My eyes are crying tears of salt at such good fortune happening in this quest.



Well that escalated quickly :V
TehChron threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: coin toss Total: 1
1 1
TehChron threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Do you find them? Total: 50
50 50
TehChron threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Do you find them first? Total: 49
49 49
TehChron threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: How much time was wasted? Total: 4
4 4
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Rest Stop
[X] Check the leylines (Half a Day)

"Let's check the leylines." You say, "I don't know if he knows some secret trick to faking out that guy from earlier, but it's common sense that if you're going to be attacked one way or another, you might as well set up shop in the most defensible position possible."

Rider smirks in response, "Well said, Master. No reason to second guess ourselves playing "what-ifs". Such a roundabout approach doesn't suit me at all!" He leaps up, grabbing your arm and yanking you clear out of bed, before collecting your personal effects with his other hand.

"H-hold up, Rider!" You cry out, only now noticing the fact that you're not even half decent, your body still covered in bandages where you had been injured during the fighting a day ago.

"There is no need to be so modest, Master. In my day, it was even considered acceptable for men to walk around naked as the day they were born!" Your Servant replies, even as you struggle in vain to free your arm from his vice-like grip.

He continues to frog-march you up until you near the exit to the church, at which point the two of you nearly collide into a red-haired young man, nearly bowling him over, at which point Rider roughly shoves past him and keeps pulling you without skipping a step.

"Excuse me!" A voice calls out from behind you, and you turn back to face the would be red haired victim of Rider's feet.

"Yes?" You reply with as much dignity as you can muster, even as your feet leave small trenches in the dirt from your passage.

"Can I join you two?" The boy asks, pointing at himself.

"And who are you?"

Rider snorts, finally coming to a stop, "The Mediator claims that one to be the Ruler presiding over this war."

Said person bows his head respectfully, "I am called Emiya Shirou. It's nice to meet you." He glances towards your Servant, "Achilles, and…?"

"Isaac Hemostrus." You reply curiously. The boy in front of you doesn't seem to give you the same kind of vibe as Rider, but there is an otherworldly feel to him nonetheless. And he had been aware of Rider's identity immediately, although at this point you'd be surprised if there was no one in this war who was unaware of it. "Why do you wish to join us?"

"To take a look at the battlefield for this war," Shirou answers, "And do whatever I can to limit the harm to other people. Following you around feels…right. I guess the people who go around taking the initiative are the ones most likely to be closest to those who may need my help."

"…Why?" You can't help but ask. Rider looks at the boy curiously, as if faintly amused

"Because it's not right that innocent people be caught up in the conflicts like yours, where no one knows what's happening, and they can die without even knowing anything."He says, expression studiously blank

"But they're just normal people. Hardly worthy of notice, and the stakes of this war are far greater than the lives of a few mundanes." You say, cocking your head to the side in confusion.

"…I'll be the one to determine that, Hemostrus-san." Ruler says, walking over to the gate to the grounds, opening it.

"After you."


"So what you're saying…" You begin, "Is that you weren't summoned directly here, but had to somehow get here from Japan?"

"Yes." Ruler replies, nodding.

"It must have been an adventure." Rider chimes in, looking vastly amused with the whole thing.

"Something along those lines." Ruler says, before glancing around, "Although I likely wouldn't have made it here for another day or so were it not for someone picking me up in a jeep on the Romanian border." He frowns slightly, even as a strong breeze lifts up all of your hair, "It was odd, almost as if she were expecting me."

"Was it a Servant?" You ask.

"I'm…not sure." He frowns, before blinking as glances at Rider, "I can tell you're a Servant just by glancing at you, Achilles-san, and even your name and class. The girl I saw…I couldn't tell. She didn't seem like a Servant from what I could see, but there was no way she was just a normal person." He hums thoughtfully, "That's the impression I got, anyway."

"Interesting." Rider says, cradling his chin, looking off into the distance.


The time passes by quickly, only an hour or two of exploring the city to try and hunt down Kairi Sisigou and Saber of Red, when up ahead you come across something new, a delicious smell wafting towards you, carried by a light breeze. A small bazaar, filled with stands hawking their wares, selling everything from knicknacks to freshly made food lies ahead of you, and you realize that it has been at least two days since you've eaten anything.

A harsh rumbling echoes three times over as you and your companions stare at each other sheepishly, before moving forward into it, inspecting what's on sale. Fortunately, Rider had not removed anything from your traveling bag, giving you access to the Euros you had brought along for purchasing purposes. You stroll slowly down the street, trying to decide on what to buy first when something incongruous catches your eye.

"None of these people are exchanging goods." Rider says, his tone ominous.
"…Why is there a kamidana all the way out here?"
You activate your mystic eyes, and the first thing that you see is the flow of air and ambient prana towards…


What do you do?

[] Get those civilians out of there!

[] Find the source of this, and destroy it!

[] Get out of here!

[]By the Power of my Command Spell
-[] Kill Yourself

[] Write-In
For the record, let it be known that I did not decide to throw you immediately into another ambush

That was the dice's fault.

Blame them, since they are, once again, fucking sentient
[X] Find the source of this, and destroy it!

[Q] By the Power of my Command Spell
-[Q] Use Ruler like a ruler and measure the distance between yourself and the impending doom.
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[X] Find the source of this, and destroy it!

God damn it all to hell, we didnt even have any time to heal from the last ambush! :p
[X] Pose dramatically, letting the cool Romanian breeze rustle the bandages that are all that's keeping you from an indecent exposure charge.


--[X] Find the source of this, and destroy it!
[X] Find the source of this, and destroy it!
-[X] Warn Ruler so he can take the civilians out of there!
[X] Pose dramatically, letting the cool Romanian breeze rustle the bandages that are all that's keeping you from an indecent exposure charge.


--[X] Find the source of this, and destroy it!
This update has

"None of these people are exchanging goods." Rider says, his tone ominous.
"…Why is there a kamidana all the way out here?"
You activate your mystic eyes, and the first thing that you see is the flow of air and ambient prana towards…

It would be nice if I knew what a kamidana was.

[X] Pose dramatically, letting the cool Romanian breeze rustle the bandages that are all that's keeping you from an indecent exposure charge.


--[X] Find the source of this, and destroy it!

I always notice, because I have a program for it.

That's cheating tho.
That's cheating tho.
Which is why I usually don't reveal it for the thread.

Also, you missed these.
"…Why?" You can't help but ask. Rider looks at the boy curiously, as if faintly amused

"Because it's not right that innocent people be caught up in the conflicts like yours, where no one knows what's happening, and they can die without even knowing anything."He says, expression studiously blank
Man, reading on the phone make it so easier to notice where the invisi-text are. The smaller screen made them obvious.