"Two words. Dive Bombing. Its amazing what a sqaudron of mono-winged aircraft with a 500lbs, 1000lbs or aforementioned 16" Shell bombs can do."
The Admiral looks thoughtful.
"You'd think fighting a eighty year war would stop the insults, but noooo. Get caught up in memories and suddenly it's the '40s again..."
New Jersey simply sighs faintly.
"A lot of things for ours, as I told Captain Smith, sometimes they wouldn't detonate, instead crumpling up like a tin-can, turn around and hit their launcher, i.e. a DD or sub, or run far to deep. As for the IJN's torps, enriched oxygen and a shitton of explosives, gave them a ""Touch or look at me wrong and I go boom"" Reputation."
The Admiral grimaces, even as he nods thoughtfully. "I see."
"...That's actually how an old friend, charge and not to mention sister-in-law, White Plains, a ""Baby Flattop"" Got her title as the only carrier to win a gun-duel with a IJN Heavy Cruiser, Pegging the cruiser's torpedos with her single five inch pop gun" She says as she makes a funny face.
The Admiral looks rather amused. "I presume White Plains was some manner of escort carrier?"
The Admiral looks thoughtful.

New Jersey simply sighs faintly.

The Admiral grimaces, even as he nods thoughtfully. "I see."

Johnston nods.

The Admiral looks rather amused. "I presume White Plains was some manner of escort carrier?"

Johnston nods again.

"Yes sir. Morbid joke for them was "'Combustible, Vulnerable, Expendable."" Of course, the crews weren't, but that's how they saw their ship. Most CVEs were to escort supply convoys. It's amazing we still love our crews, What with ""Tin-Can"" and the aforementioned CVE saying..."

She looks down at her hands and curses as a pair of medical and damage control fairies walk out of her sleeves, and an officer climbs up onto her head.

The destroyer removes a ring from her finger as she unwraps the bandages on her arms, cursing again at the inky substance on it, another pair of fairies take it and thread a string through it, before tying it around their ship's neck.

The fairies on the backs of her hands spray disinfectant before slapping Band-aids onto the sprayed places.

The Officer atop her head hands the Admiral a clip board as his ship debates applying new medical tape on her arms.
Johnston nods again.

"Yes sir. Morbid joke for them was "'Combustible, Vulnerable, Expendable."" Of course, the crews weren't, but that's how they saw their ship. Most CVEs were to escort supply convoys. It's amazing we still love our crews, What with ""Tin-Can"" and the aforementioned CVE saying..."
The Admiral has a slight frown at that, although it isn't directed at you.
She looks down at her hands and curses as a pair of medical and damage control fairies walk out of her sleeves, and an officer climbs up onto her head.

The destroyer removes a ring from her finger as she unwraps the bandages on her arms, cursing again at the inky substance on it, another pair of fairies take it and thread a string through it, before tying it around their ship's neck.

The fairies on the backs of her hands spray disinfectant before slapping Band-aids onto the sprayed places.

The Officer atop her head hands the Admiral a clipboard as his ship debates applying new medical tape on her arms.
Both the Admiral and New Jersey appear mildly alarmed, with New Jersey rushing over to your side. The Admiral takes the clipboard, noting to his surprise that it seems to shift between the smaller size of the fairy and a more regular size seamlessly.
The Admiral has a slight frown at that, although it isn't directed at you.

"Don't worry about it. Getting called Tin-Can's just makes kicking a BBs or CAs jaw in all the more rewarding!" The Destroyer says with a bright smile

Both the Admiral and New Jersey appear mildly alarmed, with New Jersey rushing over to your side. The Admiral takes the clipboard, noting to his surprise that it seems to shift between the smaller size of the fairy and a more regular size seamlessly.

As New Jersey examines the now patched spots on the destroyers hands, it's quite obvious quite a lot of the blood and oil is not hers.

"Stolen and improved Imp German DamCon, Best in world." She says with a smirk "Dad said he'd make me a fighting ship, and he did, what with all the cruiser and Battleship noses I've broken since Kumano's at Samar!" She says, slightly giggling.

"...I wonder if he'd proud of me now, if he knew that I consider him a father-figure and that I'm in a relationship with one of the ships we escorted till both she and us were dead, that we charged down the sights of Japanese 5" to 18.1" guns and Long Lances to protect..." She sighs and looks off into the distance, Nothing in particular catching her sight.

There are two pieces of paper on it, First is a list that details Johnston's armaments, and the second is seemingly a list of parts for field mods on her torpedos.

"That's a portion of my Skipper, Commander Ernest E. Evans." She says, referring to the Fairy atop her head.
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"So you're saying my sister is evil?" I question back, my eyes narrowed, "And they're not without context."

"Hey, where I'm from, we'll normally try to kill each other. It applies to most of them. Maybe from where you're from, not all of them are bad. But..."

"Wait wait wait wait… How can you just believe she's Hood? She hasn't done anything to prove it!"

She turns to the abyssal battlecruiser.

"Can you?"

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"Hey, where I'm from, we'll normally try to kill each other. It applies to most of them. Maybe from where you're from, not all of them are bad. But..."

"Wait wait wait wait… How can you just believe she's Hood? She hasn't done anything to prove it!"

She turns to the abyssal battlecruiser.

"Can you?"

I look to the rude girl. "The fact it was my sister who identified me isn't enough? I have kept my guns from aiming at anyone. I have done everything in my power to keep myself from coming off as hostile because I do not want to hurt anyone."

I sigh. "I do not care what you think of me. All I want right now is to get to safe territory and not get hurt." My rigging shifted under the water as I took a deep breath.

"Hey, where I'm from, we'll normally try to kill each other. It applies to most of them. Maybe from where you're from, not all of them are bad. But..."

"Wait wait wait wait… How can you just believe she's Hood? She hasn't done anything to prove it!"

She turns to the abyssal battlecruiser.

"Can you?"

I look to the rude girl. "The fact it was my sister who identified me isn't enough? I have kept my guns from aiming at anyone. I have done everything in my power to keep myself from coming off as hostile because I do not want to hurt anyone."

I sigh. "I do not care what you think of me. All I want right now is to get to safe territory and not get hurt." My rigging shifted under the water as I took a deep breath.

Sullivans comes over and starts frantically waving at the transparent hull sitting behind Hood.

"Since my sister can't find the words, Hey Dipshit." O'Bannon starts, as a fairy walks out onto her shoulder then onto her head.

"If you haven't noticed the transparent hull with a massive fucking hole in the somehow working Y turret behind her, and the fact that by her accent and hull lines, that she isn't a Yamato or Pennsylvania, I'd say it's pretty obvious." The destroyer takes an ID booklet from the fairy, and proceeds to slap Repulse upside the head with it, before patting her sister. "That's what you wanted to say, right, Sully?"

Sullivans makes a "So-so" gesture with a bright smile at the Pats before sailing over to Hood and hugging her again.
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"Don't worry about it. Getting called Tin-Can just makes kicking a BBs or CAs jaw in all the more rewarding!" The Destroyer says with a bright smile
The Admiral's slight frown lessens.
As New Jersey examines the now patched spots on the destroyers hands, it's quite obvious quite a lot of the blood and oil is not hers.

"Stolen and improved Imp German DamCon, Best in world." She says with a smirk "Dad said he'd make me a fighting ship, and he did, what with all the cruiser and Battleship noses I've broken since Kumano's at Samar!" She says, slightly giggling.
New Jersey is still mildly alarmed, but upon noticing that you're actually okay, decides to just hug you. The Admiral still looks a little concerned, although he's mostly focusing on the clipboard he was handed.
"...I wonder if he'd proud of me now, if he knew that I consider him a father-figure and that I'm in a relationship with one of the ships we escorted till both she and us were dead, that we charged down the sights of Japanese 5" to 18.1" guns and Long Lances to protect..." She sighs and looks off into the distance, Nothing in particular catching her sight.
New Jersey blinks at that. "Eh?" She looks equal parts confused and slightly scandalized.

The Admiral is pretty admirably pretending he didn't hear that.
There are two pieces of paper on it, First is a list that details Johnston's armaments, and the second is seemingly a list of parts for field mods on her torpedos.
The Admiral actually pulls out a pencil and begins copying down some notes regarding the required parts. Once he's done, he turns to a nearby Ensign. "Run this down to the quartermaster, have him see if these parts can be sourced while underway."
"That's a portion of my Skipper, Commander Ernest E. Evans." She says, referring to the Fairy atop her head.
New Jersey and the Admiral both look slightly puzzled at the fairy.
The Admiral's slight frown lessens.

New Jersey is still mildly alarmed, but upon noticing that you're actually okay, decides to just hug you. The Admiral still looks a little concerned, although he's mostly focusing on the clipboard he was handed.

The Destroyer smiles slightly.

New Jersey blinks at that. "Eh?" She looks equal parts confused and slightly scandalized.

The Admiral is pretty admirably pretending he didn't hear that.

The Admiral actually pulls out a pencil and begins copying down some notes regarding the required parts. Once he's done, he turns to a nearby Ensign. "Run this down to the quartermaster, have him see if these parts can be sourced while underway."

New Jersey and the Admiral both look slightly puzzled at the fairy.

"Hmm?" She sounds out.

"Also, If that Kongou is Kongō herself or Haruna, Ma'am, can you stop me from suicidally charging her? I died once doing that. We don't need it when we're not at war."

@ILurk @Ethernet_Cable

You all had sped up to catch the friendly force. As a result, Gambier had red-lined her boilers and is currently hacking up a storm and waving a hand in front of her face, trying to cool down. Texas and West Virginia, on the other hand, are in similar states. However, while West Virginia fans herself as she sails along in her dress, face alight with a slight red glow, Texas holds her arms out, her dress shirt and jeans letting more air pass over her skin. The Destroyers and Escort Destroyer less so, unironically.

"It pays to dress this way, sometimes, WeeVee."

"...Shut...up Tex…"

You see a Lexington-Class Carrier with a Independence blue cross on her stack, compared to Sister Sara's black Horizontal stripe. And several World War One era Ships, of both US and Japanese origin, and a small group of shipgirls like Ohio and the others in your group sailing along peacefully as the escorting destroyer unit provides limited cover.

@ILurk (O'Bannon)

After a few moments, you watch as your sisters break off slightly as you near the other shipgirl unit's perimeter.

You notice something off about the other destroyers, each are about four inches to a foot shorter then Hoel or Heermann, which doesn't seem to stop the group hug that ensues afterwards.

The Auburn Destroyer in the group sails up to you, and reaches a hand out. Her uniform has the same name and number that applies to you.

"I'm the other O'Bannon, you can just call me Bannie, though. Its what my-our sisters know me by."


You are soon surrounded by three small US Tin-Can Destroyers.

Kongō looks like she wants to rain fire and steel on the combined fleet, however looks at you again, and she becomes docile again.

You also see a pair of groupings of Steel Hulled ships, flying either US or IJN flags. You also fully catch onto where you are exactly, just slightly south of Kudamatsu, Yamaguchi, Japan

You also get an even better look at the other carrier using her hull, A Lexington sister with an independence blue cross painted on her smoke stack.

["Bzzzt-Is USS Johnston, DD-821 my sisters Richard B. Anderson, DD-784 and Timmerman, EDD-828, will be acting as your Escort for now, USS Red Castle, Right?"]

@UbeOne, @ForgottonFuture, @ravagEr

Sullivans Stays attached to Hood in a hug and O'Bannon sticks close, but still in between Repulse and Hood.

O'Bannon does, eventually go to meet the group with Texas in it.


Nothing but a small breeze happens.

@Ash19256 @Poteitoku (Timmerman)

Johnston lets out a breath, and pulls her phone out of her pocket before tapping at it a couple times.




["What The Hell?! I called you mom because your my predecessor, but......"]

"Language young lady! What would your Mother say?" The Commander asks, a small smile on her face.

["Yelling at you for teaching me how to get into and out of scraps and curse?"] The Younger voice says with mischief.

"That's my girl. Alright, Ritchie! You have command of your unit. You get your orders from anyone but my sisters or I. Us Spirits have different rules than natural borne's do. And Dear? When we get to port we're going to have a long chat, Understood?"

["Yes Ma'am]

"Alright girls, you know the drill, Watch each other, make sure no-one does anything stupid. We don't need blue-on-blues."

["You got it sis/Boss/'Mom."]

Johnston nods.

"Have anything to say to the girls before my phone runs out of battery, sir?"

["Constitution here, Coming around, Commander. Just finished the orbit of Pensacola."]

"Roger Connie." She says, nodding again.


You see a tall-ish blonde carrier sail up to you, and given that only Red Castle, Shiloh, and yourself are the only Fleet Carriers, not to mention the hull behind her, you can guess this to be Gambier Bay and be correct.

"Jeez... Remind me to NOT deploy with ships faster then me when we absolutely need to go past my red-lining point...How's you CAP going, Need a Quick change? I can get a couple fighters up, if ya need?" The Blonde Escort Carrier asks.
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"Hmm?" She sounds out.
New Jersey blinks a bit, before shaking her head. "Nothing!"
"Also, If that Kongou is Kongō herself or Haruna, Ma'am, can you stop me from suicidally charging her? I died once doing that. We don't need it when we're not at war."
New Jersey's expression is one of confusion.



["What The Hell?! I called you mom because your my predecessor, but......"]

"Language young lady! What would your Mother say?" The Commander asks, a small smile on her face.

["Yelling at you for teaching me how to get into and out of scraps and curse?"] The Younger voice says with mischief.

"That's my girl. Alright, Ritchie! You have command of your unit. You get your orders from anyone but my sisters or I. Us Spirits have different rules than natural borne's do. And Dear? When we get to port we're going to have a long chat, Understood?"

["Yes Ma'am]

"Alright girls, you know the drill, Watch each other, make sure no-one does anything stupid. We don't need blue-on-blues."

["You got it sis/Boss/'Mom."]

Johnston nods.

"Have anything to say to the girls before my phone runs out of battery, sir?"

["Constitution here, Coming around, Commander. Just finished the orbit of Pensacola."]

"Roger Connie." She says, nodding again.
Both New Jersey and the Admiral look confused.

Nothing but a small breeze happens.
...Well I look like an idiot now, don't I?

I burst out laughing at how dumb I look before leaning on the railing, looking over the water again. "It's so beautiful... I could look at it forever. Okay, maybe not FOREVER."


Johnston lets out a breath, and pulls her phone out of her pocket before tapping at it a couple times.




["What The Hell?! I called you mom because your my predecessor, but......"]

"Language young lady! What would your Mother say?" The Commander asks, a small smile on her face.

["Yelling at you for teaching me how to get into and out of scraps and curse?"] The Younger voice says with mischief.

"That's my girl. Alright, Ritchie! You have command of your unit. You get your orders from anyone but my sisters or I. Us Spirits have different rules than natural borne's do. And Dear? When we get to port we're going to have a long chat, Understood?"

["Yes Ma'am]

"Alright girls, you know the drill, Watch each other, make sure no-one does anything stupid. We don't need blue-on-blues."

["You got it sis/Boss/'Mom."]

Johnston nods.

"Have anything to say to the girls before my phone runs out of battery, sir?"

["Constitution here, Coming around, Commander. Just finished the orbit of Pensacola."]

"Roger Connie." She says, nodding again.
Timmerman strongly resists the urge to shout "Hi!" to the phone. After a lot of self-restraint and a slightly funny face, she calms down. "...I'm fine."
New Jersey blinks a bit, before shaking her head. "Nothing!"

"...I don't believe that for a second." Johnston says.

New Jersey's expression is one of confusion.

"Battle Off Samar. Kongō and Haruna were two of the ""Battleships"" of the four Battleships there. My Commander turned us around and charged them. We sank with few survivors. Hence, Suicidal charge, and I've been known to get lost in memories, I'm basically asking if you'll stop me from attempting to launch a spread of these dumbass 15s into her sides." She says before pausing for a second and looking at the Admiral

"Also, Sir, I trust the Japanese, But I don't trust the Japs" By the tone of her voice, it's evident that Johnston means her fellow spirits and the civilians with the former, and the Imperial Japanese military as a whole with the latter.

Both New Jersey and the Admiral look confused.

Johnston raises an eyebrow.

"Sir? Orders? They can't come from me with my daughter here, I'd be more focused on getting her home then using what use as an asset she is to us before getting her home safely."


...Well I look like an idiot now, don't I?

I burst out laughing at how dumb I look before leaning on the railing, looking over the water again. "It's so beautiful... I could look at it forever. Okay, maybe not FOREVER."

Other than the breeze blowing a little harder, nothing happens.


Timmerman strongly resists the urge to shout "Hi!" to the phone. After a lot of self-restraint and a slightly funny face, she calms down. "...I'm fine."

Ritchie somewhat snickers at her while Joanna looks off towards the New Jersey Fleet.

@Ash19256 @Poteitoku

A small Japanese Torpedo boat is led past Pensacola by Constitution.


The Hayabusa-Class pulls up alongside New Jersey, and Constitution places her taps her ear.
"Here, Commander."

["Here, Commander."]

"Understood 05." Johnston's hand drops from her ear as she turns to the Admiral.

"The Japs are here, sir. Shall we go greet them?" She asks the Admiral.
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Ricarda Howe, HMS Howe
Japanese Waters
A reliever of caps

You see a tall-ish blonde carrier sail up to you, and given that only Red Castle, Shiloh, and yourself are the only Fleet Carriers, not to mention the hull behind her, you can guess this to be Gambier Bay and be correct.

"Jeez... Remind me to NOT deploy with ships faster then me when we absolutely need to go past my red-lining point...How's you CAP going, Need a Quick change? I can get a couple fighters up, if ya need?" The Blonde Escort Carrier asks.

"Yes, please. And thanks," I say to Gamby. While those fighters of mine that are relatively low on fuel begin their approach, I decide to talk a bit more. "How are you doing?"
"...I don't believe that for a second." Johnston says.
New Jersey just embarrassedly mumbles something.
"Battle Off Samar. Kongō and Haruna were two of the ""Battleships"" of the four Battleships there. My Commander turned us around and charged them. We sank with few survivors. Hence, Suicidal charge, and I've been known to get lost in memories, I'm basically asking if you'll stop me from attempting to launch a spread of these dumbass 15s into her sides." She says before pausing for a second and looking at the Admiral
New Jersey just hugs you more.
"Also, Sir, I trust the Japanese, But I don't trust the Japs" By the tone of her voice, it's evident that Johnston means her fellow spirits and the civilians with the former, and the Imperial Japanese military as a whole with the latter.
The Admiral nods understandingly.
"Sir? Orders? They can't come from me with my daughter here, I'd be more focused on getting her home then using what use as an asset she is to us before getting her home safely."
The Admiral thinks for a second, before turning towards you. "How many of your subordinates have 'cellphones'? Would there be enough of them to allow them to at least coordinate between the ships of this task force? And would it be possible for all of the commanders of the ships in this task force to speak with each other over these devices?"
"Understood 05." Johnston's hand drops from her ear as she turns to the Admiral.

"The Japs are here, sir. Shall we go greet them?" She asks the Admiral.
After receiving your answer, the Admiral nods. "Yes, lets." He begins walking in that direction, before pausing. "Commander, while I understand that some details of your time period need to be shared to explain what happened, try to keep the future revelations to a minimum. I trust the Japanese armed forces about as far as I could have thrown the lot of them when I was a baby, and I would rather not make decisions that I'm sure will require discussion by my superiors."
New Jersey just embarrassedly mumbles something.

Johnston Snickers.

"Don't worry ma'am." She says.

"You still have to explain what you said later."

New Jersey just hugs you more.


The Admiral nods understandingly.

The Admiral thinks for a second, before turning towards you. "How many of your subordinates have 'cellphones'? Would there be enough of them to allow them to at least coordinate between the ships of this task force? And would it be possible for all of the commanders of the ships in this task force to speak with each other over these devices?"

"To the last, Depending on the battery life? To the first, Sammy, My sisters, Gambi, my daughter Joanna. My other subordinates I don't have phone numbers for. And the battery's about to go out on mine."

After receiving your answer, the Admiral nods. "Yes, lets." He begins walking in that direction, before pausing. "Commander, while I understand that some details of your time period need to be shared to explain what happened, try to keep the future revelations to a minimum. I trust the Japanese armed forces about as far as I could have thrown the lot of them when I was a baby, and I would rather not make decisions that I'm sure will require discussion by my superiors."

"Sir, I'm going to leave most of the talking to you. I'm not going to risk trying to blow them to pieces unless they threaten the fleet. Also, no way am I telling them how to summon us. And I will attempt to foil all attempts. The Corps and Army boys had a hard enough time the first time around. We don't need the "Supermen tearing us apart." Reports to be literal, sir. Also, it's ridiculously hard to hit a shipgirl not using her hull with Steel hulls. Though, the abyss without their MABS is easy enough with the firing systems of today, sir." She says.

Johnston picks up the booklet she sat down on the mapping table and hands it to the fairy of Commander Evans sitting on her head, as the rest of the bridge begins to put things away for security reasons.

"Though, is there anything you specifically don't want me to mention? Before I run my mouth off on how stupid they are for poking a Sleeping Giant with a stick, not anticipating the outrage for killing hundreds of our boys on a Sunday with a surprise attack while we were still technically neutral?"

Ricarda Howe, HMS Howe
Japanese Waters
A reliever of caps

"Yes, please. And thanks," I say to Gamby. While those fighters of mine that are relatively low on fuel begin their approach, I decide to talk a bit more. "How are you doing?"

"No problem, ma'am! Like I said before, its my job to support the fleet." The Blonde CVE says. You notice she, like Johnston and Willie D., towers over the Majority of the other destroyers escorting you. Must be a consequence of that "Decommissioning" Johnston was talking about. "I'm great, other than being a tad short on breath, need to get use to being able to Red Line again...You?" She asks as with a couple of clicks and a loud boom from the CVEs Shotgun, a flight of fighters soon flys overhead.
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@ILurk @Ethernet_Cable

You all had sped up to catch the friendly force. As a result, Gambier had red-lined her boilers and is currently hacking up a storm and waving a hand in front of her face, trying to cool down. Texas and West Virginia, on the other hand, are in similar states. However, while West Virginia fans herself as she sails along in her dress, face alight with a slight red glow, Texas holds her arms out, her dress shirt and jeans letting more air pass over her skin. The Destroyers and Escort Destroyer less so, unironically.

"It pays to dress this way, sometimes, WeeVee."

"...Shut...up Tex…"

You see a Lexington-Class Carrier with a Independence blue cross on her stack, compared to Sister Sara's black Horizontal stripe. And several World War One era Ships, of both US and Japanese origin, and a small group of shipgirls like Ohio and the others in your group sailing along peacefully as the escorting destroyer unit provides limited cover.
My arms laid crossed under my chest as a finger tapped away at my arm and my lips pursed into a near scowl; a feeling of nervousness, anticipation, and discomfort causing it to feel as if my stomach had tied itself into knots and dropped into my guts as our ad-hoc fleet of wayward ship spirits raced towards our only form of succor after having been temporally displaced. Though perhaps "raced" was an inappropriate term since only about half of our numbers were currently attempting to blow out their own boilers, with the fleet destroyers escorting us cruising happy along around the core of old Standard Battleships, auxiliaries, and lone escort Carrier, while I moved along at a rather stately pace well under my flank speed. However, that aside, one might wonder what it was causing it to feel as if my insides were trying to manufacturer an entirely new variety of hyper dense armor plate. The sinking suspicion that the Abyssals were waiting to caught all of us off-guard and launch a sneak attack, the existential crisis I've been ignoring for the past few hours, the worries of whether our presence here was going to cause a paradox that wrecked the timeline or just left us branching off into uncharted waters, or maybe it was the awkward silence I had fallen into because I had no idea how to really communicate with these women outside the context of battle without the risk of making a fool of myself?

Those were all excellent guesses that absolutely factored into what I was feeling right now, but the most immediately disconcerting thing for both halves of myself was the sensation of the cool ocean winds flowing around my thighs and through my skirt. It was something neither of us had ever experienced before hand, and where currently trying very hard to ignore unless everything about this new body felt normal or the changes slammed me in the face and I was forced to deal with them then.

In either case that would have to wait as our fleet rendezvoused with everyone else, and I waited somewhat listlessly for some sort of direction to work towards in favor of further naval gazing for the moment.

@ILurk (O'Bannon)

After a few moments, you watch as your sisters break off slightly as you near the other shipgirl unit's perimeter.

You notice something off about the other destroyers, each are about four inches to a foot shorter then Hoel or Heermann, which doesn't seem to stop the group hug that ensues afterwards.

The Auburn Destroyer in the group sails up to you, and reaches a hand out. Her uniform has the same name and number that applies to you.

"I'm the other O'Bannon, you can just call me Bannie, though. Its what my-our sisters know me by."
O'Bannon takes her double's outstretched hand in good cheer despite how strange it was to be looking at what was effectively a clone of herself, well mostly a clone anyways as how they dress couldn't have been more different, and begins to shake it with both hands energetically.

"Hi! You can just call me O'Bannon, no nicknames though... but, man, this is soooo weird, you know!? It's like looking in one of those fun house mirrors, but instead of being all warped and weird it just puts you in a dull looking uniform... Wait, you're not boring, right!? You at least still like to have fun when you're off duty, right!? Please tell me I didn't turn into some Navy square in your timeline, that would just be too much to bear!", O'Bannon says, becoming more frantic as she went on. Terrified at the prospect that there as some version of her that wasn't an incorrigible prankster, or maybe just reveling in the opportunity of having the chance to mess with an alternate version of herself.

With O'Bannon it was always hard to tell.
Johnston Snickers.

"Don't worry ma'am." She says.

"You still have to explain what you said later."
New Jersey just goes full shrinking violet.

The Admiral sighs. "Jersey, perhaps you should find somewhere to be out of the way? No offense intended, but-"

New Jersey also sighs. "It will be difficult enough to get the Japanese to stop asking questions about Lt. Cmdr. Evans and her subordinates, never mind myself. I'll be down in the engineering spaces if I am needed."
"To the last, Depending on the battery life? To the first, Sammy, My sisters, Gambi, my daughter Joanna. My other subordinates I don't have phone numbers for. And the battery's about to go out on mine."
The Admiral hums thoughtfully. "I see. Would you be able to get your subordinates to coordinate on making sure they all know each other's phone numbers, and sourcing some form of battery replacement or refilling for your cellphone? I do believe that would be a very useful option to have available."
"Sir, I'm going to leave most of the talking to you. I'm not going to risk trying to blow them to pieces unless they threaten the fleet. Also, no way am I telling them how to summon us. And I will attempt to foil all attempts. The Corps and Army boys had a hard enough time the first time around. We don't need the "Supermen tearing us apart." Reports to be literal, sir. Also, it's ridiculously hard to hit a shipgirl not using her hull with Steel hulls. Though, the abyss without their MABS is easy enough with the firing systems of today, sir." She says.
The Admiral nods thoughtfully.
"Though, is there anything you specifically don't want me to mention? Before I run my mouth off on how stupid they are for poking a Sleeping Giant with a stick, not anticipating the outrage for killing hundreds of our boys on a Sunday with a surprise attack while we were still technically neutral?"
The Admiral sighs. "In general, try to avoid letting slip information about the future. In particular, avoid letting slip information as it pertains to the Japanese. If they get pushy, simply inform them that you are under orders from me to not discuss that information without authorization from myself. I'll politely tell any of them that follow up on that to pound sand."
New Jersey just goes full shrinking violet.

The Admiral sighs. "Jersey, perhaps you should find somewhere to be out of the way? No offense intended, but-"

New Jersey also sighs. "It will be difficult enough to get the Japanese to stop asking questions about Lt. Cmdr. Evans and her subordinates, never mind myself. I'll be down in the engineering spaces if I am needed."

"...I might do the same later."

The Admiral hums thoughtfully. "I see. Would you be able to get your subordinates to coordinate on making sure they all know each other's phone numbers, and sourcing some form of battery replacement or refilling for your cellphone? I do believe that would be a very useful option to have available."

"To the first, Yes sir. To the second, Maybe? I'm a sailor, not an engineer or technician, that's more a repair auxiliary thing.Timmerman, ehhhh..." She waves her hand in a maybe gesture "...Maybe? With her history of being an experimental Destroyer?"

The Admiral nods thoughtfully.

The Admiral sighs. "In general, try to avoid letting slip information about the future. In particular, avoid letting slip information as it pertains to the Japanese. If they get pushy, simply inform them that you are under orders from me to not discuss that information without authorization from myself. I'll politely tell any of them that follow up on that to pound sand."

Johnston gets a bright grin at that.

"Loose lips sink ships, Aye sir. Normal Rank, Name and Number speech? Unless you say otherwise?" She asks with slight mirth in her voice.

A radio signal comes through Johnston's radio set.

["Taffy, This is Might T. Do you need my group to stay out of ID range?"]

"Sir, Message from our second Fleet, it's The Texas, She wants to know if we want her to join up here, or stay where she is?"

My arms laid crossed under my chest as a finger tapped away at my arm and my lips pursed into a near scowl; a feeling of nervousness, anticipation, and discomfort causing it to feel as if my stomach had tied itself into knots and dropped into my guts as our ad-hoc fleet of wayward ship spirits raced towards our only form of succor after having been temporally displaced. Though perhaps "raced" was an inappropriate term since only about half of our numbers were currently attempting to blow out their own boilers, with the fleet destroyers escorting us cruising happy along around the core of old Standard Battleships, auxiliaries, and lone escort Carrier, while I moved along at a rather stately pace well under my flank speed. However, that aside, one might wonder what it was causing it to feel as if my insides were trying to manufacturer an entirely new variety of hyper dense armor plate. The sinking suspicion that the Abyssals were waiting to caught all of us off-guard and launch a sneak attack, the existential crisis I've been ignoring for the past few hours, the worries of whether our presence here was going to cause a paradox that wrecked the timeline or just left us branching off into uncharted waters, or maybe it was the awkward silence I had fallen into because I had no idea how to really communicate with these women outside the context of battle without the risk of making a fool of myself?
Those were all excellent guesses that absolutely factored into what I was feeling right now, but the most immediately disconcerting thing for both halves of myself was the sensation of the cool ocean winds flowing around my thighs and through my skirt. It was something neither of us had ever experienced before hand, and where currently trying very hard to ignore unless everything about this new body felt normal or the changes slammed me in the face and I was forced to deal with them then.
In either case that would have to wait as our fleet rendezvoused with everyone else, and I waited somewhat listlessly for some sort of direction to work towards in favor of further naval gazing for the moment.

Texas looks at you for a second with a slight apologetic look, before speaking.

"Look, Ohio, I'm sorry. Should've remembered we aren't designed by those that order us TO be designed all the time. But Tillman was somewhat of a bastard to us. Can we agree on that?" She reaches a hand out.

O'Bannon takes her double's outstretched hand in good cheer despite how strange it was to be looking at what was effectively a clone of herself, well mostly a clone anyways as how they dress couldn't have been more different, and begins to shake it with both hands energetically.

"Hi! You can just call me O'Bannon, no nicknames though... but, man, this is soooo weird, you know!? It's like looking in one of those fun house mirrors, but instead of being all warped and weird it just puts you in a dull looking uniform... Wait, you're not boring, right!? You at least still like to have fun when you're off duty, right!? Please tell me I didn't turn into some Navy square in your timeline, that would just be too much to bear!", O'Bannon says, becoming more frantic as she went on. Terrified at the prospect that there as some version of her that wasn't an incorrigible prankster, or maybe just reveling in the opportunity of having the chance to mess with an alternate version of herself.
With O'Bannon it was always hard to tell.

"Nice to meet ya, O'Bannon, it really is!" She says before wrapping her arm around her doubles neck and bringing up a hand in front of her face "Don't let the Captain hear this, but no, I'm not a boring Navy square on base." She says, making a motion at the injured Wickes aboard the Carrier.

"Though, for the past couple years its just been CQC spars with Johnny. And bugging the shit out of our younger sisters alongside Rad. You know, typical older sister things. What do you take me for? A Tommy or Jerry DD? No! I'm a Yankee DD! Of course I know how to have fun!" She says with a mischievous smile blazing across her face.
She stops for a minute.

"Hmmm...We use hull numbers when on radio sometimes...Which do you wanna be, 450A or 450B? Or 450I or 450II?" She asks
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"...I might do the same later."
The Admiral acknowledges that with a nod.
"To the first, Yes sir. To the second, Maybe? I'm a sailor, not an engineer or technician, that's more a repair auxiliary thing.Timmerman, ehhhh..." She waves her hand in a maybe gesture "...Maybe? With her history of being an experimental Destroyer?"
He hums thoughtfully. "Have your subordinates get started on that - worst case scenario, see if one of them would be willing to let you borrow their cellphone. And if Timmerman is able to provide some manner of cellphone battery refilling device, that would be excellent - although, if they aren't as up to speed on Navy procedures regarding information security, perhaps it would be a good idea to have one of your more professional subordinates deliver any such device."
"Loose lips sink ships, Aye sir. Normal Rank, Name and Number speech? Unless you say otherwise?" She asks with slight mirth in her voice.
The Admiral nods. "That's the long and short of it, Lieutenant Commander."
"Sir, Message from our second Fleet, it's the Texas, She wants to know if we want her to join up here, or stay where she is?"
He hums thoughtfully. "Have her hold position if possible. I'd rather not have to explain additional people with the abilities of ships - and having the equivalent of a trio of battleships anywhere near the Japanese Home Islands is liable to make them rather jumpier than I would like."
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The Admiral acknowledges that with a nod.

He hums thoughtfully. "Have your subordinates get started on that - worst case scenario, see if one of them would be willing to let you borrow their cellphone. And if Timmerman is able to provide some manner of cellphone battery refilling device, that would be excellent - although, if they aren't as up to speed on Navy procedures regarding information security, perhaps it would be a good idea to have one of your more professional subordinates deliver any such device."

"Aye sir. Orders received."

@Poteitoku, @SeismicGuide, @ILurk (O'Bannon), @UbeOne, @ravagEr, @ForgottonFuture, @CCBubba

"Alright, orders from the top, Timmerman, Can you start on a phone charger for the few of us that have them? Also, to all upuptime ships, trade numbers. Another thing, all ships, maintain operational security."

The Admiral nods. "That's the long and short of it, Lieutenant Commander."

The grown up destroyer nods.

"Orders received and executed, sir."

He hums thoughtfully. "Have her hold position if possible. I'd rather not have to explain additional people with the abilities of ships - and having the equivalent of a trio of battleships anywhere near the Japanese Home Islands is liable to make them rather jumpier than I would like."


"Hold, Aye."

"T, WeeVee, OH, its Taffy here, hold position, Kings orders. Doesn't want the locals to be jumpy about having a ACR, a CC and four BBs in their waters." She said.

["Texas here, Understood Taffy, Holding Position."]



As you approach the port side of New Jersey, Johnston hands you a series of photos.

One catches your attention, a young woman in a obviously German Navy uniform. The caption under it is "Atlantic Raider Queen, Bismarck"

"That's an Abyssal version of Kapitän Bismarck taken by our Intel and Espionage Division. Note, Abyssals are USUALLY representative of their country at its worst during their Era. So, for her, that was the genocidal part of Germany's history. As a Shipgirl, she's sadden by the government she served choices. But still proud to serve the new Germany and to protect it to her best ability." She shows you a pair of photos.

You see a small Japanese Torpedo boat slowly sails up to you, and you notice a young woman wearing the uniform of an MCPO with her hair done up in a short ponytail.

As the Japanese officers are brought aboard, Johnston looks down at her subordinate down on the water, before looking at the Admiral.

The Japanese approach Admiral Jackson and salute.

"Hello, I am Rear Admiral Misaki Riku of the Empire of Japan, and this is Captain Kurosaki Ichigo. What brings you to our waters, Admiral..." He says in lightly accented English.
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"That's an Abyssal version of Kapitän Bismarck taken by our Intel and Espionage Division. Note, Abyssals are USUALLY representative of their country at its worst during their Era. So, for her, that was the genocidal part of Germany's history. As a Shipgirl, she's saddened by the choices of the government she served. But still proud to serve the new Germany and to protect it to her best ability."
The Admiral nods solemnly. "Here's hoping we don't run into any USN Abyssals any time soon."

"Hello, I am Rear Admiral Misaki Riku of the Empire of Japan, and this is Captain Kurosaki Ichigo. What brings you to our waters, Admiral..." He says in lightly accented English.
Admiral Jackson returns the salute. "Daniel Jackson. As for what brings us to Japan's home waters, that is a chain of events that, despite having experienced myself, I still have difficulty believing. If you'd follow me, I'll show you our navigational charts for our planned course prior to arriving near Japan, to give you an idea of why I find what happened hard to believe."

He briefly turns towards Johnston. "Lieutenant Commander Johnston, if you could have your subordinate go escort the battlecruiser Kongou and the USS Red Castle into the formation? I imagine that Rear Admiral Misaki's government would be more at ease if a ship able to match or exceed New Jersey in firepower was present."
The Admiral nods solemnly. "Here's hoping we don't run into any USN Abyssals any time soon."

Admiral Jackson returns the salute. "Daniel Jackson. As for what brings us to Japan's home waters, that is a chain of events that, despite having experienced myself, I still have difficulty believing. If you'd follow me, I'll show you our navigational charts for our planned course prior to arriving near Japan, to give you an idea of why I find what happened hard to believe."

"Hmm, Understood. Let us make haste, then?"

He briefly turns towards Johnston. "Lieutenant Commander Johnston, if you could have your subordinate go escort the battlecruiser Kongou and the USS Red Castle into the formation? I imagine that Rear Admiral Misaki's government would be more at ease if a ship able to match or exceed New Jersey in firepower was present."

"Aye sir. Hey, Chief! Admiral wants you escort Kongō and Red Castle into the formation!" The Destroyer shouts down to the Battlecruiser, before assuming a place at the side of Admiral Jackson.

"So, What can you tell us, while we walk, Jackson-San?" The Japanese Admiral asks.
"Hmm, Understood. Let us make haste, then?"
The American Admiral nods, and begins leading them back towards the bridge.
"So, What can you tell us, while we walk, Jackson-San?"
"The explosions and cannon fire that likely are what brought you and your taskforce out this way were us fighting the force that caused the damage you saw on the Pensacola as you went past - a group of unidentified heavy cruisers, light cruisers, and destroyers. One of them scored a lucky hit on one of Pensacola's starboard secondary ammunition lockers. Lieutenant Commander Evans can fill you in on more details as she and her subordinates are more experienced in the matter than I am."

Shortly afterwards, you arrive at the bridge. One a large table are charts of both the East Coast of the United States, and the area of Japan the crew has figured is closest to their current location. Indicated on the charts is New Jersey and her task force's course from their normal base in Norfolk, Virginia, to their current location off the coast of Japan - notably showing that, at some point, they changed course to begin turning around to return to Norfolk, only to appear off the coast of Japan.

Before the Japanese Admiral has a chance to claim that the charts are nonsense, Admiral Jackson speaks up. "While I am aware that these charts, and the chain of events as I have told them to you sound fantastical, I assure you on my honor and that of the United States Navy that they are the truth. And you can confirm that with the US Embassy in Tokyo, although it will take time for them to receive a reply from the States as our arrival here was unexpected to say the least."
The American Admiral nods, and begins leading them back towards the bridge.

"The explosions and cannon fire that likely are what brought you and your taskforce out this way were us fighting the force that caused the damage you saw on the Pensacola as you went past - a group of unidentified heavy cruisers, light cruisers, and destroyers. One of them scored a lucky hit on one of Pensacola's starboard secondary ammunition lockers. Lieutenant Commander Evans can fill you in on more details as she and her subordinates are more experienced in the matter than I am."

"Abyssals sir. Demons that sometimes corrupt a ship. We're what was made to combat them." Johnston says with an unnoticed by the Japanese look to Jackson of "I'm half lying sir."

Shortly afterwards, you arrive at the bridge. One a large table are charts of both the East Coast of the United States, and the area of Japan the crew has figured is closest to their current location. Indicated on the charts is New Jersey and her task force's course from their normal base in Norfolk, Virginia, to their current location off the coast of Japan - notably showing that, at some point, they changed course to begin turning around to return to Norfolk, only to appear off the coast of Japan.

Before the Japanese Admiral has a chance to claim that the charts are nonsense, Admiral Jackson speaks up. "While I am aware that these charts, and the chain of events as I have told them to you sound fantastical, I assure you on my honor and that of the United States Navy that they are the truth. And you can confirm that with the US Embassy in Tokyo, although it will take time for them to receive a reply from the States as our arrival here was unexpected to say the least."

"I'm inclined to believe you, my friend. Young commander?"


"What's your role in this?"

"I'm an Lieutenant Commander in the US's Escort Half of the SG corps, sir. I'm just meant to follow orders and repeat them to my units." The destroyer says.

@SeismicGuide @ILurk @UbeOne @CCBubba @ForgottonFuture @Ethernet_Cable @ravagEr @Poteitoku
After the Japanese Admiral gives permission for the USN taskforce to dock at the nearest Japanese port with facilities large enough to support the steel hulls, you all head there and dock. Sean and Charles are given impromptu disguises, and them and their belongings covertly as possible moved to the New Jersey to minimize the risk of the Japanese realizing their nature as time travelers, and everyone else is given permission to begin taking part in shore leave - after Timmerman provides New Jersey with a charging station to keep the modern electronics supplied with power.

It's currently November 12th, 1914. Noon just rolled around. There's a meeting aboard New Jersey at 6 PM local time. What do? (wait until Seismic tells us where we actually are)