Rising in the East (OOC)

So if there CR is 0.3 and my units CR is 4

Does that mean I can shoot my pistol once and kill 12?
...Indeed. Alas - that might also mean that 1 gets shoot, one gets wounded and two more start playing dead ^^ ...as for the other 8...trampled to death maybe?

Well since I'm Melee range only(Sans grenades which can kill 12 people each) it probably a lot of horses kicking people, people retreating and getting trampled, and sword work since you don't have to reload a blade.

Wouldn't it be 13? 0.3 is nota third, but three tenths. And 4*(1/0.3)=13.333(...)
I also get a fair bonus to damage and charges, I could probably hit 14 or 15.
"It was actually just a welcome party! The whole war-like thing? They were just doing a war dance! Cultural presentation, you know?"

Well, i suppose its a different start to a game. We get the mass-battle immediatly.
Simpli? You either have to NPC the squadrons, pick someone else to lead them or allow us to utilise them (aka, the player-characters who are around one of them gets to use them combat for the time being)
I see it as a opening test. If I had to guess due to the appearance of the enemy. They might be quick breeding and mature faster then a human and the force you guys are encountering might be what they would call a light force.
Simpli, the first thing they did was attack and then gather en-masse.

Well you appeared in their territory with 40.000 soldiers, wearing strange uniforms and wielding noisy weapons. Of course that's nothing new for them...

Simpli? You either have to NPC the squadrons, pick someone else to lead them or allow us to utilise them (aka, the player-characters who are around one of them gets to use them combat for the time being)

  1. I could try leaving them in Gideons care - who could then say which one of the players gets command of them (or use them to police the players if necessary) & RPs their interactions
  2. I could make them into NPCs - which actually only means I do their interaction, while Gideon still has to manage them.
  3. Gideon attaches them to players, who then have full control of mechanics and fluff over them.
"Yes, that form of peace known as colonialism. In three to four centuries your culture will be all but gone and your numbers severely reduced."
"We are the Russian Empire. Lower your weapons and surrender. We will add your resources and people to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."

Okay everyone: I'm really really sorry it took so long - quite a busy week at home and at university and I'm slowly finishing my work on the presentations I need to do and can spend time on continuing writing the update once more. Will try to update it either this Sunday or on the Wednesday next week~

@Gideon020, Don't worry about me laughing while writing the update, just musing when you are going to get the joke from this RPs title~