"Aye sir." The Destroyer says with a salute.

She starts walking towards any exit, and once she's outside, jumps/climbs off Pensacola and sails toward New Jersey.
Johnston's trip over to the New Jersey is short, and relatively simple. By the time she finishes climbing up the rope ladder, a lieutenant is standing besides the railing to guide her to the bridge.

Upon entering the bridge, she sees a relatively old man, with greying hair and a very bushy mustache, somewhat hunched over a table with a series of charts. He looks up as you enter, and steps away from his charts to walk over towards you.

"I presume you must be Commander Evans."
Repulse/Earlene Reager

A Battlecruiser still slightly tainted by the Abyss looks at you while sailing up to you, confused.

"Uh....Yes? I don't believe we've met. I'm the Eldest Lexington-Class Battlecruiser USS Constellation, CC-2, Nice to meet you..." She gives pause for you to answer.

"Heya! Definitely haven't met before. I've only seen Sara."

"Okay. Need a hug?" I offer to Hood. Now I'm curious as to her story. What happened to her?

" 'Prise hug!"

Repulse does a tackle-hug.

"Missed 'cha, Hood. I know you may not be from my time line, with all this weirdness, But… well, you know me. Also pretty complicated on this side, cause…"

Her eyes glaze over.


She pulls away, looking experated.

"Look. If I tried to explain that hug, it would take all day. Just… ignore that if you want."
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"Those where Abyssals. Most of them are.. hostile, to humanity. A rage born of sorrow and feelings of betrayal." I yawn again, standing up slightly as the chains on my arm rattle.
My hand clenched into a tight fist as my previous confusion turned to indignation that what I had just heard over the radio, had these warships truly fallen so low as to forget their very purpose? To have betrayed the faith placed within themselves at their launch to protect the people of their homeland from those who see them harm? I didn't want to believe it, I hoped with every fiber of my being that that wasn't true and that there was some more noble reason for their action, because otherwise what they were doing... killing innocent people so satisfy some kind of personal grudge?

If that was the case, then that was unforgivable.
"I figured. Your hull number doesn't line up with the Ohio I hear the dockworkers were calling 'The Slowboat'. Considering she was 68, while you're 55." Texas says, looking at you, noticing your guns, and starting again "Are you one of that bastard Tillman's demands?"
The accusation and to be honest rather poorly veiled venom behind Texas's question makes me wince back for a moment before I can respond, "I- What? No, Mister Tillman wasn't involved... From what I remember he passed away several years before I was even ordered, the most relation he had to my construction was the design studies he requested from the Bureau of Construction and Repair were used as a basis for my own. I was authorized by Congress as a preemptive response to the successors of the Royal Navy's St. George-class Battleships in preparation for the war with England."
"No." The old, pre-Standard type Battleship says

One of the destroyers, Hoel, cuts in.

"She's not the Two Hundred year old Granny Admiral I know, so Imma guess she's not from your timeline, either..." The bespectacled destroyer says.
"Wait, you're both from different timelines!? What happened? Did the United States still go to war with England and Japan in the twenties, or did something different happen for you?"
"B-Bannie?" The second Fletcher, Heermann, asks.
Off to the side a redheaded girl makes lazy circles around the destroyer Heermann as she also weaves between nearby shipgirls, face deep in concentration as if trying to find the answer to life's greatest riddle before responding, "Yay, yay, that's me, USS O'Bannon. Never been called Bannie before though, and who're you supposed to be? Your registry number's the same as Heermann, but I don't remember my little sister ever bein' ah human... fact I don't remember being human before either! What's going on here?"
@SeismicGuide, @Ash19256, @ILurk

[Welcome back to the first few months of the First World War, Captain Texas. By our best guess, We're close to Japan.] Johnston quickly passes over her raidio

[I see you have me at a Disadvantage, you know my name, but I'm at a loss for yours...and "Captain"?]

[LCDR Johnston, United States Shipgirls Corps, Unofficially Reinstated, at your service, ma'am. And most capital ships are started at Captain. It's us escorts being started at enlisted or enlisted officers, usually.] Johnston says, chuckling to herself.


[And that was an Abyssal. Think a ghost ship, just more evil. And sometimes messed up versions of real ship designs.] the quiet voice of Willie Dee comes through.

[Johnny? Willie?! This is great! You hear this Heer? We're not the only Fletcher's from our Timeline here!]

[I know!]

[And guess what Big sis! Big Sis Bannie's here too! A different version of her, bu-]

[Yeah, I know I'm here Hoel-Wait, do you mean there's another me??!]

[*Insanely happy Hoel noises over the radio.*]

[Alright destroyers, Lock it up! We'll figure this out, but escort duty comes first! Do we have any Cruisers over there?]

The radio goes silent for a minute.

After a bit Hoel keys in her radio

[Aye, Two. Both are giving you command, at least till they become adjusted to being human sized.]

[Alright, Hoel, Heer, Your in command of escorting duties in your sector.]

The knowledge that I have somehow found myself suddenly thrust into the opening months of the first world war among a small fleet of humanized warships seemingly from a scattering of alternate timelines is just a bit too much for me to take in all at once, and I find myself trying my best to fall in line into the center of the formation where I can contemplate my thoughts for the time being.
The U-Boat defected along with four others? Hmmm. . . Interesting.

Blandy files that piece of knowledge away for later use. Four is a lot when talking about The Abyss.

And what sort of nonsense is this about the war ending? Last Blandy heard of the war, it was still going on strong. And weren't the ships just shooting at Abyssals? Something's up and that means it's up to Blandy's probably going to have to figure out what.

The shudder that passes through the assembled fleet does not go unnoticed by Blandy. Her weaponry twitches in anticipation as she expects the sharp cry of gunfire that would come with the surrounding ships unleashing the full might of their firepower upon her, obliterating her armor and sending her spiraling back down into The Abyss. . .

The lull of waves is nothing more than static to Blandy's ears. With the flick of a switch, Blandy breaks out of her stupor. The sensation of eyes staring at her, piercing her armor as if it weren't even there sends a crawl down her spine. They should be--should be detaining her, stripping her armaments--whatever the hell you're supposed to do to a prisoner of war. Why are they just--

"What?" Blandy spits out at the assembled ships before her. "Well? What are you all staring at? Do something you old--"

"Calm down little one."

Blandy cuts herself off. The wave of irritation subsides. An air of nonchalance reasserts itself. "Shoot me and be done with it."

"Nein, Not today, little one."

If she had hair, this is where Blandy would flip it.

"Old antiquated pieces of garbage. . ." Blandy mutters to herself. "Wasting my time."

Blandy begins to do the Ro-Class equivalent to a child splashing their hands in water, which is really nothing more than slightly more energetic bobbing atop the waves.

U goes to pat your head, as she finds you adorable.

"That would be nice.." I mumble.. Should I ask her to get the damn chains off of me..?

Ricarda Howe, HMS Howe
Japanese Waters
Of sisters and support

"Okay. Need a hug?" I offer to Hood. Now I'm curious as to her story. What happened to her? Yet it also makes me feel somber about it.

The destroyers look at you both, before quickly sailing to you both, giving a quick hug, before rushing off into a position to add the most AA support.

An escort carrier? Well, what do you know. I have one of my planes go off to send a written reply, which reads, "This is HMS Howe. CAP is appreciated. Please identify yourself."

Their planes can share the patrol load with mine...

[{Radio static} USS Gambier Bay, CVE-73, if you don't mind me asking, why's a CC have carrier aircraft? Vectoring air support.]

You hear the Priming and firing of a Shotgun shortly before the sounds of a Biplane fills the radio.

"That would be nice.." I mumble.. Should I ask her to get the damn chains off of me..?

Repulse/Earlene Reager

"Heya! Definitely haven't met before. I've only seen Sara."

Constitution sails passed you and makes a coughing sound.

"Well then...Why did you address me?" Constellation asks


Sullivans takes a quick second to come over to you, pulling a phone out of her pocket, tapping at it quickly, then pulling up besides you.

"Well...Not all Abbie's are evil. Here's a vid of our version of you, my Mama and Ashitaka at a karaoke night. You three were drunk."

She shows you a video Of another, Abyssalized version of yourself, along with two other Abyssals. Drunkenly singing.


"Hey sis! Welcome back!" Henderson shouts out over the waves as You approach.

Johnston's trip over to the New Jersey is short, and relatively simple. By the time she finishes climbing up the rope ladder, a lieutenant is standing besides the railing to guide her to the bridge.

Upon entering the bridge, she sees a relatively old man, with greying hair and a very bushy mustache, somewhat hunched over a table with a series of charts. He looks up as you enter, and steps away from his charts to walk over towards you.

"I presume you must be Commander Evans."

"Aye sir. Recently, unofficially reinstated Lieutenant Commander Emilia Evans, or if you'd prefer, Fletcher-Class Destroyer, USS Johnston, DD-557, Reporting." She says with a salute.

My hand clenched into a tight fist as my previous confusion turned to indignation that what I had just heard over the radio, had these warships truly fallen so low as to forget their very purpose? To have betrayed the faith placed within themselves at their launch to protect the people of their homeland from those who see them harm? I didn't want to believe it, I hoped with every fiber of my being that that wasn't true and that there was some more noble reason for their action, because otherwise what they were doing... killing innocent people so satisfy some kind of personal grudge?

If that was the case, then that was unforgivable.

The Taffy sisters surround you in a hug.

"Not all Abbies are like that, though. We knew a few back from the war." Sammy says, keying in her radio as she says that, and they sail off for the moment, returning to their positions.

The accusation and to be honest rather poorly veiled venom behind Texas's question makes me wince back for a moment before I can respond, "I- What? No, Mister Tillman wasn't involved... From what I remember he passed away several years before I was even ordered, the most relation he had to my construction was the design studies he requested from the Bureau of Construction and Repair were used as a basis for my own. I was authorized by Congress as a preemptive response to the successors of the Royal Navy's St. George-class Battleships in preparation for the war with England."

"Uh-huh. But you just admitted to him having requested your design, thus my point stands." Texas says.

"...The only "George" anything the Brits had was the "King George The V-Class Battleships...and those only started popping up in the 30s..."

"Wait, you're both from different timelines!? What happened? Did the United States still go to war with England and Japan in the twenties, or did something different happen for you?"

"Hah! Last time the Brits went to war with us, Maine got bigger, The Great Depression and Probation happened in the twenties and thirties...Then the Jap's hit Pearl in '41...And we entered the Second World War alongside the Brits and their other colonies, and The Frenchies, Japan broke the WNT, AND the LNT. Built two classes of fuck-huge Battleships. One of the last of those five, Our carriers killed, and the other one was kept by the Japanese in a demilitarized configuration. For 'Self Defense from the Russkies'." Texas mutters

"Same as Tex...other than the coastal Battleship. They only had the Yamato's." Hoel says.

Off to the side a redheaded girl makes lazy circles around the destroyer Heermann as she also weaves between nearby shipgirls, face deep in concentration as if trying to find the answer to life's greatest riddle before responding, "Yay, yay, that's me, USS O'Bannon. Never been called Bannie before though, and who're you supposed to be? Your registry number's the same as Heermann, but I don't remember my little sister ever bein' ah human... fact I don't remember being human before either! What's going on here?"

"I am Heerman, and I have no idea, big sister. I'm just happy to see you again after what Shigure did..." Heerman says softly.

The knowledge that I have somehow found myself suddenly thrust into the opening months of the first world war among a small fleet of humanized warships seemingly from a scattering of alternate timelines is just a bit too much for me to take in all at once, and I find myself trying my best to fall in line into the center of the formation where I can contemplate my thoughts for the time being.

The two elder battleships look at you fondly, and Hoel, Heerman, and Sammy all come back over to surround you in a hug.
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"Aye sir. Recently, unofficially reinstated Lieutenant Commander Emilia Evans, or if you'd prefer, Fletcher-Class Destroyer, USS Johnston, DD-557, Reporting." She says with a salute.
The Admiral's eyes briefly widen. "I suppose that explains some of the capabilities demonstrated by Constitution and Shiloh," he mutters under his breath. He straightens up. "At ease, Commander." He then waves you over to the chart table.

On the table is a relatively blank map, with small models to represent the ships of the task force, and a number of relatively hastily made tokens to represent friendly ships like Constitution and Shiloh. "Captain Smith relayed that you had an intelligence report to deliver?" He looks up at you.
Ricarda Howe, HMS Howe
Japanese Waters
Of sisters and support 2

The destroyers look at you both, before quickly sailing to you both, giving a quick hug, before rushing off into a position to add the most AA support.

"Thanks," I answer, before deciding to sail along with my sister.

[{Radio static} USS Gambier Bay, CVE-73, if you don't mind me asking, why's a CC have carrier aircraft? Vectoring air support.]

You hear the Priming and firing of a Shotgun shortly before the sounds of a Biplane fills the radio.

Gambier Bay? As in the one who memetically gets lost quite often? Heh. [That's because I was converted into a carrier. Like Saratoga, or Akagi,] I radio back.

I mentally ask my patrolling pilots for a sitrep, for I'm not sure what's going on around me right now.
"Well then...Why did you address me?" Constellation asks

"You know what, never mind. Just confirming if that was Hood."

"So... Emmm... How's it going over there?" She asks rather awkwardly, clearly eager to change the subject.

Sullivans takes a quick second to come over to you, pulling a phone out of her pocket, tapping at it quickly, then pulling up besides you.

"Well...Not all Abbie's are evil. Here's a vid of our version of you, my Mama and Ashitaka at a karaoke night. You three were drunk."

She shows you a video Of another, Abyssalized version of yourself, along with two other Abyssals. Drunkenly singing.

Repulse breaks into a grin.
Then a smile. Then she starts laughing.
"That's... that's Saturday night. I'm not liable for any Irishness"
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"Calm down little one."
"Nein, Not today, little one."

All this talk about her being little irritates Blandy. Not enough for her to say or do anything--truth be told, she's kind of done with caring about all of. . . this. Maybe they sink her now, maybe they sink her later, who knows? Hell, she wouldn't even care if the group turned out to be full of Co--Comm--Commies.

Blandy feels something foul at the back of her throat. She forces it back down.

U goes to pat your head, as she finds you adorable.

A shifty glance is all the U-boat gets as her hand makes contact. Physical contact is always a tricky thing. Hard to tell if the other party is trying to strangle you or something or other until it's too late.

Well, in any case, it's not like you could strangle Blandy if you tried--kind of hard to choke someone without a neck, so it's a good thing the U-boat didn't try anything funny.

Blandy speaks up once the U-boat has retracted her hand. "Do you always do that to the enemy?"

Seems like a rather stupid course of action. Blandy doesn't have arms, but there's no guarantee she wouldn't have tried to bite the U-boat's hand off or anything like that.
The destroyers look at you both, before quickly sailing to you both, giving a quick hug, before rushing off into a position to add the most AA support.
I freeze. "T-thank you.." Bleh. I hate feeling useless, but the moment I open fire on a enemy Abyssal, I risk getting shot. Or worse.
Constitution sails passed you and makes a coughing sound.

"Well then...Why did you address me?" Constellation asks
I stiffen. I didn't. Damnit I would kill to be on land.. "I didn't. Unless my memory's playing tricks on me.." I look away. Her control over me did cause some.. issues with my memories.
The Taffy sisters surround you in a hug.

"Not all Abbies are like that, though. We knew a few back from the war." Sammy says, keying in her radio as she says that, and they sail off for the moment, returning to their positions.
I tense at the unexpected contact, not exactly sure how to react towards suddenly finding myself at the center of a metaphorical emotional escort and being left to awkwardly stand between them until the destroyers had sailed back to their original positions. I might have been able to appreciate the extension of support on an intellectual level, but having someone give that amount of physical affection when it wasn't on my terms left me deeply uncomfortable. Which half of myself that came from, if not both, I still couldn't say...
"Uh-huh. But you just admitted to him having requested your design, thus my point stands." Texas says.
A deep feeling on indignation welled up within me at the implication that my creation had been decided by the demands of a single man as I began to dig in my heels on position in this conversation, firing back in an annoyed tone, "It does not. My service history may not have been able to justify the amount of resources authorized for my construction, but my creation was the result of a unanimous vote by Congress to defend our homeland against the enemies that threatened the United States interests and I do not appreciate the implication that I am the result of the demands of a reportedly unpleasant man who was ignorant of the needs of the United States Navy and was already several years dead at the time. It is an insult to the faith that was placed in me by Congress, and I would ask that you never do so again."
"...The only "George" anything the Brits had was the "King George The V-Class Battleships...and those only started popping up in the 30s..."
Winding down from my previous... outburst I quietly added, "You yourself have said that we come from alternate timelines, and mine seems to have deviated significantly by the 1920s, if not earlier. I would have to discuss things with one of you to compare everything that I know with your version of events."
"Hah! Last time the Brits went to war with us, Maine got bigger, The Great Depression and Probation happened in the twenties and thirties...Then the Jap's hit Pearl in '41...And we entered the Second World War alongside the Brits and their other colonies, and The Frenchies, Japan broke the WNT, AND the LNT. Built two classes of fuck-huge Battleships. One of the last of those five, Our carriers killed, and the other one was kept by the Japanese in a demilitarized configuration. For 'Self Defense from the Russkies'." Texas mutters

"Same as Tex...other than the coastal Battleship. They only had the Yamato's." Hoel says.
"I think were timeline went differently for me was the Washington Naval Treaty fell through. Without that to keep everyone in check there was a naval arms race that you avoided, and once tensions reached a boiling point the US and Britain went to war with Japan jumping in when they saw the opportunity to expand their holdings in the Pacific while we were busy dealing with the UK. I'd have to sit down and really think to remember all the details about what happened though.
"I am Heerman, and I have no idea, big sister. I'm just happy to see you again after what Shigure did..." Heerman says softly.
"Well, it's good to see you're doing well too, Heerman. Don't have any idea what you're talking about with that Jap though, last I remember of her was sending her and hers running after Vella Lavella."
The two elder battleships look at you fondly, and Hoel, Heerman, and Sammy all come back over to surround you in a hug.
Once again I tense up, just standing there awkwardly while waiting for the three to go back to their positions in the formation and trying not to trip over them in the mean time. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the red headed destroyer that Heerman had been talking to a few moments earlier making circles around us snickering at my situation with mischief in her eyes, causing me to quickly look down in embarrassment.

"Yeah, I'm back! I saw Sean on the ship. He's my only friend. Aaaanyways, any new info?"

"Yeah, A whole freakin' Battlegroup, Of friendlies. Or so they seem for the moment."

The Admiral's eyes briefly widen. "I suppose that explains some of the capabilities demonstrated by Constitution and Shiloh," he mutters under his breath. He straightens up. "At ease, Commander." He then waves you over to the chart table.

On the table is a relatively blank map, with small models to represent the ships of the task force, and a number of relatively hastily made tokens to represent friendly ships like Constitution and Shiloh. "Captain Smith relayed that you had an intelligence report to deliver?" He looks up at you.

"Aye sir." She says, dropping her hand to her side and walking over to the table

A fairy pops out of her collar and walks down to her shoulder, a booklet in hand.

As Johnston takes the booklet, it changes to a normal sized booklet.

"So, one of my girls found a Eastern IJN fleet coming from the mainland, thus, to the East, and directly in front of us, and a strangely unescorted Kongō-Class Battlecruiser from the North." She says opening her identification booklet to a page for the Kongō-class. She pats at her ear a second or two later.

["Commander! A TB is being dispatched by the Japanese fleet and headed your way. A White flag is being raised."]

"Copy, Constitution, Thanks for the heads up." She says before rubbing her eyes.

"Sir, we have a Torpedo Boat from the Eastern force coming our way under a white flag." Johnston says to the Admiral.

All this talk about her being little irritates Blandy. Not enough for her to say or do anything--truth be told, she's kind of done with caring about all of. . . this. Maybe they sink her now, maybe they sink her later, who knows? Hell, she wouldn't even care if the group turned out to be full of Co--Comm--Commies.

Blandy feels something foul at the back of her throat. She forces it back down.

A shifty glance is all the U-boat gets as her hand makes contact. Physical contact is always a tricky thing. Hard to tell if the other party is trying to strangle you or something or other until it's too late.

Well, in any case, it's not like you could strangle Blandy if you tried--kind of hard to choke someone without a neck, so it's a good thing the U-boat didn't try anything funny.

Blandy speaks up once the U-boat has retracted her hand. "Do you always do that to the enemy?"

Seems like a rather stupid course of action. Blandy doesn't have arms, but there's no guarantee she wouldn't have tried to bite the U-boat's hand off or anything like that.

"Nein. But you are not an enemy, now are you?" U says, a small chuckle emits from her throat.

I tense at the unexpected contact, not exactly sure how to react towards suddenly finding myself at the center of a metaphorical emotional escort and being left to awkwardly stand between them until the destroyers had sailed back to their original positions. I might have been able to appreciate the extension of support on an intellectual level, but having someone give that amount of physical affection when it wasn't on my terms left me deeply uncomfortable. Which half of myself that came from, if not both, I still couldn't say...

A deep feeling on indignation welled up within me at the implication that my creation had been decided by the demands of a single man as I began to dig in my heels on position in this conversation, firing back in an annoyed tone, "It does not. My service history may not have been able to justify the amount of resources authorized for my construction, but my creation was the result of a unanimous vote by Congress to defend our homeland against the enemies that threatened the United States interests and I do not appreciate the implication that I am the result of the demands of a reportedly unpleasant man who was ignorant of the needs of the United States Navy and was already several years dead at the time. It is an insult to the faith that was placed in me by Congress, and I would ask that you never do so again."

"Dropping subject. Don't worry about it." The Virginian-Texan says.

Winding down from my previous... outburst I quietly added, "You yourself have said that we come from alternate timelines, and mine seems to have deviated significantly by the 1920s, if not earlier. I would have to discuss things with one of you to compare everything that I know with your version of events."

"I think were timeline went differently for me was the Washington Naval Treaty fell through. Without that to keep everyone in check there was a naval arms race that you avoided, and once tensions reached a boiling point the US and Britain went to war with Japan jumping in when they saw the opportunity to expand their holdings in the Pacific while we were busy dealing with the UK. I'd have to sit down and really think to remember all the details about what happened though.

"Alright." Hoel says as she nods.

"Well, it's good to see you're doing well too, Heerman. Don't have any idea what you're talking about with that Jap though, last I remember of her was sending her and hers running after Vella Lavella."

"It's...just something from the War the four of us fought, Sis." Heermann says, waving at her fellow Taffies.

Once again I tense up, just standing there awkwardly while waiting for the three to go back to their positions in the formation and trying not to trip over them in the mean time. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the red headed destroyer that Heerman had been talking to a few moments earlier making circles around us snickering at my situation with mischief in her eyes, causing me to quickly look down in embarrassment.

Everyone returns to focusing on the task at hand. Reaching your fellows.

Ricarda Howe, HMS Howe
Japanese Waters
Of sisters and support 2

"Thanks," I answer, before deciding to sail along with my sister.

"No problem!" The destroyers chirp

Gambier Bay? As in the one who memetically gets lost quite often? Heh. [That's because I was converted into a carrier. Like Saratoga, or Akagi,] I radio back.

[Ahhhh. Ok.] She says

[Aww man...I hate having Biplanes. You?] She asks.

I mentally ask my patrolling pilots for a sitrep, for I'm not sure what's going on around me right now.

Your pilots report a Japanese Fleet in front of you and a Battlecruiser to your right, basically the same as what the radio chatter between your escorts has been readying for.

They also report another Carrier flying the American Flag, though she has distinctly Japanese lines, with the IJN battlecruiser, asking if you want them to take a closer look.

I freeze. "T-thank you.." Bleh. I hate feeling useless, but the moment I open fire on a enemy Abyssal, I risk getting shot. Or worse.

Sullivans smiles up at you, before grabbing your chained hands and placing them atop her head.

I stiffen. I didn't. Damnit I would kill to be on land.. "I didn't. Unless my memory's playing tricks on me.." I look away. Her control over me did cause some.. issues with my memories.

"O͂ͯ̿hͯͣ̚,ͬ͑̾ ̄I͂̊ͦ'̇̀̑m̛̌ ͮ̾͢tͨ̓ͬe͌r̈͊̊ȓ́iͦ̊̆҉b̢̔̎l̵͐͆y̆̆̌ ̶̆̓s͆̏̄o̢ͪ̃rͥ́ͫr̆͌͑҉yͨͫ͑To have confused you, yo̓̌u̷r̈̌́ ͧͧ̓m̈͋͐a̴ͤ͑j̏e̓͗̃sͬṫ͋́͆y̏̅ͧ, I was talking to Repulse here." Constellation says.

"You know what, never mind. Just confirming if that was Hood."

"So... Emmm... How's it going over there?" She asks rather awkwardly, clearly eager to change the subject.

"Oh. Ok." Constellation says.

Repulse breaks into a grin.
Then a smile. Then she starts laughing.
"That's... that's Saturday night. You won't get an explanation out of me!"

"How did you-Nevermind." Sullivans says.


You awaken on your deck, and hear the thunderous roars of cannon fire.

After a few minutes, you see a a battlecruiser sailing beside you, a British ship-spirit with a few Japanese features standing atop the deck. You recognize her as Kongō. Speaking of her obvious British origin, you figure if she didn't seem to be her Pre-WW2/Abyssal War self, she'd be wearing a Union Jack jacket. Maybe.

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"So, one of my girls found a Eastern IJN fleet coming from the mainland, thus, to the East, and directly in front of us, and a strangely unescorted Kongō-Class Battlecruiser from the North."
The Admiral frowns thoughtfully, even as he begins putting markers on the table to represent the incoming forces.
"Copy, Constitution, Thanks for the heads up."
The Admiral looks up at you, with a questioning expression on his face.
"Sir, we have a Torpedo Boat from the Eastern force coming our way under a white flag."
He resumes his thoughtful frown. "Have one of your subordinates form up with the torpedo boat - make sure they're close enough that the torpedo boat's crew definitely sees them - and escort them towards the New Jersey. Have them swing past the Pensacola, along their starboard side. While the damage will give them a better idea of how the Pensacola-class is layed out internally, it will also clue them in that things are rather serious indeed. That, combined with the, well.." he hesitates, "... unusual, capabilities of your subordinate should make them more receptive to the notion that our claims as to what happened are the truth."

He rubs his eyebrows. "Although, I must admit that I am... less than supremely confident that they will believe us - I saw what we were fighting with my own eyes, and I still have trouble believing the events that unfolded actually occurred," he says under his breath.

"...Hey, Charles? Wonder if getting tossed back in time gave us any cool powers? I mean, we did already time travel..."
You awaken on your deck, and hear the thunderous roars of cannon fire.

After a few minutes, you see a a battlecruiser sailing beside you, a British ship-spirit with a few Japanese features standing atop the deck. You recognize her as Kongō. Speaking of her obvious British origin, you figure if she didn't seem to be her Pre-WW2/Abyssal War self, she'd be wearing a Union Jack jacket. Maybe.


The Roar of cannon fire awakens Red from the nap she didn't even realize she had been taking. A bit blearily, she rubs he eyes to wake herself up, before realizing in confusion that she even has a human body in the first place. As well as that she's standing on her own Hull. Though not her post WW2 american self, but her original self back in her early days with Japan. She can't help but feel disappointed at this though.

Looking around she does spot a familiar looking Hull of a Kongo Class, and looking more closely she identifies it as Kongo herself. Standing up she waves towards the other ship spirit. "Kongo? Do you know what's going on here?" Meanwhile she starts exercising in seeing what kind of Control she has over her Hull as she readies a couple flights of 6 B1M3s and a single flight of 6 A1Ns.
Ocean, I guess.

Timmerman seems to perk up. "New friends!? I wanna meet them!"

"That's our Job Sis. We follow orders and take care of the flagships and we get prizes like combat, or ice Cream. So shh. We'll meet them soon enough. Be it in combat or as friends." Richard B. Anderson says sailing out of position towards Timmerman and places her hand on the younger Gearing's shoulder

The Admiral frowns thoughtfully, even as he begins putting markers on the table to represent the incoming forces.

The Admiral looks up at you, with a questioning expression on his face.

"Radio message from one of my heavier subordinates." Johnston explains.

He resumes his thoughtful frown. "Have one of your subordinates form up with the torpedo boat - make sure they're close enough that the torpedo boat's crew definitely sees them - and escort them towards the New Jersey. Have them swing past the Pensacola, along their starboard side. While the damage will give them a better idea of how the Pensacola-class is layed out internally, it will also clue them in that things are rather serious indeed. That, combined with the, well.." he hesitates, "... unusual, capabilities of your subordinate should make them more receptive to the notion that our claims as to what happened are the truth."

He rubs his eyebrows. "Although, I must admit that I am... less than supremely confident that they will believe us - I saw what we were fighting with my own eyes, and I still have trouble believing the events that unfolded actually occurred," he says under his breath.

"Sir yes sir; though I would like to bring attention to the Shinto mythology and yōkai, sir. They already believe at least some inanimate objects have souls, I don't think it's that big of a leap of logic for them that ships do too." Johnston says before keying her radio again

"Constitution, Orders from the top, approach the TB, possibly under you own Peace flag, Lead them past Pensacola, and towards New Jersey."

[Roger, 05 out.]

The Roar of cannon fire awakens Red from the nap she didn't even realize she had been taking. A bit blearily, she rubs he eyes to wake herself up, before realizing in confusion that she even has a human body in the first place. As well as that she's standing on her own Hull. Though not her post WW2 american self, but her original self back in her early days with Japan. She can't help but feel disappointed at this though.

Looking around she does spot a familiar looking Hull of a Kongo Class, and looking more closely she identifies it as Kongo herself. Standing up she waves towards the other ship spirit. "Kongo? Do you know what's going on here?" Meanwhile she starts exercising in seeing what kind of Control she has over her Hull as she readies a couple flights of 6 B1M3s and a single flight of 6 A1Ns.

The Roar of cannon fire awakens Red from the nap she didn't even realize she had been taking. A bit blearily, she rubs he eyes to wake herself up, before realizing in confusion that she even has a human body in the first place. As well as that she's standing on her own Hull. Though not her post WW2 american self, but her original self back in her early days with Japan. She can't help but feel disappointed at this though.

Looking around she does spot a familiar looking Hull of a Kongo Class, and looking more closely she identifies it as Kongo herself. Standing up she waves towards the other ship spirit. "Kongo? Do you know what's going on here?" Meanwhile she starts exercising in seeing what kind of Control she has over her Hull as she readies a couple flights of 6 B1M3s and a single flight of 6 A1Ns.

Kongō looks at you confused for a second as if she doesn't recognize you, then her eyes change.

"Akagi-Chan? Didn't you sink two years ago? And from the chatter between my crew, We just appeared out of nowhere after I was supposed to be in Tsingtao bullying German and Hungarian-Austrian troops and ships...Weird." The Battleship mutters.

"Wha--" Blandy visibly recoils.

Not the enemy?

Not the enemy?

Not the enemy?

"Okay." Blandy monotones.

Not the enemy?

Not the enemy. . .

Not. . . the. . . enemy?


Eh. Ne. Mie.


Blandy chuckles. It sounds like this: "Heh."

511 nods at you. And then moves towards the larger ships


"I'm willing to scout if you need me too." She says to the battleships

"Underwater reconnaissance?"


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Charles E. Goodwin

"...Hey, Charles? Wonder if getting tossed back in time gave us any cool powers? I mean, we did already time travel..."
Charles shrugs. "Not sure, to be honest - and honestly, I don't feel like looking the gift horse we already got in the mouth, just in case that causes or devices to stop receiving an internet signal." He's moved on to looking up historically relevant events on Wikipedia.

"Radio message from one of my heavier subordinates." Johnston explains.
The Admiral nods understandingly.
"Sir yes sir; though I would like to bring attention to the Shinto mythology and yōkai, sir. They already believe at least some inanimate objects have souls, I don't think it's that big of a leap of logic for them that ships do too." Johnston says before keying her radio again

"Constitution, Orders from the top, approach the TB, possibly under you own Peace flag, Lead them past Pensacola, and towards New Jersey."
The Admiral hums thoughtfully, before sighing. "I hope you're right, Commander."

He turns towards the Captain of the ship. "Captain, have helm slow the ship to make it safe for any officers aboard that torpedo boat to come aboard, and signal for the rest of the fleet to slow down as well. Additionally, inform them they are not to engage the Japanese forces in the area."

The Captain nods. "Aye sir." He then turns and begins relaying those orders to his subordinates.
Ricarda Howe, HMS Howe
Japanese Waters
Of sisters and support 3

[Ahhhh. Ok.] She says

[Aww man...I hate having Biplanes. You?] She asks.

[Yeah. No wonder they think we're supports, not the main attraction,] I reply. We could really use the leaps forward in naval aviation that made carriers the undisputed queens of the seas...

Your pilots report a Japanese Fleet in front of you and a Battlecruiser to your right, basically the same as what the radio chatter between your escorts has been readying for.

They also report another Carrier flying the American Flag, though she has distinctly Japanese lines, with the IJN battlecruiser, asking if you want them to take a closer look.

My eyebrow raises at that. The Japanese fleet makes sense since we're in their territory, but a Japanese carrier sporting US colors? I've not heard of such cases in history... but I do know hypothetical ones. Like USS Alamo, an extra Kongou-class made for the US in good faith. Or USS Red Castle, an Akagi who was unsuccessfully scuttled, then captured after Midway, refitted, and put into service for the American navy. I have my pilots check the anomaly out, wondering what Japanese-American CV that one is.

"I'm willing to scout if you need me too." She says to the battleships

"Underwater reconnaissance?"


"I think having her act as a picket would be prudent, I don't... I don't really trust that those Abyssals would just abandon a battle against us before having their fleet be nearly entirely annihilated. I'm worried that they might try to attack the Japanese task force steaming towards us while everyone is getting what happened sorted out; considering the time period we're in that might strain tensions or even provoke a war between the United States and Japan if they're clever enough to make it look like it was the US fleet attacking the Japanese."
Kongō looks at you confused for a second as if she doesn't recognize you, then her eyes change.

"Akagi-Chan? Didn't you sink two years ago? And from the chatter between my crew, We just appeared out of nowhere after I was supposed to be in Tsingtao bullying German and Hungarian-Austrian troops and ships...Weird." The Battleship mutters.

Huh, she must be talking about the Battle of Midway. Suddenly the memories from that day flash before me. The fear as the Dauntless dive bombers dove, the pain as one lone bomb tore through my deck and set off my armed aircraft, and finally resignation as after hours of burning I was abandoned. But then I had been found, and I smile to myself as I remember being saved.

"I didn't sink Kongou, I was saved later by the Americans. They found me adrift and abandoned after the Japanese failed to scuttle me."

My eyebrow raises at that. The Japanese fleet makes sense since we're in their territory, but a Japanese carrier sporting US colors? I've not heard of such cases in history... but I do know hypothetical ones. Like USS Alamo, an extra Kongou-class made for the US in good faith. Or USS Red Castle, an Akagi who was unsuccessfully scuttled, then captured after Midway, refitted, and put into service for the American navy. I have my pilots check the anomaly out, wondering what Japanese-American CV that one is.

Just as my prepared aircraft finally take off from the flight deck my spotters observe unknown aircraft sighted flying towards Kongou and I. Rather than send a flight of my own Aircraft to them, which could be seen as hostile, I decide to call out on the radio to hopefully whoever launched them.

"Attention unknown aircraft, this is the USS Red Castle, keep your distance or you will be treated hostile." I don't really want to take any chances with all the unknowns here, so I have my own fighters hold off a distance between myself and the unknown aircraft.

"That's our Job Sis. We follow orders and take care of the flagships and we get prizes like combat, or ice Cream. So shh. We'll meet them soon enough. Be it in combat or as friends." Richard B. Anderson says sailing out of position towards Timmerman and places her hand on the younger Gearing's shoulder
Timmerman seems to start to space out, deep in thought, staring into the distance with a smile.


Charles shrugs. "Not sure, to be honest - and honestly, I don't feel like looking the gift horse we already got in the mouth, just in case that causes or devices to stop receiving an internet signal." He's moved on to looking up historically relevant events on Wikipedia.
"...Understandable." I stretch a bit and get up. I take a couple steps towards the exit and turn back to Charles. "I'm going to the bow. I wanna... see the view. Wanna come with?"
Ricarda Howe, HMS Howe
Japanese Waters
A familiar name

Just as my prepared aircraft finally take off from the flight deck my spotters observe unknown aircraft sighted flying towards Kongou and I. Rather than send a flight of my own Aircraft to them, which could be seen as hostile, I decide to call out on the radio to hopefully whoever launched them.

"Attention unknown aircraft, this is the USS Red Castle, keep your distance or you will be treated hostile." I don't really want to take any chances with all the unknowns here, so I have my own fighters hold off a distance between myself and the unknown aircraft.

"Red Castle, this is HMS Howe," I answer on the radio, "We come in peace. Just checking out a carrier presence that has American flags and Japanese lines. Looks like an interesting story there, over."

Who knew that USS Red Castle is actually a thing?
The Admiral nods understandingly.

The Admiral hums thoughtfully, before sighing. "I hope you're right, Commander."

He turns towards the Captain of the ship. "Captain, have helm slow the ship to make it safe for any officers aboard that torpedo boat to come aboard, and signal for the rest of the fleet to slow down as well. Additionally, inform them they are not to engage the Japanese forces in the area."

The Captain nods. "Aye sir." He then turns and begins relaying those orders to his subordinates.

"Almost Certain of it sir. The Ja-Japanese were the first to figure out how to turn a warship's soul into a weapon. Just by the time they did, they were no longer a navel power and only had a Navy to protect themselves from the Chinese and Russkies. And they lost a few hundred good men and women to a threat of their-and our-own creation to do it." She seems to have cut herself off from saying something.

"Taffy to Mini-me, Status report? Anything I need to let the Admiral know?"

"While I wait on her, time to acknowledge the Battleship in the room, if a you all haven't," She says before turning slightly and bringing a quick salute up to the bill of her cap.


Ricarda Howe, HMS Howe
Japanese Waters
Of sisters and support 3

[Yeah. No wonder they think we're supports, not the main attraction,] I reply. We could really use the leaps forward in naval aviation that made carriers the undisputed queens of the seas...

[I am support. That's my job. Support the CVLs, CVs like you, Cruisers, destroyers, Battleships, ground troops, convoys, etc...And it's yours, too. If you count keeping a CAP over your fleet as "support." You also support by assisting in getting rid of ships and gaining Air Superiority so surface forces can shell a beach, you do realize that, Right?] The Escort Carriers lists off.

My eyebrow raises at that. The Japanese fleet makes sense since we're in their territory, but a Japanese carrier sporting US colors? I've not heard of such cases in history... but I do know hypothetical ones. Like USS Alamo, an extra Kongou-class made for the US in good faith. Or USS Red Castle, an Akagi who was unsuccessfully scuttled, then captured after Midway, refitted, and put into service for the American navy. I have my pilots check the anomaly out, wondering what Japanese-American CV that one is.

[Taffy to Mini-Me, Status Report? anything I need to let the Admiral know?

"I don't know, I think both Captain's using their CAPs to scout for surface ships. I'll ask." Johnston turns to you. With a questioning look on her face.

"557 wants to know if there any updates, Ma'am?" The Blonde Gearing asks.

@UbeOne, @ForgottonFuture, @ravagEr

A few minutes ago, You had watched as the bandaged Lieutenant broke formation with a order to her subordinates, and sails for the ropes slung off Shiloh.

Now you watch her assist another Fletcher to sit on the edge of the Lexington's deck, before an old World War One British tune emits from her throat over the radio, even with her Texan accent, you understand the meaning behind it.

"They were summoned from the hillside
They were called in from the glen,
And the country found them ready
At the stirring call for men.
Let no tears add to their hardships
As the soldiers pass along,
And although your heart is breaking
Make it sing this cheery song"

By the time she finishes, Two of the four Gearing's surrounding you and the other two Fletcher's start humming their own song, a gaze being thrown at their sisters. Later on in the song, Willie starts singing quietly along while Setting her head atop her little-big-sister's.

"I think having her act as a picket would be prudent, I don't... I don't really trust that those Abyssals would just abandon a battle against us before having their fleet be nearly entirely annihilated. I'm worried that they might try to attack the Japanese task force steaming towards us while everyone is getting what happened sorted out; considering the time period we're in that might strain tensions or even provoke a war between the United States and Japan if they're clever enough to make it look like it was the US fleet attacking the Japanese."

"That...Wouldn't be good." The older American battleships say in unison.
511 nods, taking a quick breath before diving.

Huh, she must be talking about the Battle of Midway. Suddenly the memories from that day flash before me. The fear as the Dauntless dive bombers dove, the pain as one lone bomb tore through my deck and set off my armed aircraft, and finally resignation as after hours of burning I was abandoned. But then I had been found, and I smile to myself as I remember being saved.

"I didn't sink Kongou, I was saved later by the Americans. They found me adrift and abandoned after the Japanese failed to scuttle me."

"What? No...I know for a fact you sank at Midway." The Anglo-Japanese Battlecruiser replies, confusion in her voice as it changes to that of the British Warship her construction makes her. That is to say, her accent changed as she switched from Japanese to English.


Timmerman seems to start to space out, deep in thought, staring into the distance with a smile.


"...Understandable." I stretch a bit and get up. I take a couple steps towards the exit and turn back to Charles. "I'm going to the bow. I wanna... see the view. Wanna come with?"

Richie Bee Pokes her sister's forehead with two fingers.

"If your gonna Space out, baby sister, at least make sure your RADAR and SONAR operators are watching their instruments."
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