Buckle up kids, time for the story of Fate/Apocrypha
it's about the Third Grail War, which happened in WWII
no, not
that Third Grail War
this one had Nazis
So Joan of Arc is summoned as the Ruler class Servant
who is totally impartial and fair
except she isn't
so she spends the entire plot trying to get into the pants of some invincible Norwegian dude
or something
probably because he has a skill that makes him never have money problems
entirely disregarding her comrade-in-arms Gilles de Rais
who had a very obvious crush on her
and also has a skill that makes him never run out of money, only better
I'm starting to see a pattern here
Captain Norway dies, so she goes after the guy who is kinda like Norwegian dude except not really?
he also ate the Norwegian dude's heart, but that's not important right now
so there's this japanese guy who can do ALL THE MAGIC
by uniting his right hand and left hand
probably for some kinda magical double backhand or something
he is magic's
pimp manager, you see
he also has an army of demigods
but here's the fun part
all those demigods and the guy who all the magic
have to fight
*Undertaker Theme Song*
now I'm sure you remember
this guy
he made, like, a billion kebabs for the Order of the Dragon's barbecue block party
and he rips Spartacus a new one with his steaks stakes
Spartacus is pretty metal, so that's not an easy thing to do
and then suddenly dragons
the end