Wakame Sentai, Line Up! - Let's Say We're Fighting So Your Smile Always Stands
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit
The Noble Phantasm that embodies and exemplifies Caster's existence - rather than an object or ability in itself, it would be more accurate to say that the Noble Phantasm in this case is in fact Caster. Matou Shinji is, without fail, a piddling existence that only achieves worth by the how and why of his passing. Defined by his uselessness. A failure through and through. The boy who wished to be Harry Potter and grew up to be Argus Filch.
Throughout the countless worlds that exist within the Kaleidoscope, those observable realms granted meaning and merit simply by virtue of being observed, the possibility of a Matou Shinji who does not fit this description existing is roughly 0.0001%, or one in a million. Despite that, amidst those endless fragments, that one in a million Matou Shinji who could truly be considered a Hero did in fact exist... though the circumstances surrounding his heroism leave much to be desired.
His true nature is that of a member of the Dimensional Empire of MATO who successfully created the weapon Gigantic Sakura through seizing a prominent scientist. Well, he is called a 'member', but he is fundamentally a rogue agent who subverts the will of his grandfather to both aid the townspeople and boost his own self-image, a fully-proclaimed Hero of Justice. While his status as a Counter Guardian can be disputed... it can be said that as children are the future, the World has made a deal with them since their inception. Such is their importance to humanity as a whole.
Apparently, in the infinite Akasha, the dreams of a young Shinji reading Magecraft tomes and aiming to become head of a family just so happened to have occurred. That he is fairly useless as a Servant, and that the best possible fate for him is 'to be summoned by a young Emiya Shirou, bond with his Master, and engage in disgustingly adorable hijinx with him before being horribly slaughtered by an enemy Servant'.
Regardless, Caster's form is a union, a conglomerate of all Matou Shinjis that ever have or ever will be, all compiled on top of the original Heroic Spirit SHINJI. While this would normally be impossible, the 'weight' of these many souls is so infinitely minor that combining them together makes almost no difference to the whole, like adding a decimal value that will inevitably be rounded down and thus become irrelevant once calculations have been completed. There is a Matou Shinji who succeeded as a hacker, so he possesses computing knowledge, a Matou Shinji who excelled at hanafuda grants him high Luck, a Matou Shinji who became a Grail provides functional Magic Circuits, a Matou Shinji who found love, a Matou Shinji who entered the music scene and contracted AIDS, True Magic user Matou Shinji, Matou Shinji whose brother was Matou Shirou, Shinji Matou Yggdmillennia, Shinjiko... Though for whatever reason, a Matou Shinji who was a a magnificent archer does not appear to exist, perhaps because the idea of emptying oneself and dismissing the ego found in Kyuudou clashes terribly with his personality.
Well, yes. To be more precise, Caster may at any time invoke this Noble Phantasm, causing his hair to turn a colourful rainbow shade, before dividing himself into the five Wakame Sentai who represent the highest level of his abilities. These five Wakame Sentai each have their original personalities heavily influenced by Caster's own and are thus incapable of infighting, whilst also possessing individual unique Noble Phantasms.
Wakame Paradise - If I'm a Bad Boy, Will You Scold Me?
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit
The personal Noble Phantasm of Wakame Blue, whose specialty is being the leader (while one would naturally assume Red to fill this role... one must remember this is Matou Shinji) and being able to drink a whole cup of coffee!
Of these, Wakame Blue is the closest to the 'original' Caster that exists, and in turn this Noble Phantasm is the only one that has an effect before dividing into the five Sentai. Wakame Paradise is a passive effect that surrounds Caster, both distorting his own perception of reality and that of those around him through extending his Disproportionate Self-Image skill; in other words, it causes Caster and everyone observing him to view his low-level acts of Formalcraft as being far more impressive and threatening than they actually are, and even mundane acts can be romanticised to the level that they appear supernatural. While it is the only ability among those presented here that he held as a Hero, Caster himself does not appear to be aware of this effect, and revealing it to him would no doubt be devastating. ... On a side note, perhaps due to the influence of the other Matou Shinjis that have been incorporated into him, Wakame Paradise has gained two additional effects when all five Sentai are deployed. First, Caster's Charisma is temporarily increased to A, causing observers to become both oddly attracted to him and more willing to forgive him for even the most heinous of acts (experts may identify this as 'Did Nothing Wrong'-level Vilification, on the level where it may even breach the narrative), yet at the same time this Charisma may be immediately replaced with an A rank in the Quality as a Target of Abuse skill, instead causing onlookers to become obsessed with causing mental and physical pain to Caster regardless of the consequences. The two skills will proceed to swap intermittently for as long as Wakame Blue exists.
The second effect is the result of a Matou Shinji who, like the rest, was a failure at life and yet was able to find his one true rival in the art of hanafuda. It is a Noble Phantasm that bests befits a boy defined by his mess of inferiority complexes, one that distorts Caster's power to share these feelings of inadequacy with the world - after Wakame Blue is deployed, he will passively collect Wakame Power while alive. At any time where he is about to be defeated, he may shout Wakame Paradise's name aloud in order to activate it's terrible effect; it inverts the effect of Disproportionate Self-Image, which presents Caster as powerful, and instead envisions the enemy as powerless. The target succumbs immediately to a mental effect where they believe themself to be as powerful as the original Matou Shinji, that is to say a normal human, believing their standard abilities to merely be the product of their own pathetic dreams and longings. Due to this, Noble Phantasms and Skills are sealed due to the owner believing they do not exist, and the target is drowned in a sense of worthlessness that pervades their very being, the effect becoming more pronounced the mightier they once were. As this effect is merely the result of 'a child's capacity for imagination', there is no real form of defense against it.
Shinji-Tank - LIFT UP!
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit
The personal Noble Phantasm of Wakame Yellow, whose specialty is remembering his home's phone number!
The creation of a Matou Shinji who was far more technologically-capable than the rest of his ilk, this mechanical monstrosity makes up for what it lacks in mobility in strength, being able to withstand blows from enemy Servants with ease despite its nature as a machine. When required, Shinji-Tank is at any time capable of deploying firearms, misses, and even high-level plasma weaponry from within its systems, while at the same time being able to create bursts of force directly in front of itself in order to attack. Despite this, Shinji-Tank is fundamentally lacking in firepower, and can be considered a 'mid-boss' level threat that is used to distract and wear away at enemies while the Wakame Sentai deal with them. It is remarkably independent from its creator, being able to identify and assault threats without the need of commands from Wakame Yellow, and this combined with the low prana consumption for deploying it makes it ideal as a guardian for Caster's Secret Base.
In the event that the Shinji-Tank is damaged to the point where it can no longer operate, it will immediately explode, causing all who witness this event to immediately develop romantic feelings for the next individual they see; members of the Wakame Sentai are advised to keep their eyes closed and not look at each other for fear of damaged egos and overjoyed spectators. Furthermore, due to the abilities of the one who originally created it, Shinji-Tank is capable of manifesting the Magecraft of a separate reality, one where mana has been drained from the world and instead the power of digitial systems reigns supreme. The area in the immediate proximity of Shinji-Tank is first itself drained of prana to support the machine, and it may autonomously use the codecasts shock(32) and loss_lck (64); to both assail the enemy with bursts of electricity and debilitate their Strength parameter respectively. It is worth noting that, despite its numerous abilities, this Noble Phantasm does not qualify Matou Shinji to serve as a Rider-class Servant, perhaps because none of the Wakame Sentai are capable of mounting it without immediately falling off.
Book of False Attendant - Power Bestowed by Grandfather and Master
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit
The personal Noble Phantasm of Wakame Black, whose specialty is taking the best care of his hair!
The property of one of the darker Matou Shinjis, it is normally a book created for magical contracts, repurposed to be capable of holding the Command Spells used to control Servants. In this case, Caster is able to connect this Noble Phantasm to the Command Spells owned by his Master, 'borrowing' one of them to become quite a unique case - a Servant who is their own Master. In this instance, the benefits associated with using a Command Spell to order a Servant to perform a given act are constantly applied to Caster, and thus acts such as teleportation, dramatic increases in power, and surviving blows that would logically be fatal become feats the Wakame Sentai can perform with ease. However every time Shinji performs such an action a luck check must be performed. If failed the book will disappear forever. In addition, possessing his own Command Spell allows Caster to use the book as an alternate source of prana, albeit at the cost of steadily damaging it over the course of the Holy Grail War.
When prana is passed through this Noble Phantasm, it becomes possible to deploy the traditional Water-based Magecraft of the Matou family, allowing Caster to bind spirits in place, alter and interrupt flows of prana, and deploy large tendrils made of shadow to assault his opponents.
Queen Elizabeth's Pocket Pistol - Big Sis Rider's Special Service
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Army
The personal Noble Phantasm of Wakame Green, whose specialty is staying up until 2AM!
Rather than a Noble Phantasm belonging to Caster, this is a 'gift' that Matou Shinji is entitled to due to temporarily earning the affection of another Heroic Spirit. This oddly-named weapon takes the form of a single cannon, decorated with immense finery along with the Tudor coat of arms, along with the inscription 'Break, tear every wall and rampart, Am I called, Across mountain and valley, pierces my ball, By me striken.' As a cannon, it was forged in the sixteenth century as a gift to the British royal family, for the queen Elizabeth who was at a tender age of eleven at the time. While it saw relatively little use in combat, it was soon mounted on the shores of Dover, serving to guard the nation against the threat of invasion. Soon enough, myth and legend would foster around the cannon, embellishments that prove to be entirely correct when it is manifested as a Noble Phantasm.
Summoned forth, Queen Elizabeth's Pocket Pistol can be deployed anywhere within seven miles of Caster's position, and can disappear and reappear at any location within this radius immediately. After it is given a target, the cannon will fire on command without the need for additional set-up, and is able to both move itself and reload using prana entirely autonomously, making it an ideal accompaniment for Caster's other Noble Phantasms. Furthermore, Queen Elizabeth's Pocket Pistol's shots are accompanied by 'The Wind of God', that sudden gust that dashed the Spanish Armada upon the rocks of England, which both provides additional damage, allows a blow to be landed even in the event the cannonball is dodged, and finally to some extent gives shots from the cannon some 'homing' capacity through careful manipulation of the winds.
That Caster cannot use a more... powerful Noble Phantasm from this Heroic Spirit seems to be some cruel joke, paired with the line 'If you're going to play hero, we need to do some game balancing!'
Harpe - The Immortal-Slaying Sickle
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit
The personal Noble Phantasm of Wakame Red, whose specialty is making more friends in a day than he loses!
Caster having access to this blade, a sickle-sword belonging to the Greek hero Perseus and used to slay the gorgon Medusa, is more than likely a mistake by the Grail, the result of accidentally mixing a hero called 'a successful Matou Shinji' with the genuine article. Perhaps for this reason, Wakame Red shows a remarkable lack of ability in wielding it, though the sword's power seems to be more than enough to make up for this. It is described as a monster-killing holy sword with a special shape similar to a scythe, having the cutting edge on the inside of the blade, though it isn't actually an outstanding sword by itself. Its true strength is its trait of Refraction of Longevity which is a divine ability that nullifies the 'undying attribute' of immortals and inflicts wounds that cannot be restored by any methods other than healing in accordance to the natural laws.
Well, given the shamelessly-copied nature of the above, perhaps another fitting title for this blade would be 'Original Sword, Do Not Trace'.