Rebirth Of Man: Unification Of Terra

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A quest in the 29th millennium of Warhammer, the time before the Emperor has taken over the world. A time where grand nations via for control of humanity's birth world. In this ancient time where fate is yet to be marked, a new force enters the fray.
Quest Lore
In this quest you will see a large number of psykers and blanks compared to the norm for the setting, this is because in my view Terra at this point and post Fall is effectively a Deathworld. That means that the people on Terra aren't baseline humans at this point, every single person is smarter/tougher and overall better than the general baseline strain at this point. Another aspect of this is a vastly higher proportion of psykers/blanks and other less common forms of alterations to the human base.

This is also why the Thunder Warriors and Astartes are so easy for Emps to make, the people of Terra accept the augments much cleaner than those of other worlds.

List of possible modifiers for people to have if they are Terran born
Psyker - generally not above a rank Zeta, but the odds are much higher for them to exist at higher levels just as the amount is increased
Blank - not going to be the sort of monsters that can just walk through a city and kill it, but the kind that just fuck any psyker less than Beta are common place and is the average for Terran Blanks
Augmented - a person that has a body simply better than the already high average due to their genetics. This can be improved with cybernetics and genetic upgrades to become Highly Augmented. This can also be applied to other people via the same methods
Vampiric - a strange mutation that has aspects of both Blank and Psyker nature due to the interbreeding of Psykers and Blanks. People with this trait act similar to vampires, in that if they drink blood they will heal and become stronger temporarily. They don't have any of the powers of the psyker, but their improvements come from consuming the traces of the soul left in the blood of their victims. If they drink the blood of a Blank or Psyker, their nature shifts to more align with what they drank. Allowing them to present powers reminiscent of psykers or blanks, this allocation can only happen once in their life. This is mostly found only in Albion.
Radiated - this is a person that has genetics that can absorb and handle radiation that is enough to kill anyone else. This trait conveys immunity to radiation sickness and damage to the holder and gives them increased abilities in areas of high radiation. Mostly found among the tribes of the rad wastes.

The reason that Emps simply doesn't instantly win this fight is due to the warp and the narrative surrounding this aspect. Basically, whoever holds Terra legitimately has a claim to the loyalty of humanity as a whole, a bound to the homeworld type thing. However, this claim due to human nature can only be taken via war and it has to be an actual conflict to the average person. Unless a person can force the average person to realize that their personal loyalty has to change to another it won't transfer. Thus, Emps can't simply mind control or telensnip people like Khas due to this. That wouldn't covey the proper change of authority that the warp dictates for the claim of loyalty to humanity to exist.

As I have made clear, it is in fact possible to defeat Emps and the Imperium in this quest. This however does NOT mean easy or even likely. Emps has advantages that make any direct confrontation against him on your own suicide. You need to be clever and play his own biases against him if you want to win.

My take on Emps is that he wants the best for humanity but has been almost broken by the Fall. He is basically a PTSD sufferer right now and is absolutely terrified of humanity dying in any of the countless ways that he knows can happen. He also by my word as QM DOES NOT WANT to be Emperor. He is taking this route out of sheer desperation for what he knows is coming and his belief that only he has the power to save humanity.
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Heroes and Advisors
Non assigned Notable people and Heroes

Proto Hero: will become a hero either in 10 turns or if he achieves a legendary feat
Master Of Laws: can be attached to any government department to provide the effects of his traits to their rolls. Can only be moved once per 2 turns
Cleaner Of Corruption: passively reduces mundane corruption for government departments he is attached too by 1 rank per 2 turns, minimum is 0. Slows rate of corruption growth
Redundancies Are Life: nullifies the narrative effects of nat 1s on Department assigned too, reduces the narrative impact of nat 100s significantly

Near Hero: will become a Proto Hero in either 5 turns or if she achieves a legendary feat
Voice of Gaia: can build geomantic networks between people with herself as the core aspect. As her psychic powers grow so does the effects of this trait. Connected to the Anvil Of The World somehow
Leader of men: can be attached to any action or military group to provide her traits to the group. Can gain numerical bonuses of any sort much easier than normal
Eta Psyker
Numerical Bonuses: +20 to Terraforming, Foraging, Nature based religion, +5 to all rolls from psyker powers

Near Hero: will become a Proto Hero in either 5 turns or if he achieves a legendary feat
Information Broker: infiltration actions have an auto level of success where gossip level information is retained
Unflinching: will never refuse an order to infiltrate a nation, no matter what. Lowered chances of success in general due to carelessness

Mythic Hero Of The World
I Am Unseen: rolls best of 3 when infiltrating a nation that is not Grand, rolls only 1 when infiltrating a Grand Nation
The Closest Kept Secrets Are Mine: successes are multiplied by normal degrees of success. IE if a normal spy would reach 2 degrees Shadow treats the roll as if he has gotten 4 degrees of success. Narrative Scale Trait
The Deeper You Hide The Easier I Find What You Hide: Shadow's bonuses scale with how hard it is to find something. Narrative Scale trait
Base Numerical Bonus: +30 to all rolls, +300 to infiltration


Highly Augmented - improves results of successes and reduces consequences of failure
??? - unlocks special actions to build foundries that reduce army upkeep passively
Logistic Expert - Unlocks actions to improve cities production modifier with lowered costs than baseline, these actions also improve rate at which armies can move and reduces upkeep when inside borders.
??? - will become a Hero in 10 turns or achieves a legendary feat

Near Hero: will become a Proto Hero in either 5 turns or if he achieves a legendary feat
Foreign Born - reduced effectiveness at actions reliant on in person interaction, unlocks special actions to alter formation of military
Nord Mercia Trained - reduces cost to fund Advanced Armies, increases cost for Basic armies. Improves Advanced Armies by one effective tier
Skilled General - grants all fronts a minor bonus in war that is added to any bonus from Front General and Champions

Near Hero: will become a Proto Hero in either 5 turns or if he achieves a legendary feat
Devoted To The Nation - Rerolls failed actions that would harm the Nation. Will kill himself to prevent being turned traitor.
Foreign Appearance - gives a bonus to actions that involve connecting/finding foreign agents and counter infiltration
Counter Spy - forces opposing spies to roll worst of 2 to steal critical information and to inflict sabotage when at way. Nullified against Hero Spies and powerful psykers


The new ruler of the Umbral Lands and the one to decide that the time had come to end their eons long isolation. By her command did the nation reveal itself to the world at large.

Master of the Anvil of the World - can spend an action to use the Anvil
Forge Goddess - can spend actions to equip armies for free and null their upkeep cost for 1 turn, Relics and Wonders crafted have their tier increased by 5x.
World Shaper - Terraforming relics and technologies are vastly improved, successful terraforming actions are increased by 5 stages, failure of terraforming actions reduced by 5 stages. Grants numerical bonus to terraforming actions.
By My Will The World Shakes - can instantly annihilate any non Tier 10 or above Front from the safety of the Capital once per 10 turns
The Blood of the world is my blood - Immortal to age until the World is Claimed (Warp Narrative Trait)
The Living Storm - Grants 4 actions instead of 2 per turn for field
The Shaper - Rolls are set to a minimum of 25 and critical range is expanded to 90-100
The Visionary - special options to invent new Terraforming technology and build new relics are unlocked
Gaia's Voice - adds Terraforming numerical bonuses to Combat rolls
Numerical Bonuses: +100 to all rolls, +500 to Terraforming

The Anvil Of The World: A mighty machine built into the heart of the continental plate world, able to shape the world around it to the whims of the user without end. When activated it can be used to bring any imagination into reality provided it can be done via real matter. Absolute control of all the world within the range of the beacons.

The Heart Of Gaia: The sigil of the ruler of the Umbral Lands, a token of majesty and power all in one. This impressive trinket boosts the most powerful terraforming engine ever fashioned by human hands second only to the Anvil Of The World. It can shape matter into arbitrary forms and shapes with a thought, can produce more matter where none remains, can unmake and remake things endlessly. It is the might of an Alpha Plus psyker in a single machine. Yet for all its power its range is limited and only able to affect the personal compared to the Anvil.

The Mantle Of The World: a suit of powered armor that is only worn by the rulers of the Umbral Lands. The thick plates festooned with symbols of the natural world and its integrate force generators are the best in the land. It is a mark of power and prestige, if lesser to the wonders of the other nations. It has its place.

An ancient Blank of the nation, Nosra has seen the rise and fall of centuries beyond count and has always served the people of the Umbral Lands with distinction. Some claim that she hails from the Fall itself, but you have never been able to gain the truth from her, but what is known is that she is truly ancient. The Anvil has confirmed that she hails from the time before the Fall and that the Dark Star relic was the very first relic to have been forged upon the Anvil.

Ancient Blank: Immune to psykers and their powers, able to kill powerful psykers from mere proximity.
Master Of The Aura: Normal people no longer suffer in her presence
Legendary General: Best of 2 for all rolls made on her front, forces enemies to roll Worst of 2 if they are lesser to her in skill
Shrouded Bastion: Failures reduced by one stage
Last Child Of The Federation: Ageless, regenerates 1 wound per round, remembers fragments of Dark Age science and theories.
Numerical Bonuses: +150 to Primitive Army rolls, +20 to all rolls, +1000 to Dark Age Level Army Rolls

The Dark Star: a relic of the Golden Age, of unknown providence. Yet it remains a weapon of unmatched power, drawing upon the nature of the Blank Soul of the wielder it strikes with force beyond that of normal weapons and shreds even the strongest matter into atoms before it. (Relic Adrathic Pistol has the following tags: Unmaker (Blank restricted), Cascade, Eternal)

Nela is young for her rank and authority, yet has proven herself skilled in defeating Nosra in war-games several times over with unconventional strategies. Yet, her downfall is her power.

Insane: rolls a 2d2 every turn and on doubles gains a bonus of 50 and on non doubles suffers -50
Unconventional: +100 when facing a person that has not faced her before in battle. Each fight reduces this by -20 until -100
Legendary General: Best of 2 for all rolls made on her front, forces enemies to roll Worst of 2 if they are lesser to her in skill
The Earth Moves For Me: non energetic are inverted when facing Nela
The End Comes: failures are increased by 2 stages and successes are increased by 2 stages
Numerical bonus: +100 to army rolls, +20 to all rolls

The Heart Bore: a customized machine that can tunnel through the world at speeds unmatched by most aircraft, and can swim in lava for up to a full day without suffering damage. It also bears terraforming emitters allowing it to ensure that it always has an escape route available.
(Relic Vehicle: Nela will always survive land fights, Nela acts as pseudo Champion allowing for duels inside the Heart Bore. Numerical Bonus for duels: +75.)

The younger sister of Champion Alax, Yera is a fine person if a bit too young for what she has to do, but it is nonetheless fact that she is one of the best generals in the Umbral Lands.

Young: reduces bonuses for everything for the first 5 turns
Prodigy Of Warfare: increased trait gain from actual wars, vastly increased rate of numerical bonus improvements
Synergy (Alax): when working with Alax vastly improves bonuses and grants powerful trait like effects to the army
----Sister Bond: when fighting with Alax, neither Alax or Yera will die until the entire Front is dead
----Sister Intuition: all rolls are made at Best Of 2 when working together on a Battle, stacks with increases to roll count
----Certainty: neither Alax or Yera will ever turn traitor if working together
----Duality: When apart both Alax and Yera suffer -100 to their numerical bonuses and gain +50 when together
Numerical Bonuses: +50 to army rolls, +25 to duels (Alax taught), +20 to all rolls


A far older woman than her younger sister of Yera. She had fought for the Umbral Lands for decades now and is without a doubt one of the most powerful fighters on the world, and when working with her sister

Exalted Champion: Rolls best of 3 in duels and forces foes that don't equal her bonus to roll worst of 3
Untouchable: wound threshold increased by 4, from 20 to 80
Legendary Mentor: Grants a fraction of her numerical bonuses to Heroes that work with her over time to a max of 1/5
Synergy (Alax): when working with Alax vastly improves bonuses and grants powerful trait like effects to the army
----Sister Bond: when fighting with Alax, neither Alax or Yera will die until the entire Front is dead
----Sister Intuition: all rolls are made at Best Of 2 when working together on a Battle, stacks with increases to roll count
----Certainty: neither Alax or Yera will ever turn traitor if working together
----Duality: When apart both Alax and Yera suffer -100 to their numerical bonuses and gain +50 when together
Numerical Bonus: +200 to duels, +25 to army rolls, +20 to all rolls

The Champion's Mantle: a suit of powered armor that includes a micro void shield inside of its ancient construction that can absorb all but the worst hits without issue. Even beyond the power of the shield unit, the armor of the suit is nigh unbreakable and enhances the wearer's strength and speed greatly. (Relic Power Armor: +50 to duels, triples wounds, grants buff of 4 wounds that regenerate at 1 per round, Inviolable)

A man that bears the mantle of secrecy as a friend. Little is known about him and even less is confirmed to be real, what is known is that he is a great fighter if not close to the level of Alax, but technology is where he shines.

??? - can craft relics from Production and Resource
??? - massively increase numerical bonuses vs Chaos/psykers/warp stuff
??? - ??? (8/10)
Numerical Bonuses: +100 to duels, +200 to relic making, +20 to all rolls

???: A strange obelisk that Thule prays too often enough to be notable. It is a simple pillar of black marble and covered in green lighting and festooned with sigils that make one think of glyphs of forgotten languages. It seems to have a las cannon in the tip of it, but that is unconfirmed as for now

???: a suit of power armor built by Thule himself and it is better by far than any other one barring the one that Alax uses.
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How the plan turns work
With the next update nearly done and the actions done. I am going to be explaining how things will work here as I am doing a rather different style of progress with regards to how actions are figured. Basically, each action has a Cost that has to be payed for it and until its payed its locked into the docket for the plan. However, there is no turn time to things, this means that the only time gate to be found is how much funding you can provide to something.

There does remain a DC for things to pass, but it is in general pretty damm low unless its specially called out in the action itself. Generally, to be able to make progress which in this case is allocating funding is to roll above a 20 on a 1d100 with no bonuses. As with most quests rolling a nat 1 or nat 100 will result in crits. If you fail to make the 20 DC you do not lose the money meant to be spent on the action it is instead rolled over into the next turn as surplus.

Surplus is unused funds that roll over from previous turns. Surplus can only ever reach a max of 4k in both resources before anymore surplus is lost in the rollover. This will eventually be expanded with actions to build depots and such which will increase the amount of stored surplus possible.

This does mean that balancing the budget is fully in the hands of the quest, much in the style of the various plan quests on this forum if a tad more detailed.

The rolling system is also a bit of a departure from the norm as I am going to be cribbing some elements from Daemon Hunter's Empire Of The Hand quest as I liked the greater fidelity simulation that it provided over the direct 1d100 results.

Every action will roll 3 dice, the first dice is going to be if the resources are allocated or not. Its a flat DC 20 for all actions that happen even if they don't have costs. If its not stated assume the DC is 20 basically. On a nat 1 the allocated resources will be lost if it costs materials, in the case of an action that does not cost materials it it is a turn based cost the turn cost will be extended by 1 turn. On a nat 100 the materials will count as 1.25 the allocated amount for the action.

The Second dice will be a more narrative fluctuation where complications or benefits will arise from. If you roll a nat 100 on the first and a nat 1 on the second that could for example result in a project gaining a boatload of corruption decreasing the cost but reducing the value of the result until the corruption is purged.

The third dice is to see if anything arises from the action that dovetails from it. For reference if you build a city and roll high on the third dice that could result in future actions to further specialize the city into higher end things rather than normal city upgrades.
Current Army Cost Table for the Umbral Lands
TiersMilitary CostUpkeepBonus
Basic Armies482.162
Advanced Armies580360250
Currently Unreachable86402880438
Currently Unreachable912805760500
Currently Unreachable10256011520625
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The Ruler's Power
Within this post I shall show the true power of the Rulers of Terra and the rarified level upon which Khas lives.

Ascendant Human - All actions and rolls involving the Emperor are nat 100 (narrative scale)
Anathema - Auto Destroys Chaos Daemons that are below Exalted or Champions of Chaos. Traits immune to subversion in general, exceptions are possible. Exalted Daemons have nearly 99% True Death chance per round spent near Emps.
I Am Without Equal - Bonuses will always match his foes as long as the Foe is within Human Limits (Emps counts as Human Limits for the purposes of this trait)
Ancient beyond reckoning: Assumed to possess all skill related traits that a Human currently possess
Base Numerical Bonus: +600 to everything

Grace of Slaanesh - all armies on the Front he is on, without Attached Priests or Illuminated Heroes or have Emps on field Instantly and without Recourse Fall To Chaos instantly. (Narrative Scale)
The Changing Whims of Tzeentch - Inverts rolls of self and foe if foe rolls higher than self. Applies to all rolls in war. Psykers suffer delayed mutations when allied, Daemons are much more plentiful
The Aegis of Khorne - Wounds set to N/A, Wound Threshold Set to N/A. Woundable only by Narrative Scale traits, Anathema trait or Unmaker tagged weapons, Immune to Relic Assaults
The Endurance of Nurgle - Partial Immunity to True Death effects such as Unmaker weapons, and Anathema weapons/powers. Diseases are negated and inverted to bonuses
The Heart of Undivided - Negates half opposing Traits and gains their power for self usage.
The Champion Of Chaos Upon Terra - Immortal Until Terra Is Claimed Or Emps Dies. Will be revived by Chaos without penalty as many times as possible.
The Archpriest and Champion of Chaos - Passively gains power towards Summoning and Binding Be'lakor as a servant
The Champion Of The End Of Empires - Can negate Emps' I Am Without Equal Trait and negate Narrative Scale effect of Ascendant Human
Numerical Bonuses: +300 to all rolls, +400 to all rolls involving chaos stuff and psyker stuff

Ancient Memory - once per turn can force a Combat Turn to only roll nat 100 vs nat 1 on one Foe/Front. Narrative Scale Trait
War Master - can command any amount of Fronts at once with no malus from distance or location.
Battle Master - can apply Champion Bonus to up to 5 Fronts that are within close proximity to each other
Unbending Vitality - Regenerates 10 wounds per round, immortal until Terra is Claimed
Unmatched Skill - wound thresholds set to 200, wounds set to 100 barring Unmaker tagged weapons
Titan Legion - commands a personal Titan Legion in conjunction with personal Titan The World Strider
Without Equal In Battle - rolls nat 100 vs nat 1s whenever engaged in battle with a foe that has lesser bonuses than himself. (Non narrative scale effect)
Body, Mind, and Soul are one - Traits immune to being negated or copied
Numerical Bonuses: +100 to all rolls, +500 to all combat related rolls

The World Strider: Castigator Titan with Antigrav flight, Adrithic weapons and a near AI Soul. (+1000 to duels, has barrier of 200 wounds that regenerate at 25 per round, has hull wounds of 50 that restore at 1 per five rounds. Fights armies as if they were Champions

The First Born - Immortal, regenerates 10 wounds per wound inflicted in duels. Wounds set to 50
Endless Rage - takes double wounds but inflicts quad wounds
Rip and Tear - wounds inflict 5 times normal malus to sufferers
Blood Lord - All allied forces on Front gain combat applicable traits at highly reduced level
Soul Wounded - presents as a vampiric aligned towards both psyker and blank aspects. Powers inflict self wounds when used
Blood Sight - can use blood as medium for divination that is highly accurate.
The Gift Of Blood - can give blood to servants to make them into Low Tier but Growing Heroes
Heroic Grit - Heroes allied with Uilleam grow much faster
The Dark Champions - Heroes near Uilleam gain all of his traits are reduced effectiveness, and share with him their personal traits and numerical bonuses
Numerical Bonuses: +100 to all rolls, +800 to attacking, -800 to defending

Repulse the unclean - All armies increase by 1 tier when facing Non Pure Strain Humans in battle. Up to Tier 9
Expunge the Flaws - Wounds taken to armies and Heroes grant their malus as bonus
Righteousness will light the way - Chaos Corruption is impossible to manifest in Heroes under Tang's command
By The Sword Be Driven - Basic Armies act in terms of Bonuses as Advanced Armies. Lose wounds due to lesser technology
The Word Of A Return To A Better Time - when on the field, can not be attacked save by indiscriminate weapons fired from backlines. Troops facing him will listen to his words and if convinced will betray their nation for him
Ash To Ash - prisoners of war are killed, and returned prisoners of war are killed. Armies will fight to the bitter end, massive last stand bonuses to all forces in his nation
The Perfect Form - all heroes are greater in power and scope compared to others. Heroes slightly more likely to arise in his nation
Numerical Bonuses: +100 to all, +500 to preaching his faith

The Last Scientist - Understands how to research technology and recover ancient secrets. Found archives of Dark Age technology. Constantly Improving technology
Unmatched Intellect - Has five rerolls to all rolls made, takes best of the five rolls. Reduces any malus relating to knowledge or understanding by 1/10 per roll made to the subject. Critical Results negate full malus when made, Nat 1s negated entirely
Maddened Genius - all actions either gain the Madness tag or Genius Tag. Madness inflicts them with negative effects that reduce their value, Genius adds fully beneficial upgrades to events
Ever Changing Designs - All advanced armies in the PPB gain +10 to their rolls per combat roll made against a foe. This stacks with no cap, until the army in question is destroyed or the foe changes their methodology
Ancient Knowledge - can design up to Tier 100 Wonders and Relics (Tier 100 is Apex Dark Age, The Anvil is this tier)
Technology Marches Forth - knows how to build machines that replicate All aspects of Psykers/Blanks and other forms of abhuman strains
Researcher Of Legend - All research Rolls made are set to nat 100s with Narrative Impact
Numerical Bonuses: +100 to all rolls, +500 to research rolls, +250 to designing relic rolls

Far too many low tier ones to bother listing
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The Anvil Of The World
As the Anvil is the single most potent item in your possession and one of the most potent items still working on Terra I am making this info post to clarify just what it can do and how Charge affects it.

Bolded is the current status of the Anvil
Unlike other Wonders or Relics it has discrete durability levels. Going from Wrecked -> Damaged -> Worn -> Normal -> Restored -> Mint -> Pristine -> Perfect

Each level affects the Charge functionality of the Anvil in a flat manner.
Wrecked: reduces Charge Cap to 1 and charges once per 100 turns or 1000 years
Damaged; reduces Charge Cap to 5 and charges once per 40 years (4 turns)
Worn: Reduces Charge Cap to 10 and charges once per 20 years (2 turns)
Normal: Reduces Charge Cap to 15 and charges once per 10 years (1 turn, current level)
Restored: Charge Cap is 20, charges once per 10 years (best you can currently reach)
Mint: Charge Cap unlimited, charges once per turn
Pristine: Charge Cap unlimited, charges 2 times per turn
Perfect: Charge Cap unlimited, charges 3 times per turn

The Anvil is due to its nature a Narrative Scale item in which its effects are less hard and fast and more based on what I consider to be worthy of the amount of Charge spent on them.

Notable things that the Anvil can currently do
Produce resources and production in lump sums of significant amounts
Construct cities from the ground up
Produce Dark Age materials in bulk
Forge relics and wonders if designs are had
Terraform the land to make it better across the board
Create esoteric compounds and materials that lack warp significance
Reshape the land as long as it has beacons to outline the area to affect
Produce Beacons

Strange things about the Anvil
There are five connection ports into the Anvil that Khas believes expand the range of effects that the Anvil can engage in. This is to the point that Khas herself is terrified of what the Completed Anvil could possibly do.
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How Capstones Function
I have thrown around the word Capstone a few times in this quest so far and am making this post to elucidate the particulars behind the word and its meanings within the context of this quest.

What is a Capstone?
A Capstone is the culmination of the technology of a Grand Nation. It is the apex of their technological might and the completion of the Dark Age technology upon which they founded their empire upon. The Umbral Lands has grown around the Anvil Of The World and as such from it they have gained the technology of Terraformation. Which in turn leads to the Capstone being the Completion of the Anvil, finishing what their ancestors began so many eons ago. All Grand Nations have their own Capstones that they will struggle to complete, each of which is specialized into their niche.

Capstones and their effects
A Capstone is a monument to the glory of humanity in a very real way. Its a reclamation of the heights of the Golden Age, its a return of the past glories. Its a victory over the uncaring universe in a very real sense, each and every capstone is a wonder of Galactic importance and significance. Upon completion the empire that holds their Capstone will find themselves granted immense bonuses to the fields of their Capstone. In short completion of a Capstone, ensures the victory of the holder unless others have wrought their capstones into place around the same time.

Capstone Niches and Power
Each Capstone holds absolute dominion over a Niche. In this niche the capstone is exalted beyond all other wonders made by human hands, it is the pinnacle of this era in this area. It is a wonder without compare, even other races such as the Aeldari would take notice and be moderately impressed by it in this age.

Capstones and Emps
Emps is in effect the Completed Capstone for the Imperium. In turn his Primarch Project is a secondary Capstone for the Imperium and the Astartes Legions are a 3rd rank Capstone for the Imperium. However, Emps does not compare to the specialized Capstones that the Grand Nations are working towards save one. Imagine Emps as a pool of 100 points, he has evenly spread his points across all branches possible, leaving him without the sheer power of specialization but giving him synergy between several branches to reach the same seeming level of power. A Capstone on the other has 100 points and dumps them ALL into its niche/branch.

Consider what this means for the Complete Anvil which holds the Niche of Shaping.