Sauron's Won, Time to Run - Dynasty Quest

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[ ] A rocky coastline that quickly juts up into tall mountains.

This won.

Will we be having refugees from the other races like what happned in the last quest? I hope so since I thought that was really cool having all the remaining races come together and it would have interesting interactions with the local humans.
Safety and a New Home.
The land Caor sees is harsh, and rugged. A rocky coast giving way to dark, brooding forest and large hills. Tall mountains loom above the shore, not near as large as the Misty Mountains, clouds slightly obscuring the snow capped peaks.

Caor nearly jumps when he feels a hand on his shoulder, his own hand leaping to the dagger at his belt. He relaxes slightly when he sees who had touched him.

Ecthelon, Caor's younger brother, was smiling at him slightly. Though it was somewhat ruined by the scarring on his face. The right side of his once handsome visage had been mauled by a warg on the trip south to Gondor, his eye missing from the twisted, thick flesh. Though Ecthelon always jested that it made him look distinctive, and Caor couldn't really argue with that.

"Safety at last, eh brother?" He asks, some hope in his eyes. Something that had been missing from everyone lately, most notably Caor himself.

"For however long it lasts. A place to rest and resupply at least." Caor says, his voice grim. While this place may seem safe for now, it's likely only a matter of time before Sauron's servants begin to pursue them.

Caor turns away from Ecthelon, paying no mind to the slight glare his brother gives him.

"Tell the captain to bring us in. We'll ferry people over in the smaller boats, as I doubt those rocks will do any good for the larger ships." Caor says, dismissing his brother. Ecthelon merely nods, before going to carry out his brothers orders.

Caor looks to the horizon and the approaching shore, his hand idly toying with a small wooden charm, in the shape of a some form of flower, hanging around his neck on a course piece of rope.


The rocky shore was as inhospitable as it looked from a distance. While the ships could safely anchor not far from the coast, it'd be madness to try and beach the larger vessels.

It took quite a while to get everyone off the boats, the smaller ships serving to ferry them from boat to shore, but it gets done before the storm hits in force.

The small natural harbor provides some shelter for the ships from the full power of the thunderstorm, but the people on shore quickly get soaked.

Fires are quickly set up by the rangers, and some basic wind breakers made out of fallen branches and small cliffs. The people huddle around the fires, weeping with great sorrow and joy. Sorrow, for all that they had lost. And joy for finally finding safety.

Caor, while others try to finally relax after the flight from Arda, looks to the future...


Week 1, Turn 1.


[ ] Write-in

[ ] Write-in


[ ] Write-in

[ ] Write-in


[ ] Write-in

[ ] Write-in


[ ] Write-in

[ ] Write-in


[ ] Write-in

[ ] Write-in

What do you call this new land:

[ ] Write-in (Westerneese or Sindarin please.)

King?: While very few people that came with you that could actually challenge your current defacto leadership, there are a few notable contenders that may cause problems later.

Camaenor and Malgelir, two former captains of Gondor. While friendly enough, they somewhat chafe under you. It might be prudent to attempt and alleviate the issue.


Author's note: You may notice the system is very different than most dynasty quests. This is more to give voters more control of the current situation, in case I overlook something.

This quest will also be serving as a test bed for gaming system ideas I might have. So be prepared for some mechanics to change at random.

I may go to a more traditional dynasty quest format if this proves impractical.

Caor's stats, military, and current resources to come later.
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Making every single action write in seems way too freeform for me. Will you tell us the chances of the actions we pick succeeding so we can reconsider if they're too low?
Year 1, Turn 1.


[X] The Gondorian captains should be able to coordinate and delegate the duties for setting up the camps security as well. They should make it a point to not engage any natives aggressively if possible.

[X] Have the Gondorian captains help gather the most able-bodied secure the hills, forests and coasts immediately for any dangers and possible resources for weapons that can be made if needed. Ships should explore the local waters for any dangers. The rest are backup for scouts exploring further inland for more hospital areas to settle the refugees .


[X] See if there are traders or merchants can assist you in ascertaining/recording if there's anything on board, in the hills, or forests that would be beneficial for trade, who can help in organizing resources, and who can coordinate trade in case contact with the natives is made.

[X] Assess if any farmers that can start crops from the seed-stock on board and begin farming some of the safer animals found in the area .


[X] Send scouts out to observe the dangers of the forests and hills. They are to observe and record the state of the land and to see if it is possible for the refugees to settle further in land. Have them make a note of any weaknesses the natives or animals might have if they are come across.

[X] Have your brother help you find out what the Gondorian captains are like, who their friends are, if they are planning anything, and their opinions of the both of you with discretion.


[X] Once the scouts inform you of the state of the land, have someone good at talking and negotiation approach one of the the more closer settlements for trade if possible. Have merchants and traders some gifts to immediately warm relations and to help the diplomat establish trade competently. A small group of the military should also accompany the diplomat for his protection. And a people good with languages should also accompany the group to get around the language barrier.

[X] Look for local areas that would be safe to settle in that would give the refugees enough isolation to be safe but with the possibility to enter negotiation in strength if needed. Disturbing the neighbors should be avoided or minimized.


[X] Give as much words of encouragement to the group but don't tire out doing so. Try to appeal to the more military geared populace as well.

[X] See what kind of important support, helpful friends you can make among the refugees, and try to get them to help you. Make sure to smooth things over if people start to get argumentative. And try to find specialists help you in their field of work.

What do you call this new land:

[X] Doraraeglir

I'll edit it later if need be.
Gonna get sleep first though.
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@Orisha91 mightou want to switch out the bellow action

[ ] Assess if they can find farmers that can cultivate some of the local flora or begin farming some of the safer animals in the area.

With using any seed-stock we have on board since we will actually know how to grow that not to mention the fact that we will actually have enough stored away. We can experiment with local plants later.

As for a name: aeglir means peak ar- is the prefix for high and Dor is land so Land of the High Peaks would be something like Doraraeglir in Sindarin.
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@Orisha91 mightou want to switch out the bellow action

[ ] Assess if they can find farmers that can cultivate some of the local flora or begin farming some of the safer animals in the area.

With using any seed-stock we have on board since we will actually know how to grow that not to mention the fact that we will actually have enough stored away. We can experiment with local plants later.

As for a name: aeglir means peak ar- is the prefix for high and Dor is land so Land of the High Peaks would be something like Doraraeglir in Sindarin.

Makes sense. Trying to grow foreign crops will take a while anyway.

EDIT: Any others suggested changes?
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I think avoiding direct contact may well be impossible as many of us as they are so maybe we should seek it as fast as possible so as to have it on our terms.

I'll put this then.
[] Once the scouts inform you of the state of the land, have someone good at talking and negotiation approach one of the the more closer settlements for trade if possible. Have merchants and traders some gifts to immediately warm relations and to help the diplomat establish trade competently. A small group of the military should also accompany the diplomat for his protection. And a people good with languages should also accompany the group to get around the language barrier.

Incidentally how do you feel about the name?
I think its okay. Short, descriptive, and to the point.
I'll put this then.
[] Once the scouts inform you of the state of the land, have someone good at talking and negotiation approach one of the the more closer settlements for trade if possible. Have merchants and traders some gifts to immediately warm relations and to help the diplomat establish trade competently. A small group of the military should also accompany the diplomat for his protection. And a people good with languages should also accompany the group to get around the language barrier.

I think its okay. Short, descriptive, and to the point.

1 OK then that was the only remaining issue I see with the vote so:

[X] Orisha91

2 That was the idea. After all the Dunedain named a land Gondor meaning "Land of stone".
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@GeneralXanatos did any other races come with us and will there be more refugees coming like in your last quest?

Also would there be any creatures coming with us for safe keeping like Ent seeds or Giant Eagle eggs?

Depends on the rolls. You could get another round of refugees, or corsairs could catch the fleet off the coast. Or Dol Amroth could fall, or the Grey Havens. If Dol Amroth falls, the Grey Havens will be the last line of escape for the Free Peoples.

You have a few hundred dwarves from the Blue Mountains that I forgot to mention. The elves have either already fled to the Undying Lands, or decided to die fighting the enemy.

No men of Dale or Rohan, unfortunately.

The ents are, unfortunately, doomed in the coming age. Without the ent wives, there were no seeds to give.

The giant eagles entrusted a few clutches. Their last gift to man before they either went back to Manwe or died in the coming war.

Some of the eggs hatched on the way over, and Caor made sure they got the meat they needed, surrendering some of his own meals to make sure they survived the trip.
Depends on the rolls. You could get another round of refugees, or corsairs could catch the fleet off the coast. Or Dol Amroth could fall, or the Grey Havens. If Dol Amroth falls, the Grey Havens will be the last line of escape for the Free Peoples.

You have a few hundred dwarves from the Blue Mountains that I forgot to mention. The elves have either already fled to the Undying Lands, or decided to die fighting the enemy.

No men of Dale or Rohan, unfortunately.

The ents are, unfortunately, doomed in the coming age. Without the ent wives, there were no seeds to give.

The giant eagles entrusted a few clutches. Their last gift to man before they either went back to Manwe or died in the coming war.

Some of the eggs hatched on the way over, and Caor made sure they got the meat they needed, surrendering some of his own meals to make sure they survived the trip.

We have Giant Eagles? Those things have so much potential.

Hurray for unmatchable scouts and emergency air lift.:)
You have a few hundred dwarves from the Blue Mountains that I forgot to mention. The elves have either already fled to the Undying Lands, or decided to die fighting the enemy.

No men of Dale or Rohan, unfortunately.

Were those decided by rolls?

I mean in the last quest we had some Wood Elves that came with us and Halfings.

As for more different races of men I feel we should at least have the chance to have survivors.

That is cool about this quest is that we can have different races interacting with this new setting.
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Were those decided by rolls?

I mean in the last quest we had some Wood Elves that came with us and Halfings.

As for more different races of men I feel we should at least have the chance to have survivors.

That is cool about this quest is that we can have different races interacting with this new setting.

I put the hobbits in with the greater Eriador population when I said you had Eriadorians with you. When I get around to writing up the population and assets post, I'll make sure to separate everything out.

But it all depends on the rolls. You could get some men of Dale next time the refugee ships return, or some men of Rohan, or Gondor, or Dunedain. Hell, you could get Beornings if the dice fall right. Or more dwarves from the Blue Mountains or Iron Hills.

Damn it, I just got back from work! Is the voting still open?

Unfortunately not. Closed about an hour ago.
I put the hobbits in with the greater Eriador population when I said you had Eriadorians with you. When I get around to writing up the population and assets post, I'll make sure to separate everything out.

But it all depends on the rolls. You could get some men of Dale next time the refugee ships return, or some men of Rohan, or Gondor, or Dunedain. Hell, you could get Beornings if the dice fall right. Or more dwarves from the Blue Mountains or Iron Hills.

Can Wood Elves be involved with those chances as well because I think they would be very interesting to have in this setting?

Also is it possible to incresae the chances of more refugees through actions on our side?
Any possibility of refugees from The Lonely Mountain?

Combining those with the men of dale and opening up the potential to nab some Black Arrows would be too damn nifty.
Can Wood Elves be involved with those chances as well because I think they would be very interesting to have in this setting?

Also is it possible to incresae the chances of more refugees through actions on our side?

Elves are less likely than any other race because:

1. A lot have already fled to the Undying Lands.

2. There were less of them than most of the other races before number 1.

3. Most elves would chose to flee to the Undying Lands, rather than flee into the unknown.

This just means there is less of a chance, not that it's impossible.

*Shrugs.* Build a fleet and shipyard where you are and send those new ships back as reinforcements for the refugee ships?