Sauron's Won, Time to Run - Dynasty Quest

[X] One of the last of the Dunedain, the blood of Numenor still flowing strong within him.

[X] A land of long winters and summers. There exists no fall or spring here, and something stirs in the north.

Seems interesting.
Honestly? Wanted dwarves, then thought "but how do we get marriage alliances?" so, Dunedain. Dwarves could have been fun, but this is Westeros.

Break the status quo then.

Then again if this is like the last quest where we have refuges from the different races come with us I would be okay with being Dunedain.
[X] One of the last of the Dunedain, the blood of Numenor still flowing strong within him.

[X] A land of long winters and summers. There exists no fall or spring here, and something stirs in the north.
Land Ho!
The ships, are things of misery. Dark, cramped, and foul smelling, the last two being a result of far to many people being packed beneath the decks. In these gloomy vessels, do the former people of Eriador have nothing to do but reflect upon their former lives and all they had lost.

Mere weeks after Sauron's revival, the Orcs of the Misty Mountains had swarmed the final remnants of what once was the Kingdom of Arnor. The Free Peoples of Eriador fled in the face of this foe, few willing to stand against the orcish hordes.

Alongside those brave few, stood the dunedain. Brave Chieftain Algren, and all willing to stand with him, sought to hold back the tide and buy time for lesser men.

Brave Algren stood. Valiant Algren fought. Noble Algren died before the gates of Bree. Leaving Caor to lead what was left of the blood of Numenor and the lesser men of Eriador.

He lead them to Mithlond and from there, Dol Amroth where the battered fleet of Gondor had made port.

And now, here Caor stood two months later. The sea spray leaving salt in his beard as he stood at the head of the ship. The waves rose and fell violently, and the clouds over head we're growing dark. Like a ugly bruise, they slowly purpled and blackened and thunder was heard in the distance.

A perfect mirror of the chieftains own mood and dark thoughts.

The people he was given responsibility over, slowly starving. Those that didn't starve had succumbed to disease, their corpses tossed unceremoniously over board.

But it appears that luck, which had so abandoned his people in these dark days, had finally shined upon them. For just over the horizon, land was finally in sight...Now all they had to do was actually make shore, before they got caught in the storm.

Caor catches the telescope, as he had asked, yelled for, the man in the crows nest to drop it down to him. As he wanted to observe the land before they actually made it there.

He sees...


[] A sandy coast that bleeds into desert.

[] A desolate snowy wasteland, and...did that furry one-horned animal just impale a man?

[] A rocky coastline that quickly juts up into tall mountains.

[ ] Wild, untamed jungle as far as the eye can see.

[X] A desolate snowy wasteland, and...did that furry one-horned animal just impale a man?

Skagos sounds fun, the North might just give it to us outright so that is an instant in right there.

The other options look far less inviting as far as survival never mind setting up in the long run is concerned.
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[] A desolate snowy wasteland, and...did that furry one-horned animal just impale a man?

I have no idea as to what the last option is but if I had to choose between Dorne, the Vale and the North, I'll go withNorth.
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[X] Wild, untamed jungle as far as the eye can see.

Sothoryos? Sounds horribly hard to live there.
Hard mode it is.
Do you guys want most of us to die of malaria, Yellow Fever and other tropical illnesses? Because that is what is going to happen to people coming from Eriador into a tropical climate. There is a reason why, excepting the coast, Africa was pretty much untouched by European colonists until the 19th Century.

I will grant that would constitute Hard-mode but it would not be very interesting, just depressing.
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Do you guys want most of us to die of malaria, Yellow Fever and other tropical illnesses? Because that is what is going to happen to people coming from Eriador into a tropical climate. There is a reason why, excepting the coast, Africa was pretty much untouched by European colonists until the 19th Century.

I will grant that would constitute Hard-mode but it would not be very interesting, just depressing.
And thats without considering the fact that the closest civ to us is Slavers Bay and welll, they'll see us as a target.
Do you guys want most of us to die of malaria, Yellow Fever and other tropical illnesses? Because that is what is going to happen to people coming from Eriador into a tropical climate. There is a reason why, excepting the coast, Africa was pretty much untouched by European colonists until the 19th Century.

I will grant that would constitute Hard-mode but it would not be very interesting, just depressing.

I don't think the GM would torture us mercilessly without some leeway and make things almost unplayable to begin with. I'd be disingenuous to offer the option in the 1st place.

That's not to say I don't like being tortured by GM's though.
I don't think the GM would torture us mercilessly without some leeway and make things almost unplayable to begin with. I'd be disingenuous to offer the option in the 1st place.

That's not to say I don't like being tortured by GM's though.

Judging by the experience of the Rhoyndar during their short stay there great losses to diseases are the canonical norm for Sothoryos.
[X] Wild, untamed jungle as far as the eye can see.

I see this Quest was rebooted.

Kind of a shame, I rather liked how the other one was going. Oh well.
[X] A rocky coastline that quickly juts up into tall mountains.
Simple demographics would make it mind crushingly difficult to bounce back from. We need other people to support us in our early years.

I'll wait for the GM's ruling to see how bad it is before I chuck the option out as some kind of trick vote.

Also, the fact that have been powerful and rich cities on the isles and near the coast means the ability to thrive there isn't out of the question. I'd think the bridled-men, pirate raiding, or weather would be our greatest initial concern tbh, since that would weaken the population enough to give the diseases there maximum impact.
I'll wait for the GM's ruling to see how bad it is before I chuck the option out as some kind of trick vote.

Also, the fact that have been powerful and rich cities on the isles and near the coast means the ability to thrive there isn't out of the question. I'd think the bridled-men, pirate raiding, or weather would be our greatest initial concern tbh, since that would weaken the population enough to give the diseases there maximum impact.

Unfortunately diseases are not known for trying to lull people into a false sense of security. They will hit us right from the start because that is how they work. As for there being people on Islands off the coast have you ever wondered why they never succeeded in colonizing the mainland even with all the local knowledge they have and better adapted immune systems?