Red Comet (Valstrax SI)- A Monster-Hunter crossover

did Alduin pull a Godzilla earth?

also, regeneration breath, nice!

worth a lot of snacks if the hunter civilisation finds out...
A couple of wagons of monster bodies in exchange for healing a crowd?
"Yup!" The little boy jumped down, wings and vents on his limbs flaring briefly to control his descent. "You can do it, Elder Alduin! The skies are in reach! You can take them- maybe, by flaming out the other end though?"

Alduin's jaw dropped at that, long teeth on his chin scraping the bark as his mind processed the utter insanity of that suggestion.

Over the course of a few minutes, his expression changed from utter bafflement to considering to intent.
Im speechless... My brain stoped for a second to process what i read.
Imagine the look on the MHW people's faces when a pickle goes flying overhead using a fart rocket. :V

I wonder if he'll figure it out on his own, or if you come clean about reincarnation.
It's not like Alduin is unfamiliar with reincarnation or being different kinds of creatures in different kalpas; he's been through a lot of kalpas and while dragons exist in every kalpa, they aren't always giant flying lizards.
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A scout needs to have seen that. Preferably the same one as before.
Without anything to record with, the scout can end up with a boy who cried wolf rep after reporting the pickle getting more and more ridiculous.
Until someone else sees Alduin-pickle kill something big and mean before flying away like an ass-blaster(Tremors).

HAHAHA! That's hilarious!
Also, I realy liked that series of movies. The plot was meh, but the characters felt like someone's RPG party.
Made the whole thing much more funny.

Oh my God! It hurts my side laughing when the MC suggested that to Alduin!

Though in Monster Hunter world building for Humanity and Wyveriankind, the Old World civilization is past the post apocalyptic event that end the Ancient civilization and made the remnants nomadic but now can support a society to build cities like Loc Lac and Port Tanzia(Though the former tends to have a bad case of Jhen Mohren migration right up its path), great factor is the location of those cities but they are few in between and most are villages and towns in need of hunters to keep them safe(as the reason why the MCs of MH series were send there). It is how the Research Commission was allowed to form by the Guild to have expeditions to the unknown, they're mishmash of hunt-gather, medieval and exploration era of our reality.

Really looking forward for more Human POVs and outsider reactions as they're more interesting as it shows how the MC interact with and their effect in the world.

The civilization that collapsed did so a while ago, but you have to remember- unlike a lot of settings where the disaster that destroyed the world at the time, this world's disaster is, in a very real way, ONGOING.

Like a roving nuke that just continously detonated, but is, to some degree, malicious.

I totally agree that there are cities- and, as you said, they are few and far between. Moreover, they are nearly ALL heavily armed, heavily armored, and probably built at nessesary trade routes/choke points. Any cities that survive a serious time in the MH setting need to be fotresses, and are to some degree city-states in their own right.

Frankly, it says a lot about the sheer existential threat that these people are under from the monster populations that all of these seperated, and fairly independent city-states work together and allow the Research Commission and the Guild to have so much power.

Frankly, the most powerful organization in the MH setting is the Research Commission, as they have THE most firepower that isn't tied up in static defenses.

Im speechless... My brain stoped for a second to process what i read.

Can you tell I'm a fan of Guards, Guards! by Terry Pratchett? I am very tempted to make my SI introduce himself as 'Errol' to someone...

Maybe I can still do that...

*The editor's eye twitches*
I'm not sure I got them all this time. They were many and subtle. Still, hope it helps.
I must say that this is probably the best chapter yet, though.

I hate to say this, but whoever made that forgot the "L." :oops:

I think my reaction was best described as ":confused::o:rofl::rofl::rofl:"

The really horrifying thought was that I had considered this approach myself mere seconds before noticing the new post.
I'm fairly sure that I would not be nearly brave enough to try that in his place, though.

Oh, can you imagine the Hunters' reactions to THAT, though?!
I rather dislike the general unicode-style emojii, but... 🤯😬🤢

And what if said approach carries with it a certain odor...

Okay, and now I'm just laughing hysterically. And the humans (and etc) were hoping that the dragons picked up language!
This is going to end in fire and screaming, and I'm going to enjoy it the whole way.

You never expect the Spanish Inquisition Hangry Pickle!
(Since someone already brought up the inquisitor idea.)

Seriously, the idea of that poor dragon suddenly getting run down by an unexpected Alduin from left field is utterly hilarious to me. I was wondering that whole time when he'd appear, and was not disappointed.

I have no idea what a "robble" is but you may want to check on that.

What the holy &#$%. (There's an Emperor Gets a TTS episode for that line, but I can't find it)
He has freaking WAVE MOTION BREATH?!

I mean, yes, it's described as a laser, but what else has that nice sparking aura around the beam?

This is total and wonderful bullshit. I want to see more.

I think that's normally spelled "Fus Ro Dah" but I may be wrong.
Also, Obligatory Meme:

Admittedly, we don't have a dragonborn (yet?) but I bet most would consider this quite the expedient approach.
Thank the fates that we aren't using Fallout 76 rules, though. The lockpicks were absurdly heavy there, and broke about as easily.

This would not help her catch her prey?

Oddly, you mention that she can't carry it back, not that she can't catch it, but this seems to make the most sense with what there is to work with.


Ew. Carnivore poo/farts are the WORST, and accelerated digestion (likely causing a slight hint of the odor-worsening effects of, ahem, "Dire Rear")?
That could probably evacuate a town. I mean, there are probably worse odors but I'm not entirely sure I'd want to bet on that here.

There's another clip for this, but it's probably a bit marginal to link here. Just think of the Skunk Scene from Over The Hedge and do some extrapolating.

Fixed! You can tell I had a headache yesterday.

Yeah, the person who made that picture forgot the 'L'.... But I still think the image is hilarious.

I liked this chapter when I wrote it, and I am glad you did too.

'robble' is the sound a surprised Nergigante makes.

Yes, it's a wave-motion-beam-shout. Alduin has a LOT of powerful shouts that he never uses in Skyrim, mostly because bringing dragons back to life is EXHAUSTING. Here he's had decades of being a Deviljho, which, not relaxing to the body, once he managed to get a handle on the hunger, means he could relax his Soul.

Ah, that's an embarrassing mistake. Yes, I fixed the spelling of THE most iconic shout.

Really liked the video.

Also, yes- I mis-said that thing about catching prey. It's indeed about carrying it back- and the prevalence of scavengers in the MH ecosystems. The Coral Highlands are nearly entirely scavenger-based, what with the thing literally being the 'cap' of mushroom-like 'coral' that feast on the bodies of titanic dead monsters. It has been adjusted.

Draconic Dire Rear is worst Dire Rear... But Thioacitone is ALWAYS worse.

I wonder if he'll figure it out on his own, or if you come clean about reincarnation.

Both? Neither? That's spoilers.

did Alduin pull a Godzilla earth?

also, regeneration breath, nice!

worth a lot of snacks if the hunter civilisation finds out...
A couple of wagons of monster bodies in exchange for healing a crowd?

Yes, and it's not even his most devastating shout. And on the subject of that regeneration breath and it's results... Yup. I can see that happening.

Or a couple of wagons of meat for a dragon's limb.... Maybe.

Imagine the look on the MHW people's faces when a pickle goes flying overhead using a fart rocket. :V


It's not like Alduin is unfamiliar with reincarnation or being different kinds of creatures in different kalpas; he's been through a lot of kalpas and while dragons exist in every kalpa, they aren't always giant flying lizards.

Oh, he's get'n suspicious alright... But not much yet. Later....

AND..... With all that said, time for me to proofread and double-check the last chapter, then update it here.
Frankly, it says a lot about the sheer existential threat that these people are under from the monster populations that all of these seperated, and fairly independent city-states work together and allow the Research Commission and the Guild to have so much power.
Humans are pretty good about banding together against external threats, and the Monster Hunter world has plenty of external threats to band together over.

We usually don't fight amongst ourselves until we think we are safe(ish), and no-one is dumb enough to think they are safe in the Monster Hunter world, not even the nutjobs that call themselves hunters.

Politics and diplomacy become very different fields when the world itself is literally out to get the entire species.
12- A Black Dragon from A Hangry Pickle
Agron enjoyed sitcoms.
And that's the last chapter of Arc 1!
I hope everyone enjoyed it, and I am writing the next bits now. Feel free to speculate, comment, and I love your ideas.
It's all y'all readers and your feedback that made writing as much of a joy that it is.
Now… On with the draconic goodness!
(There may be a bit of a delay before the next batch of posts- work again.)

Alduin was, by inclination, not a being for quiet reflection.

Centuries, millennia of conquests and fighting, arguments with other dragons, shouting matches that leveled cities, and countless ambushes and hunts, wars and other conflicts... All of that had shaped the way he thought over the millennia.

Now though, after his death at the hands of the AKATOSH DAMNED DOVAHKIIN-

Alduin couldn't stop the flinch of remembering his death at the hands of that little empowered mortal. The pain of being shot with arrows that went completely through his wings without slowing down… The Dragonrend shout…. The feeling of having an elemental beam of death burning through his normally indestructible body…

Then the moment right before the greatsword, crackling with multiple elemental enchantmants, scythed through his skull without even slowing down…

Yes, the mortal had beaten him down… But Alduin was still AL-DU-IN(Destroyer-Devour-Master).

His name and purpose were absolute.

Alduin stood up from his sleeping hollow, and shook himself to work the slight kinks out of his scales. A nearly-whispered **"Ven."**(Wind) scoured any small creatures, the quick-growing plants, and other detritus from his hide with a rippling pulse of wind.

Now he was up, the sun already having risen, it was time for breakfast.

The World Eater stalked into the forest away from his cave at the base of the massive cliff face…. In search for some food.

His battle a few days ago, being able to slay that Rahgron(Angry)-Zeik(Spike)-Viing(Wing) had not been a test, as such, but it had shown his where his power was anchored. It had allowed him to find where his limits really were here.

And it has been the most intensive use of the Thu'um since he arrived in this world. He was at his strongest now, his most capible since he had been trapped in this body….

All he needed was the fuel to push past that limitation.

Thus, his Plan.

Stage one: find a LOT of food.

He would be able to fly again- properly! Not by going backwards or trying to push dragonfire in EXACTLY the wrong direction!

His tail still hurt from that stupid idea…


Alduin continued his search for breakfast, grabbing a few small bird-like creatures that were not bright enough to get out of the way of the building-sized killing-machine.… But they were barely enough to take the edge off his hunger.

As such, as these last few decades had taught him, the hunger would only be slightly sated even if he ate several of the larger dragon-like beings.… And the amount of effort actively hunting these things would take, would make his hunger even worse.

Only in the last year or so, having made the crossing over to the very food-rich island, had he made a dent in truly satisfying his hunger.

Since he met the other MindalDovah, the other thinking dragons, Alduin had been able to relax a bit. Even if he died, they would be able to pass on knowledge of the Thu'um, and the two small silver fliers were creative enough to continue without him.

It was a new thought- Alduin had always thought that he would be able to live forever, as Akatosh had personally gifted him with his immortality.

*Still…* Alduin mused as his hunger continued to build. *There is no way I am going to die yet.*

His walk through the forest soon reached his current destination- a raised hill that was remarkably bare of the huge trees that were near-ubiquitous. There were herds of the grass-eaters in the area that scattered as he walked into the area, but the World-Eater was not interested in them right now.

A few seconds to look around, seeing multiple Jagras packs, not insignificant numbers of Kestodon, and many other wyverns in the forest below, and Alduin made a decision.

The Thu'um was a flexible tool- and pushing the words through his soul was how the concepts were turned into power. The process was simple: an effect was desired. To get the effect, words were chosen. Words spoken through the soul caused the effect to materialize, and so a Shout effected the world.

Alduin had chosen his words for this carefully.

**"Raan."** Animal- to call all those creatures who were not intelligent. In Mundus, these would be white-souled beings, but this was not true here- anything that couldn't speak would be caught by this word. This word would define the target for the rest of the shout, and so he would not be caught in his own effect.

**"Drem."** Peace- to calm and enrapture the minds of those targeted. This would reduce resistance to the effect generated, and encourage anything that heard the caster's shout to feel peace when they moved toward said caster. Given a little time, the animals would go, naturally, towards the feeling of peace and safety.

**"Ov."** Trust- to reduce resistances further, and strengthen the effects of Drem.

The sound of his voice rang out through the forest, and he could FEEL the mental pressure being applied by the shout. Over the course of next hour or so, various animals, all unnaturally calm, walked out of the forest, and gathered around the now-wingless dragon. Multiple wyvern ended up sitting on the grass, looking around in a daze, as smaller critters nearly napped under shadows.

Alduin grinned, causing some of the creatures to look at him for a moment before settling back into the artificial restful state. Now, all he had to do was choose the right words to kill them all, and then he could FINALLY eat enough to continue his plan-

He saw the two, no, three sparks of red light shoot far overhead before he heard them. The Zilf-Dovah were quick, much quicker in the air than he had ever been, but… There were only two of them that would probably not be caught by his Shout (which was still ongoing), and the mother, while she tried, might not have enough self-motivation or self-mentality to resist the effect.

Thankfully, after a circle or two, the three fliers grabbed a few of the small annoying Jagras, and zoomed off, probably back to their nest.

Alduin nodded as the younger male did a final pass, prey clutched in still-growing talons, and laughed under his breath as they did so. The smartest of the ZilfBotaasYol called himself WundunNilLokKoraavYahMindoraan- a decidedly pretentious name, but one that gave a lot of insight into what the young dragon thought of himself.

A dragon that wanted to learn- Alduin hadn't met such a being before his death.

*Still, the strangeness of my newest subjects/companions/students was not what I should be focusing on.* Alduin thought to himself as the red sparks dissapeared into the distance with their now-panicking prey. *Time for the next stage.*

This shout was rather insideious, and Alduin was NOT taking any chances. He made sure his fellow true dragons were out of range, THEN continued.

**"Raan."** Animal- to provide the target.

Everything in the clearing focused on him after he said that.

**"Laag."** Sleep.- to make the next step easier, and provide extra targeting for the final word.

There was a shuffle, as even the largest animals in the area fell asleep. Some slower than others, but in less than a minute, the whole clearing was full of slumbering forms, save himself.

**"DIR!"** Die.

The last word was shouted, LOUDLY, and with as much power as Alduin could muster. The effects were immediate, as the single word of power slammed out like an avalanche.

Everything that was alseep within range of his shout died.

All of them just… Stopped breathing. Some oozed blood from beneath closed ears or dribbled it from no-longer-breathing noses, and a few small flying creatures just exploded in tiny blorts of gore, but life and breath was stolen with but a single word from Alduin.

Stage one of the plan was now complete.

Time for stage two: TO EAT.


It had been morning when Alduin shouted that last word. When he pushed his power outwards in a wave that killed everything that slept within that large clearing.

The sun rose, and Alduin ate.

The sun set, and Alduin ate.

The moon rose- and Alduin ate.

The moon set…. And Alduin ate.

The sun rose again…. And finally, after nearly a day and night of eating, Alduin was done. One last crunch of his mighty jaws rended a Greater Jagras down to nothing but a final scrap of haunch, which quickly disappeared into his gullet.

The clearing that had once been the scene of peace and safety was now covered in blood, bone fragments, and bits of skin that had been shredded too much for the hungry Deviljho to consider food at the time.

Alduin had lost his golden sheen now- his body having relaxed quite a bit as he finally, FINALLY sated the hunger within (if only briefly), and he could feel the POWER that all that food had given his body.… And his tail had gotten a bit fatter.

*FINALLY.* He thought to himself, as the constant drain on his soul that staving off the hunger had required, drained away. *Time for step three…*

Alduin walked back to the clear spot in the middle of the clearing, and prepared the words he was going to use. This was not going to be a single shout, but three.

Such a thing would be ruinously tiring for any Dov or human, possibly even fatal… But he was Alduin!… And he had just consumed around a dozen times his own bodyweight in meat, so he should be fine.

Still, he need an audience for this, so….

**"ZILF-BOTAAS-YOL(Silver-Flying-Fire) DOVAH(Dragons)!"** His voice rang out through the morning light, soul adding impitus to the noise. **"Zu'u Bel Fin Mindol Dovah(I Summon All Thinking Dragons)!"**

The echoes spread all around the island, and after a minute there was a distant, but clear reply.

"Mu Hon!"(We Hear!)

Alduin waited patiently until the three ZilfBotaasYol circled around the area, and landed. It took a little while, as even the older dragon did not want to land on the blood-soaked grass… But after a moment of midair discussion, the two dragonlings straifed the area with repeated shouts of "Fo-Krah-Diin(Frost-Cold-Freeze)!"

Once the area was ready, the elder ZilfBotaasYol landed, with the two smaller landing in flares of red energy… And, of course, the two not-quite-hatchlings started asking him questions.


Gary, or F5-A-Secundas-BowSpec, was one of several hunters that had been sent out to find the source of the random deaths.

Yesterday, in the morning, a monstrous voice had shouted 'DIR' loudly enough that everyone on the island had heard it. Small animals all over the island had died, seemingly randomly, and the upper ranks had gotten very, very worried.

So, in the afternoon, after sending message by wingdrake and ground-courier to the multitude of camps, the hunters were sent out to count and see if there was a strange distribution of the deaths.

There had been- and more deaths seemed to be concentrated in a very specific direction. Like a blast wave, density of the dead increased as information was collected that appeared to point to the source from a very specific area of the island.

And so, hunters were dispatched that night to find the source of the deaths.

Gary was one of them. His specialization with the bow and his penchant for making arrows that exploded after sticking to target meant that he could sometimes take down monsters before they knew he was there for more than a minute, and he traveled light.

Relatively speaking anyway- his bow and arrows weighed as much as he did without the carrying gear.

He had heard the shout, and saw the Valstrax fly in…. Then watched in horror as the two smallest silver dragons flew around the bloody clearing, and coated it in thick ICE.

That was… New. Very new.

After all, it had been months since he had arrived on the island, and he had spent a bit of time reading up on the Valstrax, as several of them had been seen flying towards this island.

Valstrax had NEVER been able to freeze things. EVER. Especially not while flying!

It was even more shocking when the silver dragons landed, and the two smaller ones started straight-out speaking with the Deviljho.

He had read the reports, but actually hearing two monsters- no, THREE monsters talking in a consistent language was incredibly unsettling. It was only by the grace of the sapphire star that he didn't shit himself.

He did, however, fart.

Gary didn't notice for a few seconds, but when the smell reached him, it also reached the monsters in the clearing.

Three silver, birdlike faces and one angry dark pickle zeroed in on him so fast that he literally blinked and missed the movement.

**"Aan joor?(A mortal?)"** Rumbled the Deviljho.

"Fend mu krii nii?(Should we kill it?)" Chirped one of the baby Valstrax.

**"Nid. Joor fen gaav kotin pah.(No. Mortals will get into everything.)"**

The adult Valstrax growled at him, but as the others turned away from him, hiding in the bushes, she (and it was a she- the records had been clear on how to tell) turned mostly back to the others…. But kept him in view.

The Deviljho reared up, and spoke regally to the other monsters still living in the bloody clearing. **"Nii lot tiid. Zu'u fen daal wah dii morokei slen… Uv gein med nii.(It's (a) great moment. I'll return to my glorious flesh/form... Or one like it.)"**

"Vir(How)?" Asked one of the hatchlings.

**"Zeim fin suleyk du fin Thu'um(Through the power of the Thu'um)."** The Deviljho stretched up, and shouted up at the sky. **"VIING-LOK-GAR(Wing-Sky-Unleash)!"**

The world pressed down on Gary's eardrums, and he felt the immense weight of the sky above him. Whisps of cloud began to spiral around the clearing, growing with amazing speed into towering thunderheads in seconds, close passes causing lightning to snap between the spiralling clouds like grasping fingers of light.


Through tearing eyes, Gary saw the flesh of the Savage Deviljho undulate and rippl. Something very, very draconic stretching out underneath the black scales. The pressure and pain of whatever weather had been, for a lack of a better word, CALLED into the world, increased even farther as the spiral of clouds concentrated and enveloped the Deviljho.

**"Jahfur! DOVAH! RAH(Evolve! Dragon! God!!!!)!!!!!"**

The shadowy figure of the Deviljho was just barely visible in the cloud-tornado, but with the final shout, the lightning that the spiral had been building over several minutes all discharged at once into its body. The Deviljho stopped being a Deviljho, as scaled skin ripped audibly.

The sickening sounds of flesh growing rapidly overrode the screaming winds, and the shadow of the monster in the storm lengthened…. Became more sleek and longer.

The was a tearing noise as the back of the shadow bulged, and two titanic wings shot out from the dark shape. A single flap dispersed the cloudy tornado, the lightning dissipating.

The wind died down, and Gary was finally able to get a good look at what the Deviljho had become…

And this time, he shat himself.

It was four times as large as it had started out, pitch black scales, arms AND wings. Its scales barely held in the light from various elemental powers, and its eyes were bright, intelligent, and piercing.

The titanic neck reared up, and up…. And up…. Then the head tilted slightly, and it appeared to be looking, with a hilarious (and recognizable) image of shock on its face, at its arms.

**"FAHVOS(WHY)?!"** Its voice boomed in the way thunder wishes it did. **"FAHVOS DREH ZU'U LOST DAAR MALNAAZ FAAK(Why do I still have tiny arms?!)?!"**

Gary really wished he had a picture-box. Or clean pants.

Ideally both.

Getting anyone to take this seriously was going to be… Frustrating.

They wouldn't believe him at all if he mentioned that the baby Valstrax started giggling.

This was unbelievable enough.

Now he just needed to leave alive.

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Humans are pretty good about banding together against external threats, and the Monster Hunter world has plenty of external threats to band together over.

We usually don't fight amongst ourselves until we think we are safe(ish), and no-one is dumb enough to think they are safe in the Monster Hunter world, not even the nutjobs that call themselves hunters.

Politics and diplomacy become very different fields when the world itself is literally out to get the entire species.

This is true.

This is also true.

This last point is true.

In summary: The people in the MH setting KNOW, on such a cultural and sociatal level, that they are NOT safe, that any petty squabbles are actually seen as what they are: Petty.
Now though, after his death at the hands of the AKATOSH DAMNED DOVAHKIIN-
Alduin has only himself to blame for that; the Last Dragonborn was supposed to help Alduin. But then he went off-script and decided he'd rather rule the world than eat it, so Akatosh was like 'oh no you don't you little bugger' and changed the Last Dragonborn's role to be 'defeat Alduin' instead, so that Alduin's soul would be sent back to Akatosh for reeducation, so to speak.

He would be able to fly again- properly! Not by going backwards or trying to push dragonfire in EXACTLY the wrong direction!

His tail still hurt from that stupid idea…

Alduin continued his search for breakfast, grabbing a few small bird-like creatures that were not bright enough to get out of the way of the building-sized killing-machine.… But they were barely enough to take the edge off his hunger.

As such, as these last few decades had taught him, the hunger would only be slightly sated even if he ate several of the larger dragon-like beings.… And the amount of effort actively hunting these things would take, would make his hunger even worse.
Welcome to pickle life. Always hungry, always angry; always hangry all the time.

This is why being demoted to pickle is a punishment.

*Still…* Alduin mused as his hunger continued to build. *There is no way I am going to die yet.*
Unfortunately for Alduin, he's a rarespawn pickle, so the Player Character is pretty much guaranteed to hunt him down at some point.

Alduin had lost his golden sheen now- his body having relaxed quite a bit as he finally, FINALLY sated the hunger within (if only briefly), and he could feel the POWER that all that food had given his body.… And his tail had gotten a bit fatter.
What? Alduin is evolving!

The shadowy figure of the Deviljho was just barely visible in the cloud-tornado, but with the final shout, the lightning that the spiral had been building over several minutes all discharged at once into its body. The Deviljho stopped being a Deviljho, as scaled skin ripped audibly.

The sickening sounds of flesh growing rapidly overrode the screaming winds, and the shadow of the monster in the storm lengthened…. Became more sleek and longer.

The was a tearing noise as the back of the shadow bulged, and two titanic wings shot out from the dark shape. A single flap dispersed the cloudy tornado, the lightning dissipating.

The wind died down, and Gary was finally able to get a good look at what the Deviljho had become…

And this time, he shat himself.

It was four times as large as it had started out, pitch black scales, arms AND wings. Its scales barely held in the light from various elemental powers, and its eyes were bright, intelligent, and piercing.

The titanic neck reared up, and up…. And up…. Then the head tilted slightly, and it appeared to be looking, with a hilarious (and recognizable) image of shock on its face, at its arms.
Alduin has evolved into Pickle-Dragon!

Makes sense that Alduin could Shout himself to full dragon status under the right conditions; Dragon Aspect is a canonical Shout, and is implied to be theoretically capable of an actual dragon transformation.

And this probably isn't the first time Alduin has found himself in an unacceptable body for a new kalpa, so he's likely done this sort of thing before. Welcome back to generic dragon-hood Alduin, a Fatalis might be an improvement over a pickle, but you're still not a ramjet-dragon.

(Also, good work keeping to power of three with the three shouts; the number three is deeply connected to Tonal Magic, showing up again and again in relation to Tonal Magic applications.)

Now we get to see how the Research Commission reacts to the knowledge that pickles can evolve into Elder Dragons. :V

**"FAHVOS!"** Its voice boomed in the way thunder wishes it did. **"FAHVOS DREH ZU'U LOST DAAR MALNAAZ FAAK?!"**
Even after upgrading to true dragon, Alduin still has tiny arms.

This is Akatosh's real punishment; he knew Alduin would de-pickle himself eventually, but Akatosh decreed that no matter what form the world-eater takes this kalpa, he's not getting proper arms. :V

This is true.

This is also true.

This last point is true.

In summary: The people in the MH setting KNOW, on such a cultural and sociatal level, that they are NOT safe, that any petty squabbles are actually seen as what they are: Petty.
Yeah, the MH people just straight up do not have the time to engage in stupid, petty infighting amongst themselves: Every moment of their existence must be bought with blood and sweat and death in struggle against the endless hordes of hangry pickles and the living superweapons that are Elder Dragons, when base survival is on the line all other concerns become secondary.

Still has tiny arms though. Fatalis has tiny arms.... It's just HUGE.

Near-literal translation of Alduin's last line in this chapter: "WHY?! Why do I still have tiny arms?!"
With translations, especially since you're creating new Dovahzul words to cover ones missing from the official language, might I suggest using the RUBY tag to do something like this:

FUS RO DAH(Force Balance Push)

That way you can have the Dovahzul and the translation at the same time!
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Even after upgrading to true dragon, Alduin still has tiny arms.

This is Akatosh's real punishment; he knew Alduin would de-pickle himself eventually, but Akatosh decreed that no matter what form the world-eater takes this kalpa, he's not getting proper arms. :V

Apparently Alduin was expecting to be a Skyrim dragon without arms, now he has arms and no clue what to do with them.
he could always carry snacks using the arms?
I'm really enjoying the story and am wondering if the witcher DLC will be use for geralts reaction or other shenanigans.
Compared to the Deviljho's arms Fatalis's arms are a massive improvement.
To be fair, Alduin is used to not having arms at all, so I suspect his irritation with them is more to do with having limbs that are stubby and useless rather than the arms specifically.

So while Fatalis have better arms, they're still stubby and not very good, and thus still annoying to Alduin.
Read the first version of the latest chapter, laughing out loud for Alduin really followed up the MCs suggestion nad have no clue what they're talking about later on. Though it was fixed up later, love it!

Looking forward for the next Arc! Question though, what was your headcanon for Skyrim Dragons shape and size? Are they canon Wyvern type and small(large as a bus) ? or huge seven limbed(including the tail) Western Dragon like Smaug and Fatalis? As Alduin still complained about his hand when he changed into Fatalis form.
Ok, can I can a translation?
I would like some translations if you could, would be very kind.
Yes please Dragon Language translations would be best. If possible maybe near the words if not just a little note at the end of the post

Translations there shall be!

Alduin has only himself to blame for that; the Last Dragonborn was supposed to help Alduin. But then he went off-script and decided he'd rather rule the world than eat it, so Akatosh was like 'oh no you don't you little bugger' and changed the Last Dragonborn's role to be 'defeat Alduin' instead, so that Alduin's soul would be sent back to Akatosh for reeducation, so to speak.


Welcome to pickle life. Always hungry, always angry; always hangry all the time.

This is why being demoted to pickle is a punishment.

Unfortunately for Alduin, he's a rarespawn pickle, so the Player Character is pretty much guaranteed to hunt him down at some point.

What? Alduin is evolving!

Alduin has evolved into Pickle-Dragon!

Makes sense that Alduin could Shout himself to full dragon status under the right conditions; Dragon Aspect is a canonical Shout, and is implied to be theoretically capable of an actual dragon transformation.

And this probably isn't the first time Alduin has found himself in an unacceptable body for a new kalpa, so he's likely done this sort of thing before. Welcome back to generic dragon-hood Alduin, a Fatalis might be an improvement over a pickle, but you're still not a ramjet-dragon.

(Also, good work keeping to power of three with the three shouts; the number three is deeply connected to Tonal Magic, showing up again and again in relation to Tonal Magic applications.)

Now we get to see how the Research Commission reacts to the knowledge that pickles can evolve into Elder Dragons. :V

Even after upgrading to true dragon, Alduin still has tiny arms.

This is Akatosh's real punishment; he knew Alduin would de-pickle himself eventually, but Akatosh decreed that no matter what form the world-eater takes this kalpa, he's not getting proper arms. :V

Yeah, the MH people just straight up do not have the time to engage in stupid, petty infighting amongst themselves: Every moment of their existence must be bought with blood and sweat and death in struggle against the endless hordes of hangry pickles and the living superweapons that are Elder Dragons, when base survival is on the line all other concerns become secondary.


With translations, especially since you're creating new Dovahzul words to cover ones missing from the official language, might I suggest using the RUBY tag to do something like this:

FUS RO DAH(Force Balance Push)

That way you can have the Dovahzul and the translation at the same time!

You FOOL! I now have unlimited power thanks to the RUBY! AHAHAHAHAHA!.... (Coughs)

Creative (and so far as I can tell TRUE) interpretation of how the Dragonborn became a thing.... And how Tamriel should be THANKING Alduin for not destroying the world as he was supposed to.

Tiny arms are truly the worst punishments anyone could be cursed with.
Just ask the T. Rex... OH WAIT.

My headcanon is that Alduin has used the last two shouts of the ascension trio before, in prior kalpa's, with the first one tailored to whatever trait he felt was missing at the time, yes.

And yes, few things are as good as a ramjet dragon. :)

Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out.

On the subject of the research commission... Yes... If they have proof. Or get proof.
Good luck with that.

he could always carry snacks using the arms?
But can he carry enough snacks to be worth it?

That depends... How big is enough snack?

Compared to the Deviljho's arms Fatalis's arms are a massive improvement.

Yes, but more to the point, Alduin is surprised that the arms didn't go away.

I'm really enjoying the story and am wondering if the witcher DLC will be use for geralts reaction or other shenanigans.

YES. And there may be links to other games. This will be a plot point of arc 2, which I am working on.

To be fair, Alduin is used to not having arms at all, so I suspect his irritation with them is more to do with having limbs that are stubby and useless rather than the arms specifically.

So while Fatalis have better arms, they're still stubby and not very good, and thus still annoying to Alduin.

Yes, but more to the point, Alduin is surprised that the arms didn't go away.

Read the first version of the latest chapter, laughing out loud for Alduin really followed up the MCs suggestion nad have no clue what they're talking about later on. Though it was fixed up later, love it!

Looking forward for the next Arc! Question though, what was your headcanon for Skyrim Dragons shape and size? Are they canon Wyvern type and small(large as a bus) ? or huge seven limbed(including the tail) Western Dragon like Smaug and Fatalis? As Alduin still complained about his hand when he changed into Fatalis form.

Skyrim dragons are canon wyverns- but intelligent, heavily magical, and with a 7-jointed 'thumb' that acts more like a tentacle on the wing if they want to manipulate something. Plus, the shouts, and spells, means that a dragon can usually manipulate things in complex ways. My headcanon is that the phantom telekinesis that the PC has is a natural dragon ability- to just lift shit with your mind without touching it. Fine manipulation for them is trickier, but a dragon could physically lift, say, a horse, with it's mind into the air, toss it up, take off, and catch it with it's claws, all in seconds.

He's more surprised that the arms didn't go away- or become wings like he had originally envisioned. Turns out that the world around you has an impact on ritualistic spells!
Skyrim dragons are canon wyverns- but intelligent, heavily magical, and with a 7-jointed 'thumb' that acts more like a tentacle on the wing if they want to manipulate something. Plus, the shouts, and spells, means that a dragon can usually manipulate things in complex ways. My headcanon is that the phantom telekinesis that the PC has is a natural dragon ability- to just lift shit with your mind without touching it. Fine manipulation for them is trickier, but a dragon could physically lift, say, a horse, with it's mind into the air, toss it up, take off, and catch it with it's claws, all in seconds.
Even if not, the right Shout should be able to reproduce the effects of the Telekinesis spell, which canonically is a much more flexible 'mage hand' style spell than the way it works in-game.

Plus, a lot of what humans need hands to do, dragons can do with a word; Borri opens the gate when teaching you Whirlwind Sprint by saying 'Bex' or 'Open', not even a Shout, he just speaks the word 'Open' and the gate opens. This implies that minor reality warping (aka cantrips) can be done without a full Shout, just one or two words, spoken correctly, can still affect things.

Combined with the fact that the first one or two words of a Shout can be intoned on their own to produce a lesser effect, it seems pretty clear that dragons can literally just tell reality what to do and it does it. If they want to open a door they just tell it to open and it does, if they want to use a pen to write something they can probably just tell the pen to write and it will, and so on and so forth.

When you have the ability to literally just tell reality what to do and have reality listen, hands really aren't as necessary as they are for apes.
I'm not entirely sure I believe that, but I must admit it's not impossible; evolution doesn't care if something is ridiculous as long as it works.