Rule the Waves, consistently making too few ships, with the germans!

Could we get a bit more information then that?
like, a design picture of what the result of a rebuild would be?
or several designs?
Not at the moment, but the original Gefion-class design is in the OP, and the rebuild would just increase that speed to 24 knots instead of 22 and add a gun director and that's about it.

Britain just does not like you one bit. Has any other war broken out between different nations or is it just repeated Britain-Germany slugging matches.
The game does not simulate tension between nations that aren't player nations, but at the end of the first war I had to deal with Russia for a bit due to them somehow deciding to attack me, and did we due to the bloodiness of the first war. France was also allied with me during that one.
I can now give images for what sort of redesigns I can make.

here's the current design:

-2 torpedoes (both submerged)
-22 knots
-a central rangefinder
-no secondaries

the options are:
1) (basic)

-4 torpedoes (2 dual)
-24 knots
-a gun director

2) (some torpedo emphasis)

-6 torpedoes (2 triple)
-24 knots
-only central firing

3) (dakka)

-2 torpedoes ( 2 single)
-23 knots
-gun director
-secondary director
-20 3" secondaries

4) (less, but bigger, dakka)

-2 torpedoes (2 single)
-23 knots
-gun director
-secondary gun director
-16 4" secondaries


-12 torpedoes (4 triple)
-23 knots
-a gun director

note: while only pictured in the last and second to last ones, I will upgrade their 6" guns to quality one for all choices, but I didn't manage to show that in 1-3's pictures.
note 2: if you think a mixture of these would be best, tell me what you think I should do and why.
note 3: had a third thing to add on, but I forgot it.
boring war leadup and mild budget issues

+1 destroyer. Nice start for this turn and the last(?) of that class done.


And now, thanks to having 2 million dollars in income from that destroyer being completed, I feel it is time to upgrade the Gefion-class, USING OIL FIRING.

This is the design I'll be using. I've upped the speed to 24 knots, put a gun director on the turrets, which have another half inch of armor, and changed the torpedoes out to 6 in 2 triple mounts instead of 2 submerged. I think this should do, as no-one suggested anything else. I can't rebuild more than 1 at a time, but I will put the most modern 4 in docks for rebuild and I will cycle through which gets work each month until the financial situation gets better (this was accidental, because the rebuild menu showed the cost to rebuild one when all 4 were selected, and I thought that was total not each). Wonderful.

Next turn then.

Oh geez. If I go top, I lose prestige but I get money, and if I go bottom I increase tension MORE, which I do not need right now. I'll go with top, because I don't mind losing a bit of prestige to be able to compete with everyone else. It appears that I can now have 2 rebuilds occurring simultaneously instead of 1. It's quite nice.

Also nice.

Ooooooh very nice. Better destroyers for me! Once I finish these light cruisers.

Well, as I don't really have much to do this turn, I'm going to show you a design for what my next destroyer class will probably look like:

It will have 35 knots without a doubt, because speed is good, probably 4 main guns, with superimposed turrets because yes, and 6 torpedoes. I hope to get destroyer gun directors or dual turrets soon, so this is subject to change, but this is roughly what they'll look like.

Next turn I guess.

Nice tech is nice.

Also, check out this thing I just noticed:

Britain has ONE heavy cruiser. ONE. Kind of sucky, huh. And they're not even trying to build more! What the heck, Britain.

Nothing more to do today, so bye.

+1 destroyer. Nice start for this turn and the last(?) of that class done.


And now, thanks to having 2 million dollars in income from that destroyer being completed, I feel it is time to upgrade the Gefion-class, USING OIL FIRING.

This is the design I'll be using. I've upped the speed to 24 knots, put a gun director on the turrets, which have another half inch of armor, and changed the torpedoes out to 6 in 2 triple mounts instead of 2 submerged. I think this should do, as no-one suggested anything else. I can't rebuild more than 1 at a time, but I will put the most modern 4 in docks for rebuild and I will cycle through which gets work each month until the financial situation gets better (this was accidental, because the rebuild menu showed the cost to rebuild one when all 4 were selected, and I thought that was total not each). Wonderful.

Next turn then.

Oh geez. If I go top, I lose prestige but I get money, and if I go bottom I increase tension MORE, which I do not need right now. I'll go with top, because I don't mind losing a bit of prestige to be able to compete with everyone else. It appears that I can now have 2 rebuilds occurring simultaneously instead of 1. It's quite nice.

Also nice.

Ooooooh very nice. Better destroyers for me! Once I finish these light cruisers.

Well, as I don't really have much to do this turn, I'm going to show you a design for what my next destroyer class will probably look like:

It will have 35 knots without a doubt, because speed is good, probably 4 main guns, with superimposed turrets because yes, and 6 torpedoes. I hope to get destroyer gun directors or dual turrets soon, so this is subject to change, but this is roughly what they'll look like.

Next turn I guess.

Nice tech is nice.

Also, check out this thing I just noticed:

Britain has ONE heavy cruiser. ONE. Kind of sucky, huh. And they're not even trying to build more! What the heck, Britain.

Nothing more to do today, so bye.
>Only 1 CA, that's only 7000 tons
>Not enough BC's to make up the difference
It's time to RAID THEM DRY.

Seriously, I love Heavy Cruisers. They're a great Jack of All Trades ship, and really can put the hurt on a lot of other ships, including BC's and BB's with the correct armament.
>Only 1 CA, that's only 7000 tons
>Not enough BC's to make up the difference
It's time to RAID THEM DRY.

Seriously, I love Heavy Cruisers. They're a great Jack of All Trades ship, and really can put the hurt on a lot of other ships, including BC's and BB's with the correct armament.
8000 actually, but yeah, they're pretty bad at cruisering. And besides, the one cruiser they do have could be severely stomped by any of my heavy Cruisers and probably a post - refit Gefion too what with those torpedoes.
technological development

Not much that helps with, thanks to the treaty, but it'll be nice for the future I guess.

I'll note that all British battlecruisers have this sort of armor belt, despite almost all of my cruisers having at least that much armor, and I personally doubt the turret armor for the other classes is too much different from this.

Well, beyond standard construction time shifting, I guess that's it for this turn. Next one, I guess.

Ooh, very nice. Sadly, as some dualas are ahead of others, and I want to have them finish at the same time, I will have to wait a turn to use that, but it is nice.

Next turn I guess.

Nothing much happens but another navy ruining its cruiser force for no apparent reason.

*sigh* It is currently august. I will just show you all developments until something I need to react to significantly happens.

That's nice I guess.


I'll take it.

Better ASW is always nice.


Unrest is down to 4 now.

Cool. Lighter armor for me.

Nice. Better CLs will be a thing in the future it seems.

Seeing as 8 inch guns are the largest I can make at the moment, I feel like taking this would be useful. So sure.

Better damage control always helps my cruisers and battleships keep going, and that is what I need them to do, so I'll take this.

I probably can make a new and pretty good CL design with this, so I might as well, though I can't make it until the gefions finish.

And here it is. I made it very fast (29 knots), for use in destroyer handling, gave it good firepower, with 6 +1 6" guns and 4 4" guns. Finally, just for the added whallop, it also has 2 triple torpedo mounts, for when the other guy's ship got a BIT too close for comfort. Its armor, while still only light cruiser tier, is nothing to sniff at for a light cruiser too. Personally, I think it is a pretty solid improvement from the Undine class dakkaboats.
britain gets riled and I finish some ships.

Yes, that has been holding back my destroyer's gunnery for a while. This will help a lot there. Of course, I doubt those 0 quality guns they're selling were originally theirs, as they are the Italians, but I'll take it anyway.

That's frustrating, but not too bad.

That's nice, though it's apparently not enough to actually get a new technology.

Soon, the gefion refit will be done, and I'll be able to push out the next class of light cruiser or maybe a heavy cruiser if I feel like it.

I'm going to go with the middle, because I MIGHT be able to calm Britain down with it.

At least they didn't try to extend the treaty.

Tension level with Britain: 10. PROGRESS! Small, but I really do not want another war.

Next turn, let's see if that sticks.

Looks like it did, and at least some people are remembering to build more cruisers. I just checked though, and both are a bit derpy.

One more turn for two of the gefions, two more for the other two.

Next turn I guess.

Not that useful at the moment, but hey, it'll be nice for later. Also, I think I have enough tonnage usable for my shipyards to build a slow proto-iowa.

And hey, there's the two gefions due this turn done.

Meh, not my problem. It's in the Caribbean, and I'm Germany. I don't give two craps about the Americas. Britain might be riled, but that's not against me so it's fine.

One more turn until the last two gefions, and then another until the Lüderitz is done.

Let's reduce those numbers.

Looks like Ariadne is going to be bit delayed, but Niobe is done now.

More money is good, but I DO NOT NEED MORE TENSION.

Eep, that's a lot of tension. 12.

That is helpful though, if I have to deal with submarines.

On Wednesday I will show what I will build with all this free money, but that's Wednesday, not today.
tensions... lower?

Current situation: *this* far from a war and with a good bit of free money. My current plan is to probably try making more light cruisers, because my most likely opponent, Britain, has 6 more than me currently and will have 10 more once they finish the light cruisers they are currently building. Also, thanks to their underwhelming cruiser force (1 that barely counts and another 3 which they just started so it will be a while) I feel like raiding will be a good strategy in the coming war. Thus, light cruiser time.

A pretty fast light cruiser, at 29 knots, it should be able to outrun most enemy ships, and with the 6 6" guns and 4 5" guns, it will be able to put up a good fight even against one of the smaller enemy heavy cruisers. Furthermore, thanks to having a large amount of redundancy in the engines it will be able to move long distances at high speed without having to deal with breakdowns and similar problems, making it good at raiding. In case it has to get in a battle against enemy capital ships though, it has been equipped with two triple torpedo mounts just in case.

I'm going to order 3, and might order a fourth if needed.

Next turn, I suppose.

Nice, that'll allow me more construction capacity for light cruisers, and at least be decent at combat, though not as much as I'd like. Also, Ariadne finished.

No. can't use right now and I don't use that gun gauge much anyway.

Also, with the free money from the Lüderitz and Ariadne finishing, I can order another 3 München-class light cruisers, putting the number under construction to 6. If the brits weren't building any light cruisers, I would be able to match them in about 1 year and 8 months, but they are, so at that point I will only be 6 ships behind, which isn't bad.


No, mine. Also, tensions with japan are not insignificant, so I don't want to give them more tech.

Hmm, nice.

That continued "on the brink of war" tension is not comfortable though, I just hope the politicians don't do anything stupid this time.

Let's see what happens.

Meh, that sucks.


Hey, tension went DOWN! WOOOOOOOOOOOO [partying in the admiralty building because we don't have to deal with Britain again for now.]
tensions are lowering.

Well, there's that done. Lüderitz is ready for service.


Meh, kind of disappointing, as torpedo protection 4 is really good, but I can deal for now.

Two things I will note here: tension with Britain is down to 10 (woot woot) and unrest is down to 2. Progress! Less importantly, lots of CLs are in progress right now and I have almost maxed out useful dock capacity. OK. Well, moving on.

I'll take it. I have the money and it is a useful technology.

Oh, hey, the Americans decided to make a new treaty cruiser. Let's see what sort of shenanigans they've come up with.

WAT. I don't know what they're thinking with those spindly sticky out bits (caused by derpily drawn superstructure, it happens a surprising amount), but that's going to make it hard to dock in any sort of port easily if at all. The armor is a bit thin for my tastes but otherwise good, and the armament is surprisingly decent. If it weren't for that silly superstructure, I might say it's half decent. Maybe the treaty prodded them into being less gun-crazed than usual.

Well, next turn I guess.

Wat. Britain? Uh, ok?

Hmm, I don't really need that tech right now, but it would be nice nonetheless.

I guess that'll be nice for CL secondaries?

Ooh, another nation has finished a treaty cruiser. Let's see what derps they've done.

IT'S THE SAME AS THE AMERICAN ONE! WHAT. Well, its armor sucks more and its secondary armament is a bit different, but still. Wat. Even down to the strange thin sticks coming off the sides. France, I am disappoint.

Well, back to seeing what is thrown at us next month.

:facepalm: god dang it Britain, you can't even properly intimidate IRELAND of all places.

I'm not that desperate for money, and torpedo protection is more valuable than that. Research it yourself if you want it.


OH yes. Making a mental note to work on another destroyer class later, because from what I know quad torpedoes are strong.
Some French ships had bits of their super-structure jutting out past the hull and over the water. I assume something similar is happening here.
I continue to spam light cruisers, and tension keeps heading down.

Hey, the not immediately useful docks are done. I can't build anything using them yet, but when this treaty is over, I will be able to make much larger ships.

Well, as that was the only thing that happened this turn, I guess I will move on to next month.

Hey, at least if I go to war with Britain, they'll be a bit destabilized by this revolution. Still though, Britain needs to handle this, it's been going on for a while and if Ireland successfully rebels from Britain I will be amused.

I'm going to go with the choice that DOESN'T piss off Britain, maybe? I'm trying to deescalate right now and that just won't help.

Oh wow, look at that free income. I think I could fit in another CL using that.

Alright. With the additional light cruiser under construction, I will now go to the next turn.

God dang it, this is going to piss off Britain too, isn't it.

Oh phew, it isn't, and with this money I can crap out more light cruisers. One more that is. I just noticed though, that once all my CLs are done, I will have more tonnage of CLs than anyone else, or anything else I am making, though I will still have lower numbers of light cruisers than the others. Huh, that's a thing.

Next turn, I suppose.

:facepalm: THEY ARE RIGHT NEXT TO YOU, BRITAIN. Surely you can deal with them. Apparently not, though.

Better bullets are nice. This'll only really be useful at range though, thanks to already my battleship guns being able to penetrate plenty of armor already at close range.

So far, so good, I don't have anything to do this turn so onwards!

Is this going to be another one of the derp-superstructure cruisers again?


*gasp* [de-escalation intensifies] tension is down to 9, and in the yellow again! Progress!
Those "cruisers" look suspiciously like downsized auto-design BCs, especially the gun placement and the size of the outlined area.

I would suggest making a bug report.
Those "cruisers" look suspiciously like downsized auto-design BCs, especially the gun placement and the size of the outlined area.

I would suggest making a bug report.
I will probaby do so. I agree, that does look a bit odd, and the superstructure is definitely broken, and now that you mention it, the cruiser DOES look awfully small for the info box. I'm going to check if that viewed size is similar in other ship designs that I made, and if not, then it is probably a bug, as you said.
I will probaby do so. I agree, that does look a bit odd, and the superstructure is definitely broken, and now that you mention it, the cruiser DOES look awfully small for the info box. I'm going to check if that viewed size is similar in other ship designs that I made, and if not, then it is probably a bug, as you said.
It looks like an auto-designed "CA" that actually got classified as a BC, but then the treaty restrictions forced a tonnage and armament downsizing.
fleet expansion and tensions are static.

Britain continues to suck at handling a rebellion. It's kind of funny, actually.

I'm going to say japan for this one. Why? Well, for one thing, they're already slightly experiencing tension with me, if markedly less with Britain. On that, why I don't say Britain is because while it is relatively likely, I do not want to piss them off more than now and calling them the most likely enemy is going to do exactly that.

Another 1% off engines is always helpful. Admittedly it is a fairly small buff but it's a nice one all the same.

Hmm, now then, what to do with this free money from pissing off japan…

(Has twice as many destroyers as everyone else, and more tonnage in everything but BBs and BCs than anyone else too)

I know, I'll build more destroyers!

May I introduce the V68 class destroyer. With its formidable (for a destroyer) armament of 4 5" guns (and a 3" gun, because free tonnage) and 2 quad torpedo launchers, this ship has more than enough weaponry to shoot up most everything that crosses it. In addition to the amount of gun this thing has, it also can make a good 35 knots, making it one of the fastest destroyer classes available to anyone (because yay speed cap).

I'll order 3 as a test production set, to see if there are any major problems with the design.

Moving on to next turn…

There seems to have been a collision. I'm going to say the Russians did it, because they aren't too pissed off at me right now and I think I can take them. Besides, I lose prestige for saying that it wasn't their fault and I am already fairly low on that.

In the meantime, I just noticed that unrest has finally returned to zero. Wonderful, I won't have to deal with that sort of problem for a while.