Rock the Cradle: A cultivation story

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You are Forrester Keras. You are many things: bonded to a carnivorous tree, an apprentice learning how to refine miraculous elixirs under the tutelage of one of the Seishen Kingdom's few Underlords, a good-natured and generous child, and thoroughly confusing to almost everyone you meet. When you were young, you struck a deal with a heavenly messenger, and his guidance has already carried you far, but a great calamity is coming close—and you are not yet aware of it.

Improve yourself, little Keras, and advance along your Path. Your skill with the sacred arts will be tested sorely, both in the present and in years to come.
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A visitor from the heavens
Etaja flees, as quickly and subtly as he can, the endless blue patterns of the Way shifting around him as he goes. He doesn't know what's on his tail, precisely: he knows it's an Abidan, because the pursuer attacked him immediately. He knows it's not one of the Abidan Judges, because he didn't die instantly when the Wolf--at least, he thinks it's a Wolf--caught wind of him. It's bad enough even without being a Judge. This is no one-star Abidan, whom Etaja might overpower, steal the Presence of, and flee back to the Vroshir worlds with his prize.

No, the Wolf brought an instant and overwhelming strength in the form of conceptual attacks, time-twisting minefields and sensor nets, and some sort of mental strike Etaja hasn't been able to identify yet. The Wolf clearly didn't have a full lock on Etaja, or the first attack would have been a crippling strike, instead of a near miss.

Iterations spin past below as Etaja flees, each world attached to the Way, anchored by its inhabitants. Each was a distraction, a foil, another fork in the path: its presence stirred the Way and made Etaja's already all-but-imperceptible shadow even harder to follow.

Yet, this is a Wolf. It pursues, slowed only slightly by all Etaja's wiles. As another lance of energy that could sterilize an unprotected continent brushes past Etaja, he triggers his final resort.

It had taken three decades of hard work and trading for what he couldn't handle himself to create this, but he doesn't even wince: if it keeps him alive right now, it was worth every second.

His body warps under the strain of insane acceleration in every direction at once as his signal splits: to the Wolf's senses, if this all goes correctly, it will appear as though Etaja has literally split in two.

There is a hesitation as the Wolf's senses probe the duplicates: Etaja is not splitting into two bodies, but rather a real one and a decoy, mimicking his signature exactly. Then one of them splits further.

The Wolf's reaction is instant as two become three: tripled spears of the concept of destruction, each enhanced by the Wolf's authority and the Way's ultimate order, fly out. The Wolf's attention is mostly pulled to the last two to split: logically, one of those is the correct one, but the Wolf will not risk it. All three must be obliterated.

Etaja breathes a sigh of relief, as the one that the Wolf took its eyes off of for a tiny fraction of a second releases its true payload: a tiny capsule even more subtle than Etaja has shown so far... with Etaja crammed within, his powers as a Vroshir suppressed to a merely
human level. He's done it.

Then, the spears strike home, and the local Way rumbles and shakes with the unleashed power, a greater payload than Etaja has predicted. A filament of its declaration of destruction, practically shrapnel, nicks Etaja's capsule and nearly finishes the job, sending him tumbling almost uncontrollably.

He's deep in Abidan territory, perhaps deeper than any Vroshir scout has penetrated in ages, but while the Wolf should believe that Etaja has been slain, he'll also keep watch. As Etaja spirals down to a nearly-uncontrolled crash onto some Iteration he doesn't know, a world too deep in Abidan territory for him to know its name, he knows he'll have to lay low.

A world opens beneath him as the Way vanishes. A large world, reasonably heavily populated, but unfamiliar. He doesn't dare steer, and his capsule's automatic elements aren't trustworthy after the hit he's taken.

Not for the first time, Etaja wishes he had a Presence to help him plan, to know if he's fine or doomed, but he doesn't. Instead, Etaja braces himself, hoping he will not die from the impact. Well, he thinks to himself, we all live in hope.

9 years before the Dreadgod's arrival
14 years before the Uncrowned King tournament

You scramble over the rocks by yourself, humming in pleasure. It has been a great month!

You had advanced from Foundation to Copper three weeks ago, and you are only five, as of yesterday. Your birthday party was fantastic! Both of your friends were there, and your parents were so happy that you'd advanced so young. "Kid's going to surpass me one day," your father said with a laugh, rubbing your head in a rough but fond way while you tried to wriggle out of his grasp.

Your father's a Gold, so it would be impressive for you to surpass him, instead of just equal him, but it was your birthday, and everything seemed possible while you were staring around at everyone else with your new Copper sight, observing their auras with your new sense.

That was yesterday, though. Today, no one was paying you too much attention this morning. It would be afternoon before your lessons picked back up, which led to your exploring on your own.

You're not supposed to wander this far, but the Silent Hinterlands are a safe place, and you're both five years old and a Copper, now. You can handle anything! Infinite power feels like it's flowing through you, as your family had even given you an orus fruit yesterday, one that had grown into a spiritual treasure. It was the first time you'd tasted one, and you can still feel its power cycling through your core to enhance your madra.

You keep staring at everything. Copper sight has changed everything. Birds and plants show life aura, the sky is filled with wind and cloud aura, and you can even see a few flows of earth aura in the ground underneath you. Each of them is new and exciting to you, even if everyone older than you has already gotten used to it: the older kids who are at Iron, and the adults who are Jade or, occasionally, Gold.

Then you take one more step and everything changes.

It was like you had been exploring a deep forest on a moonless night, with a single candle in your hands, thinking you could see everything. Then everything lights up like the summer sun at midday. You shriek, and stumble back, falling on your butt. The startlingly vivid apparition vanishes.

You catch your breath, and creep forward on your hands and knees. Light and fury overwhelm your Copper eyesight again, until you inch back. After a little more experimentation, it's clear enough: there's a line here where you can see some overwhelming aura once you're inside it, and can't outside.

You should probably report this, but you're five, and a Copper. You can handle anything. (Also, you're curious, but you pretend that has nothing to do with it.) You lock down your Copper sight to prevent yourself from being overwhelmed and forge on in.

What you stumbled on is a tiny thing, so it takes less than a minute for you to find what has to be the cause: there's someone here. It's a body on the ground of a tiny cave, almost just an indentation in the rock.

The body is dressed in some unfamiliar sort of dark leathers, and... he's unusual. Blue skin, no nose, and what looks like gills on his neck, which are covered in turn by... something. It's a smooth-looking construct of some sort, but you don't know how else to describe it. You can see water flowing along its tubes, to some other thing on his back. Maybe a drudge? You don't know drudges very well, so it's the first comparison you have.

He's sprawled out, reaching for another... thing. It's on the ground just out of his reach, or maybe it rolled out of his hand. Is he dead?

As you consider that possibility, green eyes snap open and lock onto yours, showing far too much comprehension to be dead. "████?" he says. You hear it in your mind.

You don't know if the skin and gills is some sort of unfamiliar Goldsign, or if this might be someone from distant lands, or even some unusually human-looking sacred beast, so you do what your family always told you to do: be polite.

You press your fists together in front of your body, and bow. You feel it's probably an awkward bow, but it's the best you can do. "This one did not mean to intrude, honored... visitor."

"████Damn █████. This one beseeches you to retrieve my ████." His finger twitches, which at least tells you what he's asking for. After a moment of hesitation, you scoot closer and pick up the... thing... and set it in his hand. It's heavier than you expected, but your Copper strength is enough.

His arm curls up without the rest of him moving. As soon as he cradles it to his belly, needles and various other implements slide out of it, and begin to poke him.

Inside of five seconds, he looks better, and pushes himself up to a seated position. "Gratitude, honored sibling," appears in your mind as he gives you a casual nod.

You hesitate, not sure how to take the combination of his words and familiar body language. "Honored visitor, why are you speaking so... formally?"

He shakes his head, taps the thing on his neck gills, and tries again. "Damn, were you being overly polite? That's going to screw up the translation ███." He looks at you again. "Just talk normal."

"A... Alright." You trail off, not sure what else to say.

"Thanks, though. Would've been really embarrassing if I'd died an inch from my ████." He shrugs. "I was trying not to be found, but I guess the jig's up on that. Who're you?"

You hesitate again, but your family has always drilled in the importance of keeping powerful strangers from getting mad at you. Answering probably is best. "I'm--"

[] Plan: [first name]
This is only for given name. Cradle is a big place; most names could be appropriate.

Your visitor continues to look at you, so you keep babbling. "Uh... my father's the local elder. He's a Gold-rank sacred artist. A very strong one! I'm his youngest--

- [] daughter
- [] son
- [] child

"and my family is in charge of--

- [] the halfsilver mines."
Halfsilver is a very rare material that can disrupt madra, meaning it is almost impossibly valuable in handling advanced sacred artists, sacred beasts, and Remnants. Wielding it also takes its own tricks.
Your family practices the Path of the Piercing Blade.

- [] the spirit orchards."
The halfsilver lode buried half in the mountain pushes a lot of spiritual energy to the far side, leading to orchards that produce many powerful and tasty fruits, popular even in the distant Seishen Kingdom.
Your family practices the Path of the Evergrowing Field.

- [] the fishing."
The high mountain springs and lakes are home to many sacred beast fish, who are hunted by sacred artists who pursue them underwater with spears. Their meat and scales are prized by soulsmiths and refiners.
Your family practices the Path of the River's Undertow.

You pause, before blurting out. "That's kind of a big deal! It's one of the three big industries in the Silent Hinterlands."

Your visitor laughs. "I'm sure it is," he says, and somehow he doesn't seem to be patronizing you.

"Uh... and who are you? Where are you from?"

"Etaja," he says, and you can see his hesitation even in his unfamiliar body language. "I come from... very far away."

"Are you a messenger of the heavens?" He meets half of the criteria you've heard about in stories. He might be.

Etaja laughs again, this time aloud, the first actual sound you've heard from him. His speech is still mental. "Not exactly, but also yes. But, kid, I can't say this strongly enough: don't tell anyone about me." You sense his spiritual attention on you, more strongly than even your father could manage. He thought the question was funny, but his answer is deadly serious. "It's for your protection. I might be able to get out of here through a class six spatial warp, but if I do, they might scour half this continent to be sure I didn't leave anything behind. Okay? Don't tell anyone."

You know your eyes are very big, but you can't think of anything to say.

The fish-like man cocks his head. "Sorry, kid, didn't mean to scare you. Look, think of it like this. You can literally just forget about this, and it'll be okay. In another couple days, I should be together enough to seal this cave up well enough no local will ever find me. Then I'm just going to sit here until everything quiets down, and leave. Okay? Not going to hurt anything. Just sit here, locked away."

"For how long?" It's a stupid question, you know.

"Uh... hm. Ten, maybe fifteen years? Not that long."

You gasp. That might as well be a thousand! "Are you actually immortal?"

Etaja groans mentally. "Well... I'm not going to die of old age if that's what you mean."

"It sounds boring!" Your attempt at keeping your politeness up has evaporated completely in the face of Etaja completely acting in a friendly manner.

"Better boring than dead. No one actually dies of boredom. And I can sense a few things even buried under a mountain."

"You can?" This is enough to impress even you.

"I... look, kid, I'm serious. This is really dangerous for you to hang out near me, okay? I'll be fine. Leave me alone." You turn to leave, a bit disappointed that that's everything. Of course, antagonizing unknown, powerful beings is dangerous, so you're still going to obey. Before you go more than than a step, Etaja speaks up one more time in your head. "Actually, wait. What's this world called?"

You pause, unsure of what to say. Surely a messenger from the heavens should know the goings-on of earthly matters. At least the broad strokes. Finally, though, you answer his question. "We call it Cradle, I think?"

"Cradle? Seriously?" Etaja's attention sharpens on you again. It's not madra, but you're not sure what it is... just that it's making it hard to not fall to your knees. "That can't be right. I ███████ on Cradle?"

It's something between disbelief and interest on his part. Still, whatever power he is using is almost suffocating. You can't put much of your attention to listening to him when all of your willpower is going to keeping yourself on your feet and your breathing going. "H-honored--"

"...Right, crap, sorry, kid. Recover." Etaja's attention lifts, and you feel... refreshed again, like you'd just woken from a nice nap, even the memory of the crushing weight of his spirit no longer painful or weighing on your mind. You can still remember it, it just doesn't hurt. He's still talking, though. "...Okay, I'll strike you a deal. Agree not to say anything about me, and come back in one year, and we'll talk about what further gift I can give you in exchange for helping me and giving me info. Deal?"


You beam at him, then turn to run off and uphold your end. It's been a good month. This is great!

What you don't know then is the extent to which this chance meeting will change your fate. No longer will you live a long and happy quiet life here in the Silent Hinterlands, passing peacefully in old age.

You will rock the world of Cradle itself, in time, if you live.

This is a narrative quest, set in the world of Will Wight's Cradle series. No familiarity with the series is expected or required. Technically, this is slightly AU, but in practice I'm focusing on a chunk of the setting that's not explored, so the quest and the book series are barely a spoiler for each other until about book 6, unless you count learning how sacred arts (what this setting calls cultivation) works as a spoiler.

Typically, voting will just be "largest vote-getter wins", but for this vote in particular, please use plan voting, since creating our protagonist's background is so closely linked, like this example:

[] Plan Robin
- [] child
- [] the fishing."
This is a wholly narrative quest, focusing more on the story and characters we advance with, against, and alongside than tracking the exact mechanics of our advancement. So, there's no dice rolls or explicit systems.

This is kept up to date with the current situation in the quest, so potential spoilers if you aren't up to date!

Forrester Keras, of the Silent Hinterlands

Age: 11
Advancement rank: Lowgold
Strength: C
You are above-average in physical strength, able to lift several times your bodyweight and hit hard, though you are better at sustained strength than instant spikes.
Speed: C+
You are significantly faster than average for a Lowgold, especially in fast and precise bursts. Other Lowgolds won't usually match you without a technique.
Toughness: C-
You are about average in sturdiness. Your flesh feels tough and hard when struck, like solid hardwood.
Stamina: C+
You can work long and hard without complaint, and your madra reserves are higher than average.
Coordination: B-
Your balance and proprioception is truly exceptional, and your ability to mentally multitask and integrate sensory data efficiently is even more so.

You follow the Path of the Evergrowing Field.
Known techniques:
Verdant Valley: Mastered Life-aspected Ruler technique
You can force plants to grow quickly or grow healthy with a thought, compressing weeks' worth of growth into seconds. You have additionally learned to heal using this. After weeks of Bronze Serpent coaching, while you cannot wholly replace lost or mutilated organs or extremities, with enough time and madra, little else is beyond you. Even poisons and diseases will give way. The chief limitation is if powerful madra opposes you: you must overcome it to heal. With plants, your field of effect has both reach and breadth: it encompasses far more area and reaches farther than others expect, encompasses dozens of square yards.
Field's Strength: Mastered Life-and-Dream-aspected Enforcer technique
You draw energy from your core and the Remnant you've taken in to enhance your body and mind. You are faster, stronger, and tougher with it buoying you. While this much is obvious and wreathes your body in the faint impression of ivy, the other benefit it grants is speeding your mind and senses, so you can think and react quickly. Overuse of this last benefit can strain you.
Clinging Vines: Advanced Life-and-Death-Aspected Forger technique
You throw out a string of madra meant to catch and bind. It can be dodged by someone sufficiently quick, but otherwise ghostly ivy will manifest and restrain your target. You can use it to hold things or bind things together although sufficient raw strength or the right technique will break it. It has a currently-subtle effect that tries to kill techniques on those it binds, making it a little harder to activate or keep active techniques.
Dandelion Rain: Basic Life-aspected Striker technique, with Forger elements
Although it can also be used as a basic ranged Striker technique, launched from your hand, like most Striker moves, its real power is in your ability to throw a "seed" of madra that will only shoot after a delay, from the point it was thrown to. This can be used for surprise or as a way to multiply your power by having them strike simultaneously. At present, you can maintain only two seeds at a time.
Desiccated Valley: Basic Life-and-Death-aspected Ruler technique
A technique where you use a spinning boundary field of life madra to try to suck out life power. Originally a gardening technique meant to clear an area of plant life, you've found that the life-suction is much more potent if you also pour in death madra to replace the removed life madra. Although you're loathe to use this to a lethal degree, even a lesser form of the death madra claws at senses, making others sometimes miss crucial details.

Your Iron Body is called the Saint Touch. It maximizes your madra channels' ability to express Forger and Ruler techniques, the effects that last, when passing madra through your arms and hands. These techniques can become larger or stronger and are more madra-efficient.
Your Jade Cycling technique you call the Mighty Heart of Oak. It increases madra potency and recovery speed, but its most notable effect is gradually increasing your strength and toughness over time. Practicing it feels like being constantly hit with hammers.
Everyone Jade or above has a spiritual sense. Yours, a gift from your mother and enhanced in various ways, is vastly more developed and sensitive than normal for Golds. While no substitute for physical sight, you can pick up strange impressions from people that can give you some random insight on their natures and goals, as well as get a good grasp on how things correlate to the physical world.
Your Goldsigns are a pair of silver-colored arms that sprout from mid-air just behind and above your physical shoulderblades. Most of the arms are essentially intangible, but the palms and fingers are more solid. You can get them to obey when you focus, but if you don't, they tend to just play with your hair.

You have spent years studying refining and assisting the best refiner in the Seishen Kingdom. Although you're not yet a refining master in your own right, you have both the breadth and depth of skills to qualify as a professional in this field, especially with Beti to help. Refining is the process of creating miraculous pills and elixirs: by taking raw materials with power of their own, you can render, concentrate, adapt, and otherwise use these raw materials to create something better. Refiners' work can improve advancement resources, help heal, restore lost madra, grant physical improvements (usually at a significant cost), and otherwise assist those who ingest the results.

Character list
- Forrester Keras: this is you! You are the youngest Forrester child.
- Forrester Brayan (aka Dad): your father, a giant Highgold-rank elder and the strongest person in the Silent Hinterlands. Has a bushy beard and a lot of scars. He was badly hurt protecting you, but he's mostly healed and back home, now. Goldsign: spectral ivy on his limbs (Art by Mallowninja)
- Forrester Ravess (aka Mom): your mother, a nocturnal Gold rank who follows a path of shadows and dreams, and sometimes sees echoes of the future. Goldsign: big, yellow owl eyes
- Forrester Bartlett: your elder brother, a Gold who roams far from home on horseback, seeking advantages and valuables. Has mixed poison into the family's path and has a lopsided grin. Goldsign: poison thorns on the back of his hands and forearms
- Forrester Bosc: your elder sister, a Gold who, with her new husband, seems poised to inherit the family business.
- Forrester Jaylon: your brother-in-law, married to your sister. He doesn't know how to talk to kids very well, so you've never been close to him, but he's been glad to try to get to know you lately. You helped him get to Gold.
- Beti: A tree. Beti is your contracted partner, and is both ambulatory and a meat-eater.

- Etaja: a messenger from the Heavens who looks like some sort of fish-man. His advancement is unknowable and he doesn't take much seriously, but he provides certain scouting and advice benefits in exchange for letting him learn more about the world of Cradle. (Art by Indibun)
- Fisher Naia: a Gold around your age in the Silent Hinterlands. She's your friend. She tends to be quiet and tries to be elegant, though she's unwilling to accept what she sees as foolish efforts. The middle of the Fisher daughters. Goldsign: fish fins on her ankles
- Argen: a Gold around your age in the Silent Hinterlands. He's your friend. He tends to be loud and brash. Lujayn is his mom. He's formed a contract with the teacher dragon, Thantiriiz, and has developed a powerful fire-and-sword Path that disrupts opponents' madra. Goldsign: sharp scales on cheeks and neck
- Thantiriiz: a strange green dragon from distant parts. A little sour. He has a sinuous body, four legs, wings, and a passion for teaching school lessons to children. His strength is equal to a Highgold's. He is hoping for a human to act like a dragon so he can return home to his human husband. (Art by Moiderah)
- Kyeol: a Gold rank man from the Temple of Rising Earth. Seems prematurely aged. He would like to convince the people of the Silent Hinterlands to follow him in joining with the Temple. You are not sure of his Goldsign. (Deceased)
- Olerac: a Gold your age. One of your friends, trained by Kyeol. You beat him in a duel, but technically lost a rematch. He's accepted that he's going to be seen as a slaughter artist by people, yet wants to study at the Temple of Rising Earth. Goldsign: spectral grey wolf ears and tail

- Margravine Luxe Venkata: the Underlord Seishen Kingdom noble who oversees your hometown. Precise and hardworking, a woman in her late 20s with ambitions. Wears a sharp goldsteel gauntlet... thing. Goldsign: Eyes that shine in the dark. (Art by Renu)
- Lady of the Night Sky: formally the Grand Duchess Luxe Farzana, this old Underlady is the matriarch of the Luxe clan and one of the most powerful figures in the Seishen Kingdom. She briefly employed you to test your spiritual senses. (Art by Renu)
- Luxe Prachi: One of Venkata's nephews, and a former soldier, this old Lowgold has agreed to train you in axe techniques.
- Luxe Jyothi: A low-ranking Luxe clan member, this genderfluid Lowgold teacher gives the Jade-rank children of servants both educational grounding and advice on polishing their techniques.
- Luxe Mireya: Venkata's youngest sister, youngest child of the Grand Duchess, a Lowgold a year older than you. A formal and restrained young lady who owes you a debt, as you helped her overcome a block in her advancement, marking your first notable standalone success as a refiner. Goldsign: wings of white-light feathers
- Lord Cheng: an old man and talented refiner, this Underlord rarely does things he doesn't enjoy doing. Tends to be very abrupt and would rather people not bother him.
- Risshon: Notable for his impeccable hair and fashion, as well as an expensive flying sword, Risshon is one of Cheng's assistants. He's been helping you learn refining. He's a powerful Truegold.
- Remelyn: Also known as Lyn, this mysterious woman is one of Cheng's assistants. She always looks greasy, never has facial expressions, and has an awful sense of humor and a sharpish tongue. You think she's a Highgold on an ice path.
- Lord Ju Dao: One of the three Underlords from the Brightflare school, and the only one in Great Crevasse. Practices a powerful fire path, likes to be admired, and was once almost betrothed to Venkata. (Art by Renu)
- Zhaki Gardenia: A Lowgold, a rival you beat in an arena when you were both Jade. This poison-using friend of yours comes from a poor family, but works for Risshon, now. Goldsign: A lizard's tongue that tastes for poison
- Heidel Damir: A Lowgold from the Brightflare school. You were rivals at one point, and you still sometimes have trouble communicating with each other, but this proud young master is helping you refine techniques in exchange for being assigned to be your friend. Goldsign: Flaming hair

- Riyusai Meira: A Truegold, and the official gardener to the First Prince. Meira is a couple years older than you, and seems likely to be the most promising plant-focused sacred artist of your generation. You don't think she likes you much. Goldsign: pink flower and green vines woven into grey hair.
- Seishen Kiro: A Truegold, Kiro is the first prince and heir apparent of the Seishen Kingdom. He seems like a nice young man, even if you probably didn't impress him much by needing to be saved from his gardener beating you up. Goldsign: a spectral breastplate.

The Sacred Arts
Everyone practices the sacred arts to some degree. This is your current understanding: the madra in your body can be used to strengthen your body and perform techniques. External aura flows through the natural world. Finding compatible aura and cycling it into your body to make it your own madra is a vital part of advancing through the stages of the sacred arts. Natural treasures, sacred beast meat, pills and elixirs, and various other aids can help make it easier or faster.

The progression of the sacred arts:
Foundation: everyone is born here. Foundation artists are not capable of anything special. To advance to Copper, accumulate enough madra of sufficient density and compress it into a superior state.
Copper: Coppers gain what is known as Copper sight, which lets one see and interact with external aura. To advance to Iron, again compress and purify the body's madra, and this time force it fully through the body's various madra channels.
Iron: Irons have madra running throughout their bodies, and are physically superhuman to some degree. Most Irons also practice some additional effort when advancing, which grants them an Iron body with some additional extra power. To advance to Jade, swirl madra in a spiral until it forms a vortex and enhances the spirit.
Jade: Jade grants a spiritual sense, able to tell the weight and power of other spirits and thus judge relative strength. Jades can also veil their own power. To advance to Gold, typically the spiritual vortex is used to draw in and trap a compatible Remnant, using its strength to grow the user. Other paths exist.
Gold: Golds possess all-around superior strengths and more power. Golds almost always have a visible Goldsign, a mark of the Remnant they took in. Goldsigns sometimes provide additional utility or tricks, sometimes are only cosmetic, and occasionally are unhelpful.
There are three ranks within Gold:
- Lowgold is what you normally think of as 'Gold'. By purifying and improving the quality of madra, one can advance to Highgold.
- Highgold is a cut above. Your dad is Highgold. You've heard that less than two percent of people reach this rank. Improving madra further lets one reach Truegold.
- Truegold is the end of normal advancement, with one's body and spirit as whole and complete as they can be without external aid.

Underlord is beyond what most think of as normal advancement. To reach Underlord, three distinct stages must be cleared: opening a space in your spirit, weaving soulfire, and then finding a revelation to trigger a soulfire baptism.
Overlord is beyond even Underlords. In all the Seishen Kingdom, only the King has reached this stage, apparently. You do not know how to reach this rank.

You are aware there are ranks beyond Overlord: you have also heard of Archlords and Heralds and Sages and Monarchs. However, you are not clear on the details or how to reach these heights.
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A chance to build foundations
Winning vote:
[] Plan Keras
-[] child
-[] the spirit orchards.

340 days until your second meeting with Etaja

Weeks pass in a blur. More than once, you find yourself wanting to blurt out your secret, but thankfully you manage to squelch it, and after only three weeks or so it's finally easier. It's not like you have any shortage of things to distract you. There's always things to keep you busy, after all.

The central place in the Silent Hinterlands is a place usually just called 'the town', although you're somewhat aware that it's officially named Hinterville on some maps. As much as possible, people stay in the town, at least most of them. The Silent Hinterlands are a safe place, mostly, but it's no consolation that it was unlikely for one to run into a Gold-rank cliff bear if one does find themself staring down its stony gullet. Staying together is safer, though some people or families want their privacy enough to live some distance away.

Everyone who can lives in town, including your family. Fishers, orchard tenders, and miners, everyone has a place, usually in a shared house. Even a little before dawn, there's people up and about. The river and lake fish are very active right at daybreak. Then, tenders shuffle out to the orchards just as your mother returns from her nightly rounds. The miners are the last people up and about: halfsilver, or mundane metals like iron and copper, don't care when they are dug up, so why rush?

There's people who work around the town, drifters who come by now and then, smaller groups, the eastern road merchants come to and from... but mainly it's those three industries. Your father, and the heads of the other two, keep the peace.

It doesn't hurt that they have kids the same age as you--or close enough. There's only a few hundred people tied into the town's doings, so there's kids much older than you, who are eight or ten or fifteen, and there's babies who can't yet talk or walk by themselves. In the middle, there's just you (Forrester Brayan's youngest), as well as Fisher Naia (middle of the three Fisher daughters) and Argen (the only child of Lujayn, who organizes the mine). Your parents have always encouraged the three of you to play and learn together.

Argen's the oldest, by almost a year, so it's no surprise that he hit Copper before you and Naia, although you've all managed it now. This day, he's led you two over to a couple of stumps behind Miss Whemper's food place. There's not much reason to it. You just have to be somewhere, and this is a place. He's still playing with his toy weapon thing. The Path of the Piercing Blade makes use of halfsilver; because of this, he has to be acclimated to it. As a Copper, this takes the form of a small dab of halfsilver, on the end of a wooden haft. Just in case he ever tried to use it like the sword it will someday be replaced by, the tip is a ball of leather, about as not-dangerous as things can get.

Which is, of course, why he's practicing his sword forms with it anyway. "My mom says that the mine's still doing well," he's telling you while he swings and thrusts at the air with a lot of enthusiasm. "I'm not supposed to tell anyone, because if anyone realizes just how much halfsilver is still down there, some sect or school might try to take it all. But I'll be ready!"

Privately, you congratulate yourself on actually not saying anything about what you need to keep secret.

Argen's still talking. "Mom says that they're still trying to figure out the best Iron body for me. She's got a Spiderclimb Iron body, but she says that's not the best match for our Path. I told her she has to figure it out real soon, 'cause I wanna get to Iron before I turn eight." He gives a confident grin to you and Naia.

Naia nods, a little thoughtfully. "I think I get the Silverscale body. Whole family has that."

You get up from your stump. There's no real reason to get up, but you'd gotten bored just trying to cycle madra while watching Argen. Without exchanging a word, you and Argen square up. You brawl or wrestle probably forty times a week, some combination of the three of you. "Did you know some people don't get real Iron bodies?" you ask as you get whacked by a leather ball. "Mom told me that some of the people in town and some of the strangers in the forest just... you know, reach Iron." Both Naia and Argen stare at you as you share that. This means you have to explain something you don't really understand. "It makes it harder to get to high ranks if you don't have a proper one. But they do it anyway."

"Why?" Naia is the most confused, and understandably so: hunting underwater would be really hard if you couldn't breathe water or hold your breath for a long time, so her family's whole Path wouldn't make sense.

You see an opening and tackle Argen, bearing him to the ground and trying to clobber him, but he's really good at squirming away even like this. "Dunno. Scared because it hurts? No money to do it right? Just--ahh!" You shouldn't try to fight and talk at the same time. Argen manages to tap your arm with his halfsilver, and it messes up your breathing pattern and just feels funny. You haven't learned any proper techniques yet, but you have been cycling madra throughout your channels, of course, and it all goes weird and then Argen's pushed you down and properly claimed a victory, the jerk.

Then the wall next to you trembles, as if impacted with something heavy. There's shouting from inside Miss Whemper's place. This catches everyone's attention, and you all scramble around the corner, so you can see the door.

Two men come out, not anyone that you recognize. The first comes flying out backwards. He bounces once on the ground before he catches himself and rolls up into a low crouch, staring back inside. The other comes stomping out in a fury, his hair replaced by a miniature storm cloud that has teeny-tiny lightning bolts inside it. That's a Goldsign--he's one of the few people who's Gold around here, then. Only maybe one person in six or seven reaches Gold here, even as an adult. "You take that back," the Gold challenges.

"Why should I worry about a thief's honor?" the first man spits. He wipes a split lip with his left thumb then holds up the bloody hand. Madra shimmers, then condenses and hardens into a red-tinged dagger. He must have some blood-aspect path, you realize, and he just Forged a weapon out of some technique he knows.

"I'm not a thief, but you are a fool." Even while ten feet away from the blood artist, the Gold swings a left hook, and a bolt of power flies out. The blood artist mostly dodges, but it catches the tip of one foot and knocks him flat on his chin as his ankle tries to fly into the distance. Your family lessons tell you that that has to be a force-aspect attack, a Striker or Ruler technique. "Maybe I'll teach you a lesson in respect," the Gold adds as the other pulls back up into a crouch. "Then maybe you need to pay me a fine."

"Break it up," a new voice roars, carrying down the street without difficulty. It's your dad, Forrester Brayan. "No fighting in the town! Both of you, stop there." Your dad is huge, easily the biggest man you've ever seen, and he's striding up to the two of them with an angry look and the spectral ivy of his Goldsign rippling over his limbs.

Neither of them look at him. They're too busy staring each other down. They must be new in town. As he comes close, the man with the Forged dagger darts behind your father, using him for cover. The Gold launches another attack.

Your dad is in the way. As you expected, he doesn't even flinch. When his Goldsign is that active, it means his Enforcer technique is going. The force technique hits him square-on and it's the technique that breaks, without your dad seeming to do anything. The Gold pauses, clearly a little shocked, and in that moment the other one tries to dash past your dad, weapon raised. Your dad grabs him by the collar, and his sprint is suddenly aborted. Two quick strides and Dad is at the Gold, too, and grabs that man by the throat.

"Now, stop," your father rumbles, shaking the both of them. The Forged dagger stabs at his skin. It's the dagger that breaks. Your dad headbutts him. "No fighting in town," he repeats. Neither one of them is in any shape to contest this. "So, here's what we're going to do. You and I and your friend here are going to take a little walk out of town. Then, we're going to have a friendly discussion, and then we'll sort this all out. Understood?" There are no complaints. Your father quite literally drags them both off.

"...I bet my mom could take him," Argen says, once your dad is safely distant enough that there's no chance of your dad overhearing, and then another two minutes have passed, to be safe. "I can beat you, after all, Keras!" You don't respond--you barely heard him. You're too busy playing that fight over in your head. But you don't need to answer. The Forresters, the Fishers, and Lujayn's family cooperate so that the Silent Hinterlands are mostly peaceful and organized. But, ultimately, that peace is enforced through your dad's fists. No one can beat him. That's just the way things are.

And yet... your birthday party wasn't the only time he's talked about you surpassing him. The thought is beginning to sink in. You have a mountain to climb, and you find yourself trying to prepare for it. Right now, that means that you cycle your madra, practice what you can against your friends, and prepare your body.

As you are prepared for the Path of the Evergrowing Field, you already have an advantage in your Stamina, as you are well able to work for a long time on hard work with little breaks. What other area have you shown talent in?

[] Strength
You are already showing a certain muscle development, and help your dad carry full loads of spirit fruits.
[] Speed
You are quicker and more nimble than people give you credit for, always able to turn up unexpectedly.
[] Toughness
You can shrug off injury better than your friends realize from your friendly spars. Little hits don't hurt.
[] Coordination
You can shift mental and physical tracks more quickly than others, which will be an advantage in doing the unexpected.

Part of the world of Cradle is preparing yourself for conflict. Anyone who considers themself to be a sacred artist will see at least some fights, and some match-ups will be better than others. A combination of your advancement level, basic statistics, the techniques known, and the situation involved will inform who wins what, although there are no explicit systems in play. Prepare yourself as best you can, with care and thought, while times are still peaceful.

320 days until your second meeting with Etaja

"And the starlotus?" Most days there aren't fights in town or anything like that. Most days, your dad is just working in the orchards, and some of the time you accompany him. When working, he's not like he is when he has to break up a fight. Despite being closer to seven feet tall than six, despite his fierce black beard and bushy eyebrows, despite the scars, he's just... not scary. He's patient, and gentle, and if he's trying to teach you things, it's because he thinks you can handle it.

You scrunch up your face as you try to remember. There's so many plants in the fields, from the men'hla trees to the oruswood to the cloud grapes, and a dozen others besides. Dad likes to quiz you on them. You consider the handful of seeds he's holding out, and point to the lotus pod. "This one," you say, then continue the thought. "When fully developed, it accelerates madra development up to about Jade, but it is best grown out of direct sunlight, which impairs its effect. It can be grown in all seasons, and without our support it takes about two weeks to sprout, five months for any effect, and two years' growth for full effect. It requires full immersion water, and the daily care should be..." you hesitate. "I don't remember the daily care, sorry."

Dad chuckles and puts the pod in a bowl of dirt. He's out in one of the orchards with you, today, at a planting nursery for setting new plants to grow. With an effort of his will, you see green life aura surround the pot, and the Verdant Valley technique shapes and moulds it, enhancing the pod with its strength. In about ten minutes, now, it will sprout, just enough to put a leaf into the air, and then it will be ready to let it grow naturally for a while.

He turns back to you. "That's fine, Keras. We'll review that part later, and the rest was right." One of your oldest memories is your father's surprise when you told him not to call you either 'son' or 'daughter'. It was about as surprised as you've seen him, which is why it stuck out even when you were really little. He didn't question it, though, or question your corrections to your wardrobe. It's just been your name ever since, or sometimes 'kid' if he's teasing you.

Something else catches you here, though. It's not common not to review things right away. You cock your head, curious. If he's not reviewing the starlotus, there's something else on his mind. "What are we doing now, then?"

There's a blur of darkness, and suddenly Mom is there, too. It's a normal entrance for her: Forrester Ravess follows a path of dreams and shadows, so it's very normal for her to appear seemingly from nowhere with a dark blur. Dad puts an arm around her shoulder--which still looks a little funny to you, since she's just as short for an adult as he is tall. Big, yellow owl's eyes, her own Goldsign, consider you. As usual for a morning like this, she's coming by just before she goes to bed, checking in before going to sleep the day away. "Your mom and I have been talking," Dad says. "Your madra's developed enough to start learning basic techniques, now." Both of them smile at you. "The question is, which one do you think you should start with? What type of technique do you feel the most affinity for?"

Your breath catches. Are you really ready? It's going to take at least a few weeks to learn, of course, but most kids don't learn any techniques at all until they're age seven, at least! There's no striker techniques in the Path of the Evergrowing Field, but of the basic techniques you could learn, the obvious answer is...

[] Enforcer
You will learn the Field's Strength technique. Enforcer techniques like this enhance your body (in whole or part) or a weapon or tool you hold. This one is a full-body technique that makes your body stronger and tougher, though it uses a lot of madra and does nothing to enhance your speed.
[] Forger
You will learn the Clinging Vines technique. Forger techniques like this create something out of madra, which lasts for anywhere from a few seconds to... a long time. This one creates spectral ivy that can bind or connect things, which has many potential applications for restraining or restricting someone.
[] Ruler
You will learn the Verdant Valley technique. Ruler techniques like this seize control of vital aura in the area, allowing wide and/or specific effects. This one can reach a level where it can grow a thorny hedge in seconds. Eventually, this control of life aura could also be used to heal people, plants, or animals.

As it happens, you have just enough time to start to grasp the technique before you meet your first dragon, and have a surprisingly nice conversation with him.
Last edited:
The dragon descends
Winning votes:
[] Coordination
[] Ruler

261 days until your second meeting with Etaja

Everyone cycles madra. There's various patterns used to do so: to prepare to use a technique, to gradually strengthen or restore one's own internal energy by exercising it, or to pull and process aura and make it into one's own madra.

That last one is new to you--only people who have reached Copper can do it, because only at Copper can you see vital aura in the world. Your dad only just taught you the last version now that it was a thing you could do, showing you how to take in life aura and process it into your own madra.

Every path has its own unique madra signature. The Evergrowing Field is a pure life-aspected path--except for your older brother's personal version, but that's not important right now--but there are other pure life paths in the world. Their madra is always going to be subtly different, constructed in slightly different ways, expressed slightly differently. It's possible to adapt techniques from another path that's similar enough, but it is an adaptation. They're never exactly the same.

When you turn your mental eye to your core and madra channels, practicing your new cycling technique, you see the vibrant green flowing in loops and patterns. The green is also a bit new: pure madra, the unaspected stuff people start with, is usually perceived as more of a pale blue, like water.

You never would have guessed where Dad was going to bring you, though. If you'd been asked what part of the orchards and their sprawling additional growing fields was the richest in life aura, you would have assumed it was something like the orus tree section. Instead, it turns out to be a milpa, a complicated field of entirely mundane crops--twelve of them all woven into the same plot, each taking or giving back something to the soil that balances out.

It's here, squatting down amongst maize, squash, tomato, amaranth, bean, and more, that you practice. Breathe in, absorb the vibrant life aura from all these cooperating plants. Convert the aura to your own madra, cycling it through your core and madra channels. Use it, forcing the madra back out of your body, seizing hold of the life aura, and bending it as you will. There's boundless life aura here, and no plant even notices the bit you turn towards the potted bamboo shoot you hold on your lap.

For weeks, nothing happened--a frustrating, but expected part of learning. Eventually, you were able to sprout bamboo visibly over the course of a day.

Now, the Verdant Valley is something you understand. You don't have to consciously think of and carefully arrange the madra pattern. You just do it. In little more than a minute, your bamboo grows, as far as it safely can in its current pot. You set it aside, and pick up the second one, doing the same. You're only a Copper, and while your stamina is impressive for your age and advancement, you're only able to do this for three plants in a day, unlike Dad who can just decide what fruit or veggies will be ready for harvest today and carry home bushels' worth, without even getting tired.

Before you move onto the third one, you feel a huge, warm hand touch your shoulder gently, getting your attention. You open your eyes to see your Dad watching something intently. Curious, you set aside your plants and stand up, with your full height being still a little shorter than him crouching. "Look, Keras," he says, pointing. You peek around the stalks of maize and over the melon growing on the ground and see--a Remnant!

Your breath catches. You've heard about them, of course, and seen pictures, but something about the Silent Hinterlands interferes with Remnant development, so there's not been one you've seen until now. The Remnant is of a sacred beast, some sort of moose, so the Remnant is just as huge as it was in life, bigger than your brother's horse or any other creature you've seen. It doesn't look like a living being. It looks like an artist's impression of a living moose, drawn in swatches of bright paint that stand on their own. The Remnant browses the grass outside your cultivated field, a suggestion of a mouth playing over the grass that it is not, in fact, eating. "Wow," you say, just as quietly as Dad spoke.

"I think it was a Sword-Antler Moose," Dad says. "That's going to be great for someone in town." He's smiling through his beard. "A lot of paths have at least some sword aura component, so competition will be fierce. That Remnant wouldn't be worth anything in the wider world, but here it's a treasure."

You nod. The reason there's so many people in the Silent Hinterlands never move past Jade. The most important step in advancing from Jade to Gold is to take a Remnant into your own core, so the lack of Remnants means few Golds, and some Golds took in whatever Remnant they could get, which may not be a good match for their path. "Are you going to catch it, then, Dad?"

He rubs his beard as he nods. "It's not a bright Remnant," he says. "Look, it's trying to eat grass, but it's not actually eating it." Remnants usually act somewhat like they did in life, although they're not the same being any more--more like a solid ghost, made of dead matter, an echo or vestige of the power of the living version directed by a new, usually mindless, will. "If it were, it might realize that it's getting nothing from grass and go for the cloud grape vines."

"Oh... that would probably give it more power, right?" There's a group of people working for your dad and tending the vineyard, of course, who wouldn't let anyone, or even a Remnant, steal the grapes, but it could still try.

Dad nods, pleased. Everything is a test, but it's a test you can pass. "Of course, though not very much. The cloud grapes are rich in... what sort of madra?" He grins, since you both know that you know the answer.

"Cloud madra!" You laugh. It's fun to get it right, even when the answer is obvious.

"That's my Keras!" He gives you a quick hug before he stands up fully, and begins gesturing. You won't be able to directly sense madra usage until you reach Jade, but he's doing just what you would have thought: he's Forging vines, one a collar around the moose Remnant's neck, then others connecting that collar, loosely, to various nearby trees. When the moose gets too far, the collar restrains it, and then it turns, confused, in a direction it can still go in. It hasn't yet figured out it's stuck, trapped by the Clinging Vines technique.

"Dad?" He pauses and looks at you. "How big is it?"

"Is what?"

"The wider world you mentioned. There's not a lot of Remnants here, but how big is the place where Remnants are?"

He exhales through his beard as he considers. "I don't rightly know," he admits. "The Silent Hinterlands are my home, and I've never left. Go too far west, and you find an ocean. Go too far east, and it's the Seishen Kingdom. North and south there's just mountains. I've heard people talk about other places on the continent, and mention other continents. I think we're the odd ones out."


Forrester Brayan laughs. "Who knows? When one of the king's men came through a few years ago, he theorized it was because of all the halfsilver, but we can still practice our sacred arts, can't we? Life's got lots of mysteries, and we don't get to know all the answers. And it's too early in the morning to confuse your dad, isn't it?"

Your father leads you away, for now. He's going to have to organize a bidding thing in town for who will get to bond with this Remnant. You keep staring back over your shoulders at the Remnant, that thing that wouldn't be a wonder anywhere else. You can't completely get it out of your mind.

How big is your world?

How big are the heavens?

212 days until your second meeting with Etaja

Your lessons are a little haphazard sometimes. There's no really great teacher in town, so people take turns--your dad gives you lessons on advancing your Path of the Evergrowing Field, Miss Whemper tries to teach you the written word, Lujayn (Argen's mom) teaches numbers, and sometimes other people teach other things.

Sometimes this means you're busy all day. This is one of the other days, the ones that aren't, since the parents for all three of you are having a big meeting together, figuring something out about how the town will deal with traveling merchants. The specifics were boring, so you don't remember them.

You and Argen and Naia are all at a stream bank, a broad and open one that's no deeper than your waist and slow enough to not be dangerous. Naia is practicing. She found a stick in the woods and sharpened it a bit. It's not much of a spear, but the fish here aren't much of a prey, either. If she can catch a Turquoise Tilapia, that will be lunch. If she can't, it's still practice, something to let her work up towards the One-Legged Catfish and Archer Perch that are more common prey for her family. Even though you're all just Copper, she's veiled herself and walks slowly through the water, so as not to disturb anything, her makeshift spear ready. She's as composed and elegant as ever, her hair pulled back in a high ponytail.

You and Argen wait by the shore. Well, you wait, cycling madra to help catch your breath and refill your core. Argen hasn't figured out how to get free yet, so he's fuming a bit. In today's wrestling match, you had used the Verdant Valley successfully while you two fought, managing to grow a tangle of weedy grass around his ankle so he tripped and fell down. He then told you that it didn't count and he could easily have pulled himself out, so you left it on him.

He's spent the last ten minutes trying to peel the grass away from his ankle without been seen doing it, or to pull it free, but from the corner of your eye you find him trying a lot harder when he thinks you can't see. He definitely can break it, but if he's going to be a jerk about it, he's going to have to admit that it's not easy and it totally does count, either by asking you to do it or actually going full-strength.

Before Argen stops being a jerk or Naia finds a good chance to spear a fish, a shadow falls over the three of you. You all look up... and then spring into action.

No words are necessary. With a gesture, your grass frees Argen. He's on his feet, pulling the leather tip away from his toy sword to bare its actual piercing tip. Naia splashes back to shore, scrambling to take up a position alongside Argen. You're behind the two of them, cycling your madra to be ready.

You went to the defensive huddle because you all saw it: a vast winged shape blotted out the sun. You've barely scrambled together before it lands, a little way downstream from you all.

It's a dragon. It's a dragon. It's not as large as you had thought at first, but it's still horse-sized. A sinuous green-scaled body lands and coils up, wings folding away. It's splashed red. Fresh blood. One of its four legs holds half a catfish. It must have been eating on the wing.

The blood-drenched dragon considers the three of you, as you and Argen and Naia throw each other nervous glances. "Pardon my entrance," it says, in a startlingly human voice, dipping its long head and one forelimb in an approximation of a bow. It sounds like... like a normal adult man? You don't know how to react to that. "I am a little lost. Do you know where Hinterville is?"

The dragon backs up another step after that, giving you more space, trying to show it--he--isn't threatening. One claw splashes water on his body, trying to wash off catfish blood.

Naia takes a deep breath and looks at Argen, then you. You both give her blanks looks. If she has an idea, she should use it. Having not gotten a no, she looks back at the dragon and says "My family has fishing rights in this area. If you're eating our catfish, you're going to have to pay for it."

You and Argen cringe back. Naia stands firm, every effort given to being the haughty princess. The dragon gives her a slow blink, then does a draconic equivalent to a shrug, a complex procedure for something with a snake-like body and wings in addition to forelegs. "Fine. If you need a scale or two, I will get you one. Maybe you should get an adult?" The three of you exchange another round of looks. "I'll wait here."

That turns out to be all you need. All three of you edge away. You don't run until you're well clear, but then all three of you hurry back as quickly as you can. Naia's the fastest for right now. Argen will doubtless be faster once he learns his mom's Enforcement technique. You're the slowest, but you have more stamina than your friends, so by the time you've gotten all the way back to town, you're in the lead by several seconds.

When all three of you burst into the meeting that's happening on your family home's veranda, that means that you are the first one to explain what's going on, as Mom and Dad and the Fisher parents and Lujayn turn their serious attention to you. You're going to give the full explanation, but the first thing you say--

This is a personality vote. It will determine something about how Keras approaches certain things as they grow older.

[] "There's a dragon, and he's looking for the town."
Keras will be more serious. Keras becomes more practical and diligent.

[] "There's a dragon, and he's covered in blood!"
Keras will be more excitable. Keras becomes more curious and outgoing.

[] "There's a dragon, and he wants to buy a catfish from us!"
Keras will be more irreverent. Keras becomes more confident and flippant.
A minor prophecy spoken
Winning vote:
[] "There's a dragon, and he's covered in blood!

212 days until your second meeting with Etaja

"There's a dragon!" You have to pause for a moment to draw in another breath. All five of the adults find their own child with their eyes--it's the first thing that they have to care about. Then, you spit out "He's covered in blood!"

That gets everyone's eyes on you. "It's fish blood!" You hurry the explanation out. "He was looking for the town. He said he'll pay for it. He wasn't trying to hurt us. Why do you think he's here?"

Argen and Naia are there, now, nodding along, just as wide-eyed as you probably are. The adults all take a moment to check you over, and you let them. You're fine.

Instead of suggesting anything for your question, your dad looks at the other adults. "Lujayn, Ravess, come with me. We'll investigate. The Fishers can keep watch on the town."

Everyone accepts this. For some reason, your parents don't let you join them as they go to meet the dragon, even though you know exactly where he is and he didn't hurt you before.

Instead, the Fishers put Naia behind them and get spears out. Not the makeshift sharp stick their daughter used: real ones. The spears are longer than a man is tall (except your dad), thicker than your arm, and topped with good steel heads with nasty barbs. You've been allowed to watch them hunt a Greater Crawdad once before, so you've seen how strong their Striker techniques are with that: their strikes to crack the creature's armored shell had rattled the ground and knocked you down even while you were safe on the bank, the trees swaying around you just as much.

It rather makes you feel safe, but they don't let you and your friends play, or go anywhere, so you just... sit. The news hasn't gone anywhere else in town, yet, so only you are on edge. For probably an hour!

Eventually, the other adults come back, not looking like they fought anything, just thoughtful. As he comes close, Dad flips a coin at the Fishers. One catches it, and looking over her shoulder (under her elbow, technically), you can see it's just like any other coin in the world: madra Forged into a stable shape, of a specific size and density. Scales, as they are called, are valuable tender to anyone, since anyone can use up a compatible scale, releasing and using its madra as a cultivation aid to help advance the user's progress through the sacred arts.

Not all scales have any particular design: it's not needed, but some creators like to add one. This one has a sinuous, winged dragon on its face.

"It went... fine, I suppose," your father says, gruffly. "Come in and let me get you up to speed." The adults go inside, now, leaving you and your friends on the veranda with no explanation yet. Adults are so frustrating sometimes.

You get the explanation that evening. After their talk, your mom went to bed, so she could sleep through the day. It's just you and Dad at the dinner table at first--Bosc, your older sister, is out at her boyfriend's, and Bartlett, your older brother, doesn't really live at home any more. He travels throughout the Silent Hinterlands, often beyond, just as a wandering worker and scout. You haven't seen him in months.

As normal, your dad has several plates heaped with food. He has to: his Iron body is the Crimson Furnace, a type of advanced Iron body which gets maximum benefit from spirit fruits and sacred beast meat. It does require him to eat a lot, though, so that's why he eats more then the rest of the family put together. So while he's eating pear and tomato and green bean and melon and orus and corn and potato, you have a much smaller meal.

This is where Dad, between plates, explains. "The dragon's name is Thantiriiz, or Than, for short," he explains. There's a twinkle in his eye. "Three guesses what he's here to do."

You think. "Is he... here to conquer the town?" Your dad shakes his head. "He's running from a natural disaster? Is there a great treasure here he's trying to get, stealing our riches?" Your dad chokes down a laugh with his mouth full.

Once he has swallowed, he shakes his head. "We do alright for ourselves, Keras, but any major sect or noble family in the Kingdom is far richer than we are."

You shrug, helplessly. "I don't know, then."

"He's a schoolteacher."

It takes you a good ten seconds to process that. "What? Why is a dragon a schoolteacher?" In the stories you know, dragons are more a monster of avarice, or maybe a powerful companion.

Here, your dad shrugs. "Said he was driven out of the dragon lands, came to the Seishen Kingdom to beg for sanctuary, and one of their border officials suggested he come here. Than explained it as 'somewhere he would be useful if he was telling the truth, somewhere where he couldn't do any damage if he was lying'."

"How do you know he wasn't lying, then?"

"He swore a soul oath, that he was speaking only full truth and that he would harm none of us." Dad shoves half a plateful into his mouth. You know what a soul oath is, of course--if two sacred artists swear on their souls, the world itself will enforce their shared agreement. Someone breaking it will be punished according to their advancement, so someone like your father would be crippled if he swore something and then broke it, but even a Copper would be a fool to disregard its effects. "That was part of what we were all talking about this morning, after we came back," he adds. "...You're a bright kid, Keras. We don't have a good education for you, here. This might be an opportunity. Than has taught children--human children--for over a century. He knows more of the world, and more about teaching. He's the one who can answer those questions of yours that I can't. I want you to go to class with him, at least for a bit, and we can see if it helps."

A lot of the time, your dad likes to give you choices. This time, he's telling you. You will be taught by a dragon. You don't know how to think about that. You'll have to see, you suppose. Despite the bloody entrance, Than hadn't seemed bad, and you don't think it's any worse than your meeting with Etaja, and that went... well. It went well, right?

While you are still trying to think that through, your mom joins you, stumbling down the stairs from the master bedroom in her sleeping robes, her hair a mess and her owl eyes still squinted almost shut against the evening sun. She grabs some of the corn for her breakfast, her nocturnal schedule opposite of most people's.

"I have had a dream," Ravess reports. It's not a conversational tone. Your mom's path is one of dreams, and sometimes dreams touch on truths about the world or the future. "Thrice more and half again, the moon shall cycle. Then, the eldest born of the mighty oak returns to the place of his birth."

You brighten up. "Oh! Bartlett's coming home, then?"

"Three and a half months," Dad strokes his beard as he considers this. "We'll have to welcome him back properly."

"He brings with him an envoy of the earth rising up," Mom adds.

"What does that mean?" You do have to ask that every now and then, with Mom.

She shrugs. She is trying her hardest to be clear. "As it sounds." She looks out at the sunset. "The fields shall be warded with care, 'til he return." That's just her saying she's going out to do her usual job, of protecting the orchards from thieves and animals during the night. Interpreting Mom is something you've learned to do. She always talks like this.

She kisses your father on the cheek between nibbles at an ear of corn, then, suddenly, has vanished.

3 days until your brother returns home
4 days until your first official duel
112 days until your second meeting with Etaja

It really is remarkable how quickly a dragon can become just a part of the landscape. Thantiriiz bought a large slate and stand from a (very petrified) merchant who had come through the town, and he turns out to be very deft with writing on it with a piece of chalk. His forelimbs are just as dexterous as your hands.

It took several weeks, but at this point all the kids from your age up to basically-adults meet with Than for a few hours in the day, at various times. For you, you and your friends go early in the day, then spend afternoons playing, or cycling madra and working to advance. There's a long road from Copper to Iron, and even with the orchards' spirit fruits and advanced fish-meat from the lakes to help improve your condition and develop your madra, you just have to put in your time and effort and gradually ready your core and channels to make that leap from Copper to Iron.

The 'school' is a clearing where one of the exploratory mining shafts went down a little way before finding no useful materials and lots of nasty tough rock, so that makes a cave for the dragon to use as a home, then students sit on bits of debris in the clearing and watch the chalkboard, making a strange sort of open-air school, with a couple of tarps that get put up if it's rainy.

Than is not just deft, but quick and almost startlingly clear in how he teaches concepts like reading and math. Of course, those aren't the only things he's covered--madra theory, cultures and etiquette (very important when you want to not accidentally get into a fight with a dangerous stranger), history, and more.

Today, it's geography, which also includes some history. In a steady hand, Than sketches a complex shape, showing the borders of the Ashwind continent, where you live. The Silent Hinterlands are much smaller than you had imagined they possibly would be. It's only one small part of a vast expanse, dotted with jungles, mountain ranges, inland seas, and more.

"There are two superpowers on the Ashwind continent," Than says, as he fills in a few names, almost all of them close to the terribly small Silent Hinterlands, "and most lesser powers will be aligned to one or the other of them. The most advanced lesser power close to where we are now is the Seishen Kingdom." You perk up, more than a little confused. You'd only ever heard the Seishen Kingdom described as powerful and distant, and now Than is saying the exact opposite. "Until about half a century ago, this quarter of the continent saw no sacred artists of any notable power, not on the world stage. King Seishen Dakata changed that." The slate shows a dotted line for the previous Seishen Kingdom borders, little larger than the Silent Hinterlands themselves. The larger one reaches to a jungle in the north, includes the Silent Hinterlands for some reason, and covers maybe one part in six of the whole continent.

Here, Than pauses, staring at the empty spaces on the map, something on his mind that is distracting him from the class. You can't help but take a moment to ask a question about the wider world in that moment of distracted thought, something to the far north-east that he hasn't labeled. Your question has been on your mind, after all.

[] Ask about the Seishen Kingdom, and why he put the Silent Hinterlands inside it. That doesn't seem right.
[] Ask about the superpowers. Than has drawn this big map, and hasn't even told you anything about most of it.
[] Ask about the dragons. The dragons haven't appeared on Than's map, and you want to know more.
Man from Rising Earth
Winning vote:
[] Ask about the superpowers. Than has drawn this big map, and hasn't even told you anything about most of it.

"Excuse me, Mister Than?" You speak up and catch the dragon's attention. His head on its flexible, serpentine neck twists to look at you even though his body and limbs stay facing away from you. "You said there's superpowers? What superpowers are they, and where are they?"

He hesitates, then lets out a sigh, marking two other places on the map: one in the far north-east, and one to the south. He continues the lesson in a businesslike way. "To the south, we have the Akura clan, who own or allied with those who own approximately three-quarters of the continent, all told. The Seishen Kingdom falls under their influence. They are considered to be among the foremost users of shadow madra in the world." A dark sort of amusement creeps into his very-human voice. "Famously, they are not overly sympathetic to dragons, sacred beasts, and other non-human intelligences. I would not willingly visit their capital of Moongrave if I had another choice."

Chalk moves to the other new territory. "The other superpower is the dragons. While they are less interested in diplomatic solutions outside their borders, hence the smaller territorial claim, their strength as a faction is at least equal to the Akura."

"Is it only dragons up there, then?" That's Argen piping up.

"No, there are many humans and others who live there, too, but the Dragon King and his Heralds and most of their assistants are all of dragon descent, so it is called the dragon faction." Than hesitates again. There's something there he doesn't want to say.

You don't press, because this lesson feels like it's missing something important for you. "What are their names?" Than twists to look at you again, so you clarify. "The Dragon King and the Akura elder. What are their names?"

"I don't know the Akura leader's name," he confesses. "And I will not give my Monarch's name. A sacred artist at that level can hear their name spoken anywhere in the world, and they do not appreciate meaningless interruption. His attention could turn this place into a wasteland before the sun set, even from this distance." He adds a single line to the map, showing the unbelievable extent of the land between your orchards and the dragon's mountain.

You're still processing this when he extends one five-inch claw to point at your other friend. "Naia! I have put a scale on the map. Calculate how far we are from the Dragon King's mountain and from Moongrave." She jumps up to get closer to the map and answer the question.

There's a part of you turning this over in your head even as she does so.

You have at least a partial answer to one of your earlier questions, about how big the world is, and your wildest imaginations were far short. Not only that, but you just learned something valuable: good allies can multiply your power threefold.

The day your brother returns home
The day before your first official duel
109 days until your second meeting with Etaja

You were waiting in town practically all day, but it's actually only a bit after noon, a little after class with Than wrapped up, that Bartlett returns. He comes up one of the less-used trails, so no one sees him before you do. It's only you, just now: Naia is getting taught the Fisher's Striker technique, and Argen has a cold so he went home to sleep.

So, when you see your brother, you perk up, and rush over to meet him.

Your brother is walking, leading his horse. He's a lot older than you are, so he's an adult. He still smiles when he sees you, and gives you a hug back (by reaching down with one arm) when you latch onto his leg. "Hey, squirt. Good to see you." You let him remove his hand carefully. His Goldsign is poisonous thorns that grow through the back of his hands and forearms, and you don't want to get pricked.

He still looks the same as you remember, all those very many months ago that he last came through town: tall, lanky, wearing a lopsided grin, his axe through a loop in his belt to keep it stored. He looks a little smaller to you, though. "You've grown a bit, haven't you? And... Copper?" He tousles your hair. He's using his fancy Jade senses to peer into your spirit in the sort of detail that Copper sight doesn't give. "Long enough to be pretty stable! Good for you. I only hit Copper a bit before my sixth birthday."

"Well, someone's gotta be the family genius," you say, then laugh as you duck his half-hearted punishment of a swipe. It was always a two-person race, really. Your sister, Bosc, was never all that interested in the sacred arts. She advanced to Jade, a little slowly and with the help of several spirit-fruit like the orus fruit you had as a birthday present, and she hasn't even tried to find a path to Gold. You've never quite understood the impulse to prioritize a boyfriend or girlfriend over the rush of advancement--granted, you've only advanced once so far, and Bosc says you're too young for the other thing. Still!

That's when you first really realize that Bartlett is not alone. You saw the others, of course, but you didn't take stock. There's actually three other people with him. The other one walking is a man that you think isn't as old as he sort of looks. He's stooped, and his hair is grey and thin, but he doesn't quite look like he's old. He does have a long walking stick and is glaring, so you don't stare too long.

The other two are on the horse. There's a woman about your mom's age, who is trying to look stoic. She only has one leg, you realize. That's probably why she's on the horse. Just in front of her on the saddle is someone about your age. That's the most interesting person here, after your brother. You go up to the side of the horse and smile upwards, waving. "Hi!" you say. "I'm Keras. Bartlett is my brother."

Your new acquaintance stares around like he's never seen more than two houses together before. Finally, he acknowledges you. "Olerac."

"I haven't seen you before," you say. "How far away do you live?"

"...a long way...?" Despite your best attempts to be friendly, he sort of shrinks back.

"Don't bother the young man, child," the man with the staff says, then coughs and spits a phlegmy mass on the ground. You already dislike him. "He's still gathering his madra to advance to Copper." He makes a concerning noise that you eventually decide is probably chuckling.

"Can you let Mom and Dad know I'll be back home for supper?" Bartlett asks you, pulling your attention back from the awful man. "I'm going to take these people to Miss Whemper's. She still will let out rooms, right?" You nod. "Great!"

It's nice to be needed, even if it's just passing on a message. Unlike the weird man, your brother knows that you can be trusted, and can do useful things, and... and all that! Mom will still be asleep just now, but that's fine. Mom's prophecy was basically spot-on, so there's already a certain level of preparation made, and this is just confirming everything and getting ready.

Dinner (or breakfast, for Mom), is what you expected: a nice, warm chance for the family to all be together. Even Bosc shows up for it, although she doesn't say much. Bartlett shares stories about his travels, ranging dozens or even hundreds of miles from the town. There's a lot of single-family or even single-person people out there, making their own way in the world. Even when there's not that, there's things of value to find and bring back--potential natural treasures, little artifacts, a raw gemstone or two. He's got bags full of them he had put on his horse, which you'll all help sell for a profit when merchants cycle through. In return for his stories, you all tell him about the goings-on in town, and you get a chance to boast about your advancement.

The people he'd brought to town don't merit much time in the discussion--he'd come across Olerac and his mom several days ago. Olerac's mom, Tresa, had lost her leg just before that, in a rare, brazen attack by a cliff bear. Kyeol, the not-old man, found the three of them the day after, and had hunted down and killed the offending bear as soon as he'd heard about it, then joined them in coming here. Apparently, he's even volunteered to pay for her to get a prosthetic from a Seishen Kingdom soulsmith. He's from the Temple of Rising Earth, apparently, which none of you have heard of before, but which does neatly fit Mom's prophecy.

People from distant parts quite often briefly visit the Silent Hinterlands before they leave. None of you think much about this visitor.


The day of your first official duel
108 days until your second meeting with Etaja

You wake when your brother does. It's not a nice, gentle waking. All you siblings have always shared a single room, for all that you've had it to yourself for a while. Today, though, you had been planning to sleep in after staying up too late to celebrate the family reunion.

That idea is shattered suddenly, as a great gale blows through the room and knocks you out of bed, your blanket ripped from your body and descending slowly through the air, like a leaf falling from a tree.

"...Bartlett?" You yawn and rub at your eye with a fist even as you lever yourself up from the ground with your other hand, trying to catch up. He's nowhere to be seen. The room is empty. His axe is gone. The door is still closed. It takes you a moment to put it all together.

When you do, the spike of adrenaline wakes you up. Your brother was in bed, sensed something amiss, and immediately grabbed his axe and went out the window in a flash. You peer out that window, but he's no longer in sight. You open your Copper eyesight, but there's nothing in the general aura. You can't wait until you reach Jade, too, so you can also get the more advanced spiritual senses.

You're still more curious than concerned, but you're very curious, so you pull on the very quickest outfit you can and hurry after your brother. Well... once you figure out which way he went.

A rumble, some shouts of surprise, and then some nervous laughter suggest where to go. It's a clearing a little way outside of town. By the time you get there, everyone else is there already--Olerac and his mother, and Bartlett, and Miss Whemper, and all three of the Smiths, and Mrs. Carpenter, and Blind Piere, and Naia's mom, and nearly every other face from town.

Your brother looks busy, and you can't see over all the adults being taller than you, so you come up close to Olerac, instead. "Hey," you say. He jumps, turning to look at you. He's taller than you'd realized yesterday, when you couldn't tell because he was way up high on the horse, causing you to up your age estimate a bit. He's probably more Argen's age than exactly yours. You push that aside, gesturing at the forest of legs in front of you both. Being five is hard. "What's going on?"

"It's not my fault!" is the first thing he says, before he calms down enough to realize you actually don't know. "Um... Kyeol was talking to people who just got up about the benefits of the Silent Hinterlands officially joining the Temple of Rising Earth? And people were listening? And then a big scary man with a beard came over here and was yelling at Kyeol? And then they agreed to exchange pointers with each other, three techniques each?"

It takes you a moment to convert Olerac's uncertain statements into something you can understand, and when you do, you feel more concerned. Is Kyeol one of those people who would come in from a sect and try to take all your halfsilver or something? Your brother must have felt Dad's madra as they first struck each other, and rushed over here in case it was an all-out battle instead of something relatively civilized like this.

"Come on, we need to get another place to watch!" You grab your new friend by the wrist, and pull him along, circling around all the adults until you find the edge of the crowd and can watch.

Your dad stands there, in the middle of a big, empty sandlot. Kyeol is the only one close to him. Boulders and twisted tree roots as thick around as your thigh pepper the area. It looks like both Dad and Kyeol used a Ruler technique for the first exchange. You're not sure exactly what technique your dad used second, but from the snippets of conversation you hear, he must have. Kyeol coughs, spits on the ground, and readies another attack.

You lose track of him the instant he moves. A loud crack echoes across the combat field as he hits Dad's knees from the back. Your dad stumbles, but after a tense moment, he doesn't go down and you let out a breath you hadn't realized you'd been holding. It must have been an Enforcer technique, something to speed his steps and enhance his attack. He covered ground in an instant, swinging his staff to hit Brayan's knees behind. Even if it weren't a major injury, if he'd managed to drive your father to one knee, or to fall down, it would have made Dad look weak.

"All right," Brayan says, his voice still loud and steady, taking no time to recover. "Ready for my third technique?" When Kyeol nods, your dad moves. Not a sneaky, underhanded attack, like the one he just took. The ivy on his limbs is glowing the brightest green you've ever seen, as he comes in with a straight right, a punch blazing with Evergrowing Field madra.

Kyeol holds his staff up in both hands, bracing himself. The brilliant blow hits the wooden staff. It bends, creaking, and a small crack appears on it... but it doesn't break. Kyeol is pushed backwards as the force is imparted, arms, back, and legs each absorbing what it can, and he's forced to take two steps back, but he doesn't fall, either.

By pure chance, this puts him a little closer to you, so you can just hear Kyeol mutter to himself as he examines the staff: "Seriously? That weaponsmith ripped me off. 'Bathed in soulfire', my right eye."

Still, he plants the butt of the staff in the ground and sort-of-straightens up, so he's only slouching a bit. "Fine. My third go." He holds out his other hand, and focuses. Your father braces himself as Kyeol's empty hand glows a heavy, dull yellow. A sphere of madra forms in a second, collecting sand and gravel from the ground and compressing down into a smaller, denser form. It then streaks out as quickly as a Fisher throwing her spear, and your dad catches it on his crossed arms.

The impact shakes the ground, a sharp jolt that knocks you flat on your chin. You spring back up, to find half the crowd also suffered the same thing, and many of them are laughing and rubbing sore limbs or dusting off clothing. You look at your dad. He straightens up, shaking out his giant arms. He's... unharmed, it looks like.

You aren't used to being concerned for your dad.

"All this really is a side show, though," Kyeol says, pausing for another coughing fit. Once he's able to continue, he looks around the crowd... and his eyes settle on you. His voice grows louder, firmer. "It's not what I was talking about earlier! You, child." Uncertain, you take a step forward. "You're Brayan's child, yes? You'll do. It's you who should be in a duel here."

You swallow. "There's no other Coppers here," you say. A match between two people of different advancement levels is very rarely fair.

Kyeol makes an awful tch sound. "Olerac. Fight the child."

"What? I--" You look back over your shoulder to see Olerac looking like he would very much like to be anywhere else.

"He's not ready for a fight!" That's his mom, who's looking like she might just fall over her crutch again. It wouldn't be weird if she did, really: she's not had to use one for very long, so it's new for her.

"Peace. He will be fine. Brayan or I will step in before there are any serious injuries. This is just a step before I see to addressing your injury." There's a run of low mutters among everyone else watching. No one seems to know what to make of this.

"Come, Olerac." Kyeol puts a surprisingly gentle hand on his shoulder and guides him, firmly, to the rock-and-root-strewn field.

Your dad's comforting bulk comes up to your side. "Dad?" You mutter it up to him, more than a little lost. "What's going on?" This has been a confusing day. You're not even sure if he won, or what--the exhibition between him and Kyeol might have let the two of them size each other up, but no one else is equipped to tell who had the advantage, or by how much. Neither one fell, or bled, or gave up.

"I don't know," he whispers back, kneeling down next to you as he does. He can whisper just as well as he can make himself heard. "He's... got some sort of scheme going. I don't know what it is yet, but I don't see a good way to stop him from trying it."

"What should I do?"

"Win." Your dad pats your shoulder, sharing his confidence in you. "You're good. Win, win convincingly, and I'll take care of whatever else it is."

That... shouldn't be hard. Foundation to Copper isn't that big a jump in power, but it is some increase, and you have a real technique while Olerac shouldn't. Not to mention, you play-fight with your friends all the time and Olerac seems like he's never thrown a punch before.

What that means is that you should be able to win. Card for card, you should have a better hand all the way around. There's only the question of what Kyeol is thinking beyond this.

Well, you were told to win convincingly. You've not just rested on your laurels over the last few months--you've been practicing and honing your Verdant Valley. If Dad wants you to show it off, you will.

What improvement have you integrated into your Ruler technique?
[] Healing potential
You've been working hard to expand your ability to inject life-aspected madra into people, not just plants, and now you can heal... a little bit. Slowly. It's still cool!
[] Seedless power
No longer are you strictly limited to the plants that are currently there or which you carry seeds for--condensing life aura can make grass and ivy appear from bare stone, although it's tiring.
[] Faster growth
You have increased the speed at which you can grow plants, which means you aren't limited to using only the quickest-growing plants for things like this. Many tough or thorny bushes are within your reach now.

In case you've missed it, the Informational link has Keras' current character sheet. The five basic stats are there to show general capability, and are ranked on the F to A, then S, system that you're familiar with from other works, including potential plus or minus ranks (e.g., D+, B-). If your stats look low right now... don't worry! That's the sort of statline you'd usually expect for a child who isn't of a major clan and who is a young Copper. The idea here is that these can be increased over the course of the quest, without having to be terribly stingy with giving them out, without getting quickly overpowered, and without me having to rank it down (which would sound like "okay, you had S rank speed as an Iron, but average Jades are faster, so since you advanced to Jade without getting any quicker that same speed is now B-"). Of course, injury or other harm might mean they don't exclusively go up...

Techniques are as written, and have a tendency to evolve into more powerful and/or more flexible forms when they are used regularly. You can see the general idea just above.

Any other advantages (and there will be a variety) will also go onto the sheet.

Sorry this took a little longer than I was trying for--the actual update took more words than I expected at outlining, and I had to take a little time off when the family bunny got sick and passed, just for my own sake.
A scheme unveiled
Winning vote:
[] Healing potential

You look around, taking in the people watching. For most of them, this is theatre, a spectator sport. It's the most interesting thing they're going to see today. Even the adults and older kids who are usually nice to you are, right now, much more curious about what's going on than worried for you, or worried about Kyeol and his... his whatever-it-is. Your older brother is the only real exception. He is concerned, but when he notices your eyes on him, he gives you his lopsided grin and touches the head of his axe where it hangs on his belt. That's not hard to understand: that's basically 'you got this'. Near to him, you see Tresa watching her son, her lips thin. She has to be wondering what Kyeol is planning, too: she doesn't seem to want Olerac to have to fight, and you imagine that she's wondering if Kyeol will still see to her missing leg if her son doesn't do well enough.

When you glance to your foe, you can see the same concern on his face. He squares up, but can't seem to figure out a good fighting pose--he cycles between holding hands up near his face with his fingers bent to scratch to fists held out but too low to realizing his feet aren't ready and trying to hold up one foot and both hands like he's getting ready to kick. Or dance.

"Eh. Begin." That's Kyeol.

Olerac obeys, giving up on the fighting pose to rush at you, one hand cupping the other fist as he tries to bring it down in a diagonal smash. You dart towards him, ducking low as you pass so he has to hurry the blow and he misses you. You spin on your heel once you're past, keeping your eye on him as he mentally catches up and turns to face you. He doesn't try the same attack, instead sliding towards you, throwing haymakers. He is taller, a little more heavily built, but he's only Foundation, and he doesn't know how to fight. You let him land a blow against the bony part of your shoulder, taking it to launch a jab into his gut. He wheezes and backs up, even as you wince at the blow you'd taken.

You're not going to lose this.

That's already clear to you. In the worst-case scenario, he could maybe pin you down and try to wrestle you into submission, but he doesn't know what he's doing, and you might be able to command plants to help pull him off you if he did. Outside that, this isn't something where he could win unless you slip on a rock or get very unlucky somehow. But you don't just need to win: you need to win in a good way. That was what Dad said, right?

Not quite, you recall. You have to win in a convincing way. That doesn't mean you have to do it quickly or cruelly. Just... make it clear that you won. You put a plan together. As Olerac approaches again, you drop low to the ground and lash out with a kick at his ankle. He stumbles and backs up for a moment. It's a hard kick to actually hurt someone with, but it wasn't actually meant to be more than a distraction. While you were doing that, one hand dipped into your pocket and came out again, pushing a scattering of very small seeds into soil that was already torn up by Gold-level Ruler techniques. The lot was mostly sand, but where it had been turned over, there was wetter, better soil beneath.

There's murmuring in the crowd. You tried to hide your motion as well as you could, but no Copper is going to slip something past a Jade or Gold that's watching carefully. Luckily, your foe doesn't pay attention.

You scramble back up to your feet and give up a little distance, so Olerac is forced to step on what you just buried to chase you. Once he's firmly on it, you plant your feet, one foot in front of the other, and start trading blows. Olerac doesn't know what your Path is, and he doesn't know to be wary, so it's...

...well, it's still two kids fighting. You aren't going to pretend it's an amazing fight.

But just in this stand-up brawl you're throwing three punches for every two that come back at you, and if Olerac is bruising you, you're bruising him back. It hurts, but you're not wildly out of breath, and it looks like he might be getting there. And he doesn't realize how you've practiced, splitting your attention between your actual body and your Ruler technique.

As you trade punches back and forth, he doesn't notice the ivy that springs out of the ground underneath him. Ivy grows quickly, anyway, and as you pour madra into your technique, days' worth of growth happens in moments. It covers his plain shoes and begins growing denser, and climbs up his shins. He'd notice if he wasn't so busy trading punches with you.

You hit a point where you're sure it's going to hold him, and you back away. Olerac tries to take a step to follow you, and his feet don't move. He falls forward, catching himself on his forearms before he hits sand nose-first.

This technique isn't really as good for restraining people as the Forger technique in your path, but it doesn't really need to be. Olerac isn't even a Copper yet. "Give up?" You ask, wiping grime away from your mouth and nose with the back of your hand. Your arms and chest are throbbing, a mass of bruised flesh.

Olerac has to consider. He was getting the worse of the fight to begin with, but he doesn't want to give up. Not when his mom might need him to win. You can understand that. But if he doesn't, he's on the ground and can't move his legs until he can tear away layers of ivy. It's your victory.

"Fight's over." That's Kyeol, the man from the Temple of Rising Earth. "Go ahead and get the young man out of there, child." He gestures for you to extricate Olerac. Animosity left behind with the end of the fight, you go close and use the Verdant Valley technique again.

While you are doing that, Kyeol spits on the ground one last time and raises his voice, so everyone can hear him. "Of course your leaders are the strongest here, and their children the strongest of their age. But who among you wouldn't want to see your children raised to a higher place than you are? I come with knowledge. If you just decide to join with the Temple, I can use my wisdom to help give your children a brighter, stronger future."

"Do you always carry seeds with you?" Olerac asks in a low voice, as you shift from one thing to another. He's not fighting you. He seems to not be taking anything personally, thankfully.

"Of course." You blink at him. "Doesn't everyone?" You realize what you just said. "Wait, no, of course you don't! But it's just useful, even if I'm just trying to shore up windbreaks at the edge of a peach grove or something."

You missed a little of what Kyeol was saying as the two of you talked, but you suddenly catch up. "--which is why I want to demonstrate my good intentions!" A stick is pointed at you and Olerac. Mostly Olerac. "In just two years, I will make this young man able to take on all three of your leaders' children, using only local resources! Once you see that... well, then we'll just see if you want to join, yes?" He laughs, coughs, and spits on the ground again.

Oh. He's trying to convince everyone to join up with his group, arguing that it's a chance to strengthen people who listen to him. You glance around, looking for your family. There's your brother, his brow furrowed. The only place where Kyeol could have learned about how the Silent Hinterlands are organized was when they were traveling together, and Bartlett probably is frustrated he was used like that. Your father stands silent and tall, his arms crossed. You think you know why. He and Kyeol already 'exchanged pointers' and trying violence just makes him look like he's trying to shut up Kyeol because people might listen to him.

And people are listening. It's not everyone, but there's muttering and shuffling of feet. A big break like better advancement resources could let them be wealthier, stronger, live longer and healthier, travel more safely, even leave the Silent Hinterlands and seek a fortune elsewhere. Of course they'll at least listen. That doesn't hurt.

Kyeol suddenly focuses on you again. "Child, what are you doing? The young man's ankles are free, why are you still there?"

You quail, but answer honestly. "Uh... it's a life technique. I already got the ivy off, but if I do this for a couple minutes, he won't be bruised tomorrow. I'm just... helping?" You know you sound a little uncertain at the end of that.

But you hear a light ripple of laughter from people around you, and you realize that you just messed up his plan, at least a bit. You hadn't been thinking about it, not in those terms, but you completely undercut any claim that your family doesn't care. You immediately started pouring life madra into someone whom you just fought, just to keep him from hurting.

Kyeol clears his throat, making a new and entirely different sort of horrible sound than he has before. "Mm. Fine. But two years. In two years, Olerac will be a prodigy you cannot defeat. And that level of advancement will be something freely available to anyone who listens to me." The last sentence echoes off the trees and houses around you all. Kyeol has decided he can still do this.

But as Kyeol collects Olerac and his mom Tresa and says they're going to take a quick trip into the Seishen Kingdom to replace her leg, your dad comes up to you. He kneels down and enfolds you in a hug. You bury your face in his scratchy beard, ignoring that it makes the tender bits where you got punched throb. "Now that's my--kid." You don't hold the hitch in his voice against him. You know he's still getting used to using the terms that feel right for you. And he's just bursting with pride. "I didn't even know what that Kyeol was going to try, and you made him look silly!" He lets you go and stands up, offering you one huge hand to take as you walk back to town. It takes three or four of your steps for every one of his, but he doesn't hurry you.

Today, for the first time, you helped in a way that no one else could have equivalently done. And even if your dad is still worried, and you feel a bit worse for wear, you know you did something good.

You look at the full, rich cloud grapes on your plate and blink. In your Copper sight, these are just bursting with cloud and life madra, a natural treasure that your dad wouldn't usually get.

It's not a mistake. It was clearly put on your plate with grave thought. You look at your parents. Mom got up a little bit ago, so she's been caught up now. "This is... this is a lot." The orus fruit you got for your last birthday wouldn't match up to a single one of these grapes, and there's a dozen of them on the bunch.

"It was going to be sent to the margravine, but she'll have to make due with five bunches instead of six." Your dad shrugs. "You're going to need to get stronger. Eat up!"

You pop the first grape in your mouth, enjoying its sweet flavor before you swallow it down. Seconds later, you feel the energy from it cycling to your core, a simple and breezy burst of power that would put to shame weeks of just working on your cycling by yourself.

And that's only one of twelve. You greedily devour two more before you think to ask questions.

You remember your manners enough to make sure your mouth isn't full before you speak. "Is this really that bad? Kyeol and Olerac and the fight in two years and all that?"

Dad exhales, slowly, as he thinks this over. "It could be," he admits, after a bit. "We're not tyrants, and we couldn't be even if we tried." Both your parents look unhappy at even thinking about it. "If there is a general agreement among everyone here that the Silent Hinterlands want to join the Temple of Rising Earth, then that's it. The Seishen Kingdom and the Temple might fight over it, but we wouldn't be part." He thinks a moment more. "In any change like that, the people who had been on the top before--like us--would suffer. Some of those who weren't lucky before would get lucky. Without knowing Kyeol and the Temple of Rising Earth, it's hard to know who and by how much."

You nod. You're sure there's lots of political nuances you don't get there. "Well, how bad could it be? I might have reached Iron in two more years even without these." You eat another grape. "And Olerac is not even Copper yet. How could he beat Naia or Argen or me, much less all three of us?"

Mom leans forward, putting one small hand on yours, her yellow eyes unblinking. "There are some roads that are shorter than others. I have seen places in my dreams, where a child younger than you can have a spirit as rich as Jade."

Your breath hitches. Someone who has reached Jade at your age? That's hard to imagine. Usually, people hit Iron at about age ten or so, and then Jade can be anywhere from about thirteen to seventeen. If someone is at Jade, it can be relatively quick--maybe a year at most--before they are ready to move to Gold if there's a good Remnant to help make the jump.

"That... how could they reach such a level so quickly?" You whisper the question. "Even if I ate like this every day, that seems hard!" It would also strip the cloud grape vineyard bare of any grapes with even a drop of madra long before you advanced that far.

"There's people known as refiners," Dad explains. "They can distill and concentrate the power in natural treasures like this or in sacred beast meat, and create pills and elixirs that have even more effect. I've never even seen the most valuable pills, things like the Vast Sky Opening pill or the Heaven's Drops. If Kyeol is skilled as a refiner, he might be able to raise Olerac that far."

You nod, finishing off the grapes and verifying that there's no remaining waste. That's already probably enough of a meal for you, so you sit quietly and cycle your madra, trying to make the most of the power crackling through your core and madra channels. "I'll still be ready to win," you declare, focusing on using this to strengthen your body. It's that strength of body, along with a quality and density of madra, which will combine to let you advance from Copper to Iron, for all that it's still a ways away for you.

"That's the spirit," Dad agrees, chuckling. "We're going to have to teach you our Enforcement technique next, though, just to be safe."

Your parents just think you're confident because you won and you're feeling the cloud grapes' power. But, of course, it's not just that.

Soon enough, you'll meet your heavenly messenger again.

As the natural treasure settles into your body, its powerful and concentrated aura crystalizes an improvement you've been working on. What shows the most increase?

[] Strength
E to D+. You are notably strong for your advancement, with a good ability to haul large loads and other sustained efforts of strength.
[] Speed
E to D+. You are quick of foot, seeming to drift in unhurried motions that nonetheless are swifter than their deceptive looks.
[] Toughness
E to D+. Blows against you feel like they're softened by an interposing pillow, blunting and spreading the impact so they don't hurt as much.
[] Stamina
D to C. You have a startling ability to work long and hard, but especially notable are your madra reserves, which are very high for your level.
[] Coordinaton
D to C. You can seem to focus on two things at once, and surprises never throw you off for longer than a blink. Your balance and poise seem unshakeable.

In certain circumstances, an increase to your stats may not be just a flat upping--they can be colored by how you increase them. You can see here that some of the descriptions of your stats are flavored by the cloud grapes here.
Heavenly messenger again
Winning vote:
[] Stamina

"So then he just... stood there and punched at you?" Argen seems confused by this bit in your story.

You shrug. It's not like you haven't said this several times. "He doesn't really have a real path. He didn't know better."

Still, Argen and Naia are somewhat baffled by your account, just as much as they are jealous of the fact that you got to show off in front of everyone. Either of them could have won the fight, too, you're pretty sure. In a real fight, Argen would get a real halfsilver blade, and Olerac would not have lasted long. That's sort of why both sides in any duel like to have a more advanced sacred artist standing by, someone who will jump in and stop a bad strike before it actually hurts or kills. It's an admission of loss, but better to lose and not actually see someone crippled or killed.

Naia, of course, would not even have let it be a fight. She's (temporarily, you hasten to add in the privacy of your own thoughts) able to beat both you and Argen together. The Striker technique her parents are helping her develop is scary stuff! Argen is still learning the pair of Enforcer techniques that make up the cornerstone of his mom's path, one for his sword and a full-body one, as well. You haven't yet mastered your own, either.

And that means that this spar is going to go the way of the last five, you think. While a fresh-caught fish cooks on a small fire, the three of you square up for another spar, since you've finished telling your story again. You and Argen stand near each other, leaving just a little space so that you both have room to maneuver and nothing can target the both of you.

A little ways away, Naia stands, holding a straight stick like it's a spear. There's just the smooth pebbled bank of the stream separating you all. Like normal, there's no official signal to go, you just all pick the same moment from experience. As you start forward, Naia gestures with the tip of her stick, and a ball of water appears. It's a little larger than both your fists together. The first shot flies out at Argen, and he tries to block with the flat of his blade. He misjudges, and it avoids his block and catches him on the hip. He spins with the force, stumbling.

Naia gives ground as you hurry forward. Unfortunately, it's hard to get close. You're not all that quick. Your Ruler technique is really more meant to help maintain groves and orchards than fight, although you've made use of it in a fight more than once now. You haven't yet learned an Enforcer technique.

All of that is a long-winded way to say that Naia hits you squarely with a second ball of water, and you're knocked down. It's as strong a blow as her tackling you headlong.

You get back up, but Naia can manage three or four shots before she runs low on madra, and even once she does she has a reach advantage with her stick. It's a frustrating time, getting to actually brawl with her.

Ultimately, it's all a way to learn. You spar with your friends, but you've had a different sort of fight, now. It makes you realize the difference. Soon, you'll be strong enough and advanced enough to do more than just... this.

"The Temple of Rising Earth?" Thantiriiz the green dragon regards this question with curiosity. "I am somewhat familiar. Why do you ask?"

The dragon is no longer an unfamiliar sight, but he doesn't have many friends among adults in town. He doesn't really make the effort. If it's not school time, he seems to do his own things by himself. He only visits when he needs things. He's unfailingly polite, though you know he's not personable, and he does promptly deliver scales when he has agreed to a deal.

He does miss most local news because of that. You quickly explain, and Than doesn't interrupt as you do, except to encourage you to stay on topic. He has absolutely no respect for how nice a good, rambling story is.

As you wrap up the story, he chalks a bit of the Ashwind continent on his slate again, this time only focusing on the central portion. Below the Silent Hinterlands, south of the mountains and across some more territory, he draws a relatively small border. You can hear the frown in his voice, even as he speaks. "The Temple of Rising Earth is the second most-powerful vassal--as opposed to ally--of the Akura family. Their leader is an Archlord who spends most of his time in closed-door cycling in a subterranean room. As a faction, the Temple is known for earth-dominated paths, though few are pure earth. Despite their power, they have rarely sought to expand their territorial holdings."

"Why would Kyeol come out here and ask us to join, then?"

Than shrugs, his wings flapping as part of the motion. "You should ask him that instead of me, I think. This is already the furthest south I have ever been." Again, there's a hint of... something... in his tone, and he looks towards where the far north-east would be if his map were complete.

"Well, I can't do that now!" You huff in frustration. "He took Olerac and Tresa off to the Kingdom with one of the traveling merchants, and said he'd be back later, once Tresa has her replacement leg."

"Then I suspect you will learn patience," says the extremely unsympathetic Than, in a placid tone. "That is always a valuable lesson for a young human to learn."

You know that that's a trick, so you don't bite on it. You're almost six years old, and very sophisticated. You've seen that one before.

The day of your second meeting with Etaja
2 years before your duel against Kyeol's champion
8 years before the Dreadgod's arrival
13 years before the Uncrowned King tournament.

Another birthday has passed by. Like the last one, it was a fun time, if one colored a bit more by worry than the last one. You are six now. This birthday, your older brother was there, which was nice. There wasn't another natural treasure fruit for you, but the Fishers provided a tasty coruscating trout, which was large enough to provide a lunch for everyone in all three families. You received several little toys and, to the surprise of your family (although not Naia's, since Naia had also received a gift on her birthday), an Ashwind map and gazetteer from Thantiriiz.

You have no idea how the dragon even learned your birthdays.

There's definitely hours of fun to be had in poring over this, although you're going to need to practice reading a lot more before the gazetteer becomes really easy to understand. That's probably his intent, of course. Your various questions showed your curiosity, and this is his way of encouraging you to keep focused on schoolwork.

That's not for today, though. The day after your birthday is special for a different reason. Today, you are here for Etaja again. You know the way, of course. You didn't ever come this way after your first meeting, but you reviewed it in your head. A lot, really.

It's a little out of the way, in a rocky patch that has nothing of any use: the halfsilver lode is on the other side of town, there's no water, there's nothing to hunt. It's just a useless patch.

After a few minutes, you realize that there's a problem. You know where you are. It's very clear. There's a couple of weird striped rocks that you couldn't mix up with anything else. There's a bit of an overhang, which had overseen a hollow in the rock. It's definitely the right place. There's just no heavenly fish-man, no otherworldly equipment, and nothing else out of place.

You open your Copper sight, sweeping the area. There's white cloud and light green wind aura in the sky above, a few of the deep yellow flows of earth sluggishly flowing beneath you, and of course a green haze sticking to the low shrubs and stubborn grasses that are holding onto the meagre places they can grow here. That's life aura, if so thin there's not a lot of point in you cycling here.

What there definitely isn't is any sort of overpowering something. There's no riot of confusing colors.

Treacherous imagination goes to work, of course. Did Etaja leave you behind? Did you make the whole thing up to begin with? Before you can work yourself up into too much of a tizzy, you are suddenly somewhere else. It's an instant and seamless transition, without even a flicker or sense of motion. Now, instead of a rocky nowhere, you're in a room. It looks much like any house's common room, in broad strokes. There's a low table in front of you, suitable to kneel at. There's... no windows or doors. A handful of things hang on the walls, but they're hard to focus on and seem to scoot out of the way if you don't spear them straight-on with your eyes.

The only other thing is a pool of water, which leads to what might be a deeper room or suite of rooms. Etaja bursts out of this with a smooth motion, shaking himself so efficiently that no water sprays on you. The backpack-thing was one of the wall items. He pulls it off the wall and slips it on, covering his neck-gills with bits from it.

He sprawls on the other side of the table from you in a sort of boneless, casual lotus position. "Hey, kid. Sorry, I lost track of time. Hope you weren't waiting long." As normal, the voice is just in your head, but he gives you a grin as he speaks.

"How did you--what is--this is all..." You trail off, not sure where to start.

"Not bad, yeah? If I was waiting here, I didn't want to live in too spartan a place, so I ██████████████████████████████." For a moment, he frowns, then shrugs and the smile comes back. "Sorry, guess that's not a concept you can handle yet. Hm, let's try this, okay? Imagine your world is a town. I dug a basement so it's hard to see where I am by looking into windows. It's kinda like that. Since I'm in the world's basement, I decorated it a bit. Did you have a good year?"

"It was busy," you say. You're bursting with enough things to say that you could ramble on for hours. "But... you said you could give me something to help? I have a duel coming up in a little under two years. It's very important! It could shape the whole future of the entire Silent Hinterlands." You throw your hands wide, taking in the whole of everything you've ever seen.

Etaja gives the same sense you had before, where he isn't patronizing you just because you know he has to have seen more and bigger and cooler things than you ever have. "And you were hoping I could help you be ready for it?"

"If you could," you agree. "I'm not asking you to make me a Gold overnight! But if you could... I don't know, teach me secret techniques, help me find great treasures, loan me a weapon... something! You have to know more about the sacred arts than I do, so you should know what you can do to help."

"Actually, kid, I definitely know less." Your spirit falls. "Whoa, don't look so despondent! I don't know your sacred arts yet." He laughs at your confusion, but it doesn't feel mean-spirited. "There's a lot of worlds under the heavens, and each has its own █████████████." He pauses, then tries again. "Energy system, maybe? Every world has its own special stuff like that. I'm not from your world, nor am I originally a heavenly being. But I'd like to see what I can of this world, understand its energy system, before I leave. I mastered my own world's equivalent to your 'sacred arts', until I reached beyond it to ███████." This time, he doesn't try to work around the term you can't hear. "That's when I ascended. I did it once, and I can help you do it again. But only if you want."

"You can... what, help me win every fight?"

"Definitely not that. If you're in a fight, the last thing you need is a voice shouting advice in your ear to distract you. But outside that. Preparations, learning, planning. I was without peer in my home world; I should be able to help you learn yours. And I think you're going to want to see as much as you can of your world, right?"

You shrug, a small motion. "I've never left the Silent Hinterlands. Most people who are born here don't ever leave."

Etaja makes a small throwing-away gesture. "I see burning curiosity in you, kid. If you're happy remaining here when you have the ability to leave, I'll eat my own fins... but that would be your choice, and I'd still learn something if you let me watch over you. It would just be more boring than I expected. But I should probably show you what I can offer, yeah? My mind and senses are sharper now than when I was a mortal. Let me show you one of the things I already deduced, so you can see."

He sits up straighter. "I, Etaja of the Vroshir, swear the following on my soul: for so long as Keras accepts my service and both of us live within Cradle, my mind and senses are theirs. I will be a scout and aide, providing them the best guidance and advice I can, to support their chosen ends: whether they choose to be a saint or a conquering warlord, I will support them."

The soul oath hangs in the air. The fact that Etaja's voice is mental, not physical, clearly doesn't matter to the oath itself. You can feel it. The very air twangs with it, like the feeling before a thunderstorm. The very nature of your world enforces oaths such as this. A one-sided oath isn't as binding as a two-sided one, and Etaja's isn't one-sided. It will only bind him if you offer a second half to it. Which you could do. You don't have to use exactly the intent he wants from you, of course.

"Oh, that's an interesting feeling," Etaja comments. You feel his attention ripple through the air, as he works to comprehend the half-oath. "That works on a shared-understanding level, not one based on carefully precise wording, yeah?"

You don't know enough to answer that, so you don't try. "So if I accept, you... get to watch me all the time?"

Etaja holds out a a hand, and there's suddenly a small, plain bracelet on it. You could put it on either one of your wrists. It wasn't in his hand a moment ago. You have no idea where it was or how he made it or if it's from the heavens, too. "████, no, kid. That sounds terrible for both of us. I can give you this. I can lightly bind it to your fate. That would mean that no one else should notice it, and it won't get broken or lost accidentally. When you have it on, I would be able to project my senses through it and we can talk. When you don't want me, just don't have it on. If you choose to give it up or intentionally break it, it will do that, showing you don't want me any more."

"This seems like it's stacked a bit in my favor," you note.

"Sure is, kid. This is your world, not mine, and I don't want to force anything. I try to be on the side of the angels, not the tyrants. That means this has to be your choice. If you don't want my help, well, okay, that's on you."

You consider the offered bracelet.

[] "I, Forrester Keras, swear on my soul: I will keep his presence and existence a secret, in exchange for his loyal service."

You gain Etaja's aid, and there will never be a chance to reveal him to anyone else.

[] "I, Forrester Keras, swear on my soul: I will accept Etaja's service, for the moment."

You gain Etaja's aid, but bind yourself in no other way.

[] "I don't think I want to do this."

You do not gain Etaja's aid.
Last edited:
Mind talk
Winning vote:
[] "I, Forrester Keras, swear on my soul: I will keep his presence and existence a secret, in exchange for his loyal service."

You take the offered bracelet as you speak the words. The oath settles on you like a cloak. Now that you have sworn a soul oath for the first time in your life, you know now what Etaja was just asking about. It is your shared understanding. You bound yourself to what you both intended, not the literal words. You could have changed the wording a lot without messing it up. If you'd said that you wouldn't say anything about him, you would know you were cheating and breaking it if you'd tried to write it down instead. Etaja's side should be just as binding on him, you think. Unless messengers who ascended to the heavens get to cheat somehow.

You slip the bracelet, like a loose loop of silver, on your wrist. This doesn't seem any different to you, but presumably it shouldn't. This is supposed to be something no one else can notice, or something like that. "Excellent choice, kid, but I might be a bit biased." Etaja cackles silently in your mind.

"So what can you do to help me with this?"

"I'm going to have to look over your shoulder to figure that out. Can you practice your sacred arts here?"

You open your Copper sight and look around. Nothing changes. There's no sign of aura here, at all. Not even the barest glimmer. Not even on Etaja himself, which seems wrong. You close and reopen your Copper sight, a sort of spiritual blink, in case that helps. "...No? I need to get around some life aura to cycle properly. That would be like... healthy plants and animals."

The Vroshir nods. "Then I'll get you out of here so you can do that." He leans across his table to pat you on the shoulder, a surprisingly cold and clammy gesture. He is something of a fish, you guess. "Even before that, I suppose I can give you a bit of general advice. Every ascended being I've met with has a few things in common, and the most central one is this: they plow forward. So don't look back. Don't stop. People falter when they second-guess themselves--that's different from learning from a mistake or discovering new information, mind.

"But once you set your course, stride forward and don't ever hesitate. If people tell you there is no trail, blaze a new one! If there is no place for you, carve it out! If there's a wall in your way that you cannot scale, smash it flat with one step!"

He grins at you, a toothy and conspiratorial smile. Then, he vanishes, and you're once more looking at a blank stretch of rock. You could almost believe nothing had happened at all, but you feel the soul oath, regardless, and when you look down at your left wrist, there's a delicate, plain band of silver around it.

As you consider it, one concern floats to the top: "How am I supposed to smash a wall without a Striker technique?" Etaja doesn't answer.

Etaja wasn't kidding about knowing very little about the sacred arts. You spend some time underneath a peach tree, cycling life aura and compressing it into your Copper core. He has to ask questions about all of it, even the very basic fact of breathing being a part of it. You don't have an answer for him when he asks about sacred beast fish, which somehow do cycle madra despite not having lungs.

What you don't have to do is repeat yourself. Once you have introduced a concept, he seems to take it onboard instantly: madra, aura, paths, the varieties of techniques, and how it all comes together. It takes practically no time before you're done explaining the basics and move on to the more advanced bits.

{So what happens when you advance all the way through Copper?} When you're not in front of him, his mental voice sounds a little different. You don't know why that is.

"Well, then I'm ready to advance to Iron." You're still sitting in a cycling position on the ground. "That's got a lot of steps! You know the madra channels I have?" You feel something like a mental nod. "We're only born with a small handful. Iron is where we ready the body for the rest of our progression. When my core is as full and pure as it can be, I force madra through the rest of my body, spreading out and creating more channels so I have more ability to direct madra around my body. That's necessary to use big and powerful techniques, especially Enforcer, but really all of them. That's work for a peak Copper--it sometimes blends in a bit with the actual advancement part. The actual advance has madra go, like... really crazy throughout the body. I don't know how to describe it. I'm not Iron yet. It makes the whole body just better. Eyes can see further and better, we have better reaction times, we're stronger and faster and all that. Our madra's supposed to be of a higher quality then, and then we work on advancing our spirit. That's the next advancement."

You take two more slow and thoughtful breaths, both cycling life aura, before you sit sharply upright. "Oh! I forgot to explain. There's always something special and additional, making an advanced Iron body. Um, if a sacred artist is doing something special, we can get a new additional thing on top of just being Iron. Miss Lujayn has a Spiderclimb body, which means she can walk up walls and ceilings like they're flat ground. The Fishers have a Silverscale body, which lets them hold their breath for, like, two hours, and it helps them resist Striker techniques. My dad's means he can eat and eat and eat and get power from all of it. There's lots!"

{Ah,} Etaja says, thoughtfully. {So the Iron body lets you get some additional trick. By picking something that your path and your madra aspects don't typically cover, you mitigate your most obvious weaknesses as you build your foundation, and do so without having to dilute your madra's focus.}

You frown. He's not wrong. In fact, he's right, but he's right in a weird way. You hadn't really said that, just said various pieces that hinted it, and yet he understood it. "Yes, basically. It's all a part of our path. If you don't get a good Iron body, it can be hard to advance to Gold even if you do have a handy Remnant."

{What's a Remnant?}

This necessitates you launching into a new and different explanation. Your cycling this afternoon isn't that productive. It's hard to chatter and cycle at the same time.

"Well, I don't know that much about light-aspect Remnants!" You say it to thin air as you come in through your front door. "I've only even seen one Remnant at all, so I don't know how a light one would interact with a mirror even under normal sunlight!"

You thought you were home alone, but you sense an incurious gaze and find your older sister, Bosc, sitting at the main table with her hand mirror in front of her, seemingly halfway through plaiting a collection of various colored beads into her long, dark hair. "Who are you shouting at?"

You try not to blush. "Uh... myself?"

She rolls her eyes, but she also smiles. "I suppose that's one way to get good conversation. Maybe I should take it up." She focuses back on the mirror.

"You didn't tell me other people could still hear me!"

Bosc's eyes flash to you again. "Now you're whispering to yourself?"

{You weren't around anyone else until now. Look, you don't need to speak out loud, yeah? I can still hear you anyway.}

You freeze. Etaja can read your mind?! That's not what you expected.

After a long moment of you standing there in the middle of the room like an indecisive weird person, Etaja continues. {Kid? You still there? Oh, you probably don't know how to talk like this, huh? Okay, think of it like... you have to try to talk. Picture all the bits you have to do, just don't move your lips or throat or lungs or whatever you air-breathers need.}

You have to take a few seconds to figure that out. <Like this?>

{Ah! Yeah, there you go. You can talk out loud if you prefer, of course, but you're going to look kind of dumb.}

<You could have warned me!>

You'd swear the response you get is a laugh, but Bosc is talking, too, so you can't focus on the mental talk to be sure. "Mom's sleeping late today," she reports, "so don't disturb her. When she came back home this morning she had a thick accent we couldn't place."

You nod, understanding. Her dream powers aren't fully controlled, so exactly what sort of weird terms or accents she picks up after dreaming of other times or places varies. Etaja's curiosity burns, but if he's laughing at you he can just deal with it for now. "I'll be quiet. Are you and Jay doing something tonight?"

"Where were you all day?" Bosc sniffs disdainfully, but she's almost done with the beads. "The merchant caravan today brought some dream tablets, and it's apparently a whole show, so, yes, Jaylon and I are going to it." That explains why she's dressing up, if it's going to be an entertainment thing and she's seeing it with her boyfriend. "You missed the earlier show. Kyeol came back with them, and Tresa had a Remnant leg attached, and then he found an unclaimed stretch of land and put up a stone house with some sort of earth-based Ruler technique. Your friends watched."

He did… what? You suddenly are jealous of Naia and Argen getting to see that. Even if you had a really good reason to be busy somewhere else today! Well, you'll probably get to see the cool Remnant leg soon, but you missed someone just building a house in one day with sacred arts!

"I was busy!"

Bosc laughs at that. "Busy cycling, huh?" She looks at you with the fondest look she's given you in ages. "I remember that age. Iron's terrible as an advancement, you know, and it's all sort of a waste. Enjoy, but don't get too sucked into it. You'll regret it later." She checks her hair with her mirror, holding it at various angles to see how it has come out. "There's some soup on the fire. Take it off when you get your dinner for me?"

Talking to your sister always leaves you a little off-balance. This is a part of why she doesn't tend to be a part of family conversations. It's just… odd. Still, you nod in agreement. Tomorrow, you can check out Tresa and Kyeol and Olerac and the new house and everything else you missed today.

Things will change up as we pass out of our first year, which included a great deal of getting introduced to the people around Keras. Certain things will still happen outside of your control, as Keras is, after all, a young child, and even outside of that no one can control events outside of their power. In addition, any 'no-brainer' is not an interesting thing to ask if it's done or not. This means that things like "do you study with your school teacher" or "are you still practicing the sacred arts" are not in question: they are already decided and included.

However, you will have more flexibility in what you see and who you engage with beyond these things. Vote for as many of the following as you like; the top four will happen, and there may be a variety of benefits from them. These are not counted as a set.

[] Argen wants to hunt an Iron-level sacred beast that has been seen in the high forests. He's recruited you and Naia.
[] Naia wants to dedicate some time to comparing your technique and hers, on the idea that Ruler principles will help hers work better.
[] Just because you'll fight later is no reason not make a new friend. Get to know Olerac, in a genuine overture of friendship.
[] You spend time with your brother, Bartlett, as he shares his Striker technique and how his path differs from your father's.
[] Your sister Bosc often seems distant, but you have a confusing conversation on the meaning of advancement with the Jade.
[] Mom is being affected by snippets of dreams. She'd be fine, but she'll be fine faster by grounding herself with time with you.
[] Dad is puzzling over something strange in the peach grove. An outside perspective will help him, and you.
[] Thantiriiz turns out to be a little different outside of school time. The dragon shares a small nugget of his past with you.
[] If you want to know something, why not ask? You just actually talk to Kyeol about his plans and where he came from.
[] Curiosity has the better of you. You sneak in to see what training Kyeol is giving Olerac for yourself.
[] Time to put Etaja through his paces. You use him to try to search for secret treasure, and end up finding something odd.
A successful hunt
Winning votes:
[] Argen wants to hunt an Iron-level sacred beast that has been seen in the high forests. He's recruited you and Naia.
[] Naia wants to dedicate some time to comparing your technique and hers, on the idea that Ruler principles will help hers work better.
[] Just because you'll fight later is no reason not to make a new friend. Get to know Olerac, in a genuine overture of friendship.
[] Time to put Etaja through his paces. You use him to try to search for secret treasure, and end up finding something odd.

"So you follow the madra pathways out this way, right?" Naia dips a finger in her paint collection and follows it down your arm, tracing it out.

You nod. "Yeah! I have to keep it going, though--Ruler techniques stop if you don't keep adding madra to it."

Naia frowns. "How do you stop adding more from interfering with the madra cycling around your wrist?"

"What? I don't cycle madra around my wrist." Both of you stare at each other for a moment.

It had been a pretty straightforward idea: you and Naia have techniques that are not utterly dissimilar. You're both Copper. Talking to each other about how it works might help you both. The finger paint had been one of Naia's birthday presents. You've been using them to show how madra flows, which means that finger paint goes all up and down both of your arms at this point. Of course it does. The sacred arts aren't a purely mental discipline. They evoke power by moving your madra. Body and spirit are both honed to evoke the power of the universe.

There's been one weird little piece of all this. You're wearing Etaja's bracelet while you talk. The more he learns of the sacred arts, the more he'll be able to help you. You were curious how it would work when your friend started putting fingerpaint along your forearm, and the answer is: it just works. She avoids the bracelet, so it's clear of any paint, but she doesn't seem to be aware that she is. She'll do things like taking her finger off your forearm, move to the other side of the bracelet, and continue her line... without seeming to be aware that she had done so. It's kind of eerie.

Now Naia runs a hand down her long, straight hair as she thinks this over. Half the Fisher family crops their hair short, and the other half keeps it long. "So you keep your technique going even when the pattern is outside your body?"

"Yeah!" You frown. "I mean, it doesn't make sense not to. It's a Ruler technique. Of course the technique has me controlling my madra even when it's outside of my body."

Your friend nods, thoughtfully. "I'm going to need to think about this." She takes a couple steps away, then sits cross-legged, taking a cycling position as she thinks about what she learned. You have something to think about, too. She's learned something about Ruler techniques, but in just asking you about her questions, she's taught you something about Striker techniques, too.

In fact, you still quite literally have a guide painted on your arms that tells you a lot about how to perform a basic Striker move. You take a cycling position yourself, and for a little while, you and Naia cycle together quietly. It's not that hard to find places to cycle together for the two of you--trees and water are often found close together. Once Naia starts incorporating more sword aura into her cycling, it will be less convenient for you, but more convenient for her and Argen to do some cycling together.

You push that thought out of your mind and focus on your madra, working out how to use it for a different kind of technique. You aren't going to master anything today--in fact, if anything you should still be working on the Enforcer technique that makes your dad so scary and which you aren't yet mastering. But that sounds like something for another day! For right now, you want to experiment a bit and see how Striker moves work.

After a little while, Naia stands up. You break out of your own cycling trance and open your eyes to see what she's figured out. She holds up one hand, palm out, and points it at a nearby rock. After a moment, a ball of water appears in her palm, conjured from thin air with her sacred arts. Most of it shoots out, impacting the rock with a splash. The remaining water boils up and expands again, and she shoots a second one, only a second or so after the first one.

"Too weak," she murmurs. "And it took too much madra."

"How weak?" You ask.

"That was... maybe a bit over half normal strength?" She frowns. "I'm going to have to work on it."

She's just modified her own technique to be able to rapid-fire blasts of water, something she couldn't do before, and it's only going to get more refined from there. Apparently pushing some of it outside her own body, so she didn't get in her own way, was all that was needed to make it get a breakthrough.

Of course, if she's going to show off, you need to show off, too. Now you have to cobble together your own Striker move. Wordlessly, you ask for Etaja's help, and feel his equally wordless guidance as he helps you figure out the cycling pattern you would need to do. You stand up, point your palm at a tree, and trigger the attack.

There's a flash of green.

The tree is unmoved.

You frown at it, but you hear Etaja cackling in your mind. {Kid, you just shot that tree with a very brief beam of grow-better. It's not going to do much right now except maybe help people wake up in the morning. It's something like... what's that thing you all drink? Coffee. You made a beam that's like taking a very small shot of coffee.}

<I'll improve it,> you send back. <Life madra isn't just for growing.>

{True,} Etaja allows, {but your madra is specialized for tending to orchards.}

You don't have a comeback for that.

Naia watched your move, but she considered it just as quietly and with as much stillness as you had on the outside. In the end, neither of you comment on it. "Keras," she says, instead. "Can we go over the cycling pattern you use again?"

You nod. Now that she's felt it practically, she wants to review things and see what else she can learn. Makes sense!

One afternoon, as you and your dad are finishing dinner, before Mom wakes up for her breakfast, there's a knock on the door. Your father gets up and reaches the door in only a couple of strides, but everywhere inside is only a couple of strides away at his size.

At the door is Kyeol. The grayish man is leaning on his stick. "Ah, wonderful, Forrester Brayan. I'll get to the point. I want to purchase at least two of your orus fruits, the ones that have reached the natural treasure mark."


Kyeol laughs, which still sounds a lot like he's dying of coughing. "Is it really that strange that I would look to purchase food? We all need to eat, do we not?" He grins without showing any teeth. "But, of course, I was looking to purchase these because I believe I can refine something worthwhile out of them. My new apprentice has reached Copper." He gestures to his side, and for the first time you realize Olerac is there, too. "I wish to provide him with a useful elixir to help his future growth, as well."

"And why," your dad says in a quiet rumble that still feels like it shakes the whole house, "would I want for you to do that?"

"Am I really so threatening?" Kyeol is still standing outside your door through this whole exchange, not seeming annoyed at not getting invited in. "I wish to live here in peace, just as much as anyone else in these lands. And whatever disagreements we may or may not have, I believe that being open is better for us as neighbors. Would you prefer that I disguise my request and ask a third party to purchase such things for me? No, better to ask directly. Besides, if the recipe works as intended, I see no reason I would not be willing to sell or trade some quantity of it back to you."

And, thus, to you. As your parents had worried about, Kyeol has some ability as a refiner, which means that he could, perhaps, push Olerac to a point where he could threaten you and your friends in a fight. And yet... the same external means he'd use to improve Olerac, he'd also be willing to let you use?

You're sure that there's some reason for that, but you have no idea what it would be.

"All right," Dad agrees, finally. "Why don't you come in and we can discuss it?" He doesn't look happy, but he's not angry or anything. "We'll see what arrangements we can make."

Kyeol doesn't gloat, doesn't sneer, doesn't do anything to indicate that he may have scored a point. He just nods, in a normal sort of way, wipes his sandals clean on the mat, sets his staff to rest in a corner, and takes his shoes off as he comes in, like a normal person.

Dinner is basically over (you were done a little while ago, but Dad eats a lot more, so it takes him longer) and it's not yet so dark you can't go out to play, so you abandon the adults to do boring adult things and go over to Olerac. He followed Kyeol in and is currently trying to disappear into the wall, afraid to get noticed. "Hi, Olerac!" You say it with a smile and a wave. "Wanna play with me while they do that?"

He takes a few seconds to respond to that. You almost think he didn't hear you until he responds and you realize it was actually just taking him time to think about it. "I'm not sure if I'm supposed to."

"Oh," you say, then ask the obvious question: "So what are you supposed to do here, then?"

"I don't know?" His hesitation is clear.

"Then maybe you're supposed to play while the adults talk," you suggest with genius-level insight. He hesitates, so you push a little further. "Besides, that sort of training helps settle the spirit after you advance, like I hear you did with Copper! Congratulations on that! Also, tag, you're it."

You tap him lightly on the shoulder and run out the door. A moment later, he's chasing after you.

Olerac has definitely made the most of his advancement to Copper. He's quicker on his feet than you are, now, but while he can catch you on a sprint, you still have the stamina to overtake him once he flags a bit. The tag session thus works pretty well. Eventually, he's too tired to keep going. You still could, but that's fine. You let him flop down on the ground and crouch next to him, grinning. "It's nice to have someone new my age," you explain. "It's mostly just been me and Naia and Argen, at least until you came."

He nods, staring into the middle distance, as if he's considering something. "Mom always said we couldn't really trust people we don't know, and we didn't know hardly anyone, so we mostly stayed to ourselves. She said that was fine. But I was kind of lonely."

It's not a unique story. The Hinterlands are full of hermits, recluses, and all sorts of other exciting terms for people who like to live by themselves that Thantiriiz has taught you. "Well, you're here now," you say. "Unless you and your mom are going to go back to living somewhere?"

He shakes his head. "I don't think she wants to. I don't think we could? She's Jade, so we were strong enough to handle most things until that cliff bear. But while she's got a replacement leg now, she's not all the way better. And we can't handle any other Gold threat. We know that now. Also, she's been talking a lot about Kyeol and your brother now."

You accept that. "Well, then you live here now! And even if we're going to have a match again, no reason we can't be friends here. You should come to school! Our teacher is a dragon." Olerac looks at you with concern. "No, it's fine! He's..." you hesitate. 'Nice' definitely isn't right, nor is anything like 'not scary'. "He's good at it!" You are proud of that answer. "He came all the way from dragon lands. He's going to show us the basics of script writing in the next year, he said." You know what a script is in theory: you write a very precise sort of instruction onto something, then run madra through it, and it does a thing.

You don't really know enough to say much else.

"Anyway! Come if you can."

Olerac continues staring into the middle distance. "I... think I want to," he says. "Kyeol is training me, but it's not something that takes all day. I would like to..." he hesitates. "make friends?" He says it quietly, like he's not sure you aren't about to laugh at him or disappear in a puff of smoke for saying that.

You don't do either one. "Sure! Just because we have to fight in a while doesn't mean we can't be friends. I fight with Naia and Argen all the time, and they fight with each other, too. What sort of training are you doing?"

He shakes his head, there. "I'm not allowed to say. Kyeol says that I need to keep focused, and not do anything before I'm ready or I will..." Again, he hesitates. "I'm not sure? It sounds like it would hurt me."

You shrug. "We spar and wrestle without techniques sometimes, too." Especially right now, when everyone has very different technique advancement. "Surely that's fine, right?"

"I guess?" Olerac has a bit of a stunned expression, like this whole conversation has gotten away from him.

1.5 years before your duel against Kyeol's champion

7.5 years before the Dreadgod's arrival

It turns out to take a little time for Olerac to really show up to school very often. As days pass, he's sometimes there, and it feels like he might get to do it more regularly in the future. But, he's still sort of getting to be part of your group. Argen and Naia are so far very neutral on that.

More importantly, one day when Olerac isn't there, Argen shows up with a grin and a story--his mom has found something that the three of you would be good to handle.

There's a sacred beast that's been bothering the mine workers. It's not clear what sort of creature it was before--it could have been a squirrel or a mole or something. However, it's kind of mixed up now. It keeps trying to steal shiny things from the mine workers, to run off with them. It's too mean-tempered to try to tame, too stupid to even be a normal animal, too annoying to ignore, and too slippery for it to have been caught yet.

However, the Jades who have had to chase it down to get back helmets or picks or even wheels think it's probably only low-Iron in its madra density. Sacred beasts don't advance quite the same way as humans do: they sort of grow slowly and smoothly, without the jumps of power that humans see at Copper or Iron. What that means, on a practical level, is that it's a nuisance... that should be entirely feasible for three Coppers to handle. Absolute worst case scenario, you all will run away and someone else will be called in to handle it.

None of you have any particular desire to lose, though. After school, Argen takes the leather ball of the end off his halfsilver sword. The blade has been extended as he grew accustomed to it: these days, the cutting edge goes almost halfway down the blade. Naia goes home, trying to get her parents to let her have a real spear--probably not one with barbs or metal, but at least something with a proper tip. This is, after all, a hunt.

You don't have any weapons to get, of course. Your friends instead send you home to get something to attract the sacred beast. You double-check your pocket seeds as you do so, but seeds are seeds. They aren't hard to carry around, so you just always carry them around. You still need something to get the slippery little creature to show itself for.

Bosc isn't home when you go home, so with the deep brilliancy of every idea of someone your age, you go and get her little hand mirror. That should be shiny in the early afternoon! And as long as nothing happens to it and it doesn't get dirty and you can bring it back before she gets back, it's totally undetectable that you did anything with it!

After a moment of hesitation, you take it, anyway.

The hunt itself is kind of boring. You aren't about to let anyone else get the mirror, since both Argen and Naia could break it. So you sit on one of the slag piles that the miners have already worked through and left behind, every so often grabbing the mirror and reflecting sunlight all over, then setting it next to you and pretending that you aren't watching it out of the corner of your eye. Argen and Naia just sit in a hollow nearby, not easily seen but not really well-hidden. None of you know a really great way to hide.

It takes an hour or so, but eventually the hunt bears fruit. As you go to set the mirror down once, you see a weird little grasping thing try to snatch at it, and pull it back. Even as you do, you shout in warning to your friends and twist to see it.

The creature is small, maybe a bit over a foot in length. It has fur and a general quadruped's build, but its head looks like no particular creature, and it hisses at you through oversized sharp teeth.

The grasping thing turns out to be one of its two tails, both of which are arced back over its body like you hear scorpions do, but instead of a poison thing, it's just like weird fingers. As it realizes it's been caught, it charges at you, trying to nip at your limbs, but you half-run, half-fall down the scree and avoid it. It chases you, not hesitating until Naia and Argen are there. Even then, the hesitation is only a moment before it throws itself forward again.

As you'd planned, Argen steps forward. "Sword's Spine!" He's proud enough of having learned one of the two Enforcer techniques his mom's path is built around. A silver glow springs to life around his sword, this one not at all hampered by the halfsilver that makes it up. He tries to stab it, but it jumps around, and he misses until it latches onto his leg. With a yelp, he kicks, and it goes flying into the air.

Naia steps forward even as it's flying. She calls water, and a ball of it shoots out. She was trying to hit it before it landed, but she misses. Her second shot, however, hits it straight on. It staggers for a moment as the force of the Striker technique rattles it.

Then, Argen is there, and this time he manages to tag one of its tails. It hisses again, and runs around a bit of rocky debris. For half a second, you think it's running for cover, but its meanness apparently eclipses its sense. It appears on top of the debris, and hurls itself bodily at Naia. Her block misses, and it lands on her face. It's thankfully not that dangerous a monster, or that could have been really bad. Even so, it still leaves a couple small bloody scratches on her cheeks before she throws it off. You try to step on it as it lands on the ground, but it grabs a protrusion with its uninjured tail and pulls itself out of the way.

It's still spitting and hissing as it clambers back to its feet, just as aggressive now as the miners had said before. It throws itself at you again, and this time you do manage to catch it, kicking it away. Even as it bounces off and comes after you again, Argen is there. This time, he doesn't try to stab it. He and Naia have both discovered how hard that is to do, at least against an angry and agile small target. Instead, he hacks at it.

One direct hit is all it takes. That disrupts its madra. Before it can pull its madra cycling patterns back together, your two friends are there. They stab it to death.

Then, all three of you take a moment to pause, catch your breath, and take stock. "I got it!" Argen is all smiles, even as he lets his Enforcer technique drop and sits down heavily. He prods the body with his sword. "No binding I can find," he adds. "Not surprising. That's only supposed to be in Gold and above. But, still, sacred beast meat. That's good for some advancement. And we got it ourselves! All by ourselves!"

He grins. You, on the other hand, check the mirror. It's a little dusty, but you can probably clean it off and get away with the whole escapade.

"Can you heal us, Keras?" That's Naia, who still looks a little grave. You nod, and summon up your Ruler technique.

Inside, though, you're not feeling as good as Argen is.

You're too slow, too fragile, too weak. You didn't really do anything in that fight, and you don't know that you could have. You're not armed, you can't use your Enforcer technique yet. You can heal, but so could a good night's rest, and you're not all that much quicker. Either of your friends can take you down without too much difficulty, and… you don't know that that's going to change. You really can't wait for Iron.

{Kid, you're still trying to do this while being a farmer, basically.} Etaja didn't speak up during the fight, just like he said he wouldn't.

<My dad can. I have to be able to, too.>

{Your dad is a lot better than you are. Get enough power, and you can do the same.}

<How do I get more power? Enough more power for that, I mean.> This is a conversation you've had with Etaja before, but that's the first time you've asked that so blatantly.

{Have you tried being better than everyone else in the world at everything?}

You bite back the urge to cry until you're able to put the words together without doing so. <That's not helpful!>

{It always worked for me.} You feel a mental shrug, before Etaja continues in a slightly kinder tone. {You're already a few percent ahead of where you should be, since I've helped you smooth out your normal cycling for advancement pattern. That sounds small, but we should be able to compound it. Don't get depressed.}

<I'm not depressed!> There's a momentary spike of anger alongside the thought. You send a silent apology a moment later. <...But I don't want to wait. We're going to do something more.>

{Really? Well, I am at your service. What do you have in mind?}

<Tomorrow. We'll do it tomorrow.>

Once your friends are back to full health, you'll take your prize back and get some dinner.

You may be slow, weak, and frail compared to your friends, but practice, effort, cycling, and some sacred beast meat are at least… helping. What is it helping the most?

[] Strength
E to D-. You are only about as strong as any reasonably fit person of your age and height, though sometimes you pull off an interesting surge.
[] Speed
E to D-. You are not particularly quick of foot, but you are good at getting your arms where they need to be.
[] Toughness
E to D-. You're at least pretty good at shrugging off bruises and falls.

Sorry for the delay. I have been sidetracked by work and other ideas, but I'm still very anxious to continue this quest. And, yes, we're still going through some of the results of the last vote.
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