SASUKE: The Fanfiction

025 - Aftermath
025 - Aftermath

As we lay on the hospital bed, staring up at the spinning blades of the ceiling fan above, we couldn't help but think back to a better time. To the days we spent in a ponderous haze, contemplating the meaning of life. Introspective existentialism, the essence of our mortal existence, and the irrationality of the physical laws that governed this plane. These amongst other mundane thoughts we mulled on ceaselessly, day in, day out. To put it in a few words, we lived a happy, carefree existence.

In hindsight, we also realise the role we played in the destruction of our clan…

The signs were there. They always were. Only, we were too distracted by our fears—or worse—our egocentric self-indulgence, to act on them. The political neutering of our clan. The bigotry of Konoha's topmost authorities. The segregation and ghettoization of our people. The prejudice, discrimination, and antagonism. The marginalization. Racism ... Stereotyping and unfair bias … Political oppression…

These all culminated in the eventual slaughter of every Uchiha man, woman and child. In more specific terms, a wanton genocide—engineered simply because mass murdering dissidents of the state who wished to be freed of decades of oppression is a just and noble cause!

Let's not forget the butchering of the corpses of our people for their body parts. We can't let those go to waste, can we now? If our allies-of-convenience speak the truth, Danzo Shimura, a prominent member of Konoha's esteemed council is currently in possession of a startling number of harvested Sharingans. Which, of course, he puts to use for the greater good of Konoha. A much nobler alternative than their original owners ever could conceive perhaps? As for what this greater good entails specifically, we struggled to comprehend.

In our haste to condemn the enemy, let's not forget the suspicions that in some hidden ROOT repository were hidden vats containing other valuable Uchiha body parts stored for further research into the nature of the Sharingan.


Orochimaru had proven himself a useful tool, having helpfully handed over a copy of the Konoha's classified log books dating back to its inception—a few amongst other secret documents gifted to us in a show of goodwill. If one could read between the lines, they proved impossibly valuable in shedding more light on the true extent of the injustice afflicted upon the Uchiha clan.

A quick summary of this would begin with Madara gullibly agreeing to a worthless peace treaty that bound the Uchiha to the Senju. From then on the Uchiha would be subjected to one nefarious scheme after another, time and time again. First, in small doses, taking the form of dog-whistling campaigns pioneered by one Tobirama Senju to foster subconscious fear towards the clan—something about a "curse of hatred" apparently. Then to include covert plays to limit the Uchiha's political influence.

Once the haze clouding his vision cleared, Madara Uchiha would confront Hashirama Senju—then leader of the Senju clan—regarding this matter. There were few detailed records as to what transpired between the two following their altercation, but it wasn't hard to deduce. In a fit, Madara abandons the clan, striking out on his own before later being killed by Hashirama who aimed to maintain a status quo skewered in favour of his own. The rest of the Uchiha proved too short-sighted to realise the trap they willingly walked into. They could hardly be faulted though. Weariness had clouded their judgement. They wished not for another war to break out.

How ironic
, we scoffed inwardly. A clan touted to bear a sinister curse that forces them to lose all reason and indulge in obscene atrocities, even to the extent of kin-slaying, willingly chooses to avoid conflict with their once sworn enemy… at their detriment! How ironic indeed!

Soon came the blatant and near-complete violation of the agreement that culminated in the creation of the Hidden Leaf. The Uchihas were removed from society and cast out to the fringes of the village: Apparently, because the only thing they were good at was manning a toothless police force that couldn't even protect its members and their families from constant state-sanctioned surveillance, discrimination and isolation!

We sighed. It was tiring to think about these things. We would much rather watch paint dry than do so; at least we might achieve some measure of epiphany that would deepen our connection to this realm in the process. Our reminiscence would only fuel the rage smouldering in our soul. An emotion too potent for the human mind to even begin to bear. We could feel it ageing our mortal shell, killing it ever so slowly.

But our failure yesterday was too great a blow to ignore. It mired our thoughts, grasping at them and weighing them down like some infernal, sentient tar. And to be honest we might not be too far off from reality… Though it would be discourteous of us to birth an entity of such nature in a dimension we sought to claim as our own.

Experience has proven that our progeny weren't the most… reasonable sorts you see. Hopefully, Inari would prove him useful in that regard.

But we digress.

To be frank we couldn't less what the humans did to each other. If they believed conflict and sadism were their only true love then we wished them good luck in that regard. Since time immemorial we've learnt it was better to leave mortals, regardless of form, to their infantile devices than interfere and risk having our own plans thrown off course.

But then again, to inflict such atrocities on mortals we had taken a liking to?

The gall!

The room we were placed in was empty, but we could sense multiple chakra signatures observing us from a distance. As predicted, the intensity of the surveillance allocated towards us had drastically increased. This was undoubtedly a result of the misgivings Konoha's leadership had in regard to the authenticity of the report we gave on the incident with the weasel.

For one, we refused to surrender certain key details regarding our confrontation. There was no way we would provide an enemy with such vital intelligence. The fact that we refused to grant permission for Inoichi to peruse our memories wasn't helping our cause either.

There was also the fact that our handler, Kakashi, was currently in a Mangekyo-induced coma. This only served to further implicate us. It was only natural for them to connect the dots and assume us to be responsible after all.

In short, the tension that existed between us and the council had risen to an all-time high, and conversely so had their brazenness when relating with us. It was a situation that was not at all conducive to our plans.

A sigh escaped our maw again. The emotion came quite easily to us it seemed.

Aside from the impulsive decision to attack the weasel, we could hardly be faulted for how things turned out. By the time Konoha's forces arrived to investigate the commotion on their borders, the weasel had long disappeared and our discarded arm had been thoroughly consumed by the black flames. There was little concrete evidence left to clear us of suspicion.

We looked down at the bandaged stump where our right arm used to be. Had we been a regular shinobi, our prospects as a ninja would have been thoroughly obliterated by the loss. For us though, it would likely amount to a major inconvenience that would further hinder our plans. We ran a quick mental simulation of our battle with the Jinchūriki from Sunakagure, only this time in our current state. In the end, with all estimations and available data taken into consideration, we came to the conclusion that we had more or less suffered a sixty per cent loss in combat effectiveness. Quite dreadful news as one could imagine.

So, in summary, in exchange for terminating the weasel's partner—a nonentity in the grand scheme of things—and inflicting negligible damage to our intended target itself, we were now half-blind in one eye, missing an arm, and liable to suffer further strategic setbacks in the face of Konoha's impending retaliation.

It appears we are overdue for a comprehensive revision of our notes on battlefield economics.

If that wasn't a poor trade then we couldn't say what was…

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7 Chapters Ahead!
026 - Her Blushing Bride
026 - Her Blushing Bride

"...Is it true?" Ino asked behind her. Sakura looked up, her gaze rising from the potted flowers by her feet to regard the pale-faced blonde. The Yamanaka scion was panting, sweat beading her face; they must have turned her back at the hospital as well.

"Sakura!" Ino called again, this time managing to break her from the trance she found herself in. Sakura's distracted gaze finally managed to focus on her rival's worried visage, tears brimming her eyes.

"Yes," came Sakura's monosyllabic response. Her throat felt sore and dry, rasping even with this single word she uttered. The despair in her heart shone through even her stone-faced facade.

Crippled. Her beloved. Crippled.

A line of tears ran down her right cheek, mirroring Ino's. She wiped it stoically. He disliked tears, Sakura remembered, a sad smile gracing her face at the thought of him intimately breathing down her neck about how undignified they were.

She turned back to the flowers at her feet. "It's bad luck to buy a potted plant for someone who's in the hospital," she ground out, managing to force the words out of her mouth. "Cut flowers are a better choice. Which ones should I get?"

Ino said nothing. For a few ominous moments, the blonde gave no reaction. Then, suddenly, she stepped forward.

"A daffodil?" Sakura whispered as she gently pried the flower from the other girl's hand. A smile blossomed on her face.

"It's perfect. Thank—" A surprisingly smothering hug from Ino interrupted her, forcing the air out of her lungs. Sakura looked down to see the girl she had dreamed of triumphing over for years now sobbing into the crook of her neck.


Sakura's hand hesitantly rose to the blonde's back as she reciprocated the hug. The feeling of Ino's shudders reverberating through her body thawed something in her heart. She found hot tears running down her face. She wiped them, but they proved persistent.

I am not crying... No! I am not! Sasuke wouldn't like that… It would be undignified.

"...Why do boys do this?" she asked her companion. "Why do they always hurt us so?.."

"How would I know?" Ino whispered. "I'm a girl too, you know…"


Sasuke sat on the windowsill, dressed in a patient gown, one leg dangling languidly in the air from where it hung on the ledge. Her beloved stared out at the village outside, his thoughts undiscernible through his placid visage. His left hand toyed with an ink brush with which he scribbled down those indecipherable notes of his on a tiny notebook on his lap. Where his right hand ought to be the voluminous sleeves of his garment collapsed into itself.

Sakura's breath stuttered as she observed him. As usual, he seemed utterly unconcerned about the world around him. An unnatural calmness. Like a mountain or a great beast at rest. He appeared ominously unconcerned about the loss of his appendage. Regal, with a subtle divinity about his aura…


Beside her, Ino's feet shuffled on the tiled floor. The girl appeared unsure whether or not to approach him. As if sensing her discomfort, Sasuke's limpid gaze slowly panned to regard them. A gentle smile curled at the edges of his pink, sugary lips. A careless beauty.

"You came," he intoned. Sakura's bones turned soft at the sound of his voice. Ino didn't seem to be faring any better. "Thank you."

"...I-it's not a p-problem, Sasuke," Sakura replied. She shook her head to get the stutter out of her voice. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," came his reply. "I should be able to return to doing missions in a few days… Assuming Kakashi-sensei bets any better that is."


Her mind short-circuited. Missions? What about your arm? she whispered, tears threatening to stain her face again.

Her fool-hardly flame smile turned fond as if he could hear her thoughts. Then he appeared before her, his face inches from hers.

"I might not be able to use ninjutsu anymore, but I am still more of a threat to your generic shinobi than you are at the moment."

She blinked and he was again seated at the windowsill, a small smile still gracing his lips. She couldn't say for sure whether or not he moved or what she saw now was just a Genjutsu. Abruptly, Sakura felt herself a fool. Here she was worrying about Sasuke's future when even while deprived of an arm he remained leagues ahead of her in possibly everything but ninjutsu.

Still, a relieved sigh vented from her chest and she found herself looking at him in a new light.

Such fortitude of mind…

It ignited a new feeling in her heart. The flames of her adoration of him blazed even stronger than ever before and she fell in love anew.

"...We brought you flowers," Ino managed, subconsciously falling back to her old habit of not wanting to get sidelined in Sasuke's presence. Despite this though, Sakura couldn't find it in her to get irked at the blonde. A fond smile blossomed on her face.

"Dandelion?" Sasuke asked, gently collecting the flowers from Ino. Despite her change of heart, Sakura could not completely suppress her twitching brow as the blonde purposefully went out of her way to run her fingers against Sasuke's. Her beloved didn't react, probably oblivious to Ino's advances. Sadly, he seemed quite dense in matters of… that nature.

I have to protect him from these minxes at all costs! Sakura resolved in her heart, watching as Sasuke sniffed the flowers.

"Y-yes," Ino stuttered.

"...Beautiful even in the dead of winter," Sasuke whispered. "Patiently waiting for spring without the cold. Thank you. Both of you."

The room fell silent.

"...What?" Sasuke asked, apparently confused.

"...How do you know that verse?" Ino asked, stunned. Sakura could not keep the surprise off her face either.

Sasuke's expression froze. He flashed an embarrassed smile which he promptly hid with a cough. "...A poem?" he said hesitantly, moments later.

…A lie, Sakura realised. A flimsy lie!

Her eyes widened as a strange epiphany befell her. She could not stop the torrent of giggles that poured out of her mouth. Neither could Ino, it seemed. Sasuke scratched the side of his cheek, his onyx eyes flickering to the side nervously.

She didn't think it was possible. A blushing Sasuke?

How utterly absurd…

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7 Chapters Ahead!

Chapter 32: You shouldn't have done that, Tobirama…
For those who find the title confusing, the object of the chapter title is not any of the girls but Sasuke. He is(metaphorically) Sakura's blushing bride. The bride as in implying some misconception of MC's feminine side on Sakura's part and her chivalrous desire to protect his "innocence".
Wasn't Sasuke using one-handed seals during the Chunin Exams? I feel like I remember him doing that, in which case he shouldn't be completely unable to use ninjutsu even if this did cost him quite a bit there.

Though it's probably more likely he's just lying to make his enemies underestimate him.
027 - S-rank
027 - S-rank

"You still engage in such frivolous activities?" came a voice behind him. Jiraiya turned around to regard the newcomers.

"If it isn't old man Homura and mistress Koharu…" he drawled as his attention returned to the gaggle of women bathing a few blocks away. A perverse smile blossomed at the edges of his lips as a disturbing giggle escaped his mouth.

"A maturity befitting your stature would do you a whole lot of good, Jiraiya" Koharu muttered, her wrinkly face contorted in disapproval.

Jiraiya sighed in response. "And just what business do the chief counsellors have with me?" he asked, putting his binoculars away.

"What business, you ask?" Homura replied. "You ought to know without me having to spell it out."

"...Is this about that Uchiha boy? I don't see how it concerns me."

"Oh, but it does," the older man replied. "Your sensei's reluctance to deal with him resolutely is causing all sorts of issues for the leaf. The vile Uchiha spawn might deny it, but the evil in his heart is clear for all to see. He hides behind his clan's name, evading the swift justice he rightfully deserves."

"...I still don't see how this matter concerns me."

The pair fell silent, their thoughts, for a moment, a mystery to him. Then Koharu spoke. "Find Tsunade," the woman said. "She's the only one capable of freeing Hatake of the vile technique inflicted upon him by the boy. When he comes through and testifies against the Uchiha before the council, I imagine Sarutobi would be hard-pressed to remain insistent on ignoring the danger the boy poses"

Jiraiya mulled on this for a few moments. Then he sighed, massaging his temple in exasperation. "Fine! I'll track her down and bring her back. Would that be acceptable?"

"Very well. We shall attach three ANBU black ops to you for—"

"That won't be necessary. Don't worry, I swear I won't run away. I don't need chaperones. Besides, I already have someone in mind to take along with me on this mission..."


Sarutobi leafed the ANBU reports on his desk. The documents had been meticulously compiled for a bit over seven years now. Hence, it made little sense for the reports to look so scanty—the fact that the majority of the operational data they had was gathered in the past six months did no favours to the logical credence surrounding the matter. It was unnatural how little valuable information those seasoned operatives had managed to gather on the enigmatic Uchiha scion. One would assume that one so young would be a treasure trove of information, but here Sarutobi found that his Konoha's ANBU couldn't even categorically confirm what Sasuke's favourite food was…


The boy was a literal information black hole. One from which ABSOLUTELY nothing of significant value ever comes out.

Last he heard, Inoichi had made some significant progress in decoding the boy's cyphers… from six years ago. The most recent ones still appear to be beyond their ability to crack even with the aid of computers built specifically for decoding the boy's work. The gloom that hung over the heads of the members of the analysis team had not abated in years now. A few even transferred out of the department entirely in frustration. For the ones that remained, finding out that the encrypted document they worked on for years contained entirely mundane things—from absurdly detailed research into what colour combination went best with his eyes, to which girl in his academy class he deemed the most "scientifically attractive"—was a blow too great on their collective egos.

Predictably, a petition was filed by Inoichi to cancel the operation. Sarutobi could not tell for certain whether it was the fact that so many resources had been sunk into what turned out to be a pointless endeavour, or the fact that his daughter's name appeared in one too many sections no father would be comfortable seeing associated with their only child, that prompted the decision. Either way, Sarutobi had been perfectly willing to approve the cancelling operation…

…Only the backlash from the rest of his council forced him to do the opposite thing. That is sinking even more funds and personnel into decrypting what might be, at the end of the day, a diary. A strange, oddly formal diary, but a diary nonetheless.

Homura and Koharu were very much convinced that proof of Uchiha Sasuke's treachery existed somewhere in those pages, and Hiruzen had no doubt in his mind that the two were put up to this by Danzo.

Ah… How troublesome…

Heaving another sigh, he caressed his temple. At least it wasn't a total loss. The fact they were able to crack the cypher meant they would be able to recreate it. Inoichi apparently felt no shame in stealing the boy's work and creating a training program on how exactly it worked for the ANBU and his department. A cypher able to stymie Konoha's entire intelligence department for six years was not something he dared turn his nose up at. As for why they didn't just adapt it directly?

Answer: Uchiha Sasuke.

Obviously, it would be foolish to use something the boy created and not expect he would have a field day with it the moment he is given the opportunity. Regardless of what Sarutobi might feel regarding the matter, Uchiha Sasuke was still an entity under suspicion in the eyes of the state.

Sarutobi read through the rest of the reports before setting them aside. He rose from his seat, smoothing out his robes as he made his way outside. He felt tired.

Really tired. And old. Yes… old.

"Where is Gai?" he asked out loud.

A figure flickered into view. A weal-like scar on the face, running across the bridge of his nose and down across the left side of his face. Brown spiky hair. Dark eyes.

Raidō Namiashi of the Hokage Guard Platoon

"Reporting! Might Guy was last spotted engaging in a training exercise with his students at Training Ground twenty-three, Hokaga-sama," the elite bodyguard replied.

"...Summon him please," Sarutobi replied.

"Yes. Hokage-sama."


Guy appeared before Hiruzen in a cyclone of swirling leaves. "Hokage-sama! You summoned me!" he said, his voice booming in the otherwise empty room.

"Yes," the Hokage replied. "I have a mission for you."

"I am all ears, Hokage-sama!"

"Good," Hiruzen nodded, his gaze turning thoughtful. "...How acquainted are you with Uchiha Sasuke?"

"Not very sir!"

"I see… Either way, we would just have to make do. I would be placing the boy temporarily on your team, at least until either Kakashi or Lee get better. Your mission is to gather as much information as you can reasonably gather about him. Anything thing at all of value would really help me to determine the next steps to take regarding this matter."

Hiruzen reached for a small booklet and a scroll on his desk before tossing them to the Jonin. "The booklet was Kakashi's. It contained what information he made to glean since being assigned to Team Seven. The scroll on the other hand contains all the details you need to be aware of to conduct your investigation… safely. Any questions?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama," Guy replied, his voice growing atypically quieter. "Why am I being paid 2,000,000 ryō to spy on a thirteen-year-old?"

"Most of it is hazard pay," Hiruzen replied grimly. "There are suspicions that the boy is responsible for Kakashi's current state. There's a reason the mission was upgraded from B to S-rank after all. So, please, be careful…

"Very careful."

"...Understood, Hokage-sama."

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7 Chapters Ahead!
028 - The Ego
028 - The Ego

He was an Ego.

Upon his descent into his new vessel, the Prime E̡̲̗͇͋̀ͪ̐̈̆̌͐̕͞g̜͈͉͎͍ͤ͆ͦoͥ̀̊́̕ deemed it fitting to bestow upon him the name Jinrui.


A soft smile caressed his lips at the irony of the name. He was no human; that was for certain. He was not but a coalesced mass of chakra and the life essence of a living sacrifice. An improved iteration of the famed shadow clone:

A blood clone.

An Ego granted complete autonomy.

Jinrui stood barechested, dressed in faded jeans and a well-worn fishing hat, at the edge of a weathered pier jutting out into the vast expanse of the sea. The sound of gentle waves lapping against the wooden pillars filled the air, creating a soothing symphony that mingled with the rustling of nearby nipa palms.

To the outsider observed he would have appeared deeply engrossed in his task. And in some sense, that might have well been true. His large, calloused hands moved with purpose, deftly threading a fishing line through the eyelets of his trusty rod. Along the length of the beachline behind him, a dense thicket of mangrove trees stretched out like nature's sentinels, their gnarled roots reaching out from the muddy banks, interlacing with each other and creating a maze-like network. The mangroves stood as guardians of the delicate ecosystem that sustained the battered economy of his new home. Their deep green leaves provided a mystifying contrast against the mysterious grey of the mist that hung over the calm azure of the sea.

A disquieting beauty.

Jinrui set his bait, before sitting to wait. Not too long after, a pair of light footsteps padded towards him.

"Jinrui," Inari called behind him.

"Sup, kiddo," the clone replied. "Got bored waiting at home?"

The boy nodded. Kaito patted the wooden floorboard beside him.

"Join me."

The two sat in companionable silence for several minutes before the boy spoke again.


"Yes, Inari?"

"...Why is there so much hurt in the world?"

The clone paused for a moment, turning to look down at the boy sitting beside him. Inari's face was placid, his gaze tranquil.

Jinrui smiled, placing his left hand on the boy's head, and ruffling his hair. "The worlds of you mortals are cursed, Inari. Each and every one of them. For where the concept of power exists, abuse would quickly follow, its victims in tow. Mortal life is suffering. Hard."

"...Power causes suffering?"

"No, Inari. The imbalance of power causes suffering."

The child fell silent. "When the other you came, he said he could protect Mama. He said he was strong. How do I become strong?"

"...Hate, Inari. Your ego is still too weak to survive a transcendence, else this would have been a rather trivial matter. You don't have enough… hate."

The pair said nothing more. Jinrui rose, picking up the bucket containing his catch for the day before heading home. Inari, although absentminded, was fast on his heels.


The pair arrived home fifteen minutes later.

As he entered, Inari ran up to Tsunami, catching her in a quick hug before dislodging himself and making a beeline upstairs to his room. The woman's soft gaze lingered on the staircase up which the child disappeared before turning back to regard the other person in the house.

"How was your day, Tsunami?" Jinrui asked, carrying the bucket of fish to the kitchen.

"Fine," came the woman's reply. "How was yours?"

"It was okay. Caught some willow and three eels. For dinner, we could make fried willow for Inari since he likes those more, and make Unadon for ourselves. What do you think?"

"...I am fine with that," Tsunami replied hesitantly.

Jinrui turned around to face her. "Is there a problem?"

The woman squirmed uncomfortably as he regarded her. "...Yes," she said finally.

Jinrui let one of his brows rise in curiosity. He put his hands under the running tap to wash it clean of the eel slime covering them before drying himself with a napkin. He walked up to her stopping just arm's length away from her where he leaned against the door frame. "Talk to me."

"...I am not comfortable with the rumours that are going around the village about us."


"Yes. The people all believe I somehow managed to seduce you into staying here. You, a wealthy traveller from a foreign land. They whisper to themselves that I am some Yōkai who brings misfortune to any man who beds her. My first two husbands are dead and now I have found a third who, in their opinion, would soon face a similar fate. If not at the hands of the numerous hoodlums lusting after your presumed wealth it would be at the hands of some random shinobi who takes a passing interest in you, they say."

"You need not worry about me."

"This is not about you! I am worried about what they would do to me. Or worse… my son. Greed and envy have pushed men greater than them to do deeds beneath even our station as civilians … I was refused trade at the market today. There is no rice in the kitchen; I couldn't buy any. None of the merchants agreed to sell anything to me lest they draw the ire of… someone.

"I am scared, Jinrui."

The clone stared at the woman in silence for a few moments before responding. "I will sort it out," he said, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. The gesture seemed to have opened certain floodgates in her heart as she rushed forward, collapsing into his embrace as muted sobs shuddered through her body.

Jinrui looked up, his gaze meeting that of the boy peeking at them from the top of the stairs. He gestured with his head gently and Inari obediently returned to his bedroom.

"I will sort it out," Jinrui repeated, massaging the centre of Tsunami's back with his right thumb as she slowly calmed down. "Let me go out and get the rice, okay?"

Tsunami sniffled, attempting to hide her red-rimmed eyes as she stepped out of his embrace. "Okay."

"Is there anything else you couldn't get?"

"Yes. The shopping list is on the kitchen counter."

Jinrui turned around to get said list before making his way to the exit.


"Yes, Tsunami?"

"...Thank you."

The Ego smiled at her. "It's nothing. Take care of yourself. I will be back in a few minutes."


Jinrui walked through the slums, where shadows cast long and hope seemed but a distant memory. The air was heavy with the stench of decay and despair, an ever-present reminder of the hardships endured by those who called this place home.

Ramshackle wooden structures lined narrow, muddy alleyways, their crooked frames leaning precariously against one another as if seeking support in their collective fragility. The once vibrant colours that adorned their facades had long faded, replaced by a sombre palette of greys and browns, matching the spirit of the now desolate Land of Waves.

Thin wisps of smoke curled from makeshift chimneys, carrying with them the acrid scent of burning wood and desperation. Tattered scraps of cloth and shredded paper fluttered in the wind, remnants of a forgotten time when prosperity and dreams seemed within reach.

The townsfolk, dressed in worn and threadbare garments, moved with a slow, weary gait. Their faces were etched with lines of hardship and sorrow. Each step seemed to carry the weight of a thousand burdens, their tired eyes scanning their meagre surroundings for any semblance of salvation. A child, his sunken cheeks and vacant gazes a testament to his malnourished existence, roamed the streets with tattered toys clutched in trembling hands.

Laughter was a rare occurrence here, replaced instead by the hushed whispers of survival, the quiet desperation that lingered in the air like a palpable presence.

Jinrui didn't stop walking though. Neither did anyone try to accost him despite the fact his right hand was heavily laden with valuable groceries. There was a reason he chose his current appearance after all. Towering height, imposing physique, a scarred visage, and a slightly more than passing resemblance to Kaiza, Inari's second father.

Unlike the Prime, his dimensional proxy was physically intimidating.

And if somehow one did not consider that enough reason to avoid crossing him, they just need to look down at the ripped-off head and the trailing spinal column attached to it in his left hand to seriously reconsider that decision. As for who the unfortunate fellow sacrificed for this display was, let's just say Tsunami won't be having problems at the market again for a very long time.

Jinrui arrived in front of one particularly obscure house. Tossing the desecrated head aside, he sharply rapped his knuckles on the door four times.

"Open up!"

The sound of shuffling footsteps came from behind the wooden barrier and three seconds later the door swung open.

"Master, you came," announced the one who answered the door. The fellow had short spiky brown hair and small black-coloured eyes. He also appears to be very feminine looking with his lithe frame, painted nails and the mild blush on his face.

"Of course, Haruki," Jinrui replied, handing the groceries over to the former thug. "You didn't think I would just abandon you lot after all I have invested in you, did you? Find someone to drop this over with Tsunami, I expect no issues with a task this simple."

"Yes, Sir!"

Jinrui watched as the lanky man rushed away to complete the task entrusted to him before turning around to face the other people in the room. "I see you've all been spending my hard-earned ryō well. Kenji, are those full cheeks I see at the sides of your face?"

The men inside all burst into rapturous laughter at that one fellow's expense.

Jinrui observed the group with an analytical eye, making observations before filing conclusions away at the back of his mind to act upon at a later date.

"Alright, enough messing around," the Ego said, all the humour in his countenance draining near-instantaneously. "I hope you lot have good news for me…

"How is the acquisition of Gatō's shipping company going?"

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7 Chapters Ahead!
029 - Team Guy
029 - Team Guy

A Week Later.

It was a cool, sunny day today.

The leaves on the trees had begun their metamorphosis; vibrant hues of red, orange, and gold spread throughout the village. The towering trees that surround Konohagakure toed the incorporeal divide of the seasons, their canopies a kaleidoscope of colours, creating a stunning backdrop against the clear blue sky. The streets were carpeted with fallen leaves, crackling softly underfoot with each step we took.

Nature exhaled, her breath sharp with a mild crispness tinged with her earthy scent. She appeared sleepy to our senses, breathing and swaying easing with the rhythms of the season.

Today was a horrible day.

We allowed our cheek muscles to contract, and contort our lips into a fond smile. With that manufactured smile we saw off the departing silhouettes of Naruto and Sakura. The pair stopped just beyond the village's main gate, Sakura's smudgy figure turning around to wave back at us with the blonde beside her waiting expectantly, his arms crossed. Even from where we stood at the other end of the street—with both our Sharingans inert and our right eye barely functional—we could still imagine the intensity of the glare the boy was shooting our way.

Just ahead of them was the famed Jiraiya Ogata, known alias, Jiraiya of the Sanin, the Toad Sage. When Naruto came to visit, bragging about his very, very important mission to locate and retrieve Princess Tsunade we knew we had to send an extra pair of eyes along with him. The boy's perception of reality was a bit warped and tunnel-visioned, two traits that render his memories unreliable as reference materials. Sakura on the other hand can be considered a much less compromised asset… in matters that matter at least.

For this reason, we insisted she escorted Naruto, giving her strict instructions not to let the boy out of her sight for even a moment. And despite it being glaringly obvious that she was against the idea, our words might have been an edict from the Kami themselves.

Oblivious as usual, Naruto was jubilant upon hearing that the object of his affection would be escorting him on his mission. His bull-headed persistence made it impossible for the Sage to reject the girl, despite the obvious suspicion the bore towards our motives. The tangy taste of scepticism tinged his aura; the emotion made all the more obvious the way he surreptitiously checked her chakra network for signs of mental compulsion.

It's been two days since, and now the heroic trio finally depart to begin their long, arduous search for the one capable of treating our beloved sensei. A noble Senju Princess!… who also happened to be an irresponsible, debt-ridden alcoholic.

And owns a pet pig.

We dared not forget about the pig.

We turned around and began slowly making our way to the Mission Assignment Building. Just a few dozen meters away, hidden amongst the shrubbery, our interim Jonin sensei spied on us. An ANBU squad bracketed the area, their perceptions trained us.

They were a nuisance. One we itched to reduce into blood smears of the concrete floor. Our progress in general had stalled by half just as a result of their presence and discreetly shedding our tails, while not impossible, was a much more tedious and risky endeavour. As we predicted, the village was not one to overlook any opportunity, however flimsy, to grant us a just and proper hiding.

They've declared war.


One might perceive our words to mean there was ever a chance at peace between Konoha and the Uchiha. If true, then they are very much mistaken. The clans may have moved on from the fiery wars of the warring period, but Tobirama's policies were the initiation of a new conflict. A cold war, one might say. The Leaf, under Hashirama's iron-fisted rule, became a hegemon, a force to be reckoned with. The system, and all the little shinobi running around in it, justify it being a hegemon.

But what use is all that power if not to obliterate nuisances?

The Uchiha doomed themselves because they bought into the Senju rationale, forgetting that the Will of Fire was never theirs, to begin with. It was simply an ideology that bred radical intolerance towards differing views and oppression. One that would cease to function at the slightest dissidence no matter how just.

The Senju are the leaf. Their will is the embodiment of this… Will of Fire. There was no way an alliance in the shape of the Leaf would have ever worked. It was a fool's dream, and the Uchiha collectively, were the fools. The Senju demanded an erasure of a community and their target was the clan that functioned as the villains to their story since time immemorial. The Uchiha were erased—disgraced—and in turn, the Senjus thrived. As heroes! As a culture that endured.

One look at the mountainside overlooking Konoha was all it took to realise this. The faces of the Leaf's past leaders—all bearing more than significant ties to the Senju mind you—carved into the granite; a reminder. The Senju are the Leaf.

They are the Will of Fire…




Now all we have to do is smother it.



We arrived at the Mission Assignment Building to find our new teammates waiting for us.

"Good morning," We greeted as we walked up to meet them.

"...Good morning, Sasuke-san," Tenten replied hesitantly. She seemed unsure of what to make of our presence and her gaze kept subconsciously flickering to where our right arm was meant to be. Beside her, Neji stared at us impassively.

"How is a cripple like you still fit for duty?" he finally said in lieu of a greeting.

"Neji!" Tenten gasped.

For a microsecond, we froze, processing the implication of what the boy had just accidentally initiated. A moment later, a genuine smile blossomed on our face in response. Our gaze remained locked with the boys. His usually impassive eyes were enlivened with anger and resentment. Yet, we could sense a tinge of reluctant regret sufficing his aura; the words were most likely impulsive. A spur of the moment. A product of a volatile mix of emotions. Most likely, he was already thinking of a way to apologise without opening himself to further embarrassment.

That didn't matter to us though. Although his outburst was unexpected, it was a major strategic windfall just when things were starting to veer off course. We had been searching for something like this for a while. And since he had so willingly offered himself as a conduit, it would be improper to turn him down.

"I can understand if you still feel disgruntled about your loss," we said into the ensuing silence, "but what gave a mere slave like you the guts to speak to your better in such a manner?"

Tenten turned to face us, eyes googled in horror. She seemed shocked. Why? Was she expecting us to just overlook the boy's arrogance? The Hyuga in question stood frozen, seemingly unable to parse a response.

"...What did you just call me?" he asked.

"A slave?" we replied, feigning confusion. "Isn't that what you branch members are? To be honest, I find it disgraceful the Hyuga would let their property wag its muzzle at the patriarch of a fellow clan. I will be seeing Haishi about this later; he ought to put you on a shorter leash lest you bring further embarrassment to the Hyuga."

We found ourself growing amused at the sight of the boy's gradually contorting expression. His killing intent flared and his face twisted into a snarl. "Die!" he declared charging at us.

Impassive we watched him draw his arm back to deliver a killing blow to our heart. Impassive still, we watched Might Guy blitz beside him to catch his outstretched arm. His open palm stopped mere inches from connecting with our chest cavity.

"Today's youth sure are pretty lively, aren't they!" the Jonin said with false cheer. His eyes were dark and tiny eddies formed in his chakra as a result of faintly expressed anger. "Now, now, Neji. I know you might be a bit excited but this is no way to treat a comrade. Right?"

The boy said nothing, his murderous glare still trained on us. He did retract his arm though, taking a few steps back even as his anger simmered menacingly inside him. He must have really respected the Jonin for him to let the matter drop this easily. In the rear, Tenten watched with an increasingly alarmed expression.

We said nothing into the ensuing silence, staring placidly at the Jonin who stood between us and his precious students. It amused us to no end how the man refused to make true eye contact with us, his gaze shifting off-centre every single time to focus on some other part of our face.

"...Sasuke," he finally said, "I take it you are already acquainted with your new teammates so I will skip any further introduction. You've read the mission brief I sent you?"

"Yes, Guy-sensei," we replied.

"Good. The mission is an easy one, much easier than the last one you completed. I believe you should have no problems—"

"I don't need to be coddled, Guy-sensei. I can carry my weight well enough for something this easy."

"...Ok. Understood. Let's go—"


We both turned to face Neji who continued to glare at us.

"Yes, Neji?" the Jonin sked.

"I refuse to go on a mission with that cripple," the boy sniffed, raising his snout imperiously at us. "He couldn't even defend himself just now. How can we trust him not to drag us down out in the field?"


"I will not risk my comrades' lives to protect your fragile ego, Uchiha. I won't be going anywhere until you prove you won't be a liability.

"...And how do you want me to do that, Slave-san?"

The Hyuga snarled. "Fight me!"

We stared at the boy, our head tilted in amusement.

"Fight you?" we asked.

"Fight—" A shadow clone peeled off from the adjacent wall, gently placing the sharpened edge of our poison-coated tanto on the boy's pale neck. We smiled as he froze in horror, the skin around his neck necrotising just from touching the corrosive poison.

"...You forget, Slave, we are assassins, not sumo wrestlers. Glorified murderers-for-hire, that's what we are. This isn't the chunin exams; I have no need, nor inclination, to make a battle between us a long and drawn-out affair. Rather, If I want you dead, you would be the moment I lay my eyes upon you. Understood? Good."

The shadow clone melted back into the wall, disappearing from view.

"You might want to get him to see a medic," we turned to face the pale-faced Jonin, tossing him a vial which he only barely caught after visibly fighting down the instinct to bat it away. "That's the antidote to the poison. It might save him, but given how much of it came in contact with his skin I wouldn't put much stock in that."

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7 Chapters Ahead!
030 - Distractions
030 - Distractions

The scorching sun beat down on a rugged, rocky border town nestled amidst the towering peaks of the mountainous region. The outpost stretched out before us, lined with weather-worn wooden buildings. Its dusty road was sparsely populated with most of its traffic tumbleweeds rolling lazily across the landscape

As we approached, the heat shimmered in the air, creating a hazy mirage that danced above the ground. A gust of wind swept through, rustling the chimes hanging from a nearby storefront. The sound is quickly swallowed by the silence of the deserted town. The coarse loose sand shifted noisily beneath our feet as we walked along the uneven sidewalk, feeling the dryness in the air.

It's been over a month since our departure from Konoha. Our mission, although straightforward, was pointlessly tedious. Regardless, travelling across three countries, just to apprehend a criminal possibly no higher than rank B, or worse, C, in the bingo books seemed like exactly the type of mission the council would lob at us to keep our hands tied for as long as they reasonably could while they planned their nefarious schemes in the background.

Our gaze flickered to regard our teammates. Neji still had his bandages around his neck. The poison we inflicted on him was just as potent as we predicted it to be; the mere sliver that came in contact with his skin robbed him of his ability to speak for over a week. Even now, his voice was hoarse and grating to the ears. The Hyuga still despised us, of course, but the emotion was now tempered by a healthy amount of dread. In light of this, he could be trusted to act professionally at the very least.

Tenten had withdrawn even further, keeping her distance whenever she could. She couldn't seem to decide what emotion to express whenever our existence came to the forefront of her mind, be it anger or trepidation. It was a strange and interesting phenomenon the girl was experiencing. Might Guy on the other hand grew more outspoken. Had it been anyone else, we would have inferred the odd behaviour was some sort of fear response or coping mechanism. But the Jonin didn't have a real reason to truly fear us. His Taijutsu surpassed anything our much smaller form was capable of even when we still possessed both our arms.

Of course, based on the information we have on him, it was still within our means to terminate his existence. But he did know this; then it wasn't fear. Or perhaps, it wasn't fear for his own life. That made more sense. After all, even the weakest in the group understood there was a very real possibility of the Jonin failing to protect them should we turn our sights on them. Neji's current state was a perfect demonstration of this.

In short, our squadmates have been on tenterhooks for weeks now. Guy superimposing himself between ourself and the rest of the team only made it more obvious. Their state of mind did not really concern us much though. In the grand scheme of things, they were, in the end, mere pawns. It would be beneath our dignity to go out of our way to trouble them. So long as they stayed well out of our way.

The wooden floorboards creaked as we made our way into one "Asia Saloon". The swinging doors closed noisily as we entered prompting every pair of eyes inside to swivel to regard us. It was a seedy establishment playing host to all manner of individuals. From possible bandits to missing-nins to even bounty hunters and mercenaries. A myriad of different individuals populated the room. It was a hotspot for the unsavoury; the fourth of such we had stumbled across since entering the backwaters that was this country.

"What will you be having?" the bartender asked as we approached the counter.

"A cup of sake," we replied before Guy could dismiss the fellow. "While you are at it, I wanted to ask if you've seen this man." We slid the picture of our target across the beat-up counter towards the bartender. Delicately, we dropped a stack of coins on the photograph; about ten times more than a bottle of sake was probably worth.

The grizzled bartender scarcely glanced at the bribe before stuffing it down his apron. His gaze flickered about the store for a moment before he gingerly glanced at the picture. Without saying a word he began pouring our drink.

"So?" we asked as he slid a small porcelain cup towards us.

"Ain't seen him," the bartender sniffed.

Expressionless, we dropped another stack of coins on the table before taking a long sip of the alcohol.

It tasted like shit.

"...I think I might remember where I saw him, but my memory's a bit foggy," the bartender said as he stuffed the second stack down his apron. The cheeky little shit.

"Now, now, friend," we tell him. "Let's get greedy. You understand the term "quid pro quo", right? I scratch your back and you scratch mine; everyone goes home happy. Alive."

Our hand formed a seal. A moment later our shadow slithered out to latch on the bartender's. Sweat beaded the man's face as he found himself inexplicably reaching for the knife hidden beneath the counter. His eyes grew bloodshot as the same unruly hand raised the brandished weapon before pressing the bladed edge against his crotch.

"I wonder how quickly a man your size would bleed out if his balls got cut off. Care to find out?"

We met his horrified gaze, taking another long sip of our sake. It still tasted like shit.

"...I see," the bartender said, his dam apple bobbing as he swallowed. "I think I remember him now."

"Ha, that sounds good," we replied letting the shadow possession dispel.

"I saw a fellow resembling him come in here two days ago before leaving for the next outpost. He should still be there; men have a habit of loitering about the town for a while before moving on."

"And why would that be?" we asked.

"Well," the bartender's gaze flickered towards Might Guy standing behind us before continuing, "It's the only outpost in the region that has a… Yūkaku."

"...Oh," we said in understanding. "Fair enough. Was he travelling with anyone else?"

The bartender refused to say anymore. Even the threat of a horrific castration and forced self-mutilation did not seem enough to pry any more information out of him. Exasperated, we slid another stack of coins towards the man.

"No," he finally said, stuffing the coins down his apron. "He was travelling alone."

Ah… Cheeky shit. We like this one.

"Very well. Thank you." We rose from the stool to leave. Our teammates hadn't even bothered sitting in the first place. Neither did they seem too interested in relating with the helpful bartender. It was obvious, both Neji and Tenten disdained the thought of having to relate with anyone in this backwater should they not have to. For his part, Guy appeared to want to assume a more supervisory role; probably in a poorly thought-out bid to feel us out. Not that he could make much progress in that regard. Following bog-standard operation procedure does have a pretty nifty benefit of hiding away more personal motivations from the casual observer. We had no intentions of expressing the sort of originality that gave insights into our inner thoughts. There was simply no reason to.

The Jonin was going to have to work for every scrap of intelligence he got his meaty hands on.


We arrived at the next outpost an hour later, and as promised the place was slightly less deserted than the previous one. It didn't take any time at all to find the brothel; it was after all the liveliest of the establishments present in the town. Scantily dressed women loitered outside a building that was something between an inn and a pub. They giggled, cooed and called, soliciting clients from amongst the passersby.

We made for the brothel, handed out a few bribes and asked even fewer questions—with Neji and ourself dodging the advances of the working women who, much to Tenten's consternation and embarrassment, offered us their services for free. Five minutes later we were once again on the trail, in pursuit of our quarry. An entire day passed before we made any more progress. We stumbled upon a recently dismantled campsite.

Of course, we considered the possibility of it being a dud. It wouldn't be the first we found in our search for our quarry. Regardless, we continued, following the tell-tale signs of a less-than-skilled shinobi traversing the desolate landscape. And as luck would have it, that was exactly what they were.

The shinobi proved a bit of a nuisance to Neji's attacks with the earth armour that coated his skin. The technique bore more than a passing resemblance to Gaara's sand armour. His counter-offensive came as iron nails launched at transonic speeds from beneath the earth. We could sense the bits of chakra-infused metal wiggling beneath the earth like earthworms as they manoeuvred to aim at us. Nail torpedoes, the fellow named the technique. Quaint. And dangerous, yes, but easy to deal with once you know where and in what direction the nails would be fired.

In the end, Might Guy neutralised the target before we would have been forced to seriously intervene. Neji and Tenten were barely injured—as few scratches each. The mission was nearly complete; all that was left was to escort our captive to the Land of Wind's capital to be interrogated and stand trial.

We knew, in the end, the mission was nothing more than a ploy to divert our attention. A distraction.

The other shoe would soon drop.

We kept our senses primed for what would come after.


Somewhere Along The Eastern Border. The Land of Fire.



"Inu. Tatsu!"

"Iikkō suru!" Hands came together in a sharp, audible clap. Danzo's chakra churned and the living sacrifice in the centre of the seal array screamed in torment as dust and ash slowly swirled forward to encase their body. The grey mass twisted and moulded their form, altering it, as a skilled potter would wet clay.

Slowly the sacrifice's chakra signature was completely overwritten by another; a stale, musky aura of ages gone past rising to subvert theirs.

"Sensei," Danzo greeted falling to his knees. The two ROOT operatives behind him copied him.

"Lord Second!" they said in chorus.

Tobirama's ashen gaze panned across the assembled Konoha-nin. "...Danzo?" he intoned before glancing down at his decaying body. "Edo Tensei? What have you done, you this unruly disciple?"

"Forgive me, Tobirama-sensei," the withered shinobi replied, his head dipping further in self-reproach. "My hands were forced."

"...What happened? How is the village?"

"The village thrives, Sensei, but I worry for its future." Danzo gestured and one of the ROOT operatives crouched by his side rose and walked forward to pass a scroll to the Second Hokage. Tobirama received it, his gaze erratic as he skimmed through its contents.

"...Uchiha Sasuke," the undead Hokage breathed a moment later.

"The boy's hatred burns pure and true, sensei; unmatched in potency by any in his accursed clan before him… I fear the rise of another Madara. One in a future with no Hashirama to subdue him when he eventually grows unruly."

Tobirama tossed the scroll back to the ROOT operative. "Mangekyō at age six ... Danzo, why is the boy still alive?" the second Hokage asked, pinning his former student with a reproachful glare.

"...My hands were tied," the withered shinobi replied, his head dipping further. "His older brother is loyal, valuable, yet misguided. Overt action on my part would lead to repercussions from him that Konoha would struggle to survive. Hiruzen has grown soft and refuses to see reason; he has made it so that direct intervention on my part is near-impossible for a number of reasons."

Tobirama stared in silence as he mulled over Danzo's words.

"So you used a Jutsu I had explicitly forbidden… to summon me… just to kill an upstart Uchiha brat?"

"I wouldn't be so quick to discount the boy, Sensei," Danzo replied gravely. "Our analysis showed that even crippled as he is, the Uchiha is at least, Jonin-level. He survived an encounter with two S-rank missing-nin, leaving one at the very least incapacitated and only losing an arm in return. If the Yamanakas are to be believed, one of his Mangekyo abilities can completely obliterate a person's soul. To this day, we have no information on what his other eye is capable of; it could be as insidious as the first, or even, worse, for all we know.

"Currently, I have no shinobi on my roster capable of assuring a guaranteed assassination on the boy; one of my best was killed when he was still six. I doubt any single one could be relied upon to complete the task now. Pulling the theoretical minimum number of ninjas required to guarantee the boy's termination from the workforce, regardless of how briefly, would draw Hiruzen's attention and ire. I would prefer to avoid doing that at the moment; there's just too much at stake now to allow infighting to fester."

"...Very well," Tobirama replied moments later. "I will deal with this matter. Your work on this reincarnation is quite shoddy and I am not at full strength, but it should be more than enough to deal with some upstart Uchiha brat regardless of how potent his eyes are. Where is the boy now?"

A small smile graced Danzo's lips. The Septuagenarian gestured to one of his cloaked henchmen who presented a mission scroll, a grey cloak and a featureless white porcelain mask to the Edo Tensei. "I managed to pull some strings and had the boy sent on a roundabout mission to the Land of Wind," Danzo said, as Tobirama received and donned his effects. "He should reach the capital in about three weeks. The details are in the scroll."

"I see. And the Mangekyo?"

"They would prove useful in securing Konoha's future, Tobirama-sensei. Please retrieve them."

"Very well then," the Hokage replied. "I am off."

And the next moment he was gone; not a trace of his presence left behind.



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7 Chapters Ahead!

Inoichi was in a state of perpetual confusion.

He couldn't say he particularly enjoyed the feeling.

One might respond to this by stating it was near-impossible to not encounter situations or subjects, that would seem beyond his understanding in his line of work. And the Yamanaka Patriarch would be hard-pressed to disagree with this sentiment. It was a fact he had learned to grow accustomed to after so many years in service after all.

But Sasuke…

Uchiha Sasuke…

The boy was an anomaly.

A paradox. One that seemed perfectly normal on a surface level but got ever more strange and aberrant the deeper you tried to peer into his life.

Inoichi took a step back from the dense, six-meter-tall evidence wall in front of him. It contained so much yet so little of actual value. Thousands of pictures, snippets of texts, Fūinjutsu seals, maps, and reports littered the wall; more than enough information to detail a normal person's existence to the T. More than enough to give a weaker man an aneurysm. It gave him a headache. A rather throbbing one indeed.

Absolutely nothing about this case made sense.

Powerful computers whirred strenuously in the background, hard at work decoding a cypher that had spent about five years under the scrutiny of Konoha's best. One would assume that the child who devised such a complex, esoteric thing and had shown such prodigious talent in cryptography would be very passionate about it, taking great pride in their craft; yet all the evidence available claimed otherwise. Asides from a single written request to join the Intelligence Division―a request that had been immediately shot down by the council due to security concerns―the boy made no further moves to pursue a career in that regard, treating the entire affair with a rather careless, whimsical attitude.

It would have pacified Inoichi if the boy was the type to be irresolute and willing to give up in the face of the slightest opposition, but, again, evidence claimed otherwise. It was almost as if the boy took one glance at the rejection letter that was delivered to him and decided at that moment they weren't worth his time before promptly forgetting about the matter altogether.

The Yamanaka patriarch shot a glance at the section of the wall detailing the boy's psychological analysis. He disliked miring himself in that segment of their investigation. It was like quicksand, the moment you touch it it seemed to want to swallow you whole. It was the region most populated with inconsistencies and anomalies.

For example, according to the data gathered, Uchiha Sasuke was a friendly, charismatic and personable child who carried himself with a maturity far beyond his age. All good traits to expect from the scion of a noble clan of course, except it just ought not to be. Not in this case at least.

Following the Uchiha massacre, there were widespread expectations for the boy to grow to become a sombre recluse. There were expectations for him to exhibit all the tell-tale signs of psychological scarring. There were expectations for the boy to be unable to form reliable connections with his peers without guidance from a strong figure of authority, one that would aid him along the path of recovery and realignment with Konoha's social doctrine. History had shown that traumatic incidents of the scale he endured were not easily brushed aside and forgotten. But aside from a few weeks of mopery, Konoha witnessed a rebound much unlike anything it has ever seen before.

It was almost as if the boy had forgotten entirely about the misfortune that befell his clan.

That was impossible of course. The boy himself seemed to go out of his way to remind the village about the incident. Everything from elaborate private memorials costing tens of thousands of ryo each to host, to sacred annual visitations to the Naka shrine to offer prayers, to even his dressing―with an insistence to stick with the traditional Uchiha attire rather than the newer fashion sense that most of his generation prefered. The boy was the textbook definition of filial piety. He was the one the other villagers would point to when they scolded their own children for being disrespectful. Or lazy. Or talentless. Or ugly. Or any other number of negative traits.

A role model.

That in itself was odd.

Inoichi sensed someone entering the room.

"Aoba?" he asked, shooting a sideways glance at the newcomer.

"Leader-san, we have succeeded in tracking down Uchiha Sasuke's missing funds," the Tokubetsu Jōnin announced as he came to a stop by the Yamanaka patriarch's side.

Inoichi smiled at the sunglasses-donning shinobi with his spiky, black hair. "Finally! A good lead!" he said. "I take you've already compiled a comprehensive report I can give the council so I can get them off my back?"

"We are working on it, sir," Aoba replied, before adding hesitantly. "Although I doubt the information would prove useful in that regard, sir…"

Inoichi's heart dropped. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"...Apparently, Sasuke donated the entirety of the liquid assets that made up his inheritance to an organisation in the Land of Waves to help rebuild the country shortly after being discharged from the hospital. We have already done our financial analysis and have confirmed that the boy would not be in any way inconvenienced by this donation, so the logic behind the decision checks out; his projected earning from completing his mission assignments should just be enough to keep him buoyant for the foreseeable future. And that's not taking into account any future increase in earnings should he advance up the ranks.

"As for the organisation he donated to, we have tracked it down and begun a preliminary investigation on them. As for what we know now, the organisation is headed by one Jinrui Tanaka, younger brother to another Kaiza Tanaka. The older brother, Kaiza, was a travelling fisherman touring the lands in search of new opportunities when he arrived at the Land of Waves and settled down, marrying one Tsunami Tanaka, then a widowed mother of one and the only child of Tazuna, the architect in charge of constructing the bridge connecting the Land of Waves and Fire.

"Both Kaiza and Tazuna were murdered at the behest of Gato of the Gato company as they were impeding his plot to take over the country. Jinrui arrived sometime after Gato's demise to take responsibility for his deceased brother's new family. There are rumours of the man having an affair with his brother's widow which would explain a lot regarding this particular case, but we've been unable to confirm this. Also, according to what little intel we have on the man he seems to have some shinobi background. Although we couldn't say for certain what his allegiances are, we haven't ruled out the possibility of him being a sleeper agent given background information on the man is seemingly nonexistent.

"Regardless, Jinrui seemed to have taken a keen interest in the welfare of the Land of Waves, having purchased all of Gato's remaining assets, rehired most of the billionaire's essential workforce, and had taken over financing the construction of the bridge that Tazuna died building. To fund this rapid expansion, he had also started an initiative soliciting financial support from the surrounding countries; his men have been spotted all the way east to the Land of Wind requesting aid in any form or manner from anyone who would listen to assist in rebuilding the Land of Waves, although their success would be considered irregular at best."

Inoichi sighed. "Let me guess, Sasuke stumbled upon one of these men soliciting aid, and having personally witnessed the misfortune that befell the Land of Waves decided to donate his family inheritance to their cause. An inheritance which, although impossibly hard to ignore, he just so happened to have no use for at the moment?"

"Yes, leader-san," Aoba nodded grimly. "That would be the case. I personally checked his ANBU handler's logbook for the day this might have occurred and it confirmed that such was the case."

"... So, depending on how we looked at this matter, it could be very suspicious, yet not at all. Ambiguous. Frankly, I would have to be particularly paranoid to believe that a boy who had been beyond the Land of Fire's borders only once had somehow already found contacts reliable enough―in another country―to be trusted with such valuable assets. But, I doubt the council would see reason; they rarely did when it came to matters concerning the boy." Inoichi sighed again. "Preemptively begin an in-depth investigation into this Jinrui fellow. We both know we would be forced to do so anyways, no point pushing the matter to a later date. Also, how are the local lords reacting to these changes?"

"Oh, they love it," Aoba replied, pushing his shade up the bridge of his nose. "Jinrui seems to be really conscious about how he deals with them, always making sure to find a way they benefit from his endeavours, either monetarily wise or just better political clout. They have very little reason to impede him in any way."

Inoichi sighed again. "Please have the full report on my desk before the end of the day."

"Yes, sir!"


Water dripped eerily from the tips of the stalactites hanging from the ceiling above, the tinkling noise of their collision with the stone floor echoing through the silent cavern.

Itachi looked around at the near-transparent silhouette of his fellow Akatsuki members refracting an array of spectral colours, much like a rainbow. Their bodies were distorted and flickered as if receiving electronic interference, and when Pein spoke his voice was altered the same way.

"It's been seven years since we all gathered like this," the Rinnegan-bearing spectre intoned. "Orochimaru is still a nuisance and we've lost another member. Itachi… you failed … Should we be concerned about your little brother?"

"No," Itachi replied calmly. "He caught us by surprise, that's all."

"He killed Kisame," Konan interjected.

"...He is my brother and is apparently more talented than I am. That shouldn't be too surprising, no?"

No one spoke.

"You need not worry about the boy; it is me he wants dead. Besides, I crippled him before Konoha's ANBU could intervene. I doubt he would prove troublesome for a while yet."

"Orochimaru is after the boy's eyes; should he acquire them he might prove himself a nuisance to our plans."

"I doubt Orochimaru can handle Sasuke even as he is now―"

"You seem awfully defensive of this brother of your's Itachi," Kakuza interrupted in an entirely offhanded manner. "Is there something you aren't telling us?"

"Stop this," Pein ordered before Itachi could reply. "We'll kill Orochimaru eventually. And should this Sasuke boy prove to be troublesome we will kill him too. We have other things to worry about other than those two. There are only three years left for us to bring order and peace to the shinobi world. Asides from Itachi who is now short a partner, I want to believe everyone else can accomplish the task required of them... Good. Then, you are all dismissed. As for you Itachi, I would find a replacement to find Kisame's role; please try not to get them killed again..."

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7 Chapters Ahead!
He seriously used Edo-tensei to revive Tobirama. There is no way I can guess what will happen But I foresee ton of destruction. The Daimio will not be happy that his city is in rubble.
031 - Kidnapped
031 - Kidnapped

We pulled our scarf tighter around our face in an instinctual bid to keep the worse of the dust out of our nostrils. The air shimmered with heat, carrying a dry, arid breeze through the city. Under the scorching summer sun, the capital gleamed, its towering sandstone structures bearing polished, pitted scars birthed from braving the relentless sandstorms that haunted the region.

For a city where it was hard to get anything done without getting dirt in your eyes, mouth, or up your nostrils, it was quite busy. Not that much dissimilar to the Land of Fire in that regard, in fact. The marketplace was alive with vibrant colours and energetic chatter. Traders from all walks of life displayed their wares, enticing passersby with an array of goods. The scent of exotic spices wafted through the air, blending with the fragrant aroma of freshly brewed tea.

Who would drink tea in such horrid weather, we could not fathom. But apparently, a lot of people did in the Land of Wind if one went by the number of peddlers plying the trade by the roadside.

Citizens, dressed in light, flowing garments meandered through the streets. We winked at a gaggle of young women ran past us, their alluring laughter echoing like tinkling bells in a silent cavern; their faces adorned with broad smiles and tanned, sand-dusted cheeks. Some carried flavoured shaved ice, while others clutched colourful fans, using them to ward off the heat and hide their blushing faces as the group frolicked out of sight. A group of street performers gathered near the town square, their instruments at the ready. The melodic strumming of a shamisen intertwined with the rhythmic beat of drums to create a lively atmosphere. A small crowd had formed around them, clapping and swaying to the music.

We shot a side glance at our teammates as we paid for a scoop of shaved ice before coating the pineapple-flavoured treat with a layer of chakra in a bid to keep the worse of the swirling dirt out. Despite the package drop-off going off without a hitch―concluding that rather annoying capture mission―they still hadn't loosened up in the slightest.

Not that their discomfort bothered us in any meaningful manner. It was still a hassle to deal with a bunch of skittish shinobi for the duration of our return to Konoha.

The city peeled off behind us as we made our way east, down a dirt trail towards the border. We were still about a week away if we continued at our current pace, and another two or three before we reached Konoha. But that was fine; we were in no hurry to return to the village.

It was then, as we were walking along, eating our pineapple-flavoured shaved ice, and minding our own business―whilst inwardly plotting Konoha's downfall―with our skittish teammates in tow that we saw him. The cloaked fellow―obviously a shinobi―sat on a rock by the roadside, seemingly waiting for someone. Our guard rose as we bit into the icy treat in our hand; he was clearly skilled. Very much so, in fact. We hadn't sensed him until he was just a few dozen meters away. A fact alone that instantly placed him leagues above the common rabble we were used to dealing with.

"Are you… Uchiha Sasuke?" the masked man asked foolishly.

We tilted our head in curiosity. "No."

"...Funny," the fellow declared, unamused, after a momentary pause. Behind us, Might Guy grew tense. His posture subtly changed as he flickered to stand beside us.

"Who are you?" the Jonin asked.

"It doesn't matter, young one," the masked fellow said. "I am gladdened to see the Will of Fire burning strongly in you, but it saddens me more to see you fighting beside this accursed child."

"I will not ask again," Might Guy replied, his expression turning sombre. "Who. Are. You?"

Strangely enough, the masked fellow sighed in response. It was a wistful thing.

"You need not think too deeply into this matter, child," he said. "I will be taking the Uchiha boy off your hands. You should be grateful. Or you could try to stop me but I doubt you would see much success at that. Enough chit-chat. Genjutsu: Bringer-of-Darkness!"

We sensed the unexpected(entirely expected) assault take hold in the Might Guy's Chakra network. The Jonin raised both his arms defensively, desperately trying to dispel the illusionary technique to no avail.

With our team lead effectively neutralised we felt our assailant's attention settle fully on us. His right hand blurred and a kunai shot towards our temple. We leaned our head slightly to the side, letting the projectile shoot past harmlessly without taking our crimson gaze off the strange shinobi. But then, the strangest thing happened.

He disappeared.

Before we could blink we sensed our assailant's presence reappear behind us as well as the churning of an alarming quantity of chakra.

Teleportation? We thought to ourself. Now that's cheating…

"Water Style: Water Prison Jutsu!"

Chakra flooded our brains and sensory organs as we desperately attempted to reacquire battlespace awareness. Reality stalled as time slowed nearly to a halt. We could sense everything going on around us with supernatural clarity. We could acutely feel the air pushing back against our skin as we attempted to flicker away.

We could also acutely see, in the periphery of our vision, tendrils of conjured water slowly, but inevitably, overtaking us, crisscrossing as they positioned themselves directly in our path to cut off our escape route. The heightened sensation of pain we suffered from slamming into the wall of water forced us back into the moment.

We blinked as the rippling sphere of water around us smoothened out, growing denser―heavier―as it was further infused with chakra. Our breathing grew difficult and our movements were restricted. Trapped.

Our gaze flickered towards our other two teammates who stood uselessly, staring at our captor in shock. The worthless lot couldn't be depended on, we decided immediately, our neurons firing as we calculated the optimal counter to our assailant's move.

But, apparently, the masked shinobi wasn't done yet.

"Flying Thunder God Jutsu," he whispered.

Abruptly, the terrain changed and our teammates were nowhere in sight. We were now by some beachside not dissimilar to the ones we saw back at the Land of Waves. The soothing noise of rustling mangroves and thrashing waves rode on the ocean winds. Even through our prison, we could taste the traces of salt in the possibly moist air.

We were definitely nowhere near the desert lands of Wind Country.

Still, to be certain, we reached out as far as we could with our perception whilst trapped inside the sphere of super-dense water, but we could not find our teammates anywhere. Our captor had teleported us; conveniently out of sight of the spies Konoha had attached to us…

"Don't bother," the still unnamed shinobi commented blandly, confirming our suspicions. "We are no longer in the Land of Wind."

And if that wasn't a tactical blunder we honestly did not know what was…

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7 Chapters Ahead!
032 - You shouldn't have done that, Tobirama…
032 - You shouldn't have done that, Tobirama…

"Don't bother," Tobirama said calmly to the Uchiha spawn. "We are no longer in the Land of Wind."

Eerily enough, the chunin simply glanced up at him, seemingly unconcerned about being captured and separated from the rest of his team. Tobirama subconsciously shifted his gaze to avoid directly meeting the boy's crimson ones, instead focusing on his pale cheeks below; decades of battling against the accursed Uchiha had engrained this instinct too deeply in his psyche for him to forget even after death.

For to adapt is to survive after all.

The Uchiha had forced me to adapt.

"Any last words, Sasuke?" Tobirama asked the child as he formed a chakra scalpel in his free hand. It was the least he could do before ending the boy's existence. Surely, it was unfortunate a prodigious shinobi this young had to die under such circumstances, but the Second Hokage was not about to risk the future of his brother's heritage out of mere sentimentality.

In response to his question, the young Uchiha simply shrugged, appearing nonchalant in the face of his imminent demise. The boy made no overt moves to escape from his imprisonment.


Tobirama sighed, discarding the passing thought of dispelling the restraining technique that held the boy before killing him. He would rather not risk things getting any more complicated than they ought to be. His arm blurred forward, punching through the water sphere towards the boy's chest. The chakra scalpel squirming within Tobirama's palm pierced Sasuke's heart, clouding the water sphere that imprisoned him crimson with blood.

Tobirama blinked as he stared at his severed arm floating within the bloody sphere of water. The scheming child stared back at him defiantly, his left hand deathly pale as it tightly gripped the Tanto with which he struck him. The Hokage withdrew what was left of his arm, staring at it with unbridled curiosity.

"...What sort of boundless hatred would drive a child to concoct a poison as sinister as this?" Tobirama asked as he examined the wicked bane smeared on his severed arm. His gaze flickered towards the envenomed blade in the boy's hand. It was at that moment a discomforting thought surfaced in his mind.

Had I been truly alive, this boy, still wet behind the ears, would have killed me…

"...All things considered, that was an outstanding attempt at mutual murder, Uchiha Sasuke," Tobirama mused, "Colour me impressed." The Hokage was starting to see what had his student so worked up. This Uchiha boy would surely have grown to become a true menace had he been left to his devices.

Tobirama shook his head in disappointment. Had the boy been born Senju, or at least, truly loyal to the leaf, Konoha's future would have at the very least been significantly more secure. But, alas, he was not.

What a waste…

The Senju sighed as he let the Water Prison Jutsu dispel, the dense, crimson liquid splashing on the beach sand as it deposited the boy's limp corpse on the floor. He bent over, reaching to pluck the Uchiha's Dōjutsu from his cooling cadaver when a poisoned blade stabbed him through the face.

Tobirama blinked again as his split porcelain mask slowly fell away to reveal his gobsmacked expression. The Hokage didn't dare look down; as in the periphery of his vision, he sensed two crimson orbs staring at him, goading him to peer into their infernal depths.

Taunting him.

Tobirama's arm blurred, aiming to obliterate the bones in the Uchiha's sole functioning arm. The counterattack tore through with ease—excessive ease—seemingly phasing through its target.

An afterimage.

The Hokage looked up at the child who, for the second time today, had succeeded in landing a lethal attack on his person. True, he was nowhere near his peak strength given the shoddy reincarnation his student performed to bring him back, but still. Twice?

It was starting to get embarrassing.

Tobirama stared at the Uchiha standing across from him, causally restarting his heart. Although the organ was located several inches away from the position expected in any normal human—beneath the right lung of all things—the Hokage could still easily tell what it was. Life returned to the boy's aura and the mask of death slowly slid off. The inch-long gash in his chest remained open, but the blood flow had clearly stopped.

For all intents and purposes, the boy was mostly unharmed.

"Lord Second," the Uchiha said, speaking for the second time since their admittedly violent interaction began. "And to what do I owe this honour?"

Tobirama squinted suspiciously. The scheming child was clearly trying to buy time., but unfortunately for him, he had no intention of letting him do so.

A barrage of kunai shot from Tobirama's grasp.

Sasuke caught one, dodging the rest.

Tobirama pulled on the captured projectile with his intent and appeared in front of the boy, his fist shooting towards his skull.

Sasuke's chakra churned, cold and aberrant, and the inert network of barrier tags that lay hidden beneath the loose beach sand in front of him suddenly flared to life with a blinding intensity. A forest of animated kanji sprung out of the dirt beneath Tobirama, attempting to latch onto his body and seal him away.

Tobirama pulled on one of the still airborne projectiles behind the boy, reappearing a few meters away, dodging the trap. Before his feet even touched the ground, another barrage of kunai shot from his grasp towards the boy's back. The mass of projectiles struck home and Sasuke exploded in a puff of white smoke.

A Shadow Clone.

Tobirama paused his, eyes flickering erratically in search of the missing child. He sensed a fist shooting towards his skull from behind, leaning forward to let it sail over his head. His right hand shot out to catch the boy's left ankle.

Sasuke responded by locking the offending arm in a tackle with his other feet before retaliating with a palm strike to the face. Tobirama caught the counterattack with his other hand, neutralising it.

Tobirama smiled as he held the boy's entire body weight in both his arms. He heaved in preparation to brutally bodyslam him into the floor. The boy smiled as well, an expression that significantly confused the Kage.

"Lend me a hand, would you, Hokage-sama," Sasuke said, forcibly puppeteering Tobirama's left hand to weave a series of hand signs with his sole functioning one. The boy's body suddenly turned soft, his bones disjointed, allowing him to slip out of Tobirama's hold before leaping away using the larger man's chest as a kickboard.

Airborne, Sasuke turned to face his foe, inhaling deeply before exhaling a literal sea of flames.

"Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation!"

Tobirama's hand blurred through a series of seals before he too inhaled, gathering chakra in his core.

"Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave!"

A great volume of water spewed forth from the Hokage's mouth, advancing as a torrential surge towards the incoming sea of flames. The two masses collided explosively to release another mass of superheated steam that irreversibly altered the surrounding ecosystem.

Tobirama stood vigilantly as the resultant tempest whipped coarse beach sand violently into his grey, lifeless eyes. He surveyed the damage wrought on the beach by both their techniques and came to a resolute conclusion.

Uchiha Sasuke must not be allowed to leave this place alive!

His intent heaved, teleporting him to the technique formula he placed on the child just moments ago during their impromptu grapple.

The Uchiha was waiting for him.

Tobirama's gaze panned down to the mass of shadows attached to his own. He made sure it stayed there. Sasuke tried to force him to gaze into his eyes. Tobirama grunted as he resisted. Defiant. He tried to dispel the restraining technique with raw power, but the boy held fast. Unyielding.

No matter, The Kage shrugged internally as he pulled on his chakra pool, he is close enough.

"Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags!"

For a moment, everything went still. In that same moment, grim realisation dawned on Sasuke; even without seeing his expression, it was glaringly obvious from how frantically he tried to flee the scene.

It was too late though.

His fate was already set in stone.





…Tobirama reformed eyes blinked open.

He forced his reformed upper half, resting against the curvature of the crater he now found himself in to sit up. Acrid smoke and dust swirled chaotically in the air. The dirt beneath smouldered, crackling noisily as it slowly cooled from its superheated state.

Surely, the boy is dead now?

The micro-debris suspended in the air slowly cleared to reveal an ephemeral silhouette towering in the distance. Four skeletal wings extended from its back, curling over the shoulders and two more laid curled on the chest. Six skeletal arms extended from the torso, four of which rested on the floor palm first. The other two languidly stretched out to the side. And crowning this abomination were three fused heads; each distinctive in its own way. The first was a simple human skull with three pairs of skeletal wings extending from where the ears ought to be and curling regally around the head like a crown. The second had a flat, featureless face—like a board—with six darkened magatamas carved into it.

The third was…


Tobirama felt his very soul hurt the longer he stared at it. He looked away, the name of the incomplete technique rising, unbidden, in his mind.


Yūbu no Aragami

The Tempestuous God of Valour

His gaze descended to focus on the Uchiha within. The boy knelt beneath the protective umbrella of his technique, his left side, including a portion of his face, as well as a significant portion of his kimono, horribly burnt away.

"You shouldn't have done that, Tobirama," the… thing said hoarsely as it glared malevolently at the Tobirama.

In response, the Kage pulled with his intent, letting his technique drag him back to Konoha. Hiruzen stood abruptly, staring at him in shock, but he ignored him. The Second Hokage's eyes were frantic, a hint of horror hidden within them.

There was no doubt in his mind that had he stayed a moment longer his very soul would have the rest of all eternity to bemoan his foolishness.

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7 Chapters Ahead!
034 - A Facade Torn
034 - A Facade Torn

Kakashi groaned as his consciousness gradually returned to him. He felt his body ache all over. His head hurt, a throbbing pain inflaming the front of his brain. His muscles and bones felt weak. Soft.

"Right on cue. You are finally awake," a feminine voice drawled by his side. The Jonin blinked, turning slightly to regard the woman.

"...Tsunade-hime?" he mumbled, confused. "You are here?"

"How can I not be here?" the Senju princess grumbled. "I still cannot believe those old farts sicced that annoying duo on me. The audacity!"




Kakashi winced. He glanced at the hospital door that had been violently tossed open to stare at Naruto standing glumly at the entrance, a stupid grin plastered on his face. The self-indulgent expression promptly vanished as Sakura's clenched fist came crashing into the back of his skull. Tsunade appeared behind the boy a moment later, tugging him up into the air by the left ear.

"ARE YOU STUPID?!" the two females screeched simultaneously. Kakashi winced again at the noise. He had the ominous premonition that the duo would get along swimmingly well. A fact that didn't bode well for his impulsive pupil no matter how one looked at it.


It took about three minutes for the two shrews to loudly properly engrave the importance of subtlety in the hospital on Naruto's dense, walnut-like brain. Kakashi watched the entire procedure with a hint of horrid fascination, subconsciously reaffirming his decision to keep his interaction with real-life women to a solely professional level. Soon, the boisterous crew fell silent and Kakashi could finally ask the question that had been burning at the back of his mind since his awakening.

"...Where is Sasuke?"

"Oh," Sakura replied, "I heard he went on a mission with Team Guy to the Land of Stone. He should be back in a few weeks."

"Sasuke?" Tsunade interrupted before Kakashi could comment on the news. She turned to face him, her expression pensive. "You mean the kid who knocked you out? Kakashi, you know, getting all battered up by a chunin still wet behind the ears is pretty embarrassing. I thought you were a natural. Guess I was wrong."

At that, everyone turned to look at the blonde woman.

"What do you mean, Tsunade-hime?" The Jonin asked, confused.

"...Wasn't it this Sasuke boy that knocked you out with his ocular technique?"

"No!" Kakashi replied. "Why would my student attack me?"

"Sasuke would never do that!" Sakura exclaimed, quick to defend her knight in shining armour. Even Naruto snorted in disbelief, muttering a disgruntled "as if" under his breath as he dismissed the claim.

The Senju Princess looked around, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. "I think you need to speak with the Hokage," she said.



Sarutobi massaged his forehead in an effort to keep the migraine forming in his skull away, albeit with little success.

"You mean to say, everything in Sasuke's report of the incident was correct?" he asked.

"Yes, Hokage-sama," replied Kakashi. The Jonin, just out of the hospital, stood before him leaning on a pair of crutches. "Sasuke was much faster than I was, so I arrived a bit late to the battle. By the time I arrived, mere seconds behind him, one of the missing-nin, whom I identified as Kisame Hoshigaki, was already dead. Itachi had also retaliated at that point as Sasuke had already lost an arm by the time I saw him again. The appendage was on the forest floor, burning in a strange black flame; I think the boy severed his arm himself the moment he realised he couldn't put the flames out. In my haste to aid him, I attacked Itachi but missed—most probably due to a Genjutsu—before promptly falling victim to older Uchiha's counterattack."

"...So, you mean to say that Sasuke sensed the interlopers before you did?" Homura asked, his eyes squinting in suspicion.


Sarutobi's brain throbbed harder.

That explains everything, he thought, comprehension blooming in his mind. The lack of valuable information on the boy, his refusal to disclose more about the incident and even the obvious distrust he has towards the council. With sensory skills that potent there was no way he couldn't have known we were spying on him!

Sarutobi shared stiff glances at his fellow councilmen, the tell-tale signs of realisation glinting in their eyes.

"Sasuke failed to report that the second interloper was Kisame Hoshigaki," Sarutobi continued with a tired sigh, his head throbbing harder, "With what you have just said, you are insinuating that the chunin killed an S-rank missing-nin, one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, in a mere handful of seconds? Is that correct?"

Kakashi's eyes widened in sudden realisation. "...Yes?" he replied hesitantly as if he too couldn't believe what just came out of his mouth.

"Bullshit!" Shikaku growled. "Kakashi's mind has clearly been tampered with by that brat! If he could play around with my son's brain with such impunity, I fail to see how his sensei would be exempt from such treatment."

"I recently just performed an extensive medical procedure on Kakashi's psyche," Tsunade interrupted, her eyes still fixated on her granduncle's undead form. "I noticed no signs of psychological tampering."

"I myself took the liberty of checking Kakashi's mind when you reported discovering mental tampering in your son," Inoichi added. "I assure you, there were no signs of mental tampering."

"...What would you say the boy's attitude towards Konoha was, Kakashi?" Tobirama asked, his gravelly voice cutting through the silence that followed Inoichi's report.

"...Neutral, Second Hokage-sama," Kakashi replied after a moment of thought. "He dealt with all his responsibilities with the competence expected of him."

The Jonin visibly paused after saying that.

Epiphany glittered in his gaze.

"...He dealt with all his responsibilities with just the right amount of competence expected of him."

"Had his brother not appeared, pushing him to act… irrationally," Danzo continued, the Jonin's sudden epiphany seemingly infecting him, "we would have never known what he was truly capable of! I knew it! The evil thing—"

"Oh, for Kami's sake, SHUT UP!"

Everyone turned to look at him in shock, but Sarutobi couldn't care less at this point.

"I had warned you," he began, "time and again, without number, to leave this boy alone. Seven years ago, I explicitly told you that SASUKE WAS TO REMAIN UNTOUCHED! I had you removed from this very council as a warning! But, did you listen? NO! You just had to disregard my words! Now look at what you've done! LOOK!"

"Sarutobi, please calm—"

"NO! No, Koharu! Enough is enough! Raidō! Genma!" Sarutobi called, the two appearing before him in an instant. The Hokage sighed, deflating under the weight of his anger.

"..arrest him."

It hurt him to give the order but it had to be done, lest his friend pushed this matter further down the path of no return.


Sarutobi looked up to meet the gaze of his deceased mentor.

"Calm yourself," Tobirama said. "Now is not the time for infighting. Instead, we should be looking for a way to resolve this matter. Permanently. This boy, who now without a doubt bears a grudge against the village, effectively killed me three times."

Sarutobi's heart shook, his migraine rising by another level.


"Although I admit that Danzo did a shoddy job with my resurrection, I still possess, at least, forty per cent of my peak strength. Combine that with my infinitely replenishing chakra reserves and immortal body, and the fact that I was killed three times in a span of fifteen minutes ought to speak leagues of this child's potential. In fact, towards the end of the battle, I had no doubt in my mind that he possessed another ability, aside from his Mangekyo, with which he could permanently eliminate me. That was why I fled that battle; I couldn't afford to let myself get killed with the information I possessed."

"...Why would my student want to kill you, Second Hokage-sama?" Kakashi asked, baffled.

"He was able to match my speed during our battle," Tobirama continued, ignoring the Jonin's question. "Despite being down one arm, he was able to contend with me in Taijutsu. He also possessed an extreme mastery of one-handed seal weaving, fire release, Fūinjutsu, battlespace control, and tactical timing. His fighting style, if described in one word, would be surgical. Also, he has awakened another one of the Uchiha's signature techniques. The Susanoo. I believe, without a doubt, that his iteration of the technique could permanently eliminate me in my current form.

"If I was to rate the boy on the bingo book's threat scale, I would advise, at the bare minimum, S-rank."

Ominous silence.

Sarutobi exhaled as he leaned back into his seat. At that moment, he appeared to have aged another decade.

The Third Hokage sighed again, feeling a sense of profound disorientation.

Somehow, without him even noticing, everything had gone terribly, terribly wrong.

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7 Chapters Ahead!
...Just realised I uploaded the wrong chapter.

Ai... I'm so stupid sometimes. Anyways thankfully these two can be interchanged easily, so it shouldn't affect you guys too much. Chp 33 will be uploaded next, then 35. I will rearrange it later.