Recruitment for an Original-World IC Roleplay - GMs, Players, and Storybuilders

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So far, only the mods is on the world building, but I see no reason why players can't join in.

As right now, we are using the Aperture method of throwing Science at the wall an see what stick. Except Science is settings and the wall is @TheProdigy.

The problem is that our wall hasn't been online for 48h and is most likely Marina Joyce'd.
So, have the mods shared anything on the setting?
So, have the mods shared anything on the setting?
We decided on just pitching ideas and cherry pick the best elements. Still no word from our boss on his directions.

We have two so far. One is a lost colony on a death world. The other is a Waterworld/One Piece/From the Depths inspired wooden ships and iron men.
We decided on just pitching ideas and cherry pick the best elements. Still no word from our boss on his directions.

We have two so far. One is a lost colony on a death world. The other is a Waterworld/One Piece/From the Depths inspired wooden ships and iron men.
Naval Warfare?

Why not? I'm still hung over Arpeggio, but I don't expect us to be toting futuristic weaponry considering how our ships are made of wood. I hardly know anything of naval warfare and the specifics of running a ship, but I've already gotten several ideas for characters and their vessels.
Naval Warfare?

Why not? I'm still hung over Arpeggio, but I don't expect us to be toting futuristic weaponry considering how our ships are made of wood. I hardly know anything of naval warfare and the specifics of running a ship, but I've already gotten several ideas for characters and their vessels.
Everything's subjected to changes, of course. This is all raw waiting to be processed.
Speaking of post-apocalyptic setting, one of the more interesting I have seen is from KingGainer.

Basically the world became a snowy wasteland and controlled by railway corporations while the main characters decided to rebel and break away from their control in search for the recovered land from the disaster.
Everyone wants a setting (and OMG @Estro and @Hykal94 I'm laughing my face off).

Here it is. We still have some stuff to tweak but this is it so far:
The setting in my mind is an Earth Like planet abandoned by Humanity for the most part after an unknown event thousands of years ago, mostly due to the terraforming efforts failing to work fully.

Humanity cut their losses and left the planet to save money. Those who chose to stay were left to die on the hostile world of unstable gravity in some places and large, unintelligent, hostile Methane based lifeforms in certain parts of the world.

The terraforming process slowly converted the planet into a earth like world, the Methane based lifeforms having mostly died off, some managing to survive in caves with natural Methane pockets. One became intelligent.

The Humanity that survived on the world watched as (Insert number here.) different intelligent creatures emerged on the nine continents of the planet, including those in the ocean and the methane ones.

The world's gravity has a higher gravity difference in some parts of the world, where earth has a small less than two percentage difference at best, This world has as much as 200% difference in either direction, resulting in massive mountains in low gravity locations where the seismic plates are in friction.

(23% Land unlike the 21% of earth.)

There is one Magic in the world, but it comes in multiple forms with different rules and power called Arts, all based on the person's different factors. (Mind, body, soul, ect.)

Religion is a very tense subject, humanity is generally seen as an enemy to most gods and demons for an unknown reason, but favored by others. Humans claim that it is because Humanity fought gods before, without divine help and won through technological force.

Huamnity no longer has most of it's impressive technology on this planet, but they are still the most advanced race on the planet, attempting to build themselves up to leave the planet and rejoin humanity. They are few in numbers.
Character Sheet
Also, Character Sheet:

Name: (Nicknames are allowed. In form of: Last, First Middle.)(Middle names and last names are optional.)

Traits: (10 REPRESENTS MAX) (18 Points to Build)

(See Traits)

Age: (How old do you look, and how old are you really?)

Gender: (Male, Female, or no gender?)

Appearance: (What does your character look like?)

Hobbies: (What are some things your character is inclined to or enjoys doing?)

Race: (With Desc.)

Abilities: (For example, my character can shoot lasers out of his eyes like Cyclops.)

Strengths: (For example, my character is highly intelligent.)

Drawbacks: (For example, despite being intelligent, my character's downfall is that his/her vitality is low.)

Background: (Backstory essentially.)

Basic character description: (Not your backstory. Just a summary of your entire character sheet, 3-5 sentences.)
And Four rules to a spectacular roleplay:

1. Rolls
: Each action in player-player interaction or player-world interaction will have a difficulty check. The players will roll a certain amount of dice for a action check to try to match or exceed the difficulty.

2. When do I roll?: Unless a player is trying to elicit something in another player during conversation, normal conversation doesn't require an difficulty-action check. Unless you have a goal for an action you're trying to make you do not have to make an action check.

For example:
I want to smack someone upside the head just because. NO CHECK.
I want to smack someone upside the head to knock them out. ACTION CHECK REQUIRED.

3. Character Creation: Instead of using stats and attributes, we will use traits. Traits will provide a basic framework and description for characters and their capability. These traits can be bought using the point given out and will grant bonuses and penalties mostly to action check, but there are exceptions. Some traits give penalties but have negative cost.

For example:
Strong: This character is strong. +1 to all strength related activities. Cost 2 points
Fast: This character is fast. +1 to all speed related activities. Cost 2 points
Pyrophobia: This character has a crippling fear of fire. -1 to all activities when in the vicinity of a large fire. Cost -4 points.

These traits, once picked, can be leveled up via natural character growth, giving bigger bonuses along the way. As for negative trait, they may grow more severe or go away, depending on what happens in-game. If a character who had Pyrophobia successfully punched a flame elemental to death with his bare hand, the trait could go away, but if he received nasty fire-related injuries that further entrench his fear, it will grow worse.

4. Player Character Roles and Interacting With GMs (roles not rolls): Because of the way character design works, players will have to work off of eachother to achieve some things. Some of you will have challenges where your only option is to work together and milk off eachother's strengths; the more you work off eachother, the happier the GMs will be to give you a sufficient "out" for the situation.

Got an idea already. Will write it tomorrow. Need sleep now.

Either a Bowgunner, a picklesaurus rex, or someone with a really long sword.

Just know they'll all be vaguely Monster Hunter-ish. :D
Should I just let you guys handle trait creation? I was writing a list to pick from, but this seem infinitely better.
Indeed. Best give rules about things we are explicitly not allowed or can't do.
You should probably do it. Else you'll get balance issues as I try to make Eto.

(One day there will be a game powerful enough for me to play Eto. One day)
Just so Prodigy doesn't just say yes blindly, have an old char sheet for Eto. Which is underpowered due to the fact the manga has progressed since then.
Username: Estro

Avatar: Eto, also known as Takasuki Sen or the One Eyed Owl

Normal Eto, in civvies
Normal Eto, not civvies
Eto's Kagune
Eto as Kakuja

Universe of Origin: Tokyo Ghoul

Equipment: A hood cloak combo, bandages and normal civvie clothing, a pair of glasses.(will either wear glasses and civvies, or bandages and cloak. Or nothing, if she has used her Kakuja).

Powers and Abilities: Eto is the most powerful Ghoul seen thus far in the series, possessing an SSS ranking. She is very well-versed in manipulation and psychological warfare, capable of mentally breaking down a person's current mindset and forcing them to accept her ideas with relative ease. She possesses incredible agility, able to readjust her position at a speed where it seems like she teleported. She has exceptional reflexes, shown when she ripped out parts of Banjou's ribcage without him noticing until it had taken place. Eto is much stronger than most ghouls, evident by her attacks in CCG headquarters and the number of investigators that she has killed as the One Eyed Owl, shown when she easily subdues a team of high class investigators prior to Arima's arrival whereas Yoshimura had trouble fending off the same investigators' cooperative attacks. She is the strongest and most dangerous ghoul to date with 6-8 Kakuhous that help expand her kagune abilities.

Ukaku Kagune: Eto's kagune takes the form of two muscular blades on her shoulder blades and a plumage of feathers that can shoot bullets similar to her father's. Due to the high number of kakuhous in her body, her kagune abilities are very diversified. Combined with her knowledge about the Kagune, and her creativity, Eto's skill with her kagune is far more advanced than most ghouls shown so far. After the timeskip, her kagune takes the form of multiple grotesque appendages attached to her back. The appendages can be shaped into eyes, mouths, arms, and legs in order to suit Eto's purposes. They appear to be sentient as they speak and express their opinions about Kanae's flesh tasting terrible and encouraging Eto to kill him. Like Nutcracker, her kagune is also detachable, capable of ensnaring her opponents with relative ease.
Kakuja Kagune: Due to living in the 24th ward where the number of ghouls are much higher than humans, Eto had to cannibalize ghouls at an early age and quickly became a kakuja. Ten years ago, Eto's kakuja formed two large scimitar blades from her shoulders to counteract the close-combat weakness that most ukaku ghouls have. With two large blades, she could cover the distance between her opponents, parrying incoming attacks and striking back synchronously. Eto's first kakuja kagune also formed a mask with one hole on the right eye's position and three zigzag lines on the left, with two lines at the mouth's position slanted downwards, deceptively similar to her father's mask. In her current full kakuja form, Eto takes the appearance of a large, monstrous creature with her Ukaku kagune growing into large spikes protruding from her back, has four scimitar blades instead of two from her shoulders, large bird-like feet, and her mask develops four horns and has a single eye in the center with three markings on the left and right cheek and the forehead. In this form, she is nearly unstoppable. While her ukaku kagune covers middle to far distances, her Kakuja cuts down those in front; it's almost impossible to escape her reach. Her ukaku kagune is also capable of shooting projectiles large enough to overwhelm most seasoned investigators with ease and her physical strength is augmented to the point where she is able to knock out an Arata Proto equipped Yukitori Shinohara and Iwao Kuroiwa through brute force alone. Unlike most kakujas, she is able to maintain her consciousness. So far, Kishou Arima has been the only combatant able to stand on equal footing with Eto in this form.
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Got an idea already. Will write it tomorrow. Need sleep now.

Either a Bowgunner, a picklesaurus rex, or someone with a really long sword.

Just know they'll all be vaguely Monster Hunter-ish. :D
Cool! Be sure to give me a race desc! ^-^
You should probably do it. Else you'll get balance issues as I try to make Eto.

(One day there will be a game powerful enough for me to play Eto. One day)

Ah, sorry to further delay your character creation process then.

@The Prodigy
Hey boss! We need a definite answer for this one! What's the power level?
IT'S OVER 9000! lol

Okay, I don't really care what your power level is so long as you have a sufficient downfall for each advantage or trait. Currently we're working on traits and advantages and drawbacks. I'll be posting a couple of race descriptions soon-ish. I do however want you to make an ORIGINAL CHARACTER that you haven't seen or used before. (Therefore Eto would not be a valid original character as she is from Tokyo Ghoul @Estro ...even though she is admittedly a really boss character.)
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Hmm. No Cat, no Chesh, not Kasute, no Kat, no Catherine...

Why are all my OCs Cat based?

I have no idea.

Also, what counts as sufficient? Like, that's the point. Is the natural state of a ghoul sufficient? Would it need more drawbacks? Less?
Is magic okay? Is melee okay? Is guns okay?

At what point do you need to put your foot down and say no? Like maybe, nothing more crazy than 40k for instance?