Maria Smith/USS Pensacola, ACR-14
Time: 1:00 PM, November 1st, 1914
Location: At Sea, Northeastern Pacific Ocean

"Yeah, I know how it works."
Hurd simply smiles faintly.
"Everybody has a soft side. The question is how you get it out."
Hurd simply nods at that, indicating his agreement, before turning towards a door in the hallway you're in. Evidently, the trip was shorter than you expected, as when you walk through the door, you're greeted by what looks like a miniaturized hospital. An old-ish man in what looks like a mix of a doctor's outfit and a Navy uniform looks up as you enter. "Petty Officer Hurd, what a surprise. Who're the kids following you?"

"Lieutenant Kelley, allow me to introduce, in order," he points to Maria "the personification of the Pensacola herself," he points at Sean, "and Sean, who was apparently the first person on the ship to actually see Pensacola." That last bit is said pretty evenly, but you think you hear a slight bit of jealousy in it all the same.

"I see. Why are they in my sick bay? They both look fine." Doctor Kelley looks like he'd look a lot friendlier when he smiled than he currently does.

"Captain's Orders, Sean definitely needs to be brought up to speed on his vaccinations, and Pensacola might also need to be vaccinated."

Kelley grumbles faintly. "You two are lucky we were recently tapped to assist with vaccination efforts in Louisiana, and still have stocks of some of those vaccines onboard. Unfortunately, we're out of the vaccine for tetanus, so I'd try to be extra careful around sharp objects if I were you two." He turns over to a nurse helping take care of one of the patients currently in the bay, who has a cast around a leg. "Nurse Chapel, would you be so kind as to handle getting Pensacola up to speed?"

She turns towards Doctor Kelley, and smiles. "Certainly, Doctor Kelley. Right this way please." With that, she begins walking towards an area of the medical bay that has what appears to be dividers of some sort. Maria squeezes Sean's hand, and then lets go and quickly begins following Nurse Chapel.

After watching the nurse leave, Doctor Kelley turns back towards you. "So, kid, pick a bed and sit down. I'll be needing to know what vaccines you've already had, and when your last ones were."

Before he leaves, Petty Officer Hurd actually ducks back in, moves towards you and Doctor Kelley, and talks quietly to avoid being overheard too much by the sailor with the broken leg. "Just so you're aware, Doc - as far as we can tell, the kid's from some time after the year 2002 - and no, I'm not joking on this. So don't be surprised if he's had vaccines for diseases we can't vaccinate against yet." With that he ducks back out. Doctor Kelley's eyebrow rises as Hurd speaks, and then he turns towards you with a questioning expression.
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Ricarda Howe, HMS Howe
Unknown Location
Unknown Time

November, 1st, 1914

@UbeOne @ravagEr @Poteitoku (Companion)

You see a island a few hundred miles away, then you here a shout and a scream, then several children's voices


"Ugh...That was weird"

"You can say that again..."

"Tell me about it...."

You notice five other girls, one's in a USN Lieutenant Commander's uniform wearing bandages around her knuckles and wrists with brown hair and eyes, another in another USN uniform, this time that of an Lieutenant, and brown hair and blue eyes, with a single bandage on her cheek. A smaller, Raven Haired girl, wearing a a simple hoodie and skirt, and her two sisters, A blonde with twin tails wearing a blue dress, and another girl wearing a blue dress, except with blonde hair, And a taller woman with short reddish-blonde shoulder length hair, wearing a USN Master Chief Petty Officer uniform

The one in the LCDR uniform looks at you three,

"What are your names? I'm Johnston." The now identified Johnston asks, probably referring to you three, and the other three Destroyers,

"I-I'm W-William D. Porter"

"USS Constitution"

"USS Henderson, DD-784" One of the two Raven haired destroyers

"USS Richard B. Anderson, DD-785, or ROCS Kai Yang." The other Raven haired Destroyer, this one wearing a blue dress, says

Their sister stares at Johnston, her mouth opening and closing, like a fish



"I'm 821! Nice to meet you!"

"The Gearing...?"


"Huh, but.."

I almost fall over myself as I open my eyes, yet I barely manage to regain my balance. I notice that I'm actually standing on water, which nearly makes me trip again. How am I doing that? I'm not Jesus, nor a shipgirl-

A flash of imagery enters my mind, showing glimpses of a different life from mine... and a different form. In another time, 'I' was HMS Howe, the sister of Hood, the Sara to her Lex... except I became a carrier, while she stayed on as a battlecruiser. So I'm actually a shipgirl, and more importantly, a girl in body? Yay! I embrace myself, embrace my body that feels right. My reflection shows that I look like a spitting image of Azur Lane's Hood, albeit in a red-dominant version of her attire. Well, I've always liked her character design... in the meantime, where am I? What's going on? I like my new look, but now I'm confused about the rest.

Voices get my attention, and they turn out to be from shipgirls like me. They seem confused as well, and then they introduce themselves. Oh dear, Willie is here? Her clumsiness better not be our undoing. Connie? Wait, that's not a sailing frigate. That's a battlecruiser. She's a Lex that wasn't turned into a carrier! And then we have Johnston, the Taffy one. Niiice.

I regain my composure, though it feels kinda embarrassing that they may have witnessed my momentary clumsiness. "I am His Majesty's Ship, Howe," I give out my ship name, a soft smile on my face. "Nice to meet you all. Where are we?"

The reigning monarch of Ship-me's time is King George V, which that battleship class is named after.
USS Shiloh, reincarnation of SAL
Operation Crossroads, 1945
It was a good life... I guess...

I stand at the edge of my flight deck, tearfully gazing at the assembled ships. We don't deserve this... The Japanese ships don't either... Neither does Prinz Eugen. But how could they know that we exist... They don't know that every time we're hit by something, it hurts. That every time a crew member dies, we mourn them. Heh, it's going to suck for Nagato, especially since she has animals on her hull... As part of this sick experiment. How I wish I could tell them... That their efforts would pay off, that peace would follow. Oh well. It was a good life. Even if it was a lonely one. I hope they don't scrap Enterprise in this timeline... Well, guess I'd better prepare for nuclear fire to consume me... Goodbye everyone...
You see several columns of smoke, You realize why, two of you see several European War-Era warships, all sailing together, one of you feel as if you should be sailing beside them. Escorting them, or being escorted by them. The other one of you, realize your standing on the deck of one, and a young woman stands next to you, looking at you strangely.
You see what seems like a British Battlecruiser,
Consumed by agony, I barely recognize the WWI era ships sailing in formation. Still alternating between screaming and crying in pain, I attempt to push myself up from my prone position on the water. Why the fuck is Hood still floating Is the first thought that comes to mind. Not again... Is the second, after seeing the convoy of WWI era ships. As I sob from the pain, lying on my back on top of the water, I exclaim
GM Reponse:1.01
Ricarda Howe, HMS Howe

Unknown Location

Unknown Time


I almost fall over myself as I open my eyes, yet I barely manage to regain my balance. I notice that I'm actually standing on water, which nearly makes me trip again. How am I doing that? I'm not Jesus, nor a shipgirl-

A flash of imagery enters my mind, showing glimpses of a different life from mine... and a different form. In another time, 'I' was HMS Howe, the sister of Hood, the Sara to her Lex... except I became a carrier, while she stayed on as a battlecruiser. So I'm actually a shipgirl, and more importantly, a girl in body? Yay! I embrace myself, embrace my body that feels right. My reflection shows that I look like a spitting image of Azur Lane's Hood, albeit in a red-dominant version of her attire. Well, I've always liked her character design... in the meantime, where am I? What's going on? I like my new look, but now I'm confused about the rest.

Voices get my attention, and they turn out to be from shipgirls like me. They seem confused as well, and then they introduce themselves. Oh dear, Willie is here? Her clumsiness better not be our undoing. Connie? Wait, that's not a sailing frigate. That's a battlecruiser. She's a Lex that wasn't turned into a carrier! And then we have Johnston, the Taffy one. Niiice.

I regain my composure, though it feels kinda embarrassing that they may have witnessed my momentary clumsiness. "I am His Majesty's Ship, Howe," I give out my ship name, a soft smile on my face. "Nice to meet you all. Where are we?"
The reigning monarch of Ship-me's time is King George V, which that battleship class is named after.

"Nice to meet you too, Brit, but I have no idea...It looks like we're in the pacific near Japan, but I could be wrong, though." Johnston nods in acknowledgement, along with her sister, both of their AA suites searching for targets. The other Destroyers look at you and wave.

Constitution on the other hand....Just scoffs in your direction, Johnston's glare at the enlisted officer causes her demeanor to change, and she mumbles something to you

"Hey, Limey Flat-top, it's nice to meet you, I guess" She mumbles

USS Shiloh, reincarnation of SAL

Operation Crossroads, 1945

It was a good life... I guess...

I stand at the edge of my flight deck, tearfully gazing at the assembled ships. We don't deserve this... The Japanese ships don't either... Neither does Prinz Eugen. But how could they know that we exist... They don't know that every time we're hit by something, it hurts. That every time a crew member dies, we mourn them. Heh, it's going to suck for Nagato, especially since she has animals on her hull... As part of this sick experiment. How I wish I could tell them... That their efforts would pay off, that peace would follow. Oh well. It was a good life. Even if it was a lonely one. I hope they don't scrap Enterprise in this timeline... Well, guess I'd better prepare for nuclear fire to consume me... Goodbye everyone...


Consumed by agony, I barely recognize the WWI era ships sailing in formation. Still alternating between screaming and crying in pain, I attempt to push myself up from my prone position on the water. Why the fuck is Hood still floating Is the first thought that comes to mind. Not again... Is the second, after seeing the convoy of WWI era ships. As I sob from the pain, lying on my back on top of the water, I exclaim


A squadron of your escorting Destroyers surround you, one with Auburn Hair, another with Raven hair, and a Third with Brown hair wearing a hate with a pin saying "We stick Together"

"You alright, Admiral?" One of them asks, she must have you confused with someone....
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USS Shiloh
"Fuck my life"
Off the Coast of Japan

A squadron of your escorting Destroyers surround you

"You alright, Admiral?" One of them asks, she must have you confused with someone....
"I wasn't aware that I had a rank. Hmm, at least the pay should be good." I muse, turning to look at the destroyer. "You probably have the wrong girl anyways. CV-4, USS Shiloh at your service." I say, before muttering "Still get bloody confused at that, damm Ranger for being CV-5.."
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GM response: 1.02
USS Shiloh
"Fuck my life"
Off the Coast of Japan

"I wasn't aware that I had a rank. Hmm, at least the pay should be good." I muse, turning to look at the destroyer. "You probably have the wrong girl anyways. CV-4, USS Shiloh at your service." I say, before muttering "Still get bloody confused at that, damm Ranger for not existing.."


"...Wait, Shiloh? I don't remember you...Or Captain Ranger being CV-5" The auburn destroyer says

"AH! I forgot to ID myself, I'm The Fletcher-Class Destroyer, USS O'Bannon, DD-450" She says with a crisp salute
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Ricarda Howe, HMS Howe
Japanese Waters?
Such impoliteness

"Nice to meet you too, Brit, but I have no idea...It looks like we're in the pacific near Japan, but I could be wrong, though." Johnston nods in acknowledgement, along with her sister, both of their AA suites searching for targets. The other Destroyers look at you and wave.

Constitution on the other hand....Just scoffs in your direction, Johnston's glare at the enlisted officer causes her demeanor to change, and she mumbles something to you

"Hey, Limey Flat-top, it's nice to meet you, I guess" She mumbles

I wave back at them. "I could send up a few scouts and look around," I suggest, enjoying my voice. I could hear the accent too, clearly from Ship-me's background. Japan? That sounds all right, unless I'm somehow in WW2 times. Then Japan would be a headache, and a danger. Still confusing to suddenly be elsewhere though.

Connie's expression, meanwhile, leaves me with a shocked look. Really? Scoffing at me? How rude. Her greeting sounds forced, too, using the colloquial term for the British, and here I thought she was a nice one. I may have to retract that assessment. Lex and Sara wouldn't act that way. "Is there a problem?" I ask Johnston.

At the mini-flight deck on top of my bolt-action rifle, four recon biplanes, Blackburn Blackburns (yeah, the brand and the model have the same name somehow, which is weird), could be seen as they get ready for takeoff. They shouldn't have a hard time seeing as they're lightweight and have that extra lift via the extra wing. Feels familiar, yet also odd, to be fitted with aircraft from the 20s. I'm more used to the 40s ones, like the Barracudas, Fulmars, Seafires, Martlets (the imported Wildcats, that is)...
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"Why does Lord Murphy hate me so?"
Japan, International Waters

"...Wait, Shiloh? I don't remember you...Or Captain Ranger being CV-5" The auburn destroyer says

"AH! I forgot to ID myself, I'm The Fletcher-Class Destroyer, USS O'Bannon, DD-450" She says with a crisp salute
"Oh joy, I'm in another goddam timeline, again. Lord Murphy, why has thou forsaken me." I say sarcasm dripping from every letter. I take a moment to take stock of my equipment, and let loose a a stream of curses. "Who the fuck took my F6F-5Ns and replaced them with bi-planes! Words cannot express my displeasure right now!" I scream, visibly shaking in rage.
GM Response: 1.03
Ricarda Howe, HMS Howe
Japanese Waters?
Such impoliteness

I wave back at them. "I could send up a few scouts and look around," I suggest. Japan? That sounds all right, unless I'm somehow in WW2 times. Then Japan would be a headache, and a danger.

"Would you? I'd Hate to get caught unawares" Johnston asks

Connie's expression, meanwhile, leaves me with a shocked look. Really? Scoffing at me? How rude. Her greeting sounds forced, too, using the colloquial term for the British, and here I thought she was a nice one. I may have to retract that assessment. Lex and Sara wouldn't act that way. "Is there a problem?" I ask Johnston.

"Yeah, she's of the Opinion that carriers are unproven, and you being British doesn't help your case, she's one of those distrusting-of-Brits-types." Johnston says
"Why does Lord Murphy hate me so?"
Japan, International Waters

"Oh joy, I'm in another goddam timeline, again. Lord Murphy, why has thou forsaken me." I say sarcasm dripping from every letter. I take a moment to take stock of my equipment, and let loose a a stream of curses. "Who the fuck took my F6F-5Ns and replaced them with bi-planes! Words cannot express my displeasure right now!" I scream, visibly shaking in rage.

"...I don't think your the one displaced in a timeline, ma'am" O'Bannon say, pointing at one of the ACR's

"I think it's us, Cause I don't recognize her" she says as she hugs the carrier fretting over her planes
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Shiloh.exe has crashed, rebooting
Off the coast of Japan

"Would you? I'd Hate to get caught unawares" Johnston asks

"Yeah, she's of the Opinion that carriers are unproven, and you being British doesn't help your case, she's one of those distrusting-of-Brits-types." Johnston says

"...I don't think your the one displaced in a timeline, ma'am" O'Bannon say, pointing at one of the ACR's

"I think it's us, Cause I don't recognize her" she says as she hugs the carrier fretting over her planes
"... You mean I'm not getting screwed over, again... Murphy... Don't keep me in suspense, hit me. You hit me with two fucking nuked a few minutes ago..." I say, attempting to comprehend not getting generally shat on by the universe, since it was my life for the past thirty or so years. "Holy shit, I can finally act on my historical knowledge, instead of screaming into the ear of my shitty captain to not do something moronic... holy shit..."
GM response: 1.04: Miho
Shiloh.exe has crashed, rebooting
Off the coast of Japan

"... You mean I'm not getting screwed over, again... Murphy... Don't keep me in suspense, hit me. You hit me with two fucking nuked a few minutes ago..." I say, attempting to comprehend not getting generally shat on by the universe, since it was my life for the past thirty or so years. "Holy shit, I can finally act on my historical knowledge, instead of screaming into the ear of my shitty captain to not do something moronic... holy shit..."

"Maybe...?" The destroyer mutters, as she continues hugging the Capital ship, her sisters joining in

"My carrier" "You mean ours, right, Wickes?" "Yeah, Yeah, that..." "Shh! She can hear us!"
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Ricarda Howe, HMS Howe
Japanese Waters?
What's up with Connie?

"Would you? I'd Hate to get caught unawares" Johnston asks

"Yeah, she's of the Opinion that carriers are unproven, and you being British doesn't help your case, she's one of those distrusting-of-Brits-types." Johnston says

"All right," I reply. Aiming my gun skyward, a press of the trigger launches the four Blackburns into the sky, their objective being to survey the surrounding area, like that island over there, while avoiding confrontation. I'm not here to pick a fight, but to find out what's going on.

I sigh at the explanation. "Someone needs an update on her intel." Taranto and Pearl Harbor are two examples of air-based superiority. So is Force Z, as well as Midway, the Bismarck hunt, and Ten-Go. So are the later Fleet Problems of the 30s. "To be fair, carriers like me were an unknown before. The war was our proving ground. But why the distrust over us Brits?" Confusion could be heard in that last part. Aren't the UK and the US among the closest of allies? They've had each other's backs for a long time.
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GM Response: 1.04: Ube
Ricarda Howe, HMS Howe
Japanese Waters?
What's up with Connie?

"All right," I reply. Aiming my gun skyward, a press of the trigger launches the four Blackburns into the sky, their objective being to survey the surrounding area, like that island over there, while avoiding confrontation. I'm not here to pick a fight, but to find out what's going on.

"Thank you."


As your Blackburns rise, the island slowly gets bigger, showing towns, and a much larger island,

To the south east, you see several pillars of smoke.

I sigh at the explanation. Someone needs an update on her intel. Taranto and Pearl Harbor are two examples of air-based superiority. So is Force Z, as well as Midway, the Bismarck hunt, and Ten-Go. So are the later Fleet Problems of the 30s. "To be fair, carriers like me were an unknown before. The war was our proving ground. But why the distrust over us Brits?" Confusion could be heard in that last part. Aren't the UK and the US among the closest of allies? They've had each other's backs for a long time.

Johnston laughs

"Oh, oh she knows, We fought the Abyss war toghether, Captain and Commander saved her ass many a time," A faint "Hey!" Can be heard from the American CC

"Oh shut it, Chief. Anyhow, Admiral Enterprise got Connie's respect immediately after finding out the Admiral was a war hero"

Her mirth disappears seconds later.

"She... Kinda has the idea of 'The Brits backstab us at some point'" She says quietly to Howe

"She also kinda Blames the Brits for the WNT."
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Hurd simply smiles faintly.
Hurd simply nods at that, indicating his agreement, before turning towards a door in the hallway you're in. Evidently, the trip was shorter than you expected, as when you walk through the door, you're greeted by what looks like a miniaturized hospital. An old-ish man in what looks like a mix of a doctor's outfit and a Navy uniform looks up as you enter. "Petty Officer Hurd, what a surprise. Who're the kids following you?"

"Lieutenant Kelley, allow me to introduce, in order," he points to Maria "the personification of the Pensacola herself," he points at Sean, "and Sean, who was apparently the first person on the ship to actually see Pensacola." That last bit is said pretty evenly, but you think you hear a slight bit of jealousy in it all the same.

"I see. Why are they in my sick bay? They both look fine." Doctor Kelley looks like he'd look a lot friendlier when he smiled than he currently does.

"Captain's Orders, Sean definitely needs to be brought up to speed on his vaccinations, and Pensacola might also need to be vaccinated."

Kelley grumbles faintly. "You two are lucky we were recently tapped to assist with vaccination efforts in Louisiana, and still have stocks of some of those vaccines onboard. Unfortunately, we're out of the vaccine for tetanus, so I'd try to be extra careful around sharp objects if I were you two." He turns over to a nurse helping take care of one of the patients currently in the bay, who has a cast around a leg. "Nurse Chapel, would you be so kind as to handle getting Pensacola up to speed?"

She turns towards Doctor Kelley, and smiles. "Certainly, Doctor Kelley. Right this way please." With that, she begins walking towards an area of the medical bay that has what appears to be dividers of some sort. Maria squeezes Sean's hand, and then lets go and quickly begins following Nurse Chapel.

After watching the nurse leave, Doctor Kelley turns back towards you. "So, kid, pick a bed and sit down. I'll be needing to know what vaccines you've already had, and when your last ones were."

Before he leaves, Petty Officer Hurd actually ducks back in, moves towards you and Doctor Kelley, and talks quietly to avoid being overheard too much by the sailor with the broken leg. "Just so you're aware, Doc - as far as we can tell, the kid's from some time after the year 2002 - and no, I'm not joking on this. So don't be surprised if he's had vaccines for diseases we can't vaccinate against yet." With that he ducks back out. Doctor Kelley's eyebrow rises as Hurd speaks, and then he turns towards you with a questioning expression.
We get to the medical bay. I nod along with all the questions but freeze at the question of vaccines. What vaccines DO I have? I think just a flu shot... "Uh, I was vaccinated against the flu a couple years before my present time." I shrug and sigh. "Also, quick note, I'm horrible with needles." I get to one of the unoccupied beds and sit on it as instructed. I quickly take out my phone... Why do I have my phone...? and check the time on it. I wonder how my family's doing...


A small girl yawns herself awake. "Five more minutes..." As she blinks her eyes open, she stares at the ocean, shocked. "What the...? Where am I...?" She seems too confused to notice the others near her.
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GM/GM Response: 1.02-Timmerman/1.01-Timmerman

We get to the medical bay. I nod along with all the questions but freeze at the question of vaccines. What vaccines DO I have? I think just a flu shot... "Uh, I was vaccinated against the flu a couple years before my present time." I shrug and sigh. "Also, quick note, I'm horrible with needles." I get to one of the unoccupied beds and sit on it as instructed. I quickly take out my phone... Why do I have my phone...? and check the time on it. I wonder how my family's doing...

Your phone says low battery, and that the time is 1:05/1:10


A small girl yawns herself awake. "Five more minutes..." As she blinks her eyes open, she stares at the ocean, shocked. "What the...? Where am I...?" She seems too confused to notice the others near her.

"Welcome to, what I believe is, the Pacific Ocean, I'm Johnston, DD-557, Nice to meet ya"

"She looks like one of ours..."- DD-821 "But her presence is that of a Fletcher AND A Gearing...."- DD-557 "Maybe she's an Allen M. Sumner?" - DD-785
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Your phone says low battery, and that the time is 1:05/1:10
"Eh, I'll have to charge it later..."

Wait. Phones didn't exist in 1914. Therefore, chargers don't exist. SHIT.

"Don't mind me."


"Welcome to, what I believe is, the Pacific Ocean, I'm Johnston, DD-557, Nice to meet ya"
"Hey. Nice to meet you. I'm Timmerman. Now, what do we do?" She looks around. "We're sorta just... Here."
Maria Smith/USS Pensacola, ACR-14
Time: 1:10 PM, November 1st, 1914
Location: At Sea, Northeastern Pacific Ocean

"Uh, I was vaccinated against the flu a couple years before my present time." I shrug and sigh. "Also, quick note, I'm horrible with needles."
Doctor Kelley looks like he's thinking somewhat hard, before his eyes widen. "So that's what Hurd meant", he mutters under his breath. He doesn't seem to acknowledge the point about needles, at least at the moment.
"Eh, I'll have to charge it later..."
Doctor Kelley's eyebrow is still raised, and he's actually looking a bit curious at the illuminated rectangle in your hands.
At that, Doctor Kelley rolls his eyes. "Kid, seeing as you're onboard this ship, it's my job to mind you, at least when it comes to medicine."

He pulls over a chair and sits down, holding up a clipboard and a pencil. "Now, I'm going to list off some diseases. I want you to try and remember if you've been vaccinated for them or not. This'll tell me what vaccines you need, which will in turn inform the schedule in which you'd need to be given these vaccines." He looks up from his clipboard at Sean, and looks him in the eyes. "I'm going to warn you now - these vaccines aren't perfect, and they take time to take effect. During that time you'll likely wind up feeling at least a bit under the weather, as your immune system adapts the vaccine.

Now then," he looks back down at the clipboard, and begins marking things down as he lists off diseases.


"Typhoid fever?"



"Bubonic plague?"

When you finish answering his questions regarding your vaccination history, he taps his pencil to his chin, obviously thinking.

At that, Doctor Kelley rolls his eyes. "Kid, seeing as you're onboard this ship, it's my job to mind you, at least when it comes to medicine."

He pulls over a chair and sits down, holding up a clipboard and a pencil. "Now, I'm going to list off some diseases. I want you to try and remember if you've been vaccinated for them or not. This'll tell me what vaccines you need, which will in turn inform the schedule in which you'd need to be given these vaccines." He looks up from his clipboard at Sean, and looks him in the eyes. "I'm going to warn you now - these vaccines aren't perfect, and they take time to take effect. During that time you'll likely wind up feeling at least a bit under the weather, as your immune system adapts the vaccine.

Now then," he looks back down at the clipboard, and begins marking things down as he lists off diseases.
"Okay." I prepare myself for a wave of most likely saying the word "no" over and over.
When you finish answering his questions regarding your vaccination history, he taps his pencil to his chin, obviously thinking.
I honestly wonder how I'm normally almost never sick... "The only real vaccination I've gotten is for the flu." Sean versus the diseases of 1914, who will win? ...Let's not test it.

I begin to think about the shield again. If I can't leave the medical bay, then what would happen with the shield? Maybe I can ask for somebody to get it after the vaccinations have begun.
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Maria Smith/USS Pensacola, ACR-14
Time: 1:10 PM, November 1st, 1914
Location: At Sea, Northeastern Pacific Ocean

"The only real vaccination I've gotten is for the flu."
Doctor Kelley nods. "That's one downside to time travel I don't think H.G. Wells thought about - your vaccines could very well be out of date even if you go into the past, because medicine has eradicated the diseases you'd need to have been vaccinated against." He looks you in the eye. "On that note, at least part of me is jealous that you grew up in a time where those diseases were so uncommon that you didn't need to be vaccinated against them." He looks back down at his chart. "Alright, unfortunately, if there are any vaccines that can be delivered via means other than injection, we haven't invented them yet. That being said, I know for a fact that all of those diseases cause incredibly unpleasant symptoms if you're infected by them, so I'd suggest dealing with it." He looks back up at Sean, his gaze indicating that, as a physician, he wasn't exactly going to bend on this topic.
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Doctor Kelley nods. "That's one downside to time travel I don't thing H.G. Wells thought about - your vaccines could very well be out of date even if you go into the past, because medicine has eradicated the diseases you'd need to have been vaccinated against." He looks you in the eye. "On that note, at least part of me is jealous that you grew up in a time where those diseases were so uncommon that you didn't need to be vaccinated against them." He looks back down at his chart. "Alright, unfortunately, if there are any vaccines that can be delivered via means other than injection, we haven't invented them yet. That being said, I know for a fact that all of those diseases cause incredibly unpleasant symptoms if you're infected by them, so I'd suggest dealing with it." He looks back up at Sean, his gaze indicating that, as a physician, he wasn't exactly going to bend on this topic.
I just sigh. "Yeah, injection's common in my time, too. I just really dislike it. So, it'd be best to, as you said, deal with it." I follow whatever instructions the doctor gives so I can get it over with. Don't freak out. Don't freak out. DON'T FREAK OUT, SEAN.
Hugs are nice
Off the coast of Japan

"Maybe...?" The destroyer mutters, as she continues hugging the Capital ship, her sisters joining in

"My carrier" "You mean ours, right, Wickes?" "Yeah, Yeah, that..." "Shh! She can hear us!"
"Thanks little ones. That helped bit at least." I say, before frowning. "It seems I'm back to my as built configuration as well. Ah well, can't be helped at this point."
I take a moment to launch planes to scout the area, before turning to my esorts. "Plan anyone? I'm open to suggestions."
GM Response: 1.05(?)-Miho
Hugs are nice
Off the coast of Japan

"Thanks little ones. That helped bit at least." I say, before frowning. "It seems I'm back to my as built configuration as well. Ah well, can't be helped at this point."
I take a moment to launch planes to scout the area, before turning to my esorts. "Plan anyone? I'm open to suggestions."

Your escorts beam at you, before they shake their heads

"I have none." The British battlecruiser says

As your planes rise, you see a island, no a country to your Northwest


As your pilots make a quick recon run to check the smoke to your southeast, they report an American Biplane appearing next to them.


Your pilots report a squadron of British planes coming around to make a recon run. Your pilots ask if they should make contact with the RN carrier in the area.


Timmerman looks around until she sees smoke in the distance. She points to it and looks at the others. "There's something apparently going on over there. Maybe we should check it out... Something's better than nothing... Right?"

"Mmm, Which way do you wanna go, South east, where there might be Abby's, or Northwest, where we can quickly go refuel our bunkers and Ammuntions?"
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"Mmm, Which way do you wanna go, South east, where there might be Abby's, or Northwest, where we can quickly go refuel our bunkers?"
"Well, there might be somebody or something in trouble! If it's trouble, we'll just turn and retreat! How about it?" Timmerman looks 80% serious and 20% angry.
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