I added a regiment. I may just replace the scientists with close combat alchemists and rename them as the "21st Alchemist Regiment" or something. Or "21st Foreign Support Regiment"? I'm bad at names. ; __ ;
Or maybe I could take City and switch out the Clankers for some logistics stuff?
@Simpli General Question: My guys in their current assignment do not carry rifles: is a Mitrailleuse still going to do anything as my regiment would never fire rifle-salvos?
Sure, but only when the Regiment is at "close" ranges - the one at which Line Infantry usually fights and in that case it would give you a nice bonus....the problem would of course be that you might have a small moral problem should your artillerists come under rifle fire and one turn later you would have to fight in melee ^^
It might be useful....but that might depend on the situation in which it could dip the balance ever so slightly.
Bio: Adrian is the fourth son and youngest child of a Russian family of noble blood. The first son stayed near home, training to be the eventual heir, the second was sent to school to preserve the bloodline should anything happen, and the third was sent off to join the military to bring glory and honor to the Nuamov name. Adrian himself was a nuisance, both in the sense that he was terribly poor behaved as a child, and also because too many sons often led to older brothers suddenly tripping down tall staircases and dying in mysterious circumstances. As such, Adrian was also sent to school, although this time it was school very far away, to distant England, where he studied not only reading and writing and numbers and science, but also the theories of magic, although Adrian had little to no potential for it himself. While he proved himself an above average student and rather receptive to new languages and lessons taught, his habit of getting himself into trouble never quite seemed to leave him, and he was soon expelled after barely two years, and the only reason he lasted that long was because he had a penchant for making quick friends and dragging them along on his adventures.
From there, young Adrian traveled across Europe, from France, to Germany, to Prussia, and quickly growing to love the freedom that this life entailed. The sights and sounds of a hundred different cities, and the stories that he found in every single one. He'd worked with French engineers, drank with Prussian alchemists, and studied with a coven of witches. He even went so far as to brave the seas to travel to the distant Americas for a period before coming back home. However, by this point, his family had had enough. His behavior, which they had been bearing for well over a decade, had become too much, the man having never even found a wife yet, going so far as to spurn the many women that his family had attempted to set him up with in all these distant lands he'd traveled to (in an attempt to have him settle down away from home).
Finally, he was called home, and essentially given over to the military, his nobility earning him command of a reservist regiment in some distant and forgotten corner of the Empire. There, it was hoped that he would simply be forgotten. Adrian's regiment was called up to fill out the numbers of this secretive expedition in further hopes that he'd simply disappear for good. Of course, Adrian was not going to simply die on some forgotten battlefield that easily, and his old penchant of making friends in his travels came to rear its ugly head... He'd called upon all those he'd known throughout his youth traveling Europe, asking them to accompany him on one more great adventure, and they had answered.
Strength – 1
Agility – 1
Intelligence – 2
Charisma – 2
Talents: (to be earned)
Regiment: 13th Reservist Infantry Regiment
Quality: Active Reservist
Origin: Land
Type: Line Infantry with Rifled Muskets
Alchemist: Grenadier Company
Coven: Fire and Lightning Artillery
Scientists: Clankers and Engineers
Negative Qualities:
Soldiers from 100 Nations
Unpopular Officer
Regiment History: A basic regiment of reservists with no need to ever be truly called upon, its men were cycled out constantly while operating at barely even one-thirds strength as its members would spend perhaps a weeks or months a year doing basic training and exercises before filtering back to till the fields and work their shops. No real name and no real history, just another regiment in the army of the Tsar. That is, until Adrian came along, dragging with him witches and alchemists and the like, and now dragging this poor group of farmhands and blacksmiths off into another world entirely. Truly a band of poor and unlucky bastards.
Sure, but only when the Regiment is at "close" ranges - the one at which Line Infantry usually fights and in that case it would give you a nice bonus....the problem would of course be that you might have a small moral problem should your artillerists come under rifle fire and one turn later you would have to fight in melee ^^
It might be useful....but that might depend on the situation in which it could dip the balance ever so slightly.
it might make a nice backup-weapon for revelation to an unsuspecting enemy, trying to break them before they engage. It is worth consideration: Question, though. Can we make up suggestions for other Attachments or are the given ones fixed?
Sure, but only when the Regiment is at "close" ranges - the one at which Line Infantry usually fights and in that case it would give you a nice bonus....the problem would of course be that you might have a small moral problem should your artillerists come under rifle fire and one turn later you would have to fight in melee ^^
It might be useful....but that might depend on the situation in which it could dip the balance ever so slightly.
Slightly related question, do Light infantry engage at medium or short range? Just if they have a longer range I may need to reevaluate my loadout before I finalise it
Its the ever-considering question: I have a support unit. They are bad at actual normal fighting. They are slow and vulnerable. So do i lug around a giant suprise in order to put my fighting value from "miserable" to "low" or do i just toss up my hands and keep the fighting value at miserable in favour of more goodies.
You can - they are welcome and if you want you can do a bit of flavour texts with them too~ after all I have only given you a rough overview over the world.
You can - they are welcome and if you want you can do a bit of flavour texts with them too~ after all I have only given you a rough overview over the world.
I was more thinking of proposing something akin to "Pioneers" and create bridges, tunnels and pathways through difficult terrain for myself and you people.
But i am going to give it a thought.
Pioneers (10) (No Cavalry): Всегда готов! Always Prepared. Those are the words of the men who exchanged the Rifle with the Shovel. A group of Pioneers to direct the efforts of the Regiment can lead to long-term wonders and much a battleplan has only suceeded because of the hard work of ingenious men with enough sense in their head to build bridges before an enterprising officer would force his troops to swim.
A regiment with Pioneers can choose to build during their movement. If the building option is taken, units (of any faction) moving along built land for 2 Movement gain 1 additional hex-movement along built Terrain. The Hex retains other features.
By decree of the GM, circumstances, time, battles and outside forces, a hex can revert to normal. Pioneers half the time required for building static Defenses
Look to the Horizon (10) (Cavalry only): "Fight Harder, Boys!" "Sir, look there! Look!" "What, another enemy Regiment?" "No, Sir, the other direction!" Stunned Silence before next line. "Oh thank god."
A Cavalry unit can choose to appear in an adjacent hex where an allied Unit is in battle. This can only be done once/turn and commits the Cavalry unit to that battle.
The GM is not required to give full/accurate information to the Regiment Leader before he/she has to choose.
Band of Rogues (5): Every Army marches on its stomach. This particular group of inventive young men have learned to make side-treks and become the bane of Farmers, Wildlife and otherwise. Or maybe they just are secretly hiding a Distillery with a friendly Alchemist. Whatever the reason, being on the move means to enrichen themselves for these Troops.
+1 Morale due to plundering while crossing through terrain/in motion. -1 Morale when entrenched or out of supplies
Pioneers (10) (No Cavalry): A regiment with Pioneers can choose to build during their movement. If the building option is taken, units (of any faction) moving along built land for 2 Movement gain 1 additional hex-movement along built Terrain. The Hex retains other features.
By decree of the GM, circumstances, time, battles and outside forces, a hex can revert to normal.
We have Earth-Witches for that. I went by what we have so far, not trying to create the ultimate.
I assume that when we give the order, every single unit can "dig in" and throw up defenses if given enough time.
Well I have an idea on that. Well more a twist really, but first I need to ask a question.
@Simpli How does the veterancy system work, and is there such a thing as army regulars? It's just I have an interesting idea but I need a bit more information before I broach it.