I do have a fairly old system, and I think I disabled NoScript on Rolz. I know it's worked for others before and after, but it's never worked for me.

Huh, weird. I can see your roll, in the future I'll probably post it here for you if you tell me that you rolled.

Anyways, vote seems one sided so please stunt punching the Heavy Particle Lance

Charm Use

[ ] 10 dice from First Theion Excellency
[ ] 8 dice from First Theion Excellency
[ ] 6 dice from First Theion Excellency
[ ] 5 dice from First Theion Excellency
[ ] Blue Nova Coronal Eruption (3 motes, +2 levels of damage after damage calculation finishes.)
[ ] Write-in
[ ] None

Channels and WP

[ ] Channel That Antagonistic Hero Thing (1.6x. Costs 1 WP, gives 3 dice)
[ ] Channel 1 WP (1 WP for 1 sux)
[ ] Write-In
[ ] None

Fierce or No?

[ ] Yes (-1 success to hit, +3 damage)
[ ] No.

Two die stunt for Social Combat. Current pool is 10d10 (Mendaciloquent Maverick Style doesn't help you when you're being truthful and outraged instead of bullshitting people and twisting the truth). You can add up to 8 dice from charms.

Charm Use

[ ] 8 dice from First Theion Excellency
[ ] 6 dice from First Theion Excellency
[ ] 4 dice from First Theion Excellency
[ ] No dice from First Theion Excellency

Channels and WP

[ ] Channel That Antagonistic Hero Thing (1.6x. Costs 1 WP, gives 3 dice)
[ ] Channel 1 WP (1 WP for 1 sux)
[ ] Write-In
[ ] None

Stunt Reward

[ ] 4 Motes
[ ] 1 WP

Gain Temporary 1 Dot Principle?

[ ] Yes, gain a Beat the Shit out of Janaka Videha (Righteous Anger) principle.
[ ] No


7 Personal Motes Spent, 3 Personal Motes Committed, 1 WP Spent, 1 Compassion Channel Spent, Shield Damage, Rotary venting heat (Useless until Tick 20), heat compensation systems overburdened (All energy weapons require an additional three ticks to vent heat after firing, botches will have unpleasant consequences. Lasts until Tick 25). Anima flaring at 8+ due to Many Armed Wrathful Deva Method

+1 Physique Dot from Infernal Monster Style, Multiple Action Penalties reduced by 1, 1 arm-pair manifested, 2-action flurries still benefit from the speed reduction of Infernal Monster Style.
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Charm Use
[X] 5 dice from First Theion Excellency
[X] Blue Nova Coronal Eruption (3 motes, +2 levels of damage after damage calculation finishes.) [If 2 are possible, drop if not]

Channels and WP
[X] None

Fierce or No?
[X] No.

Charm Use
[X] 4 dice from First Theion Excellency

Channels and WP
[X] None

Stunt Reward
[X] 4 Motes

Gain Temporary 1 Dot Principle?
[X] Yes, gain a Beat the Shit out of Janaka Videha (Righteous Anger) principle.
Alright, running with this.

Roll 22d10X7 to punch the shit out of gun.

Roll 14d10X7 to Social Janaka

Still accepting stunts on that punch.

Coincidentally, you now have a desirous intimacy towards punching out Janaka. So stunts related to that are treated as one rating higher.

Continue social combat?
[ ] Taunt him over his inferior piloting skills. (1.5X)
[ ] Berate him over endangering civilians (1.2X)
[ ] Taunt him over the quality of his troops. (1.2X)
[ ] Take a moment and scope him out. Understand your enemy. (.8X)
[ ] Cut comms. You've said what you need to, now is time for punching. (1.1X)
[ ] Stay silent, but keep the comms open.
Still accepting stunts on that punch.

Leaping forwards, Ravana deliberately skids in the marshy ground, throwing dirty water and rotting plant matter and mud all over the pretty clean armour of the enemy mech - and its optics, too. He turns the skid into a neat pirouette and brings his hand around in a roundhouse punch which slams right into the capacitor banks of the particle beam.

He always was good at fighting dirty.

"Please. No. Stop."​

Continue social combat?
[X] Taunt him over his inferior piloting skills. (1.5X)

"Looks like your House is on the way out, if you're the best they can offer," Ravana taunts. Oh, he's having fun. There's nothing quite like talking the shit out of a rich Dragonblood. He used to do it to Abhas, so he knows all the ways to hit him. "All your expensive schooling, and this's all you can manage? I hope they kept a receipt!"

He grins wider.

"Maybe they might've had better luck if they'd sent someone whose family tree wasn't a plank."

Ravana's grin gets impossibly wide, reaching from ear to ear. Holy crap, he's good. That whole family tree thing was a totally intentional and 100% brilliant reference to the fact the guy is a Wood Aspect, as well as a Dragonblooded incest joke. Gods, he's amazing. But then again he is amazing simply by nature. He is the crown prince of humour and put-downs. He talks so much shit his enemies have to bath afterwards.

"That wasn't deliberate," the voice in his head disagrees. "I don't even know why you bother lying to yourself like this. The only one who hears this is me, and I know you're lying."​

Totally intentional and 100% super-amazing.
[X] Taunt him over his inferior piloting skills. (1.5X)

Surpanakha makes the stunts great.

Because it breaks the way stunts work. :p

(This one's actually in the original ruleset, too! One of those things the exalted devs realized would be broken before they published. :p)

Anyways, the melee roll is a hit with 2 Threshold Successes. Which means post-soak damage is 14d10+2 Lethal Damage+[6] Damage Adds

Roll 14d10E7+2 Autosux real quick so I can move to the next bit.

Excellent! The Particle Lance detonates horribly, but Janaka is on-point and manages to toss it clear!

Now, actions for the next update:
Pick a Combat Action:
[ ] Hit the ARJUN
->[ ] Shoot it with your Particle Lance. (1.2x, 14d10X7 to hit. Can add up to eight dice with First Theion Excellency. Speed 6, Particle Lance will be recharged on Tick 14. Select a Section of the ARJUN to target)
->[ ] Punch the ARJUN (1.1x, 18d10X7 and 18d10X7 to hit. Can add up to nine dice with First Theion Excellency. Increases Physique bonus from Infernal Monster Style to +2, gives you the second arm from Many-Armed Wrathful Deva Method. Speed 4. Select a section of the ARJUN to target)
->[ ] Sword the ARJUN ( 15d10X7 and 15d10X7 to hit. Can add up to nine dice with First Theion Excellency. Speed 4. Select a section of the ARJUN to target.)
[ ] Hit the entourage
->[ ] Punch the intact one to force an ejection. (1.2x, 18d10X7 and 18d10X7 to hit. Can add up to ten dice with First Theion Excellency. Increases Physique bonus from Infernal Monster Style to +1, gives you the second arm from Many-Armed Wrathful Deva Method. Speed 4)
-->[ ] Punch the intact one with intent to kill (-.4x, as above)
->[ ] Sword the intact one to force an ejection. (.9x, 15d10X7 and 15d10X7 to hit. Can add up to ten dice with First Theion Excellency. Speed 4)
-→[ ] Sword the intact one with intent to kill (-.3x, as above)
->Shoot them again to disarm them. (1.3x, 3 rolls at 13d10X7, 3 rolls at 11d10X7, 3 rolls at 9d10X7. Speed 5) Your Pulsar's overheated until Tick 20..
[ ] Disappear into the jungle (Re-establish stealth. 10d10X7+1, no excellency use available. Opposed by enemies Wits+Awareness+2 [7d10X7 and 13d10X7 after Excellency use]. Speed 3.) You're surrounded and flaring at the 8+ level, you aint disappearing nowhere.
[ ] RAMMING SPEED (Pick any of the above targets and a Speed from 1-4. Higher speed does more damage but receives more damage, lower speed does less damage but receives less damage. 15d10X7+3 autosuccesses, dice pool increases by Speed. Ramming rules are still under development and may change suddenly and without warning)
[ ] Write-In

For their tick the Saraths are Dashing up to you with Disruptor Blades drawn, then aiming.

Tick One: Janaka Videha uses Swallows Defend the Nest and Red-Hot Demolition Round to shoot you twice with a Heavy Particle Lance. Misses on both.
Tick Two: Ravana punches a Heavy Particle Lance
Tick Three: Entourage dashes to melee range
Tick Six: Ravana does a thing, Entourage Aims
Tick Seven: Janaka Videha and Entourage perform Coordinated attack
Tick Thirteen: Janaka's Particle Lance is usable again
Tick Twenty: Pulsar finishes cooldown sequence and is usable again.
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[X] Hit the ARJUN
->[X] Punch the ARJUN (1.1x, 18d10X7 and 18d10X7 to hit. Can add up to nine dice with First Theion Excellency. Increases Physique bonus from Infernal Monster Style to +2, gives you the first arm from Many-Armed Wrathful Deva Method. Speed 4. Select a section of the ARJUN to target)

Puch that loudmouth in the FACE. Er, Torso, I guess. Add 4 dice.
So, would gnawing the ARJUN's leg off work best as a grapple, or...?

You can make any attack a bite attack due to Teeth Without Number, so you can do it as any other attack or you could do it as a grapple.

I wouldn't do it as a grapple, though, as the ARJUN can still stab/shoot you and the enemies can actually hit you if you're in a grapple.

[X] Hit the ARJUN
->[X] Punch the ARJUN (1.1x, 18d10X7 and 18d10X7 to hit. Can add up to nine dice with First Theion Excellency. Increases Physique bonus from Infernal Monster Style to +2, gives you the first arm from Many-Armed Wrathful Deva Method. Speed 4. Select a section of the ARJUN to target)

Puch that loudmouth in the FACE. Er, Torso, I guess. Add 4 dice.

Torso section includes the face.
[X] Hit the entourage
->[X] Punch the intact one to force an ejection. (1.2x, 18d10X7 and 18d10X7 to hit. Can add up to ten dice with First Theion Excellency. Increases Physique bonus from Infernal Monster Style to +1, gives you the first arm from Many-Armed Wrathful Deva Method. Speed 4)

Because coordinated attacks are annoying.

Tick Thirteen: Janaka's Particle Lance is usable again
I think this is wrong now?
Ugh, co-ordinated attacks are nasty. IIRC, you suffer a DV penalty equal to the number of people attacking you at once - against all their attacks.

That said, I think it requires a miscellaneous action to co-ordinate such an attack... well, Janaka's a Dragon-blood, so he probably has a Charm to do that reflexively if need be. Or there could be built-in squad synchronizing comms tech that allows it, or something.

Well, I wanted to eliminate both members of the entourage before they could do anything serious, but that's not really an option, now - not sure if it's better to just mitigate the DV penalty by eliminating one, or go all-in on taking down the Terrestrial.
[X] RAMMING SPEED (Pick any of the above targets and a Speed from 1-4. Higher speed does more damage but receives more damage, lower speed does less damage but receives less damage. 15d10X7+3 autosuccesses, dice pool increases by Speed. Ramming rules are still under development and may change suddenly and without warning)
-> [X] Intact Entourage
-> [X] Speed 2