SASUKE: The Fanfiction

Whenever I picture Sasuke in my head, all I can imagine is just Sasuke, not looking gloomy or pissed like he normally is, but deadly calm, all the time, his eyes totally unreadable and blank, but there is soul behind them none the less. But he just gives off the feeling that he is something pretending to be human, his motions fluid in ways humans normally aren't able to achieve, or very robotic when not actively moving or fighting. The image that comes to my head is that, but with his head slightly tilted in a kind of alien curiosity.
Whenever I picture Sasuke in my head, all I can imagine is just Sasuke, not looking gloomy or pissed like he normally is, but deadly calm, all the time, his eyes totally unreadable and blank, but there is soul behind them none the less. But he just gives off the feeling that he is something pretending to be human, his motions fluid in ways humans normally aren't able to achieve, or very robotic when not actively moving or fighting. The image that comes to my head is that, but with his head slightly tilted in a kind of alien curiosity.
I am gonna borrow these lines for the chapter I am currently writing if you don't mind. Thank you.
015 - Phase Two {PT. II}
015 - Phase Two {PT. II}

"He is perfect," came the thought, unbidden, in the Sannin's mind. The boy sat on a tree bough, legs crossed at the ankles as they dangled freely in the air beneath him. Relaxed. Silken black hair rippled with a mild gust of air travelling through the forest canopy. The immaculately cared-for mane briefly concealed the left side of his face before receding, exposing his half-lidded onyx gaze once more.

"...You want me?" the Uchiha asked, raising one sculpted brow inquisitively. "I want to assume you meant that in an entirely non-sexual way, but your tone leads me to believe otherwise."

"Ha!" he even has a sense of humour, much unlike that daemonic brother of his. Orochimaru liked him even more now. He smiled in a purposefully misleading manner, but the boy's gaze belied nothing. Cold and emotionless, with all the compassion of a veritable force of nature.

"I take you have no interest in this humble castle of mine," he said gesturing towards the little hut behind him.

Orochimaru smiled. "What makes you think that, Sasuke-kun?"

"None have you made any attempts to neutralise my teammates, or at least hold them hostage, yet. You don't seem fools; had the hut been your target, I doubt you would have left them unmolested."

"...You don't seem like you want to win either," the snake sannin replied. "Leaving weak links defenceless like that is an easy way to get eliminated you know."

The boy shook his head. "Had you gone for them you would be dead already," he declared with all the intensity of one commenting about the weather.

Orochimaru's smile widened.

"Beating about the bush like this gets tiring," Sasuke continued, brushing a strand of hair behind his right ear. "You want something, speak; if I deem it worth my time we might as well come to an agreement quickly. If not, I would rather dispose of you lot before you prove yourself a nuisance."

"He is so perfect."

"Very well then, but courtesy demands a proper introduction, does it not?" Orochimaru replied reaching for the skin mask on his face. Slowly, he ripped the disguise off, his fingers digging furrows through the mask. Sasuke watched, his left brow quirked in an expression of blatant curiosity. The snake sannin tossed aside the disguise, letting it fall to the forest floor as he shook his equally lustrous mane loose.

The Uchiha murmured something under his breath, recognition flickering in his gaze as he reached into the pouch by his waist. He pulled out a bingo book the next moment, flipping through it with practised ease.

"Orochimaru," he drawled, expressionless. "Hmm… I wonder what an S-rank missing-nin from Konohagakure wants with little old me."

The Sannin giggled with a hissing lilt.



Sakura bit her lip as she heard a pair of footsteps thud on the forest floor outside. Her heartbeat spiked. She reached for a kunai in her pouch, holding it in a reverse grip as she placed herself between the still-unconscious Naruto and the entrance.

"It's me Sakura," came Sasuke's voice from outside the shelter. Subconsciously she relaxed upon hearing his voice. The next moment, however, her heartbeat spiked again, her face flushing red as her mind fully registered that her beloved had returned. "Come outside,' he called, his tone silken as it always was.

"I-I am coming," she replied, her bones seemingly going soft as she rose to her feet. She crawled out of the shelter and something whizzed past the side of her face, striking the fallen tree trunk behind her with a dull thud. Her head whipped around towards the object and her eyes widened as she realised it was a kunai.

And attached to the hilt was an explosive tag, one end already lit and primed to go off.

Her heart dropped and her face grew pale in horror. At that moment, she saw her entire life flash before her eyes. Then a soft hand came to rest on her shoulder, freeing her of the Genjutsu.

"So careless," whispered that sweet countertenor voice of his. Sakura swivelled on the sole of her feet, glancing upward to meet the taller boy's stern gaze. Sasuke reached for her chin. She shivered as she felt his thumb caress the side of her cheek. The finger came away bloody and only then did she notice she suffered a cut on the side of her face.

He hurt me, she realised. He must be very angry with me.

"Heal it," Sasuke ordered. She shivered again, a fuzziness budding in her chest as she brought her palm to her cheek. Her fingers glowed a light green as she traced it over the cut, closing it.

Sasuke's expressionless gaze remained fixed on her as he pulled at the skin. "You are still wasting too much chakra," he said. "You are not practising enough."

"...I am sorry," Sakura whispered. She caught herself before she could subconsciously lean into his palm. It was so soft. Still, to her utmost displeasure, the hand came away.

"Naruto is still asleep?" Sasuke asked conversationally. He probably already knew the answer and just was trying to make small talk. That was just how things were; he always knew things even when there was no possible explanation as to why he knew those things. Sakura didn't mind though. Just another thing to love about him.

"Yes," Sakura replied. "T-the castle?"

"It's secure."

"...What do we do now?"

"We wait." Saying that Sasuke retreated into their shelter. Her eyes tracked him as he left, unblinking. Sakura was not sure, but he seemed to be in a good mood. Though, one never could tell with him.

Hopefully, he was. He might let her cuddle with him again if he was.

That would make today just perfect.
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016 - Phase Two {PT. III}
016 - Phase Two {PT. III}

Shikamaru grew uneasy as he stopped underneath one particularly large tree. He didn't know why, he just did.

"Is it here?" Ino whispered to him, crouching by his side. He glanced at the map in his hand before confirming with the hidden message he found in their mission scroll. "I hope so," he replied. "It would be such a drag if we came all this way and my hunch ended up being a dud."

"It better not," the fatso, Choji, said, his cheeks bloated as he chewed on a few handfuls of chips. "The first clue is a three-hour hike west from here. If this isn't one of the castles we probably would not be able to catch up with the other teams."

"We'll be fine," said Ino, ever the optimist. Shikamaru didn't share her enthusiasm though. Being who he was, the consequences of them failing here remained at the forefront of his mind. Ino leapt forward, he and Choji fast on her heels as they scaled the tree. It wasn't long until they found their target; a tiny treehouse hanging underneath a rather large bough.

"We found it!" Ino exclaimed, pumping her fist in celebration. "Ok, here's the plan. Once we are done surveying this area we will—"

*tuk* *tuk* *tuk* *tuk* *tuk*

A rain of senbon needles perforated the branch on which they stood just moments ago.

"Hehe! It's as you suspected, leader-san. These twerps were indeed up to something!"

Shikamaru caught himself on a nearby tree, skidding to a stop as he turned to face the attackers. Three Ame-nin materialised out of the forest brush. They wore black skinsuits underneath elaborate raincoats; two of the three shinobis had oddly shaped, wide-brimmed hats on their heads and pressurised tanks strapped over their shoulders. All three had multiple umbrellas strapped to their backs. Shikamaru would have found the sight comical had he not been so frightened by their sudden appearance.

"I still can't believe they led us right to one of the castles," said the shortest of the bunch. "To think passing this year's chunin exams would be so easy!"

Shikamaru glanced at his team. Nobody was hurt so far, but he couldn't guarantee things would remain so shortly. They were obviously outclassed. They needed to retreat. Immediately.

"...So, running away seems like a good plan, no?" Choji whispered, furiously chewing away at his chips. "If we fight these guys we're going to get creamed… We can try to find another team. A weaker one. If we can beat them and take their mission scroll, the coordinates for another castle might be hidden inside."

"How can we pick off any weaklings if they aren't any?" Ino furiously whispered back. "Have you seen the other teams? They will rip us apart if we tried to take their scrolls!"

"...Well, besides Naruto's team of course."

"What are you talking about, you idiot? Naruto and Sakura are total losers, true, but they are teamed up with Sasuke. SASUKE!"

"...She does have a point," Shikamaru chipped in, his gaze fixated on the Ame-nin.

"Oi! What are you losers whispering about?" asked the opposing cell's midget.

"You can have it!" Shikamaru shouted back. "The castle! We won't fight you for it if you promise not to come after us!"

"Whatever! Get lost losers!"

Shikamaru exhaled as they retreated. "...Ai. What a plan in the neck."

"What now?" Ino asked.

"We could still try to find weaklings we could steal another scroll from?"

Shikamaru scoffed inwardly. I doubt we would find anyone weaker than us though


The Nara scion froze. His eyes flickered to meet his teammates' equally terrified ones. The screaming behind them suddenly cut off and the feeling of dread running down his spine intensified suddenly.

"Oh," came a familiar voice from behind him. Shikamaru slowly turned around to meet a pair of equally familiar onyx eyes. Sasuke's gaze was half-lidded—sleepy—as he observed them. A moment passed and the last Uchiha blinked as if finally recognising them. The dread rocking his body receded and Shikamaru gasped, suddenly realising he had been holding his breath.

"You guys should be more careful," the monster-in-human-skin said. "Especially you, Ino. You know I would hate to hear something bad happened to you."

The blonde nodded. For once her face was not flushed red as her 'idol' addressed her. She looked a little pale. Frightened. Shikamaru said nothing, watching as the Uchiha tossed something towards him. His hands moved of their own accord to catch it. A scroll.

A mission scroll.

"I assume since you guys found this place so quickly you must have found the message hidden in your mission scroll?"

Shikamaru nodded mechanically in response.

"Good. That belongs to the team in the back there… Or it did, I guess. Whatever. The scroll contains the coordinates to another castle four hours northeast of here. I believe you guys should have no problem finding it on your own?"

Shikamaru shook his head. Mute.

"Good. I will be heading back now. Stay safe." And with those words, the Uchiha disappeared.

"...Scary," Choji muttered, for once not chewing on something. Shikamaru wasn't hard-pressed to disagree with him. Neither was Ino for that matter.


We flickered back to our camp to find Sakura still asleep and Naruto chewing on the last of the spit-roasted fish we made earlier.

"That was supposed to last all three of us for the rest of the day, Naruto," we tell the boy in passing as we returned to our sleeping bag. Preparing the rations was a hassle given it had to be done far enough from camp to throw off possible trackers. And without a thought, our blonde, gluttonous fool here consumed everything in one sitting.

"I was starving!" came the predicted response. We sighed as we made a mental note to make enough to last three weeks on our next run; even Naruto could not eat much… we hope. Pulling the warm fabric over our shoulders we let our mind lull into a state of semi-consciousness. After all, unlike our previous existence, our body's physiology remained human. We needed rest; there was only so long we could stay awake before our grey matter started to sustain irreparable damage. We would rather not learn firsthand how said damage affected our capacity to achieve our prime objective.

We awoke two hours later, lobbing an orb of water at the campfire Naruto just created in blatant disregard of our prior warnings, before immediately going back to sleep. In the haze of unconsciousness, we heard the boy squawk in indignation as a small cloud of steam and acrid smoke rushed up to his face. We promptly ignored him.

It wasn't until another three hours that we awoke. It was already dawn and Sakura was still asleep. A clone of Naruto sat at the exit playing a game of tic-tac-toe with another clone. At the back of our shelter, another clone sat doodling something on the mudwall we created to seal off the exit.

We reached outwards with our senses and found the original in a taijutsu spar with a clone. We ignored the two, sending our perception further in search of interlopers. There were none. It wasn't until the sixth day that we got our next visitors. A shinobi trio from Otogakure. At the end of that day, we had two more teams visit, one of whom was Konoha-nin. Team eight. We sent them away with the coordinates to another castle towards the south. They were the last.

The time for the exam eventually elapsed and a chunin-ranked proctor—Iruka from the academy, surprisingly—arrived via a summoning seal engraved on a plaque in the treehouse to congratulate us. We ignored the drivel he was tasked with feeding us, waiting until he deemed it time for us to return. A reverse-summoning later and we were back at the academy.

There we found the Hokage waiting for us.
So, did SASUKE accept Orochimaru's Evil Hickey?
They didn't fight, so they either came to an agreement, or are going to meet ata a later date.
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017 - The Final Exam {PT. I}
017 - The Final Exam {PT. I}

We looked around the hall at the assembled figures. Asides from our Jonin-sensei, the proctors and a handful of foreign Jonins, there were only three other teams in the hall asides from ours.

"Oi," Kakashi called to us as we made our way towards the centre of the hall where the other Genin were gathered. The Jonin made a beeline towards us. "You guys did good," he said

"Eh! It was easy!" Naruto scoffed, pouting as he folded his arms in a disgruntled manner. "Boring! After Sasuke found our castle on the first day we had nothing else to do until Iruka-sensei arrived to take us away!"

"Really?" the silver-haired shinobi asked as he turned to face us, one brow raised inquisitively.

We ignored him.

"...Kakashi-sensei, what happened to the other teams?" Sakura asked. "I thought there were meant to be eight teams at the end of this exam?"

"The other territories were still being contested when the allocated time elapsed, so they were disqualified."

"...But nothing in the rules made any mention of that." the girl said, confused.

"They did, just not directly. Remember rule number one?"

"Oh. Yes. Any team not in possession of a castle at the end of the exam is disqualified."

"Exactly. Besides, one of the goals of the exam is to test your abilities to remain within a mission's stated parameters. The inability to maintain total control of the designated target goes contrary to this."

We guessed as much, but apparently, that needed to be spelt out for our teammates; we even suspected Naruto was still somewhat confused despite the explanation. Kakashi said a bit more before departing to join the other Jonin at the side of the hall. We didn't say a word to him throughout. The fact seemed to make him uneasy. At that moment the Hokage made his way towards the podium in front.

"Congratulations to you all," he began, "on passing the second exam! The third examination is about to start, but before I go into the specifics of how it would be conducted let me make one thing clear. This series of so-called examinations is, in fact, a war-in-miniature between all of our allied lands."

Well, that was abrupt, we thought to ourself, marvelling at the Hokage's lacking theatrics. A murmur raced through the rabble at his words.

"If you had paid attention in your history classes," Sarutobi continued, "or at least glanced at a map once in your life, it would become swiftly apparent to you that our alliance is nothing more than a temporary, mutually beneficial, agreement between a group of geographically contiguous lands whose previous existence was one of strife and perpetual conflict for power and control of resources… until, at least, a better way was devised. That way is, you've guessed it, the Chunin exams.

"This third exam would be conducted under the watchful eyes of several distinguished guests; including all the rulers and nobility of the various lands you aspire to serve. And among their number will be those who rule over each country's hidden shinobi village.

"If any one nation's applicant demonstrates outstanding skill and superiority, the noblemen from every land will be quick to commission work from those trained in that superior nation. Conversely, if any particular country's applicant is shown to be feeble and weak, commissions to agents of that country would dwindle in response. These exams provide a public arena for each country to show off and boast of its strength. This test has great meaning and consequences! You risk not only your own futures and dreams, but the dignity and prestige of your home village as well.

The hall fell silent as the Hokage paused, allowing his words to sink in.

"Moving on. I shall begin explaining the finals. As I mentioned earlier, you will conduct your final round of battles in front of everyone. Each of you represents the battle strengths of your respective lands so we want you to exhibit and fully showcase your various talents. Thus the finals will commence one month from now after your requisite preparation period has elapsed. During this period, you can analyze the intelligence you must have gathered on your foes and use it to increase your chances of victory in the final exams. But, before you leave there is something I need you to help me with for the finals. Anko?"

"On it, Hokage-sama," replied one of the Kuniochi in the rear. She stepped forward carrying a box with a rubber tarp on top.

"There are slips of paper inside the box Anko is holding. She'll come around, so line up. When she does, each of you, take one."

When our turn came, we reached into the box to retrieve one slip of paper.

"Alright, does everyone have one now?" Sarutobi asked. "Then starting from left to right, call out your name and the number on your slip."

"Kiba, number five."

"H-hinata, number f-four."

"Shino, number six."

"Tenten, number eight."

"Neji, number ten."

"Rock Lee, number one!"

"Gaara. Number two."

"Temari, number three."

"Kankuro, number eleven."

"Naruto! Number nine!"

"Sakura, number seven."

"Sasuke. Number twelve."

The Hokage nodded, seemingly in approval. "And now, I will reveal the match order for the finals. Ibiki, show them the pairings!"

"Hmm. First round, eh?.." Our gaze flickered to the side to regard Kankuro. The puppet user stared back, his eye narrowed into slits. We looked away, turning back towards the Hokage.

"For the finals, you will be observed by many judges. Not only me but the Kazekage and the rulers and shinobi leaders of countries that would be requesting missions as well. Based on your performance in the tournament, those judges will assign you an absolute value and all those who are deemed to have sufficient ability to become journeyman ninjas, even those who have lost in the first round, can become chunin."

"...Do you mean all of us here could become chunin?" Sakura asked, surprised.

"Yes," the Hokage replied. "Conversely, it is also possible that none of you will become chunin. Any questions? Well then, good luck. You are all dismissed."

A Few Days Later…

"I am impressed," we tell our newest associate.

"What's there to be impressed about?" the Genin asked.

"How you managed to get Konoha to believe you were harmless of course. It's blatantly obvious there is more than meets the eye about you. The adoptive son of a conveniently deceased medical ninja. A medical ninjutsu specialist in your own right, yet still, an utter failure as a shinobi. So much so that you earned yourself a rather comical moniker.

"Isn't that right… Kabuto, the Eternal Genin?"

The covert operative chuckled. 'Too outstanding?" he asked. We nodded.

"I myself am a big fan of yours, Uchiha-san. The aura of mystique that cloak your very name is in a word, Legendary. That is with a capital L. You won't believe the stories about you that slither through the underbelly of the shinobi world… and yet I fear they might be grievous underestimations still."

We ignored the probe, turning our gaze towards the full moon hanging in the sky above. "Orochimaru said he had something prepared for me?"

"That he did," Kabuto replied tossing a scroll towards us. We caught it, Sharingan memorizing the contents before flickering out. Our chakra churned and the scroll went up in flames.

"When would the rest of the list be available?" we asked.

"It might take a while," Kabuto replied. "Digging around for the names of operatives on the level of ROOT is not an easy task after all."

We nodded at that. "Take your time. When you have it let me know. Let Orochimaru know I would be expecting further correspondence on this matter as well."

"Well, I guess I am done here then," the spy said. "Will you be taking care of clean up… or should I handle it."

"No. No, I'll do it."

Kabuto smiled as we turned around to face the rapidly retreating chakra signature.


We appeared directly in front of the fleeing Konoha-nin. "Proctor-san," we said as we turned to face him.

"...Uchiha Sasuke," the Jonin growled as he drew his blade. "You traitorous scum."

"It couldn't be helped," we tell him. "Although now we feel bad. ANBU number five had always been our favourite; I doubt she would be all too pleased to hear you got yourself killed,

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018 - The Final Exam {PT. II}
018 - The Final Exam {PT. II}

A Month Later…

The crowd was absolutely rabid as we and the other qualifying candidates made our way towards the centre of the arena. Names were chanted and provocative jabs were hurled from above. We let our lips curl into a smile—Sharingan flickering into existence—as we waved at the mindless rabble in the audience seats. A primal roar of exhilaration ripped through the crowd in response and suddenly the name Uchiha was uttered by seemingly every soul in attendance.

As it should be, of course.

"Show off," we heard Kiba mutter in response. The boy sank of envy. The poor thing.

"Stop fidgeting," ordered Genma, the proctor for this exam. Being the target of the rebuttal, Hinata froze in response. "Stand still and face forward, towards the guests. You are all the stars of these finals, so act like it!"

We sent a thumbs up the Hyuga heiress's way and, to our amusement, she shrivelled up further in response. Our attention flickered back towards the seats above, panning around until it slowly came to rest at the location of the seat of honour. Sharingan still active we could make out the wrinkles on the Hokage's face despite the distance. The doddery fool leaned to the side, muttering something to the Kazehage by his side and the other Kage's predatory gaze turned to regard us. We held the veiled man's gaze for a moment before looking, letting our Sharingan fade back into the black.

"Ahem!" came the Hokage's voice via loudspeaker as he addressed the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen! Esteemed guests! Welcome, and a heartfelt thanks for gathering here in the Village-Hidden-in-the-Leaves for the Chunin selection examinations! We will now begin the matches of the final rounds between the twelve qualifying candidates. Please sit back and enjoy!"

The crowd roared once more in anticipation. It was tiring, to be honest; the pleasure humans found in exhibitions of senseless violence. Still, we smiled and waved, goading them on like the mindless lemmings they were.

"Listen up, all of you," Genma said. "This is the last exam. The terrain is different, and so are the rules. You fight until one f you dies or admits defeat. Or unless I determine that a clear winner has already been decided, in which case I will stop the match before anyone is killed. Understand? All right then … Match one! Lee versus Gaara! You two stay down here, the rest of you. The rest of you proceed to the waiting room outside the arena."


What is the meaning of meaning? What does it mean for something to mean something? Human language—words—in its most reductive state was a coalescence of unintelligible noises that, on their own held no meaning, but when pieced together, incomprehensibly found meaning. The tone; the pauses; the little lilts in words give further meaning to this… meaning.

Colours on their own had no meaning, but the mortal mind always finds a way to inexplicably assign meaning to them. Red; rage. Green; envy, disgust. Black; solitude. White; purity. It always does. It always will.

Of course, in our highest state, we found no use for meaning. For something to mean something, it must be explainable. Understandable. Comprehensible! ... For something to be comprehensible, is for it to be named. When you know something's True Name—not just a descriptive term for it, but an accurate, all-encapsulating term—you can control it. A name is a symbol that allows you to reduce the thing and reference it simply. It allows you to capture the identity of something much larger in just a few syllables. To describe something in words is to give it a name—to encapsulate it, make it small…

To give yourself some power over it.

"...There is no language for such abysms of shrieking and immemorial lunacy, such eldritch contradictions of all matter, force, and cosmic order. A mountain walked or stumbled. God! … The Thing of the idols, the green, sticky spawn of the stars, had awaked to claim his own."

These were the words of an enlightened mortal, one whose work we had the pleasure of perusing earlier in this life. In a way, it was the most beautiful thing the mortal world ever offered us. Like looking at one's reflection on the surface of a turbulent, murky lake illuminated only by the dim rays of the moon peeking out from behind the cloud cover.

Vague and indecipherable, yet the closest thing to a portrait of our true self we would ever find.

What is the mortal mind to do when it perceives an entity that defies its capacity for understanding? A name falls short; a description shorter still. It is… the Ineffable. The thing which cannot be named. The Unnamable. The indescribable.

The incomprehensible.

When words fail, the mortal mind seeks out other means. Thoughts about divinity. Infinity. Experiences so strange they cannot be related; emotions so poignant they cannot be meaningfully expressed. What does it do with these things? If not with language, how does it describe it? Something the rational mind, eager to describe—and thus, understand—strains against.

In light of these thoughts, one could say, our existence is a demonstration of the climax of mortal limitations.

Our gaze returns to the arena to regard the lesser thing below toying with its meal. A creature of sand and hatred, not much unlike the little fox. The taste of blood in its chakra was sickeningly sweet, yet it could not crave it more. Consume and destroy, that was the code carved into its grains. It sought to verify its existence through the suffering of others. To find meaning through violence…

To define itself.

Our lips curled in disdain as the proctor called the match. Gaara flickered out of the arena, his bloodshot eyes radiating bloodlust as they turned to face us.

"Truly," we think, "an inferior existence."

The rest of the battles went by in a blur. Pointless and insignificant. Jejune.

Temari, Shino, Tenten and Neji all made it to the next round seemingly without any effort. Both our teammates were summarily knocked out of the race. It wasn't unexpected. How disgraceful, however, it must be for Kakashi that only the student he blatantly refused to train was the one to not suffer a catastrophic defeat.

Of course, we had yet to battle Kankuro, but we all knew what the result of this match would be. We had known this since the moment the pairings were announced a month ago. We leapt from the waiting room into the arena, the sleeves of our noble kimono, as well as our silken mane, billowing in the wind around us. Our feet touched the ground in a swirl of leaves, dust and chakra. From the feminine screams raging through the crowd above, we guessed the audience loved it.

Nothing like a bit of dramatic flair to get a few hearts racing, after all.

"Are you done showboating yet?" Kankuro's puppet asked. The boy hung from the construct's back, wrapped up in bandages from head to toe and disguised as the puppet itself. We could see the little chakra threads extending from the puppet's hard points to his twitching fingers inside his cocoon of fabric.

Our Sharingan flickered off and we tilted our head, as we regarded the boy. "I guess," we told him.

"...I hate your kind," he spat a few seconds later, perhaps sensing the mockery in our response. "You sleazy, lecherous lout. I know what your intentions are for Temari, and I promise, I am going to beat it out of that powdered face of yours. Gigolo."

We smiled at the boy. "Since you care so much about your sister, I guess I'll go easy on you after all," we tell him.

The Suna-nin growled in response. Our smile remained, unabated.

"Begin!" Genma said, signalling the start of the match.


The arena suddenly fell silent. Kankuro's puppet still disguised as himself remained where it stood. We were now a few dozen paces behind it holding the cocooned Suna-nin to the arena wall. Our grip constricted, wrapping tightly around his neck as our chakra flooded his system, causing the energy flow to grow turbulent and his control over his weapons of choice to turn nonexistent. The puppet behind us fell to the ground with a noisy clatter, the henge shrouding it dispelling in a cloud of white smoke. Kankuro's cocoon of bandages slowly unfurled, revealing his face pale from asphyxiation. The Shinobi clawed at our wrist in desperation, his hands unable to pry off our chakra-augmented grip.

"I-I yield," he mouthed.

"He yields," we said, relaying the message to our stunned proctor.

"...T-the winner is Uchiha Sasuke!" Genma announced, still in disbelief, the senbon in his mouth nearly falling to the ground.

We let the Suna-nin go and he slid to the ground choking for air. The arena remained silent but slowly the crowd seemed to register Genma's words. It wasn't until we flickered back to our seat in the waiting area that they finally returned to their shouting, screaming selves. The noise was nearly unbearable. They seemed surprised.

Why? we thought to ourself. What were they expecting?
So he joined Orochimaru, I am guessing take over the body of Sasuke plan is still ongoing but need to be adjusted.

In canon this is where the invasion of konoha episode will soon be and where third hokage died. What will Sasuke do tho? Will he defect from konoha or will he stay as a covert operative?
Oh no! A wild eldritch horror appears!

On a more serious note, I wanted to ask if I should consider Boruto as part of canon before I get too carried away with my nefarious plots.
I don't know how to create a poll here so just check Patreon Poll. There's a publicly available poll there
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To clarify because I just got this question elsewhere.
I meant I won't be adding Kaguya and the resulting Otsutsuki stuff. At the moment I can still pretend that Kaguya never existed which would change a LOT about how I structure this fic. There would be no Otsutsuki, no Kara, no Taka, nothing. Nada. Just the good ol Shippuden terrors.
Patreon Poll
The world of Boruto came about from choices of multiple individuals in-universe and out of it. It was a consequence of the Pair The Spare and Suddenly Aliens tropes and has many story-boarding issues aside. That world cannot happen now, even if people from that timeline end up in this timeline via time-travel, but if you want to utilize individuals, techniques and concepts introduced in Boruto, I say go ahead. Just give them their due and don't let it escalate too hard.
019 - The Final Exam {PT. III}
019 - The Final Exam {PT. III}

"Any leads yet?" Hiruzen asked as he stared at Sasuke's lithe form returning to his seat in the waiting area below, his brows furrowed in grim contemplation.

"No, Hokage-sama," replied Raidō Namiashi, one of the Tokubetsu-jōnin in his compliment of elite bodyguards. "We still have a few squads of ANBU operatives searching for signs of the Snake-sannin, but our leads all seem to have gone cold… Also, the forensics team finally submitted their report on the matter of Gekkō's murder; the killer did a clean job, sir. They were unable to glean anything of relevance from the corpse; apparently, another dead end."

"...Keep searching," The Kage grunted in response. "If it is really Orochimaru we are dealing with then we won't have to wait long until he strikes again."

"Yes, Hokage-sama," came the Jōnin's reply before he flickered away. An uneasy feeling settled in the Hokage's mind as he turned his gaze back to the Uchiha boy across the arena from him. What plans did that wayward student of his have for this terrifyingly prodigious child? Hiruzen wondered.

"This Sasuke boy is pretty interesting…" commented the Kazekage to Hiruzen's left. "I assume this confirms the rumours that he indeed received the tutelage of Konoha's renowned Shisui of the Body Flicker. Such speed… it's unheard of in the youth of his generation."

"Indeed," Hiruzen replied, his tone noncommittal. Hopefully, that's all the boy learnt from those monsters, the Kage thought to himself. But even Hiruzen knew that was simply wishful thinking on his part; what were the odds that Wicked-eye Fugaku would refuse to pass on some of his secrets to his son when a fellow clansman had already done the same to great effect?

Wishful thinking indeed.


Hiruzen observed the match with a critical eye. Although that kunoichi student of Might Guy—Tenten—was woefully disadvantaged from the start, she still managed a noble showing against the Aburame scion before inadvertently succumbing to her fate. It was an inspiring match; the girl showed great promise and would most likely make chunin despite her defeat.

At the very least, she already had his vote.

A few medical-nin appeared on stage to transport her, limp, chakra-depleted body out of the arena to the medical bay underneath the Colosseum. Once she was catered for and Shino Aburame returned to the waiting area, the proctor signalled the start of the next match.

"The next pairing is Temari Sabaku. against Gaara Sabaku! Please come down!"

"I withdraw!" came the kunoichi's response.

A wave of muttering rippled through the crowd, but sympathetic understanding persisted. After all, everyone had seen what ruthlessness Gaara was capable of. Very few desired to see a repeat of Lee's defeat. Even fewer wished such misfortune on a girl

The proctor called and the next competitors appeared on the stage almost simultaneously.

"Hyuga Neji versus Uchiha Sasuke!"

Moments later, Genma flickered out of the arena leaving behind the two noble scions. They stood exactly a hundred metres apart. A gust blew through the clearing, lightly tossing their loose sleeves and long black manes in the air, and the air grew weighted with galvanised chakra


The Uchiha rushed forward first, his hands a blur as they formed nigh-indecipherable hands seals. Opposite him, Neji let his body relax into the Hyuga's signature "Gentle Fist" stance. Eighty metres into his charge Sasuke's form flickered, his body splitting into five afterimages that manoeuvred to attack the Hyuga from multiple directions.

Hiruzen leaned forward as Neji spun on his heels in response, his chakra flaring as he parried rippling salvos of explosive jabs and kicks aimed at his vitals. One of the afterimages—no, a clone. A Shadow Clone!—retreated from the melee, its hand blurring through hand signs. A moment later, a fireball roared across the arena, instantly enveloping the Hyuga still embroiled in a battle with two other clones. With an eye-searing flash, the fireball detonated, its resultant over-pressure ruffling Hiruzen's clothing even where he sat in his cubicle above.

The Hokage squinted as he tried to peer through the billowing dust and smog that now enveloped the arena. It wasn't until a few moments had passed that the dust slowly began to settle.

In the centre of a smouldering crater fifty meters wide stood Neji Hyuga. His face was dusted grey with soot and the edges of his clothing were singed black. The Hyuga looked bruised and battered. Comparatively, the three Sasuke-look-alikes that stood safely out of arms reach from him had succeeded in maintaining their pristine appearances.

The difference was blatant for all to see.

"Neji's mastery of the Hyuga's famed Revolving Heaven is rather impressive," the Kazekage commented idly, seemingly unfazed by the display. "To be able to neutralise the effects of such a masterfully executed fire-style technique to such an extent… Impressive."

Hiruzen didn't respond, his attention fixated on the match below.

"Give up," came Sasuke's disembodied voice from all three look-alikes at once. Given how minutely their forms were flickering, at least one of the three was probably an Afterimage Clone, courtesy of the long-dead Shisui Uchiha. Sasuke seemed to have not mastered the technique yet given how easy it was to tell it was being performed. "

"I would rather not have to waste any more chakra on a pointless battle," The Uchiha continued, expressionless. "You can't beat me." A suspenseful silence hung in the air over the Colosseum following his words. Then, slowly, as if in response, Neji took a stance.

"...Very well then," Sasuke sighed as each of his bodies formed a one-handed Ram sign. "Bind!" they said in unison. From across the arena, Hiruzen could feel the boy's chakra churn. It felt thick and cold on his skin. Aberrant. The inert network of barrier tags that lay hidden beneath the smothering, chakra-infused dirt suddenly flared to life with an intensity that would have probably been visible to even the untrained senses of an academy student.

In a panic, Neji tried to escape the entrapment but was suddenly obstructed by a clone. Ribbons of animated kanji sprung out of the dirt akin to a sea of mutated bamboo shoots as the barrier activated beneath his feet, latching onto him and the sacrificial clone like starved leeches and sealing them both away.

The arena fell silent as the two paper cocoons fell to the ground with muted thuds. Neutralised.

"...Hyuga Neji is no longer able to compete." The proctor's voice broke the fragile silence.

"The winner is Uchiha Sasuke!"
020 - Decimated
020 - Decimated

"I withdraw."

Shino's withdrawal was no surprise to us, but we still found it amusing that two out of three of the Suna-nin's battles were forfeitures. Gaara really did make an impression in his battle against Rock Lee.

"Shino Aburame has withdrawn from the match," announced Genma. "By default, the winner is Sabaku Gaara! The next pairing is Uchiha Sasuke against Sabaku Gaara! Please, the participants should make their way down now!"

We flickered into the arena and turned around to face our opponent still in the waiting area above. We met his hungry gaze with a questioning quirk of our brow, but as if to spite us Gaara turned around towards the stairs to take the long way down. It mattered little; the results would remain the same whether or not he chooses to stall.

In fact, doing so was to his further disadvantage. We were still down seventeen per cent of our total chakra reserves from our battles despite the rest period we enjoyed between each match. The more time we had to regain chakra, the more hopeless this battle was going to be for him. A minute later, our gaze flickered to regard our opponent as he emerged from the exit below.

"Now then," Genma said, chewing on his senbon. "At long last…


Our figure blurred in reverse as a massive appendage of sand cleaved through the afterimage we left behind. "Bind!" we intoned, tugging on our chakra pool as invoked the Fūinjutsu trap we used against Neji Hyuga earlier in the last match. The proctor made no decision to have it removed so it remained there, at our disposal. And as before, ribbons of animated kanji sprung out of the dirt, latching onto our opponent as they rapidly sealed him away.

The arena fell silent in apparent shock as they stared at the cocooned suna-nin across from us. Just when it seemed like the match was over, the paper cocoon wrapping the Suna-nin began to bulge and swell horribly, the kanji holding the structure together straining to its utmost limit just before they burst. Chakra-infused sand spilt out explosively, near-perfectly concealing the spike that shot out to impale us.

We flickered out of the way before shooting forward in a foray. From his last match, it was apparent that our opponent was apparently very hardy and powerful, but this came at a rather obvious cost.


He seemed to fail to perceive when our fist struck his face as he was launched several meters across the arena. His shield of sand rose to defend him a few milliseconds later, but we were no longer even attacking from that vector. It was comical how we didn't even need to augment our attacks with Genjustu to ensure they hit their marks.

In this manner we continually pummelled the sand-wielder, but as expected, to little effect. A layer of hardened sand coated his skin, dispersing our blows tremendously.

Sensing the futility of a further taijutsu barrage, and content with the data we gathered on the technique, we immediately switched gears. Our Sharingan mutely whirred to life, its draw on our Chakra as minuscule as it was during our battle with the Hyuga scion. Flickering directly in front of our opponent we pulled him into a Genjutsu. It would be trifling to disable him with a high-level demonic illusion, but doing so in a gathering this large and varied would be unwise.

Despite Orochimaru's vagueness, we were aware our opponent was most likely a Jinchūriki given his vast chakra reserves and the primal nature of his aura. In many ways, he reminded us of Konoha's own resident Jinchūriki: Naruto. Being able to best him with a Genjutsu would simply be outing one of our most vital skills over what amounted to nothing more than a glorified cock fight. Tactically, it would be stupid.

Strategically, it would be suicidal.

Instead, we opted for a minor Genjutsu. One that simply robbed our target of the ability to sense anything outside their own body, isolating their perception and focusing it entirely inwards. It was an original technique of our very own creation. We called it the "Demonic Illusion: Void Sea".

The technique struck and held firm. As expected our target began to flail around blindly, attacking in every and all direction. What was unexpected was the wail that emerged from his mouth; sand streamers rose around him, shuddering and jerking in the air as if in pain.

"mOTHeR!" Gaara wailed in a manner horrid to the human psyche. "MoTHEr! PleaSE! I aM sORRY! FoRGIVe mE! pLEasE DOn"t LEavE Me! don'T LEAve mE ALoNE! I AM Sor—"

The grating, inhuman screams cut off suddenly and we felt the Genjustu we placed on our target dispel immediately afterwards. A wave of sinister chakra roiled off the boy's hunched form. The tailed-beast? We stared curiously as he rose to his feet. Slowly, he looked up and his crazed eyes met ours.

Our left brow rose.

He screeched in response. "I wILL kiLL YoU!"

His hands clapped together to form the Tiger seal. And his lips began shuddering as crazed mutters escaped from his maw.









The sand in the air began to swirl faster, condensing into the shape of a dome, before suddenly hardening. We stared at the earthen ball in confusion. Flickering over it, we gave it an exploratory jab before contorting out of the way of the numerous sand spikes that shot out in response to impale us.

We doubled back, eyeing the defensive technique in contemplation. The Suna-nin was obviously preparing a very powerful technique in that ball he had hidden in. A technique that apparently took a lot of time to settle up given his willingness to retreat despite the bloodlust he felt for us. We could sense the chakra within the earthen ball churning violently as he called upon his vast chakra reserves.

We could not let him finish whatever he was up to, we decided. Feh! Troublesome fellow…

Our hands blurred as we weaved hand signs. In our chest, we felt our chakra boil, and in the back of our throat, we felt it ignite, exiting our body as a torrent of searing flames. The fireball collided with the sand dome explosively, the over-pressure from the detonation driving winds that forced us to squint just to see despite already covering our eyes with a layer of chakra.

When the dust cleared, we were treated to the sight of a seemingly lightly damaged defence. Only a small portion of the ball was destroyed by the explosion. We expected that, but we never planned on neutralising our target in that manner so it mattered little.

Instead, we turned our attention to the slightly molten surface of the defensive structure. Molten sand slowly slagged off the surface of the ball to pool underneath. Content, we let our hands blur through another series of hand signs.

"Water Release: Water Severing Wave!"

A supersonic jet of water shot out of our mouth towards Gaara's defences. At that moment, several things happened at once and it was only thanks to our Sharingan that we could perceive any of it at all.

As the layer of molten sand was struck by the chakra-infused jet of water it rapidly cooled, shrinking as it near-instantaneously cooled from its molten state, vitrifying. Cracks formed throughout the lattice structure of the newly formed glass layer, propagating vigorously through the mass of silica. A microsecond later, the kinetic properties of the water jet came into play. Travelling at nearly two times the speed of sound, the stream of water neatly punched through the glassed dome and shot out the other side. It continued onwards to strike the side of the Colosseum boring through it instantly.

A moment later the technique sputtered out, digging a jagged groove as descended, sputtering out of existence. We waited, watching as cracks spread out across the surface of the dome before crumbling to the ground. The clinking of falling glass resounded across the otherwise silent arena.

Gaara now stood in the open across from us, a gruesome hole torn through his right lung. Had it been a normal human such a wound would have been a guaranteed death, but with his Jinchūriki status, we couldn't say for certain.

If we wanted him dead, it would have been a simple matter of just aiming a few inches more to the left, but we didn't. Apparently, our newest associate, the Snake-sannin, predicted we might have some use for the boy's prowess in future. And having seen what he was capable of, we were hard-pressed to disagree.

Our opponent looked down at his wound in confusion. He tried to speak, but only a bloody, sputtering cough exited his mouth. The next moment, he slumped over, unconscious before he even hit the ground in an instinctual bid to avoid the worse of the trauma.

Medical-nin flickered into the arena just seconds later, crowding over the boy as they began administering first aid. We ignored the group. We knew of the inhuman regenerative capabilities of Jinchūriki; one too many times we have seen Naruto's wound close up in real-time. The suna-nin would live, so long as the medics in charge were competent.

Our attention panned to Genma. The proctor stared at us, his gaze turbulent with unspoken thoughts. But at the end of the day, he still had a job to do.

"Sabaku Gaara is no longer able to compete," he declared to the rabid crowd.

"The winner is Uchiha Sasuke!"
Well... Waiting for the reaction of the kazekage. A 'normal' Shinobi beating a trained Jinshuriki even with the weakest tailed beast. That's a blow in the international stage.