Recruitment for an Original-World IC Roleplay - GMs, Players, and Storybuilders

Are you interested in being a player or a GM?

  • Yes, not as a GM, but I'm interested in moderating.

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I think we use IC and OOC to refer to the thread, not the game it self. The OOC thread is where we talk about the game as the players, while the IC thread is where we describe how Testosterone McMan just punched Dr Evil in the gut and is in the process of tap-dancing on his doomsday device.
I gots it now. oki

I shall be heading off for now everyone. Post here and PM me if you have questions.
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Post here and PM me if you have questions.


Anyway, part of the reason why I've never properly gotten into RPing here on SV is due to time constraints, basically real life stuff. I realise that's not a very good reason, and plenty of people do fine despite of real life responsibilities, but I have my hands full quite often.

So, if I were to join, and knowing my hectic unpredictable schedule:

1. Will I get left behind if I'm MIA for a few days for whatever reasons
2. If RL does gets in the way to the point I am not contributing enough, can I drop out?

@Hykal94, your avatar is adorable and you should feel adorable.


Vote Hykal94 for Councillor
This is a kickstarter for an original-world IC roleplay.

We need more than that.

Kickstarter is probably a bad phrase to use (Given the money connotation)

Original-world (0 Info so far) .

Ic Roleplay (Thats all of them still no information).

A lot of what I do is little based on numbers, and more based on literary and intelligent argument.

Numbers are critical for many intelligent arguments.

You start out with a character sheet, one per player, which lists all of the abilities that you would use in the RP.

No one can make a sheet with abilities, since we know NOTHING about the game.

I want to play a demi-god dragon ninja wizard that has a kung-fu style based off of pole dancing. (Named Joe Firedick)

Since I have 0 setting information I have no idea how inappropriate or fitting that actually is.

I'm not a fan of roleplays where all you do is fight- you don't even know "Why is this fight happening?" "Why are the fighters countering eachother's moves so much?" "Have these characters even met eachother before?" Though I have realized on multiple occasions (unfortunately) that is a majority of OOC roleplay because characters are built for a battle (and therefor the players make their characters immensely OP).

So players building for combat, thats a few part thing.

People countering each other is because thats what fights look like cinematic-ally.
(Kung-fu movies come to mind)

Characters are built for combat because story telling and RP is about conflict.
The easiest way to present conflict players care about, is by putting there lives on the line.

People just don't care about the green mages of freintide before a few weeks or months of RP.

Thats all before there's an inherent punishment in not being combat focused.
No one wants to have there Character die. Combat focused characters have a much higher chance of living.

So you have to have an interesting premise of lots of non combat conflict to get the type of characters you want and since you have no premise that won't happen.
Why so vague? Am I allowed to come and go from the RP?

Anyway, part of the reason why I've never properly gotten into RPing here on SV is due to time constraints, basically real life stuff. I realise that's not a very good reason, and plenty of people do fine despite of real life responsibilities, but I have my hands full quite often.

So, if I were to join, and knowing my hectic unpredictable schedule:

1. Will I get left behind if I'm MIA for a few days for whatever reasons
2. If RL does gets in the way to the point I am not contributing enough, can I drop out?

Vote Hykal94 for Councillor
1. No, you will not be left behind. If a player has been gone for a week it will most likely not make any difference when they join again. If a player has been gone for a month, then they will have to read through all unread parts of the thread, and PM myself or a Moderator so we can do a side RP with you as catch-up.
2. Yes, you are allowed to drop out. I understand that my players do not live on the computer and have real life responsibilities. My RP is NOT Sword Art Online, you may come and go as you wish so long as you update yourself when you return. If you feel the absolute necessity to drop out completely please PM me before doing so.

No one can make a sheet with abilities, since we know NOTHING about the game.

I want to play a demi-god dragon ninja wizard that has a kung-fu style based off of pole dancing. (Named Joe Firedick)

Since I have 0 setting information I have no idea how inappropriate or fitting that actually is.
Hey bro. I did give you setting information: Post-apocalyptic world
The reason I am being so vague is because I don't want you to design your character to the world they are in to make them an all-powerful god of the universe. Your character can be whatever creature you want it to be - just be sure to balance its advantages and drawbacks. You make a cool character; you are more than welcome to play a demi-god dragon ninja wizard that... erm... no pole dancing- I don't want this RP to turn into a strawberry.
So players building for combat, thats a few part thing.

People countering each other is because thats what fights look like cinematic-ally.
(Kung-fu movies come to mind)

Characters are built for combat because story telling and RP is about conflict.
The easiest way to present conflict players care about, is by putting there lives on the line.

People just don't care about the green mages of freintide before a few weeks or months of RP.

Thats all before there's an inherent punishment in not being combat focused.
No one wants to have there Character die. Combat focused characters have a much higher chance of living.

So you have to have an interesting premise of lots of non combat conflict to get the type of characters you want and since you have no premise that won't happen.

I gave you a premise. Deal with it.
We need more than that.

Kickstarter is probably a bad phrase to use (Given the money connotation)

Original-world (0 Info so far) .

Ic Roleplay (Thats all of them still no information).

Numbers are critical for many intelligent arguments.

No one can make a sheet with abilities, since we know NOTHING about the game.

I want to play a demi-god dragon ninja wizard that has a kung-fu style based off of pole dancing. (Named Joe Firedick)

Since I have 0 setting information I have no idea how inappropriate or fitting that actually is.

So players building for combat, thats a few part thing.

People countering each other is because thats what fights look like cinematic-ally.
(Kung-fu movies come to mind)

Characters are built for combat because story telling and RP is about conflict.
The easiest way to present conflict players care about, is by putting there lives on the line.

People just don't care about the green mages of freintide before a few weeks or months of RP.

Thats all before there's an inherent punishment in not being combat focused.
No one wants to have there Character die. Combat focused characters have a much higher chance of living.

So you have to have an interesting premise of lots of non combat conflict to get the type of characters you want and since you have no premise that won't happen.
Actually, I believe the reason for this vagueness is that we haven't really figured out what the hell we're doing yet :V
We need more than that.

Kickstarter is probably a bad phrase to use (Given the money connotation)

Original-world (0 Info so far) .

Ic Roleplay (Thats all of them still no information).

Numbers are critical for many intelligent arguments.

No one can make a sheet with abilities, since we know NOTHING about the game.

I want to play a demi-god dragon ninja wizard that has a kung-fu style based off of pole dancing. (Named Joe Firedick)

Since I have 0 setting information I have no idea how inappropriate or fitting that actually is.

So players building for combat, thats a few part thing.

People countering each other is because thats what fights look like cinematic-ally.
(Kung-fu movies come to mind)

Characters are built for combat because story telling and RP is about conflict.
The easiest way to present conflict players care about, is by putting there lives on the line.

People just don't care about the green mages of freintide before a few weeks or months of RP.

Thats all before there's an inherent punishment in not being combat focused.
No one wants to have there Character die. Combat focused characters have a much higher chance of living.

So you have to have an interesting premise of lots of non combat conflict to get the type of characters you want and since you have no premise that won't happen.

Your characters can be soully fighting but there are other ways to go about it like for example talking your way out of a battle can be just as fun as fighting through it, for crying out loud if your convincing skills are high enough you could convince a locked door to open
Your characters can be soully fighting but there are other ways to go about it like for example talking your way out of a battle can be just as fun as fighting through it, for crying out loud if your convincing skills are high enough you could convince a locked door to open

Ya know, like Undertale! ;)
The reason I am being so vague is because I don't want you to design your character to the world they are in to make them an all-powerful god of the universe. Your character can be whatever creature you want it to be - just be sure to balance its advantages and drawbacks.
The thing is, what balance do you expect the level of drawbacks to be? Would Eto be balanced enough, immune to pretty much anything a conventional army (emphasis on conventional, as in modern day) could throw at her without breaking out the really big guns (I'm talking missiles/bombs. Something above Anti-tank), but counterbalanced by the fact she has to eat human flesh? Would a Gravity Child be balanced, extremely skilled in an odd form of combat (combat on Rollerskates, if you were wondering. Really good at it though.), but a psychological mess (well, most of them)? Would Kyouko Kirigiri be balanced, with rather powerful pyrokinesis (by her setting's standards) and no drawbacks? How about Revy? (Don't make me explain Revy). Balancing advantages and drawbacks depends on power levels. All of the people I mentioned here could be absolutely curbstomed by Krillin (Cell Saga), and he's considered weak amongst his universe. On the counter side, even Revy would be considered unbalanced, if you put her in the 1400's and gave her enough ammo. While the genre is essential knowledge to building a character, by itself it is not sufficient.

I mean, I'd love to play an Eto expy in this world. It'd amuse the heck out of me. But there is a non negligible chance she'd break the setting over her (rather small) back.
Insider here: the main reason as to why so little information was given was that we no clue what's going on. :V
Given that you seem to Know ShitTM​, can you tell me if any of the characters I listed are about the right balance, please?
Still no word on the setting we're in from Prodigy yet. Sorry.

All I know is that each character will have some superpower (at least there's a power tab for char creation). He mentioned Cyclop as an example, so maybe Marvel?

I would prefer something Borderland-ish, to be honest.
Borderlands setting would be cool. I'd rather prefer something more Dishonoured esque, tho. Tech and Fantasy tropes!
Color me interested. I'd rather be a player than a Mod since I have no experience being in a leadership role on the internet.

Anyways, from what I've gathered in the thread, the setting's post-apocalyptic, and the characters can have all sorts of fancy powers/tech at their disposal. Pretty barebones so far, but I guess we're supposed to help world-build? Am I right in assuming that?
Anyways, from what I've gathered in the thread, the setting's post-apocalyptic, and the characters can have all sorts of fancy powers/tech at their disposal. Pretty barebones so far, but I guess we're supposed to help world-build? Am I right in assuming that?
So far, only the mods is on the world building, but I see no reason why players can't join in.

As right now, we are using the Aperture method of throwing Science at the wall an see what stick. Except Science is settings and the wall is @The Prodigy.

The problem is that our wall hasn't been online for 48h and is most likely Marina Joyce'd.
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