Romance of the Three Dynasties (Dynasty Warriors Multicross)

Fair enough of there being too many characters.
Eh my vote would probably be Sonic cause really has anyone ever did a Sonic quest of any kind?

When it comes to characters, I'm thinking this:

I give a few characters that I can think of off the top of my head/that I happen to like/that I know. Each one will represent a different kind of fighting style/character (berserkers, strategist, mages, etc).

After that, I'll leave a Write In Option with a few Guidelines if people want someone else.
...Well, that's that then.

....I made this bed I shall lie in it.

(Note: I am very happy with this.)
Adhoc vote count started by LinkOnScepter on Jun 11, 2019 at 1:55 AM, finished with 57 posts and 26 votes.
Three Kingdom's quests were always oddly popular. 5 pages and we haven't actually made the character.
Three Kingdom's quests were always oddly popular. 5 pages and we haven't actually made the character.

I just hope people enjoy. Will admit, gonna need a bit to 100% figure out how I'll do the Character choice.

Also, remember everyone, this isn't standard Three Kingdoms.

This is Dynasty Warriors.

The Series where Zhuge Liang is a literal Wizard that can control the winds.
I'm gonna do some quick dice rolls.

These are to discover exactly how many territories are owned and by who when the game starts. If one of the dice rolls the total number, I'll roll again.

Gotta make sure not every Territory is taken by an OCP, so you guys have some room to bust up some random name nobodies.

Edit: ....Jesus.

So, there are a Total of 27 Territories (basing this off of DW 8 Empires).

Wu, Shu, and Wei each get 1 Territory (3).

5 have been set apart for other purposes....

That left 18.

12 are under an OCP's control.

Leaving 6 for Randos.

Edit Edit: Some of the Randos and OCPs will be Created Officers that I make, just to have some variety.

Edit Edit Edit: Under suggestion from Burning, I'm going to go ahead and give a few more people their own Territories.

These are Dong Zhou, Lu Bu, Zheng Jiang, and Yuan Shao.
LinkOnScepter threw 2 18-faced dice. Reason: OCP Territories Total: 30
18 18 12 12
Last edited:
Expect the Character Choice Update either tonight, tomorrow, or thursday.

I hate to make it that long, but I need Burning's help to get down what I'm gonna write, and he's sleep right now.
Cao Cao could be the most stone cold since he did kill a pregnant woman when Dong Cheng's plot got discovered.
Cao Cao could be the most stone cold since he did kill a pregnant woman when Dong Cheng's plot got discovered.
nope that would go to Sima Yi, he got a woman pregnant then bribed the midwife so that she would bleed out during birth all so he could pretend to mourn her death in order stage his coup
Character Choice
….Well, I suppose I should cut you some slack.

It's not like this whole situation is your fault. China was already in a big mess before all you guys started appearing. But it's not like everyone who came here is purposely trying to destroy the place. There are a few of you who are actually trying to fix things while you're here. I can only hope that you're one of them.

Now then, who exactly are you?

In the massive forced migration of people from other planes of existence, where did you find yourself springing from?

[] Gwyn, Lord of Cinder

  • Gender: Male
  • Age: ???
  • Appearance:
  • Favored Weapon: Greatsword
  • Element: Fire/Lightning
  • Traits:
    • God King: Gwyn was one of the first to touch the First Flame and claim the power of the Lord Soul. Through this he managed to gain godlike power and create an entire Kingdom that lasted for hundreds of years. Though his kingdom maybe gone, and his people long since lost to time, he has not lost any of his Kingly presence, abilities, or eloquence.
  • Perks:
    • Warrior King: Out of all the Lords of Lordran, Gwyn was considered the strongest and for good reason. He is proficient with a greatsword, able to wield it in one hand, is able to use the power of the First Flame in combat, and created the Lightning Miracles that were instrumental in killing the dragons.
    • A Lord Above All: Gwyn was not King of Lordran for his combat prowess alone. His charisma and drive drew others to him, convincing them to fight for his cause. This soon turned from mere infatuation to genuine loyalty to both him and Lordran. Expect any force he leads to feel the same amount of trust.
  • Flaws:
    • Iron Fisted: Gwyn will not allow a single threat to his Kingdom or rule exist. If even a tiny hint of a threat comes to his land, he will remove it. By any means necessary. All for the greater good.

[] Kikiyo, The Shrine Maiden

  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 68 (Physically 18)
  • Appearance:
  • Favored Weapon: Bow and Arrow
  • Element: Light
  • Trait:
    • Shrine Maiden: Kikiyo is a Shrine Maiden beyond any before or after her (save a very late ancestor). Her Powers of Purification are without equal, she can produce and control Shinigami, and her very presence can purify a large area around her. In addition to all this, she is equally as eloquent and intelligent as any Lord.
  • Perks:
    • Master Archer: Kikiyo has supernatural skills with a bow and arrow. Her shots almost always hit their targets. With very little delay time between shots, she can be considered a one woman battalion of archers.
    • Purification Power: Kikiyo can focus her powers into her arrows, giving them immense purification power. While this does very little to mortals and those considered human, demons and those of their ilk are destroyed with but a touch. It can also shatter illusions, cure poisons, and turn the Undead.
  • Flaws:
    • Cold Hearted: Kikyo has died once before, but was brought back due a witch's Dark Arts. She is only alive in the sense that she is still moving around. While she feels the need to defend people and kill demons, she does not truly experience emotions and can come off as cold to those who speak to her.

[] Lina Inverse, Sorceress Supreme

  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 18
  • Appearance:
  • Favored Weapon: Black Magic
  • Element: All
  • Trait:
    • Heart of Gold: Lina might seems kind of harsh and selfish....because she is. However, she does mean well in the end, and saves the world whenever she's called upon to do so. Mainly cause the world dying means she dies, too. Most people find her...bearable, though most would probably only stomach her for a short amount of time. Except for bandits. They're completely terrified of her.
  • Perks:
    • Sorceress Supreme: Lina knows every kind of magic under the sun. Shamanism, Nature Magic, Enchantment, Alchemy, you name it, she probably knows something about it. Though her main school is Black Magic, something that she has down to a science. If there's a spell that can destroy, blast, burn, or freeze, she can use it.
    • Lord of Nightmares: Lina is, for better or worse, an Avatar of the Lord of Nightmares. This gives her more power than many other Magic Users, and boost her physical capabilities beyond those of normal mortals. In addition, she can draw upon the Lord of Nightmares' power when needed using the Ragna Blade or Giga Slave. However, both of these could kill her and destroy the world.
  • Flaws:
    • Heart for Gold: Saying Lina is greedy is an understatement. While she has her limits, there's not a lot she wouldn't do for gold or a good meal if she's feeling hungry. If there's no reward involved, she's not likely to put in the effort to do something.

[] Tadakatsu Honda, The Heavenly General.

  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 31
  • Appearance:
  • Favored Weapon: Drill Lance
  • Element: Lightning
  • Trait:
    • Heavenly King: Tadakatsu Honda was, and is, one of the greatest samurai to ever live in Japan during the Sengoku Jidai. He was known as an unparalleled warrior, the strongest in all Japan. A spear for his enemies and a shield for his allies, he was instrumental in ensuring the survival of the Tokugawa, and their inevitable ascension to the Shogunate. He, in many ways, personifies the samurai mindset.
  • Perks:
    • The Iron Ox: Tadakatsu is a cyborg. He's taller than any man, has rocket boosters in this back, and treads on his feet. He uses a giant Drill Lance as a weapon, and may summon lighting from his back to blast his enemies to pieces. He never needs to speak, for his actions do all the talking for him.
    • Spirit of Bushido: Tadakatsu is something that all samurai strive to be. He does not quesiton his lord, he leads from the front in battle, his is honorable to a fault, and would sooner die than dishonor his or his Lords name. This extends to his men who feel the need to follow his example, fighting harder than many other forces.
  • Flaws:
    • The Way of the Samurai: The Code of Bushido is not a kind one. And following it requires strict discipline and a dedication to honor and your Lord above all else. When faced with a decision between his Lord and those who have slighted him, Tadakatsu will choose his Lord...always.

[] Write in...

  • Name:
  • Gender:
  • Age: (Must be at least 18)
  • Appearance (Optional):
  • Favored Weapon:
  • Element:
  • Trait: (At least 1, Max 3)
  • Perks: (At least 2, Max 4)
  • Flaws: (Must be Equal to Number of Traits)
  • Background (Optional):

I know that people are going to want to add their own characters in, so I'm going to explain what each means and how to do it.

Name, Gender, and Age are self-explanatory.

Appearance is self-explanatory and optional.

Favored Weapon means the weapon that they are best with, or use the most. This will be the weapon they start with, and primarily use through the Quest. If you'd like them to use a different weapon, feel free to grab it have them use it during the Quest. However, they might not be as proficient with it as their favored weapon, at least without training. Using your favored weapon will allow you to use special abilities and moves in combat unique to it.

Element is self-explanatory. It will mostly be for fluff, but there will be special instances where it takes effect. Like say, having a Fire Weapon and someone's using Ice Magic, or a person with wind and someone with fire working together to burn the enemy ships. There's no real limit to this. You can even have no Element if you want.

Traits represent positive aspects of a character's personality, or at least are things that define them as a person. Traits will primarily come into effect outside of combat. They will give you special options when you talk to other characters, unique strategies when you're ordering your men around, or even new path ways for advancement. You need to have at least 1 Trait with a Maximum of 3.

Perks represent a character's combat abilities, magical powers, and just their general skills when it comes to fighting. They will primarily come out in combat, giving you unique and special attacks, moves, and way to get around obstacles like enemy strategies. Any Perk must have something to due with combat or at least contribute to it in someway. You need to have at least 2 Perks with a Maximum of 4.

Flaws are the opposite of Traits. They represent a negative aspect of a character's personality, or at least something that defines them as a person, but isn't necessarily good for them. Unlike Traits, Flaws can regularly manifest in combat if you're up against something or someone that would trigger it. Where Traits will simply add new options for you to choose from, Flaws will actively force you to make specific choices, if only because acting otherwise would go against that character's....well character. This doesn't mean that whenever a Flaw rears it's ugly head you'll be completely forced to go along with it, but the character will need a real reason to go against their Flaw (i.e. Lina forgets her greed when the world is at stake). For every Trait you have, you need to have a Flaw that goes along with it.

Lastly, there's Background which is also optional. If you'd like to give some fluff/background to the character you're adding, do so here.

Keep in mind that Flaws, Traits, and Perks will not be exclusive during the Quest. Traits will not always give you options that will work out, following your Flaw might actually make things better for you in the long run, and your Perks can help you outside of combat. They can even interact with each other during certain events.

Finally, remember; Neither you nor anyone else will be limited by game mechanics, save the nerf to make everyone equivalent in terms of Dynasty Warriors Power Level. If you feel like there's something about your character that they need to make them better/make things more fun, relax. You'll get the option to remove your nerf as the Quest goes along. Just know that it will require a lot of resources, dedication and time.

Now, feel free to vote!
[X] Tadakatsu Honda, The Heavenly General.

Oh yeah bring out the gundam Tadakatsu Hondam
[X] Write-In: Song Jiang, the Protector of Righteousness
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 30
  • Appearance: A short, dark-skinned man with "the eyes of a phoenix" and "a large, squarish mouth."
  • Favored Weapon: Sword
  • Element: Water
  • Traits:
    • Timely Rain: Song Jiang has a magnetic charisma seen only very rarely; in this time, perhaps only Liu Bei can compare to the "Dark Third Brother's" ability to attract the service of great heroes with nothing but the appeal of his virtue and charisma alone.
    • Friends High and Low: Song Jiang's reputation precedes him and his charm sways even those who have never heard of him when met in person. He is equally comfortable and able to comport himself well in both the highest and lowest company, and has a knack for making friends and contacts among both with equal ease. Only the truly vile or corrupt find themselves totally immune to Song Jiang's ability to make friends and companions wherever he goes, and even enemies often find themselves developing at least a grudging respect if they meet him in person.
  • Perks:
    • A Band of Thieves, A Band of Brothers: The Liangshan Bandits were merely a collection of men wronged by society who mostly found their way to the marsh by chance and came together for survival and a sense of brotherhood. Yet this ragtag collection of outcasts and criminals were united in Song Jiang's leadership into a force capable of defeating forces far larger time and again; while a great deal of that was the skills of its various heroes, the value of the unity and cooperation Song Jiang can inspire in even the most undisciplined and haphazard of troops is not to be underestimated. When under Song Jiang's command, even a bunch of random peasants can cooperate and follow orders in way that startles even seasoned veterans.
    • Deliver Justice on Heaven's Behalf: Song Jiang is tied to the Tiankui Star by Heaven itself, and so fate itself works in his favor to see him accomplish his mission of bringing peace and justice to the world. While clearly not perfect, as his end should tell you, the blessings of Heaven help guide him through the darkest times: when Song Jiang is on the verge of losing, an opportunity to turn the tide often emerges, but it is still up to Song Jiang himself to succeed in recognizing and seizing it.
  • Flaws:
    • Loyalty Unto Death: Song Jiang refuses to ever break his word or betray his core principles for any reason. Even if it means death or disgrace, he will choose to die with his honor intact than act contrary to his beliefs. In his own time, this would have led to his death by betrayal and assassination, with all his work undone by corrupt and evil men.
    • Dark Song Jiang: Though usually virtuous to a fault, Song Jiang is no saint. A black mood sometimes descends over him, at which point he becomes far colder and ruthless than usual, and even shows hints of darker ambitions than a mere desire for justice; this may be the legacy of the Stars of Destiny, who were once demonic overlords before repenting in their imprisonment. When in the grips of this darker side of himself – which seems more likely to emerge when Song Jiang becomes drunk – he is prone to acts of terrible vengeance, more willing to behave ruthlessly to achieve his goals, and at his worst even shows hints of tyranny and ambition totally at odds with his own ideals. At these times, the protection of Heaven tends to abandon him temporarily.
Background: Song Jiang hails from the early 12th century, in the waning days of the Song Dynasty. He originally lived as a clerk for a county magistrate; despite that low position, he was well-trained in both scholarship and martial arts, and was famous for his filial piety, chivalry and generosity. The injustice and corruption of his time eventually forced him into the life of a bandit; eventually, he became the leader of the bandits of Liangshan Marsh, and the 1st Star of the 108 Stars of Destiny. Despite repeated victories over imperial forces, he always hoped to receive a pardon so that he could restore the ailing dynasty and purge the court of corruption. Eventually, he achieved that goal, and in the service of the Song Emperor he and his forces, with only minimal support, first defeated the Khitan-ruled Liao Dynasty and then the massive rebellion of Fang La, though the latter proved his undoing.