Raising a Monster

Good thing that lucky rolls saved us from stupid choices going badly.

"Consider this our apology! It should protect you in case….just stay safe!" And just like that, he's back inside the house, where you hear the sound of feet rushing to and fro around the place.

All three of you stand there for a time, until Chester breaks the silence as he slowly closes the door behind him, "Thank you both for coming. And Ana. Your dad's awesome."

Yay! Some respect at last. By the way Link, could you add the stats of each character and what these new Perks do in the updates? Just like Moronis does. It's easier to keep track of stuff that way.
Good thing that lucky rolls saved us from stupid choices going badly.

Yay! Some respect at last. By the way Link, could you add the stats of each character and what these new Perks do in the updates? Just like Moronis does. It's easier to keep track of stuff that way.

Sure thing.
Day 11 Part 3/Day 12
Spending Time: 86 + 15 (Teacher) - 10 (A Divide) = 91 High Success

"Are you sure you want to do this, father?" Ana says while she draws a chalk circle on the floor.

"The road to forgiveness has to start somewhere," you say from your sitting position to the circle's north point, "this is is for me."

"I can understand that," the chalk connects with the other end of the circle with a hiss, "but sitting in on one of my meditation rituals?"

"I overreacted last time, so to apologize, I'm going to show you that I have absolutely no qualms with you performing seances….as long as you stay safe."

She stands at the other end of the circle, looking at you for a few minutes. Then, she sits down opposite to you and closes her eyes.

You smile and follow along.

You're getting somewhere now.

(1 more High or Critical Success needed to remove Divide Perk! Trust Increased!)

Practice Powers: 15 + 15 (Potential) = 30 Fail

Sensing Eldritch: 15 + 15 (Senses) = 30 Fail

Anastasia was going to try to practice her powers and sense around your house, but that ritual seems to have taken its toll on her. So you walk her over to bed and head into the living room to sleep.

It's about 4:00 in the morning when they come.

Event: 20 = Battle!

Howard Perception: 45 Success

Ana Perception: 78 + 15 (Senses) = 93 High Success

Combat: 58 (Howard) + 61 (Ana + Perks - Human Form) + 10 (DODGE) + 20 (Ana + Howard Perception) + 5 (Some Knowledge) - 43 (???) - 10 (Low Knowledge) - 15 (???) = 86 High Success

If you hadn't of needed to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, you would've been dead. For when you slowly open up your crusty eyes, the first thing you see is one of those Shadow Creatures from some time ago.

It takes you a bit to register that its holding a sword right above your head.

Your reflexes from the training with Ana are what save you. As the sword comes down, you roll off onto the floor at the monster's feet. Only after you hear the blade hit the cushion with a muffled slash do you dare to crawl towards the hallway.

You're halfway there, when another creature steps into your path to block you. It's hands reach down and grab the back of your night gown. Your tossed off the ground and land in the hallway. Grunting, you push yourself off the ground to face your assailants. Sure enough, you see 10 of the red clothed bastards standing in a circle around where you were just sleeping.

That pull on your head is back, but it's worse this time. Your mind still puts the same clamps on it to stop..something from happening, but you can still feel the pain that it could bring you. The answer is what is standing in the Shadows.

It's a being of pure madness, that's the best way you can describe it anyway. It's actually pretty hard to get a read on its actual form. It just keeps shifting to different body types, never to sticking with a base form. The only constant is this massive swirling mass of serrated teeth in the middle of the vortex. They twist, turn, and writhe within the creature as it stares you down. You don't smell any sulfur this time, no instead its an arid smell. Fetid and cloying, it permeates the air around you.

You put your fist up, letting your muscles tense up. You may die here, but you'll be damned if you go down without some kind of fight. The creature's mouth moves in an obscure way, and the Shadows begin to advance on you.

Then you start to smell sulfur.

3 of the Shadow's heads explode, scattering a dark, purple substance onto the floor.

3 more have their heads twisted 360 degrees with a loud snap.

2 are lifted up and folded in on themselves, screaming as they die.

And the last 2 are neatly bisected down from the top of their heads to their feet.

The Creature of Madness doesn't even get a chance to shriek before Ana is upon it. She whirls and slashes at it, ripping chunks of should not exist out of the monsterosity. It's teeth and formed tendrils do nothing to save it from her attack. Before long it crumbles to the floor in a heap, teeth and tendrils flailing wildly about.

You stare in shock at your daughter, but she doesn't seem to notice you. Instead she kneels down to the Creature and opens her mouth to ok nopenopenopenopenope.

She stands up after the...act is over and breathes out a heavy sigh. Then she turns around rushes towards you, "You are unharmed, father? They didn't injure you, did they?"

You're only response is to pass out onto the floor.

You need some rest.

(Low ranked Eldritch Horror killed! Shadow Creatures frightened! Ana's Satiety Increased! Howard's Notoriety Slightly Increased! Ana has reached Level 2: +5 to all Combat Rolls!)

The Rain has gone.

Days until Anastasia Matures again: ???

Your Actions: 3 (+1 Weekend)

[] Physical: You're gonna need to learn how to defend not just yourself, but your little girl now.

  • [] Focus on Offense (Work towards Perk for Offensive Combat)
  • [] Focus on Defense (Work towards Perk for Defensive Combat)

[] Mental: The Mind is a terrible thing to waste. And you are not gonna waste yours.

  • [] Focus on Mental Power (Work towards Perk for Mental Offenses)
  • [] Focus on Mental Fortitude (Work towards Perk for Mental Defenses)

[] Perception: You missed enough paper airplanes coming towards your head to know that you need to better your vision.

  • [] Focus on perceiving Objects (Work towards Perk for seeing things before they hit you)
  • [] Focus on perceiving People (Work towards Perk for spotting others before they see you)

[] Work on lesson plan: Always helps to be prepared for anything (+10 bonus to next Job roll)

[] Ask for a day off: Hey, your only human. You can only go on for so many days at a time. (+1 to Action for one day, but may worsen rep with boss)

[] Look for a new job: Maybe you should try to find one that pays a bit more (Possible new job opportunities)

[] Do some side work: More cash is always a good thing. (Add +2 to Money immediately)

[] Read the Journal: You really don't want to do this, but how else are you supposed to prepare? (Learn more about Anastasia and the Supernatural)

[] Find out more about Chester: Why did he break into your house that night? (Learn more about Chester and his home life)

[] Call Chester's Parents for a Meet Up: Time to teach wolves to not judge a book by it's cover. Umm...smell. (Unlock Chester Playdate and New SLs)

[] Have Hannah meet you after school: You've got a couple of questions for her. (???)

[] Try to make some friends: Let's face it; you need friends. Let's see if you can makes some. (Possibly unlock friendships to be cultivated)

[] Call Rivauld: Ok..you can do this. (Improve Ms. R SL)

[] Go shopping: You've got some cash. Wouldn't hurt to spend a little bit of it. (Spend Money to purchase items or food)

[] Spend time with Anastasia: You are her father after all. (Raise Trust/Satiety with child)

[] Take Anastasia out somewhere: You can't keep her cooped up in the house forever. (Raise Trust/Satiety with Child even more. May cost Money depending on where you go)
-[] The Park (No Cost)
-[] The Mall (1-2 Money)
-[] A Gym (1 Money)
-[] Write in...(Be reasonable)

[] Go looking for trouble: This is probably a horrible idea. But...you just gotta know. (Try to find evidence of the Supernatural. Could lead to a battle.)

[] Ask Anastasia about Magic: What's the worse that could happen? (???)

Anastasia's Actions: 2 (+1 Weekend)
[] Practice her powers: Ya lose it if you don't use it. (Anastasia practices getting a better handle on her powers and learning to what extent she can use them.)

[] Read a book: The best way to gain knowledge on just about anything. (Anastasia will look through your collection of books and read one on her own. May result in new Perk.)

[] Sense Eldritch: They are not getting into our house again. (Anastasia will use her Eldritch Powers to try to sense who or what is currently watching you. May lead to discovery of other Supernatural beings.)

[] Watch TV?: Who knows? She may actually learns something from it. (???)

[] Call Chester over for a playdate: He's her first friend, it would be a shame to keep them apart. (???)

Level 2
Parent: Howard Craft
Monster Type: Eldritch Abomination

Stats: Alarm 2, Notoriety 5, Trust 9, Satiety 8

Basket Crib
Young Child's Plain Clothes

Days Until she Mature's Again: ???


Chester Harrowmont: 3/10 SL

THING THAT SHOULD NOT BE: A baby eldritch horror that could grow up to be one of the deadliest things in all of existence isn't exactly something you can keep hidden from the supernatural crowd. As it grows into its powers, Child Notoriety will become easier to raise.

Human Form (Child): Need to look the part if you want to play the part. You have a humanoid form that allows you to blend in. No penalties to interactions with mortals, but a -15 to all rolls to use your powers. You now have a five year old form. +5 to interactions with other children.

Eldritch Form: Tentacles are optional. You have an eldritch form that lets you unleash your true power. +20 to rolls to use your powers, but any mortals you come in contact with immediately go insane unless they have sufficient willpower.

Aura of Horror: It's not my fault I literally smell like the end of the world! -15 to all rolls to remain hidden from supernatural entities.

Supernatural Senses: I see you! +15 to all rolls to sense supernatural entities.

Prodigy(Reading): Your eye's just fly across the page! Once you hit toddler age, +15 to all rolls to maintain information from reading.

Potential Unlocked: Now is the time to train! (As long as you are in Child state, gain a +15 to gaining a new Perk or Power)

Human's Will to Live(Beginner): A race so stubborn that they won't even die when killed! (+5 to Rolls when fighting a losing battle)

Put your trust in me: I have your back. (+5 to persuading others)

Physical Augmentation: Get Fit! (When activated, add +15 to Physical Combat)

Telekinesis/Telepathy: I can read your mind, and throw you around like a ragdoll! (When activated +15 to all Mental and Physical Combat)

Rituals: I hereby summon thee....whatever your name is. (Can perform rituals to someone Eldritch creatures)

Biological Augmentation: My body is a weapon! (When activated, +20 to Physical Combat)

Howard Craft
Level 1
Child: Anastasia the Eldritch Abomination
Job: Middle School Teacher

Stats: Money 2, Sanity 10, Notoriety 4, Actions 2

Weekly Income: +2 to Money

Current Food: 4/4

The Journal
Starship Troopers
Warhammer 40k
Star Wars
Horror Books
Red Cloth (From Shadow Creature)

Known Adults/Supernaturals:
Ms. Harrowmont: 1/10

Mr. Harrowmont: 1/10

Acquaintances(That you can actually stand):

Olly Rivauld: 3/10

Those who can't, teach better: You're not the best, but you are still a teacher. And you'll be dammed if anyone questions it. +15 to rolls when teaching your child and classroom

Middle School Drama: You've been around enough 13-16 year olds to know what they worry about at that age. +15 bonus to rolls when child hits puberty
Authoritative: Sometimes, tough love is the best love. +10 to rolls when laying down the law

Those fucking brats!: Why do they keep putting a tack on my seat? -10 to rolls to keep Sanity when doing job.

Low Risk Job: If a roll would increase Notoriety with a fail, add +10 to roll

Strong Willed: Either your willpower is harder to break than titanium, or you were insane to begin with to even THINK about raising a THING THAT SHOULD NOT BE as your child. No longer lose Sanity from Supernatural sources.

Knowledge of the Supernatural (Beginner): Turns out, there's an entire world that you are completely unaware of right under your nose! Heh, heh….uuuggghhh. +5 to Supernatural Investigations.

A Divide between Father and Daughter: You don't think saying you're sorry will help here. (Rolls to increase Trust will be at a -10 Disadvantage until 2 High or Crit successes are had on a roll to increase Trust)

Orator (Novice): You've got that commanding voice! (+10 to rolls to Inspire or Persuade others)

DODGE!: Best way to not get hit? Not get hit! (+10 to Defensive Combat Rolls)

Your enemies are some kind of strange Shadow Creatures. Apparently they live in..well shadows and are currently watching your every move. You've encountered one of them twice. Once when it appeared on the roof of your car. Then again when you accidentally left Anastasia at home alone.

You have discovered that whatever the Shadow Creatures are, they can bleed. They can be killed.

You have discovered that Magic exist.

Sorry the Spending Time action was kind of underwhelming. I was saving my energy for the combat scene.

Also, if anyone's wondering what that Eldritch Creature that attacked you was, it was the one that was released when you interrupted Anastasia's summoning.

*Vote Closed*
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[X] Read the Journal: You really don't want to do this, but how else are you supposed to prepare? (Learn more about Anastasia and the Supernatural)
[X] Focus on Mental Fortitude (Work towards Perk for Mental Defenses)
[X] Take Anastasia out somewhere: You can't keep her cooped up in the house forever. (Raise Trust/Satiety with Child even more. May cost Money depending on where you go)
-[X] The Park (No Cost)
[X] Read a book: The best way to gain knowledge on just about anything. (Anastasia will look through your collection of books and read one on her own. May result in new Perk.)
[X] Call Chester over for a playdate: He's her first friend, it would be a shame to keep them apart. (???)

We really want to finish that Journal. Doing this blind isn't fun.
And Ana mines books for perks. She has a whole +30 to that.
[X] Read the Journal: You really don't want to do this, but how else are you supposed to prepare? (Learn more about Anastasia and the Supernatural)
[X] Focus on Mental Fortitude (Work towards Perk for Mental Defenses)
[X] Take Anastasia out somewhere: You can't keep her cooped up in the house forever. (Raise Trust/Satiety with Child even more. May cost Money depending on where you go)
-[X] The Park (No Cost)
[X] Read a book: The best way to gain knowledge on just about anything. (Anastasia will look through your collection of books and read one on her own. May result in new Perk.)
[X] Call Chester over for a playdate: He's her first friend, it would be a shame to keep them apart. (???)
I like that despite getting a high roll in combat, Howard's only contribution was to DODGE!

[X] Focus on Mental Power (Work towards Perk for Mental Offenses)
[X] Call Rivauld: Ok..you can do this. (Improve Ms. R SL)
[X] Read the Journal: You really don't want to do this, but how else are you supposed to prepare? (Learn more about Anastasia and the Supernatural)
[X] Call Chester over for a playdate: He's her first friend, it would be a shame to keep them apart. (???)
[X] Read a book: The best way to gain knowledge on just about anything. (Anastasia will look through your collection of books and read one on her own. May result in new Perk.)

Howie is immune to sanity damage by supernatural sources, so we should take the opportunity to start learning actual magic. Who knows, we may impress our daughter. We also need Rivauld's help, a grown lady in our home will do wonders for everyone's overall health (even if she's a vampire).

As for Ana, keep socializing with her friend and reading to pass the time.
[X] Focus on Mental Fortitude: 2 Votes
[X] Read the Journal: 3 Votes
[X] Take Anastasia out somewhere: 2 Votes
-[X] The Park
[X] Read a book: 3 Votes
[X] Call Chester over for a playdate: 3 Votes

I'll start writing.

Edit: Forgot to Roll.
LinkOnScepter threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Mental Defense Total: 34
34 34
LinkOnScepter threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Read Journal Total: 55
55 55
LinkOnScepter threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Park Trip Total: 16
2 2 14 14
LinkOnScepter threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Book Reading Total: 25
25 25
LinkOnScepter threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Playdate Total: 26
26 26
Last edited:
Day 13
Mental Defense Training: 34 Fail

You try to improve your mental defenses. But that proves a bit a challenged.

Considering that you just witnessed your daughter what was essentially eat fucking madness itself it is understandable.

But you're pretty sure you've gotten somewhere.

(No major change. +5 to next Mental Defense Training)

Read Journal: 55 Success

By now you have been discovered and approached by one of the creatures that defy convention.

By now you have been attacked and nearly destroyed by such things.

If you are hoping that this tome shall tell you that it was the first, and only time it will happen, you are foolish. They will not stop. If anything, you still living will embolden them to try again. This time with even fiercer determination and drive.

They will do whatever it takes to destroy you, and return that which they consider is rightfully theirs. If you wish to fight back, witless and hollow as that would be, then there are only two methods that I know of.

If you have not discovered the secrets of Magic, then that would be one way to do so. But be warned, for it comes with a high price. Then again, so does the second option though it is much easier to obtain and control.

Even with my extensive knowledge and searching, I have been able to fully understand what the second power is. Only that it is something that humans have in spades. Something that allows us to fight the dark, the mutant, the monster.

Something that makes them afraid of us.


You would do well to discover as much about this mysterious power as you can. It may prove invaluable in these terrible times.


Like, believing in something really hard?

That sounds...rather tripe. And underwhelming.

Still, maybe Anastasia knows something about it.

(Knowledge of Belief Gained! New Action Unlocked: Ask Ana about Belief: What could go wrong? (???))

Park Trip: 2 High Fail; Alarm Roll: 14 High Fail

"That, could've gone better," your arms are tense, hands tight on the steering wheel.

"I'd say it went rather well," Ana's sitting in the passenger seat, morphing her hands into different types of weapons. She's on a swiss army knife right now.

"You levitated a 9 year old boy upside down, and suspended him in the air for 5 minutes."

"He was the one who kicked over my sand temple."

"Then when his older sister showed up, you grabbed her by the neck and threw her into a tree."

"She started it. You don't just grab someone's shoulder and threaten them without expecting recompense."

"You did all of that, in front of at least four adults, not including me."

"They didn't really do anything."

"That's because one of them was holding back their dog, while the others were taking pictures with their phones."

"Oh, don't worry father," she waves her other arm at you dismissively, "With the considerable amount of conspiracy theories out there, I'm sure no one will take anything they post online seriously—"

"Oh, dear."

"Yeah. 'Oh, dear' indeed," you pick up the remote and turn off the TV before you can hear the rest of the "Breaking News of a Psychic little girl found in small urban neighborhood!"

(Alarm Increased! Perk Gained: The News!: Fucking Vampires in what they are! (-10 to actions that could raise Alarm (going to the Park, a class roll, shopping, etc.) for Two Days!) New Investigation Unlocked: Dispelling serious rumors!)

Read a Book: 25 + 15 (Prodigy) + 15 (Potential) = 55 Success

After the….complications at the park, you and Ana decided to finish Starship Troopers finally. In the end you both felt better about what happened earlier, and Ana said she had finally figured out this whole human stubbornness thing.

When you ask her what she thought of it, she answered that humans are in fact some of the most foolish creatures ever.

But, at least their fools who win.

Couldn't of said it better yourself.

(Humans Will to Live Upgraded to (Adept): A race so stubborn that they won't even die when killed! And neither will you! +10 to all battle rolls when fighting a losing battle!)

Playdate: 26 + 5 (Trust in me) + 20 (Amulet) + 5 (Information) = 56 Success

A knock on the door rouses you from your reprieve. You smile, and stand to let Chester in. It took a bit, and you had to give the phone to Anastasia so his parents didn't think you were tricking them, but you were able to convince them to let their son come on over for a playdate.

You open the door with haste, and there stands Chester. He's changed out of his school clothes since last time. Now he sports a black shirt with a drawing of a character on the front of it with jeans. You're not 100% sure, but you think the picture's from a manga (that's what it's called, right?) of some sort. You're not sure who or where it's from, but the face of that man is one of pure rage.

"Hi, Mr. Craft," the boy's voice has lost the edge it had yesterday. The passing of the moon must've taken a load off of him, "Uh-um, is Ana—"

Your daughter appears underneath your right arm, "Oh good! You're here!"

Before he gets a word in edgewise, Chester is pulled through the door by Anastasia's considerable strength. You close the door and turn around, watching the two kids as Ana brings him over to the living room.

They both sit down on the floor, and Ana levitates the Wolf-headed Amulet from your pocket to sit in front of them. "Be a dear Chester, and please tell me what this is?"

The little cub, fidgeting in your daughter's commanding presence, nails his eyes to the floor at the question. You move around the side to get a better look only now that you notice the rectangular object sitting closed across Chester's lap. Is that a laptop?

"W-why do you want to know?" he ask, eyes still on the floor.

"Because, I want to know exactly what it does! Your dad gave it to us for protection after all, but I know it can do much more than that," for emphasis she spins the object in question around in front of them both.

You say you'll go get them both something to eat and walk off. You return with two bowls of milk in your arms, and almost chuckle at what you see.

Anastasia is sitting there with Chester kneeling down at her side. The young boy is leaning into her palm as she scratches the ears that have popped out of the sides of his head. His tail swings back and forth as she continues.

"So, my dear friend," she begins moving the Amulet in front of both of their faces, "what exactly is this item's purpose?"

Chester groans in bliss before answering, "Protection….Amulet. Marks you...both as ffffffrrrrrrriends to my….family. As lllooooongggg as you have it….we won't harm you during a...full moon."

"Good boy," she teases. You smile and leave the bowls next to them on the floor, while you go off to get ready for work tomorrow.

(Amulet's Purpose Revealed! Chester SL increased! By extension Harrowmont Family SLs increased!)

Severe Thunderstorm! +1 Action (No School); Outside Actions are unavailable!

Special Day: Magical Boost! (+20 to all Magic Based Actions!)

Days until Anastasia Matures again: ???

Your Actions: 3 (+1 Thunderstorm)

[] Physical: You're gonna need to learn how to defend not just yourself, but your little girl now.

  • [] Focus on Offense (Work towards Perk for Offensive Combat)
  • [] Focus on Defense (Work towards Perk for Defensive Combat)

[] Mental: The Mind is a terrible thing to waste. And you are not gonna waste yours.

  • [] Focus on Mental Power (Work towards Perk for Mental Offenses)
  • [] Focus on Mental Fortitude (Work towards Perk for Mental Defenses)

[] Perception: You missed enough paper airplanes coming towards your head to know that you need to better your vision.

  • [] Focus on perceiving Objects (Work towards Perk for seeing things before they hit you)
  • [] Focus on perceiving People (Work towards Perk for spotting others before they see you)

[] Work on lesson plan: Always helps to be prepared for anything (+10 bonus to next Job roll)

[] Ask for a day off: Hey, your only human. You can only go on for so many days at a time. (+1 to Action for one day, but may worsen rep with boss)

[] Look for a new job: Maybe you should try to find one that pays a bit more (Possible new job opportunities)

[] Do some side work: More cash is always a good thing. (Add +2 to Money immediately)

[] Read the Journal: You really don't want to do this, but how else are you supposed to prepare? (Learn more about Anastasia and the Supernatural)

[] Find out more about Chester: Why did he break into your house that night? (Learn more about Chester and his home life)

[] Call Chester's Parents for a Meet Up: Time to teach wolves to not judge a book by it's cover. Umm...smell. (Unlock Chester Playdate and New SLs)

[] Have Hannah meet you after school: You've got a couple of questions for her. (???)

[] Dispelling Serious Rumors!: It's all a misunderstanding, really! (Decrease Alarm; Remove The News! Perk)

[] Try to make some friends: Let's face it; you need friends. Let's see if you can makes some. (Possibly unlock friendships to be cultivated)

[] Call Rivauld: Ok..you can do this. (Improve Ms. R SL)

[] Go shopping: You've got some cash. Wouldn't hurt to spend a little bit of it. (Spend Money to purchase items or food)

[] Spend time with Anastasia: You are her father after all. (Raise Trust/Satiety with child)

[] Take Anastasia out somewhere: You can't keep her cooped up in the house forever. (Raise Trust/Satiety with Child even more. May cost Money depending on where you go)
-[] The Park (No Cost)
-[] The Mall (1-2 Money)
-[] A Gym (1 Money)
-[] Write in...(Be reasonable)

[] Go looking for trouble: This is probably a horrible idea. But...you just gotta know. (Try to find evidence of the Supernatural. Could lead to a battle.)

[] Ask Anastasia about Magic: What's the worse that could happen? (???)

[] As Anastasia about Belief: What could possibly go wrong? (???)

Anastasia's Actions: 2 (+1 Thunderstorm)
[] Practice her powers: Ya lose it if you don't use it. (Anastasia practices getting a better handle on her powers and learning to what extent she can use them.)

[] Read a book: The best way to gain knowledge on just about anything. (Anastasia will look through your collection of books and read one on her own. May result in new Perk.)

[] Sense Eldritch: They are not getting into our house again. (Anastasia will use her Eldritch Powers to try to sense who or what is currently watching you. May lead to discovery of other Supernatural beings.)

[] Watch TV?: Who knows? She may actually learns something from it. (???)

[] Call Chester over for a playdate: He's her first friend, it would be a shame to keep them apart. (???)

Level 2
Parent: Howard Craft
Monster Type: Eldritch Abomination

Stats: Alarm 4, Notoriety 5, Trust 9, Satiety 8

Basket Crib
Young Child's Plain Clothes

Days Until she Mature's Again: ???


Chester Harrowmont: 4/10 SL

THING THAT SHOULD NOT BE: A baby eldritch horror that could grow up to be one of the deadliest things in all of existence isn't exactly something you can keep hidden from the supernatural crowd. As it grows into its powers, Child Notoriety will become easier to raise.

Human Form (Child): Need to look the part if you want to play the part. You have a humanoid form that allows you to blend in. No penalties to interactions with mortals, but a -15 to all rolls to use your powers. You now have a five year old form. +5 to interactions with other children.

Eldritch Form: Tentacles are optional. You have an eldritch form that lets you unleash your true power. +20 to rolls to use your powers, but any mortals you come in contact with immediately go insane unless they have sufficient willpower.

Aura of Horror: It's not my fault I literally smell like the end of the world! -15 to all rolls to remain hidden from supernatural entities.

Supernatural Senses: I see you! +15 to all rolls to sense supernatural entities.

Prodigy(Reading): Your eye's just fly across the page! Once you hit toddler age, +15 to all rolls to maintain information from reading.

Potential Unlocked: Now is the time to train! (As long as you are in Child state, gain a +15 to gaining a new Perk or Power)

Human's Will to Live(Beginner): A race so stubborn that they won't even die when killed! (+5 to Rolls when fighting a losing battle)

Put your trust in me: I have your back. (+5 to persuading others)

The News!: Fucking Vampires is what they are! (-10 to actions that could raise Alarm (going to the Park, a class roll, shopping, etc.) for Two Days!)

Physical Augmentation: Get Fit! (When activated, add +15 to Physical Combat)

Telekinesis/Telepathy: I can read your mind, and throw you around like a ragdoll! (When activated +15 to all Mental and Physical Combat)

Rituals: I hereby summon thee....whatever your name is. (Can perform rituals to someone Eldritch creatures)

Biological Augmentation: My body is a weapon! (When activated, +20 to Physical Combat)

Howard Craft
Level 1
Child: Anastasia the Eldritch Abomination
Job: Middle School Teacher

Stats: Money 2, Sanity 10, Notoriety 4, Actions 2

Weekly Income: +2 to Money

Current Food: 3/4

The Journal
Starship Troopers
Warhammer 40k
Star Wars
Horror Books
Red Cloth (From Shadow Creature)

Known Adults/Supernaturals:
Ms. Harrowmont: 2/10

Mr. Harrowmont: 2/10

Acquaintances(That you can actually stand):

Olly Rivauld: 3/10

Those who can't, teach better: You're not the best, but you are still a teacher. And you'll be dammed if anyone questions it. +15 to rolls when teaching your child and classroom

Middle School Drama: You've been around enough 13-16 year olds to know what they worry about at that age. +15 bonus to rolls when child hits puberty
Authoritative: Sometimes, tough love is the best love. +10 to rolls when laying down the law

Those fucking brats!: Why do they keep putting a tack on my seat? -10 to rolls to keep Sanity when doing job.

Low Risk Job: If a roll would increase Notoriety with a fail, add +10 to roll

Strong Willed: Either your willpower is harder to break than titanium, or you were insane to begin with to even THINK about raising a THING THAT SHOULD NOT BE as your child. No longer lose Sanity from Supernatural sources.

Knowledge of the Supernatural (Beginner): Turns out, there's an entire world that you are completely unaware of right under your nose! Heh, heh….uuuggghhh. +5 to Supernatural Investigations.

A Divide between Father and Daughter: You don't think saying you're sorry will help here. (Rolls to increase Trust will be at a -10 Disadvantage until 2 High or Crit successes are had on a roll to increase Trust)

Orator (Novice): You've got that commanding voice! (+10 to rolls to Inspire or Persuade others)

DODGE!: Best way to not get hit? Not get hit! (+10 to Defensive Combat Rolls)

Your enemies are some kind of strange Shadow Creatures. Apparently they live in..well shadows and are currently watching your every move. You've encountered one of them twice. Once when it appeared on the roof of your car. Then again when you accidentally left Anastasia at home alone.

You have discovered that whatever the Shadow Creatures are, they can bleed. They can be killed.

You have discovered that Magic exist.

You have discovered something called Belief.
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[X] Spend time with Anastasia: You are her father after all. (Raise Trust/Satiety with child)
-[x] twice
[x] Practice her powers: Ya lose it if you don't use it. (Anastasia practices getting a better handle on her powers and learning to what extent she can use them.)
Uneven rolls are uneven. We need more bonuses and perks. Good thing we get more actions and a bonus to magic for this turn. It would do Howard good to learn some sanity-tearing spells, as he's immune to that kind of damage.

[X] Call Rivauld: Ok..you can do this. (Improve Ms. R SL)
[X] Ask Anastasia about Magic: What's the worse that could happen? (???)

[X] Spend time with Anastasia: You are her father after all. (Raise Trust/Satiety with child)

[x] Practice her powers: Ya lose it if you don't use it. (Anastasia practices getting a better handle on her powers and learning to what extent she can use them.)
[x] Sense Eldritch: They are not getting into our house again. (Anastasia will use her Eldritch Powers to try to sense who or what is currently watching you. May lead to discovery of other Supernatural beings.)
[x] Read a book: The best way to gain knowledge on just about anything. (Anastasia will look through your collection of books and read one on her own. May result in new Perk.)
[X] Read the Journal: You really don't want to do this, but how else are you supposed to prepare? (Learn more about Anastasia and the Supernatural)
[X] Ask Anastasia about Magic: What's the worse that could happen? (???)
[X] Spend time with Anastasia: You are her father after all. (Raise Trust/Satiety with child)
[x] Practice her powers: Ya lose it if you don't use it. (Anastasia practices getting a better handle on her powers and learning to what extent she can use them.)
[x] Sense Eldritch: They are not getting into our house again. (Anastasia will use her Eldritch Powers to try to sense who or what is currently watching you. May lead to discovery of other Supernatural beings.)
[x] Read a book: The best way to gain knowledge on just about anything. (Anastasia will look through your collection of books and read one on her own. May result in new Perk.)

It's clear we really need more progress on the Journal, and that Anastasia's reading is great.
[X] Read the Journal: You really don't want to do this, but how else are you supposed to prepare? (Learn more about Anastasia and the Supernatural)
[X] Ask Anastasia about Magic: What's the worse that could happen? (???)
[X] Spend time with Anastasia: You are her father after all. (Raise Trust/Satiety with child)
[x] Practice her powers: Ya lose it if you don't use it. (Anastasia practices getting a better handle on her powers and learning to what extent she can use them.)
[x] Sense Eldritch: They are not getting into our house again. (Anastasia will use her Eldritch Powers to try to sense who or what is currently watching you. May lead to discovery of other Supernatural beings.)
[x] Read a book: The best way to gain knowledge on just about anything. (Anastasia will look through your collection of books and read one on her own. May result in new Perk.)
[X] Read the Journal: You really don't want to do this, but how else are you supposed to prepare? (Learn more about Anastasia and the Supernatural)
[X] Ask Anastasia about Magic: What's the worse that could happen? (???)
[X] Spend time with Anastasia: You are her father after all. (Raise Trust/Satiety with child)
[x] Practice her powers: Ya lose it if you don't use it. (Anastasia practices getting a better handle on her powers and learning to what extent she can use them.)
[x] Sense Eldritch: They are not getting into our house again. (Anastasia will use her Eldritch Powers to try to sense who or what is currently watching you. May lead to discovery of other Supernatural beings.)
[x] Read a book: The best way to gain knowledge on just about anything. (Anastasia will look through your collection of books and read one on her own. May result in new Perk.)
[X] Spend time with Anastasia: You are her father after all. (Raise Trust/Satiety with child)
-[x] twice
[x] Practice her powers: Ya lose it if you don't use it. (Anastasia practices getting a better handle on her powers and learning to what extent she can use them.)

You still have 1 Action and Ana still has 1 as well.
[X] Read the Journal: You really don't want to do this, but how else are you supposed to prepare? (Learn more about Anastasia and the Supernatural)
[X] As Anastasia about Belief: What could possibly go wrong? (???)
[X] Spend time with Anastasia: You are her father after all. (Raise Trust/Satiety with child)
[x] Practice her powers: Ya lose it if you don't use it. (Anastasia practices getting a better handle on her powers and learning to what extent she can use them.)
[x] Sense Eldritch: They are not getting into our house again. (Anastasia will use her Eldritch Powers to try to sense who or what is currently watching you. May lead to discovery of other Supernatural beings.)
[x] Read a book: The best way to gain knowledge on just about anything. (Anastasia will look through your collection of books and read one on her own. May result in new Perk.)
[X] Read the Journal: 4 Votes
[X] Ask Anastasia about Magic: 4 Votes
[X] Spend time: 5 Votes
[X] Practice Powers: 5 Votes
[X] Sense Eldritch: 5 Votes
[X] Read a Book: 5 Votes

These win, I'll start rolling.

Edit: I'm not Rolling for Asking about Magic because that is....something else.
LinkOnScepter threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Read Journal Total: 30
30 30
LinkOnScepter threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Spending Time Total: 25
25 25
LinkOnScepter threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Practice Total: 55
55 55
LinkOnScepter threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Sense Total: 87
87 87
LinkOnScepter threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Read a Book Total: 69
69 69
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Day 14 part 1/Magic with Ana
Read Journal: 30 Fail

The rain is really coming down outside. And that thunder! You don't think you've heard it rumble so much before.

You try to read some more of the book, but every time you get started, lightning flashes through the windows, causing you to jump and lose your page.

Soon enough, you get fed up and resolve to try again later.

(No progress made)

Ask Anastasia about Magic:

"Sweety, can you tell me about Magic?"

It's a simple question really. One that can easily be answered with a simple one sentence answer.

All you asked for is a brief summary on how Magic works, what it is, maybe some instruction on it.

Trust: 9

Yet the simple question is enough to not only make your little Eldritch Horror completely freeze up, but you actually see her eyes widen in surprise.

A concerned look comes over your face, "What's wrong?" You originally wanted to ask her about this because...you figured you might need it. You're going up against beings that transcend comprehension, so you need powers that transcend comprehension. What better than the much coveted powers of the Arcane? And like the book said, it is one of the only chances you might have to live through this. Though, if it causes your daughter to be this uncomfortable, you might rethink it.

She closes the book in her hands and sighs. She looks up at you with eyes of….worry?

"I was hoping you wouldn't...ask about that," she replies hands folded in front of her.

"Why? Is it a sensitive topic?" the last thing you wanted would to do was make her talk about something she really doesn't want to.

"Something like that, yes," her body fidgets as you sit together on the couch. The rain beats down outside, as lightning flashes through the curtains of your home. Thunder follows soon after, cutting through the silence that falls between the both of you. Time passes, both of you waiting for the other to say something.

Finally, Ana continues, "Magic is….well….you know those books and TV shows? The ones where people with Magic sling fireballs and lightning around like its going out of style?"

You nod your head affirmatively.

"That's all lies," she says flatly.

Well that takes the wind out of your sails.

"First of all, only Mythics can use Magic naturally."


"Mythical creatures. I don't really like the term 'Monster', that much. Makes it seem like something's wrong with those like me."

Understandable. Also, shoot, "Alrighty then."

You prepare to sit back and watch some TV to get your spirits up, when Ana stops you, "Hold on. I said Mythics are the only ones who can use it naturally. Humans can use Magic, but….I'll get to it later."

You sit back up, waiting for your daughter to speak. It isn't everyday you get to learn something new. Let alone from an Eldritch Abomination posing as a five year old girl.

….That's sounds a lot more ridiculous when you think about it out loud.

"Second of all, while Magic is as powerful as other less enlightened people depict it," she continues, sounding a bit like you when you give a long lecture, "it is not something that is just used with reckless abandon. Think of Magic like a raging fire; In order to use it, you need to fuel it. What do you think Mythics use to fuel it?"

You decide to assume the worst, "Their lifeforce?"

Anastasia nods, "Correct."

You raise your eyebrow, "Wait...if Mon—Mythics are the only ones that can use magic, why haven't they taken over the world yet? Or at least taken it back from us?"

"Two reasons," she holds up two fingers to emphasize. One finger goes down, "They don't really need to use Magic. Would you if you were a giant fire-breathing lizard, a lizard woman who can turn others to stone with a gaze, a bipedal wolfman with super strength and speed, or a living parasite who can't be killed through conventional means?"

"...You have a point there."

She nods as her other finger goes down, "And two, humans have something more powerful than anything they could come up with or do."

You're a bit taken aback at that statement, but then you remember what the book said and voice it out loud.

Anastasia looks a bit surprised you know the term, but it is quickly gone from her face, "Yes, Belief. It is what's caused Mankind to become so numerous over these many, many years."

"What exactly is it?"

Your daughter smiles, and reaches up to pat your head, "I can't tell you everything now, can I? You should know that you get the most out of learning something when you go looking for it yourself." She sits back down finished with her lecture.

You remember something she mentioned earlier, "So how do I get Magic, since I can't obtain it naturally?"

Her nervousness returns in fullforce, her head dipping low to avoid your gaze. She takes in at least four deep breaths before speaking again, "You need to....make a Pact with a one of us." At your obvious suspicion, she puts up her hands defensively, "It's nothing too serious! You don't need to sign any official document in blood or something crazy like that. It's just a simple agreement between you and a mythical creature."

You nod in understanding. "What exactly does this 'Pact,'" you make quotation marks with your hands, "entail?"

Her nervousness dissipates somewhat as you speak, "Well, you would enter into a bond with the creature you have chosen. You would gain the ability to use the Arcane Arts which differ depending on who and what you create a Pact with. In return, the Mythic would get the power to access your powers of Belief, which in and of itself is an immense boon. "

"Ok. What's the catch?" there's no way a deal this sweet would come without a price.

Trust: 9

She bites her lip, rubbing her hands together while her eyes dart all over the room. You've never seen her this nervous while talking to you before. Is this really that hard for her?

She takes four deep breaths before finally stating, "It draws upon both the Human and the Mythic's lifeforce. If too much is used, it kills them both."

Lightning flashes as if to punctuate the weight of her words. You feel a chill down your spine, as the implications sink in.

Magic could kill you.

It could kill not just you, but whoever it is you made the Pact with.

That is...rather unsettling, to say the least.

After a good 5 minutes, your daughter holds out her right hand to you. When look at her questioningly, she nervously looks away, "If you would like, we could make a Pact right now. All you have to do is shake my hand. You wouldn't get all of my powers and it carries a very high amount of risk, but—you could use all the help you could get.

And. I would be dismayed if you died. Because of me."

That last sentence is said in a whisper, and you just manage to catch it. You look down at the small, white hand of your daughter. It seems so long ago that you found her in her basket on your doorstep. Frail, tiny, but with starry-eyes that spoke of something with more power and knowledge than you could realize. Now, she's asking you if you would like to make a contract that could very well kill the both of you if you aren't careful.

So, do you take it?

Do you accept the deal?

[] Yes
[] No

*Vote Closed*
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[X] No

We aren't about to risk getting ourselves, or more importantly Anna killed. That is final.
[x] Yes

well like the nra would say, owning a weapon does not mean you have to use it.
[X] No

I'd consider that a last resort and only after a lot more research. No point in either father or daughter risking their lives to master magic when there are other options.