Recruitment for an Original-World IC Roleplay - GMs, Players, and Storybuilders

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Hmm. No Cat, no Chesh, not Kasute, no Kat, no Catherine...

Why are all my OCs Cat based?

I have no idea.

Also, what counts as sufficient? Like, that's the point. Is the natural state of a ghoul sufficient? Would it need more drawbacks? Less?
Everyone loves cat OCs, they're so kawaii.

Also, you would have to nerf the natural state of a ghoul quite a bit. Especially if it's a one-eyed ghoul.
Is magic okay? Is melee okay? Is guns okay?

At what point do you need to put your foot down and say no? Like maybe, nothing more crazy than 40k for instance?
Yes to all three. Magic is Arts, which is so vague it'basically "shit happens". There are traits designed for unarmed, melee, and ranged.

Also, what counts as sufficient? Like, that's the point. Is the natural state of a ghoul sufficient? Would it need more drawbacks? Less?
*Look at system as designed*

So far, I think as long as the trait point balanced out to a non-negative number, you're set. So Eto is a little of a tall order, but Azathoth is a perfectly valid and balanced character.

We should do something about that...
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Is magic okay? Is melee okay? Is guns okay?
Yes, all of the above are okay. Make sure if you have a drawback to using higher-power magic. Just make your character within reasonable boundaries so that other characters can beat you. Once again, DO NOT POST YOUR CHARACTER ON THE THREAD, PM ME YOUR CHARACTER.
You guys okay with me playing basically a Souls character in heavy armor with neko spells riding a horse and yelling about religion, history and cats all the time right?

So basically what I already do on SV.
So, after scouring the net for pictures, I finally found one that fits the character. It took me several days, but I did it!

All that's left is actually giving the character substance (So many themes to explore!), so, I might as well ask how well the Trait list is coming along since I'll need it in character creation.
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So, after scouring the net for pictures, I finally found one that fits the character. It took me several days, but I did it!

All that's left is actually giving the character substance (So many themes to explore!), so, I might as well ask how well the Trait list is coming along since I'll need it in character creation.

it's done. I will throw it here right now, but know that @The Prodigy hadn't look through it yet. Subjected to changes and all that. Also, keep in mind that my prose is shit, so it may be a little confusing. Just tag me for questions if you need to.

First, rolling for action. Normally, you'll use a d10. Traits will add a flat bonus and turn d10 into a d20. You'll get more flat bonus and d20 as you level up. In the same trend, the base difficulty check to hit some one is 10. Same for base health.

Bull's Strength 1: 1d20+2
Bull's Strength 2: 1d20+4
Bull's Strength 3: 2d20+6

Now that's out of the way, I want to try and balance out the role of Agility and Strength in combat. Here's my attemp.

Agility will affect how often you hit and give DR penetration. Additionally, you can roll to evade using agility by rolling your Ag dice(s) as usual, the result will be added to the difficulty check for hiting you. Everyone can roll to evade, but will not be as effective as someone with high Ag

You cannot evade an AOE attack unless you're near the very edge of the affected zone. You cannot roll to evade bullets and above unless you have Super(Cat's Grace), even then your result will still be cut in half without Super(Eagle's Eye). The same with laser, but you need both listed trait to attemp evasion and your result will be divided by 5.

Strenght increases your damage and allow you to use bigger toys. The DR ignoring portion of agility is less effective on firearms, since they will have high base damage and built in penetration.

Trait: Each trait can be taken multiple time. Each time will level up that trait. The incremental in leveling up is flat.

Something(X) traits effect multiple object with the same effects.There can be multiple instances of this trait.

IE: Weapon Master (X) can be
Weapon Master (Longsword) 2
Weapon Master (Katana) 1

Power trait: not Arts, but mutations and the like.
So, 5 trait points. Have fun. Note that you cannot take a basic, negative trait more than twice.

-Physical Trait:
Bull's Strength (1): You are exceptionally strong. Add an additional d10 to your melee weapon damage on top of its base diceroll. Add a flat +5 to all melee damage. All Strength related roll will use a d20 with a flat +2
Cat's Grace (1): You are exceptionally agile. Grant a +5 to all to hit. All agility related roll use a d20 with +2. You receive a further +3 to evasion. Each rank grant +3% DR penetration.
Bear's Endurance(1): You are exceptionally endurable. Each time you pick or level up this trait, grant 1d10 to your HP and 10% damage reduction. All Endurance related rolls use a d20 with flat +2
Eagle's Eyes(1): You are exceptionally perceptive. Your perception related rolls use a d20 with a flat +2. You receive a +5 when rolling for loots and scavenging.

Noodle arms (-1): Opposite of Bull's Strength. You will use a d5. Flat penalty is -5.
Wet tissue (-1): Opposite of Cat's Grace. You will use a d5. Flat penalty is -5.
Four left foot(-1): Opposite of Bear's Endurance. You will use a d5. Flat penalty is -5.
Mole's sight(-1): Opposite of Eagle's Eyes. You will use a d5. Flat penalty is -5.

-Mental Trait:
Eagle's Splendor (1): Your charisma is irresitable. Grant d20 +2 to your social rolls. Addtionally, your presence grant +5% to all will checks to all nearby allies.
Owl's Wisdom (1): You have a supercomputer for brain. Grant d20+2 to your intelligence rolls. Additionally, this can be applied to item crafting.
Mule's Will(1): You do not back down, ever. Grant d20+2 to your will rolls. Additionally, you regen 1 health each turn. This regeneration cannot be suppressed.

Only a mother can love(-1): Opposite of Eagle's Spendor. While you do not decrease others' will check by being there, you can expect a rough social life. You will use a d5 for your social rolls.. Flat penalty is -5.
Dimwitted(-1): Opposite of Owl's Wisdom. You will use a d5 for your intelligence roll. Flat penalty is -5.
Wimp(-1): Opposite of Mule's Will. Instead of regeneration, you take 10% amplified damage. Use a d5 for your will rolls. Flat penalty is -5.

Advance traits:
-Crafter (2): You can create certain equipments with the right tools and materials on a d20.

-Higher Education (X) (1): Pick a field to study. You gain +5 bonus to rolls involved that field. Depend on your pick, this trait can synergize with crafters to unlock more crafting recipe. Note that this hardly ever useful on the field.

-Weapon Mastery(X)(1) : Pick weapon. Your rolls with that weapon is now a d20. Gain a flat +2 to hit and damage Additionally, you gain a bonus 5% DR penetration(3% if its a firearm). Note: your fists count.

-Profession(X)(2): Pick a profession(Scavenger, medic, soldier, erc). Your role for that is now a d20 with a flat +2. This will have more immediate use.

-(X) Pilot: Pick a vehicle (Power armor, car, boat, plane, spaceship, whatever). You use a d20 when handling that vehicle. Add +2 flat bonus.

-(X)Phobia(-1): You have a crippling fear of (X). All rolls result is cut in receive -30% modifier when this fear is triggered.

-Insane(-5): You are stark raving, barely functional, insane. You hear voices, you see things, everything taste like purple. No mechanical penalty, but Fun Things may happen.

-Rude(-2): You don't get on well with other. All social rolls get a -30% modifier.

-Megalomania(-4): Your Ego is so big, it needs a capital E and come with its own gravitational well. You gained -10% penalty to all rolls if someone do something better than you. This will stacks. To lose your penalty, you must mediate, success at something, or pass a difficult will check.

-(X)Addiction(-2): You need something. Badly, For every twelve hours spend without fix, you receive a -10% to all rolls, stacking.

Power Traits:
-Super(X)(5): Pick a basic trait. All benefits granted by that trait receive is doubled. If you amplify a negative trait, you will give more point. If you get said basic trait pass level 10 , you gain special bonus depending on what you pick.
Strength: Your fists hits like black holes travelling relativist speed. You deal an additonal 100% of your melee/unarmed damage as true damage on top of your normal damage, which is still affected by normal resistance penetration. (You may break your weapon though)​
Agility: At this point, you can walk through walls by dodging molecules. When rolls for evasion or to-hit, roll a d100. Unless the result is one, you success. With lasers, you success on any roll higher than 40. You can dodge AOE no matter where you are in relation to the explosion, but you still have to use normal evasion.
Endurance: What is this thing you called damage? All damage come at you is reduced by 90% before your resistance is taken into account. You also constantly regenerate 10% of your max health.
Perception: Almost nothing can be kept hidden from you. You can see everthing clearly as long as you have a line of sight. Read this at from two countries away? No problem.
Charisma: You're the second, third, and fourth comming of Christ rolled into one. The weak willed practically drop to worship at your very sight. Further more, your aura now affect all rolls.
Intelligent: At this point, you are practically omniscience. You gained perfect photographic memory. You have knowledge of everything going on around you, including the thoughts of others. The further it is from you, the more muddy your insight is, but you are never blind. Additionally, you are granted limited insights into events that had and will happens.
Will: You seemed to have got lost on your way to shounen town. If your health is below 50%, you can start rolling d20s. At a 20, you regains all health. Furthermore, if the damage you recieve is more than 10% of your current health, You ignore 70% of it, the remaining 30% is still subjected to your DR.

-Energy Projection(5): Pick one method of projection (balls, beams, etc) and something to project(Fire, laser, ice, etc.). Damage, accuracy and other effect is dependent on what you choose. To-hit chance depent on Agility.

-Adaptive transformation(5): You can freely shift your basic physical trait around. Additionally, you gain 3 points to spend on these traits when you pick and level up this power.

-Psionic(5): You can twist the minds of others around you and make subtle or not so subtle changes to their brains. While you cannot deal real damage, you can grant numerous debuffs and status effects. Use d20.

-Game Face(3): Halve all bonuses grant from all your powers. You get the Game Face transformation. In this form, all bonuses from powers are doubled. Your Game Face has its own HP, once this is depleted, you lose your transformation. You can only use this once per day. Once combat is over, your transformation end and go on cool down.

Monstrous Transformation: You transform into...something. Double your Strength, Endurance, Agility and Perception bonuses. Your Intelligence and Charisma is reduced to zero. You are Berserked and will randomly attack everything in sight. To control your action, you must pass a will check for every action.[/trait]
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Races (so far)
Also, a teaser for the current planned race. Warning: the asshole who made the robot race is retarded. Also, certain information is redacted because I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to leak. Nothing big, just world building.

Homo Sapien. Origin: Earth. Safe choice, if not very exciting. You get 1 more trait point to spend

[Redacted]. Their mind is now optimized by nanobots to [Redacted]. They are still creepy though, perhaps it's all the metal bits. Grant 15% bonus to all intelligent and will checks. Grant -30% penalty to all social checks.

Normal humans mutated by out-of-control terraform solutions. They are reclusive gray skinned, reptilian bipedal living in the shallow caverns beneath the earth. Not many come into contact with them except for the [redacted]. Grant 15% bonus to all perceptions and agility checks. Grant -15% penalty to Endurance check and another 15% to all checks when exposed to bright light

Vat grown organism specifically designed for menial labors hazardous enviroment and not much else. Ogres were the vanguards of the colonization effort before everything went to hell. Grant 35% bonus to all Strength and Endurance checks. Grant -20% penalty to all charisma checks. You are large and cannot use most equipments designed for normal people. Your size also make you more noticible.

Genetically engineered humans. Allegedly the heir to Homo Sapien. Their superiority is up for debate, as faulty genetic technologies have cursed them with an unstable genome. Gain 5 trait points to spend on basic traits or power traits. You gain (Gene Stabilizer) Addiction. Withdrawal mean that you suffer both standard addiction penalty have your basic, benefitial traits reversed.
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it's done. I will throw it here right now, but know that @The Prodigy hadn't look through it yet. Subjected to changes and all that. Also, keep in mind that my prose is shit, so it may be a little confusing. Just tag me for questions if you need to.

First, rolling for action. Normally, you'll use a d10. Traits will add a flat bonus and turn d10 into a d20. You'll get more flat bonus and d20 as you level up. In the same trend, the base difficulty check to hit some one is 10. Same for base health.

Bull's Strength 1: 1d20+2
Bull's Strength 2: 1d20+4
Bull's Strength 3: 2d20+6

Now that's out of the way, I want to try and balance out the role of Agility and Strength in combat. Here's my attemp.

Agility will affect how often you hit and turn a percentage of your damage into true damge. Additionally, you can roll to evade using agility by rolling your Ag dice(s) as usual, the result will be added to the difficulty check for hiting you. Everyone can roll to evade, but will not be as effective as someone with high Ag

You cannot evade an AOE attack unless you're near the very edge of the affected zone. You cannot roll to evade bullets and above unless you have Super(Cat's Grace), even then your result will still be cut in half without Super(Eagle's Eye). The same with laser, but you need both listed trait to attemp evasion and your result will be divided by 5.

Strenght increases your damage and allow you to use bigger toys. The DR ignoring portion of agility is less effective on firearms, since they will have high base damage and built in penetration.

Trait: Each trait can be taken multiple time. Each time will level up that trait. The incremental in leveling up is flat.

Something(X) traits effect multiple object with the same effects.There can be multiple instances of this trait.

IE: Weapon Master (X) can be
Weapon Master (Longsword) 2
Weapon Master (Katana) 1

Power trait: not Arts, but mutations and the like.
So, 5 trait points. Have fun.

-Physical Trait:
Bull's Strength (1): You are exceptionally strong. Add an additional d10 to your melee weapon damage on top of its base diceroll. Add a flat +5 to all melee damage. All Strength related roll will use a d20 with a flat +2
Cat's Grace (1): You are exceptionally agile. Grant a +5 to all to hit. All agility related roll use a d20 with +2. You receive a further +3 to evasion.
Bear's Endurance(1): You are exceptionally endurable. Each time you pick or level up this trait, grant 1d10 to your HP and 10% damage reduction. All Endurance related rolls use a d20 with flat +2
Eagle's Eyes(1): You are exceptionally perceptive. Your perception related rolls use a d20 with a flat +2. You receive a +5 when rolling for loots and scavenging.

Noodle arms (-1): Opposite of Bull's Strength. You will use a d5
Wet tissue (-1): Opposite of Cat's Grace. You will use a d5
Four left foot(-1): Opposite of Bear's Endurance. You will use a d5
Mole's sight(-1): Opposite of Eagle's Eyes. You will use a d5

-Mental Trait:
Eagle's Splendor (1): Your charisma is irresitable. Grant d20 +2 to your social rolls. Addtionally, your presence grant +5% to all will checks to all nearby allies.
Owl's Wisdom (1): You have a supercomputer for brain. Grant d20+2 to your intelligence rolls. Additionally, this can be applied to item crafting.
Mule's Will(1): You do not back down, ever. Grant d20+2 to your will rolls. Additionally, you regen 1 health each turn. This regeneration cannot be suppressed.

Only a mother can love(-1): Opposite of Eagle's Spendor. While you do not decrease others' will check by being there, you can expect a rough social life. You will use a d5 for your social rolls.
Dimwitted(-1): Opposite of Owl's Wisdom. You will use a d5 for your intelligence roll
Wimp(-1): Opposite of Mule's Will. Instead of regeneration, you take 10% amplified damage. Use a d5 for your will rolls

Advance traits:
-Crafter (2): You can create certain equipments with the right tools and materials on a d20.

-Higher Education (X) (1): Pick a field to study. You gain +5 bonus to rolls involved that field. Depend on your pick, this trait can synergize with crafters to unlock more crafting recipe. Note that this hardly ever useful on the field.

-Weapon Mastery(X)(1) : Pick weapon. Your rolls with that weapon is now a d20. Gain a flat +2 to hit and damage Additionally, you 5% of the damage you deal with that weapon become unblockable true damage (3% if its a firearm). Note: your fists count.

-Profession(X)(2): Pick a profession(Scavenger, medic, soldier, erc). Your role for that is now a d20 with a flat +2. This will have more immediate use.

-(X) Pilot: Pick a vehicle (Power armor, car, boat, plane, spaceship, whatever). You use a d20 when handling that vehicle. Add +2 flat bonus.

-(X)Phobia(-1): You have a crippling fear of (X). All rolls result is cut in receive -30% modifier when this fear is triggered.

-Insane(-3): You are stark raving, barely functional, insane. You hear voices, you see things, everything taste like purple. No mechanical penalty, but Fun Things may happen.

-Rude(-2): You don't get on well with other. All social rolls get a -30% modifier.

-Megalomania(-2): Your Ego is so big, it needs a capital E and come with its own gravitational well. You gained -10% penalty to all rolls if someone do something better than you. This will stacks. To lose your penalty, you must mediate, success at something, or pass a difficult will check.

-(X)Addiction(-2): You need something. Badly, For every twelve hours spend without fix, you receive a -10% to all rolls, stacking.

Power Traits:
-Super(X)(5): Pick a basic trait. All benefits granted by that trait receive is doubled. If you amplify a negative trait, you will give more point. If you get said basic trait pass level 10 , you gain special bonus depending on what you pick.
Strength: Your fists hits like black holes travelling relativist speed. You deal an additonal 100% of your melee/unarmed damage as true damage on top of your normal damage, which is still affected by normal resistance penetration. (You may break your weapon though)​
Agility: At this point, you can walk through walls by dodging molecules. When rolls for evasion or to-hit, roll a d100. Unless the result is one, you success. With lasers, you success on any roll higher than 40. You can dodge AOE no matter where you are in relation to the explosion, but you still have to use normal evasion.
Endurance: What is this thing you called damage? All damage come at you is reduced by 90% before your resistance is taken into account. You also constantly regenerate 10% of your max health.
Perception: Almost nothing can be kept hidden from you. You can see everthing clearly as long as you have a line of sight. Read this at from two countries away? No problem.
Charisma: You're the second, third, and fourth comming of Christ rolled into one. The weak willed practically drop to worship at your very sight. Further more, your aura now affect all rolls.
Intelligent: At this point, you are practically omniscience. You gained perfect photographic memory. You have knowledge of everything going on around you, including the thoughts of others. The further it is from you, the more muddy your insight is, but you are never blind. Additionally, you are granted limited insights into events that had and will happens.
Will: You seemed to have got lost on your way to shounen town. If your health is below 50%, you can start rolling d20s. At a 20, you regains all health. Furthermore, if the damage you recieve is more than 10% of your current health, You ignore 70% of it, the remaining 30% is still subjected to your DR.

-Energy Projection(5): Pick one method of projection (balls, beams, etc) and something to project(Fire, laser, ice, etc.). Damage, accuracy and other effect is dependent on what you choose. To-hit chance depent on Agility.

-Adaptive transformation(5): You can freely shift your basic physical trait around. Additionally, you gain 3 points to spend on these traits when you pick and level up this power.

-Psionic(5): You can twist the minds of others around you and make subtle or not so subtle changes to their brains. While you cannot deal real damage, you can grant numerous debuffs and status effects. Use d20.

-Game Face(3): Halve all bonuses grant from all your powers. You get the Game Face transformation. In this form, all bonuses from powers are doubled. Your Game Face has its own HP, once this is depleted, you lose your transformation. You can only use this once per day. Once combat is over, your transformation end and go on cool down.

Monstrous Transformation: You transform into...something. Double your Strength, Endurance, Agility and Perception bonuses. Your Intelligence and Charisma is reduced to zero. You are Berserked and will randomly attack everything in sight. To control your action, you must pass a will check for every action.[/trait]

Hm. Well done.

Tho please avoid the language. I'm sure there are plenty of people would appreciate substitution for it.
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Race of the mechanical overlords
Behold the over complicated mess that is the robot race.

Synthetic created by intelligent creatures to fufill whatever is required of them. The most diverse race out there. You gain 5 points to spend on Robot Customization to build yourself from scratch. You take 30% more damage from EMP and electric attacks, these attack always ignore your resistances. You can be hacked. You cannot interact with psionic. You also receive -35% to all social checks. Your wounds requires maintance.

Size: Size does not cost point, as each size have its advantages and disadvantages.
-Tiny: You are the size of a small dog, or maybe a ball. -40% to all Strength checks. -30% to all Endurance checks. +50% to all Agility checks. You cannot wield weapons or wear armors. You have 4 torso slots to play with. You can mount all equipments on your torso slots. You get 5 more points.

-Small: You are the size of a small child. -25% to all Strength and Endurance checks. +40% to Agility checks.You can use weapons and armors. Armors needs to be designed for your size. Weapons are too large for you and need more Strength to wield properly. Pick any of these configurations:
+Standard bipedal: 2 torso slots, 1 arm slot for each arm (2 arms), 1 leg slot for each leg (2 legs).
+Floating torso: 3 torso slots, 2 arm slot for each arm(2 arms). No leg slot. 1 free thruster mounted on torso, which mean you effectively have 2 slots. The thruster can be switched out for 3 legs, each with 1 slots
+Crawler: 3 Torso slots, 1 leg slots for each leg (4 legs)
+Ball: 4 Torso slots. 1 free thruster take up 1 slot.​
Normal: You are the size of a normal human. Pick any of these configurations:
+Standard bipedal: 3 torso slots, 2 arm slot for each arm (2 arms), 2 leg slot for each leg (2 legs).
+Floating torso: 4 torso slots, 3 arm slot for each arm(2 arms). No leg slot. 1 free thruster mounted on torso, which mean you effectively have 3 slots. The thruster can be switched out for 4 legs, each with 1 slots
+Crawler: 4 Torso slots, 2 leg slots for each leg (4 legs)​

Large: You are the size of an Ogre. +25% to all Strength and Endurance checks. -25% to all Agility Checks. You are large and cannot use most equipments designed for normal people. Your size also make you more noticible. Pick any of these configurations:
+Standard bipedal: 4 torso slots, 3 arm slot for each arm (2 arms), 3 leg slot for each leg (2 legs).
+Floating torso: 5 torso slots, 4 arm slot for each arm(2 arms). No leg slot. 1 free thruster mounted on torso, which mean you effectively have 4 slots. The thruster can be switched out for 4 legs, each with 2 slots
+Crawler: 5 Torso slots, 3 leg slots for each leg (4 legs)​

Huge: You are a warmachine built to destroy. +50% to all Strength and Endurance checks. -50% to all Agility checks. -30% to all social checks except for intimidation. +30% to intimidation checks. You cannot use equipments. Pick any of these configurations:
+Standard bipedal: 5 torso slots, 4 arm slot for each arm (2 arms), 4 leg slot for each leg (2 legs).
+Floating torso: 6 torso slots, 5 arm slot for each arm(2 arms). No leg slot. 1 free thruster mounted on torso, which mean you effectively have 5 slots. The thruster can be switched out for 4 legs, each with 3 slots
+Crawler: 6 Torso slots, 4 leg slots for each leg (4 legs)​

These are the extra packages that come on a robots. Some of them can be taken multiple times. Others, marked with *, cannot.
Logic Matrix (1): +10% to all intelligence checks
Social Programing (1 for tiny to small robots, 2 for normal sized bots, 3 for large bots, 5 for huge bots ): Remove your innate social penalty . Everytime you take this after the first time, you get +5% to all social checks.
Combat Protocol (1): +10% to all combat checks.
Medical Routine (1): +10% to healing checks.
Maintance Routine (1): +10% to all mechanical checks.
Shielded (2): Reduce EMP and electric damage taken by 20%
Armored (1): Increase your damage resistance by 15%
Agile Design* (6 for large and 8 for huge): Remove your size based Agility penalty
Strong Design* (3): Grant 25% damage resistance.
Disposable Design*(3): You don't need your body that much. As long as your central core survive, the destruction of your body is merely an inconvience.
Sensor Suite* (2): You gained radar, sonar, and electromagnetic vision.
Transport.*(4): Available to huge robots only. You have room to carry 6 men inside you.
Restraining Bolts* (-10): Someone didn't want to take any chance with you. You cannot do anything without direct order. You cannot attack, even in retaliation, unless allowed.
Short-sighted Power Scheme* (-5): You were built around an internal combustion engine or a battery and requires regular top up.
Shoddy Engineering* (-5): You weren't built with the greatest care and requires regular maintainces.

Equipment: Equipments are mounted on your body parts and take up the slots. (I'm not finished with this part yet).
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So how do I spend points? Pretty new to this forum-RPing thing.
Well, for traits, you have 5 points to spend by default. All traits have the cost listed in () next to their name. Traits with negative cost actually give you point. Just pick what you want and add/subtract as needed. As long as your point is not negative at the end, you're good.

It's like distributing attributes in video game character creation.
Well, for traits, you have 5 points to spend by default. All traits have the cost listed in () next to their name. Traits with negative cost actually give you point. Just pick what you want and add/subtract as needed. As long as your point is not negative at the end, you're good.

It's like distributing attributes in video game character creation.

In character sheet that I sent to Prodigy or here? Maybe an example of a character sheet?
Character Sheet Example
Example character sheet:

Name: Big. dumb thing

Traits: 5 points to spend (5 more on basic and power traits only from Homo Superior)
Bull's Strength x5 (Cost 5)
Bear's Endurance x5 (Cost 5)
Dimwitted x5 (Cost -5)
Only a mother can love x5 (Cost -5)

Weapon Master (Fists) x4 (Cost 2)
Insane (Cost-5)
Rude (Cost -2)

Super (Bull's Strength) (Cost 5)
Super (Bear's Endurance) (Cost 5)

Age: 5

Gender: None


Smash things. Kill things.

Race: Homo Superior

Strengths: Very strong

Drawbacks: Very Dumb

Background: A big, dumb thing that was created by a GM to illustrate character creation.

Basic character description: A big, dumb things

Overview of bonuses:

Health: 69
Use 6d20 with a flat +20 bonus for all strength related roll. Add 50 damage to all melee and unarmed attack.
Use 2d20+8 for unarmed attack. 20% DR penetration
100% damage reduction.​
Overview of penalties:
Use a D5 for all intelligent and social rolls with a flat penalty of -25.
(Gene Stabilizer) Addiction.​

Ok, yeah, 5 trait points instead of 18. I don't think we need that big of a number. Is this ok @The Prodigy?

Also, in the process of making this guy, I changed true damage to DR ignoring because it was insane the way it was.

Also, looking at its bonus damage and its health, I do believe tanking traits need a buff. We should change base HP to 15 and the dice on Bear's Endurance to 1d20. Nope, I'm dumb. May change d10 to flat 10.

Finally, basic traits was too easy to level up. As shown here, you can easily hit 10, thus getting the special bonus from Super(X), without much efforts. Probably need to balance that a little bit.
munchkinomatic threw 10 10-faced dice. Reason: Rolling for bonus health Total: 59
4 4 10 10 9 9 9 9 5 5 1 1 7 7 5 5 8 8 1 1
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Any word on what the magic is like? What kind of Arts are there, what can we do with them?
Announment: As my example sheet've shown, negative basic traits are broken. I'm adding that you can only have 2 level of each trait.
Announment: As my example sheet've shown, negative basic traits are broken. I'm adding that you can only have 2 level of each trait.
You just destroyed my app!


By the way Munchkin, since you seem to have experience under your belt, mind helping me with a ability? I've never really played RPs with dicerolls before so I'm struggling to figure out how make this ability work.