Repensum est Canicula - XCOM Empire Builder Quest

Turn 3 - March, 2016
Turn 3
March, 2016

-Project: Aegis
A new spark of progress is made towards the end of the month. After months of spotballing and fiddling around the project lead is happy to report that new developments have reopened the "unobtainium-lite" option. Called tritanium, it is a composite alloy of carbon, uranium, and several rare earth minerals that is generally inferior to pure unobtainium in most respects (ranging from material strength to weight and bulk) save that it can easily be mass produced on Earth without having to rely on alien technology or invent/set up entirely new infrastructure. Until you discover an actual Ethereal Unobtainium fabricator this is the best you can realistically expect of this project.

-Project: Ichor
Project Ichor has less substantial progress to report, unfortunately. There's been some refinement of the elerium colony growth acceleration and increase to the number of colonies that can be sustained in an individual farm, but nothing substantial enough to start building up an elerium stockpile or break even the costs of maintaining an active Firestorm fleet.

-Project: Artemis
Doctor Vahlen and the creme of her research team pour practically every second of March into this project. As a result the project has finished ahead of schedule. The Pioneer-class Corvette is Earth's first true foray into space capital ship technology and is considered fairly decent all things considered.

The Pioneer requires a crew of twenty-four and has a passenger capacity of twelve in addition to being able to carry light cargo. The main body of the craft consists of a flat oval sphere thirty meters across that with a thin saucer surrounding the ship that serves as "Wave Rider" Gravitic Sublight Drive. In the terms of raw fighting capability it is decidedly inferior to the Firestorm, but makes up for that with better armor and complete 360 by 360 weapon coverage by 16 light laser cannons (the only weapon you possess that doesn't require elerium in its construction is power unintensive enough to be mounted en-mass) set in a circular pattern around the central module on gimbal mounts. This makes the Pioneer much more suited as a support vessel in combat instead of a straight dog fighter.

The material price tag that comes with the Pioneer is rather steep. The amount of materials needed to construct just one patrol cutter equals one entire firestorm squadron, with fuel requirements roughly the same. Still, this is a major leap in both the exploration of space and the defense of Earth.

-Fusion Reactor (Project: Helios)
Once the project is handed over to the Advanced Science Ministry the pieces start falling into place. The plans for a prototype Elerium-Fusion Reactor has been drawn up and is ready for real-world testing.

-Reinforce FOBs under duress and threat of bandits.
Additional forces are dispatched and your analysts are starting to get flashbacks from the many wars of the 2010s and post-WW2 20th Century. Despite the additional troops and materials being sent it doesn't seem to be doing much to stop the bandits, who it seems are acting less like thieves and brigands and more like resistance fighters. Sniper & IED attacks on patrols and occasionally the bases themselves keep the Alliance forces on the backfoot, and supply convoys are constantly harassed by RPG & MANPAD attacks on the long road from the Alliance to the bases.

The worst and most disturbing development comes towards the end of the month. It starts with the loss of contact the FOB set up in the ruins of Ramstein AFB. Shortly after Raven interceptors and Skyrangers are launched from Helms Deep and arrive to find the forward operating base has been razed to the ground and most of the inhabitants, both civilian and military, slaughtered, and the rest missing. Interrogation of the few survivors reveals the FOB was bombed by what were presumably stealth aircraft (as there was no air raid alarms or any indication they were under attack till things started exploding) then invaded by a small fleet of VTOL jets that bore a striking resemblance to XCOM's skyrangers except with elongated bodies for increased troop/cargo carrying capabilities.

As soon as the unknown planes set down they disgorged dozens of soldiers and ground drones that looked like oversized gen-1 SHIVs. These troops overran the base in short order and executed everyone they found, occasionally taking Alliance personnel into custody as well as a few of the civilians, and made off with several crates marked with radiological hazards on the sides. Investigation of the base reveals that the retrieved nuclear weapons waiting for transportation back to the Alliance, as well as most of the remaining computer equipment and the armory's stock of weapons and ammunition.

Commander Fitzgerald himself briefs you on what his organization knows of the attackers. According to the him, the enemy was using modernized versions of XCOM's old Gen-1 Skyrangers and Rocket HWP drones. The rest of the enemy equipment was not present in XCOM's archives. Even the old-timers like Dr. Shen are sure that XCOM never developed exo-skeletal enhancement rigs and infantry-grade railguns. Or figured out how to make skyrangers invisible to radar.

-Continue WMD retrieval missions. Attempt to trade with those entrenched at sites if outright recovery is not feasible. Food, water, and clothing for information, safe passage, and anything thing else they are willing to part with.
critical success - Your carrot approach seems to have been the right choice, as many of the residents are willing to let you have access to the sites and the nukes for supplies or even safe passage to the Alliance. The latter seems most popular among the transients due to their abysmal situation, though many still seem to prefer independence. Useful information is sparse, though more than a few in both North America and Western Europe report spotting unknown military aircraft operating in their areas, several of which match the profiles of the unknowns that attacked Ramstein.

An interesting development in this endeavor comes during the negotiations with the many nuclear submarines that remain of the US navy. After months of talking the submarine captains have decided to join the Earth Alliance, though not directly due to the perceived large power bases of the Russians and the Chinese. Instead they join the remaining Commonwealth nations present in the Alliance. A small number decided to "stay with General O'Malley" or with the other successor governments.

General O'Malley, according to one of the sub captains, is currently the acting political and military leader of what's left of the legitimate american government, and also currently in control the vast majority of the US's remaining nuclear arsenal. While your diplomats were trying to get them to join the Earth Alliance, O'Malley's people were trying to do the same. As were at least three other groups claiming to be the legitimate successor to the US. This particular sub captain drops you a line to contact O'Malley's men, and wishes you the best of luck.

-Continue alien interrogations and root out the alien Remnants wherever they're hiding.
Further interrogations reveals no information of where the remaining Ethereal forces. Not unexpected, really, considering they've spent the last month in an XCOM holding cell after being shot down.

-Attempt to establish relations with Switzerland and Israel. Primary objective is to gain information and safe passage. Secondary objective is to ask them to consider joining the Earth Alliance.
Both nations seem reciprocate your overtures for the most part. They're willing to reopen lines of trade and communication, and are also willing to help deal with the refugee crisis in Europe. However they are unwilling to outright join the Alliance, seeing as the precursor organization (the Council of Funding Nations) and XCOM were perfectly willing to ignore both nations' calls for aid during the height of the Ethereal War. Switzerland in particular is requesting joint-control of the XCOM base in the Alps as well as access to the technologies developed by XCOM during the war, reasoning that Helms Deep is a foreign military base inside their borders with access to extremely powerful non-nuclear weapons that could devastate the Swiss Armed Forces before they could even realize they're under attack.

-Continue Reconstruction efforts in EA nations. Wherever possible, divert some prefabricated structures to the refuge camps for the displaced at the borders and around the better defended FOBs. Look into providing basic equipment to allow refuges to grow food, build supplies, or provide services. This is to reduce the strain on EA resources and because idle hands make mischief.
The Alliance's contribution to the reconstruction efforts continue to boost the project well ahead of schedule. New projections for project completion is set for late October of this year.

- Identify the unknown Op For that has been acquiring WMDs as well as major bandit groups to target for destruction.

The nascent Earth Alliance Office of Secret Actions gets to work digging up whose been doing your job for you, and hit pay dirt when they pick up a former GRU agent who claims to be a former member of an Exalt cell stationed in the Russian Federation to monitor the government's dealings with XCOM and the Council of Funding Nations, and claims to have knowledge of the group that attacked Ramstein AFB and has been stealing nukes before you could get to them. After being granted asylum and protecting, he spills everything he knows.

The former spy says that the Ramstein base attack was perpetrated by Shadow Company: an Exalt black-site tasked with providing Exalt cells with their equipment and digging up information about extraterrestrial activity on Earth dating back to "the Outsider War of the 1950s" and events even before that. With the loss of Exalt HQ and the destruction of the Ethereal Temple Ship, Shadow Company was the last remaining major control nucleus of the organization and has set its sites on world domination via more "conventional" methods.

Unfortunately that's all the spy knows, as he claims that information on Shadow Company is heavily compartmentalized and he was only middle management for a now defunct cell. He has no idea where the Company got access to XCOM's hand-me-downs or why they decided to attack the Alliance in such a brazenly open manner for an organization formerly focused on infiltration and subversion.

Items of Note For the Month

The destruction of the Ramstein FOB has sent shockwaves throughout the Alliance. In addition to questioning of the how and why this attack happened and the Alliance government's inability to prevent it, a powerful coalition of politicians from the UK, Canada, China, and Brazil are calling on you to release all alien-derived technologies to the member state governments, claiming they entitled to the technology considering funding for XCOM and the Alliance comes from the treasuries of the member states, and so that they can properly defend themselves from this new human group as well as other potential alien threats waiting out in the void.

This movement is rapidly gaining strength in the other member governments, and arguments in the Alliance Parliament are clearly mixed on whether they should give up such a powerful advantage to nations that might very well decide to leave the Alliance and use said technology against it and its interests.

Sorry this took so long.​
[x] Research
- [x] Project: Ichor
- [x] Project: Helios
- [x] Project: Heracles, Research into mass producible work and combat exoskeletons
- [x] Project: Panoptes, Research the creation of mass scanning equipment for psionic potential
[x] Diplomacy
- [x] Contact General O'Malley to establish relations with similar goals to what was done with Israel and Switzerland
- [x] Allow Helm's Deep to become a joint base, however, limit the equipment given to the Swiss to ballistics, lasers, and basic armor (first half of the tech tree at most)
[x] Intel
- [x] Go through the files taken from EXALT during the war and look for anything that might provide a lead on Shadow Company. Follow the money, look through the communications again, and look through where their equipment was being shipped from. In the meantime
[x] Military
- [x] Continue retrieval missions using the carrot approach. Keep in contact with groups that were previously encountered and continue trading.
- [x] If the primary local OpFor is acting like organized resistance fighters chances are they think we're coming as conquerors. Go for a hearts and minds approach, help the civvies, speak to religious and social leaders, and just try to get the word out that EA forces are there to help.
[x] Civilian
- [x] Reconstruct reconstructing the reconstruction using reconstructed reconstructions. (Continue reconstruction efforts)

Can we switch out one of those actions for this:

-[ ] Project Deucalion: A simple AI dedicated towards aiding engineers and scientists

Because my idea is to start researching AI so that we have a edge that the aliens lack completely. We already have the basis for a simple AI in whatever software runs the SHIV's, so this shouldn't be too difficult.
[x] Research
- [x] Project: Ichor
- [x] Project: Helios
- [x] Project: Heracles, Research into mass producible work and combat exoskeletons
- [x] Project: Panoptes, Research the creation of mass scanning equipment for psionic potential
- [x] Project Deucalion: A simple AI dedicated towards aiding engineers and scientists
[x] Diplomacy
- [x] Contact General O'Malley to establish relations with similar goals to what was done with Israel and Switzerland
- [x] Allow Helm's Deep to become a joint base, however, limit the equipment given to the Swiss to ballistics, lasers, and basic armor (first half of the tech tree at most). Release the same equipment to EA nations (all of them) and Israel (if they ask).
[x] Intel
- [x] Go through the files taken from EXALT during the war and look for anything that might provide a lead on Shadow Company. Follow the money, look through the communications again, and look through where their equipment was being shipped from. In the meantime
[x] Military
- [x] Continue retrieval missions using the carrot approach. Keep in contact with groups that were previously encountered and continue trading.
[x] Civilian
- [x] Reconstruct reconstructing the reconstruction using reconstructed reconstructions. (Continue reconstruction efforts)
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A wild THIRD OPTION appears! (v2.5)

[x] Research
- [x] Project: Ichor
- [x] Project: Helios
- [x] Project: Panoptes, Research the creation of mass scanning equipment for psionic potential
- [x] Project: Deucalion, A simple AI dedicated towards aiding engineers and scientists
[x] Diplomacy
- [x] Contact General O'Malley to establish relations with similar goals to what was done with Israel and Switzerland
- [x] Allow Helm's Deep to become a joint base. Release full tech to Great Britain and Russia and early-war tech (lasers, carapace, etc) to Australia and Brazil; explain this as a trial for wider release. Do not release tech to non-EA nations under any circumstances. Cite the Shadow Company and their clearly XCOM-derived equipment if questioned on the matter.
[x] Intel
- [x] Go through the files taken from EXALT during the war and look for anything that might provide a lead on Shadow Company. Follow the money, look through the communications again, and look through where their equipment was being shipped from. In the meantime, start checking former EXALT bases, someone might have decided to take up residence.
[x] Military
- [x] Continue retrieval missions using the carrot approach. Keep in contact with groups that were previously encountered and continue trading.
- [x] If the primary local OpFor is acting like organized resistance fighters chances are they think we're coming as conquerors. Go for a hearts and minds approach, help the civvies, speak to religious and social leaders, and just try to get the word out that EA forces are there to help.
[x] Civilian
- [x] Reconstruct reconstructing the reconstruction using reconstructed reconstructions. (Continue reconstruction efforts)

Because we kind of already have power armor, and we're a few turns at most away from having all the synthetic Elerium we want at our fingertips to build as much of it as we want. Meanwhile, either free research slots or research roll bonuses or whatever GrayKnight goes with crunchwise for a completed Project Deucalion would be great bonuses for us to have.

EDIT: Go vote for Chriswriter Plan 1.2; it's basically the refined version of this plan anyway minus Project Panoptes.
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A wild THIRD OPTION appears!

[x] Research
- [x] Project: Ichor
- [x] Project: Helios
- [x] Project: Panoptes, Research the creation of mass scanning equipment for psionic potential
- [x] Project: Deucalion, A simple AI dedicated towards aiding engineers and scientists
[x] Diplomacy
- [x] Contact General O'Malley to establish relations with similar goals to what was done with Israel and Switzerland
- [x] Allow Helm's Deep to become a joint base, however, limit the equipment given to the Swiss to ballistics, lasers, and basic armor (first half of the tech tree at most). Release the same equipment to EA nations (all of them) and Israel (if they ask).
[x] Intel
- [x] Go through the files taken from EXALT during the war and look for anything that might provide a lead on Shadow Company. Follow the money, look through the communications again, and look through where their equipment was being shipped from. In the meantime, start checking former EXALT bases, someone might have decided to take up residence.
[x] Military
- [x] Continue retrieval missions using the carrot approach. Keep in contact with groups that were previously encountered and continue trading.
- [x] If the primary local OpFor is acting like organized resistance fighters chances are they think we're coming as conquerors. Go for a hearts and minds approach, help the civvies, speak to religious and social leaders, and just try to get the word out that EA forces are there to help.
[x] Civilian
- [x] Reconstruct reconstructing the reconstruction using reconstructed reconstructions. (Continue reconstruction efforts)

Because we kind of already have power armor, and we're a few turns at most away from having all the synthetic Elerium we want at our fingertips to build as much of it as we want. Meanwhile, either free research slots or research roll bonuses or whatever GrayKnight goes with crunchwise for a completed Project Deucalion would be great bonuses for us to have.

My general goal RE Deucalion is to develop the science AI, then use that as a springboard for industrial AI and robotics, then robotic soldiers. The Power Armor is kinda necessary, as it is ALSO a route to highly effective mechanical troopers.
Comment from the peanut gallery, but does this whole thing with Shadow Company seem a little...convenient to anyone but me? Maybe you should only spend some time looking for this Shadow Company, while the rest is looking for other leads.
The goal for Project: Heracles is to make powered suits that can be used in construction, search and rescue, and clearing obstacles as a stepping stone to systems that don't rely on alien tech. Pretty much going from the Aliens power loader to something like the armor in All You Need Is Kill or Halo.
Maybe you should be more specific next time. Cause otherwise you would have gotten something completely different.
The goal for Project: Heracles is to make powered suits that can be used in construction, search and rescue, and clearing obstacles as a stepping stone to systems that don't rely on alien tech. Pretty much going from the Aliens power loader to something like the armor in All You Need Is Kill or Halo.

Seems like a waste of an action slot to develop something that's a clear downgrade from existing gear. If it's absolutely needed we could always develop a civilian-pattern Titan armor (like, steel or titanium instead of the alien alloy plating) for construction use, or hell, a modified MEC-1 chassis made to be worn by an unaltered civilian user or something.
I'd rather not release our tech to the Swiss and Israel until after they join the Earth Alliance. The wording you guys are using could be abused by the GM to give possible hostile nations access to our tech and Headquarters without being members of the Alliance.

I'm supportive of releasing our tech to Great Britain and Russia because they're our most loyal backers at this point.
I'd rather not release our tech to the Swiss and Israel until after they join the Earth Alliance. The wording you guys are using could be abused by the GM to give possible hostile nations access to our tech and Headquarters without being members of the Alliance.

I'm supportive of releasing our tech to Great Britain and Russia because they're our most loyal backers at this point.

You have a very good point. BRB, editing.
I'd rather not release our tech to the Swiss and Israel until after they join the Earth Alliance. The wording you guys are using could be abused by the GM to give possible hostile nations access to our tech and Headquarters without being members of the Alliance.

I'm supportive of releasing our tech to Great Britain and Russia because they're our most loyal backers at this point.

The wording specifically limits what the swiss and israel get, and that only EA nations get the full package.
Here's my current plan. I still have one unused action slot.

[] Research
- [] Project: Ichor
- [] Project: Helios

[] Diplomacy
- [] Contact General O'Malley to establish relations with similar goals to what was done with Israel and Switzerland

[] Intel
- [] Re-task XCOM's UFO Detection Satellites to track Shadow Company's stealth aircraft.
- [] Go through the files taken from EXALT during the war and look for anything that might provide a lead on Shadow Company. Follow the money, look through the communications again, and look through where their equipment was being shipped from. In the meantime, start checking former EXALT bases, someone might have decided to take up residence.

[] Military
- [] XCOM is to re-task it's combat efforts to intercepting Shadow Company's aircraft as well as hunting down and exterminating these EXALT remnants.
- [] Continue retrieval missions using the carrot approach. Keep in contact with groups that were previously encountered and continue trading.
- [] If the primary local OpFor is acting like organized resistance fighters chances are they think we're coming as conquerors. Go for a hearts and minds approach, help the civvies, speak to religious and social leaders, and just try to get the word out that EA forces are there to help.

[] Civilian
- [] Continue reconstruction efforts
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Seems like a waste of an action slot to develop something that's a clear downgrade from existing gear. If it's absolutely needed we could always develop a civilian-pattern Titan armor (like, steel or titanium instead of the alien alloy plating) for construction use, or hell, a modified MEC-1 chassis made to be worn by an unaltered civilian user or something.

Yes but the issue is most of this equipment wasn't meant to be mass produced. It took a long time and was fairly resource intensive to build just one. The purpose of Heracles is to be able outfit an army and an entire workforce. In production there are two philosophies: Six Sigma and Lean.

XCOM worked on the Six Sigma philosophy. Every piece of equipment had to do the exact same thing every time without failure. Every piece of equipment was as perfect as they could make it before it was pushed out the door. Because of this there were long production times and there was a high product:cost ratio. The goal is to shift it toward the Lean philosophy.

Lean is all about efficiency. Cutting down on excesses in the production process. Removing extraneous parts that don't add value. Making the production process faster, smooth, cheaper, and easier. Heracles would have pared down Titan armor, but for the same resources to build one true Titan there could be five Heracles suits. The Titan was meant as a 'go anywhere, do anything' suit. The Heracles would be modular for easier repair, retrofit, and modification.

Titan will undoubtedly still exist but for the bog standard soldier still plodding along in a ballistic vest the Heracles will be amazing. The current combat load for a soldier can be upwards of 75 pounds (35 kg), and makes longer missions absolutely miserable. With power armor they could become walking tanks and be no worse for wear.
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[x] Research
- [x] Project: Ichor
- [x] Project: Helios
- [x] Project: Panoptes, Research the creation of mass scanning equipment for psionic potential
- [x] Project: Deucalion, A simple AI dedicated towards aiding engineers and scientists
[x] Diplomacy
- [x] Contact General O'Malley to establish relations with similar goals to what was done with Israel and Switzerland
- [x] Allow Helm's Deep to become a joint base. Release earlygame tech up to lasers and carapace armor to Russia and Great Britain and possibly Australia and Brazil; explain this as a trial for wider release. Do not release tech to non-EA nations. Cite the Shadow Company and their clearly XCOM-derived equipment if questioned on the matter.
[x] Intel
- [x] Go through the files taken from EXALT during the war and look for anything that might provide a lead on Shadow Company. Follow the money, look through the communications again, and look through where their equipment was being shipped from. In the meantime, start checking former EXALT bases, someone might have decided to take up residence.
[x] Military
- [x] Continue retrieval missions using the carrot approach. Keep in contact with groups that were previously encountered and continue trading.
- [x] If the primary local OpFor is acting like organized resistance fighters chances are they think we're coming as conquerors. Go for a hearts and minds approach, help the civvies, speak to religious and social leaders, and just try to get the word out that EA forces are there to help.
[x] Civilian
- [x] Reconstruct reconstructing the reconstruction using reconstructed reconstructions. (Continue reconstruction efforts)
Chriswriter Plan 1.1


[] Research
- [] Project: Ichor
- [] Project: Helios

[] Diplomacy
- [] Contact General O'Malley to establish relations with similar goals to what was done with Israel and Switzerland.
- [] Allow Helm's Deep to become a joint base. Release tech on a loyalty basis; Great Britain and Russia get the best tech. Brazil and Australia get the next best tech. China, Egypt, and Canada get third best tech. Use this as a big juicy carrot to entice Switzerland and Israel to join the Earth Alliance.

[] Intel
- [] Re-task XCOM's UFO Detection Satellites to track Shadow Company's stealth aircraft.
- [] Go through the files taken from EXALT during the war and look for anything that might provide a lead on Shadow Company. Follow the money, look through the communications again, and look through where their equipment was being shipped from. In the meantime, start checking former EXALT bases, someone might have decided to take up residence.

[] Military
- [] XCOM is to re-task it's combat efforts to intercepting Shadow Company's aircraft as well as hunting down and exterminating these EXALT remnants.
- [] Continue retrieval missions using the carrot approach. Keep in contact with groups that were previously encountered and continue trading.
- [] If the primary local OpFor is acting like organized resistance fighters chances are they think we're coming as conquerors. Go for a hearts and minds approach, help the civvies, speak to religious and social leaders, and just try to get the word out that EA forces are there to help.

[] Civilian
- [] Continue reconstruction efforts
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Chriswriter Plan 1.1

[X] Research
- [X] Project: Ichor
- [X] Project: Helios

[X] Diplomacy
- [X] Contact General O'Malley to establish relations with similar goals to what was done with Israel and Switzerland.
- [X] Allow Helm's Deep to become a joint base. Release tech on a loyalty basis; Great Britain and Russia get the best tech, the other EA Nations get the next best tech. Use the tech as a big juicy carrot to entice Switzerland and Israel to join the Earth Alliance.

[X] Intel
- [X] Re-task XCOM's UFO Detection Satellites to track Shadow Company's stealth aircraft.
- [X] Go through the files taken from EXALT during the war and look for anything that might provide a lead on Shadow Company. Follow the money, look through the communications again, and look through where their equipment was being shipped from. In the meantime, start checking former EXALT bases, someone might have decided to take up residence.

[] Military
- [X] XCOM is to re-task it's combat efforts to intercepting Shadow Company's aircraft as well as hunting down and exterminating these EXALT remnants.
- [X] Continue retrieval missions using the carrot approach. Keep in contact with groups that were previously encountered and continue trading.
- [X] If the primary local OpFor is acting like organized resistance fighters chances are they think we're coming as conquerors. Go for a hearts and minds approach, help the civvies, speak to religious and social leaders, and just try to get the word out that EA forces are there to help.

[X] Civilian
- [X] Continue reconstruction efforts

Can I suggest switching a action out for Deucalion? We need the research boost, and AI is the quickest way to go for that, and it'll probably be a springboard for other techs, such as improved SHIV AI and automated firestorm drones and whatnot.
Can I suggest switching a action out for Deucalion? We need the research boost, and AI is the quickest way to go for that, and it'll probably be a springboard for other techs, such as improved SHIV AI and automated firestorm drones and whatnot.

I'll remove 'Reconstruction Efforts' for Deucalion and re-word my diplomacy actions in Plan 1.2
Chriswriter Plan 1.2


[] Research
- [] Project: Ichor
- [] Project: Helios
- [] Project Deucalion: Develop Simple AI dedicated towards aiding engineers and scientists

[] Diplomacy
- [] Contact General O'Malley to establish relations with similar goals to what was done with Israel and Switzerland.
- [] Allow Helm's Deep to become a joint base. From now on, XCOM will release it's tech on a loyalty basis; Committed Nations get the best tech, Loyal Nations get the next best tech, Friendly Nations get third best tech. Use this as a big juicy carrot to entice Switzerland and Israel to join the Earth Alliance.

[] Intel
- [] Re-task XCOM's UFO Detection Satellites to track Shadow Company's stealth aircraft.
- [] Go through the files taken from EXALT during the war and look for anything that might provide a lead on Shadow Company. Follow the money, look through the communications again, and look through where their equipment was being shipped from. In the meantime, start checking former EXALT bases, someone might have decided to take up residence.

[] Military
- [] XCOM is to re-task it's combat efforts to intercepting Shadow Company's aircraft as well as hunting down and exterminating these EXALT remnants.
- [] Continue retrieval missions using the carrot approach. Keep in contact with groups that were previously encountered and continue trading.
- [] If the primary local OpFor is acting like organized resistance fighters chances are they think we're coming as conquerors. Go for a hearts and minds approach, help the civvies, speak to religious and social leaders, and just try to get the word out that EA forces are there to help.
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Yeah, I'm going to have to essentially ditch my own proposal. "Essentially" since 90% of it is represented in this new plan anyway. Sorry latent psis, better luck next month. :sad:

[x] Chriswriter Plan, whatever the final version number is. know, maybe until we get more slots we should as standard procedure limit ourselves to 3 research projects or less at once, so we aren't eating up all our actions with research when we should be hunting down the enemy and fucking their shit up.
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Yeah, I'm going to have to essentially ditch my own proposal. "Essentially" since 90% of it is represented in this new plan anyway. Sorry latent psis, better luck next month. :sad:

[x] Chriswriter Plan 1.2 know, maybe until we get more slots we should as standard procedure limit ourselves to 3 research projects or less at once, so we aren't eating up all our actions with research when we should be hunting down the enemy and fucking their shit up.

X-COM tho. The key to success is to have better tech than the other guy.

Also we NEED more psionics. They are just so USEFUL.

Anyways, idea for next turn, funnel funding into X-COM, have them set up/expand their research division.
X-COM tho. The key to success is to have better tech than the other guy.

Also we NEED more psionics. They are just so USEFUL.

Anyways, idea for next turn, funnel funding into X-COM, have them set up/expand their research division.

Yeah, but if we're spending all our resources on figuring out better widgets when we're already at endgame tech just to start with, then we can't be proactive with the enemy now that we know it exists. A slot spent on research right now is a slot not being spent on tracking these guys down and ridding the world of them, or else not figuring out where the remaining aliens are hiding their landed UFOs or whatever.