Sartier Quest: A Tale of Song, Gods, and Trouble (CK2-Let's Go Hunt Gods, SV!)

Can we send the Officers without sending the Agents? That way our likelihood of success for actions won't decrease but our army still gets some training.

That's a good question. Any call on that, @OneirosTheWriter?

Another option would be specifically excluding Dominic. I'm not worried about the other two actions, but the Notecards one is close enough and important enough that I don't want to take the chance.
Okay, I've added an Officers, No Agents action in to that option block. I think that should do the trick for that.

Sounds great, let's...

[ ] Officers, No Agents - Send all the Martial talents with the exception of your agents, so that their work is not interfered with. [1 Influence Cost, Total of 6,000g, Send all mentioned above except: Luna, Dominic, Monica, Chance of Luna accusing Antonia of punishing her over the divorce by keeping her away]

o_O Dammit, Luna... Why are you such a pain? Somebody's got to find something to complain about, apparently. :rolleyes:

Also, little typo up there: mentind -> mentioned.

Honestly, I'd still prefer an option that was basically "send everyone but Dominic", but this will do.

[X] Free Choice
[X] Officers, No Agents
[X] Wait
[X] Where in Sartier is Carmen Rios?

Cost: 5000 + 6000 = 11000 g, 1 Influence

Man, that bodyguard contingent is expensive.
I wouldn't worry too much yet. Most houses are in deficit for this turn.

Of course ... Deficit for Sonissimmo is a six figure sum.

Teuvian God 1: "So, turns out that we didn't need to invade Sartier at all."

Teuvian God 2: "Really? What happened?"

Teuvian God 1: "Those idiots forgot how to math. They spent money they didn't have and their economies collapsed. We were going to offer them unlimited divine power, but instead they wanted a bailout. So now we own Sartier."

Teuvian God 2: "Huh. That was easier than I expected."

Just because everyone else is also spending money they don't have doesn't meant that it's a good thing. :V
/me points mutely at my avatar.

I'm actually just not sure it'd really work for your Quest, honestly. Like, part of the draw of Ulthuan Quest is not having to deal with low-grade shit/assuming that the Princes or the like work it out. You already DO have a mechanic for interrupts, sort of, in that at the start of a turn, there might be problems that crop up (like that pretender we totally mishandled) that require us to spend dice to fix some temporary problem.

Heck, the whole Malekith thing is, like, one long and deadly Interrupt.

So I'm not sure how much it'd add, or how you'd balance it since what it seems like it'd mean in practice is that we would just be losing Influence.
Yeah, currently I'm thinking of using it more for event turns, like the upcoming land war section of Malekith's invasion. Regardless, this is not the place to discuss this in depth.
Okay, this is supposed to be a quick vote, and we already have a pretty clear leader, so we'll keep this up for another six hours and then close.

Yeah, currently I'm thinking of using it more for event turns, like the upcoming land war section of Malekith's invasion. Regardless, this is not the place to discuss this in depth.
Fwiw, in terms of Sartier, what this system is supposed to help convey is that though your House is currently top dog, it is by no means the only dog, and there are ten other houses helping drive events.
Don't be too cocky, Aegir, you guys aren't the only ones rolling this turn :D

Please, I follow CORE. I know what happens when both sides hit crit success at the same time.

Shenanigans. Glorious, glorious shenanigans.

Lords Among the Ashes, @Iandude0's now on hiatus RWBY quest. Had some statistically anomalous rolling!

"Statistically anomalous" is one way to describe it. "Lady Luck having a crush on the MC" is another.

How else does one roll a 1d10 for the number of tanks found and come out with 24? :D
Things are progressing along, with a lot of rolling and a lot of writing. For the moment, though, I had a question for the thread. Does anyone actually want the full battle rolls/logs for the writing? They're pretty long and probably not very interesting to read through, but @Macchiato and I wanted to put the option out there. They'd be put in a separate post after the results post.

Otherwise, we'll just stick to brief summaries.
I think not in the long run, but for the first, let's say three turns? It's worth including them to give players an idea of how your battle system works in order to assess future bonuses.
I think not in the long run, but for the first, let's say three turns? It's worth including them to give players an idea of how your battle system works in order to assess future bonuses.
Pretty sure we can do that. Or at least give one land, one naval battle as a sample to see these concepts in action. You guys picked the Magic/Martial House after all.