Romance of the Three Dynasties (Dynasty Warriors Multicross)

I haven't watched Slayers, just heard a bit of it. I'm basing Lina's whole personality on her greed, so forgive any dumb choices on my part :)
Lina is:
-Protective of the weak, young or helpless. But tends to be kind of be a bit of a bitch to them(and to everyone).
-Intimidated by older women and large breasts
-In a tsundere relationship with her titles
--She dislikes being the Pink Sorceress, but she wears pink everything.
--She dislikes being the Dragon Spooker, but she continues to terrorize dragons.
Lina is:
-Protective of the weak, young or helpless. But tends to be kind of be a bit of a bitch to them(and to everyone).
-Intimidated by older women and large breasts
-In a tsundere relationship with her titles
--She dislikes being the Pink Sorceress, but she wears pink everything.
--She dislikes being the Dragon Spooker, but she continues to terrorize dragons.
ok 'm not so sure how we can play this character, still since as far as we know the only two dragons here are Zhuge Liang and possibly Zhao Yun would be allowed to troll them as a form of terrorise?
She got the title by blasting literal dragons with a citykiller spell.
Saving the town by destroying it. Word got around, dragons actually flee if they realize its her.
Personally I didn't vote because I don't know what our goal is.
I'd like to go into town because we can't have shenanigans without other people, but... I know that the town was straight ahead when we were scrying but I don't know what direction we were facing.
Personally I didn't vote because I don't know what our goal is.
I'd like to go into town because we can't have shenanigans without other people, but... I know that the town was straight ahead when we were scrying but I don't know what direction we were facing.
Well the final goal is to End the Chaos of this period. Lina might like to be Empress or a really high level general; those get a lot of money.
Since this is also an Isekai quest, getting ourselves established and familiar with the world is a good start.
Yeah I'd just put a vote like
[] Go to town

Unless OP wants to clear up about directions. I'm honestly a bit disoriented in direction, too!
Well the final goal is to End the Chaos of this period. Lina might like to be Empress or a really high level general; those get a lot of money.
Since this is also an Isekai quest, getting ourselves established and familiar with the world is a good start.
Yeah I'd just put a vote like
[] Go to town

Unless OP wants to clear up about directions. I'm honestly a bit disoriented in direction, too!

Ok so:

-Town is to the north, which means directly in front of you. Just walk out the cave and you'll reach it.

-You know the general area of Sima Yi and Schierke, that being behind your cave. You'll have to do some searching to find them though.

-The Bandits are to your west, back the way you originally came from. Just head that way and you'll find them. They're pretty easy to spot.

As for direction:

-Since you're a Free Officer, you can do whatever the heck you want really. In the Empire games, the end goal was always to End the Chaos, which meant you'd have to conquer China sooner or later. However, we're not constrained by mechanics, so you guys can do what you want. The world will move even if you don't, so a goal might come knocking at your door.

-If you want some real direction, go visit Sima Yi. He's essentially the "I'll give you the low down on everything free of charge" option. His update will be an Info Dump on where you are, who rules this Territory, who rules the adjacent Territories, and what that means for you.

Lastly, when it comes to Lina: Think of her as a Chaotic Good Sorceress from AD&D. She can be self-centered, but if the world or people are in danger she will help out for no reward. Though it helps if she has a personal stake in it...which is usually the case.

Oh yeah, she also has a soft spot for kids.

Don't hurt kids when Lina's around.

Just don't do it.
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-Town is to the north, which means directly in front of you. Just walk out the cave and you'll reach it.
[] Move: You need to move shop. You know where the town is, two other people probably know your general location, and you can't stay in a cave all day long. You're gonna have to leave and find a new place to set up. You don't have much, so this won't be too hard. (Move to a new Adjacent Territory)
- [] Head South
- [] Head East
- [] Head West

That's cause Move means packing up your stuff and moving to a different Territory entirely.

As in, move to a place with a new town, new people, new items, etc.

And the reason you can't go North is, you're in Louyang.

Which, in game, has the edge of the map (read: mountains) to the North instead of a Territory.

So, you can't move that way unless you want to up and leave China.

Edit: Though I now realize my mistake.

Hold a moment.
Alright changing vote.

[X] Head into Town: You might not have any money to buy things with, but you can still go into down and just look at everything. It might be a good way to get familiar with the locals. (Head into Town and learn all about it, Random Event DC: 50)
-[X] Ask if anyone has seen the girl you saw, and if so, where she might be.
-[X] Look for jobs to do to get money. You feel unnatural without the weight of coins in your bag.
[X] Head into Town: You might not have any money to buy things with, but you can still go into down and just look at everything. It might be a good way to get familiar with the locals. (Head into Town and learn all about it, Random Event DC: 50)
-[X] Ask if anyone has seen the girl you saw, and if so, where she might be.
-[X] Look for jobs to do to get money. You feel unnatural without the weight of coins in your bag.
Could add Lina as a barter genius considering how she sort out and increase value of the loot she acquired in season 1, really draws money from stone.

[X] Track down those Magic Users: No use avoiding it, you're gonna have to go meet with one of those Magic Users. They already know you're around, might as well take the initiative and meet them on your terms. Otherwise they're gonna come to you and that could end with a battle you're not ready to have right now.
-[X] Find the little girl. She looks like a light breeze could take her down, and it's not good to be a little girl traveling alone in this kind of place. You need to find her before she gets into trouble.
[X] Track down those Magic Users: No use avoiding it, you're gonna have to go meet with one of those Magic Users. They already know you're around, might as well take the initiative and meet them on your terms. Otherwise they're gonna come to you and that could end with a battle you're not ready to have right now.
-[X] Find the little girl. She looks like a light breeze could take her down, and it's not good to be a little girl traveling alone in this kind of place. You need to find her before she gets into trouble.
[X] Track down those Magic Users: No use avoiding it, you're gonna have to go meet with one of those Magic Users. They already know you're around, might as well take the initiative and meet them on your terms. Otherwise they're gonna come to you and that could end with a battle you're not ready to have right now.
-[X] Find the little girl. She looks like a light breeze could take her down, and it's not good to be a little girl traveling alone in this kind of place. You need to find her before she gets into trouble.
This looks good. Thanks everyone, sorry about the confusion.

If anything looks wrong with these votes, let me know.

Otherwise, time to meet the little girl!
Adhoc vote count started by LinkOnScepter on Jun 21, 2019 at 11:25 AM, finished with 42 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Track down those Magic Users: No use avoiding it, you're gonna have to go meet with one of those Magic Users. They already know you're around, might as well take the initiative and meet them on your terms. Otherwise they're gonna come to you and that could end with a battle you're not ready to have right now.
    -[X] Find the little girl. She looks like a light breeze could take her down, and it's not good to be a little girl traveling alone in this kind of place. You need to find her before she gets into trouble.
    [X] Slay some Bandits: You know where the bandits are, you know they have treasure and gold, and you know that someone will be very happy they've been cleaned up. There's no reason for you not to go after them. Time to get back to work! (Enter Battle Phase, Random Event DC 30)
    [X] Head into Town: You might not have any money to buy things with, but you can still go into down and just look at everything. It might be a good way to get familiar with the locals. (Head into Town and learn all about it, Random Event DC: 50)
    -[X] Ask if anyone has seen the girl you saw, and if so, where she might be.
    -[X] Look for jobs to do to get money. You feel unnatural without the weight of coins in your bag.
    [X] Raise Money: You don't have much, but with a little magic you could probably turn a few of the rocks in this cave into trinkets and crystals. Then it's just a matter of haggling with a merchant. And that's something you're an expert in. (Get 500 Gold)
The Little Witch Part 1
[X] Track down those Magic Users: No use avoiding it, you're gonna have to go meet with one of those Magic Users. They already know you're around, might as well take the initiative and meet them on your terms. Otherwise, they're gonna come to you and that could end with a battle you're not ready to have right now.
-[X] Find the little girl. She looks like a light breeze could take her down, and it's not good to be a little girl traveling alone in this kind of place. You need to find her before she gets into trouble.

The wind feels cool against your skin as you fly through the air. You take in a deep breath, letting it out in a happy sigh. Feels good to know that all your magic is working just fine. And with no caveats to it either, unlike the other times...

You shudder at the memories, distracting yourself by observing the landscape of whatever new land...China you think it's called. Hard to forget since that voice kept mentioning it while you were knocked out. Though you can't blame him. Based on what he said, this Empire was already in its Twilight Years, then a bunch of people like you started showing up. It's like someone hit the place with Fireball, then someone else came along and threw a bigger Fireball at it for laughs!

Though, if that is the case, you can't see it right now. This high up you'd be able to spot anything that screamed "The End is Nigh" or "Help! Our Village is on Fire!". But so far, everything looks pretty peaceful. The forests are filled with trees, you can spot evidence of irrigation being set up near a town in the distance, a couple of birds fly past you as they migrate.

Everything looks quiet.

Which just worries you more.

You've been around the block enough times to know that when things get quiet, something bad is going on.

Makes you put a bit more speed behind your flight, focusing your eyes on the trees below you. If your scrying was correct, that little girl should be somewhere around here. It should be pretty simple to spot her if you just blanket your magic out a bit aaannndddd.....there.

You let yourself fall, slowly, into the trees below. A flick of your wrist parts the branches to give you a safe way down onto the grass below. You keep your steps light as you hit the ground, moving through the foliage in front of you towards where Little Miss Magic should be.

You do pause in your movements for a single moment, having just stopped your foot from stepping between two brown trees.

Anyone else would've passed the things and went on their way.

[Perk Activated: Sorceress Supreme]

But you're not just anybody.

"Clever," you mutter while moving your foot back a step. Quick observations reveals the twin runes etched into the bark of both trees. A magical warning system to let her know in case anyone tries to sneak up on her. No doubt she's placed a multitude of these all around this little area. An entire net of magical sirens waiting to be set off.

Nice work on her part.

At least this proves she can take care of herself.

Now then, how to approach this? First impressions are everything, so you're gonna have to choose wisely here.

[] You still can't tell if you can trust her and letting her know you're coming might give her the chance to get the drop on you. You'll just quietly dispel one part of her net before moving on. Hopefully, she'll understand your pragmatism...or at least not attack you on sight.

[] No real point in trying to be sneaky here. Stealth isn't exactly your strong suit, and she probably already knows you're coming. Might as well just walk on through and say hi to her. It'll show you're not a threat and give her more reason to trust you. Though, you will be putting yourself at some risk if she turns out to be more foe than friend.

[] Write-in....
[X] You still can't tell if you can trust her and letting her know you're coming might give her the chance to get the drop on you. You'll just quietly dispel one part of her net before moving on. Hopefully, she'll understand your pragmatism...or at least not attack you on sight.

Lina is surprisingly sneaky for someone dressed mostly in pink