Rock the Cradle: A cultivation story

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You are Forrester Keras. You are many things: bonded to a carnivorous tree, an apprentice learning how to refine miraculous elixirs under the tutelage of one of the Seishen Kingdom's few Underlords, a good-natured and generous child, and thoroughly confusing to almost everyone you meet. When you were young, you struck a deal with a heavenly messenger, and his guidance has already carried you far, but a great calamity is coming close—and you are not yet aware of it.

Improve yourself, little Keras, and advance along your Path. Your skill with the sacred arts will be tested sorely, both in the present and in years to come.
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A visitor from the heavens
Etaja flees, as quickly and subtly as he can, the endless blue patterns of the Way shifting around him as he goes. He doesn't know what's on his tail, precisely: he knows it's an Abidan, because the pursuer attacked him immediately. He knows it's not one of the Abidan Judges, because he didn't die instantly when the Wolf--at least, he thinks it's a Wolf--caught wind of him. It's bad enough even without being a Judge. This is no one-star Abidan, whom Etaja might overpower, steal the Presence of, and flee back to the Vroshir worlds with his prize.

No, the Wolf brought an instant and overwhelming strength in the form of conceptual attacks, time-twisting minefields and sensor nets, and some sort of mental strike Etaja hasn't been able to identify yet. The Wolf clearly didn't have a full lock on Etaja, or the first attack would have been a crippling strike, instead of a near miss.

Iterations spin past below as Etaja flees, each world attached to the Way, anchored by its inhabitants. Each was a distraction, a foil, another fork in the path: its presence stirred the Way and made Etaja's already all-but-imperceptible shadow even harder to follow.

Yet, this is a Wolf. It pursues, slowed only slightly by all Etaja's wiles. As another lance of energy that could sterilize an unprotected continent brushes past Etaja, he triggers his final resort.

It had taken three decades of hard work and trading for what he couldn't handle himself to create this, but he doesn't even wince: if it keeps him alive right now, it was worth every second.

His body warps under the strain of insane acceleration in every direction at once as his signal splits: to the Wolf's senses, if this all goes correctly, it will appear as though Etaja has literally split in two.

There is a hesitation as the Wolf's senses probe the duplicates: Etaja is not splitting into two bodies, but rather a real one and a decoy, mimicking his signature exactly. Then one of them splits further.

The Wolf's reaction is instant as two become three: tripled spears of the concept of destruction, each enhanced by the Wolf's authority and the Way's ultimate order, fly out. The Wolf's attention is mostly pulled to the last two to split: logically, one of those is the correct one, but the Wolf will not risk it. All three must be obliterated.

Etaja breathes a sigh of relief, as the one that the Wolf took its eyes off of for a tiny fraction of a second releases its true payload: a tiny capsule even more subtle than Etaja has shown so far... with Etaja crammed within, his powers as a Vroshir suppressed to a merely
human level. He's done it.

Then, the spears strike home, and the local Way rumbles and shakes with the unleashed power, a greater payload than Etaja has predicted. A filament of its declaration of destruction, practically shrapnel, nicks Etaja's capsule and nearly finishes the job, sending him tumbling almost uncontrollably.

He's deep in Abidan territory, perhaps deeper than any Vroshir scout has penetrated in ages, but while the Wolf should believe that Etaja has been slain, he'll also keep watch. As Etaja spirals down to a nearly-uncontrolled crash onto some Iteration he doesn't know, a world too deep in Abidan territory for him to know its name, he knows he'll have to lay low.

A world opens beneath him as the Way vanishes. A large world, reasonably heavily populated, but unfamiliar. He doesn't dare steer, and his capsule's automatic elements aren't trustworthy after the hit he's taken.

Not for the first time, Etaja wishes he had a Presence to help him plan, to know if he's fine or doomed, but he doesn't. Instead, Etaja braces himself, hoping he will not die from the impact. Well, he thinks to himself, we all live in hope.

9 years before the Dreadgod's arrival
14 years before the Uncrowned King tournament

You scramble over the rocks by yourself, humming in pleasure. It has been a great month!

You had advanced from Foundation to Copper three weeks ago, and you are only five, as of yesterday. Your birthday party was fantastic! Both of your friends were there, and your parents were so happy that you'd advanced so young. "Kid's going to surpass me one day," your father said with a laugh, rubbing your head in a rough but fond way while you tried to wriggle out of his grasp.

Your father's a Gold, so it would be impressive for you to surpass him, instead of just equal him, but it was your birthday, and everything seemed possible while you were staring around at everyone else with your new Copper sight, observing their auras with your new sense.

That was yesterday, though. Today, no one was paying you too much attention this morning. It would be afternoon before your lessons picked back up, which led to your exploring on your own.

You're not supposed to wander this far, but the Silent Hinterlands are a safe place, and you're both five years old and a Copper, now. You can handle anything! Infinite power feels like it's flowing through you, as your family had even given you an orus fruit yesterday, one that had grown into a spiritual treasure. It was the first time you'd tasted one, and you can still feel its power cycling through your core to enhance your madra.

You keep staring at everything. Copper sight has changed everything. Birds and plants show life aura, the sky is filled with wind and cloud aura, and you can even see a few flows of earth aura in the ground underneath you. Each of them is new and exciting to you, even if everyone older than you has already gotten used to it: the older kids who are at Iron, and the adults who are Jade or, occasionally, Gold.

Then you take one more step and everything changes.

It was like you had been exploring a deep forest on a moonless night, with a single candle in your hands, thinking you could see everything. Then everything lights up like the summer sun at midday. You shriek, and stumble back, falling on your butt. The startlingly vivid apparition vanishes.

You catch your breath, and creep forward on your hands and knees. Light and fury overwhelm your Copper eyesight again, until you inch back. After a little more experimentation, it's clear enough: there's a line here where you can see some overwhelming aura once you're inside it, and can't outside.

You should probably report this, but you're five, and a Copper. You can handle anything. (Also, you're curious, but you pretend that has nothing to do with it.) You lock down your Copper sight to prevent yourself from being overwhelmed and forge on in.

What you stumbled on is a tiny thing, so it takes less than a minute for you to find what has to be the cause: there's someone here. It's a body on the ground of a tiny cave, almost just an indentation in the rock.

The body is dressed in some unfamiliar sort of dark leathers, and... he's unusual. Blue skin, no nose, and what looks like gills on his neck, which are covered in turn by... something. It's a smooth-looking construct of some sort, but you don't know how else to describe it. You can see water flowing along its tubes, to some other thing on his back. Maybe a drudge? You don't know drudges very well, so it's the first comparison you have.

He's sprawled out, reaching for another... thing. It's on the ground just out of his reach, or maybe it rolled out of his hand. Is he dead?

As you consider that possibility, green eyes snap open and lock onto yours, showing far too much comprehension to be dead. "████?" he says. You hear it in your mind.

You don't know if the skin and gills is some sort of unfamiliar Goldsign, or if this might be someone from distant lands, or even some unusually human-looking sacred beast, so you do what your family always told you to do: be polite.

You press your fists together in front of your body, and bow. You feel it's probably an awkward bow, but it's the best you can do. "This one did not mean to intrude, honored... visitor."

"████Damn █████. This one beseeches you to retrieve my ████." His finger twitches, which at least tells you what he's asking for. After a moment of hesitation, you scoot closer and pick up the... thing... and set it in his hand. It's heavier than you expected, but your Copper strength is enough.

His arm curls up without the rest of him moving. As soon as he cradles it to his belly, needles and various other implements slide out of it, and begin to poke him.

Inside of five seconds, he looks better, and pushes himself up to a seated position. "Gratitude, honored sibling," appears in your mind as he gives you a casual nod.

You hesitate, not sure how to take the combination of his words and familiar body language. "Honored visitor, why are you speaking so... formally?"

He shakes his head, taps the thing on his neck gills, and tries again. "Damn, were you being overly polite? That's going to screw up the translation ███." He looks at you again. "Just talk normal."

"A... Alright." You trail off, not sure what else to say.

"Thanks, though. Would've been really embarrassing if I'd died an inch from my ████." He shrugs. "I was trying not to be found, but I guess the jig's up on that. Who're you?"

You hesitate again, but your family has always drilled in the importance of keeping powerful strangers from getting mad at you. Answering probably is best. "I'm--"

[] Plan: [first name]
This is only for given name. Cradle is a big place; most names could be appropriate.

Your visitor continues to look at you, so you keep babbling. "Uh... my father's the local elder. He's a Gold-rank sacred artist. A very strong one! I'm his youngest--

- [] daughter
- [] son
- [] child

"and my family is in charge of--

- [] the halfsilver mines."
Halfsilver is a very rare material that can disrupt madra, meaning it is almost impossibly valuable in handling advanced sacred artists, sacred beasts, and Remnants. Wielding it also takes its own tricks.
Your family practices the Path of the Piercing Blade.

- [] the spirit orchards."
The halfsilver lode buried half in the mountain pushes a lot of spiritual energy to the far side, leading to orchards that produce many powerful and tasty fruits, popular even in the distant Seishen Kingdom.
Your family practices the Path of the Evergrowing Field.

- [] the fishing."
The high mountain springs and lakes are home to many sacred beast fish, who are hunted by sacred artists who pursue them underwater with spears. Their meat and scales are prized by soulsmiths and refiners.
Your family practices the Path of the River's Undertow.

You pause, before blurting out. "That's kind of a big deal! It's one of the three big industries in the Silent Hinterlands."

Your visitor laughs. "I'm sure it is," he says, and somehow he doesn't seem to be patronizing you.

"Uh... and who are you? Where are you from?"

"Etaja," he says, and you can see his hesitation even in his unfamiliar body language. "I come from... very far away."

"Are you a messenger of the heavens?" He meets half of the criteria you've heard about in stories. He might be.

Etaja laughs again, this time aloud, the first actual sound you've heard from him. His speech is still mental. "Not exactly, but also yes. But, kid, I can't say this strongly enough: don't tell anyone about me." You sense his spiritual attention on you, more strongly than even your father could manage. He thought the question was funny, but his answer is deadly serious. "It's for your protection. I might be able to get out of here through a class six spatial warp, but if I do, they might scour half this continent to be sure I didn't leave anything behind. Okay? Don't tell anyone."

You know your eyes are very big, but you can't think of anything to say.

The fish-like man cocks his head. "Sorry, kid, didn't mean to scare you. Look, think of it like this. You can literally just forget about this, and it'll be okay. In another couple days, I should be together enough to seal this cave up well enough no local will ever find me. Then I'm just going to sit here until everything quiets down, and leave. Okay? Not going to hurt anything. Just sit here, locked away."

"For how long?" It's a stupid question, you know.

"Uh... hm. Ten, maybe fifteen years? Not that long."

You gasp. That might as well be a thousand! "Are you actually immortal?"

Etaja groans mentally. "Well... I'm not going to die of old age if that's what you mean."

"It sounds boring!" Your attempt at keeping your politeness up has evaporated completely in the face of Etaja completely acting in a friendly manner.

"Better boring than dead. No one actually dies of boredom. And I can sense a few things even buried under a mountain."

"You can?" This is enough to impress even you.

"I... look, kid, I'm serious. This is really dangerous for you to hang out near me, okay? I'll be fine. Leave me alone." You turn to leave, a bit disappointed that that's everything. Of course, antagonizing unknown, powerful beings is dangerous, so you're still going to obey. Before you go more than than a step, Etaja speaks up one more time in your head. "Actually, wait. What's this world called?"

You pause, unsure of what to say. Surely a messenger from the heavens should know the goings-on of earthly matters. At least the broad strokes. Finally, though, you answer his question. "We call it Cradle, I think?"

"Cradle? Seriously?" Etaja's attention sharpens on you again. It's not madra, but you're not sure what it is... just that it's making it hard to not fall to your knees. "That can't be right. I ███████ on Cradle?"

It's something between disbelief and interest on his part. Still, whatever power he is using is almost suffocating. You can't put much of your attention to listening to him when all of your willpower is going to keeping yourself on your feet and your breathing going. "H-honored--"

"...Right, crap, sorry, kid. Recover." Etaja's attention lifts, and you feel... refreshed again, like you'd just woken from a nice nap, even the memory of the crushing weight of his spirit no longer painful or weighing on your mind. You can still remember it, it just doesn't hurt. He's still talking, though. "...Okay, I'll strike you a deal. Agree not to say anything about me, and come back in one year, and we'll talk about what further gift I can give you in exchange for helping me and giving me info. Deal?"


You beam at him, then turn to run off and uphold your end. It's been a good month. This is great!

What you don't know then is the extent to which this chance meeting will change your fate. No longer will you live a long and happy quiet life here in the Silent Hinterlands, passing peacefully in old age.

You will rock the world of Cradle itself, in time, if you live.

This is a narrative quest, set in the world of Will Wight's Cradle series. No familiarity with the series is expected or required. Technically, this is slightly AU, but in practice I'm focusing on a chunk of the setting that's not explored, so the quest and the book series are barely a spoiler for each other until about book 6, unless you count learning how sacred arts (what this setting calls cultivation) works as a spoiler.

Typically, voting will just be "largest vote-getter wins", but for this vote in particular, please use plan voting, since creating our protagonist's background is so closely linked, like this example:

[] Plan Robin
- [] child
- [] the fishing."
This is a wholly narrative quest, focusing more on the story and characters we advance with, against, and alongside than tracking the exact mechanics of our advancement. So, there's no dice rolls or explicit systems.

Forrester Keras, of the Silent Hinterlands

Age: 10
Advancement rank: Jade
Strength: D+
You are low-average in physical strength, able to lift several times your bodyweight and hit respectably hard.
Speed: C+
You are significantly faster than average for a Jade, especially in fast and precise bursts. Other Jades won't usually match you without a technique.
Toughness: D+
You are low-average in sturdiness. Your flesh feels tough and hard when struck, like solid hardwood.
Stamina: C
You have a significant ability to work long and hard and your madra reserves are very high for your level.
Coordination: C+
Your balance and proprioception is impressive, and your ability to mentally multitask and integrate sensory data efficiently is even more so.

You follow the Path of the Evergrowing Field.
Known techniques:
Verdant Valley: Mastered Life-aspected Ruler technique
You can force plants to grow quickly or grow healthy with a thought, compressing weeks' worth of growth into seconds. You have additionally learned to heal using this. Surface-level scratches or bruises vanish almost immediately, and deeper or more serious injuries take a few minutes, and poison and disease wither in it. Your field of effect has both reach and breadth: it encompasses far more area and reaches farther than others expect, encompasses dozens of square yards.
Field's Strength: Advanced Life-aspected Enforcer technique
You focus your energy internally to strengthen your body. This makes you tougher and stronger, but no faster. However, you are also using it to strengthen your spirit and mind, enhancing your senses and coordination with it. This lets you briefly slow your perception of time, though not without significant strain afterwards.
Clinging Vines: Advanced Life-and-Death-Aspected Forger technique
You throw out a string of madra meant to catch and bind. It can be dodged by someone sufficiently quick, but otherwise ghostly ivy will manifest and restrain your target. You can use it to hold things or bind things together although sufficient raw strength or the right technique will break it. It has a currently-subtle effect that tries to kill techniques on those it binds, making it a little harder to activate or keep active techniques.
Dandelion Rain: Basic Life-aspected Striker technique, with Forger elements
Although it can also be used as a basic ranged Striker technique, launched from your hand, like most Striker moves, its real power is in your ability to throw a "seed" of madra that will only shoot after a delay, from the point it was thrown to. This can be used for surprise or as a way to multiply your power by having them strike simultaneously. At present, you can maintain only two seeds at a time.

Your Iron Body is called the Saint Touch. It maximizes your madra channels' ability to express Forger and Ruler techniques, the effects that last, when passing madra through your arms and hands. These techniques can become larger or stronger and are more madra-efficient.
Your Jade Cycling technique you call the Mighty Heart of Oak. It increases madra potency and recovery speed, but its most notable effect is gradually increasing your strength and toughness over time. Practicing it feels like being constantly hit with hammers.

Character list
- Forrester Keras: this is you! You are the youngest Forrester child.
- Forrester Brayan (aka Dad): your father, a giant Gold-rank elder and the strongest person in the Silent Hinterlands. Has a bushy beard and a lot of scars. He was badly hurt protecting you, but he's mostly healed and back home, now. Goldsign: spectral ivy on his limbs (Art by Mallowninja)
- Forrester Ravess (aka Mom): your mother, a nocturnal Gold rank who follows a path of shadows and dreams, and sometimes sees echoes of the future. Goldsign: big, yellow owl eyes
- Forrester Bartlett: your elder brother, a Gold who roams far from home on horseback, seeking advantages and valuables. Has mixed poison into the family's path and has a lopsided grin. Goldsign: poison thorns on the back of his hands and forearms
- Forrester Bosc: your elder sister, a Jade who has a long-term boyfriend and who doesn't talk much with her family any more.
- Beti: A tree. Beti is your contracted partner, and is both ambulatory and a meat-eater.

- Etaja: a messenger from the Heavens who looks like some sort of fish-man. His advancement is unknowable and he doesn't take much seriously, but he provides certain scouting and advice benefits in exchange for letting him learn more about the world of Cradle. (Art by Indibun)
- Fisher Naia: an Iron around your age. She's your friend. She tends to be quiet and tries to be elegant. The middle of the Fisher daughters.
- Argen: a Jade around your age. He's your friend. He tends to be loud and brash. Lujayn is his mom. He's formed a contract with the teacher dragon, Thantiriiz.
- Thantiriiz: a strange green dragon from distant parts. A little sour. He has a serpentine body, four legs, wings, and a passion for teaching school lessons to children.
- Kyeol: a Gold rank man from the Temple of Rising Earth. Seems prematurely aged. He would like to convince the people of the Silent Hinterlands to follow him in joining with the Temple. You are not sure of his Goldsign. (Deceased)
- Olerac: a Jade your age. One of your friends. You beat him in a duel, but technically lost a rematch. You'd been helping him practice his death-aspected path, until you left the Hinterlands.

- Margravine Luxe Venkata: the Underlord Seishen Kingdom noble who oversees your hometown. Precise and hardworking, a woman in her late 20s with ambitions. Wears a sharp goldsteel gauntlet... thing. Goldsign: Eyes that shine in the dark. (Art by Renu)
- Lady of the Night Sky: formally the Grand Duchess Luxe Farzana, this old Underlady is the matriarch of the Luxe clan and one of the most powerful figures in the Seishen Kingdom. She briefly employed you to test your spiritual senses.
- Luxe Prachi: One of Venkata's nephews, and a former soldier, this old Lowgold has agreed to train you in axe techniques.
- Luxe Jyothi: A low-ranking Luxe clan member, this genderfluid Lowgold teacher gives the Jade-rank children of servants both educational grounding and advice on polishing their techniques.
- Lord Cheng: an old man and talented refiner, this Underlord rarely does things he doesn't enjoy doing. Tends to be very abrupt and would rather people not bother him.
- Risshon: Notable for his impeccable hair and fashion, as well as an expensive flying sword, Risshon is one of Cheng's assistants. He's been helping you learn refining. You think he might be Truegold?
- Remelyn: Also known as Lyn, this mysterious woman is one of Cheng's assistants. She always looks greasy, never has facial expressions, and has an awful sense of humor and a sharpish tongue. You think she might be Highgold?
- Lord Ju Dao: One of the three Underlords from the Brightflare school, and the only one in Great Crevasse. Practices a powerful fire path, likes to be admired, and was once almost betrothed to Venkata.
- Zhaki Gardenia: A Lowgold, a rival you beat in an arena when you were both Jade. This poison-using friend of yours comes from a poor family, but works for Risshon, now.
- Heidel Damir: A Lowgold from the Brightflare school. You were rivals at one point, and you still sometimes have trouble communicating with each other, but this proud young master is helping you refine techniques in exchange for being assigned to be your friend. Goldsign: Flaming hair

- Riyusai Meira: A Highgold, and the official gardener to the First Prince. Meira is a couple years older than you, and seems likely to be the most promising plant-focused sacred artist of your generation. You don't think she likes you much. Goldsign: pink flower and green vines woven into grey hair.
- Seishen Kiro: A Highgold on the cusp of Truegold, Kiro is the first prince and heir apparent of the Seishen Kingdom. He seems like a nice young man, even if you probably didn't impress him much when stopped his gardener from beating you up. Goldsign: a spectral breastplate.

The Sacred Arts
Everyone practices the sacred arts to some degree. This is your current understanding: the madra in your body can be used to strengthen your body and perform techniques. External aura flows through the natural world. Finding compatible aura and cycling it into your body to make it your own madra is a vital part of advancing through the stages of the sacred arts. Natural treasures, sacred beast meat, pills and elixirs, and various other aids can help make it easier or faster.

The progression of the sacred arts:
Foundation: everyone is born here. Foundation artists are not capable of anything special. To advance to Copper, accumulate enough madra of sufficient density and compress it into a superior state.
Copper: Coppers gain what is known as Copper sight, which lets one see and interact with external aura. To advance to Iron, again compress and purify the body's madra, and this time force it fully through the body's various madra channels.
Iron: Irons have madra running throughout their bodies, and are physically superhuman to some degree. Most Irons also practice some additional effort when advancing, which grants them an Iron body with some additional extra power. To advance to Jade, swirl madra in a spiral until it forms a vortex and enhances the spirit.
Jade: Jade grants a spiritual sense, able to tell the weight and power of other spirits and thus judge relative strength. Jades can also veil their own power. To advance to Gold, typically the spiritual vortex is used to draw in and trap a compatible Remnant, using its strength to grow the user. Other paths exist.
Gold: Golds possess all-around superior strengths and more power. Golds almost always have a visible Goldsign, a mark of the Remnant they took in. Goldsigns sometimes provide additional utility or tricks, sometimes are only cosmetic, and occasionally are unhelpful.
There are three ranks within Gold:
- Lowgold is what you normally think of as 'Gold'. By purifying and improving the quality of madra, one can advance to Highgold.
- Highgold is a cut above. Your dad is Highgold. You don't know how to reach this, but most people don't reach this rank. Improving madra further lets one reach Truegold.
- Truegold is the end of normal advancement, with one's body and spirit as whole and complete as they can be without external aid.

Underlord is beyond what most think of as normal advancement. To reach Underlord, three distinct stages must be cleared: opening a space in your spirit, weaving soulfire, and then finding a revelation to trigger a soulfire baptism.
Overlord is beyond even Underlords. In all the Seishen Kingdom, only the King has reached this stage, apparently. You do not know how to reach this rank.

You are aware there are ranks beyond Overlord: you have also heard of Archlords and Heralds and Monarchs. However, you are not clear on the details or how to reach these heights.
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...I can't not vote for that

[X] Plan Osmanthus

[X] Plan Naia
[X] Plan Rin
- [X] child
- [X] the fishing."

which, depending on the character used could mean bright/shining/unicorn (as in qilin) or fish scales, which seems like a decent fit for fishing?
[X] Plan Rin
- [X] child
- [X] the fishing."

which, depending on the character used could mean bright/shining/unicorn (as in qilin) or fish scales, which seems like a decent fit for fishing?
Ere, you have to decide if the child is son or daughter. Also, might want to delete that quotation mark, lmao.
Ere, you have to decide if the child is son or daughter. Also, might want to delete that quotation mark, lmao.
I agree the quotation mark looks weird, but VagueZ's the one who put it in the votes! :p

Also the vote options specifically had "child" as one of the three gender options, I assume so as to not restrict us to a binary gender vote.