I thought you guys were gonna do the nipple thing instead?

Pecs. Isaac shoots the high pressure jets of Mercury from his pecs. It sounds much more manly and dignified.

Bazett is a reverse harem protagonist.

"Now let me get this straight, my disciple." Bazett said, her hands curling into fists. "You decided that you needed to kill Aaron, Lord El Melloi, my Servant, and Sisigou to 'protect my chastity". Is that right?"

Isaac gulped, and opened his mouth to explain that really, worded like that it sounded a lot worse than it was, this was all a big misunderstanding...and then he noticed Achilles, his face pressed against the window as he watched his Master's meeting with his Master.

You're doing great! The Greek hero mouthed into the glass. Now, imitate my movements as best you can! The Servant's hands begin to slide over the glass, as if he were sensuously caressing an unseen female form in some very inappropriate places, and so what emerged from Isaac's throat was not an articulate defense of his motivations, but:



"Yes, Master!"

"This street covers fifteen miles through the city before looping back around to the hotel. I expect you to run the length of it. In laps"

"Yes, Master! For how long?"

"Until I say you can stop."
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Tikki Balour was @Nanimani 's protaganist application, right? The dragon girl? I don't recall her being quite that pants wettingly terrifying...or did she get some upgrades?
inb4 Baz summons True Rider, the King of Conquerors



Isaac: Red Rider
Moira: Red Archer
Freelancer Art Girl: Red Caster
Kairi: Red Saber
Tikki: ????
Shirou Kotomime: ????
Bazett: ?????

The missing classes are Lancer, Berserker, and Assassin.

Berserker was mentioned in the "Surprise! Shakespeare roofies!" Update, so assuming TehChron really meant "Canon is the surprise" that must be Kotomine's Servant. (I assume Kotomine and Shakespeare have already formed their "Let's do it for the drama!" pact, if they've met what's her name must have met Kotomine's Servant).

That leaves Lancer and Assassin for Tikki and Bazett. Cuchulain qualifies for both classes. And he has enough Divinity to break Amarath, and Achilles isn't lucky enough to no sell Gae Bolg if he turns up as Lancer.

Damn, this just got complicated.
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Isaac: Red Rider
Moira: Red Archer
Freelancer Art Girl: Red Caster
Kairi: Red Saber
Tikki: ????
Shirou Kotomime: ????
Bazett: ?????

The missing classes are Lancer, Berserker, and Assassin.

Berserker was mentioned in the "Surprise! Shakespeare roofies!" Update, so assuming really meant TehChron meant "Canon is the surprise" that must be Kotomine's Servant. (I assume Kotomine and Shakespeare have already formed their "Let's do it for the drama!" pact, if they've met what's her name must have met Kotomine's Servant).

That leaves Lancer and Assassin for Tikki and Bazett. Cuchulain qualifies for both classes. And he has enough Divinity to break Amarath, and Achilles isn't lucky enough to no sell Gae Bolg if he turns up as Lancer.

Damn, this just got complicated.
Look, bud. You're looking at this the wrong way.

We shouldn't be worried about Lancer being able to kill Rider.

We should be worried about the two of them. Together. In close proximity to each other.

This is going to be a disaster. The two unluckiest Servants in the same town - nay, the same continent...!
Look, bud. You're looking at this the wrong way.

We shouldn't be worried about Lancer being able to kill Rider.

We should be worried about the two of them. Together. In close proximity to each other.

This is going to be a disaster. The two unluckiest Servants in the same town - nay, the same continent...!
To make matters even worse, you have Mr. "Murdermachine Can't Keep It In His Pants" and Mr."A Dead Person Is Fine, Too"


We don't know Bazett is going to turn up with Lancer Cu. It could just as easily be Assassin Cu, he should qualify (since Hercules does).

It depends on which one TehChron thinks will make our lives more miserable: Tikki with Karna, or Tikki with Semiramis.
Holds up for the Armstrong Teams inevitable Servant Chestbursting.
Oh my.

So...slightly above average?

Unless the roll was for Moira slipping Runes into Isaac's clothing or somesuch for nefarious purposes.
Wade Garrett threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: Wardrobe Issues Total: 35
12 12 7 7 16 16
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