Romance of the Three Dynasties (Dynasty Warriors Multicross)

[X] No real point in trying to be sneaky here. Stealth isn't exactly your strong suit, and she probably already knows you're coming. Might as well just walk on through and say hi to her. It'll show you're not a threat and give her more reason to trust you. Though, you will be putting yourself at some risk if she turns out to be more foe than friend.
-[:p] Rush in and start demanding shit. You're the Sorceress Supreme, dammit!
[Q] The Wards can't activate if there are no trees. DRAGON SLAVE!

[X] No real point in trying to be sneaky here. Stealth isn't exactly your strong suit, and she probably already knows you're coming. Might as well just walk on through and say hi to her. It'll show you're not a threat and give her more reason to trust you. Though, you will be putting yourself at some risk if she turns out to be more foe than friend.
[X] You still can't tell if you can trust her and letting her know you're coming might give her the chance to get the drop on you. You'll just quietly dispel one part of her net before moving on. Hopefully, she'll understand your pragmatism...or at least not attack you on sight.
[X] No real point in trying to be sneaky here. Stealth isn't exactly your strong suit, and she probably already knows you're coming. Might as well just walk on through and say hi to her. It'll show you're not a threat and give her more reason to trust you. Though, you will be putting yourself at some risk if she turns out to be more foe than friend.
[X] No real point in trying to be sneaky here. Stealth isn't exactly your strong suit, and she probably already knows you're coming. Might as well just walk on through and say hi to her. It'll show you're not a threat and give her more reason to trust you. Though, you will be putting yourself at some risk if she turns out to be more foe than friend.
[X] You still can't tell if you can trust her and letting her know you're coming might give her the chance to get the drop on you. You'll just quietly dispel one part of her net before moving on. Hopefully, she'll understand your pragmatism...or at least not attack you on sight.
[X] No real point in trying to be sneaky here. Stealth isn't exactly your strong suit, and she probably already knows you're coming. Might as well just walk on through and say hi to her. It'll show you're not a threat and give her more reason to trust you. Though, you will be putting yourself at some risk if she turns out to be more foe than friend.
[X] No real point in trying to be sneaky here. Stealth isn't exactly your strong suit, and she probably already knows you're coming. Might as well just walk on through and say hi to her. It'll show you're not a threat and give her more reason to trust you. Though, you will be putting yourself at some risk if she turns out to be more foe than friend.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by LinkOnScepter on Jun 24, 2019 at 3:41 PM, finished with 9 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] No real point in trying to be sneaky here. Stealth isn't exactly your strong suit, and she probably already knows you're coming. Might as well just walk on through and say hi to her. It'll show you're not a threat and give her more reason to trust you. Though, you will be putting yourself at some risk if she turns out to be more foe than friend.
    [X] You still can't tell if you can trust her and letting her know you're coming might give her the chance to get the drop on you. You'll just quietly dispel one part of her net before moving on. Hopefully, she'll understand your pragmatism...or at least not attack you on sight.
The Little Witch Part 2/Turn 3/Month 3
It isn't long before you hear the soft sound of a flowing stream. You slow to a walk, then a full stop when you reach the threshold that separates you from your destination. You sidle up to a thick tree trunk, place your back against it, then slowly peek around the corner.

It's only seconds before you find her, kneeling next to the bubbling stream with her hands submerged beneath the water. The sleeves of her purple, full body robe have been rolled up to prevent them from getting soaked, while her wide-brimmed hat sits on a rock to her right. Her short emerald hair matches her eyes as they focus on the water in front of her. Her mouth is moving in what can only be an incantation, but you can't make out what she's saying and what it would do from here.

You soon get your answer when the water around her hands turns light blue for a brief moment. Only when the light abates does she lift her hands to her mouth to drink the water. She lets out a dignified sigh afterward, before standing up and reaching for a stick you only now notice was sitting right by her.

Well, you said you weren't going to hide and she already knows you're here. Might as well introduce yourself.

You step out from behind the tree with your hands raised and shout, "Hi!"

As expected, the girl's already turned your way and has her staff pointed in your direction. So, she's one of those witches huh? Pretty old fashioned, but still effective. Her face remains impassive as you step to the river's edge on your side. You smile innocently while walking across the stream to the other side. She doesn't take her eyes off you the whole time.

You stop a far enough distance away that, if needed, you could cast Ray Wing and get back to your temporary abode in a few minutes. She hasn't changed her expression or let her staff fall even once. Her eyes are sharp, telling you all you need to know about her experience. Even her stance has little to no openings in it.

Impressive for someone so young.

She seems to catch you staring, placing a second hand on her staff while a frown starts to form. You wave your hands while chuckling nervously. Guess she doesn't like it when people stare at her?

You let out a sigh before finally breaking the silence, "Ok, what do you want to know?" Her confused expression encourages you to continue, "I found your warning system. It's a pretty good one. Anyone without a modicum of magical know how would blunder right into it. And I know you saw me through my scrying pool."

You shrug, "There's really no point in me trying to be sneaky about this. So, ask me anything, kid."

She bristles when you say kid, so you make a mental note to not call her that anymore. Thankfully she doesn't run away or try to blast you for it, shifting her grip on her staff while looking you up and down. Finally, she speaks, "Why were you spying on me?"

"How do you know it was me?" you ask, though you already know the answer.

"If you discovered my wards, then you should already know the answer," damn, she called your bluff.

You sigh, staring her in the eye and saying, "I wasn't," at her raised eyebrow you hastily continue, "I mean, it wasn't my intention. I was just trying to find out where I was and where the important things were. The fact that it found you was a total accident. Promise."

You feel your pride as a Sorceress take a hit at the word "accident". Makes you sound third rate and amateurish. But, you don't really have much of a choice in the matter here. If you want to make this work, you're gonna have to swallow your pride for a bit.

The girl takes in what you've said for a few minutes. The stream flows along as the two of you engage in an awkward stare down. You slowly start to drop your arms until they reach your sides. She doesn't react, meaning that she at least trust you that much.

She moves her staff to her side, "Alright then, I believe you." She places a hand on her chest and lets out a little sigh, "Truth be told, I'm glad you turned out to be a kind sort. The last thing I want is to attack a fellow witch."

Wait, she thinks you're a witch?

You mull over what that could mean as the girl grabs her hat from the rock. She beats it against the stone to get the dust off it, before placing it on her head. Then she walks up to you with her staff held in both her hands. She curtsies while saying, "My name is Schierke, a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Magical prowess and proper manners? This kid has to be a noble or something. You don't get this type of upbringing unless you're someone with a lot of political clout behind them. But, if she's gonna be tagging along, you'll have to fix that.

You straighten up, smile at the young girl, then reach down and rub her head through her hat. She gets flustered, stepping away from you with a cute, tiny yelp. You chuckle before answering, "I'm Lina. Lina Inverse!"

You get ready to introduce yourself further, but you're interrupted by a flying, pink object that smacks right into your nose. It doesn't hurt but it is annoying. You cross your eyes to look down that what you think it is.

"Hey! Pay attention next time! I almost suffocated thanks to you!" what you could only describe as a tiny, pink fairy yells at you in a shrill voice.

"Ivalera!" Schierke shouts, causing the sprite to zip back to her. It climbs into her hat before sticking its tongue out at you while pull down on an eyelid.

….You're already starting to regret this decision.

(Schierke and Ivalera Found! Schierke has joined you at your cave! Her Trust starts at 10/100 (+10 from Sorceress Supreme Perk))

You make it back "home" with very little trouble. The only strange part was how Schierke clung to your arm the whole flight back, further indicating that magic is a lot different where she's from. She's pretty much just an extra pair of hands at this point, helping you out with the fire and catching fish. That little fairy, Ivalera you think, hasn't stopped giving you the stink eye though....
Current Status:

Job: Free Officer
Goal: Get some Money, Possibly find your Companions, Go from there
Gold: 0
Materials: 0
Infantry/Men/Army: 0
Turn 3/Month 3


- Trust: 10/100
- Age: ???
- Trait: ???
- Perks: ???
- Flaws: ???
- Favored Weapon: Staff
- Actions: 1

Strategy Phase:

[] Track down those Magic Users: No use avoiding it, you're gonna have to go meet with one of those Magic Users. They already know you're around, might as well take the initiative and meet them on your terms. Otherwise they're gonna come to you and that could end with a battle you're not ready to have right now.
- [] Find the pale guy. Even in the water he looked pretty creepy. All the more reason to meet with him and see where the two of you stand.

[] Search: Now that you know other people are out there, it's time to find some and get to know them! Let's just hope the meeting goes as smoothly as your first one.
- [] Try to find anybody. No preference. (DC: 25)
- [] Try to find warriors. You'll need some meatheads since Gourry isn't here. (DC: 30)
- [] Try to find some healers. You'll need someone to patch up your wounds. (DC: 40)
- [] Try to find more magic users. You like having people you have something in common with around. (DC: 50)
- [] Try to find your friends. They've gotta be here somewhere. (DC: 75)

[] Interact: There are people other than you here now. You could at least get to know them.
- [] Schierke: Let's find out a little more about the little witch here.

[] Practice: You might be an amazing Sorceress, but you didn't get where you are without a lot of training. And even now you always make sure to get in some practice here and there. You lose it if you don't use it! (Practice your Magic, DC to Gain a New Perk: 70, Random Event DC: 70)
- [] Have Schierke Practice with you. (DC for Lina to Gain a New Perk: 50, DC for Schierke to gain a new Perk: 50, Random Event DC: 60)

[] Raise Money: You don't have much, but with a little magic you could probably turn a few of the rocks in this cave into trinkets and crystals. Then it's just a matter of haggling with a merchant. And that's something you're an expert in. (Get 500 Gold)
- [] Bring Schierke with you. (+500 Gold)

[] Slay some Bandits: You know where the bandits are, you know they have treasure and gold, and you know that someone will be very happy they've been cleaned up. There's no reason for you not to go after them. Time to get back to work! (Enter Battle Phase, Random Event DC 30)
- [] Bring Schierke with you (1 Extra Officer)

[] Head into Town: You might not have any money to buy things with, but you can still go into down and just look at everything. It might be a good way to get familiar with the locals. (Head into Town and learn all about it, Random Event DC: 50)
- [] Bring Schierke with you. (Random Event DC: 45)

[] Send Schierke Out: The last thing you want to do is put a little girl to work the moment she steps into your home. But, it would be a waste to not have her go out and do things for you while you handle other task. Hopefully she won't mind.
- [] Raise Money (500 Gold, Random Event DC: 50)
- [] Find other people. (DC: 50)
- [] Practice (New Perk DC: 50)

[] Move: You need to move shop. You know where the town is, two other people probably know your general location, and you can't stay in a cave all day long. You're gonna have to leave and find a new place to set up. You don't have much, so this won't be too hard. (Move to a new Adjacent Territory)
- [] Head South
- [] Head East
- [] Head West

[] Rest: After everything that's happened, you think you're just gonna rest for today. Need to keep your strength up, and you need your beauty sleep. (Rest to regain health and such, Random Event DC: 50)

Explaining the New Options:

Search: Self Explanatory. Go out and find other Officers/People to talk to and possibly recruit.

Interact: Spend some time building Trust with other Officers. The more they trust you, the more you'll learn about them, their Traits, Perks, and Flaws.

Send Out: When you have other Officers, they each gain an Action. They will use this Action on their own, and usually do something beneficial for you. However, if you ever want them to do something specific, you can use Send Out. Keep in mind, that not everyone will like every task you send them out to do. You might end up lower some Trust with certain characters depending on their Flaws, Traits, and Perks.
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[X] Track down those Magic Users: No use avoiding it, you're gonna have to go meet with one of those Magic Users. They already know you're around, might as well take the initiative and meet them on your terms. Otherwise they're gonna come to you and that could end with a battle you're not ready to have right now.
- [X] Find the pale guy. Even in the water he looked pretty creepy. All the more reason to meet with him and see where the two of you stand.

Sima Yi
You straighten up, smile at the young girl, then reach down and rub her head through her hat.
Eww, lewd!

[X] Raise Money: You don't have much, but with a little magic you could probably turn a few of the rocks in this cave into trinkets and crystals. Then it's just a matter of haggling with a merchant. And that's something you're an expert in. (Get 500 Gold)
- [X] Bring Schierke with you. (+500 Gold)

[X] Slay some Bandits: You know where the bandits are, you know they have treasure and gold, and you know that someone will be very happy they've been cleaned up. There's no reason for you not to go after them. Time to get back to work! (Enter Battle Phase, Random Event DC 30)
- [X] Bring Schierke with you (1 Extra Officer)
Let the Killing begin
[X] Slay some Bandits: You know where the bandits are, you know they have treasure and gold, and you know that someone will be very happy they've been cleaned up. There's no reason for you not to go after them. Time to get back to work! (Enter Battle Phase, Random Event DC 30)
- [X] Bring Schierke with you (1 Extra Officer)
Let the Killing begin
[X] Interact: There are people other than you here now. You could at least get to know them.
- [x] Schierke: Let's find out a little more about the little witch here.
[X] Raise Money: You don't have much, but with a little magic you could probably turn a few of the rocks in this cave into trinkets and crystals. Then it's just a matter of haggling with a merchant. And that's something you're an expert in. (Get 500 Gold)
- [X] Bring Schierke with you. (+500 Gold)

Some cash first, then food, then bandits/Sima.

Lina's magic eats up calories fast. Fighting before getting a good feast has some risks that can be minimized
A Slayerverse Sorceror could eat a feast for 20 people by themselves after a day's intensive casting.
Lina can use Ray Wing, Fireball and such basic stuff trivially for what she could fish, but if she winds up tapping into her Serious spells you might see a small famine hehehe
I'll keep the vote open until tomorrow after 4:00 PM CST.
Adhoc vote count started by LinkOnScepter on Jun 29, 2019 at 5:23 PM, finished with 12 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Slay some Bandits: You know where the bandits are, you know they have treasure and gold, and you know that someone will be very happy they've been cleaned up. There's no reason for you not to go after them. Time to get back to work! (Enter Battle Phase, Random Event DC 30)
    - [X] Bring Schierke with you (1 Extra Officer)
    [X] Raise Money: You don't have much, but with a little magic you could probably turn a few of the rocks in this cave into trinkets and crystals. Then it's just a matter of haggling with a merchant. And that's something you're an expert in. (Get 500 Gold)
    - [X] Bring Schierke with you. (+500 Gold)
    [X] Track down those Magic Users: No use avoiding it, you're gonna have to go meet with one of those Magic Users. They already know you're around, might as well take the initiative and meet them on your terms. Otherwise they're gonna come to you and that could end with a battle you're not ready to have right now.
    - [X] Find the pale guy. Even in the water he looked pretty creepy. All the more reason to meet with him and see where the two of you stand.
    [X] Interact: There are people other than you here now. You could at least get to know them.
    - [x] Schierke: Let's find out a little more about the little witch here.
[X] Raise Money: You don't have much, but with a little magic you could probably turn a few of the rocks in this cave into trinkets and crystals. Then it's just a matter of haggling with a merchant. And that's something you're an expert in. (Get 500 Gold)
- [X] Bring Schierke with you. (+500 Gold)
Raise some Money it is.
Adhoc vote count started by LinkOnScepter on Jul 1, 2019 at 2:29 AM, finished with 14 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Raise Money: You don't have much, but with a little magic you could probably turn a few of the rocks in this cave into trinkets and crystals. Then it's just a matter of haggling with a merchant. And that's something you're an expert in. (Get 500 Gold)
    - [X] Bring Schierke with you. (+500 Gold)
    [X] Slay some Bandits: You know where the bandits are, you know they have treasure and gold, and you know that someone will be very happy they've been cleaned up. There's no reason for you not to go after them. Time to get back to work! (Enter Battle Phase, Random Event DC 30)
    - [X] Bring Schierke with you (1 Extra Officer)
    [X] Track down those Magic Users: No use avoiding it, you're gonna have to go meet with one of those Magic Users. They already know you're around, might as well take the initiative and meet them on your terms. Otherwise they're gonna come to you and that could end with a battle you're not ready to have right now.
    - [X] Find the pale guy. Even in the water he looked pretty creepy. All the more reason to meet with him and see where the two of you stand.
    [X] Interact: There are people other than you here now. You could at least get to know them.
    - [x] Schierke: Let's find out a little more about the little witch here.