Scrift Wars: The Power of Words. A Battle High-School Quest.

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In this world there are two types of people. Normal, everyday people who go about their lives...
Character Creation Pt 1


Crazy Pacifist Genius v3.9
Pennsylvania, USA
In this world there are two types of people. Normal, everyday people who go about their lives unaware of anything beyond the mundane world they think they live in. Then, there are those born with a Scrift, and they are different. For on their soul is written a single word in the language of magic, and from this they gain great power: Magic.

This power has been used by many for many reasons, but the most noble of them is in the pursuit of slaying demons, evil extra dimensional entities that would destroy the world if they could. Such a task however requires a lot of training. As such, secret academies around the world teach a new generation of magic users how to use their powers and abilities to defend mankind from the hidden monsters that seek to destroy them. For you see without a Scrift, one cannot see demons at all. As such only those with magic are even aware of the threat, let alone actually doing anything about it.

You are one of those gifted with a Scrift, you recently turned fifteen, and starting today you will be attending Index Academy. So tell me about yourself.

[ ] Name

[ ] Male
[ ] Female

How would you describe yourself?

[ ] Lazy and laid back, you don't stress about things and tend to go with the flow. It's hard to get you riled up or upstairs over something...or motivated.
[ ] Energetic and raring to go. You're the kind of person to volunteer to spend the night in the creepy old house just to see if it is haunted. You're rarely tired and it's hard to bring you down. Of course, you also tend not to think things through.
[ ] Proud and determined, you know you are already better than the normal masses of people, and you're sure that you will rise above your peers as well. Determined, proud, driven, confident, and maybe a bit arrogant.
[ ] Shy and introverted. You're not that good at dealing with people, and as such always preferred to spend your time studying and practicing. You're very knowledgeable and analytical, but you aren't the most social.
[ ] Kind and gentle, the sort who wouldn't hurt a fly. People love you and you make friends easily, but you aren't the bravest or most willing in combat.
[ ] Rough and tough. Anybody got a problem with that they can answer to your fist. So what if you aren't the smartest around? Nobody would dare mess with you.
[ ] You're a pretty normal and bland sort of person. In an anime or movie, you'd be an extra. In a book, you'd be part of "a crowd of people milled about".

Now then in addition to general magical ability, everyone has a more unique power based on the word used for their Scrift. What word is etched upon your soul?

[ ] Write in the word, QM determines what the power is.
Character Sheet
Lily Gardner

Gender: Female
Age: 15

Level: 1
Xp: 0
HP: 25/25
MP: 12/12
Armor: 1


Power: 1
Skill: 6
Speed: 1
Reflexes: 1
Agility: 3
Durability: 5
Social: 1
Knowledge: 3
Will: 4

Scrift: Eternity
Affect: Will stop aging after reaching prime of life. Cannot die of old age.


Supreme Angle - A style focused on control and precision. It uses swift angular dodges and deflection to avoid attacks and set up pinpoint attacks of its own, aiming to hit weak points for maximum damage with minimal effort. Offers training with rapiers, daggers, and spears.

Mastery Level:
  1. You may use Skill instead of Reflexes to defend in combat.


Alchemy - Alchemy is NOT chemistry. The reactions you can obtain aren't possible with normal science. Many affects of the potions and ungents that alchemy can produce aren't any different from what normal magic can produce, the main advantage being the ability to store such affects well in advance until needed, essentially broadening or deepening ones magical reserves and repertoire in the field. More advanced alchemy can produce affects that normal magic cannot produce. Alchemy's main drawback is that it takes time to create things and brewnptions, requiring prep work.

Recipes Known:
  • Minor Healing Potion - Restores 10% of maximum health. 3 hours to brew.
  • Fire Oil - Let's you add the fire element to melee attacks for five minutes by coating a weapon with this self combusting mkxture. 2 hours to synthesize.
  • Flash Powder - Contained in a small wax ball that, when broken, causes a blinding flash of light that can stun and disorient foes. 1 hour to mix the compound.


Zen Like - You are immune to mundane attempts to goad you into anger or rash actions.

Lucky - Things just seem to go your way. Increases the odds of random good things happening during the quest.

Familiar: Turtle - You have an turtle companion that you have formed a mystical connection with. It is more intelligent than any normal animal, will follow your commands, and you can share your senses with it. As you grow more powerful, so will your familiar...


Lazy - Any action or plan that would require an extensive amount of effort to perform suffers a -2 penalty. Note this does not require it to take a long time, just effort. Reading books for eight hours wouldn't trigger this, but writing a five page report would.

Coward - You easily become scared or intimidated by the slightest bit of agression. -2 Will on all such checks.

Harmless - You have a difficult time hurting things, dealing -3 Damage on all atacks.

Personality: Due to the fact that she literally has an eternity ahead of her, Lily feels no pressure to actually do anything as she literally has all the time in the world. It had also given her a sort of long term view and helps keep her from rushing into things.

History: Llilly a first generation mage, nobody in her family history has had far as they know. Before being accepted by Index Academy she has been largely self taught with whatever books or training manuals she could find.
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[X] Male
[X] Lazy and laid back, you don't stress about things and tend to go with the flow. It's hard to get you riled up or upstairs over something...or motivated.

May I know what this gives?

[X] Male
[X] Proud and determined, you know you are already better than the normal masses of people, and you're sure that you will rise above your peers as well. Determined, proud, driven, confident, and maybe a bit arrogant.
[X] Impeccable
May I know what this gives?

At the start it can greatly boost the power of any attack...once per week. It can, like all powers, improve with time. It would have some serious end game power, but it wouldn't be the best at the start.

Please note that this is also influenced by the personality you chose. Different personalities with the same word have different results.
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[X] Plan "A"
-[] Alan Smith
-[] Male
-[ ] You're a pretty normal and bland sort of person. In an anime or movie, you'd be an extra. In a book, you'd be part of "a crowd of people milled about".
-[] Scrift: "A" as in, the English article.

@Whiteeyes Is this valid?
Want to try out a bunch of words for the Scrift first.

[?] Signal
[?] Compassion
[?] Forlorn
[?] Mercantile
[?] Dormant
[?] Holy
[?] Umm
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[X] Lily Gardner
[X] Female
[X] Lazy and laid back, you don't stress about things and tend to go with the flow. It's hard to get you riled up or upstairs over something...or motivated.
[X] Word: Growth

Relax, we'd just boost through any problems eventually~
[X] Carolina Triunguis
[X] Female
[X] Proud and determined, you know you are already better than the normal masses of people, and you're sure that you will rise above your peers as well. Determined, proud, driven, confident, and maybe a bit arrogant.
[X] Turtle
Because who wants boring stuff like verbs and adjectives when you can have a noun.
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[X] Carolina Triunguis
[X] Female

Those seem good enough, no need to dilute the pool and risk the boys winning. -g-

[X] Shy and introverted. You're not that good at dealing with people, and as such always preferred to spend your time studying and practicing. You're very knowledgeable and analytical, but you aren't the most social.

[X] Word: Knowledge

Mmmm... speeeecialist.
....fuck it, I'm doing it.

[X] Lily Gardner
[X] Female
[X] Lazy and laid back, you don't stress about things and tend to go with the flow. It's hard to get you riled up or upstairs over something...or motivated.
[X] Word: Eternity
At the start it can greatly boost the power of any attack...once per week. It can, like all powers, improve with time. It would have some serious end game power, but it wouldn't be the best at the start.

Please note that this is also influenced by the personality you chose. Different personalities with the same word have different results.
That's actually a really tempting option.
Weak-ish starting point while still having something that could let us punch way above our weight class -if once per week- and the lack of reliable power means that we still have to rely on our wits until the endgame.
How powerful are we talking here? Saitama levels of punching force? Lower? Higher?
[X] Lily Gardner
[X] Female
[X] Lazy and laid back, you don't stress about things and tend to go with the flow. It's hard to get you riled up or upstairs over something...or motivated.
[X] Word: Eternity

...I'll change the name if need be
[X] Shy and introverted. You're not that good at dealing with people, and as such always preferred to spend your time studying and practicing. You're very knowledgeable and analytical, but you aren't the most social.
What will this do?
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How powerful are we talking here? Saitama levels of punching force? Lower? Higher?
It's called Almighty, what do you think?

Study Time. You can learn and process information several times faster than a normal person, slowing down your perception of time as your brain overclocks.

Alright guys, you can have one more Personality and Word combo revealed, and then you'll be going in blind.