Adhoc vote count started by Noroboro on Aug 30, 2020 at 11:06 PM, finished with 189 posts and 33 votes.
  • 34

    [x] Vae Victus
    [X] Plan Well-Oiled Machine
    -[x] Reward the Officers: The camp officers, the prefects, even the other Tribunes -- these men have served finely and with distinction these last months, from Samnium to Sardis, and deserve reward. The officers range from plebian to patrician, so there is no class divide here, merely one of rank. There are, you are well aware, men with decades of seniority in the legions who, unlike the centurions Pompolussa and Carcellus, do not appreciate being placed under boys years their younger. Some coin might soften their harsh feelings on the matter, you imagine.
    -[x] Run Drills: Over the next few days, you gather with Cassianus in the dim pre-dawn outside the city to run your troops through your paces. It would do well for you and him to be better prepared to work together, and for your troops to be well-oiled come the fight.
    -[X] Assemble The Officers: Your legion's lifeblood is it's centurions, it's prefects and it's soldiers. Making sure they work well together and can improvise in the heat of battle is important. You will do something unorthodox and spend several hours a day drilling the officers alone.
    -[X] Rest: You have been marching for days, and the life of a tribune is busy and hectic. It dawns upon you that you have not had a proper night's sleep in quite a while. Perhaps you should get one for a few days.
    [X] Plan Romans, One and All
    -[X] Reward the Legion: You try to reward everyone equally, but there is not an equal amount to go around. Some will get more and some will get less, it is the way of things. You will try to use your skill for coin to apportion things as fairly as possible, and if that fails, perhaps your charisma will be enough to paper over the cracks.
    -[x] Run Drills: Over the next few days, you gather with Cassianus in the dim pre-dawn outside the city to run your troops through your paces. It would do well for you and him to be better prepared to work together, and for your troops to be well-oiled come the fight.
    -[x] Requisition Rations: It might cost some silver out of your own pocket, but you pay to have enough food gathered out of the city to treat your men to a better breakfast than to which they are generally used. They might die soon, after all.
    -[X] Rest: You have been marching for days, and the life of a tribune is busy and hectic. It dawns upon you that you have not had a proper night's sleep in quite a while. Perhaps you should get one for a few days.
    [X] Plan Drilling, Food and Sleep
    -[x] Reward the Officers: The camp officers, the prefects, even the other Tribunes -- these men have served finely and with distinction these last months, from Samnium to Sardis, and deserve reward. The officers range from plebian to patrician, so there is no class divide here, merely one of rank. There are, you are well aware, men with decades of seniority in the legions who, unlike the centurions Pompolussa and Carcellus, do not appreciate being placed under boys years their younger. Some coin might soften their harsh feelings on the matter, you imagine.
    -[x] Run Drills: Over the next few days, you gather with Cassianus in the dim pre-dawn outside the city to run your troops through your paces. It would do well for you and him to be better prepared to work together, and for your troops to be well-oiled come the fight.
    -[x] Requisition Rations: It might cost some silver out of your own pocket, but you pay to have enough food gathered out of the city to treat your men to a better breakfast than to which they are generally used. They might die soon, after all.
    -[X] Rest: You have been marching for days, and the life of a tribune is busy and hectic. It dawns upon you that you have not had a proper night's sleep in quite a while. Perhaps you should get one for a few days.
    [x] Plan Rome Invicta
    -[x] Reward the Officers: The camp officers, the prefects, even the other Tribunes -- these men have served finely and with distinction these last months, from Samnium to Sardis, and deserve reward. The officers range from plebian to patrician, so there is no class divide here, merely one of rank. There are, you are well aware, men with decades of seniority in the legions who, unlike the centurions Pompolussa and Carcellus, do not appreciate being placed under boys years their younger. Some coin might soften their harsh feelings on the matter, you imagine.
    -[x] Run Drills: Over the next few days, you gather with Cassianus in the dim pre-dawn outside the city to run your troops through your paces. It would do well for you and him to be better prepared to work together, and for your troops to be well-oiled come the fight.
    -[x] Run Cavalry Drills: The cavalry is exactly as important as they pride themselves on being. The deadly italic horsemen have won many a battle that seemed lost, and as your cavalry mostly sat out the battle at Sardis, you want them in particular well-oiled and ready for the coming combat. As well, it never hurts to ingratiate yourself with the Cavalry prefect, Dolabella.
    -[x] Meet With Marius: You are quite intelligent, but that does not mean you are smart. Despite yourself, you use what influence and clout you have to try and force your way into Marius' inner circle and consult with him on his greater strategy. It is quite unlikely you will gain entry, or that if you do you will be allowed to offer your own ideas on a plan designed and devised by Marius himself. Most commanders, truth be told, would see it as insolence and insubordination. Marius, you have heard, rewards initiative, and perhaps still does.
    [x] Vae Victus
    -[x] Reward the Officers: The camp officers, the prefects, even the other Tribunes -- these men have served finely and with distinction these last months, from Samnium to Sardis, and deserve reward. The officers range from plebian to patrician, so there is no class divide here, merely one of rank. There are, you are well aware, men with decades of seniority in the legions who, unlike the centurions Pompolussa and Carcellus, do not appreciate being placed under boys years their younger. Some coin might soften their harsh feelings on the matter, you imagine.
    -[x] Run Drills: Over the next few days, you gather with Cassianus in the dim pre-dawn outside the city to run your troops through your paces. It would do well for you and him to be better prepared to work together, and for your troops to be well-oiled come the fight.
    -[x] Run Cavalry Drills: The cavalry is exactly as important as they pride themselves on being. The deadly italic horsemen have won many a battle that seemed lost, and as your cavalry mostly sat out the battle at Sardis, you want them in particular well-oiled and ready for the coming combat. As well, it never hurts to ingratiate yourself with the Cavalry prefect, Dolabella.
    -[x] Requisition Rations: It might cost some silver out of your own pocket, but you pay to have enough food gathered out of the city to treat your men to a better breakfast than to which they are generally used. They might die soon, after all.
    [X] Ask Around: You send some troops to interview the local villages and towns about the general layout of the lands near the Maeander for anything which could be advantageous or useful in the coming fight.
    [X] Battle Prep
    -[x] Reward the Officers: The camp officers, the prefects, even the other Tribunes -- these men have served finely and with distinction these last months, from Samnium to Sardis, and deserve reward. The officers range from plebian to patrician, so there is no class divide here, merely one of rank. There are, you are well aware, men with decades of seniority in the legions who, unlike the centurions Pompolussa and Carcellus, do not appreciate being placed under boys years their younger. Some coin might soften their harsh feelings on the matter, you imagine.
    -[x] Run Drills: Over the next few days, you gather with Cassianus in the dim pre-dawn outside the city to run your troops through your paces. It would do well for you and him to be better prepared to work together, and for your troops to be well-oiled come the fight.
    -[X] Assemble The Officers: Your legion's lifeblood is it's centurions, it's prefects and it's soldiers. Making sure they work well together and can improvise in the heat of battle is important. You will do something unorthodox and spend several hours a day drilling the officers alone.
    -[X] Reconnoiter The Battlefield: Though Marius is no doubt doing this himself, you send some of your fastest riders to ride around the likeliest crossing points of the Maeander and get the lay of the land. In a pitched battle like the one which likely awaits you, knowing the lay of the land might be very valuable.
    [X] Reward the Officers: The camp officers, the prefects, even the other Tribunes -- these men have served finely and with distinction these last months, from Samnium to Sardis, and deserve reward. The officers range from plebian to patrician, so there is no class divide here, merely one of rank. There are, you are well aware, men with decades of seniority in the legions who, unlike the centurions Pompolussa and Carcellus, do not appreciate being placed under boys years their younger. Some coin might soften their harsh feelings on the matter, you imagine
    [X] Reconnoiter The Battlefield: Though Marius is no doubt doing this himself, you send some of your fastest riders to ride around the likeliest crossing points of the Maeander and get the lay of the land. In a pitched battle like the one which likely awaits you, knowing the lay of the land might be very valuable.
    [x] Bring balance to the (Roman) Force:
    [x] Reward the Equites
    [x] Run Drills
    [x] Run Cavalry Drills
    [x] Reconnoiter The Battlefield
    [X] Run Drills: Over the next few days, you gather with Cassianus in the dim pre-dawn outside the city to run your troops through your paces. It would do well for you and him to be better prepared to work together, and for your troops to be well-oiled come the fight.
    [X] Plan Preparing for Maeander
So, Vae Victus is probably going to win. Since it does two drill actions with no rest, what is everyone's thoughts about Atellus's tiredness and possible malus it can give us for the battle? Is it something worth worrying about or will we have another action before the battle to counteract it?
So, Vae Victus is probably going to win. Since it does two drill actions with no rest, what is everyone's thoughts about Atellus's tiredness and possible malus it can give us for the battle? Is it something worth worrying about or will we have another action before the battle to counteract it?
I'm thinking we take an action to rest after the battle if we can.
The whole point of the other actions giving a "rest" action is to be rested so there is no malus for the battle itself. Saying he can rest afterwards is kinda missing the point.
Well, complaining about it after the plan which didn't go for the rest option won when we're clearly about to go into battle is kind of pointless.

Edit: As is acting like we can do anything about it now.
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Well, complaining about it after the plan which didn't go for the rest option won when we're clearly about to go into battle is kind of pointless.
I am not complaining so much as pointing out that the person was very clearly asking for speculation about what the effects will be.

The quest hasn't really been alive again long enough for me to be invested in the minutiae like that.
So, Vae Victus is probably going to win. Since it does two drill actions with no rest, what is everyone's thoughts about Atellus's tiredness and possible malus it can give us for the battle? Is it something worth worrying about or will we have another action before the battle to counteract it?
Telemon told us he would drop clues on tiredness and we would have to figure it out. But the thing is Atellus is 19 and had already spent a year getting in shape. With no known health conditions and a steady diet Artemis should be able to go a long time without needing rest.
Telemon told us he would drop clues on tiredness and we would have to figure it out. But the thing is Atellus is 19 and had already spent a year getting in shape. With no known health conditions and a steady diet Artemis should be able to go a long time without needing rest.
Well, I hope that theory pans out. Getting an explicit action to rest is a pretty big hint though.
Supposedly born to, according to Marian propaganda. Not being a patrician doesn't mean being a pleb from the slums of Rome.

And I'm pretty glad that Atellus never got into a petty bar brawl. :p

There were quite a lot of classes in the Roman heirarchy. Just because you weren't a patrician didn't mean you were a peasant.

Rural Gentry for example, formed their own class. And the Socii had classes of their own outside the Patrician/Pleb split
So, are there any thoughts on what we want to do with our Free XP (4800 xp)? We could get rid of our Stewardship malus. Or we could hope to get a couple thousand more Military XP naturally and dump the rest of our Free XP in to rank that up. I'm pretty sure there was a general consensus on what we wanted to do with it before the hiatus, but I don't remember what that was.
So, are there any thoughts on what we want to do with our Free XP (4800 xp)? We could get rid of our Stewardship malus. Or we could hope to get a couple thousand more Military XP naturally and dump the rest of our Free XP in to rank that up. I'm pretty sure there was a general consensus on what we wanted to do with it before the hiatus, but I don't remember what that was.
I was hoping for logistics since we plan to be a career officer.
One thing that is surprising me is that there are not more legions in Asia. You have Sulla and Marius beating Mithridites and both are sacking Asia for all it worth. I know Cinnna is trying to maintain power but he really does not have the support from Marius. I wonder who is going to try overthrow him first the Marians or the Sullans. Neither side reallly likes him.
The big options being discussed for the free XP were:

1) Spend it on Stewardship or Logistics, OR
2) Save it up and spend it all at once on Military, boosting our bonus on every military roll we make from +2 to +4.

I favor the latter rather than the former. We're almost close enough to just... DO that, within reach if we get a large dollop of Military XP.
The big options being discussed for the free XP were:

1) Spend it on Stewardship or Logistics, OR
2) Save it up and spend it all at once on Military, boosting our bonus on every military roll we make from +2 to +4.

I favor the latter rather than the former. We're almost close enough to just... DO that, within reach if we get a large dollop of Military XP.
Or we may get enough boost from our current battles to increase it.
Or we may get enough boost from our current battles to increase it.
There's likely to be a broad window of opportunity where we could increase it with the free XP or wait several turns for it to increase naturally. We don't have as good a Military XP trickle as we did before under Sertorius, so the gap could take a while to close.

Unless @Telamon confirms that we explicitly have several thousand military XP not doled out already, I think there's a strong argument for saving up for it.
There's likely to be a broad window of opportunity where we could increase it with the free XP or wait several turns for it to increase naturally. We don't have as good a Military XP trickle as we did before under Sertorius, so the gap could take a while to close.

Unless @Telamon confirms that we explicitly have several thousand military XP not doled out already, I think there's a strong argument for saving up for it.

The Mithradatic War is likely to take awhile longer, and possibly there is to be more than 1, let alone whatever civil war eventually happens between Marius and Sulla. We will have plenty of chances for free military xp.

However Logistics is something that is actively a part of our job as a military Tribune and we need to be better at it if we want to be useful once the shit with Marius and Sulla hits the fan. . .
Spending the XP on logistics would do nothing for our job - we would still have at it at Poor and thus delegate when we can - which should be often enough, in case of logistics. We can't delegate military command, though, and we are close enough to the next level of Military that I don't want unnecessary spending.
The Mithradatic War is likely to take awhile longer, and possibly there is to be more than 1, let alone whatever civil war eventually happens between Marius and Sulla. We will have plenty of chances for free military xp.

However Logistics is something that is actively a part of our job as a military Tribune and we need to be better at it if we want to be useful once the shit with Marius and Sulla hits the fan. . .
The catch is, we don't just want that +4 Renowned Military as an eventual long-term goals. We also want that extra +2 on the die roll for every Military check we make because it means we succeed at more of those checks, or succeed by a greater margin. Because we're more likely to distinguish ourselves in battle, and more likely to survive battle. Given how stiff the competition is and how hard it is to impress the Marians when, well, Marius is around... I want that extra advantage.

A +2 to a stat that Atellus rolls frequently and cannot avoid using, and which is critical to his ability to perform in his nominal job, is pretty important.
The catch is, we don't just want that +4 Renowned Military as an eventual long-term goals. We also want that extra +2 on the die roll for every Military check we make because it means we succeed at more of those checks, or succeed by a greater margin. Because we're more likely to distinguish ourselves in battle, and more likely to survive battle. Given how stiff the competition is and how hard it is to impress the Marians when, well, Marius is around... I want that extra advantage.

A +2 to a stat that Atellus rolls frequently and cannot avoid using, and which is critical to his ability to perform in his nominal job, is pretty important.

We WILL need logistics though. That's how wars are won. Not with tactics or strategy. It's how Rome beat Hannibal.
Ok what happens when Marius dies of old age? Who is going to do logistics than?
Probably the guy who takes over the legions, I believe Telamon mentioned him.

I don't see spending our XP on logistics as useful currently. I'd prefer military due to the coming battles and sieges for this war and we can easily just hand off logistics to Pompulussa or Caracalla, who have been in the Legion longer than us and have better stats in logistics. I feel like logistics is a stat we should slowly build up because we have other officers with better stats, we can't be amazing in everything so we hand off the things we're bad at to others.