
Maria pretty much immediately pauses in her rapid eating of her stew and biscuits, and looks over at you with slight concern. "Is something wrong?"
"...I'm what you'd call a 'picky eater'... My diet consists of around 10 things, none of which I believe can even be made on this ship. Like, ninety-nine percent sure you don't have chicken nuggets or french fries... Well, I'm hungry, I'll take what I can get." After much hesitation, I shakily try some of the food...
Then begin scarfing it down. This doesn't taste bad! I might be able to get used to this sfter time!
Maria Smith/USS Pensacola, ACR-14
Time: 1:10 PM, November 1st, 1914
Location: At Sea, Northeastern Pacific Ocean

"...I'm what you'd call a 'picky eater'... My diet consists of around 10 things, none of which I believe can even be made on this ship. Like, ninety-nine percent sure you don't have chicken nuggets or french fries... Well, I'm hungry, I'll take what I can get."
Maria looks thoughtful, as she goes back to eating, albeit more slowly than she was earlier. "Well, I'm unfamiliar with the dish you refer to as 'chicken nuggets', but french fries are something I am familiar with - when we're in port the kitchen staff will occasionally serve hamburgers and fries, although usually only on the days in which we will be leaving port, so as to give the crew one last taste of home before we set out on patrol."
Repulse/Earlene Reager
Very Confused

"Hey! Don't forget me!" Repulse waves her arms in the air as she moves toward the group.

"And force Z turned out A Ok! Sure we needed a carrier watching our backs, but still!"

She looks and Hoo- Howe, and she seems to lose focus.

Repulse turns away.

"Anyhow... What do we do now? We go over to that Lex?"

She starts to make towards the carrier
Ricarda Howe, HMS Howe
Japanese Waters?

"I'm already disengaged, Captain, no need to worry"

"I'll watch her"

The three other Gearing's face fault


"B-B-But..." 821 mutters

I nod, seeing that Johnston will take care of it, and then I realize what she said. "Wait, I'm a Captain?"

Repulse/Earlene Reager
Very Confused

"Hey! Don't forget me!" Repulse waves her arms in the air as she moves toward the group.

"And force Z turned out A Ok! Sure we needed a carrier watching our backs, but still!"

She looks and Hoo- Howe, and she seems to lose focus.

Repulse turns away.

"Anyhow... What do we do now? We go over to that Lex?"

She starts to make towards the carrier

I wave at Repulse, appreciating the AL-based look, but why does she look away from me? "Yeah. Are you okay, Repulse? Did it really turn out okay?" I remember that one of the Illustriouses, Indomitable, was supposed to provide air cover for Force Z, but ran aground before she could do so. Cue them going forward without escort, and getting swarmed by Japanese land-based bombers...

But I didn't mention Force Z. Where did her comment come from, then?
Japanese Waters
Oy Vey, a group of WWI Era ships.

Your Planes make a long route to provide a CAP for your Unit
As my planes "investigate" the smoke, I turn to answer Howe's radio message
<I'm sorry to hear about Crossroads, Miss Shiloh. May I offer hugs?>
<I'm not opposed to hugs. I was just a subject to a improvised destroyer cuddlepile after all...> I say, nodding at the reports coming from my pilots. Hmm, WWI era battlegroup or patrol squadron. Pre Dreads and Armored Cruisers, with a couple pre Fubuki class DDs.
GM mass response:1.01

I pause for a moment...
"Food sounds nice!" I slide myself off the hospital bed. "I wonder what's on the menu..." I grab my shield with my free hand, ready to go and get some grub.


"...Can I slap her to try to get her back to us?"

"....Lets not add another 'Hit a CO' to your record, Kid. I'll take care of it" Johnston responds

Maria Smith/USS Pensacola, ACR-14
Time: 1:10 PM, November 1st, 1914
Location: At Sea, Northeastern Pacific Ocean

Maria pauses for a bit, thinking, before smiling. "I think the planned menu for lunch is beef stew and biscuits, with a side of tangerine slices." She actually seems to pick up speed at that.

With her pulling you along, you arrive fairly quickly at the mess hall. One thing you notice is that most of the crew of the ship only need a brief glance at Maria to dismiss the two of you as not important - almost as if they can tell that she's the ship's spirit at a glance.

She pulls you into the lunch line, where you get a tray, a bowl full of beef stew, a pair of biscuits, a small amount of what looks like butter, and a smaller dish with a bunch of tangerine slices on it, as well as a spoon and knife, and a glass of water. Maria then moves to a table that isn't full, clearly expecting you to follow her.

Meanwhile, on the bridge...

"Captain, I think I've spotted the source of the noise - a group of what look to be, well... airplanes, sir."

Captain Smith blinks. "Aren't we about a thousand miles out from the nearest piece of land?"

The navigator looks up. "Aye sir, at least, we were last time I had a solid fix on our location."

Jeremiah hums thoughtfully. "... Daniels, Goodwin, keep an eye on those airplanes. Navigation, try and get a solid fix on our location. Johnson, send a message to the Reid, tell them to keep their eyes open and suggest they also try and get a fix on their location."

One of the pilots gets cheeky, drops down, and flies past Pensacola's Bridge, waggling its wing, and showing His Red, White and Blue star roundel and the 'US NAVY' emblazoned on the tail. Before making a turn to return to his squadron, then his carrier

Repulse/Earlene Reager
Very Confused

"Hey! Don't forget me!" Repulse waves her arms in the air as she moves toward the group.

"And force Z turned out A Ok! Sure we needed a carrier watching our backs, but still!"

She looks and Hoo- Howe, and she seems to lose focus.

Repulse turns away.

"Anyhow... What do we do now? We go over to that Lex?"

She starts to make towards the carrier

"Oh boy..." Johnston mutters

Ricarda Howe, HMS Howe
Japanese Waters?

I nod, seeing that Johnston will take care of it, and then I realize what she said. "Wait, I'm a Captain?"

"....Yes? Shit! I'm thinking in the terms of the FG Corps! That's what you get, fighting for a century, or damn close to one"

Japanese Waters
Oy Vey, a group of WWI Era ships.

As my planes "investigate" the smoke, I turn to answer Howe's radio message

<I'm not opposed to hugs. I was just a subject to a improvised destroyer cuddlepile after all...> I say, nodding at the reports coming from my pilots. Hmm, WWI era battlegroup or patrol squadron. Pre Dreads and Armored Cruisers, with a couple pre Fubuki class DDs.

Your escorts giggle, before piping in themselves

[O'Bannon Reports Time's one Capship protected!]

[Wickes reports no surface contacts]

[Sullivans here, Reporting no contacts from below!]


One of your pilots and his wingman report seeing two more flashes of light to the Southeast of your position, and ask if they should make a quick check, or return home.
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Maria looks thoughtful, as she goes back to eating, albeit more slowly than she was earlier. "Well, I'm unfamiliar with the dish you refer to as 'chicken nuggets', but french fries are something I am familiar with - when we're in port the kitchen staff will occasionally serve hamburgers and fries, although usually only on the days in which we will be leaving port, so as to give the crew one last taste of home before we set out on patrol."
I stop scarfing down food just enough to say "Oh so fries do exist at this time, nice." I promptly proceed to continue acting like a black hole of food.


"....Lets not add another 'Hit a CO' to your record, Kid. I'll take care of it" Johnston responds
"...Eh, okay." Timmerman shrugs and stretches her arms above her head.
Maria Smith/USS Pensacola, ACR-14
Time: 1:10 PM, November 1st, 1914
Location: At Sea, Northeastern Pacific Ocean

One of the pilots gets cheeky, drops down, and flies past Pensacola's Bridge, waggling its wing, and showing His Red, White and Blue star roundel and the 'US NAVY' emblazoned on the tail., before making a turn to return to his squadron, then his carrier.
The plane's passing rattles the bridge windows.

One of the warrant officers keeping a look out speaks up after the plane's engine noise has faded enough to be heard over. "Captain, I think that pilot was trying to identify themselves to us without having a signal lamp or radio. There was a round emblem on the wings of the plane - a blue circle, with a white star inside it, with a red circle inside the white star... and 'US NAVY' was printed on the tail, in fairly big letters."

Captain Smith hums thoughtfully, before turning to address a seaman to send him to go fetch Sean, only to see Petty Officer Hurd arriving on the bridge. "Ah, Petty Officer Hurd. I don't suppose you know if Sean is still in the medical bay or not?"

Petty Officer Hurd nods. "Aye sir. Last I saw them, they had just shown up at the mess hall."

Jeremiah nods, before turning to address one of the warrant officers who he knew hadn't gone to lunch yet. "Warrant Officer Davidson, please go inform Sean that his presence on the bridge would be appreciated. Once you have done that, get yourself some lunch."

"Aye sir."
I stop scarfing down food just enough to say "Oh so fries do exist at this time, nice." I promptly proceed to continue acting like a black hole of food.
You and Maria actually get done about the same time, surprisingly. Just as you finish up, a warrant officer enters the mess hall, and almost immediately begins heading in your direction.

"Captain Smith would like to see you on the bridge as soon as possible."
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You and Maria actually get done about the same time, surprisingly. Just as you finish up, a warrant officer enters the mess hall, and almost immediately begins heading in your direction.

"Captain Smith would like to see you on the bridge as soon as possible."
I look over to the officer, probably still having some food on my face. "Okay, I guess." Is he going to question me about the future or something? I don't know. I nod and agree to go to the bridge. "Uh, could you please show me the way there? I have no idea how to get there."


"Yeah" Johnston says, before quietly patting her sister's head, Each pat seems to recalibrate the other Fletcher's Brain

"Well, I guess thats done. Now, what's our course of action?"
Amused carrier is amused

Japan, Sea of Japan/Philippine Sea

One of your pilots and his wingman report seeing two more flashes of light to the Southeast of your position, and ask if they should make a quick check, or return home
<Go ahead and scout it out. Be careful though, we can't confirm if it's friendly or not>
[O'Bannon Reports Time's one Capship protected!]

[Wickes reports no surface contacts]

[Sullivans here, Reporting no contacts from below!]
"Thank you little ones. Keep up the good work"

I look over to the officer, probably still having some food on my face. "Okay, I guess." Is he going to question me about the future or something? I don't know. I nod and agree to go to the bridge. "Uh, could you please show me the way there? I have no idea how to get there."


"Well, I guess thats done. Now, what's our course of action?"

"We...Wait for orders." Johnston says

"Captain?" Willie asks Howe


Amused carrier is amused

Japan, Sea of Japan/Philippine Sea

<Go ahead and scout it out. Be careful though, we can't confirm if it's friendly or not>

Your planes acknowledge your order.


As They fly toward the furtherest location the light came from, They pass a third group of Shipgirls, all of them looking up and waving,

As they reach the second area, a burst of Anti-Aircraft fire starts

"Thank you little ones. Keep up the good work"


"Praise us! Praise us!"

[B-Bannie?] [Oh hey, Johnston! It's great to hear your voice!] [Y-yeah]
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Maria Smith/USS Pensacola, ACR-14
Time: 1:10 PM, November 1st, 1914
Location: At Sea, Northeastern Pacific Ocean

I look over to the officer, probably still having some food on my face. "Okay, I guess." Is he going to question me about the future or something? I don't know. I nod and agree to go to the bridge. "Uh, could you please show me the way there? I have no idea how to get there."
Maria pipes up. "I can handle guidance, I'm done anyways." As she says that, the warrant officer nods. "In that case, I'll leave that in your capable hands, and get myself lunch as per my orders from Captain Smith." With that, he begins walking towards the lunch line, while Maria all but pulls you to your feet and begins guiding you to the bridge.

It's pretty clear that it's a shorter route from the mess hall directly to the bridge than it was from the bridge to the medical bay to the mess hall, although the fact that Maria isn't pausing to chatter every few dozen feet helps.

When you arrive on the bridge, you can hear what sound like airplane engines from a video game set in World War 1 or 2.

Captain Smith turns as you enter. "Ah, Sean. Good to see you again. Doing well so far?"

Maria pipes up. "I can handle guidance, I'm done anyways." As she says that, the warrant officer nods. "In that case, I'll leave that in your capable hands, and get myself lunch as per my orders from Captain Smith." With that, he begins walking towards the lunch line, while Maria all but pulls you to your feet and begins guiding you to the bridge.

It's pretty clear that it's a shorter route from the mess hall directly to the bridge than it was from the bridge to the medical bay to the mess hall, although the fact that Maria isn't pausing to chatter every few dozen feet helps.

When you arrive on the bridge, you can hear what sound like airplane engines from a video game set in World War 1 or 2.

Captain Smith turns as you enter. "Ah, Sean. Good to see you again. Doing well so far?"
I have a decent time looking at more of the insides of the ship as we go to Smith. As we arrive, I give a half-wave and half-salute. "Hey. I'm doing fine. This ship is really cool. I'm glad to have gotten the opportunity to be here. So, why have I been called here?"
Maria Smith/USS Pensacola, ACR-14
Time: 1:10 PM, November 1st, 1914
Location: At Sea, Northeastern Pacific Ocean

I have a decent time looking at more of the insides of the ship as we go to Smith. As we arrive, I give a half-wave and half-salute. "Hey. I'm doing fine. This ship is really cool. I'm glad to have gotten the opportunity to be here. So, why have I been called here?"
Captain Smith's faint smile fades. "I presume you can hear the aircraft engines? I need to know what you know about US Navy aviation - anything you can tell me might be useful, but focusing more around the 1910s, or at the very least the early stuff would be good."

He sighs. "Because we just had a biplane marked in such a way as to suggest it was owned and operated by the United States Navy fly by the bridge a little over 5 minutes ago, when our last fully known position was more than a thousand miles off-shore."

Captain Smith's faint smile fades. "I presume you can hear the aircraft engines? I need to know what you know about US Navy aviation - anything you can tell me might be useful, but focusing more around the 1910s, or at the very least the early stuff would be good."

He sighs. "Because we just had a biplane marked in such a way as to suggest it was owned and operated by the United States Navy fly by the bridge a little over 5 minutes ago, when our last fully known position was more than a thousand miles off-shore."
I step back in shock. "An American biplane over a thousand miles off-shore!? Don't tell me it's..." I begin to think. Do I tell them? I think I have to, or they will ask more questions. "Biplanes will likely never reach this far out from land. There's only one way they will be so far out. Shipboard aircraft. There is an aircraft carrier, something from later on in history, here... Surprising. I'm... scared to tell you more, for fear of messing up the timeline."
Maria Smith/USS Pensacola, ACR-14
Time: 1:10 PM, November 1st, 1914
Location: At Sea, Northeastern Pacific Ocean

I step back in shock. "An American biplane over a thousand miles off-shore!? Don't tell me it's..." I begin to think. Do I tell them? I think I have to, or they will ask more questions. "Biplanes will likely never reach this far out from land. There's only one way they will be so far out. Shipboard aircraft. There is an aircraft carrier, something from later on in history, here... Surprising. I'm... scared to tell you more, for fear of messing up the timeline."
Captain Smith scoffs slightly. "Kid, no offense, but the timeline probably got bent out of shape when you first showed up, and it probably got even more bent out of shape when that plane decided to fly past the bridge of this ship." He sighs. "Honestly, what I need to know is how I'd go about trying to contact that carrier without being able to see them - because odds are, they could be anywhere within a few hundred miles radius of us, and we haven't seen any floating airfields."

Even as he's saying this, the two warrant officers pulling look out duty are scanning the waters around the Pensacola and the horizon for ships, or even anything out of the ordinary.

Captain Smith scoffs slightly. "Kid, no offense, but the timeline probably got bent out of shape when you first showed up, and it probably got even more bent out of shape when that plane decided to fly past the bridge of this ship." He sighs. "Honestly, what I need to know is how I'd go about trying to contact that carrier without being able to see them - because odds are, they could be anywhere within a few hundred miles radius of us, and we haven't seen any floating airfields."

Even as he's saying this, the two warrant officers pulling look out duty are scanning the waters around the Pensacola and the horizon for ships, or even anything out of the ordinary.
"No, it's fine. How to contact another ship past visual distance in 1914... I honestly don't know. I think at this time the only methods require visual contact." I fall into a deep state of thought, trying to think of a way to contact a distant aircraft carrier while I stare off into the distance. Come on, Sean. You're smart. You research ships. How do they communicate, other than flags...? I don't think radios exist yet...
Maria Smith/USS Pensacola, ACR-14
Time: 1:10 PM, November 1st, 1914
Location: At Sea, Northeastern Pacific Ocean

"No, it's fine. How to contact another ship past visual distance in 1914... I honestly don't know. I think at this time the only methods require visual contact." I fall into a deep state of thought, trying to think of a way to contact a distant aircraft carrier while I stare off into the distance. Come on, Sean. You're smart. You research ships. How do they communicate, other than flags...? I don't think radios exist yet...
When Captain Smith opens his mouth, his signals officer beats him to the punch. "Do they still use Morse code when aircraft carriers - I assume that's what aircraft carrying ships are called - start to enter the fleet? I might be able to get a message to them on the radio set, although I can't guarantee anything past about 250 miles."

Captain Smith closes his mouth and looks at you expectantly.

When Captain Smith opens his mouth, his signals officer beats him to the punch. "Do they still use Morse code when aircraft carriers - I assume that's what aircraft carrying ships are called - start to enter the fleet? I might be able to get a message to them on the radio set, although I can't guarantee anything past about 250 miles."

Captain Smith closes his mouth and looks at you expectantly.
I quickly get broken out of my thought trance. "Morse code...? Some of the early carriers might. I think later ones ditched them. It might be worth a try." Do carriers actually have morse code? I never bothered to look it up.
Ricarda Howe, HMS Howe
Japanese Waters?
We have company!


"Well, I guess thats done. Now, what's our course of action?"
"We...Wait for orders." Johnston says

"Captain?" Willie asks Howe


Just then, one of my scouts reports an enemy presence, east-northeast of us. From what I can see from its perspective (the whole CCTV-like feel remains impressive to me), there are three... girls, but monstrous ones in white and black. I recognize the profiles of a Ta-class fast battleship, a Ru-class battleship, and a Wo-class fleet carrier, and my eyes widen at the sight. I don't see escorts with them, but they're still very much a threat. I can feel it in my bones. Goodness, now I'm thrown into my first battle of this life.

"Abyssals, east-northeast!" I report to my companions. "One Wo, one Ta, and one Ru. Preparing strike package. Suggest gaining distance from them." With my rifle on hand, I launch as many Blackburn Darts and Fairey Flycatchers as I can, which are my torpedo bombers and fighters, respectively. Their engines roar as the miniature biplanes take off. I can't help but feel that I'd be more confident if I have late-WW2 planes on deck... and come to think of it, Connie would probably want to use her main guns on them, but she's a battlecruiser, not a battleship, and it's dangerous to go alone or with minimal escort.

I inform Shiloh (@Miho_Chan) as well. <This is Howe. Hostile Abyssals inbound from northeast!>
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Maria Smith/USS Pensacola, ACR-14
Time: 1:10 PM, November 1st, 1914
Location: At Sea, Northeastern Pacific Ocean

I quickly get broken out of my thought trance. "Morse code...? Some of the early carriers might. I think later ones ditched them. It might be worth a try." Do carriers actually have morse code? I never bothered to look it up.
Captain Smith nods. "Even if it doesn't work, we now know one way to not contact an aircraft carrier." He turns towards his signal officer. "Warrant Officer Johnson, transmit the following message over radio. 'Attention, this is the USS Pensacola, ACR-14 to unknown aircraft carrier, please identify yourself, over and out.'"

"Aye sir."

With that, the now named Warrant Officer Johnson sits down, puts on what looks like a really old pair of headphones, and begins tapping a little lever thingy, next to a buzzer of some sort that buzzes when the lever is depressed.

@Miho_Chan @SeismicGuide
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Captain Smith nods. "Even if it doesn't work, we now know one way to not contact an aircraft carrier." He turns towards his signal officer. "Warrant Officer Johnson, transmit the following message over radio. 'Attention, this is the USS Pensacola, ACR-14 to unknown aircraft carrier, please identify yourself, over and out.'"

"Aye sir."

With that, the now named Warrant Officer Johnson sits down, puts on what looks like a really old pair of headphones, and begins tapping a little lever thingy, next to a buzzer of some sort that buzzes when the lever is depressed.
I watch. I have no idea what's going on, but it fascinates me. I seem to get sort of entranced by the buzzing machine. I want to learn how it works...


"Abyssals, east-northeast!" I report to my companions. "One Wo, one Ta, and one Ru. Preparing strike package. Suggest gaining distance from them.
Timmerman momentarily cheers "Yes, some actio-" before realizing shes being told to run away. "Oh... On your lead." She turns to Johnston and nods.
Repulse/Earlene Reager

"Yeah. Are you okay, Repulse? Did it really turn out okay?"

"Well, mostly yeah. Indomitable got some bombers, Shot the hell out of one of those jap Battlecruisers, can't really remember which one... And then I got smacked with a couple of bombs, which hurt like hell, then we joined up wi..."

"Nevermind. I'll tell you later, Hoo-Howe. Long story."

Goddammit Repulse!

"Sorry. You look a lot like... Someone else"

"Abyssals, east-northeast!" I report to my companions. "One Wo, one Ta, and one Ru. Preparing strike package. Suggest gaining distance from them."

"Loud and clear!"
She turns to the other battlecruiser in the group.
"C'mon! Let's go!"

"Wait what? Are they talking about her?" Repulse gestures to Howe.

"Or her?" She points at the distant Shiloh