[X] Thank you, Master Belfaban
[X] Use your contacts to get more details on what's covered in your files
You take a deep breath, your heavy blood pulsing almost audibly through your body as you exit Belfaban's office, the heavy oak door sliding into place behind. A step later a brief chill runs down your spine, as you realize what you had just agreed to. A fight to the death. A battle between monsters who had carved their names into history itself. Achieving immortality, not just metaphorically, but metaphysically as well. Accomplishing deeds so great that the world itself had elected to remove their very souls from the cycle of reincarnation for the sake of holding them in austerity.
You look down, grasping the ebony briefcase you had been given. It contained a piece of tarnished bronze, almost assuredly linked to a Greek hero of some sort. Perhaps it was Leonidas? You should have made sure to ask. But it made little difference now. You hardly doubted that an insult of the magnitude that the Yggdmillenia had delivered unto the Mage's Association would warrant anything less than the highest handed response possible. The tool of retribution would hardly be some low class spirit. And then it hits you once again, that you would be fighting alongside this hero, summoned as a Servant, in order to wage war as a Master of the Red. You turn back towards the wooden portal behind you, gazing intently at the spirals and whorls adorning it, your eyes picking up on the faint channels of mana that flowed through it, flowing like the eddies of the world's smallest river delta. Streams that poured into carvings, filling them up, and fueling a number of unknown functions. You could only marvel at it.
Who would think that a mere door would be used as such a pointlessly complicated Mystic Code? And to have the resources to obtain such a thing in the first place. You snorted. Buying a copy of this door for your own use would probably require a sum you're unlikely to earn in your lifetime. Even after you obtained the Grail.
If you obtained it.
You suppress that thought. Ruthlessly.
[X] Use your contacts to get more details on what's covered in your files
You look into the folder that the Lord El-Melloi had handed you, and a number of names pop up, courtesy of the Clock Tower's own resources, and in it are listed potential Masters within the Clan. Unfortunately, aside from the obvious inclusion of Darnic and his heir-apparent Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillenia, there were simply too few First Rate Magi to completely fill out the seven spots that would make up their Black Faction in this war. And the number of Second Rates was simply far too vast to even attempt to reasonably narrow down.
You would need advice, an expert's opinion, so to speak.
You knew just the person.
"They selected
you as a Master?" Was the response of Bazett Fraga McRemitz, a look of shocked disbelief scrunching her features, "…
You really had no idea, and couldn't help but shrug. The girl in front of you, only a few years older than you, was your senior in the Enforcers, the person that had trained you in the art of "Avoiding crazy shit and getting a good punch in", and an unmatched genius in Runecraft due to her clan's Sorcery Trait, known as Tradition Holder. You had been amazed that you had been partnered with someone of her reputation when you had first joined up with the organization three years ago. Only to spend time in her immediate proximity and slowly watch as your expectations were ruined inch by agonizing inch over time.
She sighed, slowly lowering her face into her palm, and you were reminded of happier times. Times when you, in your youth, would often be "inspired" by flashes of "insight" with "good ideas" and would charge headfirst into solving a problem with your extremely powerful bloodline. It took you a great deal of time to figure out that the reason she would often do this was that the traps you would often set off on those occasions were the result of her trying to teach you how to react to traps and unorthodox attack methods.
The lessons stuck with you.
This was actually kind of nostalgic, really, and you grinned at her. She took that moment to look up at you in that odd manner of synchronization that the two of you had developed during your time working together, her narrowed eyes sending daggers at you in an almost futile attempt to convey her exasperation at you. She sighed again, standing up straight, her face all business.
"It's not that I don't understand why they would want to send
someone like you as a Master, but it's not like the Association is limited to only one representative." She gestured at herself, "What I don't get is why send someone like
you and not send someone like
me as well." She looked off towards the wall searchingly, as if contemplating punching the answers out of it. You briefly considered the possibility that it would actually work, all things being considered.
"I don't get it either, Ba-" She turns that oddly contemplative look over towards you, "-Master. But they said that there was one member of the team that requested some of us specifically as a condition of their participation."
She nods seriously, "That probably explains it. Who're you working with again?"
"Leila Archambault, Tiki Balaur, Moira Dubshláine, and Feed von Senbern."
"It's probably Balaur," Bazett says almost absently, her hand in her chin, "She's supposed to be some kind of eccentric monster comparable to the Barthomelois. But…" She pauses, looking at you again, "That still doesn't explain why you specifically."
"It's a mystery, I guess." You say, shrugging half-heartedly.
"Maaaaaaaaaan! I really want to go instead! The Fuyuki Grail is supposed to be on a whole other level than all those other Fake Grails!" With a sheepish look, she kicks at the ground, glaring at it childishly. You swear you see the carpet beneath your feet recoil under her gaze.
I might've even been able to summon him, too…
"Sorry, Master."
She looks at you with a pout, "Well…Whatever, it can't be helped." The childishness disappears as the Enforcer resurfaces, "Let me take a look at what they gave you on the Yggdmillenia. I might be able to cover some things they missed." You nod, handing the folder over to her, she wastes no time with scanning it's pages.
"Darnic, Fiore, Caules…" She mutters, "I can't imagine Little Caules leaving her alone…Alright." She says, holding the pages open, "Who else do think might be a Master?"
"Gordes Musik Yggdmillenia sounds like an obvious choice, he's one of the few First Rates they have aside from Fiore and Darnic." You reply instantly.
"Good." Bazett nods seriously, "That just leaves…Roche…Or…Celenike…or…Oh." Her face pales.
"Who is it?" You ask, her expression setting off very serious mental alarms.
She pauses, pointing out a picture of a particular Second Rate that you had overlooked. If Belfaban had a face so aged as to be carved of wood, then this man's image could only be described as to be wood having grown into the shape of a man, his face like oaken bark, a deep rich brown that split into valleys and crags seemingly at random beneath an absurd top of curly blond hair.
"His name…Is Aaron Gentles." Bazett says, her voice carrying a slight edge, "Yggdmillenia."
The folder snaps shut loudly, "A Second Rate, former Enforcer. He retired from the front lines shortly before you joined us, probably because of an offer from the Yggmillenia."
You couldn't help but stare at her, "Why would they care about a single Enforcer? And why would a decaying family like that be attractive to a combat magus like him?"
Bazett shakes her head, "It's not that simple. Gentles was a senior to me when I first joined, and we were paired up because…Well…" She paused, looking hard into the distance, "The man was a Second Rate. Without a Family Crest. Do you understand what this means, Isaac Hemostrus? An Enforcer with no bloodline, no history?"
It dawns on you, "He must have been ridiculous."
Your Master nods seriously, "That man did things with Runes I've never seen before or since, and those of my family's bloodline know how to use Runecraft
instinctively." She pauses, staring at you, "Even worse, is that he was a traditional Magus, through and through." She stares off into the distance, eyes narrowed with worry, "He and Alba were supposed to get along amazingly before he left, too…" She turns back to you, "Look.
"I want you to understand this. So beat it into your head, okay?" You nod, "If you run into that guy,
get away. Send your Servant after him. If you see any out of place Formalcraft anywhere, then you make sure to
run like hell. If you see any weird graffiti,
then you do whatever you can to get away from it." She walks up to you, shoving the folder hard into your chest, "
Do you understand me." It wasn't a question, the woman's eyes were hard as stone, her flinty gaze locked on to you and sending a primal fear through your body the likes of which you haven't felt since you made the mistake of teasing her about her luck with money.
"I understand, Master."
She nods, apparently satisfied, "Good." And her gaze softens, lines of worry crossing her features, "Don't die, foolish disciple." She turns around, and marches away stiffly.
After a long moment, you finally reply in a quiet voice, "I will return. Master."
She had long since vanished from your sight.
[X] Studying the information you've been given
Included within your dossier on the Yggdmillenia was a single plane ticket to Bucharest, capital of Romania. It would leave the next morning, and so rather than go back home and restock on your supplies, you decided to trust in your blood, your eyes, and your magecraft, and relied on your Master for advice on the upcoming conflict. Although that had hardly been wasted, you think idly. You had narrowed down the prospective Masters significantly with her help, especially with the revelation of just how dangerous that Aaron Gentles had been. Much more likely to be a Master than that Sagara Hyouma. Still, you thought to yourself as you boarded the plane, that didn't mean you had the full measure of the rest of your competition. You pulled out the folder from your bag even as you shoved into into an overhead compartment, content to relax in Economy (why so cheap?) as you took a look at the relevant information.
Millenium Castle, the headquarters of the Yggdmillenia, was an ancient stronghold that was centuries old, even surviving the wars that had ravaged the area over it's history. Even before the Yggdmillenia Clan had taken it over as Magi, it was well known as an impenetrable stronghold, and had been a defensive bulwark when the Ottoman's had attempted to invade the land belonging to the Impaling Prince. You frowned as the implications became obvious. There was simply no way that Vlad III would not be summoned, if not by your Red Faction, then almost assuredly by the Black. Well.
At least that's
one Servant identified.
Belfaban had insisted that the other Masters were already in Trisfas, and you distinctly recall Lord El-Melloi rolling his eyes at that statement, and now you understood why. Marked with a large red circle was the city Sighisoara with a caption saying "GO HERE!!!" that was underlined three times, and a smaller note with an address to a certain Church. You shrugged in your seat, poring over the map of the Bucharest, which held sketches of the leylines that ran beneath the city. Well, you could decide where you would go later, but there was a particular spot in a forest near an abandoned textile factory that caught your eye…
You turned back towards the profiles, looking them up. First order of business was the leader of the Yggdmillenia, Darnic Prestone Yggdmillenia. A man who had not aged since the Third Grail War due to an unknown Magecraft of longevity, you found details surrounding his magecraft sparse, as expected. A great deal of detail was spared outlining the number of families which claimed ownership of his remains and crest should they be recovered by the end of the war for past grievances.
You were halfway through France by the time you finished reading that list.
Next was the heir apparent, Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillenia, a prodigy with defective magic circuits that rendered her unable to use her legs. You had little doubt she was dangerous as well. Just as you held little doubt that she had some way to compensate for her handicap in mind. It was…kind of obvious, really. You shrugged mentally, flipping to the next candidate, Gordes Musik Yggdmillenia, heir of a Clan that had essentially existed as a group that cribbed Alchemy techniques from the Einzberns. A rare First Rate from a decaying line, Gordes was a noted Homunculus Creator, and likely knew how to utilize the Einzberns traditional Wishcraft as well. You supposed that you may as well get used to the idea of attacking albinos on sight when your plane landed.
Next was Celenike Icecolle Yggdmillenia, a First Rate user of Witchcraft, and noted to have exceptional skill in curses. There were rumors that she was willing to curse anyone, for a price, and that her Witchcraft relied rather specifically on the slaughter and sacrifice of human lives, rather than animals as was the norm to your knowledge.
After that was Fiore's younger brother, Caules Forvedge Yggdmillenia. Not even Third Rate, you doubted a Master such as he would be able to summon forth a particularly powerful Servant, but your Master had insisted that Caules would assist his sister at all costs, and so you frowned at the complete lack of information on him as a Master. Shrugging, you next went to the second to last expected Master, the Golem Prodigy, Roche Frain Yggdmillenia. He possessed exceptional talent in the construction of Golems, and so there was little doubt in your mind that you would have to deal with fighting the constructs once you arrived. It wasn't something you worried about, since during your training you had been informed that Mercury was a very common stabilizing agent in such things, and as such you would be able to handle such creations most easily.
You hoped that you would face him first on the battlefield, rather than encountering the last likely candidate, Aaron Gentles Yggdmillenia. You scanned over the information, noting nothing that your Master had not yet already said, before setting the dossiers to the side, your gaze drifting over the map of Trisfas. There was almost no way that the Black Faction did not control the city in it's entirety, but you would still need to fight there. And so you took the time to begin memorizing your battlefield. It was some time later that your plane landed, and you set off for your next destination.
[X] Summon your Servant
It took you until after sunset had passed, but eventually you made it to the abandoned textile factory outside of Bucharest. You cast out your senses, attempting to synchronize your blood with it's fellows, and you detected the resonance of Mercury filling the area beneath the ground. Within moments, gallons of the silvery liquid pool at your feet, before gouging trenches into the soft earth below, filling the elongated holes with their metallic mass. Eventually the shape of your summoning circle was ready, lined with your lifeblood.
You wait for the moon to begin it's ascension, checking the time on your watch, feeling a gentle breeze caress you as the minutes go ticking by, your Magecraft reaching it's daily peak. Letting a feel of power flow through you, culminating in a
pressure on the back of your left hand as the sound of water chimes ringing gently begins to fill your hearing. It's time. You take a deep breath as you step into your circle, lowering the bronze scrap metal into the center of your summoning array.
You step back out, and then begin.
"Let Quicksilver and steel be the essence.
Let water and the archduke of contracts be the foundation.
Let red be the color I pay tribute to.
Raise forth a barrier against the wind that shall fall.
Let the four cardinal gates close.
Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate."
You pause, gritting your teeth as an almost physical force seems to tug on your blood, the mercury comprising the circle beginning to boil ominously, and you hear the rustling of wings.
"Let it be filled. Again. Again. Again. Again. Let it be filled fivefold for every turn, simply breaking asunder with every filling."
Let it be declared now; your flesh shall serve under me, and my fate shall be your sword. Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail. Answer, if you would submit to this will and this truth.
An oath shall be sworn here.
I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven; I shall have rule over all the evils within Hell.
From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power, come forth from the ring of restraint, protector of the holy balance!"
A blinding light fills your vision, and a thick steam billows forth, obscuring everything within your vision. You cover your eyes as the heavy cloud presses against your body, and begin to blink slowly as the painful illumination begins to subside.
"Yo!" A youthful voice calls out, the shape of a human gradually forming even within the thick fog in front of you, "I suppose that
you're supposed to be my Master?"
You nod, holding up your right hand as your Command Seals glow with a bright intensity. You feel the tug of the Servant-Master link form, and the beginnings of a foreign sense of satisfaction.
"Well, my beloved Master…" The figure ahead of you swings an arm up, dissipating the fog instantly, "You can consider this War as good as won." You hear the amused, arrogant tone of the man before you see it on his expression, "As you'll never find another Servant more powerful than I…"
You finally take a good look at the man in front of you, the stature of a well-muscled youth, filled with confidence and power, his lean face possessing a kind of surreal handsomeness that makes you feel frankly slightly inadequate, and the man looks at you for the first time. Beneath his wild blond hair lies an equally wild pair of eyes, the eyes of an arrogant beast, staring at you as if you were merely prey waiting to be eaten by a true predator.
"Rider of Red."
And then an invisible force seemed to wrap around his waist, lifting him up into the air, and then somehow managing to smash his head face first into the ground beneath him.
Choose One:
[] Assist Rider!
-[] With your Magecraft!
-[] Use your Mystic Eyes!
-[] How? (Write-In)
[] Run!
-[] Where to?
-[] How?
[] By the Power of my Command Seal
-[] Kill Yourself
-[] Something else (Write-In)
[] (Write-In)