You know, speaking of Rider of Black, I just noticed something funny, in LXG Orlando was a gender-changing inmortal, in Orlando Furioso, I'm pretty sure Bradamante disguises herself or is mistaken for her twin brother, and we all know about Canon!Rider of Black, so all of the three cousins have something weird on their gender...
Oddly enough I've only gotten black keys the one time so far

The issue is that I just want more is all. I need fucking Sasaki, though.



Just keep using me in combat, TehChron. I need the Saviour of France as well, you know.

Just ignore the fact that I keep not using you in favour of Lupine's Level 30-ish CuChulainn and a random stranger's Level 50 Heracles.
Just keep using me in combat, TehChron. I need the Saviour of France as well, you know.

Just ignore the fact that I keep not using you in favour of Lupine's Level 30-ish CuChulainn and a random stranger's Level 50 Heracles.
Why would I use your meatshielder when I can rely on a sexy level 50 Emiya, Siegfried, or Attila instead?
Im workin' on the update

But I also wound up being silly and created a Fate/Extra RP while suspended

I've just got so many Servant ideas and nowhere else to put them...:(

So I figured that I'd just use them to kill people in PvP! :V
A relevant line of thought generated over on F/ES:
Buckle up kids, time for the story of Fate/Apocrypha
it's about the Third Grail War, which happened in WWII
no, not that Third Grail War
this one had Nazis

So Joan of Arc is summoned as the Ruler class Servant
who is totally impartial and fair
except she isn't
so she spends the entire plot trying to get into the pants of some invincible Norwegian dude
or something
probably because he has a skill that makes him never have money problems
entirely disregarding her comrade-in-arms Gilles de Rais
who had a very obvious crush on her
and also has a skill that makes him never run out of money, only better
I'm starting to see a pattern here

Captain Norway dies, so she goes after the guy who is kinda like Norwegian dude except not really?
he also ate the Norwegian dude's heart, but that's not important right now

so there's this japanese guy who can do ALL THE MAGIC
by uniting his right hand and left hand
probably for some kinda magical double backhand or something
he is magic's pimp manager, you see
he also has an army of demigods

but here's the fun part
all those demigods and the guy who all the magic
have to fight

*Undertaker Theme Song*

now I'm sure you remember this guy
he made, like, a billion kebabs for the Order of the Dragon's barbecue block party
and he rips Spartacus a new one with his steaks stakes
Spartacus is pretty metal, so that's not an easy thing to do

and then suddenly dragons
the end
Alright, so this is like Fate/Apocrypha
except without Joan of Arc trying to get in the pants of every rich dude with a pulse
or Joan of Arc at all, for that matter

Spartacus is also American now
don't ask
just salute and stay out of his way
while he liberates all of Eastern Europe
he might also be the bastard lovechild of King Ghidorah and a shoggoth
which is sufficiently metal for Spartacus
just imagine that shit on an album cover
with his dragon heads and spider legs and floppy arms

so you've got these three dudes: Isaac Hemostrus, Aaron Gentiles and Andrew Jackson
yes, that Andrew Jackson
the second craziest son of a bitch to ever pop out of America
(the first is Spartacus)
together they are the Three Musketeers

anyway, there's a whole bunch of other people who aren't important
except Achilles
the dude from the Illiad who can open beer bottles with his eyelids and really gets around
like, with everything and everyone
he also made Ajax cry over his armor or something
I dunno
thankfully Cu Chulainn isn't there
otherwise they'd just team up and murderbone the whole planet

but don't worry
if they murderbone the whole planet, the Counter Force will fix things
by burning the planet to death
or maybe there will be suddenly dragons to snatch the ending and fly away with it
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Now, now. It's already well established characterization that Isaac can remember the names of:

1. Himself
2. Achilles
3. Bazett

Everybody else is fair game, though.