long, but she worked at it.
She knew she should be freaking out, but she tried to focus on the physical tasks involved in preparing. Once that was done, she glanced around for clothing. She hadn't really explored what her body was truly like, but she wasn't interested, not now.
All of these tasks, they reminded her of what she'd done those first few years when she had her monthlies, the way she'd drown herself in mundane activities, ones she didn't have to think for.
She didn't have to think to look for her clothes, either, though she found none of them, nor her bow. She was glad the bow wasn't around, considering the wetness of the area. It was so easy to ruin a good bowstring. Finally, she felt dry enough, and so she began to move towards the door.
She was going to get better at this, at least until she could find a way to ask the God to turn her back. She could see how, if she got the hang of it, she'd probably be able to go a lot faster than expected, and with a lot more maneuverability than it felt like now, where she felt like turning was a slow, clumsy process.
Before she reached the entryway, the head of a black snake popped around the corner, as if it were popping in while leaning against the wall.
'You are up. At last, my son. We have much to talk about, and I have much to explain. Please go to the circle so that we may talk. There are clothes waiting there.'
Lotte hesitated, but followed. When she turned the corner, she saw that the snake was improbably long, stretching back to and no doubt connected to the ritual site. Despite the awkwardness and her fears, Lotte kept on moving, and clearing the steps down wasn't difficult either. She was already getting used to it… well, no, that wasn't true. She was in shock, and she knew her body and she could learn a new body if need be. In the center were a small cluster of snakes, far less impressive than the ones that had surrounded her before.
'Thank you for coming, son. It has been eighteen years since I sent you away, in Her care, directing her to find a family pious in my ways.'
Lotte blinked, staring at the snakes. Pious in… its ways? Lotte had never heard anything about the Forgotten God until it had been mentioned by the spirit of a martyr.
Lotte wracked her brain, but couldn't quite remember the specifics, except that the Forgotten God was apparently bad.
"Erm," Lotte said. "Why did you do this to me?"
'Do this? You were always thus, but hidden. I could not keep you where I reside, for it is dark and hidden. But nor could you become as this immediately, for you are no regular lamia, you are not of my people, but of divine blood, that will--'
"What do you want from me?!" Lotte demanded. "You call me son and you lie to me and you trap me here, and you turn me into this!"
'I did not turn you into this. This is who you are. And though I cannot read your mind, surely you must be jesting. It is wise and even pious of you to come here under a false name, pretending to be what humans call 'a girl' but--'
"Pretending?" Lotte burst out, furious and terrified, as if this Forgotten God was going to tell someone else the lie and they'd believe it and then they'd judge her or ask why she wasn't being a good enough woman to apparently seem like one to a God.
'It is no matter. I--'
"Explain! I don't understand any of this," Lotte said, tearing up as she glared at the snakes.
'I am trying to explain, if you will be patient and listen.'
"Listen? Why should I--"
'Because I can give you power! And I can give you a way out of here! You really are like a dog on a bone, are you not. I am a Forgotten God, exiled and cast aside, and I wish to be reborn in this world, so that I can protect my people, and all Beastfolk. I am a liar, but there is no point lying to you, because you will see through any lie I tell, in time. What is the lot of the Beastfolk in this world? Is it kindly?'
"No," Lotte said, realizing suddenly just what being a lamia meant for her. Even more than other Beastfolk, excepting the spiders, people whispered things about lamia and their hateful nature.
'It is because their fear of me drove the Gods to ignore evil, out of the hopes of harming me. It was successful. There's no need for destroying all the other Gods, if I can simply activate enough shrines and gain the strength to claw myself up and take my rightful place.'
"And you want me to help?" Lotte asked.
'It helps you as well, for it strengthens your divine essence, but also your mortal essence. It is why I could not keep you, and why you thought you were human. What is divine in you would have torn itself apart without a human shell, and what is human in you would have rotted away in the darkness, leaving only divinity. It would have made you nothing more than a shadow-puppet, an avatar, powerful but ultimately useless. So, She took you away, as She took away six before you, in exchange for her blessing upon you as upon them.'
"Who?" Lotte asked, baffled.
'It is you to answer your own questions, ultimately. I cannot.'
Lotte bit her lip, but didn't respond to that, instead asking. "What are your tenents? What am I to do?"
'You being here has activated it, but in the future you will need to act. But we can talk now, in your dreams, but only if you agree. If you do not, I am barred. You can if you want, find some cottage and never answer my call again. But if you wish to seek the truth, to seek your destiny, to change the world and find a place in it, I can guide you to it. Seventh of a seventh, unique.'
This whole time, Lotte had been talking and listening, the world having fallen away, all the sensations of the air blowing across her new snake-skin, the strange feeling of being not quite right and not quite wrong, and only in that pause did she realize just how odd she felt. It was hard to define, how did a drowning man describe air? Something was right that hadn't been right, and tears prickled at her eyes when she thought of it, unable to hold onto the anger. Perhaps she was not made for anger, perhaps anger was like a bow, and could not be held back for too long before she had to either loose it or give up the shot.
She was afraid and she was enchanted and she was confused, before this bizarre snake God.
"Seventh of a seventh?"
'The sixth came from far off lands, but gave up the quest, planted a tree and prayed to me one last time as he was taught, and then I never saw him again.'
Lotte remembered the tree, remembered Aisling's avid interest, and yet all she hadn't said.
"We call them Memento Trees."
What memories were there to forget? Lotte's mouth was dry, and her head was buzzing with questions. "Oh. And… my clothes?"
'They were beyond any care. But there are more, clothes from past days, preserved. Waiting for you. Waiting for the hero, the adventurer, who will change everything. Remake everything. I ask you to consider my words.'
Lotte nodded, slowly and hesitantly biting her lip so hard she was terrified it'd start bleeding. The lights in the room, which seemed to come from nowhere, flickered as the God stared at her. "I'll think about it. I need to get dressed first."
'Then follow… I believe I can break one out, here and now, empowered as I am by your presence.' One small, unnaturally yellow snake broke off from the mass and hissed for a moment before moving towards the back of the room and another doorway. Lotte slithered after it. The area they were going to smelled like all of those old books Lotte always hated reading, and as she moved the stone lightened and this white stone spread, overwhelming the black. So even though it wasn't that bright, Lotte could see everything as they came upon a gnarled old door that looked like it'd been made out of branches clumsily stuck together. Lotte opened it and entered, nothing to himself that it'd now take him a while to be entirely in any room he went into.
Inside, Lotte saw what had to be a bed. It wasn't quite what he expected, being low to the ground, and huge, with faded blue sheets that looked impossibly soft, and downy white pillows everywhere.
A lamia's bed, Lotte realized. Of course they'd need more space, at least unless they curled up on themselves. Which they probably would do when there wasn't a bed, just like a human would. Next to that was a dark, heavy desk, and next to that a cabinet. Lotte slithered over and opened it, and blinked. There were piles and piles of clothes, all of them men's clothes, in no particular order or size. She'd have to get a tailor to fit them to her, but perhaps she could find something fitted to someone close to her size. Much of it was too small, and there were a few pieces clearly fit for an Orime, but there were a few that worked.
None of them were, in some ways, for someone like her. They were for men, and they were well-made, and soft, even those clearly meant for hard usage. But eventually she found a grey-brown shirt about her. It fit well enough, especially without her… breasts in the way. Then she found a set of leathers that would make a sort of protective tunic, except it had an opening in the middle. It was bizarre, but she liked it, and slipping it on made her feel protected. There were even a very few archery gloves of sorts, even thinner than the ones she was used to, minorly enchanted to protect the hand. She slipped those on, and then dug around for a belt and what looked like a sort of… tan cloth wrap of sorts. Looking closer down at her body, she could see that there was some sort of opening, near and around where flesh became scales, and so she had to cover up just a little bit. It wrapped around her, without looking too bad, and the dark leather sash would hold it all in place.
'Do you wish for a mirror?'
'I… yes.'
Then there it was, suddenly before her, shimmering and clear.
Even without a bow and arrow, Lotte looked impressive, imposing, like some well-born young noblewom--no, nobleman, it was no use lying to herself. Her features weren't any different, but that just meant it'd be a handsome, somewhat pretty boy rather than anything else. The only thing different about her face was that her eyes were now both blue and slightly yellow-ish, and her tongue was longer and forked. When she stuck it out, she could smell the mustiness of the room even stronger than before.
The rest of her body, above the waist, was similarly unchanged beyond the lack of breasts. The shirt and the strange vest were welcome and appreciated, and the gloves were gorgeous.
It was strange, to look in the mirror and be so happy; it was strange to look in the mirror and feel so sad.
Something was better about how Lotte looked, and something was wrong about it, and she couldn't figure out why any of it was like this!
She made faces, trying to keep a light heart, but she just couldn't help but picture it. Were her parents lying to her?
Were they monsters, secretly doing the bidding of a strange God who she remembered had been behind the assassination of a martyr… or so the martyr claimed. Unless it was a different Forgotten God, said with solemnity and fear.
Were there thousands of Forgotten Gods, with far too many names for a dullard like Lotte to understand?
But even that moment of self-loathing felt more distant. She wanted to laugh and laugh until she started crying, but instead she turned to the snake, the God.
"How do I get out of here?"
'There are two ways. One back through your former friends, one avoiding them. It is your choice.'
It meant it, too. Lotte felt as if this had to be the truth, as if the God at least knew that it couldn't do anything yet. Right?
'There are of course all of your other supplies. Also, you vomited in your sleep. So you will be hungry soon. You eat anything you would before. But you can devour raw food now without your stomach doing that strange thing human stomachs do.'
Lotte took a deep breath, and tried to think. What did she want? Her whole world had been turned upside, and she didn't know whether anyone would accept her. Not her parents, not Aisling and Naja, not… well, perhaps yes Lisbeth if they met again, but who else? Everyone knew about lamias even when they didn't know about Lotte's semi-divine nature. She wasn't going to reveal that, but what if they found out?
What does Lotte do? At least, the first thing that comes to mind.
[] S/he knows nothing about being a lamia. Perhaps it is best to find some of her (?) people, that is to say other lamia, and try to ask them. There are hidden villages, or so people say, away from 'good' people. Perhaps… perhaps she can find somewhere new to be, at least for a time until she works out how to even move half as well as she did before.
[] Lotte believes in Naja and Aisling, right? Surely if she went to talk to them, she could work things out and they could figure this out together. Lotte would have to lie, and talk about… maybe some sort of curse, rather than some divine destiny. Maybe it wouldn't even be a lie? But if she doesn't do this, she'd be leaving them behind, to worry about Lotte, to think Lotte was, quite probably, dead. But… if they are hostile, then she'd be losing them too.
[] Lotte needs to talk to her parents. Were they in on it? The Forgotten God stated it, yet Lotte had heard nothing about him. She had seemed so confident that Lotte had been taught, and it was stunned when she didn't. What were They hiding from Lotte, and for that matter were her parents ever… were they… she should just go around the back and make it back home. Even if it risks being seen, even if it risks learning her parents never loved her, or were just using her for their hidden secret religion or… or something.
[] Write-in, subject to veto.
A/N: I'm aware that this is a heavy and exposition-heavy update, but it's an important one.
Seen from above, without context, the sight might have interested a viewer. Certainly it might have distressed one. But it wouldn't have terrified them, wouldn't have baffled them, not knowing what they didn't know. There was a young man lying half in and half out of the water, unconscious.
The pristine whiteness of the tub stood in stark contrast to the bloodied water within, seeming to flow around and yet not come from the young man flopped with boneless exhaustion against its edge.
They would certainly look like a young man from above, with short hair, the blonde of the purest, most lovely gold. The hair just barely tickled against the curved plains of his neck, which gave way in time to the strong muscles of his back, the rolling hills that showed strength untouched by the lash of a whip or the hash ravages of time.
Here was a youth, head turned slightly on its side to reveal boyishly handsome features. His arms were sculpted, wires and chords of seemingly indomitable strength, trailing over the edges of the bath like great formations of stone.
The vast clouds of blood and gore floating behind him almost obscured what there was where his waist ended. What there was, and what there wasn't.
There even an observer without context might gasp, might be distressed and suddenly afraid. But not for the reasons they should be, no.
Lotte awoke slowly in stages, far slower than she was used to, farm girl that she was. She'd awaken ton an odd ache in her body, the soreness after a hard day's work. It'd even taken a few moments for her to remember that she wasn't back home, and was in fact uncomfortable on something hard. Had she passed out on the floor?
She tried to sat up and flailed a little, slightly off balance. She recognized the room the moment she saw it. It was the baths she'd passed and not gone in, only now, from the sound of sloshing water, she was taking a bath. Lotte tried to stand, and flopped over, turning as she did. What?
She looked down. She didn't look any different… except that she was naked, and that showed what was different. Where before there would have been somewhat small but well-formed breasts, instead she had a flat chest, which poked out only a little, and with musculature rather than anything else.
Lotte… definitely felt a sinking feeling in her stomach, sick and horrified. As a girl would be at that.
(At the least, the dismay was real. How had that happened?)
Then she turned and screamed.
She had a tail.
No, that wasn't it. Below about the waist, she was a tail. A snake tail, thick at the base, and tapering to an end that still wasn't all that thin.
She only really stopped when she'd ran out of breath, and she tried to shift it around as she took a look. Her tail was somewhere between ten and twelve feet long, and moving it wasn't the same as moving legs at all. In fact, she spent the better part of a dozen minutes figuring out how to stand, sort of, pushing her torso up as she began to get out of the bath.
She could feel every movement, could feel her tail against the stone, though in a different way from how she'd been able to feel stone against her leg. It was bizarre how easy it was, and how hard, to think of it as hers. She had no instincts, but it moved when she wanted it to move, if not always how she wanted to move. It was brown and green, in mottled combinations that seemed perfect to blend in to a forest, though there were ridges of purple, here and there.
She was dripping as she got out of the water, and she looked around. If someone had left her here, perhaps the strange and terrible God, perhaps they had left towels? And, indeed, there were some towels down on the ground. She struggled for a while to try to lower her body without just slamming into the ground, and eventually she figured out how to do it. She suspected, from the way that half-ghostly lamia had moved, that it was a matter of getting used to it.
She was like a stumbling baby fawn, the sort that only a monster killed, no matter how tender their meat was said to be, unless starvation and desperation took you. She wobbled one way and the next, but eventually was able to begin drying herself off. She moved slowly, feeling as if the faster she rushed the sooner she'd be forced into some new madness. Her scales felt odd beneath her fingers as she tried to dry off. There was a lot more to dry off, because her tail wasn't small on top of being long, but she worked at it.
She knew she should be freaking out, but she tried to focus on the physical tasks involved in preparing. Once that was done, she glanced around for clothing. She hadn't really explored what her body was truly like, but she wasn't interested, not now.
All of these tasks, they reminded her of what she'd done those first few years when she had her monthlies, the way she'd drown herself in mundane activities, ones she didn't have to think for.
She didn't have to think to look for her clothes, either, though she found none of them, nor her bow. She was glad the bow wasn't around, considering the wetness of the area. It was so easy to ruin a good bowstring. Finally, she felt dry enough, and so she began to move towards the door.
She was going to get better at this, at least until she could find a way to ask the God to turn her back. She could see how, if she got the hang of it, she'd probably be able to go a lot faster than expected, and with a lot more maneuverability than it felt like now, where she felt like turning was a slow, clumsy process.
Before she reached the entryway, the head of a black snake popped around the corner, as if it were popping in while leaning against the wall.
'You are up. At last, my son. We have much to talk about, and I have much to explain. Please go to the circle so that we may talk. There are clothes waiting there.'
Lotte hesitated, but followed. When she turned the corner, she saw that the snake was improbably long, stretching back to and no doubt connected to the ritual site. Despite the awkwardness and her fears, Lotte kept on moving, and clearing the steps down wasn't difficult either. She was already getting used to it… well, no, that wasn't true. She was in shock, and she knew her body and she could learn a new body if need be. In the center were a small cluster of snakes, far less impressive than the ones that had surrounded her before.
'Thank you for coming, son. It has been eighteen years since I sent you away, in Her care, directing her to find a family pious in my ways.'
Lotte blinked, staring at the snakes. Pious in… its ways? Lotte had never heard anything about the Forgotten God until it had been mentioned by the spirit of a martyr.
Lotte wracked her brain, but couldn't quite remember the specifics, except that the Forgotten God was apparently bad.
"Erm," Lotte said. "Why did you do this to me?"
'Do this? You were always thus, but hidden. I could not keep you where I reside, for it is dark and hidden. But nor could you become as this immediately, for you are no regular lamia, you are not of my people, but of divine blood, that will--'
"What do you want from me?!" Lotte demanded. "You call me son and you lie to me and you trap me here, and you turn me into this!"
'I did not turn you into this. This is who you are. And though I cannot read your mind, surely you must be jesting. It is wise and even pious of you to come here under a false name, pretending to be what humans call 'a girl' but--'
"Pretending?" Lotte burst out, furious and terrified, as if this Forgotten God was going to tell someone else the lie and they'd believe it and then they'd judge her or ask why she wasn't being a good enough woman to apparently seem like one to a God.
'It is no matter. I--'
"Explain! I don't understand any of this," Lotte said, tearing up as she glared at the snakes.
'I am trying to explain, if you will be patient and listen.'
"Listen? Why should I--"
'Because I can give you power! And I can give you a way out of here! You really are like a dog on a bone, are you not. I am a Forgotten God, exiled and cast aside, and I wish to be reborn in this world, so that I can protect my people, and all Beastfolk. I am a liar, but there is no point lying to you, because you will see through any lie I tell, in time. What is the lot of the Beastfolk in this world? Is it kindly?'
"No," Lotte said, realizing suddenly just what being a lamia meant for her. Even more than other Beastfolk, excepting the spiders, people whispered things about lamia and their hateful nature.
'It is because their fear of me drove the Gods to ignore evil, out of the hopes of harming me. It was successful. There's no need for destroying all the other Gods, if I can simply activate enough shrines and gain the strength to claw myself up and take my rightful place.'
"And you want me to help?" Lotte asked.
'It helps you as well, for it strengthens your divine essence, but also your mortal essence. It is why I could not keep you, and why you thought you were human. What is divine in you would have torn itself apart without a human shell, and what is human in you would have rotted away in the darkness, leaving only divinity. It would have made you nothing more than a shadow-puppet, an avatar, powerful but ultimately useless. So, She took you away, as She took away six before you, in exchange for her blessing upon you as upon them.'
"Who?" Lotte asked, baffled.
'It is you to answer your own questions, ultimately. I cannot.'
Lotte bit her lip, but didn't respond to that, instead asking. "What are your tenents? What am I to do?"
'You being here has activated it, but in the future you will need to act. But we can talk now, in your dreams, but only if you agree. If you do not, I am barred. You can if you want, find some cottage and never answer my call again. But if you wish to seek the truth, to seek your destiny, to change the world and find a place in it, I can guide you to it. Seventh of a seventh, unique.'
This whole time, Lotte had been talking and listening, the world having fallen away, all the sensations of the air blowing across her new snake-skin, the strange feeling of being not quite right and not quite wrong, and only in that pause did she realize just how odd she felt. It was hard to define, how did a drowning man describe air? Something was right that hadn't been right, and tears prickled at her eyes when she thought of it, unable to hold onto the anger. Perhaps she was not made for anger, perhaps anger was like a bow, and could not be held back for too long before she had to either loose it or give up the shot.
She was afraid and she was enchanted and she was confused, before this bizarre snake God.
"Seventh of a seventh?"
'The sixth came from far off lands, but gave up the quest, planted a tree and prayed to me one last time as he was taught, and then I never saw him again.'
Lotte remembered the tree, remembered Aisling's avid interest, and yet all she hadn't said.
"We call them Memento Trees."
What memories were there to forget? Lotte's mouth was dry, and her head was buzzing with questions. "Oh. And… my clothes?"
'They were beyond any care. But there are more, clothes from past days, preserved. Waiting for you. Waiting for the hero, the adventurer, who will change everything. Remake everything. I ask you to consider my words.'
Lotte nodded, slowly and hesitantly biting her lip so hard she was terrified it'd start bleeding. The lights in the room, which seemed to come from nowhere, flickered as the God stared at her. "I'll think about it. I need to get dressed first."
'Then follow… I believe I can break one out, here and now, empowered as I am by your presence.' One small, unnaturally yellow snake broke off from the mass and hissed for a moment before moving towards the back of the room and another doorway. Lotte slithered after it. The area they were going to smelled like all of those old books Lotte always hated reading, and as she moved the stone lightened and this white stone spread, overwhelming the black. So even though it wasn't that bright, Lotte could see everything as they came upon a gnarled old door that looked like it'd been made out of branches clumsily stuck together. Lotte opened it and entered, nothing to himself that it'd now take him a while to be entirely in any room he went into.
Inside, Lotte saw what had to be a bed. It wasn't quite what he expected, being low to the ground, and huge, with faded blue sheets that looked impossibly soft, and downy white pillows everywhere.
A lamia's bed, Lotte realized. Of course they'd need more space, at least unless they curled up on themselves. Which they probably would do when there wasn't a bed, just like a human would. Next to that was a dark, heavy desk, and next to that a cabinet. Lotte slithered over and opened it, and blinked. There were piles and piles of clothes, all of them men's clothes, in no particular order or size. She'd have to get a tailor to fit them to her, but perhaps she could find something fitted to someone close to her size. Much of it was too small, and there were a few pieces clearly fit for an Orime, but there were a few that worked.
None of them were, in some ways, for someone like her. They were for men, and they were well-made, and soft, even those clearly meant for hard usage. But eventually she found a grey-brown shirt about her. It fit well enough, especially without her… breasts in the way. Then she found a set of leathers that would make a sort of protective tunic, except it had an opening in the middle. It was bizarre, but she liked it, and slipping it on made her feel protected. There were even a very few archery gloves of sorts, even thinner than the ones she was used to, minorly enchanted to protect the hand. She slipped those on, and then dug around for a belt and what looked like a sort of… tan cloth wrap of sorts. Looking closer down at her body, she could see that there was some sort of opening, near and around where flesh became scales, and so she had to cover up just a little bit. It wrapped around her, without looking too bad, and the dark leather sash would hold it all in place.
'Do you wish for a mirror?'
'I… yes.'
Then there it was, suddenly before her, shimmering and clear.
Even without a bow and arrow, Lotte looked impressive, imposing, like some well-born young noblewom--no, nobleman, it was no use lying to herself. Her features weren't any different, but that just meant it'd be a handsome, somewhat pretty boy rather than anything else. The only thing different about her face was that her eyes were now both blue and slightly yellow-ish, and her tongue was longer and forked. When she stuck it out, she could smell the mustiness of the room even stronger than before.
The rest of her body, above the waist, was similarly unchanged beyond the lack of breasts. The shirt and the strange vest were welcome and appreciated, and the gloves were gorgeous.
It was strange, to look in the mirror and be so happy; it was strange to look in the mirror and feel so sad.
Something was better about how Lotte looked, and something was wrong about it, and she couldn't figure out why any of it was like this!
She made faces, trying to keep a light heart, but she just couldn't help but picture it. Were her parents lying to her?
Were they monsters, secretly doing the bidding of a strange God who she remembered had been behind the assassination of a martyr… or so the martyr claimed. Unless it was a different Forgotten God, said with solemnity and fear.
Were there thousands of Forgotten Gods, with far too many names for a dullard like Lotte to understand?
But even that moment of self-loathing felt more distant. She wanted to laugh and laugh until she started crying, but instead she turned to the snake, the God.
"How do I get out of here?"
'There are two ways. One back through your former friends, one avoiding them. It is your choice.'
It meant it, too. Lotte felt as if this had to be the truth, as if the God at least knew that it couldn't do anything yet. Right?
'There are of course all of your other supplies. Also, you vomited in your sleep. So you will be hungry soon. You eat anything you would before. But you can devour raw food now without your stomach doing that strange thing human stomachs do.'
Lotte took a deep breath, and tried to think. What did she want? Her whole world had been turned upside, and she didn't know whether anyone would accept her. Not her parents, not Aisling and Naja, not… well, perhaps yes Lisbeth if they met again, but who else? Everyone knew about lamias even when they didn't know about Lotte's semi-divine nature. She wasn't going to reveal that, but what if they found out?
What does Lotte do? At least, the first thing that comes to mind.
[] S/he knows nothing about being a lamia. Perhaps it is best to find some of her (?) people, that is to say other lamia, and try to ask them. There are hidden villages, or so people say, away from 'good' people. Perhaps… perhaps she can find somewhere new to be, at least for a time until she works out how to even move half as well as she did before.
[] Lotte believes in Naja and Aisling, right? Surely if she went to talk to them, she could work things out and they could figure this out together. Lotte would have to lie, and talk about… maybe some sort of curse, rather than some divine destiny. Maybe it wouldn't even be a lie? But if she doesn't do this, she'd be leaving them behind, to worry about Lotte, to think Lotte was, quite probably, dead. But… if they are hostile, then she'd be losing them too.
[] Lotte needs to talk to her parents. Were they in on it? The Forgotten God stated it, yet Lotte had heard nothing about him. She had seemed so confident that Lotte had been taught, and it was stunned when she didn't. What were They hiding from Lotte, and for that matter were her parents ever… were they… she should just go around the back and make it back home. Even if it risks being seen, even if it risks learning her parents never loved her, or were just using her for their hidden secret religion or… or something.
[] Write-in, subject to veto.
A/N: I'm aware that this is a heavy and exposition-heavy update, but it's an important one.