We WILL need logistics though. That's how wars are won. Not with tactics or strategy. It's how Rome beat Hannibal.
OK, but don't think of "how wars are won," think about what we,
specifically, are being asked to do
right now in the context of this campaign. Marius has specifically got us (and Cassianus) commanding the legion in battles.
We can entrust the logistics to an experienced centurion. We
can't entrust leadership of (half of) the legion to a subordinate.
Right now, our specific use of the Military skill on the battlefield is going to make a big difference. Logistics rolls are in play, they're not irrelevant, but we're integrated into a larger army that has other Logistics experts besides just us.
I'm not saying Logistics is unimportant or unnecessary, to be very clear. What I'm saying is that buying a +2 to all our Military dice rolls for the rest of the campaign until such time as we would
finally have earned like 5000+ Military XP the hard way is
worth a lot.
We are the guy who takes over the legion if Marius dies. It goes us than Marius.
Not really.
Right now Atellus and Cassianus are co-commanders of one legion. There are several other Marians who have more seniority than us and much higher political rank and informal status. Carbo, for instance.
Atellus doesn't somehow end up in command of this gigantic military force of multiple legions and Greek mercenaries and whatnot if Marius dies.
Of course, if Marius dies, we're likely to be screwed and have the army fall apart... but if our having +4 bonus on Military rolls instead of +2 won't save us from that fate, then having marginally less-bad Logistics skills won't save us either.
When Marius dies not much will be holding the 6 legions and mercenaries together other than fear
Yeah- but again, having slightly less-bad Logistics rolls won't help us with that
more than good Military rolls, not in an obvious and clear-cut way. Both skills are important and I'm pretty sure that sometimes they even contribute to the same roll!
Oh that's what you meant by. Well, even then, I seriously doubt we'll be able to do that without any troubles and there's a chance that Marius will survive this war. I don't think we'll be able to take control of the legion, not with Cassianus here. Plus, I seriously doubt the 6th will go over to Sulla since they have a 10/10 with Marius, I reckon the idea of that would make them disgusted with us unless we somehow crit a diplomacy role with our Legion. And if Marius dies, I seriously doubt that Marius doesn't have some sort of second in command or someone he trusts more than the other Legates in this army, the army wouldn't fall apart at Marius' but there would be a lot of confusion I imagine
Given that Atellus is at like 9/10 with the legion, he probably COULD sway them to Sulla if Marius were dead... and if Cassianus, who as a
novus homo to beat all
novus homo, weren't absolutely sure to complicate the situation.
Legions take a lot of money and effort to maintain. They don't fight just for ideology; they fight for a commander who has what it takes to reward them with riches, status, and land. If Marius dies, "Marianism" is going to fall apart pretty badly, because none of his individual supporters really have the clout to promise that to a large army.