Quest Idea Thread

I like it because it feels different but at the same time, I feel like getting called scum and pathetic for three updates might ruin the quest for people before it starts.
Depends on how overbearing you are about it, tbh. If it's just sprinkled into arrogant monologing or if it's just the default form of address used almost like a pronoun and not actually dwelled upon, then it's probably fine. If 'being intentionally demeaning' is something your narrator focuses on and commits actual time and effort into, though, then that'd probably turn people away.
The other thing I'm uncertain about is having character creation narrated by the big bad of the quest. I like it because it feels different but at the same time, I feel like getting called scum and pathetic for three updates might ruin the quest for people before it starts.
Maybe just have the character creation be narrated by a more generic/neutral omniscient narrator.

I was really only able to get away with my character creation having a more personal narrator due to him being the kind of guy that would show up to a deathmatch if it meant that you would live. The whole "you are weak" thing might set an incredible tone, but you might also lose some potential starting voters. It's really a risk/reward thing.
Depends on how overbearing you are about it, tbh. If it's just sprinkled into arrogant monologing or if it's just the default form of address used almost like a pronoun and not actually dwelled upon, then it's probably fine. If 'being intentionally demeaning' is something your narrator focuses on and commits actual time and effort into, though, then that'd probably turn people away.
Yeah, that's probably the best way of doing so.
Hm. I think I'd flavour it enough to be fun. It's the usual MG big bad who hates humans and delights in evil. So they would have opinions on your build depending if you go more dark or more magical girl. Things that benefit the bad guys would be perks, while things that benefit the MGs would be hindrances, that sort of thing.
I have some more thoughts on the Dark MG quest, at least mechanics wise. I probably will just steal @MrKermie 's system, but I'm gonna make some adjustments. I'll probably add a few more stats, just a couple. And I'm thinking instead of special actions that have a limited amount of uses per fight, you get spells and a mana pool to spend them on. I think you'll also be able to pick between three main combat styles: hand to hand which boosts your physical skills but limits your spells severely, magician which gives you more mana and spells but leaves you pretty squishy, and weapon wielder, which is a happy balance between both. Or as I like to think of them, Pretty Cure, Lyrical Nanoha and Madoka Magica styles.
idea two is mass effect which actually has two perfect setups for how a preservation organization can be formed. The first being the dying years of the Prothean Empire and the second is Liara's efforts during ME3
Given how little we know of the Protheans outside of what we find out from Javik and his cryptic references to horrible things happening in his time, that option may give you much greater creative freedom, and would certainly be quite unique compared to other mass effect quests. Also thanks for helping me find out about those SB quests.
The Zodiac Squadron (A psychic thriller inspired by Lost Dimension and Scarlet Nexus)

In the near future, humanity is beginning to awaken to a new ability. Psychic talent is being unleashed across the globe, and not all of humanity is adapting to this new order yet. After all, humanity is known to fear what it does not understand. Most psychics hide their talents, only using them sparingly.

The Janus Group seeks to amend that, by taking psychics under its wing for protection and research. On paper, to the rest of the world, they're a philanthropic charity group with research arms and only enough security to protect their assets as necessary, but underneath, the psychic abilities of their agents more than makeup for lesser numbers.

They help smooth over rough or messy awakenings of psionic talents, prevent needle-happy governments from trying to weaponize psychics' abilities for wars, and do their own investigations into the why and how of psychic abilities. Research is opt-in and only as medical as strictly necessary, and while not a ton of progress has been made, some solid strides have happened.

Brian Grafburn, an American scientist working in the deserts of an Arizona research lab, was involved in research trying to find common factors in psychics-hormonal makeup, psychological conditions, genetics, anything. When he was last seen, he made a semi-delirious video log about having found 'something', and had chartered a private plane to his closest acquaintance and colleague, Dr. Masato Kirishima of Janus's Japanese branch.

What happened next is unknown to all, aside from the basic facts. The plane landed in Dr. Kirishima's lab, an aquatic base off of Hokkaido's coast, but Brian Grafburn wasn't the only occupant of it. A mercenary group known as Aesir has taken over the lab, taking the scientists hostage, with no demands of ransom, ideology, or anything like that occurring. The lab is home to cutting-edge technology that was meant to interface and enhance psionic abilities, and Aesir is confirmed to have psionics themselves inside of it.

The Janus Group has formed a crack team of psionic specialists, who are ready to infiltrate the lab, defeat Aesir, rescue Grafburn, Kirishima, and the equipment.

You are one of them, a member of the 12-person group called Zodiac. Your codename is Rat.

And you have no idea where you are inside this research lab, or any memories of meeting your teammates or how you got inside.


Could use a little expanding. The first votes, aside from name and gender stuff, would be deciding Rat's psionic powers. Does this hook you? Are you interested and intrigued?
So I'm writing a quest in d&d character style and i would need some help for proof reading and idea gathering What would be best?

Welcome to the world of Murim, a land where martial arts and mystical powers intertwine. Here, martial arts sects maintain a delicate balance of power, and the pursuit of strength and honor guides many lives.


You are a young child living in the bustling city of Jiangdu, known for its diverse population and vibrant markets. Orphaned at a young age, you have survived on the streets, relying on your wits and agility. Recently, mysterious events have disrupted the city's peace, and whispers of a shadowy figure known as the Black Tiger have begun to circulate. This is your opportunity to prove yourself and begin your journey into the world of Murim.

Starting Scene: City of Jiangdu

Jiangdu is a sprawling city with narrow alleys, bustling marketplaces, and hidden corners. You have made a small abandoned temple your home, where you practice basic martial arts movements you have seen others perform.

Just some ideas, what would be possible, and some help to iron out the kinks.
So I'm writing a quest in d&d character style and i would need some help for proof reading and idea gathering What would be best?

Welcome to the world of Murim, a land where martial arts and mystical powers intertwine. Here, martial arts sects maintain a delicate balance of power, and the pursuit of strength and honor guides many lives.


You are a young child living in the bustling city of Jiangdu, known for its diverse population and vibrant markets. Orphaned at a young age, you have survived on the streets, relying on your wits and agility. Recently, mysterious events have disrupted the city's peace, and whispers of a shadowy figure known as the Black Tiger have begun to circulate. This is your opportunity to prove yourself and begin your journey into the world of Murim.

Starting Scene: City of Jiangdu

Jiangdu is a sprawling city with narrow alleys, bustling marketplaces, and hidden corners. You have made a small abandoned temple your home, where you practice basic martial arts movements you have seen others perform.

Just some ideas, what would be possible, and some help to iron out the kinks.
Check out some of the Xianzha quests on this site for inspiration, if you haven't already. One I always recommend is "The Path Unending".
Question, does anyone know of any Fallout America (or similar setting) apocalypse preparation plan quests on this site that don't involve sabotaging the country the players are supposed to be helping? I've been wanting to read a quest like that but I can only find a few on SB, nothing on here.
Question, does anyone know of any Fallout America (or similar setting) apocalypse preparation plan quests on this site that don't involve sabotaging the country the players are supposed to be helping? I've been wanting to read a quest like that but I can only find a few on SB, nothing on here.
i don't think there are any, probab;y because the pre-war fallout usa was a fascist hellscape
Followup question, can anyone recommend quests with the rough premise of running a company/economic entity of some sort?
Stuff like these

Attempting To Fulfil Your Contract: A Noveria Planquest [Mass Effect]

To meet the bureaucratic needs of the expanding Noveria project, the NDC is reaching far and wide for the best of the best, and they’re not too fussed if a few extra credits are slipped into pockets under the table, as long as their expectations are met. For those climbing the corporate ladder...

Shepard Quest Mk VII, Age of Revy (ME/MCU)

"The seventh installment in the Grand Adventure of Rebecca 'Revy' Shepard as she and her band of competent henchmen (and women!) attempt to take over the galaxy and spread the truth that Orks are the best fac-ah! Stop! Mom! Stop! That hurts!" Join us as Revy Shepard attempts to make her own...

Power is Life: A Umbrella Branch Planquest

The year is 1988. You have been appointed as the director to one of the Umbrella Corporation subsidiaries. Lead it however you wish, but always remember the company motto: Obedience Breeds Discipline, Discipline Breeds Unity, Unity Breeds Power, Power is Life.
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hmm, a quest where you run the "adventurers guild" in a generic anime fantasy setting
could play it straight or subvert things somehow
or maybe something economic or political in forgotten realms? intrigue fighting cults, drow, and the harpers?
hmm, a quest where you run the "adventurers guild" in a generic anime fantasy setting
could play it straight or subvert things somehow
or maybe something economic or political in forgotten realms? intrigue fighting cults, drow, and the harpers?
Was thinking about a Riot Quest like the Red Dew Cultivation quest where you play as an adventurer for an adventurer guild. Problem is that I don't have enough time to run it.
Alright, Dark Magical Girl Quest is up and running. God I hope people enjoy it.

Dark Magical Girl Quest Original

Magical girls are cute, powerful, beloved by all and always win the day. They have light in their souls and love in their hearts. But this isn't you. Loss. Loneliness. Pride. Greed. Insanity. These are your virtues. You are a hybrid, torn between the darkness and the light. You have the form and...

Hear me out

Exalted and Warhammer Fantasy crossover

Throw a Dawn Caste at a bloodthirster and see who comes out on top. The sheer pants-shitting terror of a Sidereal looking into the Look of Fate, and seeing burning crystal eyes. A drsgonblooded flabbergasted that Gotrek is *not going down*. Abyssals treating with Vlad von Carstein. The Unconquered Sun rising in the Realm of Chaos. Mnemon standing on the Great Bastion and telling Miao Ying that no, SHE is the rightful ruler of the dragon-blooded of Creation, not their "dragon emperor" (who put a man in charge of you anyway?)


There's actually a few different ways it could be done but it all starts from the idea that the warp/Realm of Chaos is somewhere in the Wyld, or basically the same dealio. Conceptually the Wyld and the RoC aren't all that different: a realm of pure Chaos where reality and order begin to break down, wherein dwells creatures born of nightmare that hunger for the souls of all that exist.

From there there's a few ways it could go. The ideas listed above are a Exalted-in-Warhammer thing but you could also go the other way: Sidereals discover a mysterious cult venerating an 8 pointed star that wouldn't even be worth mentioning except Jupiter is freaking the fuck out. Sorcerers across the world find that the motes they draw on are starting to turn against them more and more frequently. Some new kind of Exalted have been discovered that gain power from atrocity, and seek to ascend further into "daemonhood". Suddenly there's an entire empire in the middle of the Scavenger Lands (Getimian style) praising some guy named Sigmar no one's ever heard of. The Sun leaves the Jade Pleasure dome for the first time in millennia and says "Hello Khorne."

Or hell, just drop Ulthuan into the western sea right off the coast of the Blessed Isle. That'd be hilarious.
Any of those sound really fun, the Ulthuan idea sounds especially cool, or maybe several portals open across both worlds that link together since you probably want as many cool crossover moments as possible.
Taylor Heberts power is called Queen Administrator yet very rarely do we see her administrate. Submitted for your approval, a quest where Taylor Hebert is declared mayor of Brockton Bay, accompanied by a Master power that makes no one question this. Can she run the Bay and make it a better place? Or will she fail?
Taylor Heberts power is called Queen Administrator yet very rarely do we see her administrate. Submitted for your approval, a quest where Taylor Hebert is declared mayor of Brockton Bay, accompanied by a Master power that makes no one question this. Can she run the Bay and make it a better place? Or will she fail?
Sounds like a hilarious trainwreck that I will be there for.
Ruth Quest (Pearl)

It's 1918. You're a German immigrant while WW1 is going on with dead Germans everywhere, there's an Influenza pandemic going on, you need to treat your husband like his mother instead of his wife due to his disease, and your daughter (who's married, but her husband is currently a soldier on the battlefield) is an insane woman who kills animals and feeds them to a Gator when she thinks nobody sees her.

This is all not to mention the fact that you need to manage the farm too. With the food, the medicine for your husband, and the need to (one day) make Pearl less crazy somehow. It's all a hard day's work for this woman... If you don't get killed by your own daughter at least.

Author's Note: I think I want to try to run this quest due to watching a bunch of Pearl (2022) content. What's your opinion on this? Any ideas for what system this quest should use? Plan system, maybe?