Britain just does not like you one bit. Has any other war broken out between different nations or is it just repeated Britain-Germany slugging matches.
Not at the moment, but the original Gefion-class design is in the OP, and the rebuild would just increase that speed to 24 knots instead of 22 and add a gun director and that's about it.Could we get a bit more information then that?
like, a design picture of what the result of a rebuild would be?
or several designs?
The game does not simulate tension between nations that aren't player nations, but at the end of the first war I had to deal with Russia for a bit due to them somehow deciding to attack me, and did we due to the bloodiness of the first war. France was also allied with me during that one.Britain just does not like you one bit. Has any other war broken out between different nations or is it just repeated Britain-Germany slugging matches.
>Only 1 CA, that's only 7000 tons![]()
+1 destroyer. Nice start for this turn and the last(?) of that class done.
And now, thanks to having 2 million dollars in income from that destroyer being completed, I feel it is time to upgrade the Gefion-class, USING OIL FIRING.
This is the design I'll be using. I've upped the speed to 24 knots, put a gun director on the turrets, which have another half inch of armor, and changed the torpedoes out to 6 in 2 triple mounts instead of 2 submerged. I think this should do, as no-one suggested anything else. I can't rebuild more than 1 at a time, but I will put the most modern 4 in docks for rebuild and I will cycle through which gets work each month until the financial situation gets better (this was accidental, because the rebuild menu showed the cost to rebuild one when all 4 were selected, and I thought that was total not each). Wonderful.
Next turn then.
Oh geez. If I go top, I lose prestige but I get money, and if I go bottom I increase tension MORE, which I do not need right now. I'll go with top, because I don't mind losing a bit of prestige to be able to compete with everyone else. It appears that I can now have 2 rebuilds occurring simultaneously instead of 1. It's quite nice.
Also nice.
Ooooooh very nice. Better destroyers for me! Once I finish these light cruisers.
Well, as I don't really have much to do this turn, I'm going to show you a design for what my next destroyer class will probably look like:
It will have 35 knots without a doubt, because speed is good, probably 4 main guns, with superimposed turrets because yes, and 6 torpedoes. I hope to get destroyer gun directors or dual turrets soon, so this is subject to change, but this is roughly what they'll look like.
Next turn I guess.
Nice tech is nice.
Also, check out this thing I just noticed:
Britain has ONE heavy cruiser. ONE. Kind of sucky, huh. And they're not even trying to build more! What the heck, Britain.
Nothing more to do today, so bye.
8000 actually, but yeah, they're pretty bad at cruisering. And besides, the one cruiser they do have could be severely stomped by any of my heavy Cruisers and probably a post - refit Gefion too what with those torpedoes.>Only 1 CA, that's only 7000 tons
>Not enough BC's to make up the difference
It's time to RAID THEM DRY.
Seriously, I love Heavy Cruisers. They're a great Jack of All Trades ship, and really can put the hurt on a lot of other ships, including BC's and BB's with the correct armament.
Designer glitch. The superstructure is abstracted in the actual fighting, but you can "draw" it on for looks. It doesn't have any actual effect on the game though.How the hell do those ship structures even work? Is that a top deck or ring of armour extending past the hull? Is it some railing?
I will probaby do so. I agree, that does look a bit odd, and the superstructure is definitely broken, and now that you mention it, the cruiser DOES look awfully small for the info box. I'm going to check if that viewed size is similar in other ship designs that I made, and if not, then it is probably a bug, as you said.Those "cruisers" look suspiciously like downsized auto-design BCs, especially the gun placement and the size of the outlined area.
I would suggest making a bug report.
It looks like an auto-designed "CA" that actually got classified as a BC, but then the treaty restrictions forced a tonnage and armament downsizing.I will probaby do so. I agree, that does look a bit odd, and the superstructure is definitely broken, and now that you mention it, the cruiser DOES look awfully small for the info box. I'm going to check if that viewed size is similar in other ship designs that I made, and if not, then it is probably a bug, as you said.